diff --git a/matlab/LinearFit_s.m b/matlab/LinearFit_s.m
index 6712007afeb58c49b1fadc0bd92599930c49ca77..af790195cad7d1b8c99f3a678e91220b33d5bb1f 100644
--- a/matlab/LinearFit_s.m
+++ b/matlab/LinearFit_s.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [gamma,fit] = LinearFit_s(time,Na00abs)
+function [gamma,t,gammaoft] = LinearFit_s(time,Na00abs)
   % LinearFit computes the growth rate and frequency from the time evolution of Napj
   % - adapted from MOLI (B.J. Frei)
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@ function [gamma,fit] = LinearFit_s(time,Na00abs)
     gamma = mean(gammaoft); % ... take the mean of gamma over the time window
     % Return gamma(t) for amplitude ratio method
-    fit.gammaoft = gammaoft;
-    fit.t        = time;
+    t        = 0.5*(time(2:end)+time(1:end-1));
 end % ... end function
diff --git a/matlab/compile_results.m b/matlab/compile_results.m
index 2bb4b5ef8f08bc0555c77bb66bb1d49ff977492a..5fa860f7b7b6e0c35479dd6f834a0a8dcbceaa59 100644
--- a/matlab/compile_results.m
+++ b/matlab/compile_results.m
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ JOBNUM   = JOBNUMMIN; JOBFOUND = 0;
 DATA.TJOB_SE  = []; % Start and end times of jobs
 DATA.NU_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter nu between jobs
 DATA.CO_EVOL  = []; % evolution of CO
-DATA.MU_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter mu between jobs
+DATA.MUx_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter mu between jobs
+DATA.MUy_EVOL  = []; % evolution of parameter mu between jobs
 DATA.K_N_EVOL = []; %
 DATA.L_EVOL   = []; % 
 DATA.DT_EVOL  = []; %
@@ -159,7 +160,8 @@ while(CONTINUE)
         DATA.TJOB_SE   = [DATA.TJOB_SE  Ts0D(1) Ts0D(end)];
         DATA.L_EVOL    = [DATA.L_EVOL   DATA.L      DATA.L];
@@ -206,7 +208,11 @@ DATA.Nx = Nx; DATA.Ny = Ny; DATA.Nz = Nz; DATA.Nkx = Nkx; DATA.Nky = Nky;
 DATA.Pmaxe = numel(Pe); DATA.Pmaxi = numel(Pi); DATA.Jmaxe = numel(Je); DATA.Jmaxi = numel(Ji);
 DATA.dir      = DIRECTORY;
 DATA.localdir = ['..',DIRECTORY(20:end)];
+DATA.param_title=['$\nu_{',DATA.CONAME,'}=$', num2str(DATA.NU), ...
+    ', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(DATA.K_N),', $L=',num2str(DATA.L),'$, $N=',...
+    num2str(DATA.Nx),'$, $(P,J)=(',num2str(DATA.PMAXI),',',...
+    num2str(DATA.JMAXI),')$,',' $\mu_{hd}=$(',num2str(DATA.MUx),...
+    ',',num2str(DATA.MUy),')'];
 filename = sprintf([DIRECTORY,'outputs_%.2d.h5'],JOBNUM);
diff --git a/matlab/computeFXYZ.m b/matlab/computeFXYZ.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8982392941b3bcc13d3820a442e4106f544baf34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/computeFXYZ.m
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+function output=computeFXYZ(gene_data,varargin)
+%Function for antitrasforming a Fourier field to real space
+%      gene_data  -> 3D field in Fourier
+%      x_local    -> Fourier in x (1st dim.)
+%    [output]=COMPUTEFXYZ(gene_data)
+if nargin==1
+    x_local=1;
+    x_local=varargin{1};
+if x_local
+    [nx,nky,nz]=size(gene_data);
+    %extend to whole ky by imposing reality condition
+    ny=2*nky-1;
+    if ny~=1
+        %note, we need one extra point which we set to zero for the ifft 
+        spectrumKxKyZ=zeros(nx,ny,nz);
+        spectrumKxKyZ(:,1:nky,:)=gene_data(:,:,:);
+        spectrumKxKyZ(1,(nky+1):(ny),:)=conj(gene_data(1,nky:-1:2,:));
+        spectrumKxKyZ(2:nx,(nky+1):(ny),:)=conj(gene_data(nx:-1:2,nky:-1:2,:));
+    else
+        %pad with zeros to interpolate on fine scale
+        ny=20;
+        spectrumKxKyZ=zeros(nx,ny,nz);
+        spectrumKxKyZ(:,2,:)=gene_data(:,:,:);
+    end   
+    %inverse fft, symmetric as we are using real data
+    spectrumXKyZ=nx*ifft(spectrumKxKyZ,[],1);
+    output=ny*ifft(spectrumXKyZ,[],2,'symmetric');
+    clear  spectrumKxKyZ 
+    [nx,nky,nz]=size(gene_data);
+    %   extend to whole ky by imposingreality condition
+    ny=2*nky-1;
+    if ny~=1
+        spectrumXKyZ=zeros(nx,ny,nz);
+        spectrumXKyZ(:,1:nky,:)=gene_data(:,:,:);
+        spectrumXKyZ(1,(nky+1):(ny),:)=conj(gene_data(1,nky:-1:2,:));
+        spectrumXKyZ(2:nx,(nky+1):(ny),:)=conj(gene_data(2:1:nx,nky:-1:2,:));   
+    else
+        %pad with zeros to interpolate on fine scale
+        ny=50;
+        spectrumXKyZ=zeros(nx,ny,nz);
+        spectrumXKyZ(:,2,:)=gene_data(:,:,:);
+    end
+    output=ny*ifft(spectrumXKyZ,[],2,'symmetric');
+    clear  spectrumK=XKyZ 
diff --git a/matlab/default_plots_options.m b/matlab/default_plots_options.m
index f8d5496697c9d49cedc9d9c9a7dd7aa11b822cc2..4654b0bf2771412297353b63245ef0601de3b6c2 100644
--- a/matlab/default_plots_options.m
+++ b/matlab/default_plots_options.m
@@ -9,3 +9,16 @@ line_colors = [[0, 0.4470, 0.7410];[0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980];[0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1
 line_styles = {'-','-.','--',':'};
 marker_styles = {'^','v','o','s'};
 latexize = @(x) ['$',x,'$'];
+if 0
+set(0, 'defaultAxesTickLabelInterpreter','tex');
+set(0, 'defaultLegendInterpreter','tex');
+set(0, 'DefaultLineLineWidth', 2.0);
+line_colors = [[0, 0.4470, 0.7410];[0.8500, 0.3250, 0.0980];[0.9290, 0.6940, 0.1250];...
+    [0.4940, 0.1840, 0.5560];[0.4660, 0.6740, 0.1880];[0.3010, 0.7450, 0.9330];[0.6350, 0.0780, 0.1840]];
+line_styles = {'-','-.','--',':'};
+marker_styles = {'^','v','o','s'};
+latexize = @(x) ['$',x,'$'];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/distinguishable_colors.m b/matlab/distinguishable_colors.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eb1e24ee922f84c221b75709e90673462dce8144
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/distinguishable_colors.m
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+function colors = distinguishable_colors(n_colors,bg,func)
+% DISTINGUISHABLE_COLORS: pick colors that are maximally perceptually distinct
+% When plotting a set of lines, you may want to distinguish them by color.
+% By default, Matlab chooses a small set of colors and cycles among them,
+% and so if you have more than a few lines there will be confusion about
+% which line is which. To fix this problem, one would want to be able to
+% pick a much larger set of distinct colors, where the number of colors
+% equals or exceeds the number of lines you want to plot. Because our
+% ability to distinguish among colors has limits, one should choose these
+% colors to be "maximally perceptually distinguishable."
+% This function generates a set of colors which are distinguishable
+% by reference to the "Lab" color space, which more closely matches
+% human color perception than RGB. Given an initial large list of possible
+% colors, it iteratively chooses the entry in the list that is farthest (in
+% Lab space) from all previously-chosen entries. While this "greedy"
+% algorithm does not yield a global maximum, it is simple and efficient.
+% Moreover, the sequence of colors is consistent no matter how many you
+% request, which facilitates the users' ability to learn the color order
+% and avoids major changes in the appearance of plots when adding or
+% removing lines.
