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Commit 43291f7e authored by Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann's avatar Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann
Browse files

tests for kperp scan

parent f994633e
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%% Move to MOLI workspace
cd ../../MoliSolver/MOLI/workspace/
%% Add paths
%% Directories
ROOT = '/home/ahoffman/Documents/MoliSolver';
options.dirs.COSOlverdir = fullfile(ROOT,'COSOlver');
options.dirs.MOLIdir = fullfile(ROOT,'MOLI');
%% MOLI Physical and Main Parameters
% Solve DK AND/OR GK Linear Moment Hierarchy.
options.DKI = 0; % First-order DK
options.DKII = 0; % Second-order DK
options.GK = 1; % Gyrokinetic GK
options.EM = 0; % Include Electromagnetic effects (only for GK=1)
options.GD = 0; % Gyro-Drift
options.GDI = 0; % First/second order
% Solve MOLI
options.MOLI = 1; % 1 -> Solve MOLI, 0 -> off
% MOLI Solver
options.solver.solver = 2;
% MOLI Linear Fit Solver
options.LinFitSolver = 0;
%% Main parameter scan
% Closure by truncation
params.Pmaxi = GRID.pmaxi; % parallel ion Hermite moments
params.Jmaxi = GRID.jmaxi; % perpendicular ion Laguerre moments
params.Pmaxe = GRID.pmaxe; % parallel electron Hermite moments
params.Jmaxe = GRID.jmaxe; % perpendicular electron Laguerre moments
% w/wo ions
options.ions = 1; % if ions are present -> 1, 0 otherwise
% Adiabatic electrons
options.electrons = 1; % 0 -> adiabatic electrons, 1 no adiabatic electrons
% w/wo soundwaves
options.sw = 1; % 1 -> sound waves on, 0 -> put ion parallel velocity row/column to 0
%% Collision Operator Models and COSOlver Input Parameters
options.collI = MODEL.CO; % collI=-2 -> Dougherty, -1 -> COSOlver, 0 -> Lenard-Bernstein, other -> hyperviscosity exponent
options.collGK = 0; % collDKGK =1 -> GK collision operator, else DK collision operator
options.COSOlver.GKE = 0;
options.COSOlver.GKI = 0;
% COSOlver Input Parameters (if collI = -1 only)
options.COSOlver.eecolls = 1; % 1 -> electron-electron collisions, 0 -> off
options.COSOlver.iicolls = 1; % 1 -> ion-ion collisions, 0 -> off
options.COSOlver.eicolls = 1; % 1 -> electron-ion collisions (e-i) on, 0 -> off
options.COSOlver.iecolls = 1; % 1 -> ion-electron collisions (i-e) on, 0 -> off
% Collisional Coulomb sum bounds (only if collI = -1, i.e. Coulomb)
options.COSOlver.lmaxx = 10; % upper bound collision operator first sum first species
options.COSOlver.kmaxx = 10; % upper bound collision operator second sum first species
options.COSOlver.nmaxx = options.COSOlver.lmaxx; % upper bound collision operator first sum second species
options.COSOlver.qmaxx = options.COSOlver.kmaxx; % upper bound collision operator second sum second species
% Collsion FLR sum bounds
options.COSOlver.nemaxxFLR = 0; % upper bound FLR electron collision
options.COSOlver.nimaxxFLR = 0; % upper bound FLR ion collision
% Collision Operator Model
% Set electron/ion test and back-reaction model operator
% 0 => Coulomb Collisions
options.COSOlver.ETEST = 1; % 0 --> Buffer Operator, 1 --> Coulomb, 2 --> Lorentz
options.COSOlver.EBACK = 1;
options.COSOlver.ITEST = 1;
options.COSOlver.IBACK = 1;
options.COSOlver.ESELF = 1;
options.COSOlver.ISELF = 1;
options.COSOlver.OVERWRITE = 0; % overwrite collisional matrices even if exists
options.COSOlver.cmd = 'mpirun -np 6 ./bin/CO 2 2 2';
%% Physical Parameters
% Toroidal effects
options.magnetic = 1; % 1-> Add toroidal magnetic gradient drift resonance effects
% Physical Parameters
params.tau = MODEL.tau_i; % Ti/Te =; % electron/ion collision frequency ... only for nu/ omega_pe < nuoveromegapemax (electron plasma frequency) [See Banks et al. (2017)]
params.nuoveromegapemax = inf; % Maximum ratio between electron/ion collision frequency and electron plasma frequency [See Banks et al. (2017)]. Set to inf if not desired !!! = MODEL.sigma_e; % sqrt(m_e/m_i)
params.kpar = 0.0; % normalized parallel wave number to the major radius
params.kperp = GRID.kzmin; % normalized perpendicular wave number to the soundLarmor radius. Note: If ions ==0 (e.g. EPW), kperp --> b
params.alphaD = 0.0; % (k*Debye length)^2
params.Rn = MODEL.eta_n; % Major Radius / Background density gradient length
params.RTe = MODEL.eta_T; % Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background electron temperature gradient length
params.RTi = MODEL.eta_T; % Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background ion temperature gradient length
params.Rphi = 0.0; % Major Radius * normalized kperp / Background potentiel gradient length [presence of shear] - only for GK
params.betae = 1e-6; % Electron Beta plasma.
