diff --git a/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90 b/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
index 6c43d8ccff4e7fc3d1f2146a0189a6eb98609199..b165cb73f5c0c0cff437b9113ac9031f872fbd2e 100644
--- a/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
+++ b/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ CONTAINS
         ! Setup nonlinear factor
         ALLOCATE(    ExB_NL_factor(Nx,local_nky))
-        ALLOCATE(inv_ExB_NL_factor(Ny/2+2,local_nx))
+        ALLOCATE(inv_ExB_NL_factor(Ny/2+1,local_nx))
             ExB_NL_factor = 1._xp
         inv_ExB_NL_factor = 1._xp
@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ CONTAINS
         ! ... and the inverse
-        DO iky = 1,Ny/2+2 ! WARNING: Global indices ky loop
+        DO iky = 1,Ny/2+1 ! WARNING: Global indices ky loop
             ! for readability
             J_xp   = REAL(iky-1,xp)
             IF(J_xp .GT. 0._xp) THEN
@@ -248,9 +248,6 @@ CONTAINS
                 ! inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix) = EXP(imagu*sky_ExB_full(iky)*xval)
-        ! Cancel the additional point
-        inv_ExB_NL_factor(Ny/2+1,:) = 0._xp
-        inv_ExB_NL_factor(Ny/2+2,:) = 0._xp
     END SUBROUTINE Update_nonlinear_ExB_factors
 END MODULE ExB_shear_flow
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fourier_mod.F90 b/src/fourier_mod.F90
index f8785a89748999b4592f211238ef45a106faa8f1..50b44d5a281269052060d07ae7544ca3808819f4 100644
--- a/src/fourier_mod.F90
+++ b/src/fourier_mod.F90
@@ -29,15 +29,27 @@ MODULE fourier
     complex(c_xp_c), pointer, PUBLIC :: cmpx_data_f(:,:), cmpx_data_g(:,:), bracket_sum_c(:,:)
     REAL(xp),                 PUBLIC :: inv_Nx_, inv_Ny_
     !! 1D fft specific variables (full fortran interface)
+    ! Single DFT plans
     type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_ky2y_c2r ! transform from ( x,ky) to ( x, y) (complex to real)
     type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_y2ky_r2c ! transform from ( x, y) to ( x,ky) (real to complex)
     type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_kx2x_c2c ! transform from (kx,ky) to ( x,ky) (complex to complex)
     type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_x2kx_c2c ! transform from ( x,ky) to (kx,ky) (complex to complex)
+!     COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_kx_l,f_x_l,f_ky_g ! aux array for plans
+!     REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_y_g  
+    complex(c_xp_c), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: f_kx_l(:),f_x_l(:),f_ky_g(:)
+    real   (c_xp_r), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: f_y_g(:)
+    ! Many DFT plans
+    type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_many_ky2y_c2r ! transform from ( x,ky) to ( x, y) (complex to real)
+    type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_many_y2ky_r2c ! transform from ( x, y) to ( x,ky) (real to complex)
+    type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_many_kx2x_c2c ! transform from (kx,ky) to ( x,ky) (complex to complex)
+    type(C_PTR), PUBLIC :: plan_many_x2kx_c2c ! transform from ( x,ky) to (kx,ky) (complex to complex)
     COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_kxky_l ! working arrays
     COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_xky_l  ! temp. 1D ifft algo stage (local mpi)
-    REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bracket_sum_yx_g   ! poisson bracket sum in real space
-    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: bracket_sum_kyx_g  ! final poisson bracket in complex space
+    REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_yx_g   ! poisson bracket sum in real space
+    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: f_kyx_g  ! final poisson bracket in complex space
+    ! to chose between a plan many or 1D plan loops
     !------------- Initialize the grid distribution and plans -------------
@@ -52,13 +64,14 @@ MODULE fourier
         NX_        = Nx; NY_ = Ny
         inv_Nx_    = 1._xp/REAL(NX_,xp)
         NY_halved  = NY_/2 + 1
-        inv_Ny_    = 1._xp/REAL(2*NY_halved,xp)     
+        ! Not clear which one should be the normalization factor
+        inv_Ny_    = 1._xp/REAL(NY_,xp)     
         ! Call FFTW 2D mpi routines to distribute the data and init 2D MPI FFTW plans
         CALL fft2D_distr_and_plans(communicator,&
         local_nx_  = local_nx_ptr  ! store number of local x  in the module
         local_nky_ = local_nky_ptr ! store number of local ky in the module
-                ! Init 1D MPI FFTW plans for ExB rate correction factor
