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Commit 257a31cc authored by Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann's avatar Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann :seedling:
Browse files

save scripts

parent 16e835a9
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nrun = 100000000
dt = 0.002
tmax = 100
maxruntime = 356400
job2load = -1
pmax = 2
jmax = 1
Nx = 192
Lx = 90
Ny = 48
Ly = 200
Nz = 32
SG = .false.
Nexc = 0
geom = 'miller'
q0 =-2.15
shear = 3.62
eps = 0.28
kappa = 1.53
s_kappa = 0.77
delta = 0.23
s_delta = 1.05
zeta =-0.01
s_zeta =-0.17
parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
shift_y = 0
Npol = 1
PB_PHASE= .false.
dtsave_0d = 0.5
dtsave_1d = -1
dtsave_2d = -1
dtsave_3d = 5.0
dtsave_5d = 10
write_doubleprecision = .false.
write_gamma = .true.
write_hf = .true.
write_phi = .true.
write_Na00 = .true.
write_Napj = .true.
write_dens = .true.
write_temp = .true.
LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
Na = 2
mu_x = 1.0
mu_y = 1.0
N_HD = 4
mu_z = 2.0
HYP_V = 'hypcoll'
mu_p = 0
mu_j = 0
nu = 0.5
k_gB = 1
k_cB = 1
lambdaD = 0
beta = 0.0034
ADIAB_E = .false.
ADIAB_I = .false.
MHD_PD = .true.
dmax =-1
nmax =0
name_ = 'ions'
tau_ = 1
sigma_ = 1
q_ = 1
K_N_ = 1.33
K_T_ = 8.25
name_ = 'electrons'
tau_ = 1
sigma_ = 0.04!0.023338
q_ = -1
K_N_ = 1.33
K_T_ = 12
collision_model = 'DG'
GK_CO = .true.
mat_file = '/Users/ahoffmann/gyacomo/iCa/null'
collision_kcut = 1
INIT_OPT = 'blob'
init_background = 0
init_noiselvl = 1e-05
iseed = 42
numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -10,5 +10,4 @@
#SBATCH --account=FUA36_TSVVT422
#SBATCH --partition=skl_fua_dbg
#SBATCH --qos=normal
srun --cpu-bind=cores ./gyacomo 2 24 1 0
srun --cpu-bind=cores ./gyacomo 2 24 1 0
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
HYP_V = 'hypcoll'
mu_p = 0.0
mu_j = 0.0
nu = 1.0
nu = 1.00
beta = 0.0
ADIAB_E = .t.
ExBrate = 0.01
ExBrate = 0.0
nrun = 99999999
dt = 0.01
tmax = 50
maxruntime = 72000
job2load = -1
pmax = 2
jmax = 1
Nx = 64
Lx = 120
Ny = 48
Ly = 120
Nz = 16
SG = .f.
Nexc = 0
geom = 's-alpha'
!geom = 'miller'
q0 = 1.4
shear = 0.8
eps = 0.18
kappa = 1.0
s_kappa= 0.0
delta = 0.0
s_delta= 0.0
zeta = 0.0
s_zeta = 0.0
parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
shift_y= 0.0
dtsave_0d = 1
dtsave_1d = -1
dtsave_2d = -1
dtsave_3d = 1
dtsave_5d = 20
write_doubleprecision = .f.
write_gamma = .t.
write_hf = .t.
write_phi = .t.
write_Na00 = .t.
write_Napj = .t.
write_dens = .t.
write_fvel = .t.
write_temp = .t.
LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
Na = 1 ! number of species
mu_x = 1.0
mu_y = 1.0
N_HD = 4
mu_z = 1.0
HYP_V = 'hypcoll'
mu_p = 0.0
mu_j = 0.0
nu = 1.00
beta = 0.0
ADIAB_E = .t.