params.rhostar = 1e-5; % sound Larmor Radius/Major Radius ~ sqrt(Te)/(R_0*B).
params.n0 = INITIAL.initback_moments; % initial density perturbation
params.gradB = MODEL.eta_B; % Magnetic field gradient
params.curvB = MODEL.eta_B; % Curvature of B
params.trappB = 0.0; % Trapping term
%% MOLI Options
% Save data in results dir = 0;
options.verbose = 0;
options.dbg = 0;
options.DR = 0; % 1 -> Solve kinetic dispersion relation,
options.KineticDR = 0; % Solve kinetic dispersion relation (Landau integral) for the given theory
% Compute the kinetic susceptibility for EPW only
options.SPTBLTY = 0;
options.nharm = 1; % Number of harmonics in disp. rel. 1 and 4
wlim = 5.0;
options.DRsolver.wr_min = -wlim; % Minimum of real part.
options.DRsolver.wr_max = wlim; % Maximum of real part.
options.DRsolver.wi_min = -wlim; % Minimum of imag part.
options.DRsolver.wi_max = wlim; % Maximum of imag part.
options.DRsolver.nw = 300; % Grid resolution
% Disp. Rel. Options
options.FLRmodel = 0; % 1 -> Truncated Laguerre, 0 -> Exact representation
options.FluidLandau = 0; % 1 -> Add Landau Fluid Closure to Fluid Dispersion Relation, 0 -> off
options.deltaLandau = 0; % 1 -> Hammet-Perkins closure on, 0 -> off
% Fluid dispersion relation
options.FluidDR = 0; % Solve annamaria's fluid equations
options.Fluid.sITGmm = 0;
% Define scan parameters
options.fscan = 1; % 1 -> peform scan over scan.list, 0-> off
options.scan.list = {'kperp'};% List of scan parameters. If empty, solve MOLI with params
options.scan.kperp.array = linspace(GRID.kzmin, GRID.kzmax, GRID.nkz);
% Time-Evolution Problem [Solver==3] ...
options.solver.TimeSolver.dt = BASIC.dt; % timestep of time evolution (R/c_s or 1/(k v/the) units)
options.solver.TimeSolver.tmax = BASIC.tmax;
options.solver.TimeSolver.Trun = BASIC.tmax; % total time to run time evolution
options.solver.TimeSolver.t_fit_min = 0.05; % Phase-Mixing fit Lower time limit
options.solver.TimeSolver.t_fit_max = 8; % Phase-Mixing fit Upper time limit
options.solver.TimeSolver.en_fit_min = 0.15; % Entropy Mode fit Lower time limit
options.solver.TimeSolver.en_fit_max = 0.3; % Entropy Mode fit Upper time limit = 0; % Display movie if 1, last frame otherwise = 0; % 1 --> save during fscan, Warning: memory storage
%% Run MOLI
% Solve the MOLI
[results,params,options] = MOLI_Control(params,options);
%% Return to HeLaZ workspace
cd ../../../HeLaZ/wk
SIMID = 'benchmark_kperp_scan'; % Name of the simulations
addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
%% outputs options
OUTPUTS.nsave_0d = 0;
OUTPUTS.nsave_1d = 0;
OUTPUTS.nsave_2d = 1;
OUTPUTS.nsave_5d = 0;
OUTPUTS.write_Ni00 = '.true.';
OUTPUTS.write_moments = '.true.';
OUTPUTS.write_phi = '.true.';
OUTPUTS.write_doubleprecision = '.true.';
OUTPUTS.resfile0 = '''results''';
