diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m b/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m
index 8d9758e0b27a106faad7bce9a9bce4058ee67f57..f2e9552e97653b21476b4888f0fd77b7aaa31f4f 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/compute_fa_2D.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [SS,XX,FF] = compute_fa_2D(data, options)
+function [SS,XX,FF] = compute_fa_2D(data, species, s, x, T)
 %% Compute the dispersion function from the moment hierarchi decomp.
 % Normalized Hermite
 Hp = @(p,s) polyval(HermitePoly(p),s)./sqrt(2.^p.*factorial(p));
@@ -9,99 +9,90 @@ Lj = @(j,x) polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),x);
 FaM = @(s,x) exp(-s.^2-x);
 %meshgrid for efficient evaluation
-[SS, XX] = meshgrid(options.SPAR, options.XPERP);
+[SS, XX] = meshgrid(s, x);
-[~, ikx0] = min(abs(data.kx));
-[~, iky0] = min(abs(data.ky));
-kx_ = data.kx; ky_ = data.ky;
-switch options.SPECIES
+switch species
     case 'e'
-        Napj_     = data.Nepj;
-        parray    = double(data.Pe);
-        jarray    = double(data.Je);
-    case 'i'
-        Napj_     = data.Nipj;
-        parray    = double(data.Pi);
-        jarray    = double(data.Ji);
+        Napj_     = data.Napjz(2,:,:,:,:);
-switch options.iz
-    case 'avg'
-        Napj_     = mean(Napj_,5);
-        phi_      = mean(data.PHI,3);
-    otherwise
-        iz        = options.iz; 
-        Napj_     = Napj_(:,:,:,:,iz,:);
-        phi_      = data.PHI(:,:,iz);
+    case 'i'
+        Napj_     = data.Napjz(1,:,:,:,:);
+parray    = double(data.grids.Parray);
+jarray    = double(data.grids.Jarray);
+% switch options.iz
+    % case 'avg'
+    options.SHOW_FLUXSURF = 0;
+    options.SHOW_METRICS  = 0;
+    options.SHOW_CURVOP   = 0;
+    [~, geo_arrays] = plot_metric(data,options);
+    J  = geo_arrays.Jacobian;
+    Nz = data.grids.Nz;
+    tmp_ = 0;
+    for iz = 1:Nz
+        tmp_     =  tmp_ + J(iz)*Napj_(:,:,:,iz,:);
+    end
+    Napj_ = tmp_/sum(J(iz));
+    % Napj_     = mean(Napj_,4);
+        % Napj_     = Napj_(:,:,:,Nz/2+1,:);
+        % phi_      = mean(data.PHI,3);
+    % otherwise
+        % iz        = options.iz; 
+        % Napj_     = Napj_(:,:,:,:,iz,:);
+        % phi_      = data.PHI(:,:,iz);
+% end
 % Napj_ = squeeze(Napj_);
-frames = options.T;
-for it = 1:numel(options.T)
-    [~,frames(it)] = min(abs(options.T(it)-data.Ts5D)); 
+frames = T;
+for it = 1:numel(T)
+    [~,frames(it)] = min(abs(T(it)-data.Ts3D)); 
 frames = unique(frames);
-Napj_     = mean(Napj_(:,:,:,:,frames),5);
+Napj_  = mean(Napj_(:,:,:,:,frames),5);
-% Napj_ = squeeze(Napj_);
+Napj_  = squeeze(Napj_);
 Np = numel(parray); Nj = numel(jarray);
-if options.non_adiab
-    for ij_ = 1:Nj
-        for ikx = 1:data.Nkx
-            for iky = 1:data.Nky    
-                kp_ = sqrt(kx_(ikx)^2 + ky_(iky)^2);
-                Napj_(1,ij_,iky,ikx) = Napj_(1,ij_,iky,ikx) + kernel(ij_,kp_)*phi_(iky,ikx);
-            end
-        end
-    end
-if options.RMS
-    FF = zeros(data.Nky,data.Nkx,numel(options.XPERP),numel(options.SPAR));
+% if options.RMS
+    FF = zeros(numel(x),numel(s));
     FAM = FaM(SS,XX);
     for ip_ = 1:Np
         p_ = parray(ip_);
         HH = Hp(p_,SS);
         for ij_ = 1:Nj
-            j_ = jarray(ij_);
-            LL = Lj(j_,XX);
+            j_  = jarray(ij_);
+            LL  = Lj(j_,XX);
             HLF = HH.*LL.*FAM;
-            for ikx = 1:data.Nkx
-                for iky = 1:data.Nky
-                    FF(iky,ikx,:,:) = squeeze(FF(iky,ikx,:,:)) + Napj_(ip_,ij_,iky,ikx)*HLF;
-                end
-            end
+            FF  = FF + Napj_(ip_,ij_)*HLF;
-    FF = zeros(numel(options.XPERP),numel(options.SPAR));
-    FAM = FaM(SS,XX);
-    for ip_ = 1:Np
-        p_ = parray(ip_);
-        HH = Hp(p_,SS);
-        for ij_ = 1:Nj
-            j_ = jarray(ij_);
-            LL = Lj(j_,XX);
-            FF = FF + squeeze(Napj_(ip_,ij_,ikx0,iky0))*HH.*LL.*FAM;
-        end
-    end
+% else
+%     FF = zeros(numel(options.XPERP),numel(options.SPAR));
+%     FAM = FaM(SS,XX);
+%     for ip_ = 1:Np
+%         p_ = parray(ip_);
+%         HH = Hp(p_,SS);
+%         for ij_ = 1:Nj
+%             j_ = jarray(ij_);
+%             LL = Lj(j_,XX);
+%             FF = FF + squeeze(Napj_(ip_,ij_,ikx0,iky0))*HH.*LL.*FAM;
+%         end
+%     end
+% end
 FF = (FF.*conj(FF)); %|f_a|^2
 % FF = abs(FF); %|f_a|
-if options.RMS
+% if options.RMS
 %     FF = squeeze(mean(mean(sqrt(FF),1),2)); %sqrt(<|f_a|^2>kx,ky)
-    FF = sqrt(squeeze(mean(mean(FF,1),2))); %<|f_a|>kx,ky
-    FF = sqrt(squeeze(FF)); %sqrt(<|f_a|>x,y)
+    FF = sqrt(FF); %<|f_a|>kx,ky
+% else
+%     FF = sqrt(squeeze(FF)); %sqrt(<|f_a|>x,y)
+% end
-FF = FF./max(max(FF));
-FF = FF';
+% FF = FF./max(max(FF));
+% FF = FF';
 % FF = sqrt(FF);
 % FF = FF';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/compute/fourier_GENE.m b/matlab/compute/fourier_GENE.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2039f29ca9ccad0f446dfbe218642b6a97687fac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/compute/fourier_GENE.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function [ field_c ] = fourier_GENE( field_r )
+%fft, symmetric as we are using real data
+clear spectrumKxKyZ 
diff --git a/matlab/compute/ifourier_GENE.m b/matlab/compute/ifourier_GENE.m
index 1538c36dfb1cde9ae4803a82e3ebf32b7ecddaea..e05abaa4644297f91490770467a25bb20bd35166 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/ifourier_GENE.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/ifourier_GENE.m
@@ -26,22 +26,6 @@ end
 clear spectrumKxKyZ 
-%% Adapted for HeLaZ old representation
-% [nkx,ny,nz]=size(field_c);
-% %extend to whole ky by imposing reality condition
-% nx=2*nkx-1;
-% %note, we need one extra point which we set to zero for the ifft 
-% spectrumKxKyZ=zeros(nx,ny,nz);
-% spectrumKxKyZ(1:nkx,:,:)=field_c(:,:,:);
-% spectrumKxKyZ((nkx+1):(nx),1,:)=conj(field_c(nkx:-1:2,1,:));
-% spectrumKxKyZ((nkx+1):(nx),2:ny,:)=conj(field_c(nkx:-1:2,ny:-1:2,:));
-% %inverse fft, symmetric as we are using real data
-% spectrumXKyZ=nx*ifft(spectrumKxKyZ,[],1);
-% field_r=ny*ifft(spectrumXKyZ,[],2,'symmetric');
-% clear spectrumKxKyZ 
diff --git a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
index ab5736b4f47592164e2158576a322d4c088c1d71..c8998c0a8c22905ed37cf65810a219fa8ccd0fb3 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
@@ -6,10 +6,16 @@ d     = OPTIONS.fftz.flag;  % To add spectral evolution of z (useful for 3d zpin
     case 'Ni00'
         FIELD = DATA.Ni00;
-        fname = 'N^{00}';
+        fname = 'Ni^{00}';
+    case 'Ne00'
+        FIELD = DATA.Ne00;
+        fname = 'Ne^{00}';
     case 'phi'
         FIELD = DATA.PHI;
         fname = '\phi';
+   case 'T_i'
+        FIELD = DATA.TEMP_I;
+        fname = 'T_i';
 if numel(size(FIELD)) == 3
         field = squeeze(FIELD);
@@ -121,8 +127,13 @@ for i = 1:2
 %     subplot(2+d,3,1+3*(i-1))
     FIGURE.axes(1+3*(i-1)) = subplot(2+d,3,1+3*(i-1),'parent',FIGURE.fig);
+    if MODES_SELECTOR == 2
         [YY,XX] = meshgrid(t,fftshift(k));
         pclr = pcolor(XX,YY,abs(plt(fftshift(field,MODES_SELECTOR),1:numel(k))));set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');  hold on;
+    else
+        [YY,XX] = meshgrid(t,(k));
+        pclr = pcolor(XX,YY,abs(plt((field),1:numel(k))));set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');  hold on;
+    end
     %     xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1])
         xlabel(['$',kstr,'\rho_s$']); ylabel('$t c_s /R_0$');
@@ -138,10 +149,10 @@ for i = 1:2
         %plot the time window where the gr are measured
-        plot(t(it1)*[1 1],[1e-10 1],'--k')
-        plot(t(it2)*[1 1],[1e-10 1],'--k')
-        xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1])
+        xline(t(it1),'--k')
+        xline(t(it2),'--k')
         xlabel('$t c_s /R_0$'); ylabel(['$|',fname,'_{',kstr,'}|$']);
+        axis tight
         title('Measure time window')
 %     subplot(2+d,3,3+3*(i-1))
diff --git a/matlab/load/compile_results_2Da.m b/matlab/load/compile_results_2Da.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f89f413bd464f076b155de47693d5eabb401480b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/load/compile_results_2Da.m
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+function [field, Ts2D] = compile_results_2Da(DIRECTORY,JOBNUMMIN,JOBNUMMAX,fieldname)
+% field
+field    = [];
+Ts2D    = [];
+ii = 1;
+    filename = sprintf([DIRECTORY,'outputs_%.2d.h5'],JOBNUM);
+    % Check presence and jobnummax
+    if (exist(filename, 'file') == 2 && JOBNUM <= JOBNUMMAX)
+        %test if it is corrupted or currently running
+        try
+            openable = ~isempty(h5read(filename,'/data/var2d/time'));
+        catch
+            openable = 0;
+        end
+        if openable
+        % load field %%
+        [ F, T, ~] = load_2Da_data(filename, fieldname);
+        field  = cat(4,field,F);
+        Ts2D  = cat(1,Ts2D,T);
+        ii = ii + 1;
+        JOBFOUND = JOBFOUND + 1;
+        end
+    elseif (JOBNUM > JOBNUMMAX)
+        CONTINUE = 0;
+    end
+    JOBNUM   = JOBNUM + 1;
+if(JOBFOUND == 0)
+    disp('no results found, please verify the paths');
+    return;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m b/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
index 33fd76b5eb6086530d02faf9553cbc2b7dfddc2f..8ef6048ccd5d717c9c2f64699ddbeb84b77c267f 100644
--- a/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
+++ b/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ while(CONTINUE)
         DATA.outfilenames{ii} = filename;
         %test if it is corrupted or currently running
-            openable = ~isempty(h5read(filename,'/data/var3d/time'));
+            openable = ~isempty(h5read(filename,'/data/var0d/time'));
             openable = 0;
@@ -38,13 +38,25 @@ while(CONTINUE)
             fprintf('Loading ID %.2d (%s)\n',JOBNUM,filename);
             % loading input parameters
             DATA.(sprintf('fort_%.2d',JOBNUM)) = struct();
-            DATA.(sprintf('fort_%.2d',JOBNUM)) = read_namelist(fortname);
+            % cp the STDIN.XX from the output file to the directory to load
+            tmpfort = [fortname,'.tmp'];
+            fid = fopen(tmpfort,'wt');
+            input_string = h5read(filename,sprintf('/files/STDIN.%.2d',JOBNUM));
+            fprintf(fid, input_string);
+            fclose(fid);
+            DATA.(sprintf('fort_%.2d',JOBNUM)) = read_namelist(tmpfort);
+            system(['rm ',tmpfort]); % clean it
             % Loading from output file
             CPUTIME   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','cpu_time');
             DT_SIM    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','dt');
             [Parray, Jarray, kx, ky, z] = load_grid_data(filename);
-            W_GAMMA   = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_gamma'),'y');
-            W_HF      = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_hf'   ),'y');
+            try
+                W_GAMMA   = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_gamma'),'y');
+                W_HF      = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_hf'   ),'y');
+            catch
+                W_GAMMA   = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_gamma'),'y');
+                W_HF      = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_hf'   ),'y');
+           end
             KIN_E     = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/model',     'ADIAB_E' ),'n');
             BETA      = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/model','beta');
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_2D_data.m b/matlab/load/load_2D_data.m
index 67da60c9dd1931e73cde73c7520ecb6370a0c153..6ca82e8430e399ec31c1d9feb74d31e3d2203a6e 100644