+        ! Init 1D MPI FFTW plans for ExB rate correction factor
         CALL fft1D_plans
         ! store data distr. in the module for the poisson_bracket function
     END SUBROUTINE init_grid_distr_and_plans
@@ -143,8 +156,32 @@ MODULE fourier
         integer(C_INTPTR_T) :: inembed, onembed
         integer(C_INTPTR_T) :: istride, ostride
         integer(C_INTPTR_T) :: idist, odist
-        !! Plan of the 4 1D many transforms required
+        !! Plans of the 4 single 1D transforms
+        !----------- 1: FFTx and inv through local ky data
+        !(kx,ky) <-> (x,ky), C <-> C, transforms
+        ! in & out
+        ALLOCATE( f_kx_l(NX_))
+        ALLOCATE(  f_x_l(NX_))
+        CALL sfftw_plan_dft_1d(plan_kx2x_c2c,NX_,f_kx_l,f_x_l,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_PATIENT)
+        CALL sfftw_plan_dft_1d(plan_x2kx_c2c,NX_,f_x_l,f_kx_l,FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_PATIENT)
+        CALL dfftw_plan_dft_1d(plan_kx2x_c2c,NX_,f_kx_l,f_x_l,FFTW_BACKWARD,FFTW_PATIENT)
+        CALL dfftw_plan_dft_1d(plan_x2kx_c2c,NX_,f_x_l,f_kx_l,FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_PATIENT)
+        !----------- 2: FFTy and inv through global ky data
+        !(y,x) <-> (ky,x), R <-> C, transforms (bplan_y in GENE)
+        ! in & out
+        ALLOCATE( f_y_g(NY_))
+        ALLOCATE(f_ky_g(NY_/2+1))
+        CALL sfftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(plan_y2ky_r2c,NY_,f_y_g,f_ky_g,FFTW_PATIENT)            
+        CALL sfftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(plan_ky2y_c2r,NY_,f_ky_g,f_y_g,FFTW_PATIENT)            
+        CALL dfftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(plan_y2ky_r2c,NY_,f_y_g,f_ky_g,FFTW_PATIENT)
+        CALL dfftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(plan_ky2y_c2r,NY_,f_ky_g,f_y_g,FFTW_PATIENT)
+        !! Plans of the 4 1D many transforms required
         !----------- 1: FFTx and inv through local ky data
         !1.1 (kx,ky) -> (x,ky), C -> C, transforms
         ! in:
@@ -162,12 +199,12 @@ MODULE fourier
         istride = 1              ! contiguous data
         ostride = 1
-        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_kx2x_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
+        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_many_kx2x_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
                                  f_kxky_l, inembed, istride, idist,&
                                   f_xky_l, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
                                  FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_PATIENT)                
-        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_kx2x_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
+        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_many_kx2x_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
                                  f_kxky_l, inembed, istride, idist,&
                                   f_xky_l, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
                                  FFTW_BACKWARD, FFTW_PATIENT)    
@@ -186,78 +223,81 @@ MODULE fourier
         istride = 1              ! contiguous data
         ostride = 1
-        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_x2kx_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
+        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_many_x2kx_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
                                  f_xky_l, inembed, istride, idist,&
                                 f_kxky_l, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
                                 FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_PATIENT)                
-        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_x2kx_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
+        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft(plan_many_x2kx_c2c, rank, n, howmany,&
                                  f_xky_l, inembed, istride, idist,&
                                 f_kxky_l, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
                                 FFTW_FORWARD, FFTW_PATIENT)    
         !----------- 2: FFTy and inv through global ky data
+        !  (can be improved by inputting directly the padded array of size 2(Ny/2+1))
         ! 2.1 (y,x) -> (ky,x), R -> C, transforms (bplan_y in GENE)
         ! in:
-        ALLOCATE(bracket_sum_yx_g(2*NY_halved,local_nx_))
+        ALLOCATE(f_yx_g(NY_,local_nx_))
         ! out:
-        ALLOCATE(bracket_sum_kyx_g(NY_halved+1,local_nx_))
