From 088f0a5749853b662c3616e6febed284af0a39c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Sun, 12 Mar 2023 12:05:26 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] save last changes

 Makefile                                   |   2 +-
 scripts/                    |   2 +-
 src/advance_field_mod.F90                  |   4 +-
 src/control.F90                            |  18 +--
 src/diagnose.F90                           |  44 +++---
 src/geometry_mod.F90                       | 170 +++++++++++----------
 src/grid_mod.F90                           | 159 +++++++++----------
 src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90                 |  42 ++---
 src/numerics_mod.F90                       |  86 +++++------
 src/processing_mod.F90                     |  33 ++--
 src/solve_EM_fields.F90                    |   9 +-
 src/tesend.F90                             |   2 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90         |   8 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90      |   8 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_1_debug |   2 +-
 wk/header_3D_results.m                     |   4 +-
 16 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 298 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 145be064..34c63b40 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ fast: F90FLAGS = -fast
 fast: $(EFST)
 # Debug version with all flags
 debug: dirs src/srcinfo.h
-debug: F90FLAGS = -C -g -traceback -ftrapuv -warn all -debug all
+debug: F90FLAGS = -g -traceback -ftrapuv -warn all -debug all
 # debug: F90FLAGS = -g -traceback -check all -ftrapuv -warn all -debug all
 debug: $(EDBG)
 # Alpha version, optimized as all but creates another binary
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
index 7cf4f334..342eaa46 100644
--- a/scripts/
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ for i in {1..1}; do
             else if (NR == 12) print "srun --cpu-bind=cores ./gyacomo 2 24 1 "ID;
             else print $0}' submit_$idm1.cmd > submit_$id.cmd
-    # Create new fort file from older one
+    # Create new input file from older one
     awk -v "NU=$nu_" -v "TM=$Tm_" -v "J2L=$im1" '{ 
             if (NR == 04) print "  tmax       = "TM;
        else if (NR == 40) print "  job2load   = "J2L;
diff --git a/src/advance_field_mod.F90 b/src/advance_field_mod.F90
index fd203489..5bed8086 100644
--- a/src/advance_field_mod.F90
+++ b/src/advance_field_mod.F90
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ CONTAINS
       DO ip    =1,local_np
         ipi = ip+ngp/2
       DO ia    =1,local_na
-        IF((CLOS .NE. 1) .OR. (parray(ip)+2*jarray(ij) .LE. dmax))&
+        IF((CLOS .NE. 1) .OR. (parray(ipi)+2*jarray(iji) .LE. dmax))&
         moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,1) = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,1) &
                 + dt*b_E(istage)*moments_rhs(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,istage)
       END DO
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ CONTAINS
       DO ip    =1,local_np
         ipi = ip+ngp/2
       DO ia    =1,local_na
-        IF((CLOS .NE. 1) .OR. (parray(ip)+2*jarray(ij) .LE. dmax))&
+        IF((CLOS .NE. 1) .OR. (parray(ipi)+2*jarray(iji) .LE. dmax))&
         moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel) = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel) + &
       END DO
diff --git a/src/control.F90 b/src/control.F90
index 74e41c9d..df0bee29 100644
--- a/src/control.F90
+++ b/src/control.F90
@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ SUBROUTINE control
   !              2.   Main loop
-     CALL cpu_time(t0_step) ! Measuring time
-     CALL tesend
-     IF( nlend ) EXIT ! exit do loop
+    CALL cpu_time(t0_step) ! Measuring time
+    CALL tesend
+    IF( nlend ) EXIT ! exit do loop
-     CALL increase_step
-     CALL increase_cstep
-     CALL stepon
+    CALL increase_step
+    CALL increase_cstep
-     CALL increase_time
+    CALL stepon
+    CALL increase_time
-     CALL diagnose(step)
+    CALL diagnose(step)
     CALL cpu_time(t1_step);
     tc_step = tc_step + (t1_step - t0_step)
diff --git a/src/diagnose.F90 b/src/diagnose.F90
index f1a7d8ee..00ec221c 100644
--- a/src/diagnose.F90
+++ b/src/diagnose.F90
@@ -140,22 +140,22 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose_full(kstep)
     CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordj" ,   jarray_full,   "j", ionode=0)
     ! Metric info
     CALL   creatg(fidres, "/data/metric", "Metric data")
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gxx",            gxx(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gxy",            gxy(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gxz",            gxz(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gyy",            gyy(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gyz",            gyz(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gzz",            gzz(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/hatR",          hatR(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/hatZ",          hatZ(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/hatB",          hatB(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdx",      dBdx(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdy",      dBdy(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdz",      dBdz(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/Jacobian",    Jacobian(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gradz_coeff", gradz_coeff(1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 1/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/Ckxky",       Ckxky(1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,:), (/1, 1, 3/))
-    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/kernel",    kernel(1,1+ngj/2:local_nj+ngj/2,1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,1), (/1, 1, 2, 4/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gxx",            gxx((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gxy",            gxy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gxz",            gxz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gyy",            gyy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gyz",            gyz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gzz",            gzz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/hatR",          hatR((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/hatZ",          hatZ((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/hatB",          hatB((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdx",      dBdx((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdy",      dBdy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdz",      dBdz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/Jacobian",    Jacobian((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/gradz_coeff", gradz_coeff((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 1/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/Ckxky",       Ckxky(1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),:), (/1, 1, 3/))
+    CALL putarrnd(fidres, "/data/metric/kernel",    kernel(1,(1+ngj/2):(local_nj+ngj/2),1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),1), (/1, 1, 2, 4/))
     !  var0d group (gyro transport)
     IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var0d", "0d profiles")
@@ -346,15 +346,15 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose_3d
   CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var3d/" , "frames", iframe3d)
   ! Write current EM fields
-  IF (write_phi)        CALL write_field3d_kykxz(phi (:,:,1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2), 'phi')
-  IF (write_phi.AND.EM) CALL write_field3d_kykxz(psi (:,:,1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2), 'psi')
+  IF (write_phi)        CALL write_field3d_kykxz(phi (:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2)), 'phi')
+  IF (write_phi.AND.EM) CALL write_field3d_kykxz(psi (:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2)), 'psi')
   IF (write_Na00) THEN
     CALL compute_Napjz_spectrum
     DO ia=1,local_na
       letter_a = name(ia)(1:1)
         ! gyrocenter density
-        Na00_    = moments(ia,ip0,ij0,:,:,1+ngz/2:local_nz+ngz/2,updatetlevel)
+        Na00_    = moments(ia,ip0,ij0,:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),updatetlevel)
         CALL write_field3d_kykxz(Na00_, 'N'//letter_a//'00')
       ! <<Napj>x>y spectrum
@@ -470,8 +470,8 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose_5d
     COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(total_na,local_np,local_nj,local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz) :: field_sub
     COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_np,total_nj,total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
     CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: dset_name
-    field_sub  = field(1:total_na,(1+ngp/2):(local_np+ngp/2),(1+ngj/2):(local_nj+ngj/2),&
-                          1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,  (1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),updatetlevel)
+    field_sub  = field(1:total_na,(1+ngp/2):(local_np+ngp/2),((1+ngj/2)):((local_nj+ngj/2)),&
+                          1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,  ((1+ngz/2)):((local_nz+ngz/2)),updatetlevel)
     field_full = 0;
     WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var5d", TRIM(text), iframe5d
     IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ SUBROUTINE spit_snapshot_check
   INQUIRE(file='check_phi', exist=file_exist)
   IF( file_exist ) THEN
      IF(my_id.EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> gather phi..'