--- a/matlab/load/load_2D_data.m
+++ b/matlab/load/load_2D_data.m
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 function [ data, time, dt ] = load_2D_data( filename, variablename )
-%LOAD_3D_DATA load a 3D variable stored in a hdf5 result file from HeLaZ
+%LOAD_2D_DATA load a 2D variable stored in a hdf5 result file
     time     = h5read(filename,'/data/var2d/time');
     dt    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','dt');
     cstart= h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','start_iframe3d'); 
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_2Da_data.m b/matlab/load/load_2Da_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3cdd94bfb0f0db936ee9745c89e8755843deea76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/load/load_2Da_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+function [ data, time, dt ] = load_2Da_data( filename, variablename )
+%LOAD_2Da_DATA load a 2D variable stored in a hdf5 result file
+    time  = h5read(filename,'/data/var2d/time');
+    dt    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','dt');
+    cstart= h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','start_iframe2d'); 
+    Na    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/model','Na'); 
+    Np    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/grid', 'Np'); 
+    Nj    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/grid', 'Nj'); 
+    Nky   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/grid', 'Nky'); 
+    Nkx   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/grid', 'Nkx'); 
+    Nz    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/grid', 'Nz'); 
+    % Find array size by loading the first output
+    tmp   = h5read(filename,['/data/var2d/',variablename,'/', num2str(cstart+1,'%06d')]);
+    try % check if it is complex or real
+        sz  = size(tmp.real);
+        cmpx = 1;
+    catch
+        sz  = size(tmp);
+        cmpx = 0;
+    end
+    % add a dimension if nz=1 or na=1
+%     if Na == 1
+%         sz = [1 sz];
+%     end
+    if Nz == 1
+        sz = [sz 1];
+    end
+    % add time dimension
+    data     = zeros([sz numel(time)]);
+    for it = 1:numel(time)
+        tmp         = h5read(filename,['/data/var2d/',variablename,'/', num2str(cstart+it,'%06d')]);
+        if cmpx
+            data(:,:,:,it) = reshape(tmp.real,sz) + 1i * reshape(tmp.imaginary,sz);
+        else
+            data(:,:,:,it) = reshape(tmp,sz);
+        end
+    end
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_multiple_outputs_marconi.m b/matlab/load/load_multiple_outputs_marconi.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fdd3b8608236ae4a056034abf7852fc50a814a0..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/matlab/load/load_multiple_outputs_marconi.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_params.m b/matlab/load/load_params.m
index 967baf3c4587ab4217c2763ad1c0260becddb13d..85d7c00d0ba3f29c41297abb58c7a6e107cf8b06 100644
--- a/matlab/load/load_params.m
+++ b/matlab/load/load_params.m
@@ -51,12 +51,19 @@ function [DATA] = load_params(DATA,filename)
         DATA.inputs.ADIAB_I = 0;
-    DATA.inputs.W_GAMMA   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_gamma') == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_PHI     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_phi')   == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_NA00    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Na00')  == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_NAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Napj')  == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_SAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Sapj')  == 'y';
+    try
+        DATA.inputs.W_GAMMA   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_gamma') == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_PHI     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_phi')   == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_NA00    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Na00')  == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_NAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Napj')  == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_SAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Sapj')  == 'y';
+    catch
+        DATA.inputs.W_GAMMA   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_gamma') == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_PHI     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_phi')   == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_NA00    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_Na00')  == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_NAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_Napj')  == 'y';
+        DATA.inputs.W_SAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_Sapj')  == 'y';
+    end
     % Species dependent parameters
     DATA.inputs.sigma = zeros(1,DATA.inputs.Na);
     DATA.inputs.tau   = zeros(1,DATA.inputs.Na);
diff --git a/matlab/load/readFortranNamelist.m b/matlab/load/readFortranNamelist.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 5dbbda9337ba82b2ff2674d9d30573dc51ba30e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/matlab/load/readFortranNamelist.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,213 +0,0 @@
-function S = read_namelist(filename)
-%   S = READ_NAMELIST(FILENAME) returns the struct S containg namelists and
-%   variables in the file FILENAME organised in hierachical way:
-%                  |--VAR1
-%                  |--VAR2
-%     |-- NMLST_A--|...
-%     |            |--VARNa
-%     |
-%     |            |--VAR1
-%     |-- NMLST_B--|--VAR2
-%     |            |...
-% S --|     ...    |--VARNb
-%     |
-%     |            |--VAR1
-%     |-- NMLST_M--|--VAR2
-%                  |...
-%                  |--VARNm
-%   Note:  The function can read multidimensioal variables as well. The  
-%   function assumes that there is no more than one namelist section per 
-%   line. At this time there is no syntax checking functionality so the 
-%   function will crash in case of errors.
-%   Example:
-%       NMLST = read_namelist('OPTIONS.nam');
-%       write_namelist(NMlST, 'MOD_OPTIONS.nam');
-%   Written by:     Darien Pardinas Diaz (darien.pardinas-diaz@monash.edu)
-%   Version:        1.0
-%   Date:           16 Dec 2011
-S = struct();
-% Open and read the text file containing the namelists
-fid = fopen(filename,'r');
-c = 0;
-lines = cell(1);
-% Read all the text lines in namelist file
-while ~feof(fid)
-    line = fgetl(fid);
-    % Remove comments if any on the line
-    idx = find(line == '!');
-    if ~isempty(idx),
-        line = line(1:idx(1)-1);
-    end
-    if ~isempty(line),
-        c = c + 1;
-        lines{c} = line;
-    end
-i = 0;
-while i < c;    
-    % Find a record
-    i = i + 1; 
-    line = lines{i};
-    idx = find(line == '&');
-    if ~isempty(idx), % i.e. a namelist start
-        line = line(idx(1) + 1:end);
-        % find next space
-        idx = find(line == ' ');
-        if ~isempty(idx),
-            namelst = line(1:idx(1) - 1);
-            line = line(idx(1) + 1:end);
-        else
-            namelst = line;
-            line = [];
-        end
-        nmlst_bdy = [];
-        idx = strfind(line,'/');
-        % Get the variable specification section
-        while isempty(idx) && i < c,
-            nmlst_bdy = [nmlst_bdy ' ' line]; 
-            i = i + 1;
-            line = lines{i};
-            idx = strfind(line,'/');
-        end
-        if ~isempty(idx) && idx(1) > 1,
-            nmlst_bdy = [nmlst_bdy ' ' line];
-        end
-        % Parse current namelist (set of variables)
-        S.(namelst) = parse_namelist(nmlst_bdy);        
-    end
-function S = parse_namelist(strng)
-% Internal function to parse the body text of a namelist section.
-% Limitations: the following patterns are prohibited inside the literal
-% strings: '.t.' '.f.' '.true.' '.false.' '(:)'
-% Get all .true., .t. and .false., .f. to T and F
-strng = regexprep(strng,'\.true\.' ,'T','ignorecase'); 
-strng = regexprep(strng,'\.false\.','F','ignorecase');
-strng = regexprep(strng,'\.t\.','T','ignorecase'); 
-strng = regexprep(strng,'\.f\.','F','ignorecase');
-% Make evaluable the (:) expression in MATLAB if any
-strng = regexprep(strng, '\(:\)', '(1,:)');
-[strng, islit] = parse_literal_strings([strng ' ']);
-% Find the position of all the '='
-eq_idx = find(strng == '=');
-nvars = length(eq_idx);
-arg_start = eq_idx + 1;
-arg_end   = zeros(size(eq_idx));
-vars = cell(nvars,1);
-S = struct;
-% Loop through every variable
-for k = 1:nvars,
-    i = eq_idx(k) - 1;
-    % Move to the left and discard blank spaces
-    while strng(i) == ' ', i = i - 1; end
-    % Now we are over the variable name or closing parentesis
-    j = i;
-    if strng(i) == ')',
-        while strng(i) ~= '(', i = i - 1; end
-        i = i - 1;
-        % Move to the left and discard any possible blank spaces
-        while strng(i) == ' ', i = i - 1; end
-    end
-    % Now we are over the last character of the variable name
-    while strng(i) ~= ' ', i = i - 1; end    
-    if k > 1, arg_end(k - 1) = i; end    
-    vars{k} = ['S.' strng(i + 1: j)];
-arg_end(end) = length(strng);
-% This variables are used in the eval function to evaluate True/False, 
-% so don't remove it!
-T = '.true.';
-F = '.false.';
-% Loop through every variable guess varible type
-for k = 1:nvars,    
-    arg = strng(arg_start(k):arg_end(k));
-    arglit = islit(arg_start(k):arg_end(k))';
-    % Remove commas in non literal string...
-    commas = ~arglit & arg == ',';
-    if any(commas)
-        arg(commas) = ' ';
-    end
-    if any(arglit),
-        % We are parsing a variable that is literal string
-        arg = ['{' arg '};'];
-    elseif ~isempty(find( arg == 'T' | arg == 'F', 1)),
-        % We are parsing a boolean variable
-        arg = ['{' arg '};'];
-    else
-        % We are parsing a numerical array
-        arg = ['[' arg '];'];
-    end
-    % Eval the modified syntax in Matlab
-    eval([vars{k} ' = ' arg]);
-function [strng, is_lit] = parse_literal_strings(strng)
-% Parse the literal declarations of strings and change to Matlab syntax
-len = length(strng);
-add_squote = []; % Positions to add a scape single quote on syntax
-rem_dquote = []; % Positions to remove a double quote scape on syntax
-i = 1;
-while i < len,
-    if strng(i) == '''',  % Opening string with single quote...
-        i = i + 1;
-        while i < len && strng(i) ~= '''' || strcmp(strng(i:i+1),'''''') , 
-            i = i + 1; 
-            if strcmp(strng(i-1:i),''''''),
-                i = i + 1;
-            end
-        end   
-    end
-    if strng(i) == '"',  % Opening string with double quote...
-        strng(i) = ''''; % Change to single quote
-        i = i + 1;
-        while strng(i) ~= '"' || strcmp(strng(i:i+1),'""') && i < len,
-            % Check for a possible sigle quote here
-            if strng(i) == '''',
-                add_squote = [add_squote i];
-            end            
-            i = i + 1; 
-            if strcmp(strng(i-1:i),'""'),
-                rem_dquote = [rem_dquote i-1];
-                i = i + 1;
-            end
-        end
-        strng(i) = ''''; % Change to single quote
-    end    
-    i = i + 1;
-for i = 1:length(add_squote);
-    strng = [strng(1:add_squote(i)) strng(add_squote(i):end)];
-for i = 1:length(rem_dquote);
-    strng = [strng(1:rem_dquote(i)-1) strng(rem_squote(i)+1:end)];
-% Now everything should be in Matlab string syntax
-% Classify syntax as literal or regular expression
-i = 1;
-len = length(strng);
-is_lit = zeros(len,1);
-while i < len,
-    if strng(i) == '''',  % Opening string with single quote...
-        is_lit(i) = 1;
-        i = i + 1;
-        while i < len && strng(i) ~= '''' || strcmp(strng(i:i+1),''''''), 
-            is_lit(i) = 1;
-            i = i + 1; 
-            if strcmp(strng(i-1:i),''''''),
-                is_lit(i) = 1;
-                i = i + 1;
-            end
-        end
-        is_lit(i) = 1;    
-    end
-    i = i + 1;
diff --git a/matlab/load/read_namelist.m b/matlab/load/read_namelist.m
index 3d49e6d0406d2532eaa3fc51ee3f7b2fe84d7631..954dbc9af151a177268b600963ef51968cade8b8 100644
--- a/matlab/load/read_namelist.m
+++ b/matlab/load/read_namelist.m
@@ -40,10 +40,10 @@ while ~feof(fid)
     line = fgetl(fid);
     % Remove comments if any on the line
     idx = find(line == '!');
-    if ~isempty(idx),
+    if ~isempty(idx)
         line = line(1:idx(1)-1);
-    if ~isempty(line),
+    if ~isempty(line)
         c = c + 1;
         lines{c} = line;
diff --git a/matlab/plot/Ursula_Meier.m b/matlab/plot/Ursula_Meier.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..affabdea29979e8a4f585ad3433beb13caf1df26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plot/Ursula_Meier.m
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+function [filename] = Ursula_Meier(MOVIE)
+    FPS = 16; BWR = 0; ncolor_level = 128; format = '.gif'; SAT = 0.75;
+    INTERP = 1;
+    if isfield(MOVIE,'FPS') 
+        FPS = MOVIE.FPS;
+    end
+    if isfield(MOVIE,'BWR') 
+        BWR = MOVIE.BWR;
+    end
+    if isfield(MOVIE,'format') 
+        format = MOVIE.format;
+    end
+    if isfield(MOVIE,'SAT') 
+        SAT = MOVIE.SAT;
+    end
+    if isfield(MOVIE,'INTERP') 
+    end
+    X = MOVIE.X; Y = MOVIE.Y; T = MOVIE.T; F = MOVIE.F;
+    switch format
+        case '.avi'
+            vidfile = VideoWriter(FILENAME,'Uncompressed AVI');
+            vidfile.FrameRate = FPS;
+            open(vidfile);  
+    end
+    % Set colormap boundaries
+    hmax = max(max(max(F(:,:,:))));
+    hmin = min(min(min(F(:,:,:))));
+    if hmax == hmin 
+        disp('Warning : h = hmin = hmax = const')
+    else
+    % Setup figure frame
+    fig  = figure('Color','white');%,'Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[0.5 0.5 1.0 1]);
+        pcolor(X,Y,F(:,:,1)); % to set up
+        if BWR
+            colormap(bluewhitered)
+        else
+            colormap(gray)
+        end
+        clim(SAT*[-1 1])
+        axis equal
+        axis tight % this ensures that getframe() returns a consistent size
+        if INTERP
+            shading interp;
+        end
+        in      = 1;
+        nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',in,numel(F(1,1,:)));
+        for n = 1:numel(T) % loop over selected frames
+            scale = max(max(abs(F(:,:,n)))); % Scaling to normalize
+            pclr = pcolor(X,Y,F(:,:,n)/scale); % frame plot\
+            clim([-1,1]);
+            if INTERP
+                shading interp; 
+            end
+            set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); %pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT);
+            if BWR
+                colormap(bluewhitered)
+            else
+                colormap(gray)
+            end
+            clim(SAT*[-1 1])
+            title([FIELDNAME,', $t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(T(n)))...
+                  ,', scaling = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]);
+            xlabel(XNAME); ylabel(YNAME); %colorbar;
+            axis tight equal
+            drawnow 
+            % Capture the plot as an image 
+            frame = getframe(fig); 
+            switch format
+                case '.gif'
+                    im = frame2im(frame); 
+                    [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,ncolor_level); 
+                    % Write to the GIF File 
+                    if in == 1 
+                      imwrite(imind,cm,FILENAME,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf); 
+                    else 
+                      imwrite(imind,cm,FILENAME,'gif','WriteMode','append', 'DelayTime',DELAY);
+                    end 
+                case '.avi'
+                    writeVideo(vidfile,frame); 
+                otherwise
+                    disp('Unknown format');
+                    break
+            end
+            % terminal info
+            while nbytes > 0
+              fprintf('\b')
+              nbytes = nbytes - 1;
+            end
+            nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',n,numel(F(1,1,:)));
+            in = in + 1;
+        end
+        disp(' ')
+        switch format
+            case '.gif'
+                disp(['Gif saved @ : ',FILENAME])
+            case '.avi'
+                disp(['Video saved @ : ',FILENAME])
+                close(vidfile);
+        end
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plot/cinecita.m b/matlab/plot/cinecita.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..fcfcdd03609bd2a2667102006d974a1b2d372e22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plot/cinecita.m
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+function [ ] = cinecita(DATADIR,J0,J1,fieldname,plan,save)
+data   = {};
+[data] = compile_results_low_mem(data,DATADIR,J0,J1);
+%% Select the field
+SKIP_COMP = 0; % Turned on only for 2D plots
+OPE_      = 1; % Operation on data
+switch fieldname
+    case 'phi' %ES pot
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = '\phi';
+    case 'phi_obmp' %ES pot
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_2D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi_obmp');
+        ltxname = '\phi_{z=0}';
+        SKIP_COMP = 1;
+    case '\psi' %EM pot
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'psi');
+        ltxname = '\psi';
+    case 'phi_nz' % non-zonal ES pot
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = '\phi^{NZ}';
+        OPE_ = (KY~=0);  
+    case 'vE_y' % y-comp of ExB velocity
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = 'v_{Ey}';
+        OPE_ = -1i*KX;  
+   case 'vE_x' % x-comp of ExB velocity
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = 'v_{Ex}';
+        OPE_ = -1i*KY;  
+   case 'sE_y' % y-comp of ExB shear
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = 's_{Ey}';
+        OPE_ = KX.^2; 
+   case 'sE_x' % x-comp of ExB shear
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = 's_{Ex}';
+        OPE_ = KY.^2; 
+   case 'wz' % ES pot vorticity
+        [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+        ltxname = '\omega_z';
+        OPE_ = -(KX.^2+KY.^2);        
+   otherwise
+        disp('Fieldname not recognized');
+        return
+%% Setup  grids
+% [KX, KY] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.kx, DATA.grids.ky);
+Nx = data.grids.Nx; Ny = data.grids.Ny; Nz = data.grids.Nz; Nt = numel(TIME);
+% MOVIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% Options
+options.INTERP    = 0;
+options.POLARPLOT = 0;
+options.BWR       = 1; % bluewhitered plot or gray
+options.CLIMAUTO  = 1; % adjust the colormap auto
+options.NAME      = ltxname;
+options.PLAN      = plan;
+options.COMP      = 1;
+options.TIME      =  data.Time(1:1:end);
+data.EPS          = 0.1;
+data.a = data.EPS * 2000;
+options.RESOLUTION = 256;
+if ~save
+    system(['rm ',FILENAME]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plot/cinecita_2D.m b/matlab/plot/cinecita_2D.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5a6f0f4f5498ac4f3cf3f5a5748ddd1e4857e5e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plot/cinecita_2D.m
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+function [MOVIE] = cinecita_2D(DATADIR,fieldname,varargin)
+J0 = 0; J1 = 20; nskip = 1; FOURIER = 0; SAT = 0.75;
+PLAY = 1;
+if numel(varargin) > 0
+    if isfield(varargin{1},'J0') 
+        J0 = varargin{1}.J0;
+    end
+    if isfield(varargin{1},'J1') 
+        J1 = varargin{1}.J1;
+    end
+    if isfield(varargin{1},'nskip') 
+        nskip = varargin{1}.nskip;
+    end
+    if isfield(varargin{1},'FOURIER') 
+        FOURIER = varargin{1}.FOURIER;
+    end
+    if isfield(varargin{1},'SAT') 
+        SAT = varargin{1}.SAT;
+    end
+    if isfield(varargin{1},'PLAY') 
+        PLAY = varargin{1}.PLAY;
+    end
+data = {};
+data = compile_results_low_mem(data,DATADIR,J0,J1);
+data = load_params(data,data.outfilenames{1});
+Nx = data.grids.Nx; Ny = data.grids.Ny; Na = data.inputs.Na;
+[KX,KY] = meshgrid(data.grids.kx,data.grids.ky);
+format = '.gif';
+%% Select the field
+OPE_         = 1; % Operation on data
+Nspec        = 0; % Load a specie
+switch fieldname
+case '\phi' %ES pot
+    toload  = 'phi';
+    ltxname = '\phi';
+    vname   = 'phi';
+case '\phi_{zf}' %ES pot
+    toload  = 'phi';
+    OPE_    = KY==0; % Operation on data
+    ltxname = '\phi_{zf}';    
+    vname   = 'phizf';
+case '\psi' %EM pot
+    toload  = 'psi';
+    ltxname = '\psi';
+    vname   = 'psi';
+case 'n_i' % ion density
+    toload  = 'dens';
+    Nspec   = 1;
+    ltxname = 'n_i';
+    vname   = 'dens_i';
+case 'n_e' % ion density
+    toload  = 'dens';
+    Nspec   = 2;
+    ltxname = 'n_e';
+    vname   = 'dens_e';
+case 'v_{Ex}' %ES pot
+    toload = 'phi';
+    OPE_   = -1i*KY; % Operation on data
+    ltxname= 'v_{Ex}';
+    vname   = 'vEx';
+case 'v_{Ey}' %ES pot
+    toload = 'phi';
+    OPE_   = 1i*KX; % Operation on data
+    ltxname= 'v_{Ey}';
+    vname   = 'vEy';
+case '\delta B_x'
+    toload = 'psi';
+    OPE_   = -1i*KY; % Operation on data
+    ltxname = '\delta B_x';
+    vname   = 'dBx';
+case '\delta B_y'
+    toload = 'psi';
+    OPE_   = 1i*KX; % Operation on data
+    ltxname = '\delta B_y';    
+    vname   = 'dBy';
+    toload = fieldname;
+    OPE_   = 1;
+if Nspec
+    [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_2Da(DATADIR,J0,J1,[toload,'_obmp']);
+    FIELD = squeeze(FIELD(Nspec,:,:,:));
+    [FIELD,TIME] = compile_results_2D(DATADIR,J0,J1,[toload,'_obmp']);
+TIME = TIME(1:nskip:end); FIELD = FIELD(:,:,1:nskip:end);
+switch ~FOURIER
+    case 1 % Real space plot
+        XNAME = '$x$'; YNAME = '$y$'; plane ='xy';
+        [X,Y] = meshgrid(data.grids.x,data.grids.y);
+        INTERP = 1;
+        process = @(x) real(fftshift(ifourier_GENE(x)));
+        shift_x = @(x) x;
+        shift_y = @(x) x;
+    case 0 % Frequencies plot
+        XNAME = '$k_x$'; YNAME = '$k_y$'; plane ='kxky';
+        [X,Y] = meshgrid(data.grids.kx,data.grids.ky);
+        INTERP = 0;
+        process = @(x) abs(fftshift(x,2));
+        shift_x = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
+        shift_y = @(x) fftshift(x,2); 
+for it = 1:numel(TIME)
+    tmp = squeeze(OPE_.*FIELD(:,:,it));
+    F(:,:,it) = squeeze(process(tmp));
+X         = shift_x(X);
+Y         = shift_y(Y);
+FILENAME  = [vname,'_',plane,'_obmp'];
+FIELDNAME = ['$',ltxname,'$'];
+MOVIE.F   = F;
+MOVIE.X   = X;
+MOVIE.Y   = Y;
+MOVIE.FPS = 16;
+MOVIE.SAT = 0.75;
+% Shoot the movie
+if PLAY
+    Ursula_Meier(MOVIE)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plot/create_film.m b/matlab/plot/create_film.m
index 6becccec8c45ab7c06a95c19e033bbf3d28363c9..ca56570d89752bf52d946ac16a07bc43a0a40f99 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/create_film.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/create_film.m
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
 function create_film(DATA,OPTIONS,format)
 %% Plot options
-FPS = 16; DELAY = 1/FPS;
-if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx')
-    T = DATA.Ts3D;
-    T = DATA.Ts5D;
 %% Processing
     case 'RZ'
         toplot = poloidal_plot(DATA,OPTIONS);
+    case '3D'
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'xy';  
+        [~,OPTIONS.COMP] = min(abs(OPTIONS.XYZ(3) - DATA.grids.z));
+        toplot    = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'xz';  
+        [~,OPTIONS.COMP] = min(abs(OPTIONS.XYZ(2) - DATA.grids.y));
+        toplot_xz = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'yz';  
+        [~,OPTIONS.COMP] = min(abs(OPTIONS.XYZ(1) - DATA.grids.x));
+        toplot_yz = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = '3D';  
         toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
@@ -20,7 +26,7 @@ XNAME     = ['$',toplot.XNAME,'$'];
 YNAME     = ['$',toplot.YNAME,'$'];
 FIELDNAME = ['$',toplot.FIELDNAME,'$'];
 FIELD     = toplot.FIELD; X = toplot.X; Y = toplot.Y;
-FRAMES    = toplot.FRAMES;
+TIME      = toplot.TIME;
 switch format
     case '.avi'
         vidfile = VideoWriter(FILENAME,'Uncompressed AVI');
@@ -36,9 +42,22 @@ if hmax == hmin
     disp('Warning : h = hmin = hmax = const')
 % Setup figure frame
-fig  = figure('Color','white');%,'Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[0.5 0.5 1.0 1]);
     if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx')
-        pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,1)); % to set up
+        if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'3D')
+            fig  = figure('Color','white');
+            pclr = pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,1)/scale); % frame plot\
+            set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); %pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT);
+        else
+            fig  = figure('Color','white','Position', 1024*[0.5 0.5 0.5 1]);
+            s = surface(toplot.X,toplot.Y,OPTIONS.XYZ(3)+0*toplot.X,FIELD(:,:,1)/scale); hold on;
+            s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+            s = surface(toplot_xz.X,OPTIONS.XYZ(2)+0*toplot_xz.X,toplot_xz.Y,toplot_xz.FIELD(:,:,1)./scale);
+            s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+            s = surface(OPTIONS.XYZ(1)+0*toplot_yz.X,toplot_yz.X,toplot_yz.Y,toplot_yz.FIELD(:,:,1)./scale);
+            s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+            zlabel('z');
+            view([1 -1 0.25])          
+        end        
         if BWR
@@ -52,30 +71,31 @@ fig  = figure('Color','white');%,'Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[0.5 0.5 1.0 1])
             shading interp;
+      fig  = figure('Color','white');
     in      = 1;
     nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',in,numel(FIELD(1,1,:)));
-    for n = 1:numel(FRAMES) % loop over selected frames
+    for n = 1:numel(TIME) % loop over selected frames
         scale = max(max(abs(FIELD(:,:,n)))); % Scaling to normalize
         if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx')
-            if NORMALIZED
+            if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'3D')
                 pclr = pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,n)/scale); % frame plot\
-                caxis([-1,1]);
+                set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); %pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT);
-                pclr = pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,n)); % frame plot\
-                if CONST_CMAP
-                    caxis([-1,1]*max(abs([hmin hmax]))); % adaptive color map
-                else
-                    caxis([-1,1]*scale); % adaptive color map                
-                end
-                title([FIELDNAME,', $t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(T(n)))...
