diff --git a/matlab/compile_results.m b/matlab/compile_results.m
index 3e4bb910314dcfc7f4fafd62c50f5102440d976f..a2689bc1b83a42fcc22106895dd80d3ef71a8fc5 100644
--- a/matlab/compile_results.m
+++ b/matlab/compile_results.m
@@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
 JOBNUM   = 0; JOBFOUND = 0;
+TJOB_SE  = []; % Start and end times of jobs
+NU_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter nu between jobs
+ETAB_EVOL= []; %
+L_EVOL   = []; % 
 Nipj_    = []; Nepj_    = [];
 Ni00_    = []; Ne00_    = [];
 GGAMMA_  = [];
@@ -68,6 +74,13 @@ while(CONTINUE)
           Sepj_ = cat(5,Sepj_,Sepj);
+        % Evolution of simulation parameters
+        load_params
+        TJOB_SE   = [TJOB_SE Ts0D(1) Ts0D(end)]; 
+        NU_EVOL   = [NU_EVOL NU NU];
+        L_EVOL    = [L_EVOL L L];
         JOBFOUND = JOBFOUND + 1;
         LASTJOB  = JOBNUM;
     elseif (JOBNUM > 20)
@@ -77,6 +90,7 @@ while(CONTINUE)
     JOBNUM   = JOBNUM + 1;
     Pe_old = Pe_new; Je_old = Je_new;
     Pi_old = Pi_new; Ji_old = Ji_new;
 Nipj = Nipj_; Nepj = Nepj_; Ts5D = Ts5D_;
diff --git a/matlab/create_gif_1D_phi.m b/matlab/create_gif_1D_phi.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f68761cf852d1cdfcfd2c22edf4b47147235a810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/create_gif_1D_phi.m
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+title1 = GIFNAME;
+if ~exist(FIGDIR, 'dir')
+   mkdir(FIGDIR)
+% Set colormap boundaries
+hmax = max(max(max(FIELD)));
+hmin = min(min(min(FIELD)));
+fieldabsmin = min(min(abs(FIELD(:,:))));
+fieldabsmax = max(max(abs(FIELD(:,:))));
+flag = 0;
+if hmax == hmin 
+    disp('Warning : h = hmin = hmax = const')
+% Setup figure frame
+fig  = figure;
+    plot(X,FIELD(:,1)); % to set up
+    axis tight manual % this ensures that getframe() returns a consistent size
+    in      = 1;
+    nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',in,numel(FIELD(1,1,:)));
+    for n = FRAMES % loop over selected frames
+        scale = max(FIELD(:,n))*SCALING + (1-SCALING);
+        subplot(211)
+        plot(X,FIELD(:,n)/scale,linestyle);
+        if (YMIN ~= YMAX && XMIN ~= XMAX)
+        ylim([YMIN,YMAX]); xlim([XMIN,XMAX]);
+        end
+        title(['$t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(T(n))), ', scaling = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]);
+        xlabel(XNAME); ylabel(FIELDNAME);
+        drawnow 
+        % Capture the plot as an image 
+        frame = getframe(fig); 
+        im = frame2im(frame); 
+        [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,64); 
+        % Write to the GIF File 
+        if in == 1 
+          imwrite(imind,cm,GIFNAME,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf); 
+        else 
+          imwrite(imind,cm,GIFNAME,'gif','WriteMode','append', 'DelayTime',DELAY); 
+        end 
+        % terminal info
+        while nbytes > 0
+          fprintf('\b')
+          nbytes = nbytes - 1;
+        end
+        nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',n,numel(FIELD(1,1,:)));
+        in = in + 1;
+        subplot(212)
+        ylim([fieldabsmin,fieldabsmax]); xlim([T(FRAMES(1)),T(FRAMES(end))]); hold on;
+        plot(T(n),abs(max(FIELD(:,n))),'.k'); xlabel('$\rho_s/c_s$')
+    end
+    disp(' ')
+    disp(['Gif saved @ : ',GIFNAME])
diff --git a/matlab/profiler.m b/matlab/profiler.m
index 37d363ba85c57f2eddcd87d0d1d08e82ef75d14f..57b84701412daf9a76972e554c10da35d805e0aa 100644
--- a/matlab/profiler.m
+++ b/matlab/profiler.m
@@ -29,14 +29,26 @@ TIME_PER_FCT = reshape(TIME_PER_FCT,[numel(TIME_PER_FCT)/10,10]);
 TIME_PER_CPU  = trapz(Ts0D(2:end),TIME_PER_STEP);
+rhs_Ta        = mean(diff(rhs_Tc));
+adv_field_Ta  = mean(diff(adv_field_Tc));
+ghost_Ta      = mean(diff(ghost_Tc));
+clos_Ta       = mean(diff(clos_Tc));
+coll_Ta       = mean(diff(coll_Tc));
+poisson_Ta    = mean(diff(poisson_Tc));
+Sapj_Ta       = mean(diff(Sapj_Tc));
+checkfield_Ta = mean(diff(checkfield_Tc));
+diag_Ta       = mean(diff(diag_Tc));
+NSTEP_PER_SAMP= mean(diff(Ts0D))/DT_SIM;
 %% Plots
-TIME_PER_FCT = [diff(rhs_Tc); diff(adv_field_Tc); diff(poisson_Tc); diff(ghost_Tc);...
