From 13b3cf18247e0a18ef5e3d28d67fbe1e27775434 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Antoine Hoffmann <> Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2023 13:38:55 +0100 Subject: [PATCH] scripts update --- matlab/compile_results.m | 11 +- .../compute/compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate.m | 18 ++- matlab/compute/compute_fa_1D.m | 2 +- matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m | 2 +- matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m | 86 ++++++++++--- matlab/compute/process.m | 0 matlab/extract_fig_data.m | 2 +- matlab/load/load_gene_data.m | 29 +++-- matlab/plot/imagesc_custom.m | 12 ++ matlab/plot/plot_fa.m | 15 +-- matlab/plot/plot_fa_gene.m | 28 +++-- .../plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m | 113 +++++++++--------- matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m | 5 +- matlab/process_field_v2.m | 79 ++++++++---- 14 files changed, 267 insertions(+), 135 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 matlab/compute/process.m create mode 100644 matlab/plot/imagesc_custom.m diff --git a/matlab/compile_results.m b/matlab/compile_results.m index 17b9a018..f6ccd44b 100644 --- a/matlab/compile_results.m +++ b/matlab/compile_results.m @@ -45,10 +45,18 @@ DATA.outfilenames = {}; ii = 1; while(CONTINUE) filename = sprintf([DIRECTORY,'outputs_%.2d.h5'],JOBNUM); + % Check presence and jobnummax if (exist(filename, 'file') == 2 && JOBNUM <= JOBNUMMAX) DATA.outfilenames{ii} = filename; + %test if it is corrupted or currently running + try + openable = ~isempty(h5read(filename,'/data/var3d/time')); + catch + openable = 0 + end + if openable %% load results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% - disp(['Loading ',filename]) + disp(sprintf('Loading ID %.2d (%s)',JOBNUM,filename)); % Loading from output file CPUTIME = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','cpu_time'); DT_SIM = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','dt'); @@ -219,6 +227,7 @@ while(CONTINUE) LASTJOB = JOBNUM; Pe_old = Pe_new; Je_old = Je_new; Pi_old = Pi_new; Ji_old = Ji_new; + end elseif (JOBNUM > JOBNUMMAX) CONTINUE = 0; disp(['found ',num2str(JOBFOUND),' results']); diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate.m b/matlab/compute/compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate.m index c89597b1..76340d07 100644 --- a/matlab/compute/compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate.m +++ b/matlab/compute/compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate.m @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['growth_rate_kx=0_ky=0_planes',DATA.PARAMS]; t = DATA.Ts3D; [~,its] = min(abs(t-TRANGE(1))); [~,ite] = min(abs(t-TRANGE(end))); -nkx = DATA.Nkx; nky = DATA.Nky; nkz = DATA.Nz/2; +nkx = DATA.Nkx; nky = DATA.Nky; nt = numel(t); % Remove AA part if DATA.Nx > 1 ikxnz = abs(DATA.PHI(1,:,1,1)) > 0; @@ -15,19 +15,27 @@ ikynz = abs(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,1)) > 0; ikynz(1) = 1; ikxnz(1) = 1; %put k=0 in the analysis +% phi = fft(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,:),[],3); Y = fft(DATA.PHI(ikynz,ikxnz,:,:),[],3); -phi = Y(:,:,2:2:end,:); +phi = Y(:,:,2:2:end,:); sz_=size(phi); +nkz = sz_(3); +% tmp_ = ifourier_GENE(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,1)); sz_ = size(tmp_); +% phi = zeros(sz_(1),sz_(2),sz_(3),nt); +% for it = 1:nt +% tmp_ = ifourier_GENE(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it)); +% phi(:,:,:,it) = fftn(tmp_); +% end omega = zeros(nky,nkx,nkz); for ikz = 1:nkz for iky = 1:nky - for ix = 1:nkx + for ikx = 1:nkx % omega(iy,ix,iz) = LinearFit_s(t(its:ite),squeeze(abs(phi(iy,ix,iz,its:ite)))); - to_measure = squeeze(log(phi(iky,ix,ikz,its:ite))); + to_measure = squeeze(log(abs(phi(iky,ikx,ikz,its:ite)))); tmp = polyfit(t(its:ite),to_measure(:),1); if ~(isnan(tmp(1)) || isinf(tmp(1))) - omega(iky,ix,ikz) = tmp(1); + omega(iky,ikx,ikz) = tmp(1); end end end diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_fa_1D.m b/matlab/compute/compute_fa_1D.m index 1d249676..f8d56946 100644 --- a/matlab/compute/compute_fa_1D.m +++ b/matlab/compute/compute_fa_1D.m @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ xmin = min(abs(x)); [~, iky0] = min(abs(; kx_ = data.kx; ky_ =; -switch options.SPECIE +switch options.SPECIES case 'e' Napj_ = data.Nepj; parray = double(data.Pe); diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m b/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m index a9c09931..8d9758e0 100644 --- a/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m +++ b/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ FaM = @(s,x) exp(-s.^2-x); [~, iky0] = min(abs(; kx_ = data.kx; ky_ =; -switch options.SPECIE +switch options.SPECIES case 'e' Napj_ = data.Nepj; parray = double(data.Pe); diff --git a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m index dda3387e..076058a7 100644 --- a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m +++ b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m @@ -2,12 +2,16 @@ function [FIGURE] = mode_growth_meter(DATA,OPTIONS) NORMALIZED = OPTIONS.NORMALIZED; Nma = OPTIONS.NMA; %Number moving average +d = OPTIONS.fftz.flag; % To add spectral evolution of z (useful for 3d zpinch) + switch OPTIONS.iz case 'avg' field = squeeze(mean(DATA.PHI,3)); + zstrcomp = 'z-avg'; otherwise field = squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,:,OPTIONS.iz,:)); + zstrcomp = ['z=',DATA.z(OPTIONS.iz)]; end FRAMES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.TIME)); @@ -18,16 +22,18 @@ FRAMES = unique(FRAMES); t = DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES); % time window where we measure the growth -it1 = floor(numel(t)/2); -it2 = numel(t); +TW = [OPTIONS.KY_TW; OPTIONS.KX_TW]; [~,ikzf] = max(mean(squeeze(abs(field(1,:,FRAMES))),2)); FIGURE.fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position', [100 100 1200 700]) FIGURE.FIGNAME = 'mode_growth_meter'; for i = 1:2 - MODES_SELECTOR = i; %(2:Zonal, 1: NZonal) + MODES_SELECTOR = i; %(1:kx=0; 2:ky=0) + [~,it1] = min(abs(t-TW(i,1))); + [~,it2] = min(abs(t-TW(i,2))); + if MODES_SELECTOR == 2 switch OPTIONS.ik case 'sum' @@ -68,13 +74,6 @@ for i = 1:2 end MODES = 1:numel(k); - % MODES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.K2PLOT)); - % for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.K2PLOT) - % [~,MODES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.K2PLOT(i)-k)); - % end - - - % plt = @(x,ik) abs(squeeze(x(1,ik,iz,FRAMES)))./max(abs(squeeze(x(1,ik,iz,FRAMES)))); gamma = MODES; amp = MODES; @@ -89,15 +88,17 @@ for i = 1:2 mod2plot = [2:min(Nmax,OPTIONS.NMODES+1)]; clr_ = jet(numel(mod2plot)); %plot - subplot(2,3,1+3*(i-1)) +% subplot(2+d,3,1+3*(i-1)) + FIGURE.axes(1+3*(i-1)) = subplot(2+d,3,1+3*(i-1),'parent',FIGURE.fig); [YY,XX] = meshgrid(t,fftshift(k)); pclr = pcolor(XX,YY,abs(plt(fftshift(field,MODES_SELECTOR),1:numel(k))));set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); hold on; set(gca,'YDir','normal') % xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1]) xlabel(['$',kstr,'\rho_s$']); ylabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$'); - title(MODESTR) + title([MODESTR,', ',zstrcomp]) - subplot(2,3,2+3*(i-1)) +% subplot(2+d,3,2+3*(i-1)) + FIGURE.axes(2+3*(i-1)) = subplot(2+d,3,2+3*(i-1),'parent',FIGURE.fig); for i_ = 1:numel(mod2plot) semilogy(t,plt(field,MODES(mod2plot(i_))),'color',clr_(i_,:)); hold on; % semilogy(t,exp(gamma(i_).