+        ALLOCATE(f_kyx_g(NY_/2+1,local_nx_))
         ! transform parameters
         rank    = 1              ! 1D transform
-        n       = 2*NY_halved    ! all y
+        n       = NY_            ! all y
         howmany = local_nx_      ! all x
-        inembed = 2*NY_halved    ! all y must be used
+        inembed = NY_            ! all y must be used
         istride = 1              ! contiguous data
-        idist   = 2*NY_halved    ! distance between two slice to transforms (y row)
-        onembed = NY_halved+1
+        idist   = NY_            ! distance between two slice to transforms (y row)
+        onembed = NY_/2+1
         ostride = 1
-        odist   = NY_halved+1
+        odist   = NY_/2+1
-        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(plan_y2ky_r2c, rank, n, howmany,&
-                             bracket_sum_yx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
-                            bracket_sum_kyx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
+        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(plan_many_y2ky_r2c, rank, n, howmany,&
+                             f_yx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
+                            f_kyx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
-        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(plan_y2ky_r2c, rank, n, howmany,&
-                             bracket_sum_yx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
-                            bracket_sum_kyx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
+        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft_r2c(plan_many_y2ky_r2c, rank, n, howmany,&
+                             f_yx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
+                            f_kyx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
         ! 2.2 (x,ky) -> (x,y), C -> R, transforms (fplan_y in GENE)
-        ! in:  bracket_sum_kyx_g
-        ! out: bracket_sum_yx_g
+        ! in:  f_kyx_g
+        ! out: f_yx_g
         ! transform parameters
         rank    = 1               ! 1D transform
-        n       = 2*NY_halved     ! all ky
+        n       = NY_             ! all ky
         howmany = local_nx_       ! all x
-        inembed = NY_halved+1     ! all ky must be used
+        inembed = NY_/2+1         ! all ky must be used
         istride = 1               ! contiguous data
-        idist   = NY_halved+1     ! distance between two slice to transforms (y row)
-        onembed = 2*NY_halved     ! to all y
+        idist   = NY_/2+1         ! distance between two slice to transforms (y row)
+        onembed = NY_             ! to all y
         ostride = 1
-        odist   = 2*NY_halved
+        odist   = NY_
-        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(plan_ky2y_c2r, rank, n, howmany,&
-                            bracket_sum_kyx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
-                             bracket_sum_yx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
+        CALL sfftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(plan_many_ky2y_c2r, rank, n, howmany,&
+                            f_kyx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
+                             f_yx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
-        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(plan_ky2y_c2r, rank, n, howmany,&
-                            bracket_sum_kyx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
-                             bracket_sum_yx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
+        CALL dfftw_plan_many_dft_c2r(plan_many_ky2y_c2r, rank, n, howmany,&
+                            f_kyx_g, inembed, istride, idist,&
+                             f_yx_g, onembed, ostride, odist,& 
-    if ((.not. c_associated(plan_ky2y_c2r)) .OR. &
-        (.not. c_associated(plan_y2ky_r2c)) .OR. &
-        (.not. c_associated(plan_kx2x_c2c)) .OR. &
-        (.not. c_associated(plan_x2kx_c2c))) then
+    if ((.not. c_associated(plan_kx2x_c2c)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_x2kx_c2c)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_ky2y_c2r)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_ky2y_c2r)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_many_x2kx_c2c)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_many_kx2x_c2c)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_many_ky2y_c2r)) .OR. &
+        (.not. c_associated(plan_many_y2ky_r2c)) ) then
         ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << 1D plan creation error!!'
     end if
-    ! Free mem (optional)
-    DEALLOCATE(f_xky_l,f_kxky_l)
-    DEALLOCATE(bracket_sum_kyx_g,bracket_sum_yx_g)
@@ -283,6 +323,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
         ! local variables
         INTEGER :: ikx,iky
         COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nkx,local_nky) :: ikxF, ikyG, ikyF, ikxG
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nkx,local_nky) :: invfactor !TEST
         REAL(xp):: kxs, ky
         ! Build the fields to convolve
@@ -303,6 +344,13 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
             CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikyG,ExB_NL_factor)
             CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikyF,ExB_NL_factor)
             CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikxG,ExB_NL_factor)
+        !     ! TEST apply inverse to test the identity
+        !     invfactor = 1._xp/ExB_NL_factor
+        !     CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikxF,invfactor)
+        !     CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikyG,invfactor)
+        !     CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikyF,invfactor)
+        !     CALL apply_ExB_NL_factor(ikxG,invfactor)
+        !     ! END TEST
         ! Anti Aliasing
         DO iky = 1,local_nky
@@ -334,6 +382,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
     END SUBROUTINE poisson_bracket_and_sum
+    !******************************************************************************!
     ! Apply the exp(-i*x*ky*S*J*dt) factor to the Poisson bracket fields (ikxF, ikyG, ...) 
@@ -369,86 +418,189 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
     END SUBROUTINE apply_ExB_NL_factor
-    ! Apply the exp(i*x*ky*S*J*dt) factor to the real Poisson Bracket sum [f,g]
+    ! High level FFT routines required
+    ! 1D inverse Fourier transform from (kx,ky) to (x,ky), complex to complex
+    SUBROUTINE iFFT_kxky_to_xky(in_kxky,out_xky)
+        ! arguments
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_kxky
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_xky
+        ! local variables
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_) :: in_kx, out_x
+        INTEGER :: iky
+        !plan many 1D transforms
+        CALL sfftw_execute_dft(plan_many_kx2x_c2c, in_kxky, out_xky)
+        IF (PLAN_MANY) THEN
+        ! IF (.TRUE.) THEN                
+                !plan many 1D transforms
+                ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_many_kx2x_c2c, in_kxky, out_xky)
+                f_kxky_l = in_kxky
+                CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_many_kx2x_c2c, f_kxky_l, f_xky_l)
+                out_xky  = f_xky_l
+        ELSE
+                !or loop over 1D transforms (less efficient)
+                DO iky = 1,local_nky_
+                        ! in_kx = in_kxky(:,iky)
+                        ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_kx2x_c2c,in_kx,out_x)
+                        ! out_xky(:,iky) = out_x
+                        f_kx_l = in_kxky(:,iky)
+                        CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_kx2x_c2c,f_kx_l,f_x_l)
+                        out_xky(:,iky) = f_x_l
+                ENDDO
+        ENDIF
+    END SUBROUTINE iFFT_kxky_to_xky
+    ! 1D Fourier transform from kx,ky) to (kx,ky), complex to complex
+    SUBROUTINE FFT_xky_to_kxky(in_xky,out_kxky)
+        ! arguments
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_xky
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_kxky
+        ! local variables
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_) :: in_x, out_kx
+        INTEGER :: iky
+        CALL sfftw_execute_dft(plan_many_x2kx_c2c, in_xky, out_kxky)
+        IF (PLAN_MANY) THEN
+        ! IF (.TRUE.) THEN                
+                !plan many 1D transforms
+                ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_many_x2kx_c2c, in_xky, out_kxky)
+                f_xky_l  = in_xky
+                CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_many_x2kx_c2c, f_xky_l, f_kxky_l)
+                out_kxky = f_kxky_l
+        ELSE
+                !or loop over 1D transforms (less efficient)
+                DO iky = 1,local_nky_
+                        ! in_x = in_xky(:,iky)
+                        ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_x2kx_c2c,in_x,out_kx)
+                        ! out_kxky(:,iky) = out_kx
+                        f_x_l = in_xky(:,iky)
+                        CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_x2kx_c2c,f_x_l,f_kx_l)
+                        out_kxky(:,iky) = f_kx_l
+                ENDDO
+        ENDIF
+    END SUBROUTINE FFT_xky_to_kxky
+    !*****************************************************************************!
+    ! Apply the inverse factor, exp(i*x*ky*S*J*dt), to the real Poisson Bracket sum [f,g]
     SUBROUTINE apply_inv_ExB_NL_factor(fyx,inv_ExB_NL_factor)
-        real(c_xp_r), pointer,                        INTENT(INOUT) :: fyx(:,:)
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_),  INTENT(IN)  :: inv_ExB_NL_factor
+        ! REAL(xp), DIMENSION(2*NY_halved,local_nx_), INTENT(INOUT) :: fyx
+        real(c_xp_r), pointer,                   INTENT(INOUT) :: fyx(:,:)
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_/2+1,local_nx_),  INTENT(IN) :: inv_ExB_NL_factor
         ! local variables
-        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(2*NY_halved,local_nx_) :: tmp_yx_1, tmp_yx_2
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_) :: tmp_kyx
+        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(NY_,    local_nx_) :: tmp_yx
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_/2+1,local_nx_) :: tmp_kyx
         integer(C_INTPTR_T) :: ix, iy, iky
         ! Fill buffer
         DO ix = 1,local_nx_
-            DO iy = 1,2*NY_halved
-                tmp_yx_1(iy,ix) = fyx(iy,ix)
+            DO iy = 1,NY_
+                tmp_yx(iy,ix) = fyx(iy,ix)
+                ! tmp_yx(iy,ix) = bracket_sum_r(iy,ix)
         ! Fourier real to complex on the second buffer (first buffer is now unusable)
-        CALL FFT_yx_to_kyx(tmp_yx_1,tmp_kyx)
+        CALL FFT_yx_to_kyx(tmp_yx,tmp_kyx)
         ! Treat the result with the ExB NL factor
-        DO iky = 1,NY_halved+1
+        DO iky = 1,NY_/2+1
                 DO ix = 1,local_nx_
-                        tmp_kyx(iky,ix) = tmp_kyx(iky,ix)*inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix)
+                        tmp_kyx(iky,ix) = tmp_kyx(iky,ix)!*inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix)
         ! Back to Fourier space in the third buffer
-        CALL iFFT_kyx_to_yx(tmp_kyx,tmp_yx_2)
+        CALL iFFT_kyx_to_yx(tmp_kyx,tmp_yx)
         ! Fill the result array with normalization of iFFT
         DO ix = 1,local_nx_
-            DO iy = 1,2*NY_halved
-                fyx(iy,ix) = tmp_yx_2(iy,ix)*inv_Ny_
+            DO iy = 1,NY_
+                fyx(iy,ix) = tmp_yx(iy,ix)*inv_Ny_
+                ! bracket_sum_r(iy,ix) = tmp_yx(iy,ix)*inv_Ny_
     END SUBROUTINE apply_inv_ExB_NL_factor
-    !******************************************************************************!
