diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 12c84caa117960b263ff4464fce0dfc1a9567294..9dbf41acf7da3219f96bf63d79c498c27dbd7d3c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
 include local/dirs.inc
 include local/make.inc
 #Different namings depending on the make input
-EXEC = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo				#all
-EFST = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo_fast		#fast
+EXEC = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo	#all
+EFST = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo_fast   #fast
 EDBG = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo_debug	#debug
 EALP = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo_alpha  #alpha
+EGFT = $(BINDIR)/gyacomo_gfort  #gfort version
 # F90 = mpiifort
 F90 = mpif90
 # #F90 = ftn #for piz-daint cluster
@@ -28,13 +28,18 @@ fast: F90FLAGS = -fast
 fast: $(EFST)
 # Debug version with all flags
 debug: dirs src/srcinfo.h
-debug: F90FLAGS = -g -traceback -CB -ftrapuv -warn all -debug all
+debug: F90FLAGS = -g -traceback -ftrapuv -warn all -debug all
+# debug: F90FLAGS = -g -traceback -check all -ftrapuv -warn all -debug all
 debug: $(EDBG)
 # Alpha version, optimized as all but creates another binary
 alpha: dirs src/srcinfo.h
 alpha: F90FLAGS = -O3 -xHOST
 alpha: $(EALP)
+# gfortran version, compile with gfortran
+gfort: dirs src/srcinfo.h
+gfort: F90FLAGS = -g -std=legacy -ffree-line-length-0
+gfort: EXTMOD   = -J $(MODDIR)
+gfort: $(EGFT)
 install: dirs src/srcinfo.h $(EXEC) mvmod
 run: all
@@ -93,6 +98,8 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o
  $(EALP): $(FOBJ)
 	$(F90) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/*.o $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) $(EXTLIBS) -o $@
+ $(EGFT): $(FOBJ)
+	$(F90) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJDIR)/*.o $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) $(EXTLIBS) -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/advance_field_mod.o : src/advance_field_mod.F90 \
    $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o \
diff --git a/matlab/compile_results.m b/matlab/compile_results.m
index 7d6962c6816c0cf24b46fb728001d72a11b44370..27c14463e467bb13ca11f93c5d559a5eb2920fe3 100644
--- a/matlab/compile_results.m
+++ b/matlab/compile_results.m
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ DATA.NU_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter nu between jobs
 DATA.CO_EVOL  = []; % evolution of CO
 DATA.MUx_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter mu between jobs
 DATA.MUy_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter mu between jobs
+DATA.MUz_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter mu between jobs
 DATA.K_N_EVOL = []; %
 DATA.L_EVOL   = []; % 
 DATA.DT_EVOL  = []; %
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ while(CONTINUE)
             openable = ~isempty(h5read(filename,'/data/var3d/time'));
-            openable = 0
+            openable = 0;
         if openable
         %% load results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -235,6 +236,7 @@ while(CONTINUE)
         DATA.MUx_EVOL  = [DATA.MUx_EVOL  DATA.MUx    DATA.MUx];
         DATA.MUy_EVOL  = [DATA.MUy_EVOL  DATA.MUy    DATA.MUy];
+        DATA.MUz_EVOL  = [DATA.MUz_EVOL  DATA.MUz    DATA.MUz];
         DATA.L_EVOL    = [DATA.L_EVOL    DATA.L      DATA.L];
diff --git a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
index 076058a77e13513ab248ecdd88dbd45adff55642..1fcc187f8d6070ff4eb27493bd01190d8c9317ff 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
 Nma   = OPTIONS.NMA; %Number moving average
 d     = OPTIONS.fftz.flag;  % To add spectral evolution of z (useful for 3d zpinch)
-switch OPTIONS.iz
-    case 'avg'
-        field = squeeze(mean(DATA.PHI,3));
-        zstrcomp = 'z-avg';
-    otherwise
-        field = squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,:,OPTIONS.iz,:));
-        zstrcomp = ['z=',DATA.z(OPTIONS.iz)];
+if numel(size(DATA.PHI)) == 3
+        field = squeeze(DATA.PHI);
+        zstrcomp = 'z=0';
+    switch OPTIONS.iz
+        case 'avg'
+            field = squeeze(mean(DATA.PHI,3));
+            zstrcomp = 'z-avg';
+        otherwise
+            field = squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,:,OPTIONS.iz,:));
+            zstrcomp = ['z=',DATA.z(OPTIONS.iz)];
+    end
 FRAMES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.TIME));
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_3D_data.m b/matlab/load/load_3D_data.m
index 2d87dfb19bd0e9e3d9d324bed3197134af50ca46..451428f444e97e9a21f94fbe40ddca677fa6a080 100644
--- a/matlab/load/load_3D_data.m
+++ b/matlab/load/load_3D_data.m
@@ -20,9 +20,17 @@ function [ data, time, dt ] = load_3D_data( filename, variablename )
     for it = 1:numel(time)
         tmp         = h5read(filename,['/data/var3d/',variablename,'/', num2str(cstart+it,'%06d')]);
         if cmpx
-            data(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i * tmp.imaginary;
+            if(numel(sz) == 3)
+                data(:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i * tmp.imaginary;
+            else
+                data(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i * tmp.imaginary;
+            end
-            data(:,:,:,it) = tmp;
+            if(numel(sz) == 3)
+                data(:,:,it) = tmp;
+            else
+                data(:,:,:,it) = tmp;
+            end
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_params.m b/matlab/load/load_params.m
index 6d657839c7a70c7c3b031ba752eb987945113119..1f1b32a8e3444066b28b6ceda3f7cf4b3bfabbdc 100644
--- a/matlab/load/load_params.m
+++ b/matlab/load/load_params.m
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ DATA.DT_SIM  = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','dt');
 DATA.MU      = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu');
 DATA.MUx     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu_x');
 DATA.MUy     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu_y');
+DATA.MUz     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu_z');
     DATA.BETA    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','beta');
diff --git a/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m b/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
index 3edaeae6bc6542360906b916261eb9822f41d17b..3ca0baa1e15a6a853f16ba44dd7e1ee895777908 100644
--- a/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
+++ b/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
@@ -78,10 +78,15 @@ path = '/home/ahoffman/gene/linear_CBC_results/';
 %---------- CBC
 % fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_adiabe.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_kine.txt';
-fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_20_nz_32_nv_32_nw_12_adiabe.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_20_nz_32_nv_32_nw_12_adiabe.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_adiabe.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_20_nz_32_nv_32_nw_12_kine.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_kine.txt';
+%----------Convergence nv CBC
+% fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_8_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_16_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
+fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_24_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
 data_ = load([path,fname]);
diff --git a/matlab/plot/photomaton.m b/matlab/plot/photomaton.m
index 2e7ccdcfe3fe061092db9f16d464f9b53e1deba5..a844fafe64824c2347266edf3bc03254ca8997d0 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/photomaton.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/photomaton.m
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Nrows  = ceil(Nframes/4);
 Ncols  = ceil(Nframes/Nrows);
 TNAME = [];
-FIGURE.fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 Ncols Nrows])
+FIGURE.fig = figure; %set(gcf, 'Position',  toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 Ncols Nrows])
     for i_ = 1:numel(FRAMES)
     frame_max = max(max(max(abs(toplot.FIELD(:,:,i_)))));
     subplot(Nrows,Ncols,i_); TNAME = [TNAME,'_',sprintf('%.0f',DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES(i_)))];
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_param_evol.m b/matlab/plot/plot_param_evol.m
index e1f13b2cde404a860bc09bfd367e10b17d53db8b..6d16c6e37c8595169f189ef7585cfe69a26434aa 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_param_evol.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_param_evol.m
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ DT_EVOL  = data.DT_EVOL;
 CO_EVOL  = data.CO_EVOL;
 MUx_EVOL  = data.MUx_EVOL;
 MUy_EVOL  = data.MUy_EVOL;
+MUz_EVOL  = data.MUz_EVOL;
 % K_T_EVOL = data.K_T_EVOL;
 K_N_EVOL = data.K_N_EVOL;
 L_EVOL   = data.L_EVOL;
@@ -31,6 +32,7 @@ subplot(4,1,1);
     plot(TJOB_SE,MUx_EVOL,'DisplayName','$\mu_x$'); hold on;
     plot(TJOB_SE,MUy_EVOL,'DisplayName','$\mu_y$'); hold on;
+    plot(TJOB_SE,MUz_EVOL,'DisplayName','$\mu_z$'); hold on;
     xlim([TJOB_SE(1) TJOB_SE(end)]);legend('show');grid on;
diff --git a/matlab/setup.m b/matlab/setup.m
index 2c66ec4875c73062ca8b9a8340f58314a994c09e..468f08c57ea4feab7a6d2d3ce9319d126347fe6d 100644
--- a/matlab/setup.m
+++ b/matlab/setup.m
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ MODEL.mu_x    = MU_X;
 MODEL.mu_y    = MU_Y;
 MODEL.N_HD    = N_HD;
 MODEL.mu_z    = MU_Z;
+MODEL.HYP_V   = ['''',HYP_V,''''];
 MODEL.mu_p    = MU_P;
 MODEL.mu_j    = MU_J;
 MODEL.nu      = NU; % hyper diffusive coefficient nu for HW
diff --git a/matlab/write_fort90.m b/matlab/write_fort90.m
index 92c9d1f4046e97c7b8673aeb73d77f3e38c6daf1..54e7f08b71adccef5c9afbd3bd596c64ed63fdb9 100644
--- a/matlab/write_fort90.m
+++ b/matlab/write_fort90.m
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ fprintf(fid,['  mu_x    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_x),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  mu_y    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_y),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  N_HD    = ', num2str(MODEL.N_HD),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  mu_z    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_z),'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  HYP_V   = ', MODEL.HYP_V,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  mu_p    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_p),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  mu_j    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_j),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  nu      = ', num2str(MODEL.nu),'\n']);
diff --git a/src/geometry_mod.F90 b/src/geometry_mod.F90
index fa1f1e5dd1518f45939de35b04cca87b6ec5a7e1..576e8ae1575819401fb4a35fc344e7ff19caebdd 100644
--- a/src/geometry_mod.F90
+++ b/src/geometry_mod.F90
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ implicit none
   ! Geometry input parameters
   CHARACTER(len=16), &
-               PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: geom
+               PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: geom      = 's-alpha'
   REAL(dp),    PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: q0        = 1.4_dp  ! safety factor
   REAL(dp),    PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: shear     = 0._dp   ! magnetic field shear
   REAL(dp),    PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: eps       = 0.18_dp ! inverse aspect ratio
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ CONTAINS
           IF( my_id .eq. 0 ) WRITE(*,*) 's-alpha geometry'
           call eval_salpha_geometry
-        CASE('Z-pinch')
+        CASE('Z-pinch','z-pinch','Zpinch','zpinch')
           IF( my_id .eq. 0 ) WRITE(*,*) 'Z-pinch geometry'
           call eval_zpinch_geometry
           SHEARED = .FALSE.
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e2108230318c033d3d6fadeb4e9950069dfab407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+  nrun   = 10
+  dt     = 0.01
+  tmax   = 1
+  maxruntime = 356400
+  pmaxe  = 2
+  jmaxe  = 1
+  pmaxi  = 2
+  jmaxi  = 1
+  Nx     = 2
+  Lx     = 200
+  Ny     = 2
+  Ly     = 60
+  Nz     = 4
+  SG     = .f.
+  geom   = 's-alpha'
+  q0     = 1.4
+  shear  = 0.8
+  eps    = 0.18
+  parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
+  nsave_0d = 1
+  nsave_1d = -1
+  nsave_2d = -1
+  nsave_3d = 1
+  nsave_5d = 1
+  write_doubleprecision = .f.
+  write_gamma = .t.
+  write_hf    = .t.
+  write_phi   = .t.
+  write_Na00  = .f.
+  write_Napj  = .t.
+  write_Sapj  = .f.
+  write_dens  = .t.
+  write_temp  = .t.
+  job2load    = -1
+  ! Collisionality
+  CLOS    = 0
+  NL_CLOS = -1
+  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
+  KIN_E   = .t.
+  mu_x    = 1.0
+  mu_y    = 1.0
+  N_HD    = 4
+  mu_z    = 0.0
+  mu_p    = 0
+  mu_j    = 0
+  nu      = 0.1
+  tau_e   = 1
+  tau_i   = 1
+  sigma_e = 0.023338
+  sigma_i = 1
+  q_e     = -1
+  q_i     = 1
+  K_Ne    = 2.0
+  K_Te    = 0.4
+  K_Ni    = 2.0
+  K_Ti    = 0.4
+  beta    = 0
+  collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
+  gyrokin_CO      = .true.
+  interspecies    = .true.
+  !mat_file        = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
+  INIT_OPT    = 'phi'
+  ACT_ON_MODES       = 'donothing'
+  init_background  = 0
+  init_noiselvl = 0.005
+  iseed         = 42
+  numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_alpha b/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_alpha
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0663323a521aaa271870a36110a656eb277a1f47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_alpha
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_debug b/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_debug
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..363e139a389f2e5d2d2097c09bf5ab363772dbfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/gyacomo_debug
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_debug b/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_debug
new file mode 120000
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..363e139a389f2e5d2d2097c09bf5ab363772dbfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_debug
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/CBC_P_J_scan.m b/wk/CBC_P_J_scan.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1b2a32eadf70e111f945ddb8ac49e1d852b43247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/CBC_P_J_scan.m
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+gyacomodir  = pwd;
+gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
+CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
+SIMID = 'p2_linear';  % Name of the simulation
+RERUN   = 0; % rerun if the data does not exist
+RUN     = 0;
+P_a  = [2:20];
+J_a  = [2:15];
+% P_a  = [18:22];
+% J_a  = [2:6];
+% collision setting
+CO        = 'DG';
+HYP_V     = 'dvpar4';
+NU        = 0.02;
+K_T       = 6.96;
+GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
+COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
+% model
+KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
+BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
+% background gradients setting
+K_N    = 2.22;            % Density '''
+% Geometry
+% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
+GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
+% time and numerical grid
+DT0    = 5e-3;
+TMAX   = 25;
+kymin  = 0.3;
+NY     = 2;
+% arrays for the result
+g_ky = zeros(numel(J_a),numel(P_a),NY/2+1);
+g_avg= g_ky*0;
+g_std= g_ky*0;
+% Naming of the collision operator
+if GKCO
+    CONAME = [CO,'GK'];
+    CONAME = [CO,'DK'];
+j = 1;
+for P = P_a
+i = 1;
+for J = J_a
+    TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
+    % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+    SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+    K_Te    = K_T;            % ele Temperature '''
+    K_Ti    = K_T;            % ion Temperature '''
+    K_Ne    = K_N;            % ele Density '''
+    K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
+    DT = DT0/sqrt(J);
+    PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
+    JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
+    PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
+    JMAXI   = J;     % "
+    NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
+    LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
+    LY      = 2*pi/kymin;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+    NZ      = 24;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
+    NPOL    = 1;
+    SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
+    NEXC    = 1;     % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
+    %% GEOMETRY
+    % GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+    EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
+    Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
+    KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
+    DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
+    ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
+    PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+%     PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+    SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
+    SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+    SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
+    JOB2LOAD= -1;
+    %% OPTIONS
+    LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
+    % Collision operator
+    ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
+    INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
+    CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
+    NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
+    KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
+    INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
+    %% OUTPUTS
+    W_DOUBLE = 0;
+    W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
+    W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
+    W_DENS   = 0; W_TEMP   = 1;
+    W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    % unused
+    HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
+    MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
+    INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
+    MU_X    = MU;     %
+    MU_Y    = MU;     %
+    N_HD    = 4;
+    MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
+    MU_P    = 0.0;     %
+    MU_J    = 0.0;     %
+    LAMBDAD = 0.0;
+    NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
+    BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
+    k_gB   = 1.0;
+    k_cB   = 1.0;
+    %% RUN
+    setup
+    % naming
+    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
+    % check if data exist to run if no data
+    data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+    if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.NU_EVOL) || numel(data_.Ts3D)<10)
+        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 3 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    end
+    if ~isempty(data_.NU_EVOL)
+        if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
+            % Load results after trying to run
+            filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+            LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
+            data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+            [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.7*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
+            [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
+            field   = 0;
+            field_t = 0;
+            for ik = 2:NY/2+1
+                field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
+                field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
+                to_measure = log(field_t(it1:it2));
+                tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
+                gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
+                err= confint(gr);
+                g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
+                g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+            end
+            [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
+            msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
+        end 
+    end
+    i = i + 1;
+    end
+j = j + 1;
+%% take max growth rate among z coordinate
+y_ = g_ky(:,:,2); 
+e_ = g_std(:,:,2);
+if 0 
+%% Check time evolution
+field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); field_t = squeeze(field(2,1,:)); to_measure  = log(field_t);
+plot(data_.Ts3D,to_measure); hold on
+if 0
+%% Pcolor of the peak
+[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(J_a,P_a);
+% pclr=pcolor(XX_,YY_,y_'); set(pclr,'EdgeColor','none'); axis ij;
+title(['$\nu_{',data.CO,'}=$',num2str(data.NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$P$, $J=P/2$');
+clb.Label.String = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
+clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
+clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
+if(numel(J_a)>1 && numel(P_a)>1)
+%% Save metadata
+ jmin = num2str(min(J_a)); jmax = num2str(max(J_a));
+ pmin = num2str(min(P_a)); pmax = num2str(max(P_a));
+filename = [num2str(NX),'x',num2str(NZ),'_ky_',num2str(kymin),...
+            '_J_',jmin,'_',jmax,...
+            '_P_',pmin,'_',pmax,'_kT_',num2str(K_T),'_',CONAME,'_',num2str(NU),'.mat'];
+metadata.name   = filename;
+metadata.kymin  = kymin;
+metadata.title  = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_T),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
+metadata.par    = [num2str(NX),'x1x',num2str(NZ)];
+metadata.nscan  = 2;
+metadata.s1name = '$J$';
+metadata.s1     = J_a;
+metadata.s2name = '$P$';
+metadata.s2     = P_a;
+metadata.dname  = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
+metadata.data   = y_;
+metadata.err    = e_;
+% metadata.input_file = h5read([LOCALDIR,'/outputs_00.h5'],'/files/STDIN.00');
+metadata.date   = date;
+% tosave.data     = metadata;
+disp(['saved in ',SIMDIR,filename]);
+clear metadata tosave
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/CBC_kT_scan_salpha.m b/wk/CBC_hypcoll_PJ_scan.m
similarity index 60%
rename from wk/CBC_kT_scan_salpha.m
rename to wk/CBC_hypcoll_PJ_scan.m
index 6229c864d14666e227f87eee981ea369af1f0778..1375c493d07f7b3a85d23e91cf269b5030f95e3a 100644
--- a/wk/CBC_kT_scan_salpha.m
+++ b/wk/CBC_hypcoll_PJ_scan.m
@@ -8,60 +8,64 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0'
 EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-SIMID = 'p2_CBC_convergence_KT_PJ';  % Name of the simulation
-% SIMID = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
-RERUN   = 0; % rerun if the data does not exist
-RUN     = 0;
-KT_a = [3:0.5:7];
-% KT_a = [3];
-% P_a  = [22];
+SIMID    = 'p2_linear';  % Name of the simulation
+RERUN    = 1; % If you want to rerun the sim (bypass the check of existing data)
+RUN      = 1;
+NU_a = [0.01:0.01:0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0];
 P_a  = [2:2:30];
-% P_a  = [2:12];
+% NU_a   = 0.8;
+% P_a    = 8;
 J_a  = floor(P_a/2);
 % collision setting
-CO        = 'DG';
-NU        = 0.05;
+% CO        = 'none';
+CO        = 'dvpar4';
+HYP_V     = 'dvpar4';
+% HYP_V     = 'hypcoll';
 GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
 COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
 % model
 KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
-BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
+BETA    = 0;     % electron plasma beta
 % background gradients setting
-K_N    = 2.22;            % Density '''
+K_N = 2.22;
+K_T = 6.96;
+% K_T = 5.3;
 % Geometry
-% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
 GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
 % time and numerical grid
-DT    = 1e-3;
-TMAX  = 25;
+DT0    = 1e-2;
+TMAX  = 30;
 kymin = 0.3;
 NY    = 2;
 % arrays for the result
-g_ky = zeros(numel(KT_a),numel(P_a),NY/2+1);
+g_ky = zeros(numel(NU_a),numel(P_a),NY/2+1);
 g_avg= g_ky*0;
 g_std= g_ky*0;
 j = 1;
 for P = P_a
 i = 1;
-for KT = KT_a
+for NU_ = NU_a
+    NU  = NU_;
     TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
     % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
     SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-    K_Te    = KT;            % ele Temperature '''
-    K_Ti    = KT;            % ion Temperature '''
-    K_Ne    = K_N;            % ele Density '''
-    K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
 %     P = 20;
     J = floor(P/2);
+    DT = DT0/sqrt(J);
     PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
     JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
     PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
     JMAXI   = J;     % "
-    NX      = 12;    % real space x-gridpoints
+    K_Ne    = K_N;            % ele Density '''
+    K_Te    = K_T;            % ele Temperature '''
+    K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
+    K_Ti    = K_T;            % ion Temperature '''
+    NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
     LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
     LY      = 2*pi/kymin;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
     NZ      = 24;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
@@ -82,7 +86,7 @@ for KT = KT_a
     SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
     SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
     SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+    SPS5D   = 1/10;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
     SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
     JOB2LOAD= -1;
     %% OPTIONS
@@ -96,11 +100,11 @@ for KT = KT_a
     INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
     %% OUTPUTS
-    W_DOUBLE = 1;
+    W_DOUBLE = 0;
     W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
     W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
     W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-    W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+    W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
     % unused
@@ -110,9 +114,9 @@ for KT = KT_a
     MU_X    = MU;     %
     MU_Y    = MU;     %
     N_HD    = 4;
-    MU_Z    = 0.2;     %
-    MU_P    = 0.0;     %
-    MU_J    = 0.0;     %
+    MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
+    MU_P    = NU;     %
+    MU_J    = NU;     %
     LAMBDAD = 0.0;
     NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
     BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
@@ -127,137 +131,121 @@ for KT = KT_a
     data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
     if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.NU_EVOL) || numel(data_.Ts3D)<10)
         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 3 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    if ~isempty(data_.NU_EVOL)
+        if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
+            % Load results after trying to run
+            filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+            LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
+            data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    % Load results after trying to run
-    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-    data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+            [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.7*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
+            [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
+            field   = 0;
+            field_t = 0;
+            for ik = 2:NY/2+1
+                field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
+                field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
+                to_measure = log(field_t(it1:it2));
+                tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
+                gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
+                err= confint(gr);
+                g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
+                g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+            end
+            [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-    % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-    options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data_.Ts3D(end);
-    options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
-    options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
-    [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.5*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
-    [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
-    field   = 0;
-    field_t = 0;
-    for ik = 2:NY/2+1
-        field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
-        field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
-        to_measure  = log(field_t(it1:it2));
-        tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
-%         gr = polyfit(tw,to_measure,1);
-        gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
-        err= confint(gr);
-        g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
-        g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+            msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
+        end 
-    [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-    msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
     i = i + 1;
+    end
 j = j + 1;
-if 0 
+if 0
 %% Check time evolution
+to_measure  = log(field_t);
 plot(data_.Ts3D,to_measure); hold on
-if 1
+%% take max growth rate among z coordinate
+[y_,idx_] = max(g_ky,[],3); 
+e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_);
+if 1 
 %% Study of the peak growth rate
-y_ = g_ky; 
-e_ = 0.05;
-% filter growth rate with less than 0.05 value
-y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
-e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
-[y_,idx_] = max(g_ky,[],3); 
-for i = 1:numel(idx_)
-    e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_(i));
-colors_ = jet(numel(KT_a));
+colors_ = jet(numel(NU_a));
-for i = 1:numel(KT_a)
+for i = 1:numel(NU_a)
 %     errorbar(P_a,y_(i,:),e_(i,:),...
 %         'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%         'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(KT_a(i))],...
+%         'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(NU_a(i))],...
 %         'color',colors_(i,:)); 
-        'DisplayName',['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(KT_a(i))],...
+        'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(NU_a(i))],...
     hold on;
-title(['$\nu_{',CO,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_Ti),' $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
 legend('show'); xlabel('$P$, $J=P/2$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
 colors_ = jet(numel(P_a));
 for j = 1:numel(P_a)
-% errorbar(KT_a,y_(:,j),e_(:,j),...
-%     'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%     'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
-%     'color',colors_(j,:)); 
-    plot(KT_a,y_(:,j),'s-',...
