From 5bb85d4b05f5a63febf355a3a0739a8af827009d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2022 13:52:27 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] clean but not working version...

 .../plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m     |  4 +-
 matlab/write_fort90.m                         |  4 +-
 src/diagnose.F90                              |  4 +-
 src/grid_mod.F90                              |  5 +-
 src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90                    | 24 +++---
 src/time_integration_mod.F90                  | 74 ++++++++++++++++++-
 wk/analysis_gyacomo.m                         |  8 +-
 wk/header_3D_results.m                        |  7 +-
 wk/lin_ETPY.m                                 | 37 +++++-----
 wk/lin_ITG.m                                  | 13 ++--
 10 files changed, 130 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)

diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
index 6f5e6402..c4687314 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA);
         plot(DATA.Ts0D(its0D:ite0D),ones(ite0D-its0D+1,1)*Gx_infty_avg, '-k',...
             'DisplayName',['$\Gamma_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Gx_infty_avg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Gx_infty_std),'$']); legend('show');
-            ylim([0,5*abs(Gx_infty_avg)]); 
+            try ylim([0,5*abs(Gx_infty_avg)]); 
+            catch
+            end
     grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); 
diff --git a/matlab/write_fort90.m b/matlab/write_fort90.m
index 29304ef0..adc09fc5 100644
--- a/matlab/write_fort90.m
+++ b/matlab/write_fort90.m
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ fprintf(fid,['  pmaxi  = ', num2str(GRID.pmaxi),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  jmaxi  = ', num2str(GRID.jmaxi),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Nx     = ', num2str(GRID.Nx),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Lx     = ', num2str(GRID.Lx),'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  Nexc   = ', num2str(GRID.Nexc),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Ny     = ', num2str(GRID.Ny),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Ly     = ', num2str(GRID.Ly),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Nz     = ', num2str(GRID.Nz),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Npol   = ', num2str(GRID.Npol),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  SG     = ',           GRID.SG,'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  Nexc   = ', num2str(GRID.Nexc),'\n']);
@@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ fprintf(fid,['  sigma_i = ', num2str(MODEL.sigma_i),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  q_e     = ', num2str(MODEL.q_e),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  q_i     = ', num2str(MODEL.q_i),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  K_Ne    = ', num2str(MODEL.K_Ne),'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  K_Ni    = ', num2str(MODEL.K_Ni),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  K_Te    = ', num2str(MODEL.K_Te),'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  K_Ni    = ', num2str(MODEL.K_Ni),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  K_Ti    = ', num2str(MODEL.K_Ti),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  GradB   = ', num2str(MODEL.GradB),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  CurvB   = ', num2str(MODEL.CurvB),'\n']);
diff --git a/src/diagnose.F90 b/src/diagnose.F90
index f1869e91..912baa9e 100644
--- a/src/diagnose.F90
+++ b/src/diagnose.F90
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose(kstep)
   USE basic
   USE diagnostics_par
+  USE processing, ONLY: gflux_ri, hflux_xi
   INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
@@ -16,7 +17,8 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose(kstep)
   IF (kstep .GE. 0) THEN
     ! Terminal info
     IF (MOD(cstep, INT(1.0/dt)) == 0 .AND. (my_id .EQ. 0)) THEN
-     WRITE(*,"(F6.0,A,F6.0)") time,"/",tmax
+      ! WRITE(*,"(F6.0,A,F6.0)") time,"/",tmax
+      WRITE(*,"(A,F6.0,A1,F6.0,A8,G10.2,A8,G10.2,A)")'|t/tmax = ', time,"/",tmax,'| Gxi = ',gflux_ri,'| Qxi = ',hflux_xi,'|'
   ELSEIF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
     CALL cpu_time(finish)
diff --git a/src/grid_mod.F90 b/src/grid_mod.F90