-    diff(Sapj_Tc); diff(checkfield_Tc); diff(diag_Tc); diff(missing_Tc)];
-TIME_PER_FCT = reshape(TIME_PER_FCT,[numel(TIME_PER_FCT)/8,8]);
+if 1
+    %% Area plot
 fig = figure;
 p1 = area(Ts0D(2:end),TIME_PER_FCT,'LineStyle','none');
-legend('Compute RHS','Adv. fields','Poisson', 'comm', 'Sapj','Check+Sym','Diag','Missing')
+for i = 1:10; p1(i).FaceColor = rand(1,3); end;
+legend('Compute RHS','Adv. fields','ghosts comm', 'closure', 'collision','Poisson','Nonlin','Check+sym', 'Diagnos.', 'Missing')
 xlabel('Sim. Time [$\rho_s/c_s$]'); ylabel('Step Comp. Time [s]')
 title(sprintf('Proc. 1, total sim. time  ~%.0f [h]',CPUTIME/3600))
@@ -44,18 +56,40 @@ hold on
 FIGNAME = 'profiler';
-%% Plots
-% fig = figure;
-% p1 = area(Ts0D(2:end),100*TIME_PER_FCT./diff(total_Tc),'LineStyle','none');
-% legend('Compute RHS','Adv. fields','Poisson','Sapj','Check+Sym','Diag','Missing')
-% xlabel('Sim. Time'); ylabel('Step Comp. Time [\%]')
-% ylim([0,100]); xlim([Ts0D(2),Ts0D(end)]);
-% hold on
-% yyaxis right
-% p2 = plot(Ts0D(2:end),diff(total_Tc),'--r','LineWidth',1.0);
-% ylabel('Step Comp. Time [s]')
-% ylim([0,1.1*max(diff(total_Tc))])
-% set(gca,'ycolor','r') 
-% FIGNAME = 'profiler';
-% save_figure
\ No newline at end of file
+    %% Normalized Area plot
+fig = figure;
+p1 = area(Ts0D(2:end),100*TIME_PER_FCT./diff(total_Tc),'LineStyle','none', 'FaceColor','flat');
+for i = 1:10; p1(i).FaceColor = rand(1,3); end;
+legend('Compute RHS','Adv. fields','ghosts comm', 'closure', 'collision','Poisson','Nonlin','Check+sym', 'Diagnos.', 'Missing')
+xlabel('Sim. Time'); ylabel('Step Comp. Time [\%]')
+ylim([0,100]); xlim([Ts0D(2),Ts0D(end)]);
+hold on
+yyaxis right
+p2 = plot(Ts0D(2:end),diff(total_Tc),'--r','LineWidth',1.0);
+ylabel('Step Comp. Time [s]')
+FIGNAME = 'profiler';
+if 0
+    %% Histograms
+fig = figure;
+histogram(diff(rhs_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(adv_field_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(ghost_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(clos_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(coll_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(poisson_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(Sapj_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(checkfield_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+histogram(diff(diag_Tc)/NSTEP_PER_SAMP,'Normalization','probability');hold on
+grid on;
+legend('Compute RHS','Adv. fields','Ghosts comm', 'closure', 'collision','Poisson','Nonlin','Check+sym', 'Diagnos.', 'Missing')
+xlabel('Step Comp. Time [s]'); ylabel('')
+FIGNAME = 'profiler';
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/write_sbash_daint.m b/matlab/write_sbash_daint.m
index 0425cf4c188329196857bd22ca99cb0f2ed52847..98c1e35917e2aa1ac95bf9fa15809d66f0316c21 100644
--- a/matlab/write_sbash_daint.m
+++ b/matlab/write_sbash_daint.m
@@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ fprintf(fid,[...
 'module load cray-mpich\n',...
 'module load craype-x86-skylake\n',...
 'module load cray-fftw\n',...
-'srun ./../../../bin/helaz']);
+'srun --cpu-bind=cores ./../../../bin/helaz ',num2str(NP_P),' ',num2str(NP_KR)]);
+%'srun ./../../../bin/helaz']);
 system(['cp batch_script.sh ',BASIC.RESDIR,'/.']);
diff --git a/matlab/write_sbash_marconi.m b/matlab/write_sbash_marconi.m
index dd7db86592e44d1f255b09029920f90e34496cf5..b4fdf01b51f22ea571a9eea7a20a38e200c3155c 100644
--- a/matlab/write_sbash_marconi.m
+++ b/matlab/write_sbash_marconi.m
@@ -35,10 +35,7 @@ fprintf(fid,[...
 '#SBATCH --output=out.txt\n',...
 '#SBATCH --account=FUA35_TSVVT421\n',...
 '#SBATCH --partition=skl_fua_',CLUSTER.PART,'\n',...
-'module load intel\n',...
-'module load intelmpi\n',...
-'module load autoload hdf5/1.10.4--intelmpi--2018--binary\n',...
-'module load fftw\n',...
+'module load autoload hdf5 fftw\n',...
 'srun --cpu-bind=cores ./../../../bin/helaz ',num2str(NP_P),' ',num2str(NP_KR)]);
diff --git a/wk/analysis_2D.m b/wk/analysis_2D.m
index 50769e03affef3c5b35584a0f24fe54b6981bc12..4eca5eacb82d3c3e3ca973bbe852df520bdbd859 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_2D.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_2D.m
@@ -1,25 +1,23 @@
 %% Load results
 outfile ='';
-if 1
+if 0
     %% Load from Marconi
-outfile ='';
-% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_20_J_3_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
-% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.8_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_10_J_5_eta_0.8_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
-% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.7_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_10_J_5_eta_0.7_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
-outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_12_J_6_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
-outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_10_J_5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_SGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
+outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.4_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_10_J_5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
+% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_80_P_10_J_5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_4e-03/out.txt';
+% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e+00/200x100_L_120_P_12_J_6_eta_0.6_nu_1e+00_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
+% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_12_J_6_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
+% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_12_J_6_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_1e-02/out.txt';
+% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_12_J_6_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
     BASIC.RESDIR = load_marconi(outfile);
 if 0
     %% Load from Daint
-    outfile ='';
+    outfile ='/scratch/snx3000/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01/200x100_L_120_P_12_J_6_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_DGGK_CLOS_0_mu_2e-02/out.txt';
     BASIC.RESDIR = load_daint(outfile);
-% JOBNUM = 0; load_results;
 % JOBNUM = 1; load_results;
 %% Retrieving max polynomial degree and sampling info
 Npe = numel(Pe); Nje = numel(Je); [JE,PE] = meshgrid(Je,Pe);
@@ -109,7 +107,10 @@ PFLUX_RI = real(squeeze(sum(sum(-1i*KZ.*Np_i.*conj(PHI_Ts5D),1),2)))*(2*pi/Nr/Nz
 epsilon_e_pj = zeros(Npe,Nje,Ns5D);
 epsilon_i_pj = zeros(Npi,Nji,Ns5D);
-phi_max  = zeros(1,Ns2D);        % Time evol. of the norm of phi
+phi_maxr_maxz  = zeros(1,Ns2D);        % Time evol. of the norm of phi
+phi_avgr_maxz  = zeros(1,Ns2D);        % Time evol. of the norm of phi
+phi_maxr_avgz  = zeros(1,Ns2D);        % Time evol. of the norm of phi
+phi_avgr_avgz  = zeros(1,Ns2D);        % Time evol. of the norm of phi
 Ne_norm  = zeros(Npe,Nje,Ns5D);  % Time evol. of the norm of Napj
 Ni_norm  = zeros(Npi,Nji,Ns5D);  % .