+    plot(NU_a,y_(:,j),'s-',...
     hold on;
-title(['$\nu_{',CO,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
-legend('show'); xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
+title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_Ti),' $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+legend('show'); xlabel(['$\nu_{',CO,'}$']); ylabel('$\gamma$');
 if 0
 %% Pcolor of the peak
-[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(KT_a,P_a);
+[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(NU_a,P_a);
 % pclr=pcolor(XX_,YY_,y_'); set(pclr,'EdgeColor','none'); axis ij;
-title(['$\nu_{',data.CO,'}=$',num2str(data.NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
-xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$P$, $J=P/2$');
+title(['$\kappa_T$',num2str(data_.K_T),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+xlabel('$\nu$'); ylabel('$P$, $J=P/2$');
 clb.Label.String = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
 clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
 clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
+if(numel(NU_a)>1 && numel(P_a)>1)
 %% Save metadata
-ktmin = num2str(min(KT_a)); ktmax = num2str(max(KT_a));
+numin = num2str(min(NU_a)); numax = num2str(max(NU_a));
  pmin = num2str(min(P_a));   pmax = num2str(max(P_a));
 filename = [num2str(NX),'x',num2str(NZ),'_ky_',num2str(kymin),...
-            '_kT_',ktmin,'_',ktmax,'_',...
-            '_P_',pmin,'_',pmax,'_',data_.CO,'_',num2str(NU),'.mat'];
+            '_nu_',numin,'_',numax,'_',HYP_V,...
+            '_P_',pmin,'_',pmax,'_KT_',num2str(K_T),'.mat'];
 metadata.name   = filename;
 metadata.kymin  = kymin;
-metadata.title  = ['$\nu_{',data_.CO,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
-metadata.par    = data_.PARAMS;
+metadata.title  = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
+metadata.par    = [num2str(NX),'x1x',num2str(NZ)];
 metadata.nscan  = 2;
-metadata.s1name = '$\kappa_T$';
-metadata.s1     = KT_a;
-metadata.s2name = '$P$, $J=P/2$';
+metadata.s1name = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}$'];
+metadata.s1     = NU_a;
+metadata.s2name = '$P$, $J=\lfloor P/2 \rfloor$';
 metadata.s2     = P_a;
 metadata.dname  = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
 metadata.data   = y_;
 metadata.err    = e_;
-metadata.input_file = h5read([data_.localdir,'/outputs_00.h5'],'/files/STDIN.00');
 metadata.date   = date;
-% tosave.data     = metadata;
 disp(['saved in ',SIMDIR,filename]);
-clear metadata tosave
\ No newline at end of file
+clear metadata tosave
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan.m b/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan.m
index 7ff5ff638efbed2e0050e71e250d69d4baab23ed..66912c279207326ed11e4447a6aefedb726a79d0 100644
--- a/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan.m
+++ b/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan.m
@@ -1,166 +1,278 @@
-addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
-HELAZDIR = '/home/ahoffman/HeLaZ/';
-EXECNAME = 'helaz3';
-KT_a = [3:0.5:5];
-P_a_6   = [6 6 6 6 6 6 6];
-J_a_6   = [0 1 2 3 4 5 6];
-P_a_10  = 10*ones(1,6);
-J_a_10  = 5:10;
-% P_a_10b = 10*ones(1,7);
-% J_a_10b = 10:17;
-P_a_20  = 20*ones(1,11);
-J_a_20  = 10:20;
+gyacomodir  = pwd;
+gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
+CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
+SIMID = 'p2_linear';  % Name of the simulation
+RERUN   = 0; % rerun if the data does not exist
+RUN     = 1;
+KT_a = [3:0.5:6.5 6.96];
+% KT_a = [5.5 6];
+% P_a  = [25];
+P_a  = [3:1:29];
+% P_a  = [2:2:40];
+J_a  = floor(P_a/2);
+% collision setting
+CO        = 'DG';
+NU        = 0.05;
+GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
+COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
+% model
+KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
+BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
+% background gradients setting
+K_N    = 2.22;            % Density '''
+% Geometry
+% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
+GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
+% time and numerical grid
+DT0    = 1e-2;
+TMAX   = 30;
+kymin  = 0.3;
+NY     = 2;
+% arrays for the result
+g_ky = zeros(numel(KT_a),numel(P_a),NY/2+1);
+g_avg= g_ky*0;
+g_std= g_ky*0;
+% Naming of the collision operator
+if GKCO
+    CONAME = [CO,'GK'];
+    CONAME = [CO,'DK'];
+j = 1;
+for P = P_a
+i = 1;
+for KT = KT_a
+    TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
+    % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+    SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+    K_Te    = KT;            % ele Temperature '''
+    K_Ti    = KT;            % ion Temperature '''
+    K_Ne    = K_N;            % ele Density '''
+    K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
+%     P = 20;
+    J = floor(P/2);
+    DT = DT0/sqrt(J);
+    PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
+    JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
+    PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
+    JMAXI   = J;     % "
+    NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
+    LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
+    LY      = 2*pi/kymin;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+    NZ      = 24;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
+    NPOL    = 1;
+    SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
+    NEXC    = 1;     % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
+    %% GEOMETRY
+    % GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+    EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
+    Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
+    KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
+    DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
+    ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
+    PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+%     PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+    SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
+    SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+    SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
+    JOB2LOAD= -1;
+    %% OPTIONS
+    LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
+    % Collision operator
+    ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
+    INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
+    CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
+    NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
+    KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
+    INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
+    %% OUTPUTS
+    W_DOUBLE = 0;
+    W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
+    W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
+    W_DENS   = 0; W_TEMP   = 1;
+    W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+    % unused
+    HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
+    MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
+    INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
+    MU_X    = MU;     %
+    MU_Y    = MU;     %
+    N_HD    = 4;
+    MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
+    MU_P    = 0.0;     %
+    MU_J    = 0.0;     %
+    LAMBDAD = 0.0;
+    NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
+    BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
+    k_gB   = 1.0;
+    k_cB   = 1.0;
+    %% RUN
+    setup
+    % naming
+    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
+    % check if data exist to run if no data
+    data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+    if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.NU_EVOL) || numel(data_.Ts3D)<10)
+        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 3 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    end
+    if ~isempty(data_.NU_EVOL)
+        if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
+        % Load results after trying to run
+        filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+        LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-P_a = [P_a_20]; J_a = [J_a_20];
-% KT_a = 5.0; P_a = 20; J_a = 20;
+        data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-g_max= zeros(numel(P_a),numel(KT_a));
-g_avg= g_max*0;
-g_std= g_max*0;
-k_max= g_max*0;
+        % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
+        options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data_.Ts3D(end);
+        options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
+        options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
-CO    = 'DG'; GKCO = 0;
-NU    = 0.0;
-DT    = 7e-3;
-TMAX  = 40;
-ky_   = 0.15;
-SIMID = 'linear_CBC_kT_threshold';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN   = 0;
+        [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.5*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
+        [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
+        field   = 0;
+        field_t = 0;
+        for ik = 2:NY/2+1
+            field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
+            field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
+            to_measure  = log(field_t(it1:it2));
+            tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
+    %         gr = polyfit(tw,to_measure,1);
+            gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
+            err= confint(gr);
+            g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
+            g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+        end
+        [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
+        msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
+        end
+    end
+    i = i + 1;
+j = j + 1;
-for i = 1:numel(P_a)
-P = P_a(i); J = J_a(i);
-    j=1;
-    %Set Up parameters
-    for K_Ti = KT_a
-        CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-        TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
-        K_Ni = 2.22; K_Ne = K_Ni;
-        K_Te     = K_Ti;            % Temperature '''
-        SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-        KIN_E   = 0;     % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
-        BETA    = 0e-1;     % electron plasma beta 
-        PMAXE   = P; JMAXE   = J;
-        PMAXI   = P; JMAXI   = J;
-        NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
-        NY      = 6;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-        LX      = 2*pi/0.15;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-        LY      = 2*pi/ky_;
-        NZ      = 24;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
-        NPOL    = 1; SG = 0; NEXC = 1;
-        GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
-        Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
-        SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear (Not implemented yet)
-        EPS     = 0.18;    % inverse aspect ratio
-        SPS0D = 1; SPS2D = 0; SPS3D = 5;SPS5D= 1/5; SPSCP = 0;
-        JOB2LOAD= -1;
-        LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
-        ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
-        INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
-        CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
-        NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
-        KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-        INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
-        W_DOUBLE = 1;
-        W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
-        W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-        W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-        W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
-        HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
-        MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-        INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
-        MU_X    = MU;     %
-        MU_Y    = MU;  N_HD    = 4;
-        MU_Z    = 1.0; MU_P    = 0.0;     %
-        MU_J    = 0.0; LAMBDAD = 0.0;
-        NOISE0  = 1.0e-4; % Init noise amplitude
-        BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
-        k_gB   = 1.0;k_cB   = 1.0;
+if 0
+%% Check time evolution
+to_measure  = log(field_t);
+plot(data_.Ts3D,to_measure); hold on
-        %%-------------------------------------------------------------------------
-        % RUN
-        setup
-        if RUN
-            system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-        end
+%% take max growth rate among z coordinate
+y_ = g_ky(:,:,2); 
+e_ = g_std(:,:,2);
-        % Load results
-        filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-        LOCALDIR  = [HELAZDIR,'results/',filename,'/'];
-        data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+if 0
+%% Study of the peak growth rate
-        %linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-        trange = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-        nplots = 0;
-        lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,trange,nplots);
-        [gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
-        [gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./lg.ky);
-        msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,lg.ky(kmax)); disp(msg);
-        msg = sprintf('gmax/k = %2.2f, kmax/k = %2.2f',gmaxok,lg.ky(kmaxok)); disp(msg);
+y_ = g_ky; 
+e_ = 0.05;
-        g_max(i,j) = gmax;
-        k_max(i,j) = kmax;
-        [g_avg(i,j), ik_] = max(lg.avg_g);
-        g_std(i,j) = max(lg.std_g(ik_));
+% filter growth rate with less than 0.05 value
+y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
+e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
-        j = j + 1;
-        if 0
-        %% Verify gamma time trace
-        figure
-        for ik_ = 1:numel(lg.ky)
-            plot(lg.trange(2:end),lg.g_ky(ik_,:)','DisplayName',['$k_y=',num2str(lg.ky(ik_)),'$']); hold on;
-        end
-        xlabel('$t$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
-        title(data.param_title); legend('show');
-        drawnow
-        end
-    end
+[y_,idx_] = max(g_ky,[],3); 
+for i = 1:numel(idx_)
+    e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_(i));
-if 1
-ERR_WEIGHT = 1/3; %weight of the error to compute marginal stability
-%% Superposed 1D plots
-sz_ = size(g_max);
-for i = 1:sz_(1)
-    y_ = g_avg(i,:); 
-    e_ = g_std(i,:);
-    y_ = y_.*(y_-e_*ERR_WEIGHT>0);
-    e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
-        errorbar(KT_a,y_,e_,...
-            'LineWidth',1.2,...
-            'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(i)),',',num2str(J_a(i)),')']); 
-%     plot(KT_a,y_,...
+colors_ = jet(numel(KT_a));
+for i = 1:numel(KT_a)
+%     errorbar(P_a,y_(i,:),e_(i,:),...
 %         'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%         'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(i)),',',num2str(J_a(i)),')']); 
+%         'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(KT_a(i))],...
+%         'color',colors_(i,:)); 
+    plot(P_a,y_(i,:),'s-',...
+        'LineWidth',2.0,...
+        'DisplayName',['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(KT_a(i))],...
+        'color',colors_(i,:)); 
     hold on;
+title(['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+legend('show'); xlabel('$P$, $J=P/2$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
+colors_ = jet(numel(P_a));
+for j = 1:numel(P_a)
+% errorbar(KT_a,y_(:,j),e_(:,j),...
+%     'LineWidth',1.2,...
+%     'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
+%     'color',colors_(j,:)); 
+    plot(KT_a,y_(:,j),'s-',...
+        'LineWidth',2.0,...
+        'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
+        'color',colors_(j,:)); 
+    hold on;
+title(['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+legend('show'); xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
-title('Linear CBC $K_T$ threshold');
-legend('show'); xlabel('$K_T$'); ylabel('$\max_{k_y}(\gamma_k)$');
-%% Color map
-[NP__, KT__] = meshgrid(P_a+2*J_a, KT_a);
-% GG_ = g_avg;
-GG_ = g_avg .* (g_avg-g_std*ERR_WEIGHT > 0);
+if 0
+%% Pcolor of the peak
-% pclr = pcolor(KT__,NP__,g_max'); set(pclr,'EdgeColor','none');
-pclr = imagesc(KT_a,1:numel(P_a),GG_);
-LABELS = [];
-for i_ = 1:numel(P_a)
-    LABELS = [LABELS; '(',sprintf('%2.0f',P_a(i_)),',',sprintf('%2.0f',J_a(i_)),')'];
+[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(KT_a,P_a);
+% pclr=pcolor(XX_,YY_,y_'); set(pclr,'EdgeColor','none'); axis ij;
+title(['$\nu_{',data.CO,'}=$',num2str(data.NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)]);
+xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$P$, $J=P/2$');
+clb.Label.String = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
+clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
+clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
-xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$(P,J)$');
-title('Linear ITG threshold in CBC');
+if(numel(KT_a)>1 && numel(P_a)>1)
+%% Save metadata
+ktmin = num2str(min(KT_a)); ktmax = num2str(max(KT_a));
+ pmin = num2str(min(P_a));   pmax = num2str(max(P_a));
+filename = [num2str(NX),'x',num2str(NZ),'_ky_',num2str(kymin),...