-    ! High level FFT routines
-    ! 1D inverse Fourier transform from (kx,ky) to (x,ky), complex to complex
-    SUBROUTINE iFFT_kxky_to_xky(in_kxky,out_xky)
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_kxky
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_xky
-        CALL sfftw_execute_dft(plan_kx2x_c2c, in_kxky, out_xky)
-        CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_kx2x_c2c, in_kxky, out_xky)
-    END SUBROUTINE iFFT_kxky_to_xky
-    ! 1D Fourier transform from kx,ky) to (kx,ky), complex to complex
-    SUBROUTINE FFT_xky_to_kxky(in_xky,out_kxky)
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_xky
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NX_,local_nky_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_kxky
-        CALL sfftw_execute_dft(plan_x2kx_c2c, in_xky, out_kxky)
-        CALL dfftw_execute_dft(plan_x2kx_c2c, in_xky, out_kxky)
-    END SUBROUTINE FFT_xky_to_kxky
     ! 1D Fourier transform from (y,x) to (ky,x), real to complex
     SUBROUTINE FFT_yx_to_kyx(in_yx,out_kyx)
-        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(2*NY_halved,local_nx_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_yx
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_kyx
+        ! arguments
+        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(NY_,    local_nx_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_yx
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_/2+1,local_nx_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_kyx
+        ! local var.
+        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(NY_)     :: in_y
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_/2+1) :: out_ky
+        ! COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_) :: out_kyx_test
+        INTEGER :: ix, iy, iky
-        CALL sfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_y2ky_r2c, in_yx, out_kyx)
+        CALL sfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_many_y2ky_r2c, in_yx, out_kyx)
-        CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_y2ky_r2c, in_yx, out_kyx)
+        IF (PLAN_MANY) THEN
+        ! IF (.TRUE.) THEN
+                !plan many 1D transforms
+                ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_many_y2ky_r2c, in_yx, out_kyx)
+                f_yx_g  = in_yx
+                CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_many_y2ky_r2c, f_yx_g, f_kyx_g)
+                out_kyx = f_kyx_g
+        ELSE
+                ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_many_y2ky_r2c, in_yx, out_kyx_test)
+                !or loop over 1D transforms (less efficient but checkable)
+                DO ix = 1,local_nx_
+                        DO iy = 1,NY_
+                                ! in_y(iy) = in_yx(iy,ix)                                
+                                f_y_g(iy) = in_yx(iy,ix)                                
+                        ENDDO
+                        ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_y2ky_r2c,in_y,out_ky)
+                        CALL dfftw_execute_dft_r2c(plan_y2ky_r2c,f_y_g,f_ky_g)
+                        DO iky = 1,NY_/2+1
+                                ! out_kyx(iky,ix) = out_ky(iky)
+                                out_kyx(iky,ix) = f_ky_g(iky)
+                        ENDDO
+                ENDDO
+        ENDIF
     END SUBROUTINE FFT_yx_to_kyx
     ! 1D Fourier transform from (ky,x) to (y,x), complex to real
     SUBROUTINE iFFT_kyx_to_yx(in_kyx,out_yx)
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_kyx
-        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(2*NY_halved,local_nx_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_yx
+        ! arguments
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_/2+1,local_nx_), INTENT(IN)  :: in_kyx
+        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(NY_    ,local_nx_), INTENT(OUT) :: out_yx
+        ! local var.
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(Ny_/2+1) :: in_ky
+        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(NY_)     :: out_y
+        REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(NY_,local_nx_) :: out_yx_test
+        INTEGER :: ix, iy, iky
-        CALL sfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_ky2y_c2r, in_kyx, out_yx)
+        CALL sfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_many_ky2y_c2r, in_kyx, out_yx)
-        CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_ky2y_c2r, in_kyx, out_yx)
+        IF (PLAN_MANY) THEN
+        ! IF (.TRUE.) THEN
+                !plan many 1D transforms
+                ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_many_ky2y_c2r, in_kyx, out_yx)
+                f_kyx_g = in_kyx
+                CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_many_ky2y_c2r, f_kyx_g, f_yx_g)
+                out_yx  = f_yx_g
+        ELSE
+                ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_many_ky2y_c2r, in_kyx, out_yx_test)
+                !or loop over 1D transforms (less efficient)
+                DO ix = 1,local_nx_
+                        DO iky = 1,NY_/2+1
+                                ! in_ky(iky) = in_kyx(iky,ix)
+                                f_ky_g(iky) = in_kyx(iky,ix)
+                        ENDDO
+                        ! CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_ky2y_c2r,in_ky,out_y)
+                        CALL dfftw_execute_dft_c2r(plan_ky2y_c2r,f_ky_g,f_y_g)
+                        DO iy = 1,NY_
+                                ! out_yx(iy,ix) = out_y(iy)
+                                out_yx(iy,ix) = f_y_g(iy)
+                        ENDDO
+                ENDDO
+        ENDIF
     END SUBROUTINE iFFT_kyx_to_yx
+    !******************************************************************************!
