From 2b92585d4ee52b8ee4f5222f6f14ed2b0947fd24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2022 14:39:41 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] correction + 2 factor on the heat flux

 src/array_mod.F90      |  2 ++
 src/memory.F90         |  1 +
 src/numerics_mod.F90   | 16 ++++++++++++++-
 src/processing_mod.F90 | 46 +++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 4 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/array_mod.F90 b/src/array_mod.F90
index 8e921396..2db05d5e 100644
--- a/src/array_mod.F90
+++ b/src/array_mod.F90
@@ -60,9 +60,11 @@ MODULE array
   ! Kernel function evaluation (ij,ikx,iky,iz,odd/even p)
   REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: kernel_e
   REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: kernel_i
   ! Poisson operator (ikx,iky,iz)
   REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: inv_poisson_op
   REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: inv_pol_ion
+  REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: HF_phi_correction_operator
   ! Gyrocenter density for electron and ions (ikx,iky,iz)
diff --git a/src/memory.F90 b/src/memory.F90
index afe8aebc..f39ca92d 100644
--- a/src/memory.F90
+++ b/src/memory.F90
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ SUBROUTINE memory
   CALL allocate_array(        phi_EM, ikys,ikye, izs,ize)
   CALL allocate_array(inv_poisson_op, ikys,ikye, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize)
   CALL allocate_array(   inv_pol_ion, ikys,ikye, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize)
+  CALL allocate_array(HF_phi_correction_operator, ikys,ikye, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize)
   !Electrons arrays
diff --git a/src/numerics_mod.F90 b/src/numerics_mod.F90
index 7b2e7435..e019167a 100644
--- a/src/numerics_mod.F90
+++ b/src/numerics_mod.F90
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE build_dnjs_table
 SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
   USE basic
-  USE array, Only : kernel_e, kernel_i
+  USE array, Only : kernel_e, kernel_i, HF_phi_correction_operator
   USE grid
   USE model, ONLY : tau_e, tau_i, sigma_e, sigma_i, q_e, q_i, &
                     lambdaD, CLOS, sigmae2_taue_o2, sigmai2_taui_o2, KIN_E
@@ -85,6 +85,20 @@ ENDDO
+!! Correction term for the evaluation of the heat flux
+HF_phi_correction_operator(ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize) = &
+       2._dp * Kernel_i(1,ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize,0) &
+      -1._dp * Kernel_i(2,ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize,0)
+DO ij = ijgs_i, ijge_i
+  j_int = jarray_i(ij)
+  j_dp  = REAL(j_int,dp)
+  HF_phi_correction_operator(ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize) = HF_phi_correction_operator(ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize) &
+  - Kernel_i(ij,ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize,0) * (&
+      2._dp*(j_dp+1.5_dp) * Kernel_i(ij  ,ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize,0) &
+      -     (j_dp+1.0_dp) * Kernel_i(ij+1,ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize,0) &
+      -              j_dp * Kernel_i(ij-1,ikys:ikye,ikxs:ikxe,izs:ize,0))
 END SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
diff --git a/src/processing_mod.F90 b/src/processing_mod.F90
index 048266cb..ef695649 100644
--- a/src/processing_mod.F90
+++ b/src/processing_mod.F90
@@ -92,52 +92,44 @@ END SUBROUTINE compute_radial_ion_transport
 ! 1D diagnostic to compute the average radial particle transport <T_i v_ExB_x>_xyz
 SUBROUTINE compute_radial_heatflux
     USE fields,           ONLY : moments_i, moments_e, phi
-    USE array,            ONLY : kernel_e, kernel_i
+    USE array,            ONLY : kernel_e, kernel_i, HF_phi_correction_operator