index 06e47107..191b319f 100644
--- a/src/grid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/grid_mod.F90
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER :: lu_in   = 90              ! File duplicated from STDIN
     NAMELIST /GRID/ pmaxe, jmaxe, pmaxi, jmaxi, &
-                    Nx, Lx, Nexc, Ny, Ly, Nz, Npol, SG
+                    Nx, Lx, Ny, Ly, Nz, Npol, SG, Nexc
     IF(Nz .EQ. 1) & ! overwrite SG option if Nz = 1 for safety of use
@@ -517,7 +517,8 @@ CONTAINS
       IF(zarray_full(iz) .LT. zmin) zmin = zarray_full(iz)
     END DO
     !! Parallel data distribution
-    IF( num_procs_z .GT. 1) stop '>>STOPPED<< Cannot have multiple core in z-direction (Nz = 1)'
+    IF( (Nz .EQ. 1) .AND. (num_procs_z .GT. 1) ) &
+    stop '>>STOPPED<< Cannot have multiple core in z-direction (Nz = 1)'
     ! Local data distribution
     CALL decomp1D(total_nz, num_procs_z, rank_z, izs, ize)
     local_nz = ize - izs + 1
diff --git a/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90 b/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
index 25e7f573..d866c947 100644
--- a/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
+++ b/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
@@ -140,12 +140,12 @@ SUBROUTINE moments_eq_rhs_e
                 ! Nonlinear term
                 -hatB_NL(iz,eo) * Sepj(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz)
-              IF( (ip-4 .GT. 0) .AND. (num_procs_p .EQ. 1) ) &
-              ! Numerical parallel velocity hyperdiffusion "+ dvpar4 g_a" see Pueschel 2010 (eq 33)
-              ! (not used often so not parallelized)
-              moments_rhs_e(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) = &
-                moments_rhs_e(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) &
-                  + mu_p * moments_e(ip-4,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel)
+              ! IF( (ip-4 .GT. 0) .AND. (num_procs_p .EQ. 1) ) &
+              ! ! Numerical parallel velocity hyperdiffusion "+ dvpar4 g_a" see Pueschel 2010 (eq 33)
+              ! ! (not used often so not parallelized)
+              ! moments_rhs_e(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) = &
+              !   moments_rhs_e(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) &
+              !     + mu_p * moments_e(ip-4,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel)
             moments_rhs_e(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) = 0._dp
@@ -291,12 +291,12 @@ SUBROUTINE moments_eq_rhs_i
                   ! Nonlinear term with a (gxx*gxy - gxy**2)^1/2 factor
                   -hatB_NL(iz,eo) * Sipj(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz)
-                  IF( (ip-4 .GT. 0) .AND. (num_procs_p .EQ. 1) ) &
-                    ! Numerical parallel velocity hyperdiffusion "+ dvpar4 g_a" see Pueschel 2010 (eq 33)
-                    ! (not used often so not parallelized)
-                    moments_rhs_i(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) = &
-                      moments_rhs_i(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) &
-                        + mu_p * moments_i(ip-4,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel)
+                  ! IF( (ip-4 .GT. 0) .AND. (num_procs_p .EQ. 1) ) &
+                  !   ! Numerical parallel velocity hyperdiffusion "+ dvpar4 g_a" see Pueschel 2010 (eq 33)
+                  !   ! (not used often so not parallelized)
+                  !   moments_rhs_i(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) = &
+                  !     moments_rhs_i(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) &
+                  !       + mu_p * moments_i(ip-4,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel)
             moments_rhs_i(ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,updatetlevel) = 0._dp
diff --git a/src/time_integration_mod.F90 b/src/time_integration_mod.F90
index 7203bdf0..12b82910 100644
--- a/src/time_integration_mod.F90
+++ b/src/time_integration_mod.F90
@@ -62,10 +62,12 @@ CONTAINS
     SELECT CASE (numerical_scheme)
     CASE ('RK4')
       CALL RK4
+    CASE ('SSPx_RK3')
+      CALL SSPx_RK3
+    CASE ('SSPx_RK2')
+      CALL SSPx_RK2
     CASE ('DOPRI5')
-       CALL DOPRI5
+      CALL DOPRI5
        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Cannot initialize time integration scheme. Name invalid.'