-     CALL gather_xyz(phi(:,:,1+Ngz/2:local_nz+Ngz/2), field_to_check,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
+     CALL gather_xyz(phi(:,:,(1+Ngz/2):(local_nz+Ngz/2)), field_to_check,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
      IF(my_id.EQ. 0) THEN
        WRITE(check_filename,'(a16)') 'check_phi.out'
        OPEN(fid_check, file=check_filename, form='formatted')
diff --git a/src/geometry_mod.F90 b/src/geometry_mod.F90
index cb59aa62..6afb1fed 100644
--- a/src/geometry_mod.F90
+++ b/src/geometry_mod.F90
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ CONTAINS
   END SUBROUTINE geometry_readinputs
   subroutine eval_magnetic_geometry
-    USE grid,     ONLY: total_nky, total_nz, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, Ngz, kxarray, kyarray, set_kparray, Nzgrid, deltaz
+    USE grid,     ONLY: total_nky, total_nz, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, Ngz, kxarray, kyarray, set_kparray, nzgrid, deltaz
     USE basic,    ONLY: speak
     USE miller,   ONLY: set_miller_parameters, get_miller
     USE calculus, ONLY: simpson_rule_z
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER  :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
     ! Allocate arrays
-    CALL geometry_allocate_mem(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,Ngz,Nzgrid)
+    CALL geometry_allocate_mem(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,Ngz,nzgrid)
     IF( (total_nky .EQ. 1) .AND. (total_nz .EQ. 1)) THEN !1D perp linear run
       CALL speak('1D perpendicular geometry')
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ CONTAINS
     !  k_\perp^2 = g^{xx} k_x^2 + 2 g^{xy}k_x k_y + k_y^2 g^{yy}
     !  normalized to rhos_
     CALL set_kparray(gxx,gxy,gyy,hatB)
-    DO eo = 1,Nzgrid
+    DO eo = 1,nzgrid
       ! Curvature operator (Frei et al. 2022 eq 2.15)
       DO iz = 1,local_nz+Ngz
         G1 = gxx(iz,eo)*gyy(iz,eo)-gxy(iz,eo)*gxy(iz,eo)
@@ -160,8 +160,7 @@ CONTAINS
         ! Gamma_phipar(iz,eo) = G2/G1
+    !
     ! set the mapping for parallel boundary conditions
     CALL set_ikx_zBC_map
@@ -175,14 +174,14 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE eval_salpha_geometry
-    USE grid, ONLY : local_nz,Ngz,zarray,Nzgrid
+    USE grid, ONLY : local_nz,Ngz,zarray,nzgrid
   ! evaluate s-alpha geometry model
   implicit none
   REAL(dp) :: z
   INTEGER  :: iz, eo
   alpha_MHD = 0._dp
-  DO eo = 1,Nzgrid
+  DO eo = 1,nzgrid
    DO iz = 1,local_nz+Ngz
     z = zarray(iz,eo)
@@ -228,13 +227,13 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE eval_zpinch_geometry
-  USE grid, ONLY : local_nz,Ngz,zarray,Nzgrid
+  USE grid, ONLY : local_nz,Ngz,zarray,nzgrid
   implicit none
   REAL(dp) :: z
   INTEGER  :: iz, eo
   alpha_MHD = 0._dp
-  DO eo = 1,Nzgrid
+  DO eo = 1,nzgrid
    DO iz = 1,local_nz+Ngz
     z = zarray(iz,eo)
@@ -278,12 +277,12 @@ CONTAINS
   subroutine eval_1D_geometry
-    USE grid, ONLY : local_nz,Ngz,zarray, Nzgrid
+    USE grid, ONLY : local_nz,Ngz,zarray, nzgrid
     ! evaluate 1D perp geometry model
     implicit none
     REAL(dp) :: z
     INTEGER  :: iz, eo
-    DO eo = 1,Nzgrid
+    DO eo = 1,nzgrid
       DO iz = 1,local_nz+Ngz
       z = zarray(iz,eo)
@@ -310,13 +309,14 @@ CONTAINS
  SUBROUTINE set_ikx_zBC_map
-   USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky,Nkx, contains_zmin,contains_zmax, Nexc
+   USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky,total_nkx,contains_zmin,contains_zmax, Nexc,&
+                         local_nky_offset
    USE prec_const, ONLY: imagu, pi
    ! REAL(dp) :: shift
-   INTEGER :: ikx,iky
-   ALLOCATE(ikx_zBC_L(local_nky,Nkx))
-   ALLOCATE(ikx_zBC_R(local_nky,Nkx))
+   INTEGER :: ikx,iky, mn_y
+   ALLOCATE(ikx_zBC_L(local_nky,total_nkx))
+   ALLOCATE(ikx_zBC_R(local_nky,total_nkx))
    !! No shear case (simple id mapping) or not at the end of the z domain
@@ -326,7 +326,7 @@ CONTAINS
    !0   | -> kx  | 1____2____3____4____5____6 |  ky = 0 dky
    !(e.g.) kx =    0   0.1  0.2  0.3 -0.2 -0.1  (dkx=free)
    DO iky = 1,local_nky
-     DO ikx = 1,Nkx
+     DO ikx = 1,total_nkx
        ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = ikx ! connect to itself per default
        ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx
@@ -340,27 +340,29 @@ CONTAINS
      ! Modify connection map only at border of z (matters for MPI z-parallelization)
      IF(contains_zmin) THEN ! Check if the process is at the start of the fluxtube
        DO iky = 1,local_nky
-         ! Formula for the shift due to shear after Npol turns
-         ! shift = 2._dp*PI*shear*kyarray(iky)*Npol
-           DO ikx = 1,Nkx
-             ! Usual formula for shifting indices using that dkx = 2pi*shear*dky/Nexc
-             ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = ikx-(iky-1)*Nexc
-             ! Check if it points out of the kx domain
-             ! IF( (kxarray(ikx) - shift) .LT. kx_min ) THEN
-             IF( (ikx-(iky-1)*Nexc) .LT. 1 ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
-               SELECT CASE(parallel_bc)
-                 CASE ('dirichlet')! connected to 0
-                   ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = -99
-                 CASE ('periodic')
-                   ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = ikx
-                 CASE ('cyclic')! reroute it by cycling through modes
-                   ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = MODULO(ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx)-1,Nkx)+1
-               END SELECT
-             ENDIF
-           ENDDO
-           ! phase present in GENE from a shift of the x origin by Lx/2 (useless?)