+            '_kT_',ktmin,'_',ktmax,...
+            '_P_',pmin,'_',pmax,'_',CONAME,'_',num2str(NU),'.mat'];
+metadata.name   = filename;
+metadata.kymin  = kymin;
+metadata.title  = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
+metadata.par    = [num2str(NX),'x1x',num2str(NZ)];
+metadata.nscan  = 2;
+metadata.s1name = '$\kappa_T$';
+metadata.s1     = KT_a;
+metadata.s2name = '$P$, $J=\lfloor P/2 \rfloor$';
+metadata.s2     = P_a;
+metadata.dname  = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
+metadata.data   = y_;
+metadata.err    = e_;
+% metadata.input_file = h5read([LOCALDIR,'/outputs_00.h5'],'/files/STDIN.00');
+metadata.date   = date;
+% tosave.data     = metadata;
+disp(['saved in ',SIMDIR,filename]);
+clear metadata tosave
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_salpha.m b/wk/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
similarity index 52%
rename from wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_salpha.m
rename to wk/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
index c4acfa75e14592313cc00f739eb2771298db2dcd..5bd21bfdbc4d2549113d5f148595982f848dc74c 100644
--- a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_salpha.m
+++ b/wk/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
@@ -5,59 +5,60 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-SIMID = 'convergence_CBC_salpha';  % Name of the simulation
-% SIMID = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN     = 0; % to make sure it does not try to run
+SIMID = 'p2_linear';  % Name of the simulation
 RERUN   = 0; % rerun if the data does not exist
-% NU_a = [0.05];
-% P_a  = [30];
-NU_a = [0.0 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1];
-% P_a  = [2 4:4:12];
-P_a  = [2 4:4:28];
-J_a  = floor(P_a/2);
+RUN     = 1;
+KT_a = [3:0.5:6.5 6.96];
+NU_a = [0 0.01:0.01:0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0];
+% KT_a = 3.5;
+% NU_a = 0.5;
+P    = 16;
+J    = 8;
 % collision setting
 CO        = 'DG';
 GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
 COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
 % model
-KIN_E   = 1;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
+KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
 % background gradients setting
-K_Ne    = 1*2.22;            % ele Density '''
-K_Te    = 1*6.96;            % ele Temperature '''
-K_Ni    = 1*2.22;            % ion Density gradient drive
-K_Ti    = 6.96;            % ion Temperature '''
+K_N    = 2.22;            % Density '''
 % Geometry
 % GEOMETRY= 'miller';
 GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
 % time and numerical grid
-% DT    = 2e-3;
-DT    = 5e-4;
-TMAX  = 50;
-kymin = 0.4;
-NY    = 2;
+DT     = 2e-3;
+TMAX   = 30;
+kymin  = 0.3;
+NY     = 2;
 % arrays for the result
-g_ky = zeros(numel(NU_a),numel(P_a),NY/2+1);
+g_ky = zeros(numel(KT_a),numel(NU_a),NY/2+1);
 g_avg= g_ky*0;
 g_std= g_ky*0;
+% Naming of the collision operator
+if GKCO
+    CONAME = [CO,'GK'];
+    CONAME = [CO,'DK'];
 j = 1;
-for P = P_a
-i = 1;
 for NU = NU_a
+i = 1;
+for KT = KT_a
     TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
     % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
     SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+    K_Te    = KT;            % ele Temperature '''
+    K_Ti    = KT;            % ion Temperature '''
+    K_Ne    = K_N;            % ele Density '''
+    K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
-%     P = 20;
-    J = floor(P/2);
     PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
     JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
     PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
@@ -97,11 +98,11 @@ for NU = NU_a
     INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
     %% OUTPUTS
-    W_DOUBLE = 1;
+    W_DOUBLE = 0;
     W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
     W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-    W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-    W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+    W_DENS   = 0; W_TEMP   = 1;
+    W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
     % unused
@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ for NU = NU_a
     MU_X    = MU;     %
     MU_Y    = MU;     %
     N_HD    = 4;
-    MU_Z    = 0.2;     %
+    MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
     MU_P    = 0.0;     %
     MU_J    = 0.0;     %
     LAMBDAD = 0.0;
@@ -125,102 +126,84 @@ for NU = NU_a
     filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
     LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
     % check if data exist to run if no data
-    data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    if ((RERUN || isempty(data.NU_EVOL)) && RUN)
+    data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+    if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.NU_EVOL) || numel(data_.Ts3D)<10)
         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 3 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    if ~isempty(data_.NU_EVOL)
+        if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
+        % Load results after trying to run
+        filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+        LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-    % Load results after trying to run
-    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-    data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+        data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-    options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-    options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
-    options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
-%     lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,options);
-%     [gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
-%     [gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./lg.ky);
-%     g_ky(i,j,:)  = g_ky;
-%     g_avg(i,j,:) = lg.avg_g;
-%     g_std(i,j,:) = lg.std_g;
-    [~,it1] = min(abs(data.Ts3D-0.5*data.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
-    [~,it2] = min(abs(data.Ts3D-1.0*data.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
-    field   = 0;
-    field_t = 0;
-    for ik = 1:NY/2+1
-        field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
-        field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
-        to_measure = log(field_t);
-        gr = polyfit(data.Ts3D(it1:it2),to_measure(it1:it2),1);
-        g_ky(i,j,ik) = gr(1);
-    end
-    [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-    msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
+        % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
+        options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data_.Ts3D(end);
+        options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
+        options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
+        [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.5*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
+        [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
+        field   = 0;
+        field_t = 0;
+        for ik = 2:NY/2+1
+            field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
+            field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
+            to_measure  = log(field_t(it1:it2));
+            tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
+    %         gr = polyfit(tw,to_measure,1);
+            gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
+            err= confint(gr);
+            g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
+            g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+        end
+        [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
+        msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
+        end
+    end
     i = i + 1;
 j = j + 1;
-if 1
-%% Study of the peak growth rate
-y_ = g_ky; 
-e_ = 0.05;
-% filter to noisy data
-y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
-e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
-[y_,idx_] = max(g_ky,[],3); 
-for i = 1:numel(idx_)
-    e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_(i));
-colors_ = lines(numel(NU_a));
-for i = 1:numel(NU_a)
-%     errorbar(P_a,y_(i,:),e_(i,:),...
-%         'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%         'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(NU_a(i))],...
-%         'color',colors_(i,:)); 
-    plot(P_a,y_(i,:),'s-',...
-        'LineWidth',2.0,...
-        'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(NU_a(i))],...
-        'color',colors_(i,:)); 
-    hold on;
+if 0
+%% Check time evolution
+to_measure  = log(field_t);
+plot(data_.Ts3D,to_measure); hold on
-title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_Ti),' $k_y=k_y^{max}$']);
-legend('show'); xlabel('$P$, $J=P/2$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
-colors_ = jet(numel(P_a));
-for j = 1:numel(P_a)
-% errorbar(NU_a,y_(:,j),e_(:,j),...
-%     'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%     'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
-%     'color',colors_(j,:)); 
-    plot(NU_a,y_(:,j),'s-',...
-        'LineWidth',2.0,...
-        'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
-        'color',colors_(j,:)); 
-    hold on;
-title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_Ti),' $k_y=k_y^{max}$']);
-legend('show'); xlabel(['$\nu_{',CO,'}$']); ylabel('$\gamma$');
+%% take max growth rate among z coordinate
+y_ = g_ky(:,:,2); 
+e_ = g_std(:,:,2);
-if 0
-%% Pcolor of the peak
-[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(NU_a,P_a);
-pclr=pcolor(XX_,YY_,y_'); set(pclr,'EdgeColor','none');
+if(numel(KT_a)>1 && numel(NU_a)>1)
+%% Save metadata
+ktmin = num2str(min(KT_a)); ktmax = num2str(max(KT_a));
+numin = num2str(min(NU_a)); numax = num2str(max(NU_a));
+filename = [num2str(NX),'x',num2str(NZ),'_ky_',num2str(kymin),...
+            '_P_',num2str(P),'_J_',num2str(J),...
+            '_kT_',ktmin,'_',ktmax,...
+            '_nu_',numin,'_',numax,'_',CONAME,'.mat'];
+metadata.name   = filename;
+metadata.kymin  = kymin;
+metadata.title  = ['P=',num2str(P),' J=',num2str(J),'$\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
+metadata.par    = [num2str(NX),'x1x',num2str(NZ)];
+metadata.nscan  = 2;
+metadata.s1name = '$\kappa_T$';
+metadata.s1     = KT_a;
+metadata.s2name = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}$'];
+metadata.s2     = NU_a;
+metadata.dname  = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
+metadata.data   = y_;
+metadata.err    = e_;
+metadata.date   = date;
+disp(['saved in ',SIMDIR,filename]);
+clear metadata tosave
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/CBC_ky_PJ_scan.m b/wk/CBC_ky_PJ_scan.m
deleted file mode 100644
index b53dde9de7c3fc399721803d27c6cf99d5ec2c47..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/wk/CBC_ky_PJ_scan.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
-HELAZDIR = '/home/ahoffman/HeLaZ/';
-EXECNAME = 'helaz3';
-KY_a = 0.1:0.1:0.8;
-g_max= KY_a*0;
-g_avg= g_max*0;
-g_std= g_max*0;
-k_max= g_max*0;
-CO    = 'DG'; GKCO = 0;
-NU    = 0.05;
-DT    = 2e-3;
-TMAX  = 25;
-K_T    = 6.96;
-SIMID = 'linear_CBC_circ_conv';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN   = 0;
-% figure
-% P = 12;
-for P = [12]
-J = P/2;
-for ky_ = KY_a
-%Set Up parameters
-for j = 1
-    CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-    TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
-    K_N = 2.22; K_Ne = K_N;
-    K_Te     = K_T;            % Temperature '''
-    SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-    KIN_E   = 0;     % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
-    BETA    = 0e-1;     % electron plasma beta 
-    PMAXE   = P; JMAXE   = J;
-    PMAXI   = P; JMAXI   = J;
-    NX      = 12;    % real space x-gridpoints
-    NY      = 2;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-    LX      = 2*pi/0.1;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-    LY      = 2*pi/ky_;
-    NZ      = 16;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
-    NPOL    = 1; SG = 0;
-%     GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
-    GEOMETRY= 'circular';
-    Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
-    SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear (Not implemented yet)
-    EPS     = 0.18;    % inverse aspect ratio
-    SPS0D = 1; SPS2D = 0; SPS3D = 1;SPS5D= 1/5; SPSCP = 0;
-    JOB2LOAD= -1;
-    LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
-    ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
-    INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
-    CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
-    NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
-    KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-    INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
-    W_DOUBLE = 1;
-    W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
-    W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-    W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-    W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
-    HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
-    MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-    INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
-    MU_X    = MU;     %
-    MU_Y    = MU;  N_HD    = 4;
-    MU_Z    = 2.0; MU_P    = 0.0;     %
-    MU_J    = 0.0; LAMBDAD = 0.0;
-    NOISE0  = 0.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
-    BCKGD0  = 1.0;    % Init background
-k_gB   = 1.0;k_cB   = 1.0;
-% RUN
-if RUN
-    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 1 3 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-% Load results
-filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-LOCALDIR  = [HELAZDIR,'results/',filename,'/'];
-data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-%linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-trange = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-nplots = 0;
-lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,trange,nplots);
-[gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
-[gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./lg.ky);
-msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,lg.ky(kmax)); disp(msg);
-msg = sprintf('gmax/k = %2.2f, kmax/k = %2.2f',gmaxok,lg.ky(kmaxok)); disp(msg);
-    g_max(i) = gmax;
-    k_max(i) = kmax;
-    g_avg(i) = lg.avg_g;
-    g_std(i) = lg.std_g;
-    i = i + 1;
-% plot(KT_a,max(g_max,0));
-y_ = g_avg; 
-e_ = g_std;
-y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
-e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
-% errorbar(KY_a,y_,e_,...