*t+amp(i_)),'--k') @@ -112,7 +113,8 @@ for i = 1:2 xlabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$'); ylabel(['$|\phi_{',kstr,'}|$']); title('Measure time window') - subplot(2,3,3+3*(i-1)) +% subplot(2+d,3,3+3*(i-1)) + FIGURE.axes(3+3*(i-1)) = subplot(2+d,3,3+3*(i-1),'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(k(MODES),gamma,... 'DisplayName',['(',num2str(DATA.Pmaxi-1),',',num2str(DATA.Jmaxi-1),')']); hold on; for i_ = 1:numel(mod2plot) @@ -124,4 +126,60 @@ for i = 1:2 xlabel(['$',kstr,'\rho_s$']); ylabel('$\gamma$'); title('Growth rates') end + +if d + [~,ikx] = min(abs(DATA.kx-OPTIONS.fftz.kx)); + [~,iky] = min(abs(; + sz_=size(DATA.PHI);nkz = sz_(3)/2; + k = [(0:nkz/2), (-nkz/2+1):-1]/DATA.Npol; + % Spectral treatment of z-dimension + Y = fft(DATA.PHI(iky,ikx,:,:),[],3); + phi = squeeze(Y(1,1,2:2:end,:)); + + gamma = zeros(nkz); + for ikz = 1:nkz + to_measure = squeeze(log(abs(phi(ikz,it1:it2)))); + tmp = polyfit(t(it1:it2),to_measure(:),1); + if ~(isnan(tmp(1)) || isinf(tmp(1))) + gamma(ikz) = tmp(1); + end + end + %plot + MODES = 1:numel(k); + mod2plot = [2:2:min(nkz,OPTIONS.NMODES+1)]; + clr_ = jet(numel(mod2plot)); + subplot(3,3,7) + [YY,XX] = meshgrid(t,fftshift(k)); + pclr = pcolor(XX,YY,abs(phi));set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); hold on; + set(gca,'YDir','normal') + % xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1]) + xlabel('$k_\parallel$'); ylabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$'); + title(['$k_x=$',num2str(DATA.kx(ikx)),', $k_y=$',num2str(]); + + subplot(3,3,8) + for i_ = 1:numel(mod2plot) + im_ = MODES(mod2plot(i_)); + semilogy(t,abs(phi(im_,:)),'color',clr_(i_,:)); hold on; + end + %plot the time window where the gr are measured + plot(t(it1)*[1 1],[1e-10 1],'--k') + plot(t(it2)*[1 1],[1e-10 1],'--k') + xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1]) + xlabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$'); ylabel(['$|\phi_{',kstr,'}|$']); + title('Measure time window') + + subplot(3,3,9) + plot(k(MODES),gamma,... + 'DisplayName',['(',num2str(DATA.Pmaxi-1),',',num2str(DATA.Jmaxi-1),')']); hold on; + for i_ = 1:numel(mod2plot) + plot(k(MODES(mod2plot(i_))),gamma(mod2plot(i_)),'x','color',clr_(i_,:)); + end + if MODES_SELECTOR == 2 + plot(k(ikzf),gamma(ikzf),'ok'); + end + xlabel(['$k_\parallel$']); ylabel('$\gamma$'); + title('Growth rates') + +end + end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/matlab/compute/process.m b/matlab/compute/process.m deleted file mode 100644 index e69de29b..00000000 diff --git a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m index 705b7f3a..4be8de84 100644 --- a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m +++ b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ % tw = [3000 4000]; % tw = [4000 4500]; % tw = [4500 5000]; -tw = [00 40000]; +tw = [400 40000]; fig = gcf; axObjs = fig.Children; diff --git a/matlab/load/load_gene_data.m b/matlab/load/load_gene_data.m index 641e6dd9..63554d8a 100644 --- a/matlab/load/load_gene_data.m +++ b/matlab/load/load_gene_data.m @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ function [ DATA ] = load_gene_data( folder ) %to load gene data as for HeLaZ results namelist = read_namelist([folder,'parameters.dat']); DATA.namelist = namelist; +DATA.folder = folder; %% Grid coofile = 'coord.dat.h5'; DATA.vp = h5read([folder,coofile],'/coord/vp'); @@ -52,16 +53,24 @@ momfile = 'mom_ions.dat.h5'; for jt = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D) t = DATA.Ts3D(jt); [~, it] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-t)); -% -% tmp = h5read([folder,momfile],['/mom_ions/dens/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); -% DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; -% % -% tmp = h5read([folder,momfile],['/mom_ions/T_par/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); -% DATA.TPAR_I(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; -% % -% tmp = h5read([folder,momfile],['/mom_ions/T_perp/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); -% DATA.TPER_I(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; -% +try + tmp = h5read([folder,momfile],['/mom_ions/dens/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); + DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; +catch + DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,it) = 0; +end +try + tmp = h5read([folder,momfile],['/mom_ions/T_par/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); + DATA.TPAR_I(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; +catch + DATA.TPAR_I(:,:,:,it) = 0; +end +try + tmp = h5read([folder,momfile],['/mom_ions/T_perp/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); + DATA.TPER_I(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; +catch + DATA.TPER_I(:,:,:,it) = 0; +end tmp = h5read([folder,phifile],['/field/phi/',sprintf('%10.10d',it-1)]); DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it) = tmp.real + 1i*tmp.imaginary; diff --git a/matlab/plot/imagesc_custom.m b/matlab/plot/imagesc_custom.m new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3b57744e --- /dev/null +++ b/matlab/plot/imagesc_custom.m @@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ +function [ fig ] = imagesc_custom( XX,YY,FF) +% CUSTOM IMAGESC this custom function is meant to be used exaclty as pcolor +% but plotting array values in pixels (like imagesc) and not in vertices (like pcolor). + +fig = imagesc( XX(1,:), YY(:,1), FF); +set(gca,'YDir','normal') +xticks(XX(1,:)); +% xticklabels(num2str(XX(1,:))); +yticks(YY(:,1)); +% yticklabels(num2str(YY(:,1))); +end + diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_fa.m b/matlab/plot/plot_fa.m index 2395489c..7faeabeb 100644 --- a/matlab/plot/plot_fa.m +++ b/matlab/plot/plot_fa.m @@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ end if OPTIONS.ONED [s,x,fsa,fxa] = compute_fa_1D(DATA, OPTIONS); [~,it] = min(abs(OPTIONS.T-DATA.Ts5D)); - subplot(1,2,1) + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(1,2,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(s,fsa); hold on - legend(OPTIONS.SPECIE) + legend(OPTIONS.SPECIES) xlabel('$v_\parallel, (\mu=0)$'); ylabel(['$\langle |f_a|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$, ',zcomp]); title(DATA.param_title); - subplot(1,2,2) + FIGURE.ax2 = subplot(1,2,2,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(x,fxa); hold on; - legend(OPTIONS.SPECIE) + legend(OPTIONS.SPECIES) xlabel('$\mu, (v_\parallel=0)$'); ylabel(['$\langle |f_a|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$, ',zcomp]); if numel(it) == 1 title(['t=',num2str(DATA.Ts5D(it))]); @@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ if OPTIONS.ONED end else + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(1,1,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); [SS,XX,FFa] = compute_fa_2D(DATA, OPTIONS); sz = size(SS); FFa = FFa'; [~,it] = min(abs(OPTIONS.T-DATA.Ts5D)); switch OPTIONS.PLT_FCT @@ -47,13 +48,13 @@ else xlim([min(OPTIONS.SPAR) max(OPTIONS.SPAR)]); ylim(sqrt(max(OPTIONS.XPERP))*[-1 1]); end - legend(['$\langle |f_',OPTIONS.SPECIE,'|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$',zcomp]) + legend(['$\langle |f_',OPTIONS.SPECIES,'|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$',zcomp]) if numel(it) == 1 - title(['HeLaZ''$\langle |f_',OPTIONS.SPECIE... + title(['HeLaZ''$\langle |f_',OPTIONS.SPECIES... ,'|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$',zcomp... ,', $t=$[',sprintf('%1.1f',DATA.Ts5D(it)),']']); else - title(['HeLaZ''$\langle |f_',OPTIONS.SPECIE,... + title(['HeLaZ''$\langle |f_',OPTIONS.SPECIES,... '|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$',zcomp,... ', average $t\in$[',sprintf('%1.1f',DATA.Ts5D(min(it))),',',sprintf('%1.1f',DATA.Ts5D(max(it))),']']); end diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_fa_gene.m b/matlab/plot/plot_fa_gene.m index 9743d80a..edcc0738 100644 --- a/matlab/plot/plot_fa_gene.m +++ b/matlab/plot/plot_fa_gene.m @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ -function plot_fa_gene(OPTIONS) +function [FIGURE] = plot_fa_gene(OPTIONS) folder = OPTIONS.folder; -TIMES = OPTIONS.times; -specie = OPTIONS.specie; +TIMES = OPTIONS.T; +SPECIES = OPTIONS.SPECIES; PLT_FCT= OPTIONS.PLT_FCT; file = 'coord.dat.h5'; @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ end file = 'vsp.dat.h5'; time = h5read([folder,file],'/vsp/time'); -fig = figure; +FIGURE.fig = figure; G_t = []; Gdata = 0; @@ -38,30 +38,32 @@ end Gdata = Gdata ./ numel(TIMES); if OPTIONS.ONED - switch specie + switch SPECIES case 'e' FFa = zcomp(Gdata(:,:,:,2)); FFa = abs(FFa)./max(max(abs(FFa))); - subplot(1,2,1) + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(1,2,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(vp,FFa(:,im0)); hold on; - subplot(1,2,2) + FIGURE.ax2 = subplot(1,2,2,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(mu,FFa(iv0,:)); hold on; case 'i' FFa = zcomp(Gdata(:,:,:,1)); FFa = abs(FFa)./max(max(abs(FFa))); end - subplot(1,2,1) + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(1,2,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(vp,FFa(:,im0)); hold on; - legend(specie) + legend(SPECIES) xlabel('$v_\parallel, (\mu=0)$'); ylabel('$\langle |f_a|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$'); - subplot(1,2,2) + FIGURE.ax2 = subplot(1,2,2,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(mu,FFa(iv0,:)); hold on; - legend(specie) - xlabel('$\mu, (v_\parallel=0)$'); ylabel('$\langle |f_a|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$'); + legend(SPECIES) + xlabel('$\mu, (v_\parallel=0)$'); %ylabel('$\langle |f_a|^2\rangle_{xy}^{1/2}$'); + xticks(FIGURE.ax2,[]); else -switch specie + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(1,1,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); +switch SPECIES case 'e' name = '$f_e(v_\parallel,\mu_p)$'; FFa = zcomp(squeeze(Gdata(:,:,:,2))); diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m index ca11c1fd..e37e1073 100644 --- a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m +++ b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -function [FIGURE] = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(DATA, OPTIONS) +function [FIGURE] = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(DATA, OPTIONS,CODE) %Compute steady radial transport tend = OPTIONS.TAVG_1; tstart = OPTIONS.TAVG_0; [~,its0D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts0D-tstart)); @@ -31,51 +31,41 @@ function [FIGURE] = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(DATA, OPTIONS) % disp(['Q_avg=',sprintf('%2.2e',Qx_avg),'+-',sprintf('%2.2e',Qx_err)]); %% computations - % Compute Gamma from ifft matlab - Gx = zeros(DATA.Ny,DATA.Nx,numel(DATA.Ts3D)); -% for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D) -% for iz = 1:DATA.Nz -% Gx(:,:,it) = Gx(:,:,it) + ifourier_GENE(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)))... -% .*ifourier_GENE(DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,it)); -% end -% Gx(:,:,it) = Gx(:,:,it)/DATA.Nz; -% end - Gx_t_mtlb = squeeze(mean(mean(Gx,1),2)); - % Compute Heat flux from ifft matlab - Qx = zeros(DATA.Ny,DATA.Nx,numel(DATA.Ts3D)); -% for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D) -% for iz = 1:DATA.Nz -% Qx(:,:,it) = Qx(:,:,it) + ifourier_GENE(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)))... -% .