ExBrate = 0.0
dmax = -1
nmax = 0
! ions
name_ = 'ions'
tau_ = 1.0
sigma_= 1.0
q_ = 1.0
k_N_ = 2.22
k_T_ = 6.96
collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
GK_CO = .f.
mat_file = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
INIT_OPT = 'blob'
ACT_ON_MODES = 'donothing'
init_background = 0.0
init_noiselvl = 0.005
iseed = 42
!numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
numerical_scheme = 'SSP_RK3'
nrun = 99999999
dt = 0.01
tmax = 100
maxruntime = 72000
job2load = 0
pmax = 2
jmax = 1
Nx = 64
Lx = 120
Ny = 48
Ly = 120
Nz = 16
SG = .f.
Nexc = 0
geom = 's-alpha'
!geom = 'miller'
q0 = 1.4
shear = 0.8
eps = 0.18
kappa = 1.0
s_kappa= 0.0
delta = 0.0
s_delta= 0.0
zeta = 0.0
s_zeta = 0.0
parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
shift_y= 0.0
dtsave_0d = 1
dtsave_1d = -1
dtsave_2d = -1
dtsave_3d = 1
dtsave_5d = 20
write_doubleprecision = .f.
write_gamma = .t.
write_hf = .t.
write_phi = .t.
write_Na00 = .t.
write_Napj = .t.
write_dens = .t.
write_fvel = .t.
write_temp = .t.
LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
Na = 1 ! number of species
mu_x = 1.0
mu_y = 1.0
N_HD = 4
mu_z = 1.0
HYP_V = 'hypcoll'
mu_p = 0.0
mu_j = 0.0
nu = 1.0
beta = 0.0
ADIAB_E = .t.
ExBrate = 0.01
dmax = -1
nmax = 0
! ions
name_ = 'ions'
tau_ = 1.0
sigma_= 1.0
q_ = 1.0
k_N_ = 2.22
k_T_ = 6.96
collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
GK_CO = .f.
mat_file = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
INIT_OPT = 'blob'
ACT_ON_MODES = 'donothing'
init_background = 0.0
init_noiselvl = 0.005
iseed = 42
!numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
numerical_scheme = 'SSP_RK3'
5.988372093023255, -0.020876826722338038
6.162790697674419, 0.4384133611691041
6.308139534883722, 0.8559498956158684
6.482558139534884, 1.1482254697286027
6.627906976744185, 1.4822546972860131
6.7441860465116275, 1.7954070981210872
6.947674418604652, 2.0668058455114835
7.093023255813954, 2.3382045929018798
7.151162790697676, 2.44258872651357
7.267441860465118, 2.713987473903968
7.38372093023256, 2.8810020876826723
7.500000000000002, 3.0480167014613784
7.587209302325581, 3.1941544885177464
7.674418604651164, 3.3402922755741127
7.790697674418606, 3.549060542797495
7.936046511627907, 3.757828810020877
8.13953488372093, 4.050104384133613
8.313953488372093, 4.237995824634655
......@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ PARTITION = '';
% resdir = 'LM_DIIID_rho95/5x3x512x92x32';
% resdir = 'LM_DIIID_rho95/3x2x512x92x32';
% resdir = '../testcases/cyclone_example';
% resdir = '../testcases/CBC_ExBshear';
resdir = '../testcases/CBC_ExBshear/std';
% resdir = '../results/paper_3/HM_DTT_rho98/3x2x128x64x64';
J0 = 00; J1 = 10;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ if 0
data.Ni00 = reshape(data.Na00(1,:,:,:,:),data.grids.Nky,data.grids.Nkx,data.grids.Nz,numel(data.Ts3D));
options.INTERP = 1;
options.POLARPLOT = 0;
options.BWR = 1; % bluewhitered plot or gray
options.BWR = 0; % bluewhitered plot or gray
options.CLIMAUTO = 1; % adjust the colormap auto
% options.NAME = '\phi';
% options.NAME = '\phi^{NZ}';
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ options.NAME = 'N_i^{00}';
% options.NAME = 'Q_x';
% options.NAME = 'n_i';
% options.NAME = 'n_i-n_e';
options.PLAN = 'kxky';
options.PLAN = 'xy';
% options.NAME = 'f_i';
% options.PLAN = 'sx';
options.COMP = 'avg';