-           ! We also put the user defined shift in the y direction (see Volcokas et al. 2022)
-           pb_phase_L(iky) = (-1._dp)**(Nexc*(iky-1))*EXP(imagu*REAL(iky-1,dp)*2._dp*pi*shift_y)
+        ! get the real mode number (iky starts at 1 and is shifted from paral)
+        mn_y = iky-1+local_nky_offset
+        ! Formula for the shift due to shear after Npol turns
+        ! shift = 2._dp*PI*shear*kyarray(iky)*Npol
+          DO ikx = 1,total_nkx
+            ! Usual formula for shifting indices using that dkx = 2pi*shear*dky/Nexc
+            ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = ikx-mn_y*Nexc
+            ! Check if it points out of the kx domain
+            ! IF( (kxarray(ikx) - shift) .LT. kx_min ) THEN
+            IF( (ikx-mn_y*Nexc) .LT. 1 ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
+              SELECT CASE(parallel_bc)
+                CASE ('dirichlet')! connected to 0
+                  ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = -99
+                CASE ('periodic')
+                  ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = ikx
+                CASE ('cyclic')! reroute it by cycling through modes
+                  ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = MODULO(ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx)-1,total_nkx)+1
+              END SELECT
+            ENDIF
+          ENDDO
+          ! phase present in GENE from a shift of the x origin by Lx/2 (useless?)
+          ! We also put the user defined shift in the y direction (see Volcokas et al. 2022)
+          pb_phase_L(iky) = (-1._dp)**(Nexc*mn_y)*EXP(imagu*REAL(mn_y,dp)*2._dp*pi*shift_y)
      ! Option for disconnecting every modes, viz. connecting all boundary to 0
@@ -368,28 +370,30 @@ CONTAINS
      IF(contains_zmax) THEN ! Check if the process is at the end of the flux-tube
        DO iky = 1,local_nky
-         ! Formula for the shift due to shear after Npol
-         ! shift = 2._dp*PI*shear*kyarray(iky)*Npol
-           DO ikx = 1,Nkx
-             ! Usual formula for shifting indices
-             ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx+(iky-1)*Nexc
-             ! Check if it points out of the kx domain
-             ! IF( (kxarray(ikx) + shift) .GT. kx_max ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
-             IF( (ikx+(iky-1)*Nexc) .GT. Nkx ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
-               SELECT CASE(parallel_bc)
-                 CASE ('dirichlet') ! connected to 0
-                   ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = -99
-                 CASE ('periodic') ! connected to itself as for shearless
-                   ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx
-                 CASE ('cyclic')
-                   ! write(*,*) 'check',ikx,iky, kxarray(ikx) + shift, '>', kx_max
-                   ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = MODULO(ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx)-1,Nkx)+1
-               END SELECT
-             ENDIF
-           ENDDO
-           ! phase present in GENE from a shift ofthe x origin by Lx/2 (useless?)
-           ! We also put the user defined shift in the y direction (see Volcokas et al. 2022)
-           pb_phase_R(iky) = (-1._dp)**(Nexc*(iky-1))*EXP(-imagu*REAL(iky-1,dp)*2._dp*pi*shift_y)
+        ! get the real mode number (iky starts at 1 and is shifted from paral)
+        mn_y = iky-1+local_nky_offset
+        ! Formula for the shift due to shear after Npol
+        ! shift = 2._dp*PI*shear*kyarray(iky)*Npol
+          DO ikx = 1,total_nkx
+            ! Usual formula for shifting indices
+            ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx+mn_y*Nexc
+            ! Check if it points out of the kx domain
+            ! IF( (kxarray(ikx) + shift) .GT. kx_max ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
+            IF( (ikx+mn_y*Nexc) .GT. total_nkx ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
+              SELECT CASE(parallel_bc)
+                CASE ('dirichlet') ! connected to 0
+                  ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = -99
+                CASE ('periodic') ! connected to itself as for shearless
+                  ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx
+                CASE ('cyclic')
+                  ! write(*,*) 'check',ikx,iky, kxarray(ikx) + shift, '>', kx_max
+                  ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = MODULO(ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx)-1,total_nkx)+1
+              END SELECT
+            ENDIF
+          ENDDO
+          ! phase present in GENE from a shift ofthe x origin by Lx/2 (useless?)
+          ! We also put the user defined shift in the y direction (see Volcokas et al. 2022)
+          pb_phase_R(iky) = (-1._dp)**(Nexc*mn_y)*EXP(-imagu*REAL(mn_y,dp)*2._dp*pi*shift_y)
      ! Option for disconnecting every modes, viz. connecting all boundary to 0
@@ -450,31 +454,31 @@ END SUBROUTINE set_ikx_zBC_map
-   SUBROUTINE geometry_allocate_mem(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,Ngz,Nzgrid)
-     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,Ngz,Nzgrid
+   SUBROUTINE geometry_allocate_mem(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,Ngz,nzgrid)
+     INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,Ngz,nzgrid
        ! Curvature and geometry
-       ALLOCATE( Ckxky(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(   Jacobian(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(        gxx(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(        gxy(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(        gxz(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(        gyy(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(        gyz(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(        gzz(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       dBdx(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       dBdy(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       dBdz(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(     dlnBdz(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       hatB(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ! ALLOCATE(Gamma_phipar,(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid)) (not implemented)
-       ALLOCATE(       hatR(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       hatZ(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(         Rc(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       phic(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(         Zc(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       dxdR(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(       dxdZ(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
-       ALLOCATE(gradz_coeff(local_nz+Ngz,Nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE( Ckxky(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(   Jacobian(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(        gxx(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(        gxy(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(        gxz(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(        gyy(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(        gyz(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(        gzz(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       dBdx(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       dBdy(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       dBdz(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(     dlnBdz(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       hatB(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ! ALLOCATE(Gamma_phipar,(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid)) (not implemented)
+       ALLOCATE(       hatR(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       hatZ(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(         Rc(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       phic(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(         Zc(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       dxdR(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(       dxdZ(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(gradz_coeff(local_nz+Ngz,nzgrid))
    END SUBROUTINE geometry_allocate_mem
diff --git a/src/grid_mod.F90 b/src/grid_mod.F90
index 5b5794fd..9003f696 100644
--- a/src/grid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/grid_mod.F90
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ MODULE grid
   !   GRID Input
