From 0865bd5a145754652102eec686ac1abf0665b311 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann <>
Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 14:04:34 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] removing unused parameters

 src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90 | 16 +++----
 src/readinputs.F90          |  4 +-
 src/restarts_mod.F90        | 86 -------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 97 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90 b/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90
index 3131f088..e773fe4e 100644
--- a/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90
+++ b/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90
@@ -16,18 +16,17 @@ MODULE diagnostics_par
   !  HDF5 file
   CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: resfile0 = "results"   ! Head of main result file name
   CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: resfile                ! Main result file
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: rstfile                ! restart result file
   INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: job2load               ! jobnum of the checkpoint to load
   INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidres                 ! FID for resfile
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: rstfile0 = "restart"   ! Head of restart file name
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: rstfile                ! Full restart file
   INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidrst                 ! FID for restart file
-  PUBLIC :: output_par_readinputs, output_par_outputinputs
+  PUBLIC :: diag_par_readinputs, diag_par_outputinputs
-  SUBROUTINE output_par_readinputs
+  SUBROUTINE diag_par_readinputs
     !    Read the input parameters
     USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
@@ -38,14 +37,14 @@ CONTAINS
     NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ write_doubleprecision, write_gamma, write_hf, write_phi
     NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ write_Na00, write_Napj, write_Sapj
     NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ write_dens, write_temp
-    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ resfile0, rstfile0, job2load
+    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ job2load
-  END SUBROUTINE output_par_readinputs
+  END SUBROUTINE diag_par_readinputs
-  SUBROUTINE output_par_outputinputs(fidres, str)
+  SUBROUTINE diag_par_outputinputs(fidres, str)
     !    Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file
@@ -60,9 +59,8 @@ CONTAINS
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "nsave_1d", nsave_1d)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "nsave_2d", nsave_2d)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "nsave_5d", nsave_5d)
-    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "resfile0", resfile0)
-  END SUBROUTINE output_par_outputinputs
+  END SUBROUTINE diag_par_outputinputs
 END MODULE diagnostics_par
diff --git a/src/readinputs.F90 b/src/readinputs.F90
index 44bfcf8e..e8c6a499 100644
--- a/src/readinputs.F90
+++ b/src/readinputs.F90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ SUBROUTINE readinputs
   ! Additional data specific for a new run
   USE grid,             ONLY: grid_readinputs
-  USE diagnostics_par,  ONLY: output_par_readinputs
+  USE diagnostics_par,  ONLY: diag_par_readinputs
   USE model,            ONLY: model_readinputs
   USE initial_par,      ONLY: initial_readinputs
   USE time_integration, ONLY: time_integration_readinputs
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ SUBROUTINE readinputs
   CALL grid_readinputs
   ! Load diagnostic options from input file
-  CALL output_par_readinputs
+  CALL diag_par_readinputs
   ! Load model parameters from input file
   CALL model_readinputs
diff --git a/src/restarts_mod.F90 b/src/restarts_mod.F90
index f1c3e293..def92f7a 100644
--- a/src/restarts_mod.F90
+++ b/src/restarts_mod.F90
@@ -166,90 +166,4 @@ CONTAINS
     END SUBROUTINE load_output_adapt_pj
-    !******************************************************************************!
-    !!!!!!! Load moments from a previous save
-    !******************************************************************************!
-    SUBROUTINE load_cp
-        ! Checkpoint filename
-        WRITE(rstfile,'(a,a1,i2.2,a3)') TRIM(rstfile0),'_',job2load,'.h5'
-        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,'(3x,a)') "Resume from previous run"
-        ! Open file
-        CALL openf(rstfile, fidrst,mpicomm=MPI_COMM_WORLD)
-        ! Get the checkpoint moments degrees to allocate memory
-        CALL getatt(fidrst,"/Basic/moments_e/" , "pmaxe", pmaxe_cp)
-        CALL getatt(fidrst,"/Basic/moments_e/" , "jmaxe", jmaxe_cp)
-        CALL getatt(fidrst,"/Basic/moments_i/" , "pmaxi", pmaxi_cp)
-        CALL getatt(fidrst,"/Basic/moments_i/" , "jmaxi", jmaxi_cp)
-        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) "Pe_cp = ", pmaxe_cp
-        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) "Je_cp = ", jmaxe_cp
-        ! Allocate the required size to load checkpoints moments
-        CALL allocate_array(moments_e_cp, 1,pmaxe_cp+1, 1,jmaxe_cp+1, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
-        CALL allocate_array(moments_i_cp, 1,pmaxi_cp+1, 1,jmaxi_cp+1, ikxs,ikxe, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
-        ! Find the last results of the checkpoint file by iteration
-        n_ = 0
-        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/Basic/moments_e", n_ ! start with moments_e/000000
-        DO WHILE (isdataset(fidrst, dset_name)) ! If n_ is not a file we stop the loop
-        n_ = n_ + 1
-        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/Basic/moments_e", n_ ! updtate file number
-        ENDDO
-        n_ = n_ - 1 ! n_ is not a file so take the previous one n_-1
-        ! Read state of system from checkpoint file
-        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/Basic/moments_e", n_
-        CALL getarr(fidrst, dset_name, moments_e_cp(1:pmaxe_cp+1, 1:jmaxe_cp+1, ikxs:ikxe, ikys:ikye, izs:ize),pardim=3)
-        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/Basic/moments_i", n_
-        CALL getarr(fidrst, dset_name, moments_i_cp(1:pmaxi_cp+1, 1:jmaxi_cp+1, ikxs:ikxe, ikys:ikye, izs:ize),pardim=3)
-        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/Basic/phi", n_
-        CALL getarr(fidrst, dset_name, phi(ikxs:ikxe,ikys:ikye,izs:ize),pardim=1)
-        ! Initialize simulation moments array with checkpoints ones
-        ! (they may have a larger number of polynomials, set to 0 at the begining)
-        moments_e = 0._dp; moments_i = 0._dp
-        DO ip=1,pmaxe_cp+1
-        DO ij=1,jmaxe_cp+1
-            DO ikx=ikxs,ikxe
-            DO iky=ikys,ikye
-            DO iz = izs,ize
-                moments_e(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,:) = moments_e_cp(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz)
-            ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-        DO ip=1,pmaxi_cp+1
-        DO ij=1,jmaxi_cp+1
-            DO ikx=ikxs,ikxe
-            DO iky=ikys,ikye
-            DO iz = izs,ize
-                moments_i(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,:) = moments_i_cp(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz)
-            ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-        ! Deallocate checkpoint arrays
-        DEALLOCATE(moments_e_cp)
-        DEALLOCATE(moments_i_cp)
-        ! Read time dependent attributes to continue simulation
-        CALL getatt(fidrst, dset_name, 'cstep', cstep)
-        CALL getatt(fidrst, dset_name, 'time', time)
-        CALL getatt(fidrst, dset_name, 'jobnum', jobnum)
-        jobnum = jobnum+1
-        CALL getatt(fidrst, dset_name, 'iframe2d',iframe2d)
-        CALL getatt(fidrst, dset_name, 'iframe5d',iframe5d)
-        iframe2d = iframe2d-1; iframe5d = iframe5d-1
-        CALL closef(fidrst)
-        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,'(3x,a)') "Reading from restart file "//TRIM(rstfile)//" completed!"
-    END SUBROUTINE load_cp
-    !******************************************************************************!
 END MODULE restarts