diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index ca959f9951356e99b9f7d375a2f22717a2de3194..386bc1a8c169b03920aafbff890bd4e6973aa36f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -30,19 +30,29 @@ along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
   4.1 Miller geometry is added and benchmarked for CBC adiabatic electrons
   4.0 new naming and opening the code with GNU GPLv3 license
 3. HeLaZ 3D
   3.9 HeLaZ can now evolve electromagnetic fluctuations by solving Ampere equations (benchmarked linearly)
 	3.8 HeLaZ has been benchmarked for CBC with GENE for various gradients values (see Dimits_fig3.m)
 	3.7 The frequency plane has been transposed from positive kx to positive ky for easier implementation of shear. Also added 3D zpinch geometry
 	3.6 HeLaZ is now parallelized in p, kx and z and benchmarked for each parallel options with gbms (new molix) for linear fluxtube shearless.
 	3.5 Staggered grid for parallel odd/even coupling
 	3.4 HeLaZ can run with adiabatic electrons now!
 	3.3 HeLaZ 3D has been benchmarked in fluxtube salphaB geometry linear run with molix (B.J.Frei) code and works now for shear = 0 with periodic z BC
 	3.2 Stopping file procedure like in GBS is added
 	3.1 Implementation of mirror force
 	3.0 HeLaZ is now 3D and works like HeLaZ 2D if Nz = 1, the axis were renamed (r,z) -> (x,y,z) and now the parallel direction is ez. All arrays have been extended, diagnostics and analysis too. The linear coefficients are now precomputed with lin_coeff_and_geometry routines.
 2. MPI parallel version