-  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: pmax = 1      ! The maximal Hermite-moment computed
-  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: jmax = 1      ! The maximal Laguerre-moment computed
+  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: pmax  = 1      ! The maximal Hermite-moment computed
+  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: jmax  = 1      ! The maximal Laguerre-moment computed
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: maxj  = 1     ! The maximal Laguerre-moment
-  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: dmax = 1      ! The maximal full GF set of i-moments v^dmax
+  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: dmax  = 1      ! The maximal full GF set of i-moments v^dmax
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nx    = 4      ! Number of total internal grid points in x
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Lx    = 120_dp ! horizontal length of the spatial box
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nexc  = 1      ! factor to increase Lx when shear>0 (Lx = Nexc/kymin/shear)
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ MODULE grid
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Ly    = 120_dp ! vertical length of the spatial box
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nz    = 4      ! Number of total perpendicular planes
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Odz   = 4      ! order of z interp and derivative schemes
-  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nkx   = 4      ! Number of total internal grid points in kx
-  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nky   = 4      ! Number of total internal grid points in ky
+  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nkx            ! Number of total internal grid points in kx
+  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nky            ! Number of total internal grid points in ky
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: kpar  = 0_dp   ! parallel wave vector component
   ! Grid arrays
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ MODULE grid
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED  ::  diff_kx_coeff, diff_ky_coeff, diff_dz_coeff
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED  ::  SG = .true.! shifted grid flag
   ! Array to know the distribution of data among all processes (for MPI comm)
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: counts_nkx, counts_nky, counts_nz
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: displs_nkx, displs_nky, displs_nz
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: counts_total_nkx, counts_nky, counts_nz
+  INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: displs_total_nkx, displs_nky, displs_nz
   ! Kperp array depends on kx, ky, z (geometry), eo (even or odd zgrid)
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  contains_kx0   = .false. ! flag if the proc contains kx=0 index
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  contains_ky0   = .false. ! flag if the proc contains ky=0 index
@@ -164,11 +164,15 @@ CONTAINS
     CALL set_kxgrid(shear,Npol,LINEARITY,N_HD)
     CALL set_zgrid (Npol)
-    print*, 'p:',parray
-    print*, 'j:',jarray
-    print*, 'ky:',kyarray
-    print*, 'kx:',kxarray
-    print*, 'z:',zarray
+    ! print*, 'p:',parray
+    ! print*, 'j:',jarray
+    ! print*, 'ky:',kyarray
+    ! print*, 'kx:',kxarray
+    ! print*, 'z:',zarray
+    ! print*, parray(ip0)
+    ! print*, jarray(ij0)
+    ! print*, kyarray(iky0)
+    ! print*, kxarray(ikx0)
   END SUBROUTINE set_grids
   SUBROUTINE init_1Dgrid_distr
@@ -303,7 +307,7 @@ CONTAINS
-    INTEGER :: iky, ikyo
+    INTEGER :: iky
     Nky = Ny/2+1 ! Defined only on positive kx since fields are real
     ! Grid spacings
     IF (Ny .EQ. 1) THEN
@@ -329,36 +333,35 @@ CONTAINS
     local_kymax = 0._dp
     ! Creating a grid ordered as dk*(0 1 2 3)
     ! We loop over the natural iky numbers (|1 2 3||4 5 6||... Nky|)
-    DO iky = ikys,ikye
+    DO iky = 1,local_nky
       ! We shift the natural iky index by the offset to obtain the mpi dependent
-      ! indexation (|1 2 3||1 2 3|... local_Nky|)
-      ikyo = iky - local_nky_offset
+      ! indexation (|1 2 3||1 2 3|... local_nky|)
       IF(Ny .EQ. 1) THEN
         kyarray(iky)      = deltaky
         kyarray_full(iky) = deltaky
         SINGLE_KY         = .TRUE.
-        kyarray(ikyo) = REAL(iky,dp) * deltaky
+        kyarray(iky) = kyarray_full(iky-local_nky_offset)
       ! Finding kx=0
-      IF (kyarray(ikyo) .EQ. 0) THEN
-        iky0 = ikyo
+      IF (kyarray(iky) .EQ. 0) THEN
+        iky0 = iky
         contains_ky0 = .true.
       ! Finding local kxmax value
-      IF (ABS(kyarray(ikyo)) .GT. local_kymax) THEN
-        local_kymax = ABS(kyarray(ikyo))
+      IF (ABS(kyarray(iky)) .GT. local_kymax) THEN
+        local_kymax = ABS(kyarray(iky))
       ! Finding kxmax idx
-      IF (kyarray(ikyo) .EQ. ky_max) THEN
-        iky_max = ikyo
+      IF (kyarray(iky) .EQ. ky_max) THEN
+        iky_max = iky
         contains_kymax = .true.
     END DO
     ! Orszag 2/3 filter
     two_third_kymax = 2._dp/3._dp*deltaky*(Nky-1)
-    ALLOCATE(AA_y(local_Nky))
-    DO iky = 1,local_Nky
+    ALLOCATE(AA_y(local_nky))
+    DO iky = 1,local_nky
       IF ( (kyarray(iky) .LT. two_third_kymax) .OR. (LINEARITY .EQ. 'linear')) THEN
         AA_y(iky) = 1._dp;
@@ -380,7 +383,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER,  INTENT(IN) :: Npol
-    INTEGER :: ikx, ikxo
+    INTEGER :: ikx
     REAL(dp):: Lx_adapted
     IF(shear .GT. 0) THEN
       IF(my_id.EQ.0) write(*,*) 'Magnetic shear detected: set up sheared kx grid..'
@@ -394,17 +397,17 @@ CONTAINS
       ! x length is adapted
       Lx = Lx_adapted*Nexc
-    Nkx       = Nx;
+    Nkx       = Nx
     total_nkx = Nx
     ! Local data
     ! Start and END indices of grid
     ikxs = 1
-    ikxe = Nkx
+    ikxe = total_nkx
     local_nkx_ptr = ikxe - ikxs + 1
     local_nkx     = ikxe - ikxs + 1
     local_nky_offset = ikxs - 1
-    ALLOCATE(kxarray_full(1:total_nkx))
+    ALLOCATE(kxarray_full(total_nkx))
     IF (Nx .EQ. 1) THEN
       deltakx         = 1._dp
       kxarray(1)      = 0._dp
@@ -417,66 +420,31 @@ CONTAINS
       local_kxmax     = 0._dp
     ELSE ! Build apprpopriate grid
       deltakx      = 2._dp*PI/Lx
-      IF(MODULO(Nkx,2) .EQ. 0) THEN ! Even number of Nkx (-2 -1 0 1 2 3)
-        kx_max = (Nkx/2)*deltakx
+      IF(MODULO(total_nkx,2) .EQ. 0) THEN ! Even number of kx (-2 -1 0 1 2 3)
+        kx_max = (total_nkx/2)*deltakx
         kx_min = -kx_max+deltakx
         ! Creating a grid ordered as dk*(0 1 2 3 -2 -1)
-        local_kxmax = 0._dp
-        DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
-          ikxo = ikx - local_nkx_offset
-          kxarray(ikxo) = deltakx*(MODULO(ikx-1,Nkx/2)-Nkx/2*FLOOR(2.*real(ikx-1,dp)/real(Nkx,dp)))
-          if (ikx .EQ. Nx/2+1)     kxarray(ikxo) = -kxarray(ikxo)
-          ! Finding kx=0
-          IF (kxarray(ikxo) .EQ. 0) THEN
-            ikx0 = ikxo
-            contains_kx0 = .true.
-          ENDIF
-          ! Finding local kxmax
-          IF (ABS(kxarray(ikxo)) .GT. local_kxmax) THEN
-            local_kxmax = ABS(kxarray(ikxo))
-          ENDIF
-          ! Finding kxmax
-          IF (kxarray(ikxo) .EQ. kx_max) ikx_max = ikxo
-        END DO
-        ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm
-        ! kx
-        DO ikx = 1,Nkx
-            kxarray_full(ikx) = deltakx*(MODULO(ikx-1,Nkx/2)-Nkx/2*FLOOR(2.*real(ikx-1,dp)/real(Nkx,dp)))
-            IF (ikx .EQ. Nx/2+1) kxarray_full(ikx) = -kxarray_full(ikx)
+        DO ikx = 1,total_nkx
+          kxarray_full(ikx) = deltakx*REAL(MODULO(ikx-1,total_nkx/2)-(total_nkx/2)*FLOOR(2.*real(ikx-1)/real(total_nkx)),dp)
+          IF (ikx .EQ. total_nkx/2+1) kxarray_full(ikx) = -kxarray_full(ikx)
         END DO
-      ELSE ! Odd number of kx (-2 -1 0 1 2)
-        kx_max = (Nkx-1)/2*deltakx
-        kx_min = -kx_max
-        ! Creating a grid ordered as dk*(0 1 2 -2 -1)
+        ! Set local grid (not parallelized so same as full one)
         local_kxmax = 0._dp
-        DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
-          ikxo = ikx - local_nkx_offset
-          IF(ikx .LE. (Nkx-1)/2+1) THEN
-            kxarray(ikxo) = deltakx*(ikx-1)
-          ELSE
-            kxarray(ikxo) = deltakx*(ikx-Nkx-1)
-          ENDIF
+        DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
+          kxarray(ikx) = kxarray_full(ikx-local_nkx_offset)
           ! Finding kx=0
-          IF (kxarray(ikxo) .EQ. 0) THEN
-            ikx0 = ikxo
+          IF (kxarray(ikx) .EQ. 0) THEN
+            ikx0 = ikx
             contains_kx0 = .true.
