From 2c36b8235bc89300dba96d6b29b1131d37f70e7d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2023 18:24:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] new routine to compute growth rate and freq

 matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m | 121 ------------------
 matlab/compute/compute_growth_rates.m         |  36 ++++++
 2 files changed, 36 insertions(+), 121 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m
 create mode 100644 matlab/compute/compute_growth_rates.m

diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m b/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2361236a..00000000
--- a/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,121 +0,0 @@
-function [ linear_gr ] = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(DATA, OPTIONS)
-% Remove AA part
-if DATA.Nx > 1
-    ikxnz = abs(DATA.PHI(1,:,1,1)) > 0;
-    ikxnz = abs(DATA.PHI(1,:,1,1)) > -1;
-ikynz = (abs(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,1)) > 0);
-ikynz = logical(ikynz .* ( > 0));
-phi = DATA.PHI(ikynz,ikxnz,:,:);
-t   = DATA.Ts3D;
-[~,its] = min(abs(t-OPTIONS.TRANGE(1)));
-[~,ite] = min(abs(t-OPTIONS.TRANGE(end)));
-w_ky = zeros(sum(ikynz),ite-its);
-ce   = zeros(sum(ikynz),ite-its);
-is = 1;
-% for it = its+1:ite
-%     phi_n   = phi(:,:,:,it); 
-%     phi_nm1 = phi(:,:,:,it-1);
-%     dt      = t(it)-t(it-1);
-%     ZS      = sum(sum(phi_nm1,2),3);
-%     wl         = log(phi_n./phi_nm1)/dt;
-%     w_ky(:,is) = squeeze(sum(sum(wl.*phi_nm1,2),3)./ZS);
-%     for iky = 1:numel(w_ky(:,is))
-%         ce(iky,is)   = abs(sum(sum(abs(w_ky(iky,is)-wl(iky,:,:)).^2.*phi_nm1(iky,:,:),2),3)./ZS(iky,:,:));
-%     end
-%     is = is + 1;
-% end
-%no sum over kx version
-ikx = 1;
-for it = its+1:ite
-    phi_n   = squeeze(phi(:,ikx,:,it)); 
-    phi_nm1 = squeeze(phi(:,ikx,:,it-1));
-    dt      = t(it)-t(it-1);
-    ZS      = sum(phi_nm1,2); %sum over z
-    wl         = log(phi_n./phi_nm1)/dt;
-    w_ky(:,is) = squeeze(sum(wl.*phi_nm1,2)./ZS);
-    for iky = 1:numel(w_ky(:,is))
-        ce(iky,is)   = abs(sum(abs(w_ky(iky,is)-wl(iky,:)).^2.*phi_nm1(iky,:),2)./ZS(iky,:));
-    end
-    is = is + 1;
-[kys, Is] = sort(;
-linear_gr.OPTIONS.TRANGE = t(its:ite);
-linear_gr.g_ky   = real(w_ky(Is,:));
-linear_gr.w_ky   = imag(w_ky(Is,:));
-linear_gr.ce     = abs(ce);     = kys;
-linear_gr.std_g = std (real(w_ky(Is,:)),[],2);
-linear_gr.avg_g = mean(real(w_ky(Is,:)),2);
-linear_gr.std_w = std (imag(w_ky(Is,:)),[],2);
-linear_gr.avg_w = mean(imag(w_ky(Is,:)),2);
-   figure
-    subplot(1,2,1)
-    x_ =;
-    plt = @(x) x;
-    OVERK = '';
-    if OPTIONS.GOK == 1
-        plt = @(x) x./x_;
-        OVERK = '/$k_y$';
-    elseif OPTIONS.GOK == 2
-        plt = @(x) x.^2./x_.^3;
-        OVERK = '/$k_y$';
-    end
-       plot(x_,plt(linear_gr.g_ky(:,end)),'-o','DisplayName',['$Re(\omega_{k_y})$',OVERK]); hold on;
-       plot(x_,plt(linear_gr.w_ky(:,end)),'--*','DisplayName',['$Im(\omega_{k_y})$',OVERK]); hold on;
-       plot(x_,plt(linear_gr.ce  (:,end)),'x','DisplayName',['$\epsilon$',OVERK]); hold on;
-       errorbar(,plt(linear_gr.avg_g),plt(linear_gr.std_g),...
-           '-o','DisplayName','$Re(\omega_{k_y})$',...
-           'LineWidth',1.5); hold on;
-       errorbar(,plt(linear_gr.avg_w),plt(linear_gr.std_w),...
-           '--*','DisplayName','$Im(\omega_{k_y})$',...
-           'LineWidth',1.5); hold on;
-%        xlim([min( max(]);
-       xlabel('$k_y$');
-       legend('show');
-       title(DATA.param_title);
-    if OPTIONS.NPLOTS == 2
-    subplot(1,2,2)
-    elseif OPTIONS.NPLOTS == 3
-        subplot(2,2,2)
-    end
-    plot(DATA.Ts3D(its+1:ite),linear_gr.g_ky(Is,:)); hold on;
-    plot(DATA.Ts3D(its+1:ite),linear_gr.w_ky(Is,:));
-    xlabel('t'); ylabel('$\gamma(t),\omega(t)$'); xlim([DATA.Ts3D(1) DATA.Ts3D(end)]);
-    xlabel([]); xticks([]);
-    subplot(2,2,4)
-    [~,ikx0] = min(abs(DATA.kx));
-    for i_ = 1:(DATA.Nkx+1)/2
-        iky = 1 + ( == 0);
-        ikx = ikx0 + (i_-1);
-        semilogy(DATA.Ts3D,squeeze(abs(DATA.PHI(iky,ikx,DATA.Nz/2,:))),...
-            'DisplayName',['$k_x=',num2str(DATA.kx(ikx)),'$, $k_y=',num2str(,'$']); 
-        hold on;
-        xlabel('t,'); ylabel('$|\phi_{ky}|(t)$')
-    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_growth_rates.m b/matlab/compute/compute_growth_rates.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a71f8f06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/compute/compute_growth_rates.m
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+function [w,e,t] = compute_growth_rates(field,time)
+% compute_growth_rates compute the linear growth rates using the amplitude
+% ratio method
+% see B.J. Frei et al. flux-tube paper
+% Input: (k1,k2,z,t) field
+% Output: w(k1,k2,t) the growth and frequencies w = gamma + i * omega
+%         e(k1,k2) an error estimate of the convergence of w
+sz = size(field);
+N1 = sz(1); N2 = sz(2); Nz = sz(3); Nt = sz(4);
+w = zeros(N1,N2,Nt-1);
+e = zeros(N1,N2);
+for i1 = 1:N1
+    for i2 = 1:N2
+    to_measure = reshape(field(i1,i2,:,:),Nz,Nt);
+        % Amplitude ratio method for determining the growth rates and the
+        % frequencies
+        for it = 2:Nt
+            phi_n   = to_measure(:,it); 
+            phi_nm1 = to_measure(:,it-1);
+            dt      = time(it)-time(it-1);
+            ZS      = sum(phi_nm1,1); %sum over 
+            wl          = log(phi_n./phi_nm1)/dt;
+            w(i1,i2,it) = squeeze(sum(wl.*phi_nm1,1)./ZS);
+        end
+        % error estimation
+        wavg = mean(w(i1,i2,ceil(Nt/2):end));
+        wend = w(i1,i2,end);
+        e(i1,i2) = abs(wend-wavg)/abs(wavg);
+    end
+t = time(2:Nt);
\ No newline at end of file