......@@ -85,11 +85,12 @@ options.POLARPLOT = 0;
options.AXISEQUAL = 0;
options.NORMALIZE = 0;
options.LOGSCALE = 1;
% options.NAME = 'N_i^{00}';
options.NAME = '\phi';
options.CLIMAUTO = 1;
options.NAME = 'N_i^{00}';
% options.NAME = '\phi';
options.PLAN = 'kxky';
options.COMP = 'avg';
options.TIME = [0 10 50 100 500];
options.TIME = [0 100];
% options.TIME = data.Ts3D(1:2:end);
options.RESOLUTION = 256;
fig = photomaton(data,options);
......@@ -25,23 +25,26 @@ EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
%% Setup parameters
% run lin_DTT_HM_rho85
% run lin_DTT_HM_rho98
run lin_DIIID_LM_rho90
% run lin_DIIID_LM_rho90
% run lin_DIIID_LM_rho95
% run lin_JET_rho97
% run lin_Entropy
% run lin_ITG
run lin_ITG
% run lin_KBM
%% Change parameters
EXBRATE = 0.0; % Background ExB shear flow
NY = 2;
NX = 4;
% PMAX = 4;
% JMAX = PMAX/2;
ky = 0.8; LY = 2*pi/ky;
DT = 1e-4;
TAU = 2.1;
% EXBRATE = 0.0; % Background ExB shear flow
NU = 0.1;
CO = 'SG';
GKCO = 1;
NY = 16;
NX = 2;
PMAX = 4;
ky = 0.1; LY = 2*pi/ky;
% DT = 1e-4;
% TAU = 2.1;
% SIGMA_E = 0.02;
% TMAX = 50;
TMAX = 25;
% DTSAVE0D = 200*DT;
......@@ -52,7 +55,8 @@ setup
if RUN
MVIN =['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/;'];
% RUN =['time ',mpirun,' -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0;'];
RUN =['time ',mpirun,' -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
% RUN =['time ',mpirun,' -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
RUN =['time ',mpirun,' -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0;'];
% RUN =['time ',mpirun,' -np 8 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 2 2 0;'];
% RUN =['time ',mpirun,' -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0;'];
% RUN = ['./../../../bin/gyacomo23_sp 0;'];
......@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ P = 2;
J = P/2;%P/2;
PMAX = P; % Hermite basis size
JMAX = J; % Laguerre basis size
NX = 2; % real space x-gridpoints
NY = 4; % real space y-gridpoints
NX = 4; % real space x-gridpoints
NY = 2; % real space y-gridpoints
LX = 2*pi/0.1; % Size of the squared frequency domain in x direction
LY = 2*pi/0.3; % Size of the squared frequency domain in y direction
NZ = 32; % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
%% Reference values
% See Neiser et al. 2019 Gyrokinetic GENE simulations of DIII-D near-edge L-mode plasmas
%% Set simulation parameters
SIMID = 'lin_DTT_HM_rho90'; % Name of the simulation
SIMID = 'lin_DIIID_HM_rho90'; % Name of the simulation
%% Set up physical parameters
CLUSTER.TIME = '99:00:00'; % Allocation time hh:mm:ss
NU = 1.0; %(0.00235 in GENE)
......@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ P = 2;
J = P/2;%P/2;
PMAX = P; % Hermite basis size
JMAX = J; % Laguerre basis size
NX = 16; % real space x-gridpoints
NX = 6; % real space x-gridpoints
NY = 2; % real space y-gridpoints
LX = 2*pi/0.1; % Size of the squared frequency domain in x direction
LY = 2*pi/0.3; % Size of the squared frequency domain in y direction
......@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ NPOL = 1; % Number of poloidal turns
TMAX = 15; % Maximal time unit
DT = 1e-3; % Time step
DT = 1e-4; % Time step
DTSAVE0D = 0.5; % Sampling time for 0D arrays
DTSAVE2D = -1; % Sampling time for 2D arrays
DTSAVE3D = 0.5; % Sampling time for 3D arrays
0% Loading or .
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