           ! Finding local kxmax
-          IF (ABS(kxarray(ikxo)) .GT. local_kxmax) THEN
-            local_kxmax = ABS(kxarray(ikxo))
-          ENDIF
-          ! Finding kxmax
-          IF (kxarray(ikxo) .EQ. kx_max) ikx_max = ikxo
-        END DO
-        ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm
-        ! kx
-        DO ikx = 1,Nkx
-          IF(ikx .LE. (Nkx-1)/2+1) THEN
-            kxarray_full(ikx) = deltakx*(ikx-1)
-          ELSE
-            kxarray_full(ikx) = deltakx*(ikx-Nkx-1)
+          IF (ABS(kxarray(ikx)) .GT. local_kxmax) THEN
+            local_kxmax = ABS(kxarray(ikx))
+            ikx_max = ikx
         END DO
+      ELSE ! Odd number of kx (-2 -1 0 1 2)
+        kx_max = (total_nkx-1)/2*deltakx
     ! Orszag 2/3 filter
@@ -504,7 +472,7 @@ CONTAINS
     USE parallel, ONLY: num_procs_z, rank_z
     REAL(dp):: grid_shift, Lz, zmax, zmin
-    INTEGER :: istart, iend, in, Npol, iz, ig, eo
+    INTEGER :: istart, iend, in, Npol, iz, ig, eo, iglob
     total_nz = Nz
     ! Length of the flux tube (in ballooning angle)
     Lz         = 2_dp*pi*Npol
@@ -572,11 +540,24 @@ CONTAINS
       ! Find local extrema
       local_zmax(eo) = zarray(local_nz+ngz/2,eo)
       local_zmin(eo) = zarray(1+ngz/2,eo)
-      print*, zarray
       ! Fill the ghosts
-      DO ig = 1,ngz/2
-        zarray(ig,eo)          = local_zmin(eo)-REAL(ngz/2-(ig-1),dp)*deltaz
-        zarray(local_nz+ngz/2+ig,eo) = local_zmax(eo)+REAL(ig,dp)*deltaz
+      ! Continue angles
+      ! DO ig = 1,ngz/2
+      !   zarray(ig,eo)          = local_zmin(eo)-REAL(ngz/2-(ig-1),dp)*deltaz
+      !   zarray(local_nz+ngz/2+ig,eo) = local_zmax(eo)+REAL(ig,dp)*deltaz
+      ! ENDDO
+      ! Periodic z \in (-pi pi-dz)
+      DO ig = 1,ngz/2 ! first ghost cells
+        iglob = ig+local_nz_offset-ngz/2
+        IF (iglob .LE. 0) &
+          iglob = iglob + total_nz
+        zarray(ig,eo) = zarray_full(iglob)
+      ENDDO
+      DO ig = local_nz+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz ! last ghost cells
+        iglob = ig+local_nz_offset-ngz/2
+        IF (iglob .GT. total_nz) &
+          iglob = iglob - total_nz
+        zarray(ig,eo) = zarray_full(iglob)
       ! Set up the flags to know if the process contains the tip and/or the tail
       ! of the z domain (important for z-boundary condition)
@@ -591,12 +572,12 @@ CONTAINS
   END SUBROUTINE set_zgrid
   SUBROUTINE set_kparray(gxx, gxy, gyy,hatB)
-    REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), INTENT(IN) :: gxx,gxy,gyy,hatB
+    REAL(dp), DIMENSION(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid), INTENT(IN) :: gxx,gxy,gyy,hatB
     INTEGER     :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
     REAL(dp)    :: kx, ky
-    CALL allocate_array( kparray, 1,local_nky, 1,local_nkx, 1,local_nz+Ngz, 1,2)
-    DO eo = 1,Nzgrid
-      DO iz = 1,local_nz+Ngz
+    CALL allocate_array( kparray, 1,local_nky, 1,local_nkx, 1,local_nz+ngz, 1,nzgrid)
+    DO eo = 1,nzgrid
+      DO iz = 1,local_nz+ngz
         DO iky = 1,local_nky
           ky = kyarray(iky)
           DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
@@ -628,7 +609,7 @@ CONTAINS
     CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),   "Ny",   Ny)
     CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),   "Ly",   Ly)
     CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),   "Nz",   Nz)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "Nkx",  Nkx)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "total_nkx",  total_nkx)
     CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "Nky",  Nky)
     CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),   "SG",   SG)
   END SUBROUTINE grid_outputinputs
diff --git a/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90 b/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
index db3a6c85..7a127f53 100644
--- a/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
+++ b/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
@@ -43,15 +43,14 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_moments_eq_rhs
         ky     = kyarray(iky)                     ! binormal wavevector
         i_ky   = imagu * ky                       ! binormal derivative
         ! Kinetic loops
-        j:DO ij = 1, local_nj               ! This loop is from 1 to jmaxi+1
+        j:DO ij = 1,local_nj               ! This loop is from 1 to jmaxi+1
           iji   = ij+ngj/2
           j_int = jarray(iji)
-          p:DO ip = 1, local_np             ! Hermite loop
+          p:DO ip = 1,local_np             ! Hermite loop
             ipi   = ip+ngp/2
             p_int = parray(ipi)                   ! Hermite degree
             eo    = min(nzgrid,MODULO(p_int,2)+1) ! Indicates if we are on odd or even z grid
             kperp2= kparray(iky,ikx,izi,eo)**2
-            RHS  = 0._dp
             ! Species loop
             a:DO ia = 1,local_na
               Napj = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel)
@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_moments_eq_rhs
                 Fmir = dlnBdz(iz,eo)*(Tnapp1j + Tnapp1jm1 + Tnapm1j + Tnapm1jm1 +&
                                       Unapm1j + Unapm1jp1 + Unapm1jm1)
                 ! Parallel magnetic term (Landau damping and the mirror force)
-                Mpara = gradz_coeff(iz,eo)*(Ldamp + Fmir)
+                Mpara = gradz_coeff(iz,eo)*(Ldamp) !+ Fmir)
                 !! Electrical potential term
                 IF ( p_int .LE. 2 ) THEN ! kronecker p0 p1 p2
                   Dphi =i_ky*( xphij  (ia,ip,ij)*kernel(ia,iji  ,iky,ikx,izi,eo) &
@@ -111,20 +110,20 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_moments_eq_rhs
                     ! Perpendicular magnetic term
                     - Mperp &
                     ! Parallel magnetic term
-                    - Mpara &
-                    ! Drives (density + temperature gradients)
-                    - (Dphi + Dpsi) &
-                    ! Collision term
-                    + Capj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz) &