-                    ,', scale = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]);
+                s = surface(toplot.X,toplot.Y,OPTIONS.XYZ(3)+0*toplot.X,FIELD(:,:,n)/scale); hold on;
+                s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+                s = surface(toplot_xz.X,OPTIONS.XYZ(2)+0*toplot_xz.X,toplot_xz.Y,toplot_xz.FIELD(:,:,n)./scale);
+                s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+                s = surface(OPTIONS.XYZ(1)+0*toplot_yz.X,toplot_yz.X,toplot_yz.Y,toplot_yz.FIELD(:,:,n)./scale);
+                s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+                zlabel('z');
+                view([1 -1 0.25])          
+            clim([-1,1]);
             if toplot.INTERP
                 shading interp; 
-            set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); %pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT);
             if BWR
@@ -87,10 +107,14 @@ fig  = figure('Color','white');%,'Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[0.5 0.5 1.0 1])
         else % show velocity distr.
-        title([FIELDNAME,', $t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(T(FRAMES(n))))...
-              ,', scaling = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]);
-        xlabel(XNAME); ylabel(YNAME); %colorbar;
+        if ~OPTIONS.RMAXIS
+            title([FIELDNAME,', $t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(TIME(n)))...
+                  ,', scaling = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]);
+            xlabel(XNAME); ylabel(YNAME); %colorbar;
+        else
+            axis off
+            axis tight
+        end
         % Capture the plot as an image 
         frame = getframe(fig); 
diff --git a/matlab/plot/photomaton.m b/matlab/plot/photomaton.m
index 67b02747b9ca4d0f12ce50d12ff2a476018ecc3e..d563030d9b1ae66ad1ab1cb54ac69dec98bd3b4d 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/photomaton.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/photomaton.m
@@ -4,11 +4,26 @@ function [ FIGURE ] = photomaton( DATA,OPTIONS )
     case 'RZ'
         toplot = poloidal_plot(DATA,OPTIONS);
+    case '3D'
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'xy';  
+        [~,OPTIONS.COMP] = min(abs(OPTIONS.XYZ(3) - DATA.grids.z));
+        toplot    = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'xz';  
+        [~,OPTIONS.COMP] = min(abs(OPTIONS.XYZ(2) - DATA.grids.y));
+        toplot_xz = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'yz';  
+        [~,OPTIONS.COMP] = min(abs(OPTIONS.XYZ(1) - DATA.grids.x));
+        toplot_yz = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        OPTIONS.PLAN      = '3D';  
         toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
 FNAME  = toplot.FILENAME;
 FRAMES = toplot.FRAMES;
+    toplot.FIELD = mean(toplot.FIELD,3);
+    FRAMES = FRAMES(1);
 Nframes= numel(FRAMES);
 Nrows  = ceil(Nframes/4);
 Ncols  = ceil(Nframes/Nrows);
@@ -29,17 +44,31 @@ FIGURE.fig = figure; %set(gcf, 'Position',  toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 Ncols Nrows]
         if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx')
             tshot = DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES(i_));
-            pclr = pcolor(toplot.X,toplot.Y,toplot.FIELD(:,:,i_)./scale); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');
-            if OPTIONS.AXISEQUAL
-                pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT)
-            end
-            if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'kxky')
-                clim([-1,1]*frame_max/scale);
-                colormap(bluewhitered);
-                if OPTIONS.INTERP
-                    shading interp; 
-                end
-            end
+            if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'3D')
+                pclr = pcolor(toplot.X,toplot.Y,toplot.FIELD(:,:,i_)./scale); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');
+            else
+                % xy plane
+               s = surface(toplot.X,toplot.Y,OPTIONS.XYZ(3)+0*toplot.Y,toplot.FIELD(:,:,i_)./scale); hold on;
+                s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+                % s.FaceAlpha = 0.5;
+                % xz plane
+               s = surface(toplot_xz.X,OPTIONS.XYZ(2)+0*toplot_xz.X,toplot_xz.Y,toplot_xz.FIELD(:,:,i_)./scale);
+                s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+                % s.FaceAlpha = 0.7;
+                % yz plane
+               s = surface(OPTIONS.XYZ(1)+0*toplot_yz.X,toplot_yz.X,toplot_yz.Y,toplot_yz.FIELD(:,:,i_)./scale);
+                s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+                % s.FaceAlpha = 0.7;
+               xlabel('x');
+               ylabel('y');
+               zlabel('z');
+               h = gca;
+               plot3(h.XLim,OPTIONS.XYZ(2)*[1 1],OPTIONS.XYZ(3)*[1 1],'--k','LineWidth',1.)
+               plot3(OPTIONS.XYZ(1)*[1 1],h.YLim,OPTIONS.XYZ(3)*[1 1],'--k','LineWidth',1.)
+               plot3(OPTIONS.XYZ(1)*[1 1],OPTIONS.XYZ(2)*[1 1],h.ZLim,'--k','LineWidth',1.)
+               % zline(OPTIONS.XYZ(3),'-k','LineWidth',1.5)
+               view([1 -1 0.25])
+           end
 %             pclr = pcolor(toplot.X,toplot.Y,toplot.FIELD(:,:,FRAMES(i_))./scale); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); shading interp
@@ -47,12 +76,23 @@ FIGURE.fig = figure; %set(gcf, 'Position',  toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 Ncols Nrows]
         xlabel(toplot.XNAME); ylabel(toplot.YNAME);
 %         if i_ > 1; set(gca,'ytick',[]); end; 
-        title([sprintf('$t c_s/R=%.0f$',tshot),', max = ',sprintf('%.1e',frame_max)]);
+        title([sprintf('$t c_s/R=%5.2f$',tshot),', max = ',sprintf('%.1e',frame_max)]);
+        pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT)
+    end
+    if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'kxky')
+        clim([-1,1]*frame_max/scale);
+        colormap(bluewhitered);
+        if OPTIONS.INTERP
+            shading interp; 
+        end
+    end
+    legend('Location','northeast');
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_ballooning.m b/matlab/plot/plot_ballooning.m
index f43866e82dd9cc6cf5cb02dad988bbd859b9f083..aa6565c71b034dbd4be27b87d4be6e42c20b534d 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_ballooning.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_ballooning.m
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ function [FIG, b_angle, phib, psib, ky_] = plot_ballooning(DATA,OPTIONS)
     [~,ikyarray] = min(abs(DATA.grids.ky - OPTIONS.kymodes));
     ikyarray = unique(ikyarray);
     dz = DATA.grids.z(2) - DATA.grids.z(1);
-    phi_real=real(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it1));
-    phi_imag=imag(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it1));
+    phi_real=mean(real(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it0:it1)),4);
+    phi_imag=mean(imag(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,it0:it1)),4);
     ncol = 1;
     if DATA.inputs.BETA > 0
-        psi_real=real(DATA.PSI(:,:,:,it1));
-        psi_imag=imag(DATA.PSI(:,:,:,it1)); 
+        psi_real=mean(real(DATA.PSI(:,:,:,it0:it1)),4);
+        psi_imag=mean(imag(DATA.PSI(:,:,:,it0:it1)),4); 
         ncol = 2;
@@ -50,12 +50,12 @@ function [FIG, b_angle, phib, psib, ky_] = plot_ballooning(DATA,OPTIONS)
                ',t_{avg}\in [',sprintf('%1.1f',DATA.Ts3D(it0)),',',sprintf('%1.1f',DATA.Ts3D(it1)),']$']);
         % z domain start end point
-        for i_ = 2*[1:DATA.grids.Nkx-1]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
-            xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_),'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
-        end
-        for i_ = 2*[2:DATA.grids.Nkx]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
-            xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_)-dz/pi,'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
-        end
+        % for i_ = 2*[1:DATA.grids.Nkx-1]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
+        %     xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_),'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
+        % end
+        % for i_ = 2*[2:DATA.grids.Nkx]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
+        %     xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_)-dz/pi,'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
+        % end
         if DATA.inputs.BETA > 0         
             [psib_real,b_angle] = ballooning_representation(psi_real,DATA.inputs.SHEAR,DATA.grids.Npol,DATA.grids.kx,iky,DATA.grids.ky,DATA.grids.z);
             [psib_imag,~]       = ballooning_representation(psi_imag,DATA.inputs.SHEAR,DATA.grids.Npol,DATA.grids.kx,iky,DATA.grids.ky,DATA.grids.z);
@@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ function [FIG, b_angle, phib, psib, ky_] = plot_ballooning(DATA,OPTIONS)
             % z domain start end point
-            for i_ = 2*[1:DATA.grids.Nkx-1]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
-                xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_),'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
-            end
-            for i_ = 2*[2:DATA.grids.Nkx]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
-                xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_)-dz/pi,'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
-            end
+            % for i_ = 2*[1:DATA.grids.Nkx-1]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
+            %     xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_),'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
+            % end
+            % for i_ = 2*[2:DATA.grids.Nkx]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
+            %     xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_)-dz/pi,'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
+            % end
             xlabel('$\chi / \pi$')
             ylabel('$\psi_B (\chi)$');
@@ -89,12 +89,12 @@ function [FIG, b_angle, phib, psib, ky_] = plot_ballooning(DATA,OPTIONS)
             plot(b_angle/pi, kperpb,'-k'); hold on;
             % z domain start end point
-            for i_ = 2*[1:DATA.grids.Nkx-1]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
-                xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_),'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
-            end
-            for i_ = 2*[2:DATA.grids.Nkx]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