*ifourier_GENE(DATA.TEMP_I(:,:,iz,it)); -% end -% Qx(:,:,it) = Qx(:,:,it)/DATA.Nz; -% end - Qx_t_mtlb = squeeze(mean(mean(Qx,1),2)); - % zonal vs nonzonal energies for phi(t) - + % Compute zonal and non zonal energies E_Zmode_SK = zeros(1,Ns3D); E_NZmode_SK = zeros(1,Ns3D); for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D) E_Zmode_SK(it) = squeeze(^2.*abs(squeeze(f_avg_z(ikzf,1,it))).^2); E_NZmode_SK(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((1+KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(squeeze(f_avg_z(:,:,it))).^2.*(KY~=0))))); end - + % Compute thermodynamic entropy Eq.(5) Navarro et al. 2012 PoP + % 1/2 sum_p sum_j Napj^2(k=0) (avg z) + switch CODE + case 'GYACOMO' + Nipjz = sum(sum(sum(sum(conj(DATA.Nipj).*DATA.Nipj)))); + ff = trapz(DATA.z,Nipjz,5); + E_TE = 0.5*squeeze(ff); + % Compute electrostatic energy + E_ES = zeros(size(DATA.Ts5D)); + bi = sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)*DATA.sigma_i*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_i); %argument of the kernel + for it5D = 1:numel(DATA.Ts5D) + [~,it3D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-DATA.Ts5D(it5D))); + for in = 1:DATA.Jmaxi + Knphi = kernel(in-1,bi).*squeeze(trapz(DATA.z,DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it3D),3)); + Ni0n_z= squeeze(trapz(DATA.z,DATA.Nipj(1,in,:,:,:,it5D),5)); + E_ES(it5D) = 0.5*sum(sum(abs(conj(Knphi).*Ni0n_z))); + end + end + otherwise + E_TE = 0; E_ES =0; DATA.Ts5D =[0 1]; + end %% Figure mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA); - FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['ZF_transport_drphi','_',DATA.PARAMS]; set(gcf, 'Position', [500, 1000, 1000, 600]) - subplot(311) -% yyaxis left + FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['ZF_transport_drphi','_',DATA.PARAMS]; %set(gcf, 'Position', [500, 1000, 1000, 600]) + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(3,1,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); plot(mvm(DATA.Ts0D),mvm(DATA.PGAMMA_RI*SCALE),'DisplayName','$\langle n_i \partial_y\phi \rangle_y$'); hold on; -% plot(mvm(DATA.Ts3D),mvm(Gx_t_mtlb),'DisplayName','matlab comp.'); hold on; -% plot(DATA.Ts0D(its0D:ite0D),ones(ite0D-its0D+1,1)*Gx_infty_avg, '-k',... -% 'DisplayName',['$\Gamma^{\infty} = $',num2str(Gx_infty_avg),'$\pm$',num2str(Gx_infty_std)]); -% ylabel('$\Gamma_x$') -% ylim([0,5*abs(Gx_infty_avg)]); -% xlim([DATA.Ts0D(1),DATA.Ts0D(end)]); -% yyaxis right plot(mvm(DATA.Ts0D),mvm(DATA.HFLUX_X*SCALE),'DisplayName','$\langle n_i \partial_y\phi \rangle_y$'); hold on; -% plot(mvm(DATA.Ts3D),mvm(Qx_t_mtlb),'DisplayName','matlab comp.'); hold on; ylabel('Transport') if(~isnan(Qx_infty_avg)) plot(DATA.Ts0D(its0D:ite0D),ones(ite0D-its0D+1,1)*Qx_infty_avg, '-k',... @@ -92,15 +82,26 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA); grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); title({DATA.param_title,... ['$\Gamma^{\infty} = $',num2str(Gx_infty_avg),'$, Q^{\infty} = $',num2str(Qx_infty_avg)]}); - %% radial shear radial profile - % computation + + %% Free energy + FIGURE.ax2 = subplot(3,1,2,'parent',FIGURE.fig); + yyaxis left + plot(DATA.Ts5D,E_TE,'DisplayName','$\epsilon_f$'); hold on; + ylabel('Entropy');%('$\epsilon_f$') + yyaxis right + plot(DATA.Ts5D,E_ES,'DisplayName','$\epsilon_\phi$'); + ylabel('ES energy');%('$\epsilon_\phi$') + xlim([DATA.Ts5D(1), DATA.Ts5D(end)]); + xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]);% xlim([0 500]); +%% radial shear radial profile + % computation Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D); [KX, KY] = meshgrid(DATA.kx,; plt = @(x) mean(x(:,:,:),1); kycut = max(; kxcut = max(DATA.kx); LP = (abs(KY)<kycut).