diff --git a/src/species_mod.F90 b/src/species_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..426ae36e3ec9ae7633fb6c2dbe47103711a6a89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/species_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+MODULE species_mod
+  USE :: basic
+  ! Classe that encapsulate all atributes and methods for one arbitrary species
+  TYPE, PUBLIC :: species_class
+      REAL(dp), PUBLIC :: q     !charge
+      REAL(dp), PUBLIC :: sigma !sqrt masse ratio w.r.t. ion mass
+      REAL(dp), PUBLIC :: tau   !temperatrue ratio w.r.t. electron temp.
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: parray ! Hermite degrees
+      INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: jarray ! Laguerre degrees
+      ! Hermite-Moments: N_a^pj ! DIMENSIONs correspond to: p, j, kx, ky, z, updatetlevel.
+      COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: moments
+      ! Arrays to store the rhs, for time integration (ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel)
+      COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: moments_rhs
+      ! Non linear term array (ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz)
+      COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:),   ALLOCATABLE :: Sapj
+      ! lin rhs p,j coefficient storage (ip,ij)
+      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: xnapj
+      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE :: xnapp1j, xnapm1j,   xnapp2j,   xnapm2j, xnapjp1, xnapjm1
+      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: ynapp1j, ynapm1j,   ynapp1jm1, ynapm1jm1 ! mirror lin coeff for non adiab mom
+      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: zNapm1j, zNapm1jp1, zNapm1jm1            ! mirror lin coeff for adiab mom
+      ! Kernel function evaluation (ij,ikx,iky,iz)
+      REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: kernel
+      !! Diagnostics
+      ! Gyrocenter density (ikx,iky,iz)
+      COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: Na00
+      ! particle density (ikx,iky,iz)
+      COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: density
+      ! particle temperature for electron and ions (ikx,iky,iz)
+      COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: temperature
+      ! Initialization procedures
+      PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: init                => species_init
+      PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: setup_arrays        => species_setup_arrays
+      PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: evaluate_kernels    => species_evaluate_kernels
+      ! Diagnostics
+      PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: compute_density     => species_compute_density
+      PROCEDURE, PUBLIC :: compute_temperature => species_compute_temperature
+    END TYPE species_class
+  ! Routines that every species may use
+    SUBROUTINE species_setup_arrays(this)
+    SUBROUTINE species_compute_density(this)