-                xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_)-dz/pi,'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
-            end
+            % for i_ = 2*[1:DATA.grids.Nkx-1]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
+            %     xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_),'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
+            % end
+            % for i_ = 2*[2:DATA.grids.Nkx]-(DATA.grids.Nkx+1)
+            %     xline(DATA.grids.Npol*(i_)-dz/pi,'HandleVisibility','off'); hold on;
+            % end
             xlabel('$\chi / \pi$')
             ylabel('$k_\perp (\chi)$');
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m b/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m
index ff31e4d26519c7a4f4f2870216fdd478d01a2698..3954ced9b260fe2f729e172b68e32cddb4c0a6c4 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m
@@ -1,97 +1,103 @@
-% MAT = results.iCa;
-% figure
-% suptitle('FCGK,P=6,J=3');
-% subplot(221)
-%     imagesc(log(abs(MAT))); 
-%     title('log abs')
-% subplot(222)
-%     imagesc(imag(MAT));  colormap(bluewhitered)
-%     title('imag'); colorbar
-% subplot(223)
-%     imagesc(imag(MAT)>0);
-%     title('imag$>$0');
-% subplot(224)
-%     imagesc(imag(MAT)<0);
-%     title('imag$<$0');
-    %% SGGK
-P_ = 20; J_ = 10;
-mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/HeLaZ/iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
-SGGK_self = h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Caapj/Ciipj');
-SGGK_ei = h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ceipj/CeipjF')+h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ceipj/CeipjT');
-SGGK_ie = h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ciepj/CiepjF')+h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ciepj/CiepjT');
+%% Coeff trajectory
+% matfilename = 'gk_landau_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_12.h5'; JMAX = 5;
+% matfilename = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'; JMAX = 10;
+% matfilename = 'gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'; JMAX = 10;
+matfilename = 'gk_landau_P16_J9_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_8.h5'; JMAX = 10;
+P_ = 10; J_ = P_/2;
+n = 1:((P_+1)*(J_+1));
+for p_ = 0:P_
+    n((0:J_)+p_*(J_+1)+1) = (0:J_)+p_*(JMAX+1);
+mat_file_name = ['/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/',matfilename];
+kp_a   = h5read(mat_file_name,'/coordkperp');
+coeff  = kp_a*0;
+gmax = kp_a*0;
+p1 = 0; j1 = 0;
+p2 = 0; j2 = 0;
+for ik = 1:numel(kp_a)
+    matidx = sprintf('%5.5i',ik-1);
+    M_self = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
+    MAT  = M_self(n+1,n+1); 
+    ipj1 = n(j1+p1*(J_+1)+1);
+    ipj2 = n(j2+p2*(J_+1)+1);
+    coeff(ik)  = MAT(ipj1+1,ipj2+1);
+    gmax(ik) = -max((real(eig(MAT))));
+    %% SGGK
+P_ = 10; J_ = 5;
+n = 1:((P_+1)*(J_+1));
+for p_ = 0:P_
+    n((0:J_)+p_*(J_+1)+1) = (0:J_)+p_*(10+1);
+kp = 5.0;
+kp_a =  h5read(mat_file_name,'/coordkperp');
+[~,matidx] = min(abs(kp_a-kp));
+matidx = sprintf('%5.5i',matidx);
+mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
+M_self = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
-MAT = 1i*SGGK_self; suptitle('SGGK ii,P=20,J=10, k=0');
-% MAT = 1i*SGGK_ei; suptitle('SGGK ei,P=20,J=10');
-% MAT = 1i*SGGK_ie; suptitle('SGGK ie,P=20,J=10');
-    imagesc(abs(MAT));
-    title('log abs')
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)); colormap(bluewhitered)
-    title('imag'); colorbar
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)>0);
-    title('imag$>$0');
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)<0);
-    title('imag$<$0');
+MAT = M_self; %suptitle('SGGK ii,P=20,J=10, k=0');
+axis equal
+% clim(1*[-1 1])
+clim auto
         %% PAGK
-P_ = 20; J_ = 10;
-mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/HeLaZ/iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
-PAGK_self = h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Caapj/Ceepj');
-% PAGK_ei = h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ceipj/CeipjF')+h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ceipj/CeipjT');
-% PAGK_ie = h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ciepj/CiepjF')+h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ciepj/CiepjT');
+P_ = 10; J_ = 5;
+n = 1:((P_+1)*(J_+1));
+for p_ = 0:P_
+    n((0:J_)+p_*(J_+1)+1) = (0:J_)+p_*(10+1);
+kp = 1.0;
+kp_a =  h5read(mat_file_name,'/coordkperp');
+[~,matidx] = min(abs(kp_a-kp));
+matidx = sprintf('%5.5i',matidx);
+mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
+PAGK_self = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
-MAT = 1i*PAGK_self; suptitle('PAGK ii,P=20,J=10, k=0');
-    imagesc(abs(MAT));
-    title('log abs')
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)); colormap(bluewhitered)
-    title('imag'); colorbar
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)>0);
-    title('imag$>$0');
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)<0);
-    title('imag$<$0');
+PA_MAT = PAGK_self;
+    imagesc((PA_MAT(n+1,n+1)));
+    title('Lorentz')
+    xlim('tight')
+    ylim('tight')
+    axis equal
+    % clim(1*[-1 1])
+    clim auto
+    colormap(bluewhitered)
     %% FCGK
-P_ = 4; J_ = 2;
-mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5';
-% mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGK_P6_J3_dk_5e-2_km_2.5_NFLR_20.h5';
-% mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGK_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12.h5';
-kp = 0.0;
+P_ = 10; J_ = 5;
+n = 1:((P_+1)*(J_+1));
+for p_ = 0:P_
+    n((0:J_)+p_*(J_+1)+1) = (0:J_)+p_*(5+1);
+mat_file_name = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_landau_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_12.h5';
+kp = 1.0;
 kp_a =  h5read(mat_file_name,'/coordkperp');
 [~,matidx] = min(abs(kp_a-kp));
 matidx = sprintf('%5.5i',matidx);
 FCGK_self = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
-FCGK_ei = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Ceipj/CeipjF'])+h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ceipj/CeipjT');
-FCGK_ie = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Ciepj/CiepjF'])+h5read(mat_file_name,'/00000/Ciepj/CiepjT');
-MAT = 1i*FCGK_self; suptitle(['FCGK ii,P=6,J=3, k=',num2str(kp),' (',matidx,')']);
+FC_MAT = FCGK_self;
 % MAT = 1i*FCGK_ei; suptitle('FCGK ei,P=20,J=10');
 % MAT = 1i*FCGK_ie; suptitle('FCGK ie,P=20,J=10');
-    imagesc(abs(MAT));
-    title('log abs')
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)); colormap(bluewhitered)
-    title('imag'); colorbar
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)>0);
-    title('imag$>$0');
-    imagesc(imag(MAT)<0);
-    title('imag$<$0');
+    imagesc((FC_MAT(n+1,n+1)));
+    title('Landau')
+    xlim('tight')
+    ylim('tight')
+    axis equal
+    % clim(1*[-1 1])
+    clim auto
+   colormap(bluewhitered)
 %% Eigenvalue spectrum analysis    
 if 0
@@ -129,16 +135,19 @@ for j_ = 1:numel(mfns)
 %     kp_a = kp_a(kp_a<=3);
     gmax = zeros(size(kp_a));
     wmax = zeros(size(kp_a));
+    c44  = zeros(size(kp_a));
    for idx_ = 0:numel(kp_a)-1
         matidx = sprintf('%5.5i',idx_);
-        MAT = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
-        gmax(idx_+1) = max((real(eig(MAT)))); 
-        wmax(idx_+1) = max((imag(eig(MAT)))); 
+        FC_MAT = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
+        gmax(idx_+1) = max((real(eig(FC_MAT)))); 
+        wmax(idx_+1) = max((imag(eig(FC_MAT)))); 
+        c44 (idx_+1) = FC_MAT(4,4); 
     plot(kp_a,gmax,'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
-    plot(kp_a,wmax,'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
+    % plot(kp_a,wmax,'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
+    plot(kp_a,c44,'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
 legend('show'); grid on;
@@ -195,9 +204,9 @@ for j_ = 1:numel(mfns)
     kp_a          =  h5read(mat_file_name,'/coordkperp');
     [~,idx_]       = min(abs(kp_a-kperp));
     matidx        = sprintf('%5.5i',idx_);
-    MAT           = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
-    grow{j_}  = real(eig(MAT))*TAU_A(j_); 
-    puls{j_}  = imag(eig(MAT))*TAU_A(j_); 
+    FC_MAT           = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
+    grow{j_}  = real(eig(FC_MAT))*TAU_A(j_); 
+    puls{j_}  = imag(eig(FC_MAT))*TAU_A(j_); 
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_isosurf_wip.m b/matlab/plot/plot_isosurf_wip.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..886c29fa643311a250986760a1197105ab3b7de7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_isosurf_wip.m
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+options.NAME      = ['N_i^{00}'];
+options.PLAN      = 'xyz';
+options.TIME      = [30];
+TOPLOT = process_field( data, options );
+[X,Y,Z] = meshgrid(data.grids.x,data.grids.y,data.grids.z);
+X = smooth3(X,'gaussian',5);
+Y = smooth3(Y,'gaussian',5);
+Z = smooth3(Z,'gaussian',5);
+TOPLOT.FIELD = smooth3(TOPLOT.FIELD,'gaussian',5);
+s = isosurface(X,Y,Z,TOPLOT.FIELD,0);
+s = reducepatch(s,0.1);
+%% figure
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_kernels.m b/matlab/plot/plot_kernels.m
index a02b82cae6367eb22d4012c19859286eec4407cb..2e7f700e9878c13d7766329bfc8f7bf4f915d86b 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_kernels.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_kernels.m
@@ -2,15 +2,15 @@ if 0
 %% Kernels
-kx = linspace(0,kmax,100);
+kp = linspace(0,kmax,100);
 for n_ = 0:nmax
-    plot(kx,kernel(n_,kx),'DisplayName',['$\mathcal{K}_{',num2str(n_),'}$']);hold on;
+    plot(kp,kernel(n_,kp),'DisplayName',['$\mathcal{K}_{',num2str(n_),'}$']);hold on;
 ylim_ = ylim;
-plot(kx(end)*[2/3 2/3],ylim_,'--k','DisplayName','AA');
+plot(kp(end)*[2/3 2/3],ylim_,'--k','DisplayName','AA');
 % J0 = besselj(0,kx);
 % plot(kx,J0,'-r','DisplayName','$J_0$');
 legend('show'); xlabel('k'); title('Kernel functions $\mathcal{K}_n$');
@@ -19,32 +19,32 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Bessels and approx
-vperp = linspace(0,1.5,4);
+wperp = linspace(0,1.5,4);
-for i = 1:4
-    v_ = vperp(i);
-    kx = linspace(0,kmax,100);
+for id2 = 1:4
+    v_ = wperp(id2);
+    kp = linspace(0,kmax,100);
-    J0 = besselj(0,kx*v_);
-    A1 = 1 - kx.^2*v_^2/4;
-    K1 = zeros(size(kx));
-    K2 = zeros(size(kx));
+    J0 = besselj(0,kp*v_);
+    A1 = 1 - kp.^2*v_^2/4;
+    K1 = zeros(size(kp));
+    K2 = zeros(size(kp));
     for n_ = 0:nmax1
-        K1 = K1 + kernel(n_,kx).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
+        K1 = K1 + kernel(n_,kp).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