*(abs(KX)<kxcut); %Low pass filter - + OPTIONS.NAME = OPTIONS.ST_FIELD; OPTIONS.PLAN = 'xy'; OPTIONS.COMP = 'avg'; @@ -110,7 +111,7 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA); f2plot = toplot.FIELD; dframe = ite3D - its3D; clim = max(max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,:)))))); - subplot(313) + FIGURE.ax3 = subplot(3,1,3,'parent',FIGURE.fig); [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.x,DATA.Ts3D(toplot.FRAMES)); pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze(plt(f2plot))'); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); @@ -126,21 +127,21 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA); subplot(311) plot(DATA.Ts3D,squeeze(mean(plt(f2plot),1))); end -%% Zonal vs NZonal energies - subplot(312) - it0 = 1; itend = Ns3D; - trange = toplot.FRAMES; - plt1 = @(x) x;%-x(1); - plt2 = @(x) x./max((x(:))); - toplot = sum(squeeze(plt(f2plot)).^2,1); %ST from before -% plty = @(x) x(500:end)./max(squeeze(x(500:end))); - yyaxis left -% plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_Zmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$k_{zf}^2|\phi_{kzf}|^2$'); - plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(toplot(:)),'DisplayName','Sum $A^2$'); - ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{Z}$') - yyaxis right - plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_NZmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$(1+k^2)|\phi^k|^2$'); - xlim([DATA.Ts3D(it0), DATA.Ts3D(itend)]); - ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{NZ}$') - xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]);% xlim([0 500]); + %% Zonal vs NZonal energies +% subplot(312) +% it0 = 1; itend = Ns3D; +% trange = toplot.FRAMES; +% plt1 = @(x) x;%-x(1); +% plt2 = @(x) x./max((x(:))); +% toplot = sum(squeeze(plt(f2plot)).^2,1); %ST from before +% % plty = @(x) x(500:end)./max(squeeze(x(500:end))); +% yyaxis left +% % plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_Zmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$k_{zf}^2|\phi_{kzf}|^2$'); +% plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(toplot(:)),'DisplayName','Sum $A^2$'); +% ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{Z}$') +% yyaxis right +% plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_NZmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$(1+k^2)|\phi^k|^2$'); +% xlim([DATA.Ts3D(it0), DATA.Ts3D(itend)]); +% ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{NZ}$') +% xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]);% xlim([0 500]); end \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m b/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m index c0669f23..0bf0d8e1 100644 --- a/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m +++ b/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m @@ -66,8 +66,7 @@ end if ~PLOT2D set(gcf, 'Position', [20 50 1200 500]) - subplot(1,2,1) - + FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(1,2,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig); k =; xname = '$k_y$'; @@ -111,7 +110,7 @@ if ~PLOT2D % legend('show','Location','eastoutside') xlabel(xname); ylabel(ynamecx) - subplot(1,2,2) + FIGURE.ax2 = subplot(1,2,2,'parent',FIGURE.fig); k = data.kx; xname = '$k_x$'; diff --git a/matlab/process_field_v2.m b/matlab/process_field_v2.m index 48122855..f744d7e4 100644 --- a/matlab/process_field_v2.m +++ b/matlab/process_field_v2.m @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ end FRAMES = unique(FRAMES); %% Setup the plot geometry [KX, KY] = meshgrid(DATA.kx,; -directions = {'x','y','z'}; +directions = {'y','x','z'}; Nx = DATA.Nx; Ny = DATA.Ny; Nz = DATA.Nz; Nt = numel(FRAMES); POLARPLOT = OPTIONS.POLARPLOT; LTXNAME = OPTIONS.NAME; @@ -39,6 +39,14 @@ switch OPTIONS.PLAN XNAME = '$k_y$'; YNAME = '$z$'; [Y,X] = meshgrid(DATA.z,; REALP = 0; COMPDIM = 2; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 0; + case 'sx' + XNAME = '$v_\parallel$'; YNAME = '$\mu$'; + [Y,X] = meshgrid(OPTIONS.XPERP,OPTIONS.SPAR); + REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 3; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 0; + for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.TIME) + [~,FRAMES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(i)-DATA.Ts5D)); + end + FRAMES = unique(FRAMES); Nt = numel(FRAMES); end Xmax_ = max(max(abs(X))); Ymax_ = max(max(abs(Y))); Lmin_ = min([Xmax_,Ymax_]); @@ -66,27 +74,28 @@ else end %% Process the field to plot % short term writing -- -b_e = DATA.sigma_e*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_e)*sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2); -adiab_e = kernel(0,b_e); -pol_e = kernel(0,b_e).^2; -for n = 1:DATA.Jmaxe - adiab_e = adiab_e + kernel(n,b_e).^2; - pol_e = pol_e + kernel(n,b_e).^2; -end -adiab_e = DATA.q_e/DATA.tau_e .* adiab_e; -pol_e = DATA.q_e^2/DATA.tau_e * (1 - pol_e); - -b_i = DATA.sigma_i*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_i)*sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2); -adiab_i = kernel(0,b_i); -pol_i = kernel(0,b_i).^2; -for n = 1:DATA.Jmaxi - adiab_i = adiab_i + kernel(n,b_i).^2; - pol_i = pol_i + kernel(n,b_i).^2; -end -pol_i = DATA.q_i^2/DATA.tau_i * (1 - pol_i); -adiab_i = DATA.q_i/DATA.tau_i .* adiab_i; -poisson_op = (pol_i + pol_e); - +% b_e = DATA.sigma_e*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_e)*sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2); +% adiab_e = kernel(0,b_e); +% pol_e = kernel(0,b_e).^2; +% for n = 1:DATA.Jmaxe +% adiab_e = adiab_e + kernel(n,b_e).^2; +% pol_e = pol_e + kernel(n,b_e).^2; +% end +% adiab_e = DATA.q_e/DATA.tau_e .* adiab_e; +% pol_e = DATA.q_e^2/DATA.tau_e * (1 - pol_e); +% +% b_i = DATA.sigma_i*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_i)*sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2); +% adiab_i = kernel(0,b_i); +% pol_i = kernel(0,b_i).^2; +% for n = 1:DATA.Jmaxi +% adiab_i = adiab_i + kernel(n,b_i).^2; +% pol_i = pol_i + kernel(n,b_i).^2; +% end +% pol_i = DATA.q_i^2/DATA.tau_i * (1 - pol_i); +% adiab_i = DATA.q_i/DATA.tau_i .* adiab_i; +% poisson_op = (pol_i + pol_e); +adiab_e =0; adiab_i =0; poisson_op=1; +SKIP_COMP = 0; % Turned on only for kin. distr. func. plot % -- switch OPTIONS.COMP case 'avg' @@ -247,11 +256,34 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME end FLD_(:,:,it)= squeeze(compr(tmp(1:DATA.Nky,1:DATA.Nkx,:))); end + case 'f_i' + SKIP_COMP = 1; + shift_x = @(x) x; shift_y = @(y) y; + NAME = 'fi'; OPTIONS.SPECIE = 'i'; + for it = 1:numel(FRAMES) + OPTIONS.T = DATA.Ts5D(FRAMES(it)); + OPTIONS.Z = OPTIONS.COMP; + [~,~,FIELD(:,:,it)] = compute_fa(DATA,OPTIONS); + end + case 'f_e' + SKIP_COMP = 1; + shift_x = @(x) x; shift_y = @(y) y; + NAME = 'fe'; OPTIONS.SPECIE = 'e'; + [~,it0_] =min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(1)-DATA.Ts5D)); + [~,it1_]=min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(end)-DATA.Ts5D)); + dit_ = 1;%ceil((it1_-it0_+1)/10); + FRAMES = it0_:dit_:it1_; + iz = 1; + for it = 1:numel(FRAMES) + OPTIONS.T = DATA.Ts5D(FRAMES(it)); + [~,~,FIELD(:,:,it)] = compute_fa(DATA,OPTIONS); + end otherwise disp('Fieldname not recognized'); return end % Process the field according to the 2D plane and the space (real/cpx) +if ~SKIP_COMP if COMPDIM == 3 for it = 1:numel(FRAMES) tmp = squeeze(compr(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,:,it))); @@ -265,11 +297,12 @@ else end for it = 1:numel(FRAMES) for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z) - tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,:,it))); + tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,iz,it))); end FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp)); end end +end TOPLOT.FIELD = FIELD; TOPLOT.FRAMES = FRAMES; TOPLOT.X = shift_x(X); -- GitLab