     USE geometry,         ONLY : Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian
     USE time_integration, ONLY : updatetlevel
-    USE model,            ONLY : qe_taue, qi_taui, KIN_E
+    USE model,            ONLY : qe_taue, qi_taui, KIN_E, tau_i, tau_e
     USE calculus,         ONLY : simpson_rule_z
     COMPLEX(dp) :: hflux_local, integral
-    REAL(dp)    :: ky_, buffer(1:2), j_dp
-    INTEGER     :: i_, world_rank, world_size, root
+    REAL(dp)    :: ky_, buffer(1:2), n_dp
+    INTEGER     :: i_, world_rank, world_size, root, in
     COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(izgs:izge) :: integrant        ! charge density q_a n_a
-    hflux_local = 0._dp ! particle flux
+    hflux_local = 0._dp ! heat flux
     IF(ips_i .EQ. 1 .AND. ips_e .EQ. 1) THEN
         ! Loop to compute gamma_kx = sum_ky sum_j -i k_z Kernel_j Ni00 * phi
         DO iky = ikys,ikye
           ky_ = kyarray(iky)
           DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
             integrant = 0._dp
-            DO ij = ijs_i, ije_i
-              DO iz = izgs,izge
-              integrant(iz) = integrant(iz) + Jacobian(iz,0)*imagu*ky_*CONJG(phi(iky,ikx,iz))&
-               *(twothird * (   2._dp*j_dp  * kernel_i(ij  ,iky,ikx,iz,0) &
-                                - (j_dp+1)  * kernel_i(ij+1,iky,ikx,iz,0) &
-                                -    j_dp   * kernel_i(ij-1,iky,ikx,iz,0))&
-               * (moments_i(ip0_i,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel)+qi_taui*kernel_i(ij,iky,ikx,iz,0)*phi(iky,ikx,iz)) &
-              + SQRT2*onethird * kernel_i(ij,iky,ikx,iz,0) * moments_i(ip2_i,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel))
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-            IF(KIN_E) THEN
-            DO ij = ijs_e, ije_e
-              DO iz = izgs,izge
-              integrant(iz) = integrant(iz) + Jacobian(iz,0)*imagu*ky_*CONJG(phi(iky,ikx,iz))&
-               *(twothird * (   2._dp*j_dp  * kernel_e(ij  ,iky,ikx,iz,0) &
-                                - (j_dp+1)  * kernel_e(ij+1,iky,ikx,iz,0) &
-                                -    j_dp   * kernel_e(ij-1,iky,ikx,iz,0))&
-               * (moments_e(ip0_e,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel)+qe_taue*kernel_e(ij,iky,ikx,iz,0)*phi(iky,ikx,iz)) &
-              + SQRT2*onethird * kernel_e(ij,iky,ikx,iz,0) * moments_e(ip2_e,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel))
-              ENDDO
+            DO in = ijs_i, ije_i
+              n_dp = jarray_i(in)
+              integrant(izs:ize) = integrant(izs:ize) + Jacobian(izs:ize,0)*tau_i*imagu*ky_*CONJG(phi(iky,ikx,izs:ize))&
+               *kernel_i(in,iky,ikx,iz,0)*(&
+                             0.5_dp*SQRT2*moments_i(ip2_i,in  ,iky,ikx,izs:ize,updatetlevel)&
+                   +(2._dp*n_dp + 1.5_dp)*moments_i(ip0_i,in  ,iky,ikx,izs:ize,updatetlevel)&
+                            -(n_dp+1._dp)*moments_i(ip0_i,in+1,iky,ikx,izs:ize,updatetlevel)&
+                                    -n_dp*moments_i(ip0_i,in-1,iky,ikx,izs:ize,updatetlevel))
-            ENDIF
+            ! Add polarisation contribution
+            integrant(izs:ize) = integrant(izs:ize) + Jacobian(izs:ize,0)*tau_i*imagu*ky_&
+            *CONJG(phi(iky,ikx,izs:ize))*phi(iky,ikx,izs:ize) * HF_phi_correction_operator(iky,ikx,izs:ize)
             ! Integrate over z
             call simpson_rule_z(integrant,integral)
             hflux_local = hflux_local + integral*iInt_Jacobian
-        buffer(2) = REAL(hflux_local)
+        ! Double it for taking into account the other half plane
+        buffer(2) = 2._dp*REAL(hflux_local)
         root = 0
         !Gather manually among the rank_p=0 processes and perform the sum
         hflux_x = 0