     for n_ = 0:nmax2
-        K2 = K2 + kernel(n_,kx).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
+        K2 = K2 + kernel(n_,kp).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
-    plot(kx,J0,'-k','DisplayName','$J_0(kv)$'); hold on;
-    plot(kx,A1,'-r','DisplayName','$1 - k^2 v^2/4$');
-    plot(kx,K1,'--b','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{',num2str(nmax1),'}\mathcal K_n(k) L^n(v)$']);
-    plot(kx,K2,'-b','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{',num2str(nmax2),'}\mathcal K_n(k) L^n(v)$']);
+    plot(kp,J0,'-k','DisplayName','$J_0(kv)$'); hold on;
+    plot(kp,A1,'-r','DisplayName','$1 - k^2 v^2/4$');
+    plot(kp,K1,'--b','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{',num2str(nmax1),'}\mathcal K_n(k) L^n(v)$']);
+    plot(kp,K2,'-b','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{',num2str(nmax2),'}\mathcal K_n(k) L^n(v)$']);
     ylim_ = [-0.5, 1.0];
-    plot(kx(end)*[2/3 2/3],ylim_,'--k','DisplayName','AA');
+    plot(kp(end)*[2/3 2/3],ylim_,'--k','DisplayName','AA');
     ylim(ylim_); xlabel('$k$')
     legend('show'); grid on; title(['$v = ',num2str(v_),'$'])
@@ -53,165 +53,223 @@ end
 if 0
 %% from Sum_n Kn x Ln x Lj to Sum_n Kn Sum_s dnjs x Ls
-vperp = [2];
-kx    = linspace(0,10,200);
-Jmax  = 15;
-j     = 10;
-fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, numel(vperp)*300, 250])
-%     suptitle(['$J_{max}=',num2str(Jmax),', j=',num2str(j),'$'])
+wperp = [0 0.2 0.4];
+kp    = linspace(0,3,50);
+Jmax  = 8;
+js     = 4;
+fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, numel(wperp)*300, 250])
+%     suptitle(['$J_{ma}=',num2str(Jmax),', j=',num2str(j),'$'])
 Kn = @(x__,y__) kernel(x__,y__);
-for i = 1:numel(vperp)
-    v_ = vperp(i);
+% dnjs_ = @(n,j,s) dnjs(n,j,s);
+dnjs_ = @(n,j,s) dnjs_GYAC(n+1,j+1,s+1);
+for id2 = 1:numel(wperp)
+    v_ = wperp(id2);
     % J0 x Lj
-    J0Lj = besselj(0,kx*v_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2);
+    J0Lj_ = besselj(0,kp*v_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(js),v_^2);
     % Taylor exp of J0
-    A1 = (1 - kx.^2*v_^2/4)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2);
+    A1 = (1 - kp.^2*v_^2/4)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(js),v_^2);
     % Sum_n^Nmax Kn x Ln x Lj
-    KLL = zeros(size(kx));
+    KLL = zeros(size(kp));
     for n_ = 0:Jmax
-        KLL = KLL + Kn(n_,kx).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
+        KLL = KLL + Kn(n_,kp).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
-    KLL = KLL.*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2);
+    KLL = KLL.*polyval(LaguerrePoly(js),v_^2);
     % Sum_n^Nmax Kn Sum_s^Smax dnjs x Ls
-    KdL1 = zeros(size(kx));
-    for n_ = 0:Jmax-j
+    KdL1_ = zeros(size(kp));
+    for n_ = 0:Jmax-js
         tmp_ = 0;
-        for s_ = 0:n_+j
-            tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs(n_,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
+        for s_ = 0:n_+js
+            tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs_(n_,js,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
-        KdL1 = KdL1 + Kn(n_,kx).*tmp_;
+        KdL1_ = KdL1_ + Kn(n_,kp).*tmp_;
     % Sum_n^Nmax Kn Sum_s^Smax dnjs x Ls
-    KdL2 = zeros(size(kx));
+    KdL2_ = zeros(size(kp));
     for n_ = 0:Jmax
         tmp_ = 0;
-        for s_ = 0:min(Jmax,n_+j)
-            tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs(n_,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
+        for s_ = 0:min(Jmax,n_+js)
+            tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs_(n_,js,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
-        KdL2 = KdL2 + Kn(n_,kx).*tmp_;
+        KdL2_ = KdL2_ + Kn(n_,kp).*tmp_;
     % plots
-    plot(kx,J0Lj,'-k','DisplayName','$J_0 L_j$'); hold on;
-    plot(kx,KLL,'-','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{J}\mathcal K_n L^n L_j$']);
-    plot(kx,KdL1,'-.','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{J-j}\mathcal K_n \sum_{s=0}^{n+j} d_{njs} L^s$']);
+    plot(kp,J0Lj_,'-k','DisplayName','$J_0 L_j$');
     ylim_ = ylim;
-    plot(kx,A1,'-','DisplayName','$(1 - k^2 v^2/4) L_j$'); hold on;
-    plot(kx,KdL2,'--','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{J}\mathcal K_n \sum_{s=0}^{\min(J,n+j)} d_{njs} L^s$']);
+    plot(kp,KLL,'-','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{J}\mathcal K_n L_n L_j$']); hold on;
+    plot(kp,KdL2_,':o','DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{J}\mathcal K_n \sum_{s=0}^{\min(J,n+j)} d_{njs} L_s$']);
+    plot(kp,J0Lj_,'-k','DisplayName','$J_0 L_j$'); hold on;
+    ylim_ = ylim;
+    plot(kp,A1,':s','DisplayName','$(1 - l_\perp) L_j$'); hold on;
+    plot(kp,KdL1_,':x','MarkerSize',10,...
+        'DisplayName',['$\sum_{n=0}^{J-j}\mathcal K_n \sum_{s=0}^{n+j} d_{njs} L_s$']);
+    plot(kp,J0Lj_,'-k','DisplayName','$J_0 L_j$'); hold on;
 %     plot(kx(end)*[2/3 2/3],ylim_,'--k','DisplayName','AA');
-    xlabel('$k_{\perp}$')
-    legend('show'); 
-    grid on; title(['$v = ',num2str(v_),'$',' $J_{max}=',num2str(Jmax),', j=',num2str(j),'$'])
+    xlabel('$k_{\perp}\rho_s$')
+    % legend('show'); 
+    grid on; title(['$w_\perp = ',num2str(v_),'$',' $J_{max}=',num2str(Jmax),', j=',num2str(js),'$'])
-FIGNAME = ['/home/ahoffman/Dropbox/Applications/Overleaf/Hermite-Laguerre Z-pinch (HeLaZ Doc.)/figures/J0Lj_approx_J','_',num2str(Jmax),'_j_',num2str(j),'.eps'];
+FIGNAME = ['/home/ahoffman/Dropbox/Applications/Overleaf/Hermite-Laguerre Z-pinch (HeLaZ Doc.)/figures/J0Lj_approx_J','_',num2str(Jmax),'_j_',num2str(js),'.eps'];
 % saveas(fig,FIGNAME,'epsc');
-if 1
-%% Convergence analysis
-kx    = linspace(0,10,200);
-v_A   = linspace(0,1,10); 
-J_A   = 1:15;
-[YY,XX] = meshgrid(v_A,J_A);
-klimLL = zeros(size(XX));
-klimdL1= zeros(size(XX));
-Kn = @(x__,y__) kernel(x__,y__);
-fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 500, 400]);
-for j = 5
-for ij_ = 1:numel(J_A)
-    iv_ = 1;
-    for v_ = v_A
-    eps   = abs(0.01*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2));
-    Jmax = J_A(ij_);
-    % J0 x Lj
-    J0Lj = besselj(0,kx*v_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2);
-    % Taylor exp of J0
-    A1 = (1 - kx.^2*v_^2/4)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2);
-    % Sum_n^Nmax Kn x Ln x Lj
-    KLL = zeros(size(kx));
-    for n_ = 0:Jmax
-        KLL = KLL + Kn(n_,kx).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
-    end
-    KLL = KLL.*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),v_^2);
-    % Sum_n^Nmax Kn Sum_s^Smax dnjs x Ls
-    KdL1 = zeros(size(kx));
-    for n_ = 0:Jmax-j
-        tmp_ = 0;
-        for s_ = 0:n_+j
-            tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs(n_,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
-        end
-        KdL1 = KdL1 + Kn(n_,kx).*tmp_;
-    end
-    % Sum_n^Nmax Kn Sum_s^Smax dnjs x Ls
-    KdL2 = zeros(size(kx));
-    for n_ = 0:Jmax
-        tmp_ = 0;
-        for s_ = 0:min(Jmax,n_+j)
-            tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs(n_,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
-        end
-        KdL2 = KdL2 + Kn(n_,kx).*tmp_;
-    end
-    % errors
-    err_     = abs(J0Lj-KLL);
-    idx_ = 1;
-    while(err_(idx_)< eps && idx_ < numel(err_))
-        idx_ = idx_ + 1;
-    end
-    klimLL(ij_,iv_) = kx(idx_);
-    err_     = abs(J0Lj-KdL1);
-    idx_ = 1;
-    while(err_(idx_)< eps && idx_ < numel(err_))
-        idx_ = idx_ + 1;
-    end
-    klimdL1(ij_,iv_) = kx(idx_);
-    iv_ = iv_ + 1;
-    end
-% plot
-% plot(JmaxA,klimLL,'o-'); hold on
-% plot(J_A,klimdL1,'o-'); hold on
-xlabel('$J_{max}$'); ylabel('$v_{\perp}$');
-title(['$k$ s.t. $\epsilon=1\%$, $j=',num2str(j),'$'])
-ylim([0,1]); grid on;
 if 0
 %% Test Lj Ln = sum_s dnjs Ls
-j = 10;
-n = 10;
-smax = n+j;
-vperp = linspace(0,5,20);
-LjLn        = zeros(size(vperp));
-dnjsLs      = zeros(size(vperp));
-dnjsLs_bin  = zeros(size(vperp));
-dnjsLs_stir = zeros(size(vperp));
-for x_ = vperp
-    LjLn(i) = polyval(LaguerrePoly(j),x_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n),x_);
-    dnjsLs(i)      = 0;
-    dnjsLs_bin(i)  = 0;
-    dnjsLs_stir(i) = 0;
+js = 4;
+n = 4;
+GYAC = 1;
+smax = n+js;
+wperp = linspace(0,5,50);
+LjLn        = zeros(size(wperp));
+dnjsLs      = zeros(size(wperp));
+dnjsLs_bin  = zeros(size(wperp));
+dnjsLs_stir = zeros(size(wperp));
+if GYAC
+    dnjsLs_GYAC = zeros(size(wperp));
+    % Specify the filename
+    filename = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/results/dbg/output.txt';
+    % Use the load function to read data from the text file
+    data = load(filename);
+    % Extract columns
+    indices = data(:, 1:3);
+    values = data(:, 4);
+    is_ = unique(indices(:,1));
+    N_  = numel(is_);
+    dnjs_GYAC = zeros(N_,N_,N_);
+    for id2 = 1:numel(values)
+        in_ = indices(id2,1);
+        ij_ = indices(id2,2);
+        is_ = indices(id2,3);
+        dnjs_GYAC(in_,ij_,is_) = values(id2);
+    end
+for x_ = wperp
+    LjLn(id2) = polyval(LaguerrePoly(js),x_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n),x_);
+    dnjsLs(id2)      = 0;
+    dnjsLs_bin(id2)  = 0;
+    dnjsLs_stir(id2) = 0;
     for s_ = 0:smax
-        dnjsLs(i)      = dnjsLs(i)      + dnjs(n,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
-        dnjsLs_bin(i)  = dnjsLs_bin(i)  + dnjs_fact(n,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
-        dnjsLs_stir(i) = dnjsLs_stir(i) + dnjs_stir(n,j,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
+        dnjsLs(id2)      = dnjsLs(id2)      + dnjs(n,js,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
+        dnjsLs_bin(id2)  = dnjsLs_bin(id2)  + dnjs_fact(n,js,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
+        dnjsLs_stir(id2) = dnjsLs_stir(id2) + dnjs_stir(n,js,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
+        if GYAC
+        dnjsLs_GYAC(id2) = dnjsLs_GYAC(id2) + dnjs_GYAC(n+1,js+1,s_+1)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),x_);
+        end
-    i = i+1;
+    id2 = id2+1;
-plot(vperp,LjLn); hold on;
+plot(wperp,LjLn,'DisplayName',['$L_',num2str(js),' L_',num2str(n),'$']); hold on;
+    ['$\sum_{s=0}^{',num2str(smax),'} d^{coeff}_{',num2str(n),',',num2str(js),',s}L_s$'])
+plot(wperp,dnjsLs_bin,'o','DisplayName','$\sum_s d^{fact}_{njs}L_s$')
+plot(wperp,dnjsLs_stir/dnjsLs_stir(1),'x','DisplayName','$\sum_s d^{stir}_{njs}L_s$')
 % We see that starting arround j = 18, n = 0, the stirling formula is the only
 % approximation that does not diverge from the target function. However it
 % performs badly for non 0 n...
+if 0
+    wperp = linspace(0,3,128);
+    kp    = linspace(0,3,128);
+    Jmax  = 8;
+    js     = Jmax/2;[0 2:Jmax];
+    err_KLL  = 1:numel(js);
+    err_KdL1 = 1:numel(js);
+    err_KdL2 = 1:numel(js);
+    err_T1   = 1:numel(js);
+    J0Lj     = zeros(numel(kp),numel(wperp));
+    KdL1     = zeros(numel(kp),numel(wperp));
+    KdL2     = zeros(numel(kp),numel(wperp));
+    T1       = zeros(numel(kp),numel(wperp));
+    Kn = @(x__,y__) kernel(x__,y__);
+    % dnjs_ = @(n,j,s) dnjs(n,j,s);
+    dnjs_ = @(n,j,s) dnjs_GYAC(n+1,j+1,s+1);
+    for id1 = 1:numel(js)
+    for id2 = 1:numel(wperp)
+        j_ = js(id1);
+        v_ = wperp(id2);
+        % J0 x Lj
+        J0Lj_ = besselj(0,kp*v_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j_),v_^2);
+        % Taylor exp of J0
+        T1_ = (1 - kp.^2*v_^2/4)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j_),v_^2);
+        % Sum_n^Nmax Kn x Ln x Lj
+        KLL = zeros(size(kp));
+        for n_ = 0:Jmax
+            KLL = KLL + Kn(n_,kp).*polyval(LaguerrePoly(n_),v_^2);
+        end
+        KLL = KLL.*polyval(LaguerrePoly(j_),v_^2);
+        % Sum_n^Nmax Kn Sum_s^Smax dnjs x Ls
+        KdL1_ = zeros(size(kp));
+        for n_ = 0:Jmax-j_
+            tmp_ = 0;
+            for s_ = 0:n_+j_
+                tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs_(n_,j_,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
+            end
+            KdL1_ = KdL1_ + Kn(n_,kp).*tmp_;
+        end
+        % Sum_n^Nmax Kn Sum_s^Smax dnjs x Ls
+        KdL2_ = zeros(size(kp));
+        for n_ = 0:Jmax
+            tmp_ = 0;
+            for s_ = 0:min(Jmax,n_+j_)
+                tmp_ = tmp_ + dnjs_(n_,j_,s_)*polyval(LaguerrePoly(s_),v_^2);
+            end
+            KdL2_ = KdL2_ + Kn(n_,kp).*tmp_;
+        end
+        f_  = @(x) max(x);
+        kp2 = kp.^2+0.001; intJ0Lj = f_(abs(J0Lj_));
+        err_KLL_(id2)  = f_(abs(KLL -J0Lj_)./kp2)./f_(intJ0Lj./kp2);
+        err_KdL1_(id2) = f_(abs(KdL1_-J0Lj_)./kp2)./f_(intJ0Lj./kp2);
+        err_KdL2_(id2) = f_(abs(KdL2_-J0Lj_)./kp2)./f_(intJ0Lj./kp2);
+        err_T1_(id2)   = f_(abs(T1_  -J0Lj_)./kp2)./f_(intJ0Lj./kp2);
+        J0Lj(:,id2)    = J0Lj_;
+        KdL1(:,id2)    = KdL1_;
+        KdL2(:,id2)    = KdL2_;
+        T1  (:,id2)    = T1_;
+    end
+        err_KLL(id1)  = sum(err_KLL_)./numel(wperp);
+        err_KdL1(id1) = sum(err_KdL1_)./numel(wperp);
+        err_KdL2(id1) = sum(err_KdL2_)./numel(wperp);
+        err_T1(id1) = sum(err_T1_)./numel(wperp);
+    end
+    clr_ = lines(10);
+    figure
+    plot(js,err_KLL,'-',...
+        'DisplayName','$\sum_{n=0}^{J}\mathcal K_n L_n L_j$'); hold on
+    plot(js,err_KdL1,':x',...
+        'DisplayName','$\sum_{n=0}^{J-j}\mathcal K_n \sum_{s=0}^{n+j} d_{njs} L_s$',...
+        'Color',clr_(5,:)); hold on
+    plot(js,err_KdL2,':o',...
+        'DisplayName','$\sum_{n=0}^{J}\mathcal K_n \sum_{s=0}^{\min(J,n+j)} d_{njs} L_s$',...
+        'Color',clr_(2,:)); hold on
+    plot(js,err_T1,':s',...
+        'DisplayName','$(1 - l_\perp) L_j$',...
+        'Color',clr_(4,:)); hold on
+    set(gca,'YScale','log');
+    xlabel('$j$'); ylabel('$\varepsilon_J$')
+    if 1
+    %%
+        figure
+        nc = 25
+        subplot(131)
+        contourf(kp,wperp,J0Lj',nc); xlabel('$l_{\perp a}$'); ylabel('$w_{\perp a}$')
+        clim_ = clim;
+        subplot(132)
+        contourf(kp,wperp,KdL1', nc); xlabel('$l_{\perp a}$'); ylabel('$w_{\perp a}$')
+        clim(clim_);
+        % subplot(132)
+        subplot(133)
+        contourf(kp,wperp,KdL2', nc); xlabel('$l_{\perp a}$'); ylabel('$w_{\perp a}$')
+        % contourf(kp,wperp,T1  ,20); xlabel('$k_\perp$'); ylabel('$w_\perp$')
+        clim(clim_);
+    end
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_metric.m b/matlab/plot/plot_metric.m
index 1267999b25d0121511e955858f9b6b53c6509e4f..9a88d3b5dae77018ff8478197e9bd7e90b43ef9b 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_metric.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_metric.m
@@ -96,9 +96,14 @@ if NPLOT > 0
-arrays = squeeze(geo_arrays(:,:));
+% arrays = squeeze(geo_arrays(:,:));
 R = [geo_arrays(:,12);geo_arrays(1,12)];
 Z = [geo_arrays(:,13);geo_arrays(1,13)];
+for i_ = 1:numel(names)
+    namae = names{i_};
+    arrays.(namae) = geo_arrays(:,i_);
     if ~options.SHOWFIG
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
index 8fdcbc3d2cb4250cb560cd2de67a429ea9032e70..a33d3612a46247dd21d15ac9e292f418a18fbbe8 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA);
     grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); 
         ['$\Gamma^{\infty} = $',num2str(Gx_infty_avg),'$, Q^{\infty} = $',num2str(Qx_infty_avg)]});
-%% radial shear radial profile
+    axis tight
+    %% radial shear radial profile
     % computation
     Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D);
     [KX, KY] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.kx, DATA.grids.ky);
@@ -68,18 +69,33 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA);
     OPTIONS.PLAN = 'xy';
     OPTIONS.COMP = 'avg';
+    OPTIONS.TAVG = 0;
-    toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
-    f2plot = toplot.FIELD;
+    try
+    if DATA.fort_00.DIAGNOSTICS.dtsave_2d > 0
+        opt_.PLAY = 0;
+       [MOVIE] = cinecita_2D(DATA.dir,OPTIONS.ST_FIELD,opt_);
+       f2plot = MOVIE.F;
+       TIME   = MOVIE.T;
+    else
+        toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        f2plot = toplot.FIELD;
+        TIME   = DATA.Ts3D(toplot.FRAMES);
+    end
+    catch
+        toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        f2plot = toplot.FIELD;
+        TIME   = DATA.Ts3D(toplot.FRAMES);
+    end
     dframe = ite3D - its3D;
-    clim = max(max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,:))))));
+    clim_ = max(max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,:))))));
     FIGURE.ax3 = subplot(2,1,2,'parent',FIGURE.fig);
-        [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.x,DATA.Ts3D(toplot.FRAMES));
+        [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.x,TIME);
         pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze(plt(f2plot))'); 
         set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
         legend(['$\langle ',OPTIONS.ST_FIELD,' \rangle_{y,z}$']) %colorbar;
-        caxis(clim*[-1 1]);
+        clim(clim_*[-1 1]);
         cmap = bluewhitered(256);
         xlabel('$t c_s/R$'), ylabel('$x/\rho_s$'); 
diff --git a/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m b/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m
index ab9d3aea55bd247e410291c6560aa38f823805d4..f193f118b32725c1187cee06d4fe97f8b1bf215e 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m
@@ -6,16 +6,8 @@ Ja = DATA.grids.Jarray;
 Time_ = DATA.Ts3D;
 FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['mom_spectrum_',DATA.params_string];
 % set(gcf, 'Position',  [100 50 1000 400])
-if OPTIONS.ST == 0
-    logname = 'log';
-    compress = @(x,ia) log(sum(abs((x(ia,:,:,:,:))),4));
-    logname = '';
-    compress = @(x,ia) sum(abs((x(ia,:,:,:,:))),4);
+logname = '';
+compress = @(x,ia) sum(abs((x(ia,:,:,:,:))),4);
 for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
     Napjz = compress(DATA.Napjz,ia);
     Napjz = reshape(Napjz,DATA.grids.Np,DATA.grids.Nj,numel(DATA.Ts3D)); 
@@ -71,8 +63,10 @@ for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
     % plots
     % scaling
-        nt_half    = ceil(numel(Time_)/2);        
-        Napjz_tavg = mean(Napjz(:,:,nt_half:end),3);
+        t0 = OPTIONS.TWINDOW(1); t1 = OPTIONS.TWINDOW(2);
+        [~,it0] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-t0));
+        [~,it1] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-t1)); 
+        Napjz_tavg = mean(Napjz(:,:,it0:it1),3);
         x_ = DATA.grids.Parray;
         y_ = DATA.grids.Jarray;
         if OPTIONS.TAVG_2D_CTR
@@ -84,7 +78,7 @@ for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
             xlabel('$p$'); ylabel('$j$');
         clb = colorbar; colormap(jet);
-        clb.Label.String = '$\log\langle E(p,j) \rangle_t$';
+        clb.Label.String = '$\langle E(p,j) \rangle_t$';
         clb.TickLabelInterpreter = 'latex';
         clb.Label.Interpreter = 'latex';
         clb.Label.FontSize= 18;
@@ -95,7 +89,7 @@ for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
         plt = @(x,i) reshape(x(i,:),numel(p2j),numel(Time_));
         Nlabelmax = 15;
-        nskip = floor(numel(p2j)/Nlabelmax);
+        nskip = max(1,floor(numel(p2j)/Nlabelmax));
         if OPTIONS.ST
@@ -105,10 +99,13 @@ for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
                 if OPTIONS.FILTER
-                caxis([0 0.2]);
-                title('Relative fluctuation from the average');
+                    clim([0 0.2]);
+                    title('Relative fluctuation from the average');
+                if OPTIONS.LOGSCALE
+                    set(gca,'ColorScale','log');
+                end
             colors_ = jet(numel(p2j));
             for i = 1:numel(p2j)
@@ -120,6 +117,7 @@ for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
+        title(plotname)
diff --git a/matlab/plot/tight_layout_generator.m b/matlab/plot/tight_layout_generator.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f85c09ea5da8cb84dd92c719614570d0a22ecdf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plot/tight_layout_generator.m
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+function [] = tight_layout_generator(m,n)
+% Generate a layout with tight subplots
+% m = 3; % number lines
+% n = 3; % number of columns
+t = tiledlayout(m,n,'TileSpacing','Compact','Padding','Compact');
+for i = 1:(m*n)
diff --git a/matlab/process_field.m b/matlab/process_field.m
index 9390b1b2cd33e40186f458a292373df32dad64bd..9ead884c631372d4790cf003240b3e5aebbad2df 100644
--- a/matlab/process_field.m
+++ b/matlab/process_field.m
@@ -8,45 +8,44 @@ for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.TIME)
     [~,FRAMES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(i)-DATA.Ts3D));
 FRAMES = unique(FRAMES);
 %% Setup the plot geometry
 [KX, KY] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.kx, DATA.grids.ky);
 directions = {'y','x','z'};
 Nx = DATA.grids.Nx; Ny = DATA.grids.Ny; Nz = DATA.grids.Nz; Nt = numel(FRAMES);
+SKIP_COMP = 0; % Turned on only for kin. distr. func. plot;
+Z = 0;
     case 'xy'
-        XNAME = '$x$'; YNAME = '$y$';
+        XNAME = '$x/\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$y/\rho_s$';
         [X,Y] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.x,DATA.grids.y);
         REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 3; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 1;
     case 'xz'
-        XNAME = '$x$'; YNAME = '$z$';
+        XNAME = '$x/\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$z/L_\parallel$';
         [Y,X] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.z,DATA.grids.x);
-        REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 1; SCALE = 0;
+        REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 1; SCALE = 0; POLARPLOT = 0;
     case 'yz'
-        XNAME = '$y$'; YNAME = '$z$'; 
+        XNAME = '$y/\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$z/L_\parallel$'; 
         [Y,X] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.z,DATA.grids.y);
-        REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 2; SCALE = 0;
+        REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 2; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 0;
     case 'kxky'
-        XNAME = '$k_x$'; YNAME = '$k_y$';
+        XNAME = '$k_x\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$k_y\rho_s$';
         [X,Y] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.kx,DATA.grids.ky);
         REALP = 0; COMPDIM = 3; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 1;
     case 'kxz'
-        XNAME = '$k_x$'; YNAME = '$z$';
+        XNAME = '$k_x\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$z/L_\parallel$';
         [Y,X] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.z,DATA.grids.kx);
         REALP = 0; COMPDIM = 1; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 0;
     case 'kyz'
-        XNAME = '$k_y$'; YNAME = '$z$';