@@ -117,7 +118,10 @@ Ddr = 1i*KR; Ddz = 1i*KZ; lapl   = Ddr.^2 + Ddz.^2;
 for it = 1:numel(Ts2D) % Loop over 2D arrays
     NE_ = Ne00(:,:,it); NI_ = Ni00(:,:,it); PH_ = PHI(:,:,it);
-    phi_max(it)   = max(max(squeeze(phi(:,:,it))));
+    phi_maxr_maxz(it)   =  max( max(squeeze(phi(:,:,it))));
+    phi_avgr_maxz(it)   =  max(mean(squeeze(phi(:,:,it))));
+    phi_maxr_avgz(it)   = mean( max(squeeze(phi(:,:,it))));
+    phi_avgr_avgz(it)   = mean(mean(squeeze(phi(:,:,it))));
     ExB(it)       = max(max(max(abs(phi(3:end,:,it)-phi(1:end-2,:,it))/(2*dr))),max(max(abs(phi(:,3:end,it)-phi(:,1:end-2,it))'/(2*dz))));
     GFlux_ri(it)  = sum(sum(ni00(:,:,it).*dzphi(:,:,it)))*dr*dz/Lr/Lz;
     GFlux_zi(it)  = sum(sum(-ni00(:,:,it).*drphi(:,:,it)))*dr*dz/Lr/Lz;
@@ -138,8 +142,9 @@ end
 %% Compute growth rate
 disp('- growth rate')
 % Find max value of transport (end of linear mode)
-[~,itmax] = max(GFlux_ri);
-tstart = 0.1 * Ts2D(itmax); tend = 0.9 * Ts2D(itmax);
+[tmp,tmax] = max(GGAMMA_RI*(2*pi/Nr/Nz)^2);
+[~,itmax]  = min(abs(Ts2D-tmax));
+tstart = 0.1 * Ts2D(itmax); tend = 0.5 * Ts2D(itmax);
 g_          = zeros(Nkr,Nkz);
 for ikr = 1:Nkr
     for ikz = 1:Nkz
@@ -158,6 +163,9 @@ if 1
 %% Time evolutions and growth rate
 fig = figure; FIGNAME = ['t_evolutions',sprintf('_%.2d',JOBNUM),'_',PARAMS];
 set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 900, 800])
+    suptitle(['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$', num2str(NU), ', $\eta_B=$',num2str(ETAB),...
+        ', $L=',num2str(L),'$, $N=',num2str(Nr),'$, $(P,J)=(',num2str(PMAXI),',',num2str(JMAXI),')$']);
     for ip = 1:Npe
         for ij = 1:Nje
@@ -189,16 +197,20 @@ set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 900, 800])
 %         plot(Ts5D,PFLUX_RI,'--');
         legend(['Gyro. flux';'Part. flux']);
         grid on; xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); ylabel('$\Gamma_{r,i}$')
+%         ylim([0,2.0]);
-        plot(kz,g_(1,:),'-','DisplayName','$\gamma$'); hold on;
-        grid on; xlabel('$k_z\rho_s$'); ylabel('$\gamma R/c_s$'); %legend('show');
+        plot(kz,g_(1,:),'-','DisplayName','Linear growth rate'); hold on;
+        plot([max(kz)*2/3,max(kz)*2/3],[0,10],'--k', 'DisplayName','2/3 Orszag AA');
+        grid on; xlabel('$k_z\rho_s$'); ylabel('$\gamma R/c_s$'); legend('show');
+%         ylim([0,max(g_(1,:))]); xlim([0,max(kz)]);
-        plotname = '$\max_{r,z}(\phi)(t)$';
         clr      = line_colors(min(ip,numel(line_colors(:,1))),:);
         lstyle   = line_styles(min(ij,numel(line_styles)));
-        plot(Ts2D,phi_max,'DisplayName',plotname); hold on;
-    grid on; xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); ylabel('$\max_{r,z}(\phi)$'); %legend('show');
-suptitle(['$\nu_{',CONAME,'}=$', num2str(NU), ', $\eta_B=$',num2str(ETAB)]);
+        plot(Ts2D,phi_maxr_maxz,'DisplayName','$\max_{r,z}(\phi)$'); hold on;
+        plot(Ts2D,phi_maxr_avgz,'DisplayName','$\max_{r}\langle\phi\rangle_z$'); hold on;
+        plot(Ts2D,phi_avgr_maxz,'DisplayName','$\max_{z}\langle\phi\rangle_r$'); hold on;
+        plot(Ts2D,phi_avgr_avgz,'DisplayName','$\langle\phi\rangle_{r,z}$'); hold on;
+    grid on; xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); ylabel('$T_e/e$'); legend('show');
@@ -311,7 +323,7 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Hermite energy spectra
 % tf = Ts2D(end-3);
-fig = figure; FIGNAME = ['hermite_spectrum_',PARAMS];set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 1000, 300]);
+fig = figure; FIGNAME = ['hermite_spectrum_',PARAMS];set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 1800, 600]);
 plt = @(x) squeeze(x);
 for ij = 1:Nji
     subplotnum = 100+Nji*10+ij;
@@ -348,14 +360,14 @@ end
 no_AA     = (2:floor(2*Nkr/3));
-tKHI      = 200;
+tKHI      = 100;
 [~,itKHI] = min(abs(Ts2D-tKHI));
 after_KHI = (itKHI:Ns2D);
 if 0
 %% Phi frequency space time diagram at kz=0
 fig = figure; FIGNAME = ['phi_freq_diag_',PARAMS];set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 500, 400]);
         [TY,TX] = meshgrid(Ts2D(after_KHI),kr(no_AA));
-        pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,log10(squeeze(abs(PHI(no_AA,1,(after_KHI)))))); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); colorbar;
+        pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,(squeeze(abs(PHI(no_AA,1,(after_KHI)))))); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); colorbar;
         ylabel('$t c_s/R$'), xlabel('$0<k_r<2/3 k_r^{\max}$')
         title('Spectrogram of $\phi$')
@@ -365,7 +377,7 @@ t0    = 0;
 [~, it02D] = min(abs(Ts2D-t0));
 [~, it05D] = min(abs(Ts5D-t0));
 skip_ = 2; 
-DELAY = 0.01*skip_;
+DELAY = 0.005*skip_;
 FRAMES_2D = it02D:skip_:numel(Ts2D);
 FRAMES_5D = it05D:skip_:numel(Ts5D);
 %% GIFS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -376,7 +388,7 @@ FIELD = real(ni00); X = RR; Y = ZZ; T = Ts2D; FRAMES = FRAMES_2D;
 FIELDNAME = '$n_i$'; XNAME = '$r/\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$z/\rho_s$';
-if 1
+if 0
 %% Phi real space
 GIFNAME = ['phi',sprintf('_%.2d',JOBNUM),'_',PARAMS];INTERP = 1;
 FIELD = real(phi); X = RR; Y = ZZ; T = Ts2D; FRAMES = FRAMES_2D;
@@ -398,12 +410,12 @@ FIELDNAME = '$|\tilde\phi|$'; XNAME = '$k_r\rho_s$'; YNAME = '$k_z\rho_s$';
 if 0
-%% phi @ z = 0
-GIFNAME = ['phi_z0',sprintf('_%.2d',JOBNUM),'_',PARAMS]; INTERP = 0;
-FIELD =(squeeze(real(phi(:,1,:)))); linestyle = '-.'; FRAMES = FRAMES_2D;
+%% phi averaged on z
+GIFNAME = ['phi_z0',sprintf('_%.2d',JOBNUM),'_',PARAMS]; INTERP = 0; SCALING=1;
+FIELD =(squeeze(mean(real(phi),2))); linestyle = '-.k'; FRAMES = FRAMES_2D;
 X = (r); T = Ts2D; YMIN = -1.1; YMAX = 1.1; XMIN = min(r); XMAX = max(r);
-FIELDNAME = '$\phi(r=0)$'; XNAME = '$r/\rho_s$';
+FIELDNAME = '$\langle\phi\rangle_{z}$'; XNAME = '$r/\rho_s$';
 if 0
 %% phi @ kz = 0
diff --git a/wk/compute_collision_mat.m b/wk/compute_collision_mat.m
index 44f96b173ce326f9f982e29a884315304b1ee460..24841850538ee27f11590ceaad2ae8a400e70402 100644
--- a/wk/compute_collision_mat.m
+++ b/wk/compute_collision_mat.m
@@ -29,16 +29,17 @@ kperpmax = sqrt(2) * kmax;
 n_ = 1;
 for k_ = kperp
+    disp(['----------Computing matrix ',num2str(n_),'/',num2str(Nperp),'----------'])
     %% Script to run COSOlver in order to create needed collision matrices
     COSOlver_path = '../../Documents/MoliSolver/COSOlver/';
-    COSOLVER.pmaxe = 10;
-    COSOLVER.jmaxe = 5;
-    COSOLVER.pmaxi = 10;
-    COSOLVER.jmaxi = 5;
+    COSOLVER.pmaxe = 20;
+    COSOLVER.jmaxe = 10;
+    COSOLVER.pmaxi = 20;
+    COSOLVER.jmaxi = 10;
     COSOLVER.kperp = k_;
     COSOLVER.neFLR    = min(ceil((2/3*kperpmax)^2),max(5,ceil(COSOLVER.kperp^2))); % rule of thumb for sum truncation
-    COSOLVER.niFLR    = max(5,ceil(COSOLVER.kperp^2));
+    COSOLVER.niFLR    = min(ceil((2/3*kperpmax)^2),max(5,ceil(COSOLVER.kperp^2)));
     COSOLVER.idxT4max = 40;
     COSOLVER.neFLRs = 0; %  ... only for GK abel 
@@ -83,4 +84,5 @@ for k_ = kperp
         cd ../../../HeLaZ/wk