@@ -104,7 +106,73 @@ CONTAINS
+    ! Butcher coeff for modified strong stability  preserving RK3
+    ! used in GX (Hammett 2022, Mandell et al. 2022)
+    USE basic
+    USE prec_const
+    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 3
+    REAL(dp) :: a1, a2, a3, w1, w2, w3
+    a1 = (1._dp/6._dp)**(1._dp/3._dp)! (1/6)^(1/3)
+    ! a1 = 0.5503212081491044571635029569733887910843_dp ! (1/6)^(1/3)
+    a2 = a1
+    a3 = a1
+    w1 = 0.5_dp*(-1._dp + SQRT( 9._dp - 2._dp * 6._dp**(2._dp/3._dp))) ! (-1 + sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3)))/2
+    ! w1 = 0.2739744023885328783052273138309828937054_dp ! (sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3))-1)/2
+    w2 = 0.5_dp*(-1._dp + 6._dp**(2._dp/3._dp) - SQRT(9._dp - 2._dp * 6._dp**(2._dp/3._dp))) ! (6^(2/3)-1-sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3)))/2
+    ! w2 = 0.3769892220587804931852815570891834795475_dp ! (6^(2/3)-1-sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3)))/2
+    w3 = 1._dp/a1 - w2 * (1._dp + w1)
+    ! w3 = 1.3368459739528868457369981115334667265415_dp
+    CALL allocate_array_dp1(c_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array_dp1(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array_dp2(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
+    ntimelevel = 3
+    c_E(1) = 0.0_dp
+    c_E(2) = 1.0_dp/2.0_dp
+    c_E(3) = 1.0_dp/2.0_dp
+    b_E(1) = a1 * (w1*w2 + w3)
+    b_E(2) = a2 * w2
+    b_E(3) = a3
+    A_E(2,1) = a1
+    A_E(3,1) = a1 * w1
+    A_E(3,2) = a2
+    ! Butcher coeff for modified strong stability  preserving RK2
+    ! used in GX (Hammett 2022, Mandell et al. 2022)
+    USE basic
+    USE prec_const
+    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 2
+    REAL(dp) :: alpha, beta
+    alpha = 1._dp/SQRT(2._dp)
+    beta  = SQRT(2._dp) - 1._dp
+    CALL allocate_array_dp1(c_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array_dp1(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array_dp2(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
+    ntimelevel = 2
+    c_E(1) = 0.0_dp
+    c_E(2) = 1.0_dp/2.0_dp
+    b_E(1) = alpha*beta/2._dp
+    b_E(2) = alpha/2._dp
+    A_E(2,1) = alpha
     ! Butcher coeff for DOPRI5 --> Stiffness detection
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m b/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
index 8d494f0a..e637d9dd 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add
 %% Load the results
 LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,resdir,'/'];
-MISCDIR   = ['/misc/gyacomo_outputs/',resdir,'/']; %For long term storage
+MISCDIR   = ['/misc/',resdir,'/']; %For long term storage
 system(['mkdir -p ',MISCDIR]);
 system(['mkdir -p ',LOCALDIR]);
 CMD = ['rsync ', LOCALDIR,'outputs* ',MISCDIR]; disp(CMD);
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ if 0
 % Options
 options.INTERP    = 1;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
-options.NAME      = '\phi';
+% options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = '\omega_z';
-% options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
+options.NAME     = 'N_e^{00}';
 % options.NAME      = 'v_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i^{NZ}';
 % options.NAME      = '\Gamma_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i';
-options.PLAN      = 'kxky';
+options.PLAN      = 'xy';
 % options.NAME      = 'f_i';
 % options.PLAN      = 'sx';
 options.COMP      = 'avg';
diff --git a/wk/header_3D_results.m b/wk/header_3D_results.m
index 8a872def..5e9a28c9 100644
--- a/wk/header_3D_results.m
+++ b/wk/header_3D_results.m
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ gyacomodir = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
 % resdir = 'CBC/96x96x16x3x2_Nexc_6';
 % resdir = 'CBC/128x96x16x3x2';
 % resdir = 'CBC/192x96x16x3x2';
-resdir = 'CBC/192x96x24x13x7';
+% resdir = 'CBC/192x96x24x13x7';
 % resdir = 'CBC/kT_11_128x64x16x5x3';
 % resdir = 'CBC/kT_9_256x128x16x3x2';
 % resdir = 'CBC/kT_4.5_128x64x16x13x3';
@@ -61,6 +61,11 @@ resdir = 'CBC/192x96x24x13x7';
 % resdir = 'linear_CBC/20x2x32_21x11_Lx_62.8319_Ly_31.4159_q0_1.4_e_0.18_s_0.8_kN_2.22_kT_5.3_nu_1e-02_DGDK_adiabe';
 % resdir = 'testcases/miller_example';
 % resdir = 'Miller/128x256x3x2_CBC_dt_5e-3';
+%% CBC Miller
+% resdir = 'GCM_CBC/daint/Miller_GX_comparison';
+%% RK3
+resdir = 'dbg/SSPx_RK3_test';
+resdir = 'dbg/SSPx_RK3_test/RK4';
 resdir = ['results/',resdir];
 run analysis_gyacomo
diff --git a/wk/lin_ETPY.m b/wk/lin_ETPY.m
index 101f81c3..9b6c383a 100644
--- a/wk/lin_ETPY.m
+++ b/wk/lin_ETPY.m
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 % from matlab framework. It is meant to run only small problems in linear
 % for benchmark and debugging purpose since it makes matlab "busy"
-SIMID   = 'lin_ETPY';  % Name of the simulation
-% SIMID   = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN     = 0; % To run or just to load
+% SIMID   = 'lin_ETPY';  % Name of the simulation
+SIMID   = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
+RUN     = 1; % To run or just to load
 addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 PROGDIR  = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
@@ -15,13 +15,14 @@ EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
 %% Set Up parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.01;           % Collision frequency
+NU      = 0.05;           % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
-K_Ne    = 2.5;            % ele Density '''
-K_Te    = K_Ne/4;            % ele Temperature '''
-K_Ni    = K_Ne;            % ion Density gradient drive
-K_Ti    = K_Ni/4;            % ion Temperature '''
+K_Ne    = 2.0;            % ele Density '''
+K_Te    = 0.4;            % ele Temperature '''
+K_Ni    = 2.0;            % ion Density gradient drive
+K_Ti    = 0.4;            % ion Temperature '''
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 KIN_E   = 1;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 0.0;     % electron plasma beta
@@ -33,24 +34,24 @@ JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
 PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
 JMAXI   = J;     % "
 NX      = 2;    % real space x-gridpoints
-NY      = 100;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
+NY      = 50;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
 LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-LY      = 200;%2*pi/0.05;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+LY      = 2*pi/0.05;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 NZ      = 1;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 NPOL    = 1;
 SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
-GEOMETRY= 'Z-pinch'; % Z-pinch overwrites q0, shear and eps
+GEOMETRY= 'Z-pinch';
 Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
-KAPPA   = 0.0;    % elongation
+KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
 DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
 ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
 NEXC    = 1;      % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
 EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
-TMAX    = 500;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 5e-2;   % Time step
+TMAX    = 100;  % Maximal time unit
+DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = 0;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
@@ -61,14 +62,14 @@ JOB2LOAD= -1;
 LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
 % Collision operator
 % (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
-CO      = 'LD';
-GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
+CO      = 'DG';
+GKCO    = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
 ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
 NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
 KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-INIT_OPT= 'mom00';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
+INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
 W_DOUBLE = 1;
 W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
@@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
 MU_X    = MU;     %
 MU_Y    = MU;     %
 N_HD    = 4;
-MU_Z    = 2.0;     %
+MU_Z    = 0.0;     %
 MU_P    = 0.0;     %
 MU_J    = 0.0;     %
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;
diff --git a/wk/lin_ITG.m b/wk/lin_ITG.m
index 6f18bee5..ebca810e 100644
--- a/wk/lin_ITG.m
+++ b/wk/lin_ITG.m
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 % from matlab framework. It is meant to run only small problems in linear
 % for benchmark and debugging purpose since it makes matlab "busy"
-SIMID   = 'lin_ITG';  % Name of the simulation
-RUN     = 0; % To run or just to load
+% SIMID   = 'lin_ITG';  % Name of the simulation
+SIMID   = 'dbg';  % Name of the simulation
+RUN     = 1; % To run or just to load
 addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 gyacomodir = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
@@ -18,9 +19,9 @@ CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
 NU      = 0.05;           % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;            % e/i temperature ratio
-K_Ne    = 2.22;            % ele Density '''
+K_Ne    = 0*2.22;            % ele Density '''
 K_Te    = 6.96;            % ele Temperature '''
-K_Ni    = 2.22;            % ion Density gradient drive
+K_Ni    = 0*2.22;            % ion Density gradient drive
 K_Ti    = 6.96;            % ion Temperature '''
 SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 % SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
@@ -45,13 +46,13 @@ SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
 GEOMETRY= 'miller';
 Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
-KAPPA   = 0.0;    % elongation
+KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
 DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
 ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
 NEXC    = 1;      % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
 EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
-TMAX    = 1;  % Maximal time unit
+TMAX    = 25;  % Maximal time unit
 DT      = 3e-3;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = 0;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays