@@ -4,12 +4,15 @@ To compile it check INSTALLATION.txt
How to run it
1. Be sure to have correct paths in local/dirs.inc for the different libraries
2. You can compile from HeLaZ/ using make and launch from HeLaZ/wk using ./../bin/HeLaZ
3. To have a better interface, open a script HeLaZ/wk/parameters*.m and run it to set up a wanted simulation.
4. You can obtain various plots and gifs using HeLaZ/wk/analysis_2D.m once the simulation is done. To select the correct output file, run parameters*.m with the corresponding simulation parameters and then run analysis_2D.m (everything with matlab from wk/)
2. Compile from HeLaZ/ using make
3. To run the code, use HeLaZ/wk/local_run.m and run it to set up the parameters and the results folder
4. Then go to the results folder and launch HeLaZ using mpirun -np num_procs ./../../../bin/helaz num_p num_kr
5. You can obtain various plots and gifs using HeLaZ/wk/analysis_2D.m once the simulation is done. To select the correct output file, run parameters*.m with the corresponding simulation parameters and then run analysis_2D.m (everything with matlab from wk/)
// Comment : For some collision operators (Sugama and Full Coulomb) you have to run COSOlver from B.J.Frei first in order to generate the required matrices in HeLaZ/iCa folder.
# Logbook
(Current versions : 2.4)
(Current versions : 2.5)
0. Write MOLI matlab solver in Fortran using Monli1D as starting point