-%     'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%     'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P),',',num2str(J),')']); 
-% hold on;
-% title(['Linear CBC $K_T$ threshold $k_y=$',num2str(ky_),' (CLOS = 1)']);
-% legend('show'); xlabel('$k_y$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
-% drawnow
-fig = plot_ballooning(data,options);
diff --git a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_miller.m b/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_miller.m
deleted file mode 100644
index e9a6384d6a67403907c816302eb206f29f60c639..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_miller.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,227 +0,0 @@
-gyacomodir  = pwd;
-gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_dbg';
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
-CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-% SIMID = 'linear_CBC_nu+PJ_scan_kT_6.96_SGGK';  % Name of the simulation
-SIMID = 'convergence_pITG_miller';  % Name of the simulation
-% SIMID = 'linear_CBC_nu_scan_kT_11_ky_0.3_DGGK';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN     = 0; % to make sure it does not try to run
-RERUN   = 0; % rerun if the data does not exist
-% NU_a = [0.02];
-% P_a  = [24];
-NU_a = [0.0 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1];
-P_a  = [2 4:4:28];
-% P_a  = [24:4:28];
-J_a  = floor(P_a/2);
-% collision setting
-CO        = 'DG';
-GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
-COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
-% model
-KIN_E   = 1;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
-BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
-% background gradients setting
-K_Ne    = 1*2.22;            % ele Density '''
-K_Te    = 1*6.96;            % ele Temperature '''
-K_Ni    = 1*2.22;            % ion Density gradient drive
-K_Ti    = 6.96;            % ion Temperature '''
-% Geometry
-GEOMETRY= 'miller';
-% GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
-SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
-% time and numerical grid
-% DT    = 2e-3;
-DT    = 5e-4;
-TMAX  = 50;
-kymin = 0.4;
-NY    = 2;
-% arrays for the result
-g_ky = zeros(numel(NU_a),numel(P_a),NY/2+1);
-g_avg= g_ky*0;
-g_std= g_ky*0;
-j = 1;
-for P = P_a
-i = 1;
-for NU = NU_a
-    TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
-    % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-    SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-%     P = 20;
-    J = floor(P/2);
-    PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
-    JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
-    PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
-    JMAXI   = J;     % "
-    NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
-    LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-    LY      = 2*pi/kymin;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
-    NZ      = 24;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
-    NPOL    = 1;
-    SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
-    NEXC    = 1;     % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
-    %% GEOMETRY
-    % GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
-    EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
-    Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
-    KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
-    DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
-    ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
-    % PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
-    PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
-    SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
-    SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
-    SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
-    JOB2LOAD= -1;
-    %% OPTIONS
-    LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
-    % Collision operator
-    ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
-    INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
-    CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
-    NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
-    KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-    INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
-    %% OUTPUTS
-    W_DOUBLE = 1;
-    W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
-    W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-    W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-    W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
-    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-    % unused
-    HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
-    MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-    INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
-    MU_X    = MU;     %
-    MU_Y    = MU;     %
-    N_HD    = 4;
-    MU_Z    = 0.2;     %
-    MU_P    = 0.0;     %
-    MU_J    = 0.0;     %
-    LAMBDAD = 0.0;
-    NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
-    BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
-    k_gB   = 1.0;
-    k_cB   = 1.0;
-    %% RUN
-    setup
-    % naming
-    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-    % check if data exist to run if no data
-    data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    if ((RERUN || isempty(data.NU_EVOL)) && RUN)
-        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-    end
-    % Load results after trying to run
-    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-    data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-    options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-    options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
-    options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
-%     lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,options);
-%     [gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
-%     [gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./lg.ky);
-%     g_ky(i,j,:)  = g_ky;
-%     g_avg(i,j,:) = lg.avg_g;
-%     g_std(i,j,:) = lg.std_g;
-    [~,it1] = min(abs(data.Ts3D-0.5*data.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
-    [~,it2] = min(abs(data.Ts3D-1.0*data.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
-    field   = 0;
-    field_t = 0;
-    for ik = 1:NY/2+1
-        field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
-        field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
-        to_measure = log(field_t);
-        gr = polyfit(data.Ts3D(it1:it2),to_measure(it1:it2),1);
-        g_ky(i,j,ik) = gr(1);
-    end
-    [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-    msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
-    i = i + 1;
-j = j + 1;
-if 1
-%% Study of the peak growth rate
-y_ = g_ky; 
-e_ = 0.05;
-% filter to noisy data
-y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
-e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
-[y_,idx_] = max(g_ky,[],3); 
-for i = 1:numel(idx_)
-    e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_(i));
-colors_ = lines(numel(NU_a));
-for i = 1:numel(NU_a)
-%     errorbar(P_a,y_(i,:),e_(i,:),...
-%         'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%         'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(NU_a(i))],...
-%         'color',colors_(i,:)); 
-    plot(P_a,y_(i,:),'s-',...
-        'LineWidth',2.0,...
-        'DisplayName',['$\nu=$',num2str(NU_a(i))],...
-        'color',colors_(i,:)); 
-    hold on;
-title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_Ti),' $k_y=k_y^{max}$']);
-legend('show'); xlabel('$P$, $J=P/2$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
-colors_ = jet(numel(P_a));
-for j = 1:numel(P_a)
-% errorbar(NU_a,y_(:,j),e_(:,j),...
-%     'LineWidth',1.2,...
-%     'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
-%     'color',colors_(j,:)); 
-    plot(NU_a,y_(:,j),'s-',...
-        'LineWidth',2.0,...
-        'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P_a(j)),',',num2str(J_a(j)),')'],...
-        'color',colors_(j,:)); 
-    hold on;
-title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_Ti),' $k_y=k_y^{max}$']);
-legend('show'); xlabel(['$\nu_{',CO,'}$']); ylabel('$\gamma$');
-if 0
-%% Pcolor of the peak
-[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(NU_a,P_a);
-pclr=pcolor(XX_,YY_,y_'); set(pclr,'EdgeColor','none');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan.m b/wk/CBC_nu_PJ_scan.m
similarity index 73%
rename from wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan.m
rename to wk/CBC_nu_PJ_scan.m
index 437e0065fca4e069965fcf0cfa87d8a2deb9393d..8a28aca6ee1d1a177daf39a1a03329eddc6e1a4c 100644
--- a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan.m
+++ b/wk/CBC_nu_PJ_scan.m
@@ -8,14 +8,15 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0'
 EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-SIMID = 'p2_CBC_convergence_coll_PJ';  % Name of the simulation
+SIMID = 'p2_linear';  % Name of the simulation
 RERUN = 0; % If you want to rerun the sim (bypass the check of existing data)
 RUN   = 1;
-% NU_a = [0.0];
+% NU_a = [0.05];
 % P_a  = [8];
-NU_a = [0.0:0.01:0.1];
+NU_a = [0.01:0.01:0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0];
 P_a  = [2:2:30];
+% P_a  = [32:2:40];
 J_a  = floor(P_a/2);
 % collision setting
 CO        = 'DG';
@@ -23,17 +24,17 @@ GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
 COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
 % model
 KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
-BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
+BETA    = 0;     % electron plasma beta
 % background gradients setting
 K_N = 2.22;
-% K_T = 6.96;
 K_T = 5.3;
+% K_T = 5.3;
 % Geometry
 GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
 % time and numerical grid
-DT    = 1e-3;
-TMAX  = 50;
+DT0    = 20e-3;
+TMAX  = 60;
 kymin = 0.3;
 NY    = 2;
 % arrays for the result
@@ -52,6 +53,7 @@ for NU = NU_a
 %     P = 20;
     J = floor(P/2);
+    DT = DT0/sqrt(J);
     PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
     JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
     PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ for NU = NU_a
     K_Te    = K_T;            % ele Temperature '''
     K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
     K_Ti    = K_T;            % ion Temperature '''
-    NX      = 12;    % real space x-gridpoints
+    NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
     LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
     LY      = 2*pi/kymin;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
     NZ      = 24;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
@@ -74,14 +76,14 @@ for NU = NU_a
     KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
     DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
     ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
-    % PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
-    PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+    PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+%     PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
     SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
     SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
     SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
     SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+    SPS5D   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
     SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
     JOB2LOAD= -1;
     %% OPTIONS
@@ -95,11 +97,11 @@ for NU = NU_a
     INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
     %% OUTPUTS
-    W_DOUBLE = 1;
+    W_DOUBLE = 0;
     W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
     W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
     W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-    W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+    W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
     % unused
@@ -109,7 +111,7 @@ for NU = NU_a
     MU_X    = MU;     %
     MU_Y    = MU;     %
     N_HD    = 4;
-    MU_Z    = 0.2;     %
+    MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
     MU_P    = 0.0;     %
     MU_J    = 0.0;     %
     LAMBDAD = 0.0;
@@ -125,60 +127,55 @@ for NU = NU_a
     % check if data exist to run if no data
     data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
     if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.NU_EVOL) || numel(data_.Ts3D)<10)
-        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    if ~isempty(data_.NU_EVOL)
+        if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
+            % Load results after trying to run
+            filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+            LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
+            data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    % Load results after trying to run
-    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-    data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+            [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.7*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
+            [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
+            field   = 0;
+            field_t = 0;
+            for ik = 2:NY/2+1
+                field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
+                field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
+                to_measure = log(field_t(it1:it2));
+                tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
+                gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
+                err= confint(gr);
+                g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
+                g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+            end
+            [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-    [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.8*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
-    [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
-    field   = 0;
-    field_t = 0;
-    for ik = 2:NY/2+1
-        field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
-        field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
-        to_measure = log(field_t(it1:it2));
-        tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
-        gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
-        err= confint(gr);
-        g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
-        g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+            msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
+        end 
-    [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-    msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,data_.ky(ikmax)); disp(msg);
     i = i + 1;
+    end
 j = j + 1;
 if 0 
 %% Check time evolution
-plot(data_.Ts3D,to_measure); hold on
+plot(data_.Ts3D,log(field_t)); hold on
-if 1
-%% Study of the peak growth rate
-y_ = g_ky; 
-e_ = 0.05;
-% filter to noisy data
-y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
-e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
+%% take max growth rate among z coordinate
 [y_,idx_] = max(g_ky,[],3); 
-for i = 1:numel(idx_)
-    e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_(i));
+e_ = g_std(:,:,idx_);
+if 1 
+%% Study of the peak growth rate
 colors_ = jet(numel(NU_a));
@@ -228,23 +225,21 @@ end
 numin = num2str(min(NU_a)); numax = num2str(max(NU_a));
  pmin = num2str(min(P_a));   pmax = num2str(max(P_a));
 filename = [num2str(NX),'x',num2str(NZ),'_ky_',num2str(kymin),...
-            '_nu_',numin,'_',numax,'_',...
-            '_P_',pmin,'_',pmax,'_KT_',num2str(K_Ti),'.mat'];
+            '_nu_',numin,'_',numax,'_',CONAME,...