%% Grid parameters
GRID.pmaxe = 15;
GRID.jmaxe = 6;
GRID.pmaxi = 15;
GRID.jmaxi = 6;
GRID.nkr = 1;
GRID.krmin = 0.;
GRID.krmax = 0.;
GRID.nkz = 20;
GRID.kzmin = 0.1;
GRID.kzmax = 1.5;
%% Model parameters
MODEL.CO = -2; % Collision operator (0 : L.Bernstein, -1 : Full Coulomb, -2 : Dougherty) = 0.1; % collisionality nu*L_perp/Cs0
% temperature ratio T_a/T_e
MODEL.tau_e = 1.0;
MODEL.tau_i = 1.0;
% mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i)
MODEL.sigma_e = 0.0233380;
MODEL.sigma_i = 1.0;
% charge q_a/e
MODEL.q_e =-1.0;
MODEL.q_i = 1.0;
% gradients L_perp/L_x
MODEL.eta_n = 1.0; % Density
MODEL.eta_T = 0.0; % Temperature
MODEL.eta_B = 0.5; % Magnetic
% Debye length
MODEL.lambdaD = 0.0;
%% Time integration and intialization parameters
TIME_INTEGRATION.numerical_scheme = '''RK4''';
BASIC.nrun = 100000;
BASIC.dt = 0.05;
BASIC.tmax = 100.0;
INITIAL.initback_moments = 0.01;
INITIAL.initnoise_moments = 0.;
INITIAL.iseed = 42;
%% Write input file
%% Run HeLaZ
nproc = 1;
EXEC = ' ../bin/helaz ';
RUN = ['mpirun -np ' num2str(nproc)];
%% Run MOLI with same input parameters
params.RK4 = 1;
run ../matlab/MOLI_kperp_scan
if params.RK4; MOLIsolvername = 'RK4';
else; MOLIsolvername = 'ode15i';
%% Analysis and basic figures
filename = 'results_00.h5';
if MODEL.CO == -1; CONAME = 'FC';
elseif MODEL.CO == -2; CONAME = 'DC';
elseif MODEL.CO == 0; CONAME = 'LB'; end;
TITLE = [];
TITLE = [TITLE,'$\eta_n=',num2str(MODEL.eta_n),'$, '];
TITLE = [TITLE,'$\eta_B=',num2str(MODEL.eta_B),'$, '];
TITLE = [TITLE,'$\eta_T=',num2str(MODEL.eta_T),'$, '];
TITLE = [TITLE, '$\nu=',num2str(,'$, '];
TITLE = [TITLE, '$(P,J)=(',num2str(GRID.pmaxe),',',num2str(GRID.jmaxe),')$'];
%% Growth rate analysis
gammas = zeros(numel(kr),numel(kz));
shifts = zeros(numel(kr),numel(kz));
moment = 'Ni00';
kr = h5read(filename,['/data/var2d/' moment '/coordkr']);
kz = h5read(filename,['/data/var2d/' moment '/coordkz']);
timeNi = h5read(filename,'/data/var2d/time');
Nipj = zeros(numel(timeNi),numel(kr),numel(kz));
for it = 1:numel(timeNi)
tmp = h5read(filename,['/data/var2d/', moment,'/', num2str(it,'%06d')]);
Nipj(it,:,:) = tmp.real + 1i * tmp.imaginary;
% Linear fit of log(Napj)
x1 = timeNi;
itmin = ceil(0.5 * numel(timeNi)); %Take the second half of the time evolution
ikr = 1;
for ikz = 1:numel(kz)
fit = polyfit(x1(itmin:end),log(abs(Nipj(itmin:end,ikr,ikz))),1);
gammas(ikr,ikz) = fit(1);
shifts(ikr,ikz) = fit(2);
%% Plot
fig = figure;
%HeLaZ results
X = kz*sqrt(1+MODEL.tau_i);
Y = gammas(1,:);
hold on
%MOLI results
X = kz*sqrt(1+MODEL.tau_i);
Y = results.kperp.Maxgammas;
grid on
xlabel('$k_\perp * (1+\tau)^{1/2}$')
ylabel('$\gamma L_\perp/c_{s} $')
if SAVEFIG; FIGNAME = 'g_vs_kz'; save_figure; end;
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