-                    ! Perpendicular pressure effects (electromagnetic term) (TO CHECK)
-                    - i_ky*beta*dpdx(ia) * (Tnapj + Tnapp2j + Tnapm2j + Tnapjp1 + Tnapjm1)&
-                    ! Parallel drive term (should be negligible, to test)
-                    ! -Gamma_phipar(iz,eo)*Tphi*ddz_phi(iky,ikx,iz) &
-                    ! Numerical perpendicular hyperdiffusion
-                    -mu_x*diff_kx_coeff*kx**N_HD*Napj &
-                    -mu_y*diff_ky_coeff*ky**N_HD*Napj &
-                    ! Numerical parallel hyperdiffusion "mu_z*ddz**4"  see Pueschel 2010 (eq 25)
-                    -mu_z*diff_dz_coeff*ddzND_napj(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,iz)
+                    - Mpara !&
+                    ! ! Drives (density + temperature gradients)
+                    ! - (Dphi + Dpsi) &
+                    ! ! Collision term
+                    ! + Capj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz) &
+                    ! ! Perpendicular pressure effects (electromagnetic term) (TO CHECK)
+                    ! - i_ky*beta*dpdx(ia) * (Tnapj + Tnapp2j + Tnapm2j + Tnapjp1 + Tnapjm1)&
+                    ! ! Parallel drive term (should be negligible, to test)
+                    ! ! -Gamma_phipar(iz,eo)*Tphi*ddz_phi(iky,ikx,iz) &
+                    ! ! Numerical perpendicular hyperdiffusion
+                    ! -mu_x*diff_kx_coeff*kx**N_HD*Napj &
+                    ! -mu_y*diff_ky_coeff*ky**N_HD*Napj &
+                    ! ! Numerical parallel hyperdiffusion "mu_z*ddz**4"  see Pueschel 2010 (eq 25)
+                    ! -mu_z*diff_dz_coeff*ddzND_napj(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,iz)
                 !! Velocity space dissipation (should be implemented somewhere else)
                 SELECT CASE(HYP_V)
                 CASE('hypcoll') ! GX like Hermite hypercollisions see Mandell et al. 2023 (eq 3.23), unadvised to use it
@@ -134,7 +133,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_moments_eq_rhs
                     RHS = RHS - mu_j*diff_j_coeff*j_int**6*Napj
                   ! fourth order numerical diffusion in vpar
-                  IF(ip-4 .GT. 0) &
+                  IF(p_int .GE. 4) &
                   ! Numerical parallel velocity hyperdiffusion "+ dvpar4 g_a" see Pueschel 2010 (eq 33)
                   ! (not used often so not parallelized)
                   RHS = RHS + mu_p*dv4_Hp_coeff(p_int)*moments(ia,ipi-4,iji,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel)
@@ -157,6 +156,11 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_moments_eq_rhs
   ! Execution time end
   CALL cpu_time(t1_rhs)
   tc_rhs = tc_rhs + (t1_rhs-t0_rhs)
+  ! print*, moments(1,3,2,2,2,3,updatetlevel)
+  ! print*, moments_rhs(1,3,2,2,2,3,updatetlevel)
+  print*, SUM(REAL(moments_rhs(1,:,:,:,:,:,:)))
+  stop
 END SUBROUTINE compute_moments_eq_rhs
 ! SUBROUTINE add_Maxwellian_background_terms
diff --git a/src/numerics_mod.F90 b/src/numerics_mod.F90
index ff0949bb..98e08e18 100644
--- a/src/numerics_mod.F90
+++ b/src/numerics_mod.F90
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE build_dv4Hp_table
 SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
   USE basic
   USE array,   ONLY : kernel!, HF_phi_correction_operator
-  USE grid,    ONLY : local_Na, local_Nj,Ngj, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, Ngz, jarray, kparray,&
+  USE grid,    ONLY : local_na, local_nj,ngj, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, ngz, jarray, kparray,&
   USE species, ONLY : sigma2_tau_o2
   USE prec_const, ONLY: dp
@@ -80,24 +80,22 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
   INTEGER    :: j_int, ia, eo, ikx, iky, iz, ij
   REAL(dp)   :: j_dp, y_, factj
-DO ia  = 1,local_Na
+DO ia  = 1,local_na
   DO eo  = 1,nzgrid
     DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
       DO iky = 1,local_nky
-        DO iz  = 1,local_nz + Ngz
-          DO ij = 1, local_nj + Ngj
+        DO iz  = 1,local_nz + ngz
+          DO ij = 1,local_nj + ngj
             j_int = jarray(ij)
             j_dp  = REAL(j_int,dp)
             y_    =  sigma2_tau_o2(ia) * kparray(iky,ikx,iz,eo)**2
-            IF(j_int .LT. 0) THEN
+            IF(j_int .LT. 0) THEN !ghosts values
               kernel(ia,ij,iky,ikx,iz,eo) = 0._dp
-              factj = GAMMA(j_dp+1._dp)
+              factj = REAL(GAMMA(j_dp+1._dp),dp)
               kernel(ia,ij,iky,ikx,iz,eo) = y_**j_int*EXP(-y_)/factj
-          ! IF (ijs .EQ. 1) & ! if ijs is 1, the ghost kernel has negative index
-            ! kernel(ia,ijgs,iky,ikx,iz,eo) = 0._dp
@@ -107,7 +105,7 @@ DO ia  = 1,local_Na
   !        2._dp * Kernel(ia,1,:,:,:,1) &
   !       -1._dp * Kernel(ia,2,:,:,:,1)
-  ! DO ij = 1, local_Nj
+  ! DO ij = 1,local_Nj
   !   j_int = jarray(ij)
   !   j_dp  = REAL(j_int,dp)
   !   HF_phi_correction_operator(:,:,:) = HF_phi_correction_operator(:,:,:) &
@@ -117,7 +115,6 @@ DO ia  = 1,local_Na
   !       -              j_dp * Kernel(ia,ij-1,:,:,:,1))
   ! ENDDO
 END SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
@@ -134,7 +131,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE evaluate_EM_op
 SUBROUTINE evaluate_poisson_op
   USE basic
   USE array,   ONLY : kernel, inv_poisson_op, inv_pol_ion
-  USE grid,    ONLY : local_Na, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+  USE grid,    ONLY : local_na, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
                       kxarray, kyarray, local_nj, ngj, ngz, ieven
   USE species, ONLY : q2_tau
   USE model,   ONLY : ADIAB_E, tau_e
@@ -153,14 +150,14 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_poisson_op
     operator = 0._dp
     DO ia = 1,local_na ! sum over species
-      pol_tot = 0._dp  ! total polarisation term
-      pol_ion = 0._dp  ! sum of ion polarisation term
       ! loop over n only up to the max polynomial degree
+      pol_tot  = 0._dp  ! total polarisation term
+      pol_ion  = 0._dp  ! sum of ion polarisation term
       DO in=1,local_nj
-        pol_tot = pol_tot  + q2_tau(ia)*kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,ieven)**2 ! ... sum recursively ...
-        pol_ion = pol_ion  + q2_tau(ia)*kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,ieven)**2 !
+        pol_tot = pol_tot + kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,ieven)**2 ! ... sum recursively ...
+        pol_ion = pol_ion + kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,ieven)**2 !
       END DO
-      operator = operator + q2_tau(ia) - pol_tot
+      operator = operator + q2_tau(ia)*(1._dp - pol_tot)
     operator_ion = operator
     IF(ADIAB_E) THEN ! Adiabatic model
@@ -172,7 +169,6 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_poisson_op
   END DO zloop
   END DO kyloop
   END DO kxloop
 END SUBROUTINE evaluate_poisson_op
@@ -182,7 +178,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE evaluate_poisson_op
 SUBROUTINE evaluate_ampere_op
   USE prec_const,   ONLY : dp
   USE array,    ONLY : kernel, inv_ampere_op
-  USE grid,     ONLY : local_Na, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, &
+  USE grid,     ONLY : local_na, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, &
                        jmax, kparray, kxarray, kyarray, SOLVE_AMPERE
   USE model,    ONLY : beta
   USE species,  ONLY : q, sigma
@@ -226,7 +222,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
                     xnapp1j, xnapm1j, xnapp2j, xnapm2j,&
                     xphij, xphijp1, xphijm1,&
                     xpsij, xpsijp1, xpsijm1
-  USE species, ONLY: k_T, k_N, tau, q, sqrtTau_q, tau_q
+  USE species, ONLY: k_T, k_N, tau, q, sqrt_tau_o_sigma
   USE model,   ONLY: k_cB, k_gB
   USE prec_const, ONLY: dp, SQRT2, SQRT3
   USE grid,  ONLY: parray, jarray, local_na, local_np, local_nj, ngj, ngp
@@ -235,48 +231,48 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
   !! linear coefficients for moment RHS !!!!!!!!!!
   DO ia = 1,local_na
-    DO ip = 1, local_np
+    DO ip = 1,local_np
       p_int= parray(ip+ngp/2)   ! Hermite degree
       p_dp = REAL(p_int,dp) ! REAL of Hermite degree
-      DO ij = 1, local_nj
+      DO ij = 1,local_nj
         j_int= jarray(ij+ngj/2)   ! Laguerre degree
         j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of Laguerre degree
         ! All Napj terms
         xnapj(ia,ip,ij) = tau(ia)/q(ia)*(k_cB*(2._dp*p_dp + 1._dp) &
-                               +k_gB*(2._dp*j_dp + 1._dp))
+                                        +k_gB*(2._dp*j_dp + 1._dp))
         ! Mirror force terms
-        ynapp1j  (ia,ip,ij) = -sqrtTau_q(ia) *      (j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp+1._dp)
-        ynapm1j  (ia,ip,ij) = -sqrtTau_q(ia) *      (j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp)
-        ynapp1jm1(ia,ip,ij) = +sqrtTau_q(ia) *              j_dp*SQRT(p_dp+1._dp)
-        ynapm1jm1(ia,ip,ij) = +sqrtTau_q(ia) *              j_dp*SQRT(p_dp)
+        ynapp1j  (ia,ip,ij) = -sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *      (j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp+1._dp)
+        ynapm1j  (ia,ip,ij) = -sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *      (j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp)
+        ynapp1jm1(ia,ip,ij) = +sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *              j_dp*SQRT(p_dp+1._dp)
+        ynapm1jm1(ia,ip,ij) = +sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *              j_dp*SQRT(p_dp)
         ! Trapping terms
-        zNapm1j  (ia,ip,ij) = +sqrtTau_q(ia) *(2._dp*j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp)
-        zNapm1jp1(ia,ip,ij) = -sqrtTau_q(ia) *      (j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp)
-        zNapm1jm1(ia,ip,ij) = -sqrtTau_q(ia) *              j_dp*SQRT(p_dp)
+        zNapm1j  (ia,ip,ij) = +sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *(2._dp*j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp)
+        zNapm1jp1(ia,ip,ij) = -sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *      (j_dp+1._dp)*SQRT(p_dp)
+        zNapm1jm1(ia,ip,ij) = -sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) *              j_dp*SQRT(p_dp)
-    DO ip = 1, local_np
+    DO ip = 1,local_np
       p_int= parray(ip+ngp/2)   ! Hermite degree
       p_dp = REAL(p_int,dp) ! REAL of Hermite degree
       ! Landau damping coefficients (ddz napj term)
-      xnapp1j(ia,ip) = sqrtTau_q(ia) * SQRT(p_dp+1._dp)
-      xnapm1j(ia,ip) = sqrtTau_q(ia) * SQRT(p_dp)
+      xnapp1j(ia,ip) = sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) * SQRT(p_dp+1._dp)
+      xnapm1j(ia,ip) = sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) * SQRT(p_dp)
       ! Magnetic curvature term
-      xnapp2j(ia,ip) = tau_q(ia) * k_cB * SQRT((p_dp+1._dp)*(p_dp + 2._dp))
-      xnapm2j(ia,ip) = tau_q(ia) * k_cB * SQRT( p_dp       *(p_dp - 1._dp))
+      xnapp2j(ia,ip) = tau(ia)/q(ia) * k_cB * SQRT((p_dp+1._dp)*(p_dp + 2._dp))
+      xnapm2j(ia,ip) = tau(ia)/q(ia) * k_cB * SQRT( p_dp       *(p_dp - 1._dp))
-    DO ij = 1, local_nj
+    DO ij = 1,local_nj
       j_int= jarray(ij+ngj/2)   ! Laguerre degree
       j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of Laguerre degree
       ! Magnetic gradient term
-      xnapjp1(ia,ij) = -tau_q(ia) * k_gB * (j_dp + 1._dp)
-      xnapjm1(ia,ij) = -tau_q(ia) * k_gB *  j_dp
+      xnapjp1(ia,ij) = -tau(ia)/q(ia) * k_gB * (j_dp + 1._dp)
+      xnapjm1(ia,ij) = -tau(ia)/q(ia) * k_gB *  j_dp
     !! ES linear coefficients for moment RHS !!!!!!!!!!
-    DO ip = 1, local_np
+    DO ip = 1,local_np
       p_int= parray(ip+ngp/2)   ! Hermite degree
-      DO ij = 1, local_nj
+      DO ij = 1,local_nj
         j_int= jarray(ij+ngj/2)   ! REALof Laguerre degree
         j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REALof Laguerre degree
         !! Electrostatic potential pj terms
@@ -295,17 +291,17 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
     !! Electromagnatic linear coefficients for moment RHS !!!!!!!!!!
-    DO ip = 1, local_np
+    DO ip = 1,local_np
       p_int= parray(ip+ngp/2)   ! Hermite degree
-      DO ij = 1, local_nj
+      DO ij = 1,local_nj
         j_int= jarray(ij+ngj/2)   ! REALof Laguerre degree
         j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REALof Laguerre degree
         IF (p_int .EQ. 1) THEN ! kronecker p1
-          xpsij  (ia,ip,ij)  = +(k_N(ia) + (2._dp*j_dp+1._dp)*k_T(ia))* sqrtTau_q(ia)
-          xpsijp1(ia,ip,ij)  = - k_T(ia)*(j_dp+1._dp)              * sqrtTau_q(ia)
-          xpsijm1(ia,ip,ij)  = - k_T(ia)* j_dp                     * sqrtTau_q(ia)
+          xpsij  (ia,ip,ij)  = +(k_N(ia) + (2._dp*j_dp+1._dp)*k_T(ia))* sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia)
+          xpsijp1(ia,ip,ij)  = - k_T(ia)*(j_dp+1._dp)                 * sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia)
+          xpsijm1(ia,ip,ij)  = - k_T(ia)* j_dp                        * sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia)
         ELSE IF (p_int .EQ. 3) THEN ! kronecker p3
-          xpsij  (ia,ip,ij)  = + k_T(ia)*SQRT3/SQRT2               * sqrtTau_q(ia)
+          xpsij  (ia,ip,ij)  = + k_T(ia)*SQRT3/SQRT2                  * sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia)
           xpsijp1(ia,ip,ij)  = 0._dp; xpsijm1(ia,ip,ij)  = 0._dp;
           xpsij  (ia,ip,ij)  = 0._dp; xpsijp1(ia,ip,ij)  = 0._dp
diff --git a/src/processing_mod.F90 b/src/processing_mod.F90
index 0f88cc6b..5872be31 100644
--- a/src/processing_mod.F90
+++ b/src/processing_mod.F90
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 MODULE processing
    USE prec_const,  ONLY: dp, imagu, SQRT2, SQRT3
    USE grid,        ONLY: &
-      local_na, local_np, local_nj, local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, Ngz,Ngj,Ngp, &
+      local_na, local_np, local_nj, local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, Ngz,Ngj,Ngp,nzgrid, &
       parray,pmax,ip0, iodd, ieven,&
       jarray,jmax,ij0, dmax,&
@@ -286,32 +286,43 @@ CONTAINS
             DO ij = 1,local_nj+ngj
                DO ip = 1,local_np+ngp
                   DO ia = 1,local_na
-                     p_int = parray(ip)
-                     eo    = MODULO(p_int,2)+1 ! Indicates if we are on even or odd z grid
+                     IF(nzgrid .GT. 1) THEN
+                        p_int = parray(ip+ngp/2)
+                        eo    = MODULO(p_int,2)+1 ! Indicates if we are on even or odd z grid
+                     ELSE
+                        eo = 0
+                     ENDIF
                      ! Compute z first derivative
                      f_in = nadiab_moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:)
                      CALL   grad_z(eo,local_nz,ngz,inv_deltaz,f_in,f_out)
-                     ddz_napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:) = f_out
+                     ! get output
+                     DO iz = 1,local_nz
+                        ddz_napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz) = f_out(iz)
+                     ENDDO
                      ! Parallel numerical diffusion
                      IF (HDz_h) THEN
                         f_in = nadiab_moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:)
-                        CALL  grad_z4(local_nz,ngz,inv_deltaz,f_in,f_out)
-                        ddzND_Napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:) = f_out
                         f_in = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:,updatetlevel)
-                        CALL  grad_z4(local_nz,ngz,inv_deltaz,f_in,f_out)
-                        ddzND_Napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:) = f_out
+                     CALL  grad_z4(local_nz,ngz,inv_deltaz,f_in,f_out)
+                     ! get output
+                     DO iz = 1,local_nz
+                        ddzND_Napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz) = f_out(iz)
+                     ENDDO
                      ! Compute even odd grids interpolation
-                     f_in = nadiab_moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,1:local_nz+ngz)
+                     f_in = nadiab_moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,:)
                      CALL interp_z(eo,local_nz,ngz,f_in,f_out)
-                     interp_napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,1:local_nz) = f_out
+                     DO iz = 1,local_nz
+                        interp_napj(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz) = f_out(iz)
+                     ENDDO
+      print*, ddz_napj(1,3,2,:,:,:)
+      stop
       ! Phi parallel gradient (not implemented fully, should be negligible)
       ! DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
       !   DO iky = 1,local_nky
diff --git a/src/solve_EM_fields.F90 b/src/solve_EM_fields.F90
index 0b78a8dd..01717c89 100644
--- a/src/solve_EM_fields.F90
+++ b/src/solve_EM_fields.F90
@@ -36,15 +36,14 @@ CONTAINS
     CALL cpu_time(t0_poisson)
     !! Poisson can be solved only for process containng p=0
-        x:DO ikx = 1,local_nky
-          y:DO iky = 1,local_nkx
+        x:DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
+          y:DO iky = 1,local_nky
             !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Compute particle charge density q_a n_a for each evolved species
             DO iz = 1,local_nz
               rho(iz) = 0._dp
-              DO in=1,total_nj
+              DO in = 1,total_nj
                 DO ia = 1,local_na
-                  rho(iz) = rho(iz) &
-                   +q(ia)*kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,ieven)*moments(ia,ip0,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,updatetlevel)
+                  rho(iz) = rho(iz) + q(ia)*kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,ieven)*moments(ia,ip0,in+ngj/2,iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,updatetlevel)
                 END DO
               END DO
             END DO
diff --git a/src/tesend.F90 b/src/tesend.F90
index 6d53392c..14d67344 100644
--- a/src/tesend.F90
+++ b/src/tesend.F90
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ SUBROUTINE tesend
   !                   3.  Test on TMAX
-  nlend = time .GT. tmax
+  nlend = time .GE. tmax
   IF ( nlend ) THEN
      CALL speak('TMAX reached')
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
index fdb25d1d..8fb8b7da 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   geom   = 's-alpha'
   q0     = 1.4
-  shear  = 0.8
+  shear  = 0.0
   eps    = 0.18
   kappa  = 1.0
   s_kappa= 0.0
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
  name_ = 'electrons'
  tau_  = 1.0
  sigma_= 0.023338
- q_    = 1.0
+ q_    = -1.0
  k_N_  = 0.0!2.22
  k_T_  = 0.0!6.96
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@
   INIT_OPT         = 'mom00'
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
-  init_background  = 0.0
-  init_noiselvl    = 1.0
+  init_background  = 1.0
+  init_noiselvl    = 0.0
   iseed            = 42
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
index d37fc3f1..f14e2591 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
   geom   = 's-alpha'
   q0     = 1.4
-  shear  = 0.8
+  shear  = 0.0
   eps    = 0.18
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
   LINEARITY = 'linear'
-  KIN_E   = .f.
+  KIN_E   = .t.
   mu_x    = 0.0
   mu_y    = 0.0
   N_HD    = 4
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@
   INIT_OPT    = 'mom00'
   ACT_ON_MODES       = 'donothing'
-  init_background  = 0.0
-  init_noiselvl = 1.0
+  init_background  = 1.0
+  init_noiselvl = 0.0
   iseed         = 42
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_1_debug b/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_1_debug
index f5e7015f..f0c8bbfd 120000
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_1_debug
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_1_debug
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/header_3D_results.m b/wk/header_3D_results.m
index 25115ab7..70619eee 100644
--- a/wk/header_3D_results.m
+++ b/wk/header_3D_results.m
@@ -47,7 +47,9 @@ PARTITION  = '/misc/gyacomo_outputs/';
 %% kT=5.3 results
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x64';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_sp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x64_dp';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_MUxy_0';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_NL_-1';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_nuDG_0.01';