+    n_ = n_ + 1;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/daint_run.m b/wk/daint_run.m
index 772458f0aa7d9d5a78145ab683d1e4ae55a84ed0..e7f53ac38e507fb62cab04859b3b75aed3b983cc 100644
--- a/wk/daint_run.m
+++ b/wk/daint_run.m
@@ -5,42 +5,53 @@ addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '24:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-CLUSTER.NODES = '1';        % number of nodes
-CLUSTER.NTPN  = '36';       % N tasks per node (mpi processes)
-CLUSTER.NTPC  = '1';        % N tasks per core (openmp threads)
-CLUSTER.CPUPT = '1';        % CPU per task     (number of CPU per mpi proc)
+NP_P          = 2;          % MPI processes along p  
+NP_KR         = 18;         % MPI processes along kr
 CLUSTER.PART  = 'normal';   % debug or normal
 if(strcmp(CLUSTER.PART,'debug')); CLUSTER.TIME  = '00:30:00'; end;
 CLUSTER.MEM   = '12GB';     % Memory
 CLUSTER.JNAME = 'gamma_inf';% Job name
 NU      = 0.1;   % Collision frequency
-ETAB    = 0.7;   % Magnetic gradient
-NU_HYP  = 0.1;   % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
+ETAB    = 0.6;   % Magnetic gradient
+NU_HYP  = 1.0;   % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
 N       = 200;   % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2)
-L       = 120;    % Size of the squared frequency domain
-P       = 10;    % Electron and Ion highest Hermite polynomial degree
-J       = 05;    % Electron and Ion highest Laguerre polynomial degree
+L       = 120;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
+P       = 12;    % Electron and Ion highest Hermite polynomial degree
+J       = 06;    % Electron and Ion highest Laguerre polynomial degree
 MU_P    = 0;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
 MU_J    = 0;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
-TMAX    = 2500;  % Maximal time unit
+TMAX    = 1000;  % Maximal time unit
 DT      = 1e-2;  % Time step
-SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for profiler
-SPS2D   = 1/2;   % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS5D   = 1/10;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
-SPSCP   = 0;  % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
+SPS0D   = 1;     % Sampling per time unit for profiler
+SPS2D   = 1;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+SPS5D   = 1/40;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+SPSCP   = 0;     % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
 RESTART = 1;     % To restart from last checkpoint
-% SIMID   = ['debug'];  % Name of the simulation
-SIMID   = ['Daint_eta_',num2str(ETAB),'_nu_%0.0e'];  % Name of the simulation
+SIMID   = ['HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_',num2str(ETAB),'_nu_%0.0e'];  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = 'test_marconi_sugama';  % Name of the simulation
 SIMID   = sprintf(SIMID,NU);
-CO      = -3;  % Collision operator (0 : L.Bernstein, -1 : Full Coulomb, -2 : Dougherty, -3 : GK Dougherty)
+PREFIX  =[];
+% PREFIX  = sprintf('%d_%d_',NP_P, NP_KR);
+% (0 : L.Bernstein, 1 : Dougherty, 2: Sugama, 3 : Full Couloumb ; +/- for GK/DK)
+CO      = 1;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: semi coll, 2: Copy closure J+1 = J, P+2 = P)
+NL_CLOS = 1;   % nonlinear closure model (0: =0 nmax = jmax, 1: nmax = jmax-j, >1 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
 KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
+INIT_PHI= 1;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi and moments