+% Syntax:
+%   colors = distinguishable_colors(n_colors)
+% Specify the number of colors you want as a scalar, n_colors. This will
+% generate an n_colors-by-3 matrix, each row representing an RGB
+% color triple. If you don't precisely know how many you will need in
+% advance, there is no harm (other than execution time) in specifying
+% slightly more than you think you will need.
+%   colors = distinguishable_colors(n_colors,bg)
+% This syntax allows you to specify the background color, to make sure that
+% your colors are also distinguishable from the background. Default value
+% is white. bg may be specified as an RGB triple or as one of the standard
+% "ColorSpec" strings. You can even specify multiple colors:
+%     bg = {'w','k'}
+% or
+%     bg = [1 1 1; 0 0 0]
+% will only produce colors that are distinguishable from both white and
+% black.
+%   colors = distinguishable_colors(n_colors,bg,rgb2labfunc)
+% By default, distinguishable_colors uses the image processing toolbox's
+% color conversion functions makecform and applycform. Alternatively, you
+% can supply your own color conversion function.
+% Example:
+%   c = distinguishable_colors(25);
+%   figure
+%   image(reshape(c,[1 size(c)]))
+% Example using the file exchange's 'colorspace':
+%   func = @(x) colorspace('RGB->Lab',x);
+%   c = distinguishable_colors(25,'w',func);
+% Copyright 2010-2011 by Timothy E. Holy
+  % Parse the inputs
+  if (nargin < 2)
+    bg = [1 1 1];  % default white background
+  else
+    if iscell(bg)
+      % User specified a list of colors as a cell aray
+      bgc = bg;
+      for i = 1:length(bgc)
+	bgc{i} = parsecolor(bgc{i});
+      end
+      bg = cat(1,bgc{:});
+    else
+      % User specified a numeric array of colors (n-by-3)
+      bg = parsecolor(bg);
+    end
+  end
+  % Generate a sizable number of RGB triples. This represents our space of
+  % possible choices. By starting in RGB space, we ensure that all of the
+  % colors can be generated by the monitor.
+  n_grid = 30;  % number of grid divisions along each axis in RGB space
+  x = linspace(0,1,n_grid);
+  [R,G,B] = ndgrid(x,x,x);
+  rgb = [R(:) G(:) B(:)];
+  if (n_colors > size(rgb,1)/3)
+    error('You can''t readily distinguish that many colors');
+  end
+  % Convert to Lab color space, which more closely represents human
+  % perception
+  if (nargin > 2)
+    lab = func(rgb);
+    bglab = func(bg);
+  else
+    C = makecform('srgb2lab');
+    lab = applycform(rgb,C);
+    bglab = applycform(bg,C);
+  end
+  % If the user specified multiple background colors, compute distances
+  % from the candidate colors to the background colors
+  mindist2 = inf(size(rgb,1),1);
+  for i = 1:size(bglab,1)-1
+    dX = bsxfun(@minus,lab,bglab(i,:)); % displacement all colors from bg
+    dist2 = sum(dX.^2,2);  % square distance
+    mindist2 = min(dist2,mindist2);  % dist2 to closest previously-chosen color
+  end
+  % Iteratively pick the color that maximizes the distance to the nearest
+  % already-picked color
+  colors = zeros(n_colors,3);
+  lastlab = bglab(end,:);   % initialize by making the "previous" color equal to background
+  for i = 1:n_colors
+    dX = bsxfun(@minus,lab,lastlab); % displacement of last from all colors on list
+    dist2 = sum(dX.^2,2);  % square distance
+    mindist2 = min(dist2,mindist2);  % dist2 to closest previously-chosen color
+    [~,index] = max(mindist2);  % find the entry farthest from all previously-chosen colors
+    colors(i,:) = rgb(index,:);  % save for output
+    lastlab = lab(index,:);  % prepare for next iteration
+  end
+function c = parsecolor(s)
+  if ischar(s)
+    c = colorstr2rgb(s);
+  elseif isnumeric(s) && size(s,2) == 3
+    c = s;
+  else
+    error('MATLAB:InvalidColorSpec','Color specification cannot be parsed.');
+  end
+function c = colorstr2rgb(c)
+  % Convert a color string to an RGB value.
+  % This is cribbed from Matlab's whitebg function.
+  % Why don't they make this a stand-alone function?