+        XNAME = '$k_y\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$z/L_\parallel$';
         [Y,X] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.z,DATA.grids.ky);
         REALP = 0; COMPDIM = 2; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 0;
-    case 'sx'
-        XNAME = '$v_\parallel$'; YNAME = '$\mu$';
-        [Y,X] = meshgrid(OPTIONS.XPERP,OPTIONS.SPAR);
-        REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 3; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 0;
-        for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.TIME)
-            [~,FRAMES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(i)-DATA.Ts5D));
-        end
-        FRAMES = unique(FRAMES); Nt = numel(FRAMES);
+    case 'xyz'
+        XNAME = '$x/\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$y/\rho_s$';
+        [X,Y] = meshgrid(DATA.grids.x,DATA.grids.y);
+        REALP = 1; COMPDIM = 3; POLARPLOT = 0; SCALE = 1;
+        SKIP_COMP = 1; OPTIONS.COMP = 3;
 Xmax_ = max(max(abs(X))); Ymax_ = max(max(abs(Y)));
 Lmin_ = min([Xmax_,Ymax_]);
@@ -73,29 +72,6 @@ else
     FIELD = zeros(sz(1),sz(2),Nt);
 %% Process the field to plot
-% short term writing --
-% b_e = DATA.sigma_e*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_e)*sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2);
-% adiab_e = kernel(0,b_e);
-% pol_e        = kernel(0,b_e).^2;
-% for n = 1:DATA.Jmaxe
-%     adiab_e = adiab_e + kernel(n,b_e).^2;
-%     pol_e   = pol_e + kernel(n,b_e).^2;
-% end
-% adiab_e = DATA.q_e/DATA.tau_e .* adiab_e;
-% pol_e   = DATA.q_e^2/DATA.tau_e * (1 - pol_e);
-% b_i = DATA.sigma_i*sqrt(2*DATA.tau_i)*sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2);
-% adiab_i = kernel(0,b_i);
-% pol_i        = kernel(0,b_i).^2;
-% for n = 1:DATA.Jmaxi
-%     adiab_i = adiab_i + kernel(n,b_i).^2;
-%     pol_i   = pol_i + kernel(n,b_i).^2;
-% end
-% pol_i      = DATA.q_i^2/DATA.tau_i * (1 - pol_i);
-% adiab_i    = DATA.q_i/DATA.tau_i .* adiab_i;
-% poisson_op = (pol_i + pol_e);
-adiab_e =0; adiab_i =0; poisson_op=1;
-SKIP_COMP = 0; % Turned on only for kin. distr. func. plot
 % --
     case 'avg'
@@ -112,18 +88,18 @@ switch OPTIONS.COMP
             i = OPTIONS.COMP;
             compr = @(x) x(i,:,:);
             if REALP
-                COMPNAME = sprintf(['y=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.x(i));
+                COMPNAME = sprintf(['y=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.y(i));
-                COMPNAME = sprintf(['k_y=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.kx(i));
+                COMPNAME = sprintf(['k_y=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.ky(i));
             FIELDNAME = [LTXNAME,'(',COMPNAME,')'];
         case 2
             i = OPTIONS.COMP;
             compr = @(x) x(:,i,:);
             if REALP
-                COMPNAME = sprintf(['x=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.y(i));
+                COMPNAME = sprintf(['x=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.x(i));
-                COMPNAME = sprintf(['k_x=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.ky(i));
+                COMPNAME = sprintf(['k_x=','%2.1f'],DATA.grids.kx(i));
             FIELDNAME = [LTXNAME,'(',COMPNAME,')'];
         case 3
@@ -188,6 +164,10 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
         NAME = 'sx';
         FLD_ = DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
         OPE_ = KY.^2; 
+   case 'w_{Ez}' % x-comp of ExB shear
+        NAME = 'wEz';
+        FLD_ = DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        OPE_ = (KX.^2+KY.^2).*(abs(KX)<=2).*(abs(KY)<=2); 
    case '\omega_z' % ES pot vorticity
         NAME = 'vorticity';
         FLD_ = DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
@@ -206,11 +186,11 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
         OPE_ = 1;
     case 'n_i' % ion density
         NAME = 'ni';
-        FLD_ = DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,FRAMES) - adiab_i.* DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        FLD_ = DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,FRAMES);
         OPE_ = 1;  
     case 'n_e' % electron density
         NAME = 'ne';
-        FLD_ = DATA.DENS_E(:,:,:,FRAMES) - adiab_e.* DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        FLD_ = DATA.DENS_E(:,:,:,FRAMES);
         OPE_ = 1;
     case 'k^2n_e' % electron vorticity
         NAME = 'k2ne';
@@ -219,12 +199,24 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
     case 'n_i-n_e' % polarisation
         NAME = 'pol';
         OPE_ = 1;
-        FLD_ = ((DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,FRAMES)- adiab_i.* DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES))...
-              -(DATA.DENS_E(:,:,:,FRAMES)- adiab_e.* DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES)));
+        FLD_ = DATA.DENS_I(:,:,:,FRAMES)...
+              -DATA.DENS_E(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+    case 'u_i' % ion density
+        NAME = 'ui';
+        FLD_ = DATA.UPAR_I(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        OPE_ = 1;  
+    case 'u_e' % electron density
+        NAME = 'ue';
+        FLD_ = DATA.UPAR_E(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        OPE_ = 1;
     case 'T_i' % ion temperature
         NAME = 'Ti';
         FLD_ = DATA.TEMP_I(:,:,:,FRAMES);
         OPE_ = 1; 
+    case 'T_e' % ion temperature
+        NAME = 'Te';
+        FLD_ = DATA.TEMP_E(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        OPE_ = 1; 
     case 'G_x' % ion particle flux
         NAME = 'Gx';
         FLD_ = 0.*DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
@@ -238,24 +230,55 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
 %                 tmp(:,:,iz) = abs(fftshift((squeeze(fft2(gx_,DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx))),2));
                 tmp(:,:,iz) = abs((squeeze(fft2(gx_,DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx))));
-            FLD_(:,:,it)= squeeze(compr(tmp(1:DATA.grids.Nky,1:DATA.grids.Nkx,:)));
-        end   
-    case 'Q_x' % ion heat flux
-        NAME = 'Qx';
-        % FLD_ = 0.*DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+            FLD_(:,:,:,it)= squeeze((tmp(1:DATA.grids.Nky,1:DATA.grids.Nkx,:)));
+        end  
+    case 'n_i T_i' % ion heat flux
+        NAME = 'niTi';
+        FLD_ = 0.*DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
         OPE_ = 1;   
         for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
-            tmp = zeros(DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx,Nz);
+            qx_c = zeros(DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx,Nz);
             for iz = 1:DATA.grids.Nz
-                vx_ = real((ifourier_GENE(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI   (:,:,iz,FRAMES(it))))));
-                ni_ = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
-                Ti_ = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.TEMP_I(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
-                qx_ = vx_.*ni_.*Ti_;
-%                 tmp(:,:,iz) = abs(fftshift((squeeze(fft2(gx_,DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx))),2));
-                tmp(:,:,iz) = abs((squeeze(fft2(qx_,DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx))));
+                ni_  = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
+                Ti_  = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.TEMP_I(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
+                cx_r = ni_.*Ti_;
+                cx_ = fft(cx_r,[],1);
+                cx_c(:,:,iz) = fft(cx_ ,[],2);
-            FLD_(:,:,:,it)= squeeze(tmp(1:DATA.grids.Nky,1:DATA.grids.Nkx,:));
-        end     
+            FLD_(:,:,:,it)= squeeze(cx_c(1:DATA.grids.Nky,1:DATA.grids.Nkx,:))./numel(qx_c);
+        end
+    case 'Q_{xi}' % ion heat flux
+        NAME = 'Qxi';
+        FLD_ = 0.*DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        OPE_ = 1;   
+        for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
+            qx_c = zeros(DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx,Nz);
+            for iz = 1:DATA.grids.Nz
+                vx_  = real((ifourier_GENE(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI   (:,:,iz,FRAMES(it))))));
+                ni_  = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
+                Ti_  = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.TEMP_I(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
+                qx_r = vx_.*ni_.*Ti_;
+                qx_ = fft(qx_r,[],1);
+                qx_c(:,:,iz) = fft(qx_ ,[],2);
+            end
+            FLD_(:,:,:,it)= squeeze(qx_c(1:DATA.grids.Nky,1:DATA.grids.Nkx,:))./numel(qx_c);
+        end
+    case 'Q_{xe}' % electron heat flux
+        NAME = 'Qxe';
+        FLD_ = 0.*DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES);
+        OPE_ = 1;   
+        for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
+            qx_c = zeros(DATA.grids.Ny,DATA.grids.Nx,Nz);
+            for iz = 1:DATA.grids.Nz
+                vx_  = real((ifourier_GENE(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI   (:,:,iz,FRAMES(it))))));
+                ne_  = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.DENS_E(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
+                Te_  = real((ifourier_GENE(         DATA.TEMP_E(:,:,iz,FRAMES(it)))));
+                qx_r = vx_.*ne_.*Te_;
+                qx_ = fft(qx_r,[],1);
+                qx_c(:,:,iz) = fft(qx_ ,[],2);
+            end
+            FLD_(:,:,:,it)= squeeze(qx_c(1:DATA.grids.Nky,1:DATA.grids.Nkx,:))./numel(qx_c);
+        end    
     case 'f_i'
         SKIP_COMP = 1;
         shift_x = @(x) x; shift_y = @(y) y;
@@ -284,29 +307,34 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
 % Process the field according to the 2D plane and the space (real/cpx)
-if COMPDIM == 3
-    for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
-        tmp = squeeze(compr(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,:,it)));
-        FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(process(tmp));
-    end
-    if REALP
-        tmp = zeros(Ny,Nx,Nz);
+    if COMPDIM == 3
+        for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
+            tmp = squeeze(compr(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,:,it)));
+            FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(process(tmp));
+        end
-        tmp = zeros(DATA.grids.Nky,DATA.grids.Nkx,Nz);
-    end
-    for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
-        for iz = 1:numel(DATA.grids.z)
-            tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,iz,it)));
+        if REALP
+            tmp = zeros(Ny,Nx,Nz);
+        else
+            tmp = zeros(DATA.grids.Nky,DATA.grids.Nkx,Nz);
-        FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
-    end                
+        for it = 1:numel(FRAMES)
+            for iz = 1:numel(DATA.grids.z)
+                tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(OPE_.*FLD_(:,:,iz,it)));
+            end
+            FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+        end                
+    end
+    clear FIELD;
+    FIELD = squeeze(process(FLD_));
 TOPLOT.X         = shift_x(X);
 TOPLOT.Y         = shift_y(Y);
+TOPLOT.Z         = Z;
diff --git a/matlab/read_flux_out_XX.m b/matlab/read_flux_out_XX.m
index 2c7737ea4c28c895ca065fcae4df59af0b02c592..22f4ce581ac07712ec5492602e0ff5f354c28395 100644
--- a/matlab/read_flux_out_XX.m
+++ b/matlab/read_flux_out_XX.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [t_all, Pxi_all, Qxi_all, Pxe_all, Qxe_all] = read_flux_out_XX(folderPath,PLOT)
+function [out] = read_flux_out_XX(folderPath,PLOT)
     % Check if the prompt_string is provided as an argument
     if nargin < 1
         % If not provided, prompt the user for input
@@ -90,4 +90,11 @@ function [t_all, Pxi_all, Qxi_all, Pxe_all, Qxe_all] = read_flux_out_XX(folderPa
     title('Radial heat flux')
+    out.t   = t_all;
+    out.Pxi = Pxi_all;
+    out.Qxi = Qxi_all;
+    out.Pxe = Pxe_all;
+    out.Qxe = Qxe_all;