+            '_P_',pmin,'_',pmax,'_KT_',num2str(K_T),'.mat'];
 metadata.name   = filename;
 metadata.kymin  = kymin;
-metadata.title  = ['$\kappa_T$',num2str(K_Ti),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
-metadata.par    = data_.PARAMS;
+metadata.title  = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$',num2str(NU),', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(K_N),', $k_y=$',num2str(kymin)];
+metadata.par    = [num2str(NX),'x1x',num2str(NZ)];
 metadata.nscan  = 2;
-metadata.s1name = '$\nu$';
+metadata.s1name = ['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}$'];
 metadata.s1     = NU_a;
 metadata.s2name = '$P$, $J=P/2$';
 metadata.s2     = P_a;
 metadata.dname  = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
 metadata.data   = y_;
 metadata.err    = e_;
-metadata.input_file = h5read([data_.localdir,'/outputs_00.h5'],'/files/STDIN.00');
 metadata.date   = date;
-% tosave.data     = metadata;
 disp(['saved in ',SIMDIR,filename]);
-clear metadata tosave
+clear metadata tosave
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gene.m b/wk/analysis_gene.m
index 09e9901ffed05d61cb4dfa88f8c67d146f393f3e..9ab388eac102be913b941cd9fa9b9594a3c8135c 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gene.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gene.m
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@ folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_5.3_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_smallvbox/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_largexbox/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x16x8_Muz_0.02/';
+% Miller CBC
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/Miller_KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/Miller_KT_4.1_128x64x24x16x8/';
 % debug ? shearless
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/shearless_CBC_128x64x24x24x12_00/';
@@ -74,7 +79,7 @@ dashboard(gene_data);
 %% Separated plot routines
 if 0
 %% Space time diagramm (fig 11 Ivanov 2020)
-options.TAVG_0   = 0.1*gene_data.Ts3D(end);
+options.TAVG_0   = 0.5*gene_data.Ts3D(end);
 options.TAVG_1   = gene_data.Ts3D(end); % Averaging times duration
 options.NMVA     = 1;              % Moving average for time traces
 options.ST_FIELD = '\phi';          % chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (e.g \phi,v_x,G_x, Q_x)
@@ -87,7 +92,7 @@ end
 if 0
 %% statistical transport averaging
-options.T = [100 500];
+options.T = [200 500];
 fig = statistical_transport_averaging(gene_data,options);
@@ -109,7 +114,7 @@ options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = 's_{Ex}';
 % options.NAME      = 'Q_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'k^2n_e';
-options.PLAN      = 'xy';
+options.PLAN      = 'yz';
 options.COMP      = 'avg';
 options.TIME      = [50 200 500];
 options.RESOLUTION = 256;
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m b/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
index b05f7cb712da980254dbd53e62bfdcd566d9819b..a41a72ef2756e674895a8bcb8dd905c48a27ad5b 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
@@ -71,48 +71,48 @@ if 0
 % Options
 options.INTERP    = 0;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
-% options.NAME      = '\phi';
+options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = '\omega_z';
 % options.NAME     = 'N_i^{00}';
 % options.NAME      = 's_{Ey}';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i^{NZ}';
 % options.NAME      = 'Q_x';
-options.NAME      = 'n_i';
+% options.NAME      = 'n_i';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i-n_e';
-options.PLAN      = 'yz';
+options.PLAN      = 'kxz';
 % options.NAME      = 'f_i';
 % options.PLAN      = 'sx';
 options.COMP      = 'avg';
 % options.TIME      = data.Ts5D(end-30:end);
 % options.TIME      =  data.Ts3D;
-options.TIME      = [800:1000];
+options.TIME      = [0:1500];
 data.EPS          = 0.1;
 data.a = data.EPS * 2000;
 options.RESOLUTION = 256;
-if 0
+if 1
 %% fields snapshots
 % Options
 options.INTERP    = 0;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
 options.AXISEQUAL = 0;
 options.NORMALIZE = 0;
-options.NAME      = '\phi';
+% options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = '\psi';
 % options.NAME      = '\omega_z';
 % options.NAME      = 'T_i';
-% options.NAME      = 'n_i-n_e';
+% options.NAME      = 'n_i';
 % options.NAME      = '\phi^{NZ}';
-% options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
-% options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}-N_e^{00}';
+options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
+% options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}-N_e^{00}';              
 % options.NAME      = 's_{Ex}';
 % options.NAME      = 'Q_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'k^2n_e';
-options.PLAN      = 'xy';
-options.COMP      = 'avg';
-options.TIME      = [50 200 500 1000];
+options.PLAN      = 'kxky';
+options.COMP      = 24;
+options.TIME      = [600 700 800 1000];
 options.RESOLUTION = 256;
 data.a = data.EPS * 2e3;
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ if 0
 options.P2J        = 0;
 options.ST         = 1;
 options.NORMALIZED = 0;
-options.TIME       = [180:10000];
+options.TIME       = [500:800];
 fig = show_moments_spectrum(data,options);
 % fig = show_napjz(data,options);
 % save_figure(data,fig,'.png');
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Mode evolution
-options.NORMALIZED = 1;
+options.NORMALIZED = 0;
 options.TIME   = [000:9000];
 options.KX_TW  = [1 20]; %kx Growth rate time window
 options.KY_TW  = [0 20];  %ky Growth rate time window
diff --git a/wk/Ajay_scan_CH4_lin_ITG.m b/wk/benchmark scripts/Ajay_scan_CH4_lin_ITG.m
similarity index 100%
rename from wk/Ajay_scan_CH4_lin_ITG.m
rename to wk/benchmark scripts/Ajay_scan_CH4_lin_ITG.m
diff --git a/wk/header_3D_results.m b/wk/header_3D_results.m
index 9a554ec4f1b801335fee2997acca98acfa8a52e3..32541c52ec039e8d379ba866695806eab689cf84 100644
--- a/wk/header_3D_results.m
+++ b/wk/header_3D_results.m
@@ -3,127 +3,71 @@ gyacomodir = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
 % Partition of the computer where the data have to be searched
 PARTITION  = '/misc/gyacomo_outputs/';
 % PARTITION  = gyacomodir;
-%% Dimits
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/128x64x16x5x3_Dim_90';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/128x64x16x9x5_Dim_scan/128x64x16x9x5_Dim_60';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/128x64x16x5x3_Dim_scan/128x64x16x5x3_Dim_70';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x5x3_Dim_scan/64x32x16x5x3_Dim_70';
-%% AVS
-% resdir = 'volcokas/64x32x16x5x3_kin_e_npol_1';
-% resdir = 'volcokas/64x32x16x5x3_kin_e_npol_1';
-% resdir = 'shearless_cyclone/64x32x80x5x3_CBC_Npol_5_kine';
-% resdir = 'shearless_cyclone/96x32x160x5x3_CBC_Npol_10_kine';
-% resdir = 'shearless_cyclone/64x32x160x5x3_CBC_Npol_10_kine';
-% resdir = 'shearless_cyclone/96x32x160x5x3_CBC_Npol_10_kine';
-%% shearless CBC
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x5x3_CBC_080';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x5x3_CBC_scan/64x32x16x5x3_CBC_100';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x5x3_CBC_120';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x9x5_CBC_080';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x9x5_CBC_100';
-% resdir ='shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x9x5_CBC_120';
-% resdir = 'shearless_cyclone/64x32x16x5x3_CBC_CO/64x32x16x5x3_CBC_LRGK';
-%% CBC
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x128x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/old/128x64x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/96x96x16x3x2_Nexc_6';
-% resdir = 'CBC/128x96x16x3x2_Nexc_0';
-% resdir = 'CBC/192x96x24x13x7'; 
-% resdir = 'CBC/128x96x16x3x2_Nexc_0_periodic_chi';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_0_periodic_chi';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_0_Miller';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_1';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_2';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_3_change_dt';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_6';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_0';
-% resdir = 'CBC/64x32x16x3x2_Nexc_0_change_dt';
-% resdir = 'CBC/128x96x16x3x2_Nexc_0';
-% resdir = 'CBC/128x96x16x3x2_Nexc_0';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_11_128x64x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_9_256x128x16x3x2';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_4.5_128x64x16x13x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_4.5_192x96x24x13x7';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_4.5_128x64x16x13x7';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_4.5_128x96x24x15x5';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_5.3_192x96x24x13x7';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_13_large_box_128x64x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_11_96x64x16x5x3_ky_0.02';
+%% CBC results with nuDGDK = 0.05
+% low resolution (Dirichlet)
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/3x2x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x24'; %+ diff study
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x24_dv4_diff';
+resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/optimal_muz_nu_5x3x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/9x5x128x64x24';
+% low resolution (Cyclic)
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/3x2x128x64x24_cyclic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x24_cyclic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x128x64x24_cyclic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/9x5x128x64x24_cyclic_BC';
+% low resolution (periodic)
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/3x2x128x64x24_periodic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x24_periodic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x128x64x24_periodic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/9x5x128x64x24_periodic_BC';
+% high resolution (Dirichlet)
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x192x96x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x192x96x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/9x5x192x96x24';
+% high resolution (Cyclic)
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x192x96x24_cyclic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x192x96x24_cyclic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/9x5x192x96x24_cyclic_BC';
+% high resolution (periodic)
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x192x96x24_periodic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x192x96x24_periodic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/9x5x192x96x24_periodic_BC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/11x6x192x96x24_periodic_BC';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_scan_128x64x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_scan_192x96x16x3x2';
-% resdir = 'CBC/kT_13_96x96x16x3x2_Nexc_6';
-% resdir = 'dbg/nexc_dbg';
-% resdir = 'CBC/NM_F4_kT_4.5_192x64x24x6x4';
+% high z resolution (Dirichlet
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x32';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x192x96x64';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x96';
-% resdir = 'CBC_Ke_EM/192x96x24x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC_Ke_EM/96x48x16x5x3';
-% resdir = 'CBC_Ke_EM/minimal_res';
-%% KBM
-% resdir = 'NL_KBM/192x64x24x5x3';
-%% Linear CBC
-% resdir = 'linear_CBC/20x2x32_21x11_Lx_62.8319_Ly_31.4159_q0_1.4_e_0.18_s_0.8_kN_2.22_kT_5.3_nu_1e-02_DGDK_adiabe';
-% resdir = 'lin_CBC/128x64x16_5x3_Lx_7.854_Ly_125.6637_q0_1.4_e_0.18_s_0.8_kN_2.22_kT_6.96_nu_5.0e-02_DGDK_adiabe';
-% resdir = 'testcases/miller_example';
-% resdir = 'Miller/128x256x3x2_CBC_dt_5e-3';
-%% CBC Miller
-% resdir = 'GCM_CBC/daint/Miller_GX_comparison';
-% resdir = 'GCM_CBC/daint/Salpha_GX_comparison';
-% resdir = 'Mandell_benchmark/5x3';
-% resdir = 'Mandell_benchmark/new_5x3';
-% resdir = 'Mandell_benchmark/new_5x3_more_diff';
-% resdir = 'Mandell_benchmark/7x5';
-% resdir = 'Mandell_benchmark/new_7x5';
-% resdir = 'Mandell_benchmark/new_7x5_more_diff';
-% % Paper 2 simulations
-% convergence CBC and Dimits regime
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/CBC_7x4x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/CBC_3x2x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/CBC_5x3x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/CBC_7x4x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/CBC_9x5x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/CBC_21x11x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_11x6x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_3x2x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_5x3x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_7x4x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_9x5x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_11x6x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_13x7x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_15x8x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/CBC_kT_5.3_17x9x128x64x24_Nexc_5';
-% Scan in kT
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_scan_DGGK_0.05/9x5x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/CBC_rerun/rerun_CBC_3x2x128x64x16';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/CBC_rerun/rerun_CBC_5x3x128x64x16';
-% resdir = 'dev/Napjz_spectrum';
-% resdir = 'dev/CBC_test';
+%% CBC results with nuDGDK = 0.01
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96_nu_0.01/5x3x192x96x24';
-% Reruns
-%  resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96_rerun/5x3x192x96x24';
-%  resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96_rerun/7x4x192x96x24';
-%  resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96_rerun/9x5x192x96x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/5x3x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/7x4x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/2jm1_coeff_kT_6.96/5x3x192x96x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/2jm1_coeff_kT_6.96/7x4x192x96x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/2jm1_coeff_kT_6.96/9x5x192x96x24';
+%% kT=5.3 results
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x64';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_MUxy_0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_NL_-1';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_nuDG_0.01';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x192x96x64';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/11x6x128x64x24';
-resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96/2jm1_version_5x3x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/dbg/CBC_test_Napjmir_3x2x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/dbg/CBC_bench_3x2x128x64x24';
+%% Old stuff
+% resdir = 'CBC/kT_4.5_128x64x16x13x7/';
+% resdir = 'CBC/kT_5.3_192x96x24x13x7/';
-% debug shearless
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/shearless_CBC/7x4x192x96x24';
+%% Miller
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_4.15_miller/7x4x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_4.15_miller/7x4x128x64x32';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_4.15_miller/7x4x128x64x64';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_4.15_miller/7x5x192x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_4.15_miller/GX_fig4_7x5x192x64x24';
-resdir = ['results/',resdir];
+%% Redo poster
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_6.96_Nexc1/5x3x128x64x24'; %% same as poster
 run analysis_gyacomo
diff --git a/wk/lin_3D_Zpinch.m b/wk/lin_3D_Zpinch.m
index b56220c75ec9a62cec1906e096c8df8863027eca..e6ca8d59b90dca2d3c376562568d0485f8fdbfb1 100644
--- a/wk/lin_3D_Zpinch.m
+++ b/wk/lin_3D_Zpinch.m
@@ -171,12 +171,15 @@ save_figure(data,fig)
 if 0
 %% Mode evolution
-options.NORMALIZED = 0;
-options.K2PLOT = 1;
-options.TIME   = [0:1000];
+options.NORMALIZED = 1;
+options.TIME   = [000:9000];
+options.KX_TW  = [1 20]; %kx Growth rate time window
+options.KY_TW  = [0 20];  %ky Growth rate time window
 options.NMA    = 1;
 options.NMODES = 1;
-options.iz     = 'avg';
+options.iz     = 'avg'; % avg or index
+options.ik     = 1; % sum, max or index
+options.fftz.flag = 0;
 fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options);
diff --git a/wk/lin_3Dzpinch.m b/wk/lin_3Dzpinch.m
deleted file mode 100644
index be6be1d9a9d3a4d7656d1b6cdbd7714107971a48..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/wk/lin_3Dzpinch.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-%% QUICK RUN SCRIPT for linear entropy mode (ETPY) in a Zpinch
-% This script create a directory in /results and run a simulation directly
-% from matlab framework. It is meant to run only small problems in linear
-% for benchmark and debugging purpose since it makes matlab "busy"
-gyacomodir  = pwd;
-gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
-addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
-SIMID   = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN     = 1; % To run or just to load
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
-%% Set Up parameters
-CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.5;           % Collision frequency
-TAU     = 1e-2;            % e/i temperature ratio
-K_Ne    = 0;            % ele Density '''
-K_Te    = 0;            % ele Temperature '''
-K_Ni    = 0;            % ion Density gradient drive
-K_Ti    = 200;            % ion Temperature '''
-SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
-BETA    = 0.0;     % electron plasma beta
-P = 4;
-J = P/2;
-PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
-JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
-PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
-JMAXI   = J;     % "
-NX      = 2;    % real space x-gridpoints
-NY      = 40;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-LX      = 2*pi/0.4;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-LY      = 2*pi/0.2;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
-NZ      = 64;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
-NPOL    = 2;
-SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
-NEXC    = 1;     % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
-GEOMETRY= 'Z-pinch'; % Z-pinch overwrites q0, shear and eps
-EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
-Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
-SHEAR   = 0.0;    % magnetic shear
-KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
-DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
-ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
-PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
-% PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
-SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
-TMAX    = 20;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
-SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
-SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
-JOB2LOAD= -1;
-LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
-% Collision operator
-% (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
-CO      = 'SG';
-GKCO    = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
-ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
-INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
-CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
-NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
-KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
-W_DOUBLE = 1;
-W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
-W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
-% unused
-HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
-MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-MU_X    = MU;     %
-MU_Y    = MU;     %
-N_HD    = 4;
-MU_Z    = 0.0;     %
-MU_P    = 0.0;     %
-MU_J    = 0.0;     %
-LAMBDAD = 0.0;
-NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
-BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
-k_gB   = 0.1;
-k_cB   = 0.1;
-COLL_KCUT = 1.5;
-%% RUN
-% system(['rm fort*.90']);
-% Run linear simulation
-if RUN
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 3 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%% Load results
-filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-LOCALDIR = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-% Load outputs from jobnummin up to jobnummax
-data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,JOBNUMMIN,JOBNUMMAX); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-data.FIGDIR = ['../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-%% Short analysis
-if 0
-%% linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-options.NPLOTS = 3; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
-options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
-lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,options);
-[gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
-[gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./lg.ky);
-msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,lg.ky(kmax)); disp(msg);
-msg = sprintf('gmax/k = %2.2f, kmax/k = %2.2f',gmaxok,lg.ky(kmaxok)); disp(msg);
-if 0
-%% Ballooning plot
-options.time_2_plot = [10 50];
-options.kymodes     = [0.1 0.2 0.4];
-options.normalized  = 1;
-% options.field       = 'phi';
-fig = plot_ballooning(data,options);
-if 0
-%% Hermite-Laguerre spectrum
-% options.TIME = 'avg';
-options.P2J        = 0;
-options.ST         = 0;
-options.PLOT_TYPE  = 'space-time';
-% options.PLOT_TYPE  =   'Tavg-1D';ls
-% options.PLOT_TYPE  = 'Tavg-2D';
-options.NORMALIZED = 1;
-options.JOBNUM     = 0;
-options.TIME       = [0 50];
-options.specie     = 'i';
-options.compz      = 'avg';
-fig = show_moments_spectrum(data,options);
-% fig = show_napjz(data,options);
-% save_figure(data,fig)
-if 1
-%% linear growth rate for 3D Zpinch (kz fourier transform)
-trange = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-options.INTERP = 1;
-options.kxky = 0;
-options.kzkx = 0;
-options.kzky = 1;
-[lg, fig] = compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate(data,trange,options);
-if 0
-%% ES Mode evolution
-options.NORMALIZED = 0;
-options.K2PLOT = 1;
-options.TIME   = [0:1000];
-% options.TIME   = [0.5:0.01:1].*data.Ts3D(end);
-options.NMA    = 1;
-options.NMODES = 32;
-options.iz     = 'avg';
-options.ik     = 1;
-options.fftz.flag = 1;
-options.fftz.ky = 1.5; options.fftz.kx = 0;
-fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options);
-if 0
-ikx = 2; iky = 2; t0 = 0; t1 = data.Ts3D(end);
-[~, it0] = min(abs(t0-data.Ts3D));[~, it1] = min(abs(t1-data.Ts3D));
-plt = @(x) squeeze(mean(real(x(iky,ikx,:,it0:it1)),3))./squeeze(mean(real(x(iky,ikx,:,it0)),3));
-plot(data.Ts3D(it0:it1), plt(data.PHI));
-xlabel('$t$'); ylabel('$\phi_z(t)/\phi_z(0)$')
-title(sprintf('$k_x=$%2.2f, $k_y=$%2.2f',data.kx(ikx),data.ky(iky)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/lin_ETPY.m b/wk/lin_ETPY.m
index fff23bffa8f194aba0001f96a3692323fb00a294..ed2d0e85e461944a284b79d2664b824ae187b232 100644
--- a/wk/lin_ETPY.m
+++ b/wk/lin_ETPY.m
@@ -13,33 +13,33 @@ SIMID   = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
 RUN     = 1; % To run or just to load
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
-%% Set Up parameters
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
+% % Set Up parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.01;           % Collision frequency
+NU      = 0.1;           % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
-K_Ne    = 2.5;            % ele Density '''
+K_Ne    = 2.0;            % ele Density '''
 K_Te    = K_Ne/4;            % ele Temperature '''
 K_Ni    = K_Ne;            % ion Density gradient drive
 K_Ti    = K_Ni/4;            % ion Temperature '''
-SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+SIGMA_E = 1;%0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 KIN_E   = 1;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 0.0;     % electron plasma beta
-P = 4;
+P = 6;
 J = P/2;
 PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
 JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
 PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
 JMAXI   = J;     % "
-NX      = 2;    % real space x-gridpoints
-NY      = 40;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-LY      = 2*pi/0.05;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
+NY      = 20;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
+LX      = 2*pi/0.1;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
+LY      = 2*pi/0.1;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 NZ      = 1;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 NPOL    = 1;
 SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ NEXC    = 1;     % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
 GEOMETRY= 'Z-pinch'; % Z-pinch overwrites q0, shear and eps
-EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
-Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
+EPS     = 0.0;   % inverse aspect ratio
+Q0      = 0.0;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.0;    % magnetic shear
-KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
+KAPPA   = 0.0;    % elongation
 DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
 ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
 PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
 % Collision operator
 % (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
 CO      = 'DG';
-GKCO    = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
+GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
 ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
@@ -80,11 +80,11 @@ KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
 INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
-W_DOUBLE = 1;
+W_DOUBLE = 0;
 W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
 W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+W_DENS   = 0; W_TEMP   = 0;
+W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
 % unused
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
 MU_X    = MU;     %
 MU_Y    = MU;     %
 N_HD    = 4;
-MU_Z    = 0.2;     %
+MU_Z    = 0.0;     %
 MU_P    = 0.0;     %
 MU_J    = 0.0;     %
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;
@@ -179,14 +179,15 @@ save_figure(data,fig)
 if 1
 %% Mode evolution
-options.NORMALIZED = 0;
-options.K2PLOT = 1;
-options.TIME   = [0:1000];
-% options.TIME   = [0.5:0.01:1].*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.NORMALIZED = 1;
+options.TIME   = [000:9000];
+options.KX_TW  = [20 40]; %kx Growth rate time window
+options.KY_TW  = [20 40];  %ky Growth rate time window
 options.NMA    = 1;
 options.NMODES = 32;
-options.iz     = 'avg';
-options.ik     = 1;
+options.iz     = 1; % avg or index
+options.ik     = 1; % sum, max or index
+options.fftz.flag = 0;
 fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options);
diff --git a/wk/lin_ITG.m b/wk/lin_ITG.m
index 5390f57630162d2ef7dd64df3dd2a1a7d3e6c851..64bfc8880e7b1df9765dabcf53f1ee30eb8747fe 100644
--- a/wk/lin_ITG.m
+++ b/wk/lin_ITG.m
@@ -15,18 +15,17 @@ SIMID   = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
 RUN     = 1; % To run or just to load
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_2jm1';
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_dlnBdz';
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_alpha';
 %% Set Up parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.05;           % Collision frequency
+NU      = 0.0000;           % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
-K_Ne    = 1*2.22;            % ele Density '''
-K_Te    = 1*6.96;            % ele Temperature '''
+K_Ne    = 0*2.22;            % ele Density '''
+K_Te    = 0*6.96;            % ele Temperature '''
 K_Ni    = 1*2.22;            % ion Density gradient drive
 K_Ti    = 6.96;            % ion Temperature '''
 % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
@@ -34,7 +33,7 @@ SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
-P = 4;
+P = 6;
 J = 2;%P/2;
 PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
 JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
@@ -49,21 +48,21 @@ NPOL    = 1;
 SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
 NEXC    = 1;     % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
-% GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
-GEOMETRY= 'miller';
+GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
 EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
 Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
 KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
 DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
 ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
-PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
-% PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+% PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
+PARALLEL_BC = 'cyclic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
 SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
-TMAX    = 40;  % Maximal time unit
+TMAX    = 25;  % Maximal time unit
+% DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
 DT      = 2e-2;   % Time step
-% DT      = 5e-4;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
@@ -98,8 +97,9 @@ INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
 MU_X    = MU;     %
 MU_Y    = MU;     %
 N_HD    = 4;
-MU_Z    = 2.0;     %
-MU_P    = 0.0;     %
+MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
+HYP_V   = 'dvpar4';
+MU_P    = 0.5;     %
 MU_J    = 0.0;     %
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;
 NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
@@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ setup
 % system(['rm fort*.90']);
 % Run linear simulation
 if RUN
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 3 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
diff --git a/wk/lin_RHT.m b/wk/lin_RHT.m
index 7c43f8fde0e8c47f26502d56ef0b230f4e8bfade..9fe1bcce57f6c9ebc80409997ecb5b3b35590902 100644
--- a/wk/lin_RHT.m
+++ b/wk/lin_RHT.m
@@ -15,34 +15,34 @@ EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.1;           % Collision frequency
+NU      = 0.0001;           % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
 K_Ne    = 0.0;            % ele Density '''
 K_Te    = 0.0;            % ele Temperature '''
 K_Ni    = 0.0;            % ion Density gradient drive
 K_Ti    = 0.0;            % ion Temperature '''
-SIGMA_E = 0.5;%0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-% SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+% SIGMA_E = 0.5;%0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 0.00;     % electron plasma beta
-P = 4;
-J = P/2;
+P = 64;
+J = 16;
 PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
 JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
 PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
 JMAXI   = J;     % "
 NX      = 2;    % real space x-gridpoints
 NY      = 2;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-LX      = pi/2.5;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
+LX      = 2*pi/0.05;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
 LY      = 2*pi/0.5;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 NZ      = 16;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 NPOL    = 1;
 SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
 % GEOMETRY= 'Z-pinch'; % Z-pinch overwrites q0, shear and eps
-% GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
-GEOMETRY= 'miller';
+GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
 Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
 KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
@@ -52,11 +52,13 @@ NEXC    = 0;      % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear)) %0: adaptiv
 EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
 TMAX    = 50;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
+% DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
+DT      = 1e-3;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS3D   = 5;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS5D   = 1/5;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+SPS3D   = 10;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+SPS5D   = 1/10;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
 JOB2LOAD= -1;
 LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
@@ -72,11 +74,11 @@ KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
 INIT_OPT= 'mom00';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
-W_DOUBLE = 1;
+W_DOUBLE = 0;
 W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
 W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
-W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
-W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+W_DENS   = 0; W_TEMP   = 0;
+W_NAPJ   = 0; W_SAPJ   = 0;
 % unused
@@ -101,26 +103,29 @@ setup
 % system(['rm fort*.90']);
 % Run linear simulation
 if RUN
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',GYACOMODIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 3 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 3 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %% Load results
 filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-LOCALDIR  = [GYACOMODIR,'results/',filename,'/'];
+LOCALDIR = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
 % Load outputs from jobnummin up to jobnummax
 data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,JOBNUMMIN,JOBNUMMAX); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+data.FIGDIR = ['../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
 %% Short analysis
 if 0
 %% linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-trange = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-nplots = 3;
-lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,trange,nplots);
+options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.NPLOTS = 3; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
+options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
+lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,options);
 [gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
 [gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./lg.ky);
 msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,lg.ky(kmax)); disp(msg);
@@ -129,8 +134,8 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Ballooning plot
-options.time_2_plot = [120];
-options.kymodes     = [0.1];
+options.time_2_plot = [10 50];
+options.kymodes     = [0.1 0.2 0.4];
 options.normalized  = 1;
 % options.field       = 'phi';
 fig = plot_ballooning(data,options);
@@ -142,9 +147,10 @@ if 0
 options.P2J        = 1;
 options.ST         = 1;
 options.PLOT_TYPE  = 'space-time';
-% options.PLOT_TYPE  =   'Tavg-1D';
+% options.PLOT_TYPE  =   'Tavg-1D';ls
 % options.PLOT_TYPE  = 'Tavg-2D';
-options.NORMALIZED = 0;
+options.NORMALIZED = 1;
 options.JOBNUM     = 0;
 options.TIME       = [0 50];
 options.specie     = 'i';
@@ -157,33 +163,42 @@ end
 if 0
 %% linear growth rate for 3D Zpinch (kz fourier transform)
 trange = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.INTERP = 0;
 options.keq0 = 1; % chose to plot planes at k=0 or max
 options.kxky = 1;
-options.kzkx = 0;
-options.kzky = 0;
+options.kzkx = 1;
+options.kzky = 1;
 [lg, fig] = compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate(data,trange,options);
 if 0
 %% Mode evolution
-options.NORMALIZED = 0;
-options.K2PLOT = 2;
-options.TIME   = [0:50];
+options.NORMALIZED = 1;
+options.TIME   = [000:9000];
+options.KX_TW  = [20 40]; %kx Growth rate time window
+options.KY_TW  = [20 40];  %ky Growth rate time window
 options.NMA    = 1;
-options.NMODES = 1;
-options.iz     = 'avg';
+options.NMODES = 32;
+options.iz     = 1; % avg or index
+options.ik     = 1; % sum, max or index
+options.fftz.flag = 0;
 fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options);
-% save_figure(data,fig,'.png')
 if 1
-ikx = 2; iky = 2; t0 = 0; t1 = data.Ts3D(end);
+ikx = 2; iky = 1; t0 = 0; t1 = data.Ts3D(end);
 [~, it0] = min(abs(t0-data.Ts3D));[~, it1] = min(abs(t1-data.Ts3D));
-plt = @(x) squeeze(mean(real(x(iky,ikx,:,it0:it1)),3));%./squeeze(mean(real(x(iky,ikx,:,it0)),3));
+plt = @(x) squeeze(mean(real(x(iky,ikx,:,it0:it1)),3))./squeeze(mean(real(x(iky,ikx,:,it0)),3));
+t_ = data.Ts3D(it0:it1);
+TH = 1.635*EPS^1.5 + 0.5*EPS^2+0.35*EPS^2.5; theory = 1/(1+Q0^2*TH/EPS^2);
+clr_ = lines(20);
-plot(data.Ts3D(it0:it1), plt(data.PHI));
+plot(t_, plt(data.PHI),'color',clr_(min((data.Pmaxi-1)/2,20),:)); hold on;
+plot(t_,0.5* exp(-t_*NU)+theory,'--k');
+plot([t_(1) t_(end)],theory*[1 1],'-k');
 xlabel('$t$'); ylabel('$\phi_z(t)/\phi_z(0)$')
 title(sprintf('$k_x=$%2.2f, $k_y=$%2.2f',data.kx(ikx),data.ky(iky)))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/load_metadata_scan.m b/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
index eeebd3e46b755b44ea99f4720fd43e3aa4cd152d..df8ed3ec4d00bb199394241ebf27e0f46f15cc6a 100644
--- a/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
+++ b/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
@@ -1,32 +1,51 @@
-%% Metadata locations
-% Scans over KT and PJ, keeping ky, CO constant
-% datafname = 'p2_CBC_convergence_KT_PJ/12x24_ky_0.3_kT_3_7__P_2_30_DGdkaa_0.05.mat';
-% datafname = 'p2_CBC_convergence_KT_PJ/12x24_ky_0.3_kT_3_7__P_2_30_DGdkaa_0.01.mat';
-% datafname = 'p2_CBC_convergence_KT_PJ/12x24_ky_0.3_kT_3_7__P_2_30_DGdkaa_0.mat';
-% Scans over NU and PJ, keeping ky and KY constant
-% datafname = 'p2_CBC_convergence_coll_PJ/12x24_ky_0.3_nu_0_0.1__P_2_30_KT_6.96.mat';
-datafname = 'p2_CBC_convergence_coll_PJ/12x24_ky_0.3_nu_0_0.1__P_2_30_KT_5.3.mat';
+% Metadata path
+%% Scans over KT and NU, keeping ky, CO constant (CBC_kT_nu_scan.m)
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3_6.96_nu_0_1_DGDK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_P_8_J_4_kT_3_6.96_nu_0_1_DGDK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_P_16_J_8_kT_3_6.96_nu_0_1_DGDK.mat';
+%% Scans over KT and PJ, keeping ky, CO constant (CBC_kT_PJ_scan.m)
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_kT_3_6.96_P_2_40_DGDK_0.05.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_kT_3_6.96_P_2_30_DGDK_0.05.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_kT_3_6.96_P_2_40_DGDK_0.025.mat';
+%% Scans over NU and PJ, keeping ky and KY constant (CBC_nu_PJ_scan.m)
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_DGDK_P_2_40_KT_6.96.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_DGDK_P_2_40_KT_5.3.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_SGGK_P_2_20_KT_6.96.mat';
+%  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_hypcoll_P_2_30_KT_6.96.mat';
+%  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_hypcoll_P_2_30_KT_5.3.mat';
+ datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_30_KT_6.96.mat';
+%  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_10_KT_6.96.mat';
+%  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_6_10_KT_6.96.mat';
+%  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_10_KT_5.3.mat';
+%% Scans over P and J, keeping nu, ky and kT constant (CBC_P_J_scan.m)
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_30_kT_6.96_DGDK_0.05.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_30_kT_5.3_DGDK_0.05.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_20_kT_6.96_DGDK_0.02.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_30_kT_5.3_DGDK_0.025.mat';
 %% Load data
 fname = ['../results/',datafname];
 d = load(fname);
 if 1
 %% Pcolor of the peak
-[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(d.s1,d.s2);
+% [XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(d.s1,d.s2);
+[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(1:numel(d.s1),1:numel(d.s2));
 xlabel(d.s1name); ylabel(d.s2name);
+% colormap(jet)
 clb.Label.String = '$\gamma c_s/R$';
 clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
 clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
-if 0
+if 1
 %% Scan along first dimension
-colors_  = jet(numel(d.s2));
+colors_ = jet(numel(d.s2));
 for i = 1:numel(d.s2)
 %     plot(d.s1,d.data(:,i),'s-',...
 %         'LineWidth',2.0,...
@@ -42,7 +61,8 @@ xlabel(d.s1name); ylabel(d.dname);title(d.title);
 xlim([d.s1(1) d.s1(end)]);
 clb = colorbar;
 clb.Label.String = d.s2name;
 clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
@@ -53,23 +73,25 @@ if 0
 colors_ = jet(numel(d.s1));
 for i = 1:numel(d.s1)
-%     plot(d.s2,d.data(i,:),'s-',...
-%         'LineWidth',2.0,...
-%         'DisplayName',[d.s1name,'=',num2str(d.s1(i))],...
-%         'color',colors_(i,:)); 
-    errorbar(d.s2,d.data(i,:),d.err(i,:),'s-',...
+    plot(d.s2,d.data(i,:),'s-',...
+%     errorbar(d.s2,d.data(i,:),d.err(i,:),'s-',...
+%         'LineWidth',2.0,...
+%         'DisplayName',[d.s1name,'=',num2str(d.s1(i))],...
+%         'color',colors_(i,:)); 
     hold on;
 xlabel(d.s2name); ylabel(d.dname);title(d.title);
 xlim([d.s2(1) d.s2(end)]);
 clb = colorbar;
 clb.Label.String = d.s1name;
+clb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'latex';
 clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
 clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
@@ -77,24 +99,66 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Convergence analysis
+% target_ = 0.25*(d.data(end,end)+d.data(end-i_,end)+d.data(end,end-i_)+d.data(end-i_,end-i_));
 colors_ = jet(numel(d.s1));
 for i = 1:numel(d.s1)
-    target_ = d.data(i,end);
-    eps_    = abs(target_ - d.data(i,1:end-1));
-    semilogy(d.s2(1:end-1),eps_,'s',...
+%     target_ = d.data(i,end);
+    target_ = 2.79666916212537142172e-01; % Value for nuDGDK = 0.05, kT=6.96, (40,20), Nkx=8
+    if target_ > 0
+    eps_    = abs(target_ - d.data(i,1:end-1))/abs(target_);
+    semilogy(d.s2(1:end-1),eps_,'-s',...
     hold on;
+    end
-xlabel(d.s2name); ylabel('$\epsilon$');title(d.title);
+xlabel(d.s2name); ylabel('$\epsilon_r$');title(d.title);
 xlim([d.s2(1) d.s2(end)]);
 clb = colorbar;
 clb.Label.String = d.s1name;
+clb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'latex';
 clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
 clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
 grid on;
+if 0
+%% Pcolor of the error
+figure;  i_ = 0;
+% target_ = 2.72724991618068013377e-01; % Value for nuDGDK = 1.0, kT=6.96, (40,20), Nkx=8
+% target_ = 2.79666916212537142172e-01; % Value for nuDGDK = 0.05, kT=6.96, (40,20), Nkx=8
+target_ = 2.73048910051283844069e-01; % Value for nuDGDK = 0.0, kT=6.96, (40,20), Nkx=8
+% target_ = 0.25*(d.data(end,end)+d.data(end-i_,end)+d.data(end,end-i_)+d.data(end-i_,end-i_));
+% eps_    = log(abs(target_ - d.data)/abs(target_));
+eps_    = max(-10,log(abs(target_ - d.data)/abs(target_)));
+sign_   = 1;%sign(d.data - target_);
+eps_ = d.data;
+for i = 1:numel(d.s1)
+    target_ = d.data(i,end);
+    eps_(i,:) = log(abs(target_ - d.data(i,1:end)));
+    if target_ > 0
+%     eps_(i,:) = max(-12,log(abs(target_ - d.data(i,1:end))/abs(target_)));
+%     eps_(i,:) = log(abs(target_ - d.data(i,1:end))/abs(target_));
+%     eps_(i,:) = min(100,100*abs(target_ - d.data(i,1:end))/abs(target_));
+    else
+    end
+[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(d.s1,d.s2);
+[XX_,YY_] = meshgrid(1:numel(d.s1),1:numel(d.s2));
+xlabel(d.s1name); ylabel(d.s2name);
+% colormap(jet)
+% caxis([-10, 0]);
+clb.Label.String = '$\log(\epsilon_r)$';
+clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
+clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/p2_heatflux_salpha_convergence.m b/wk/p2_heatflux_salpha_convergence.m
index 092f776fee7e526fbd9731428fbcfb75b644cf34..edeaa0afbc2289835c718dfe41619cfb55bdbf6d 100644
--- a/wk/p2_heatflux_salpha_convergence.m
+++ b/wk/p2_heatflux_salpha_convergence.m
@@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
 %% Heat flux convergence for kt=6.96 and 5.3
 title('s-$\alpha$ turb. heat flux conv.');
-% KT 6.96, nuDGDK = 0.05, 128x64x24, Nexc 5
-P   = [2    4     12];
-Qx  = [52.4 46.1 0];
-std_= [12.1 4.98 0];
+% KT 6.96, nuDGDK = 0.05, 128x64x24, Nexc 5 (cyclic BC)
+P   = [2    4    6  8];
+Qx  = [47.6 46.1 48.9 51.6];
+std_= [4.19 4.98 2.78 6.25];
     'DisplayName','KT 6.9, nuDGDK 0.05'); hold on
 xlabel('$P$, $J=P/2$'); ylabel('$Q_x$');
-% KT 6.96, nuDGDK = 0.05, 192x96x24, Nexc 5
+% % KT 6.96, nuDGDK = 0.05, 192x96x24, Nexc 5 (dirichlet BC)
+% P   = [4    6    8    10  ];
+% Qx  = [44.1 48.9 45.5 00.0];
+% std_= [9.63 6.13 13.8 0.00];
+%     errorbar(P,Qx,std_/2,'o-r',...
+%     'LineWidth',2.0,'MarkerSize',8,...
+%     'DisplayName','KT 6.9, nuDGDK 0.05'); hold on
+% xlabel('$P$, $J=P/2$'); ylabel('$Q_x$');
+% KT 6.96, nuDGDK = 0.05, 192x96x24, Nexc 5 (dirichlet BC)
 P   = [4    6    8    10  ];
-Qx  = [42.9 44.9 00.0 00.0];
-std_= [9.15 7.12 0.00 0.00];
+Qx  = [36.7 44.4 45.5 00.0];
+std_= [2.67 4.57 13.8 0.00];
     'DisplayName','KT 6.9, nuDGDK 0.05'); hold on