+W_DOUBLE = 1;
+W_GAMMA  = 1;
+W_PHI    = 1;
+W_NA00   = 1;
+W_NAPJ   = 1;
+W_SAPJ   = 0;
 %% fixed parameters (for current study)
@@ -60,8 +71,19 @@ NOISE0  = 1.0e-5;
 ETAT    = 0.0;    % Temperature gradient
 ETAN    = 1.0;    % Density gradient
 TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
+% Compute processes distribution
+Ntot = NP_P * NP_KR;
+Nnodes = ceil(Ntot/36);
+Nppn   = Ntot/Nnodes; 
+CLUSTER.NODES =  num2str(Nnodes);  % MPI process along p
+CLUSTER.NTPN  =  num2str(Nppn); % MPI process along kr
+CLUSTER.CPUPT = '1';        % CPU per task
+CLUSTER.NTPC  = '1';        % N tasks per core (openmp threads)
 %% Run file management scripts
 system('rm fort.90 setup_and_run.sh batch_script.sh');
+if(mod(NP_P*NP_KR,36)~= 0)
+    disp('WARNING : unused cores (ntot cores must be a 36 multiple)');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/local_run.m b/wk/local_run.m
index a529cd2f4d895b7ad55c561fdbf6afa1a7a97a8a..6812cba4bdb741052d5298dc79aedbd0b1674983 100644
--- a/wk/local_run.m
+++ b/wk/local_run.m
@@ -5,33 +5,37 @@ CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
 NU      = 1.0;   % Collision frequency
-ETAB    = 0.5;    % Magnetic gradient
+ETAB    = 0.6;    % Magnetic gradient
 ETAN    = 1.0;    % Density gradient
 NU_HYP  = 1.0;
 N       = 200;     % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2)
-L       = 120;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
-PMAXE   = 10;     % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
-JMAXE   = 05;     % Highest ''       Laguerre ''
-PMAXI   = 10;     % Highest ion      Hermite polynomial degree
-JMAXI   = 05;     % Highest ''       Laguerre ''
+L       = 80;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+PMAXE   = 02;     % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
+JMAXE   = 01;     % Highest ''       Laguerre ''
+PMAXI   = 02;     % Highest ion      Hermite polynomial degree
+JMAXI   = 01;     % Highest ''       Laguerre ''
+MU_P    = 0.0/PMAXI^2;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
+MU_J    = 0.0/JMAXI^2;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
-TMAX    = 50;  % Maximal time unit
+TMAX    = 2500;  % Maximal time unit
 DT      = 2e-2;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;    % Sampling per time unit for profiler
 SPS2D   = 1/2;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS5D   = 1/4;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints/10
-RESTART = 0;      % To restart from last checkpoint
+RESTART = 1;      % To restart from last checkpoint
 % Collision operator
 % (0 : L.Bernstein, 1 : Dougherty, 2: Sugama, 3 : Full Couloumb ; +/- for GK/DK)
-CO      = 2 ;
+CO      = 1;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: semi coll, 2: Copy closure J+1 = J, P+2 = P)
 NL_CLOS = -1;   % nonlinear closure model (-2: nmax = jmax, -1: nmax = jmax-j, >=0 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
-SIMID   = 'test_SGGK_full_size';  % Name of the simulation
-NON_LIN = 1 *(1-KREQ0);   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KREQ0 = 1)
+SIMID   = 'test_stability';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = ['local_v2.5_eta_',num2str(ETAB),'_nu_%0.0e'];  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = sprintf(SIMID,NU);
+NON_LIN = 1;   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KREQ0 = 1)
 W_DOUBLE = 0;
 W_GAMMA  = 1;
@@ -47,15 +51,13 @@ KR0KH   = 0; A0KH = 0; % Background phi mode to drive Ray-Tay inst.