+  rgbspec = [1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1;1 1 1;0 1 1;1 0 1;1 1 0;0 0 0];
+  cspec = 'rgbwcmyk';
+  k = find(cspec==c(1));
+  if isempty(k)
+    error('MATLAB:InvalidColorString','Unknown color string.');
+  end
+  if k~=3 || length(c)==1,
+    c = rgbspec(k,:);
+  elseif length(c)>2,
+    if strcmpi(c(1:3),'bla')
+      c = [0 0 0];
+    elseif strcmpi(c(1:3),'blu')
+      c = [0 0 1];
+    else
+      error('MATLAB:UnknownColorString', 'Unknown color string.');
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
index fa28a51fe520be2f73dfaa26d93940bf92844994..1dd71204e95f7d0c1a756d4778c733587667c2e7 100644
--- a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
+++ b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ dataObjs = axObjs.Children;
 X_ = dataObjs(1).XData;
 Y_ = dataObjs(1).YData;
-n0 = 1500;
+n0 = 0001;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/ifourier_GENE.m b/matlab/ifourier_GENE.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..15a94dabb58267d2487838b668088f3666c12ead
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/ifourier_GENE.m
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+function [ field_r ] = ifourier_GENE( field_c, dims )
+%IFOURIER_FIELD_GENE method of ifourier used in GENE post processing
+%   This fourier transform back from the half complex plane to a full real
+%   space, in 2 or 3D (dim). Compied from computeFXYZ of GENE for
+%   comparison purpose.
+sz = size(field_c);
+nkx = sz(1);
+field_r = zeros(dims);
+if numel(dims) == 2 %2D
+    nx = dims(1); ny = dims(2);
+    %note, we need one extra point which we set to zero for the ifft 
+    spectrumKxKyZ                  = zeros(nx,ny);
+    spectrumKxKyZ(1:nkx,:)         = field_c;
+    spectrumKxKyZ((nkx):(nx),1)    = conj(field_c(nkx:-1:2));       
+    spectrumKxKyZ((nkx):(nx),2:ny) = conj(field_c(nkx:-1:2,ny:-1:2));
+%     spectrumKxYZ = ny*ifft(spectrumKxKyZ,[],2);
+%     field_r      = nx*ifft(spectrumKxYZ,[],1,'symmetric');
+    spectrumKxYZ = ifft(spectrumKxKyZ,[],2);
+    field_r      = ifft(spectrumKxYZ,[],1,'symmetric');
diff --git a/matlab/loadGeneral_GENE.m b/matlab/loadGeneral_GENE.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d771c033429e318e03287ed78028901d2f4712d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/loadGeneral_GENE.m
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+function [general]= loadGeneral_GENE(folder,fileNumber,varargin)
+% Loads all the input params of a simulation and returns them in a
+% structured way, If [show] is provided then results are shown on screen 
+% in a compact version.
+% To see the way the structure is filled, read the code or try it once.
+%         folder     -> folder cointaining the simulation data
+%         fileNumber -> actual run according to our numeration
+%         [show]     -> boolean to disply information on screen
+%         [use_h5]   -> define whether h5 files are to be used (default 1) 
+%       [general]= LOADGENERAL(folder,fileNumber,[show])
+%we here assume that all the runs are the same in terms of parameters.
+% if nargin==3 && varargin{1}==1
+%     describe_simulation(folder,fileNumber);
+% end
+general=struct('coord',coord, 'geometry',geometry, 'folder', folder, 'fileNumber',fileNumber, 'allParams',allParams);
+if ~general.allParams.info.x_local       
+    for i_s=1:general.allParams.specs.ns
+        act_spec=general.allParams.specs.(genvarname(['s',num2str(i_s)])).name;
+        if use_h5
+            file=fileNameH5(folder,['profiles_',act_spec],fileNumber );
+            T=h5read(file,'/temp/T');
+            omt=h5read(file,'/temp/omt');
+            n=h5read(file,'/density/n');
+            omn=h5read(file,'/density/omn');
+            x_o_a=h5read(file,'/position/x_o_a');
+            x_o_rho_ref=h5read(file,'/position/x_o_rho_ref');
+            general.allParams.specs.(genvarname(['s',num2str(i_s)])).profiles=struct('T',T,'n',n,'omn',omn,'omt',omt,'x_o_a',x_o_a,'x_o_rho_ref',x_o_rho_ref);
+        else 
+            file=fileName_std(folder,['profiles_',act_spec],fileNumber );
+            fid=fopen(file);
+            nel=numel(regexp(fgetl(fid),'\s+','split'));
+            fgetl(fid);
+            data=textscan(fid,'%f');
+            data=reshape(data{:}, [nel-1 numel(data{:})/(nel-1)]);
+            fclose(fid);
+            general.allParams.specs.(genvarname(['s',num2str(i_s)])).profiles=...