     SUBROUTINE finalize_plans
@@ -464,6 +616,8 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
         call fftw_free(cdatac_f)
         call fftw_free(cdatac_g)
         call fftw_free(cdatac_c)
+        DEALLOCATE(f_xky_l,f_kxky_l)
+        DEALLOCATE(f_kyx_g,f_yx_g)
     END SUBROUTINE finalize_plans
 END MODULE fourier
diff --git a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90 b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
index 38dd61bd32eead22cb775ac6e36ae021aacd7732..a6e3c6faf0b5e7999475364976eb7ccb235b2163 100644
--- a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
+++ b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ MODULE nonlinear
                          local_nj,ngj,jarray,jmax, local_nj_offset, dmax,&
                          kyarray, AA_y, local_nky, inv_Ny,&
-                         total_nkx,kxarray, AA_x, inv_Nx,&
+                         total_nkx,kxarray, AA_x, inv_Nx,local_nx, Ny, &
                          local_nz,ngz,zarray,nzgrid, deltakx, iky0, contains_kx0, contains_ky0
   USE model,       ONLY : LINEARITY, EM, ikxZF, ZFamp, ExB_NL_CORRECTION
   USE closure,     ONLY : evolve_mom, nmaxarray
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
   INTEGER :: iz,ij,ip,eo,ia,ikx,iky,izi,ipi,iji,ini,isi
   INTEGER :: ikxExBp, ikxExBn ! Negative and positive ExB flow indices
+  COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(Ny/2+1,local_nx) :: invinvfactor ! TEST
   z:DO iz = 1,local_nz
     izi = iz + ngz/2
     j:DO ij = 1,local_nj ! Loop over Laguerre moments
@@ -122,6 +123,8 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
             ! Apply the ExB shearing rate factor before going back to k-space
             IF (ExB_NL_CORRECTION) THEN
               CALL apply_inv_ExB_NL_factor(bracket_sum_r,inv_ExB_NL_factor)
+              ! invinvfactor = 1._xp/inv_ExB_NL_factor
+              ! CALL apply_inv_ExB_NL_factor(bracket_sum_r,invinvfactor)
             ! Put the real nonlinear product back into k-space
diff --git a/src/stepon.F90 b/src/stepon.F90
index b9aee7e906a500cade18ba8bb6c0cd5faf3a95e0..77c761285b4af29c2ec280919bb3cdd7a3d101e6 100644
--- a/src/stepon.F90
+++ b/src/stepon.F90
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ SUBROUTINE stepon
    SUBSTEPS:DO num_step=1,ntimelevel ! eg RK4 compute successively k1, k2, k3, k4
 !----- TEST !-----
-      ! Update the ExB shear flow for the next step
-      ! This call includes :
-      !  - the ExB shear value (s(ky)) update for the next time step
-      !  - the kx grid update
-      !  - the ExB NL correction factor update (exp(+/- ixkySdts))
-      !  - (optional) the kernel, poisson op. and ampere op update
-      CALL Update_ExB_shear_flow(num_step)
+      ! ! Update the ExB shear flow for the next step
+      ! ! This call includes :
+      ! !  - the ExB shear value (s(ky)) update for the next time step
+      ! !  - the kx grid update
+      ! !  - the ExB NL correction factor update (exp(+/- ixkySdts))
+      ! !  - (optional) the kernel, poisson op. and ampere op update
+      ! CALL Update_ExB_shear_flow(num_step)
 !-----END TEST !-----
       !----- BEFORE: All fields+ghosts are updated for step = n
       ! Compute right hand side from current fields