 KREQ0   = 0;      % put kr = 0
 KPAR    = 0.0;    % Parellel wave vector component
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;
-kmax    = N*pi/L;% Highest fourier mode
+kmax    = 2/3*N*pi/L;% Highest fourier mode
 HD_CO   = 0.5;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
 % kmaxcut = 2.5;
 MU      = NU_HYP/(HD_CO*kmax)^4 % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
 NOISE0  = 1.0e-5;
 TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
 ETAT    = 0.0;    % Temperature gradient
-MU_P    = 0.0/PMAXI^2;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
-MU_J    = 0.0/JMAXI^3;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
 INIT_PHI= 1;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi and moments
 %% Setup and file management
diff --git a/wk/marconi_run.m b/wk/marconi_run.m
index 450f2d1179cbd3e6043037ef5bb4184e6f4c1af4..346e96e58546058a92f93e0de3803c4d1ffef279 100644
--- a/wk/marconi_run.m
+++ b/wk/marconi_run.m
@@ -4,12 +4,13 @@ addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 %% Set Up parameters
-CLUSTER.TIME  = '00:10:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-CLUSTER.PART  = 'dbg';     % dbg or prod
-CLUSTER.MEM   = '16GB';     % Memory
+CLUSTER.PART  = 'prod';     % dbg or prod
+CLUSTER.TIME  = '24:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
+if(strcmp(CLUSTER.PART,'dbg')); CLUSTER.TIME  = '00:30:00'; end;
+CLUSTER.MEM   = '64GB';     % Memory
 CLUSTER.JNAME = 'gamma_inf';% Job name
-NP_P          = 1;          % MPI processes along p  
-NP_KR         = 1;         % MPI processes along kr
+NP_P          = 2;          % MPI processes along p  
+NP_KR         = 24;         % MPI processes along kr
 NU      = 0.1;   % Collision frequency
@@ -17,28 +18,28 @@ ETAB    = 0.6;   % Magnetic gradient
 NU_HYP  = 1.0;   % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
 N       = 200;   % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2)
-L       = 120;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-P       = 04;    % Electron and Ion highest Hermite polynomial degree
-J       = 04;    % Electron and Ion highest Laguerre polynomial degree
+L       = 80;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
+P       = 12;    % Electron and Ion highest Hermite polynomial degree
+J       = 06;    % Electron and Ion highest Laguerre polynomial degree
 MU_P    = 0;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
 MU_J    = 0;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
-TMAX    = 120;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 2e-2;  % Time step
+TMAX    = 4000;  % Maximal time unit
+DT      = 1e-2;  % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;     % Sampling per time unit for profiler
-SPS2D   = 1;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS5D   = 1/40;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+SPS2D   = 1/2;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+SPS5D   = 1/100;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 SPSCP   = 0;     % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
-RESTART = 0;     % To restart from last checkpoint
+RESTART = 1;     % To restart from last checkpoint
-% SIMID   = ['HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_',num2str(ETAB),'_nu_%0.0e'];  % Name of the simulation
-SIMID   = 'test_marconi_sugama';  % Name of the simulation
+SIMID   = ['HeLaZ_v2.5_eta_',num2str(ETAB),'_nu_%0.0e'];  % Name of the simulation
 SIMID   = sprintf(SIMID,NU);
+% SIMID   = 'test_marconi_sugama';  % Name of the simulation
 PREFIX  =[];
 % PREFIX  = sprintf('%d_%d_',NP_P, NP_KR);
 % (0 : L.Bernstein, 1 : Dougherty, 2: Sugama, 3 : Full Couloumb ; +/- for GK/DK)
-CO      = 2;
+CO      = 1;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: semi coll, 2: Copy closure J+1 = J, P+2 = P)
 NL_CLOS = 1;   % nonlinear closure model (0: =0 nmax = jmax, 1: nmax = jmax-j, >1 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
 KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)