+                struct('T',data(3,:)','n',data(4,:)','omt',data(5,:)','omn',data(6,:)','x_o_a',data(1,:)','x_o_rho_ref',data(2,:)');
+        end
+    end
+    general.prefactors=compute_prefactors(general.allParams,general.geometry,numel(coord.ky),numel(coord.z));
diff --git a/matlab/load_field_gene.m b/matlab/load_field_gene.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a323a9a277240a7dc0a28dd5f6af36eff4b0256f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/load_field_gene.m
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/NL_Zpinch_Kn_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-2_mu_1e-2_KHR_2/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/NL_Zpinch_Kn_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-3_gyroLES/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/HP_fig_2c_gyroLES/';
+folder = '/misc/gene_results/NL_Zpinch_Kn_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-2_mu_1e-2_SGDK/';
+%% General info (domain etc.)
+varargin{1} = 0; varargin{2} = 0;
+general = loadGeneral_GENE(folder,-1,varargin);
+nx = general.allParams.box.nx; Lx = general.allParams.box.Lx;
+ny = general.allParams.box.ny; Ly = general.allParams.box.Ly;
+nz = general.allParams.box.nz;
+kx = general.coord.kx;
+ky = general.coord.ky;
+[KY,KX] = meshgrid(ky,kx);
+x  = Lx/nx.*(-nx/2:nx/2-1);
+y  = Ly/ny.*(-ny+1:ny-1);
+%% Load dens_i
+steps_range = 0:1:500; nt = numel(steps_range);
+time_dens        = 1:nt;
+dens_xt = zeros(nt,nx);
+% figure
+for i = 1:nt
+    field_step = steps_range(i);
+    [field_c, t] = loadMomentumCpx(folder,-1,field_step-1,'ions','dens','none',0,[nx ny nz],0,general.allParams.data_format);
+    field_r = computeFXYZ(field_c,1);
+    dens_xt(i,:) = mean(field_r(:,:,1),2);
+    time_dens(i) = t;
+if 1
+%% Load phi
+steps_range = 0:2:1000; nt = numel(steps_range);
+time_phi        = 1:nt;
+phi_xt = zeros(nt,nx);
+% figure
+for i = 1:nt
+    field_step = steps_range(i);
+    [field_c, t] = loadFieldPhiCpx(folder,-1,field_step-1,'',0,0,[nx ny nz],general.allParams.data_format);
+    field_r = computeFXYZ(field_c,1);
+    phi_xt(i,:) = mean(field_r(:,:,1),2);
+    time_phi(i) = t;
+if 0
+%% Load v_ExB
+steps_range = 0:2:1000; nt = numel(steps_range);
+time_vExB        = 1:nt;
+vExB_xt = zeros(nt,nx);
+% figure
+for i = 1:nt
+    field_step = steps_range(i);
+    [field_c, t] = loadFieldPhiCpx(folder,-1,field_step-1,'',0,0,[nx ny nz],general.allParams.data_format);
+    field_r = computeFXYZ(-KX.*field_c,1);
+    vExB_xt(i,:) = mean(field_r(:,:,1),2);
+    time_vExB(i) = t;
+if 1
+%% compute Gx
+steps_n = 0:1:500;  nt1 = numel(steps_n);
+steps_v = 0:2:1000; nt2 = numel(steps_v);
+time_vExB        = 1:nt1;
+Gx = zeros(nt,1);
+% figure
+for i = 1:nt1
+    field_step = steps_n(i);
+    [field_c, t] = loadMomentumCpx(folder,-1,field_step-1,'ions','dens','none',0,[nx ny nz],0,general.allParams.data_format);
+    dens = computeFXYZ(field_c,1);
+    time_dens(i) = t;
+    field_step = steps_v(i);
+    [field_c, t] = loadFieldPhiCpx(folder,-1,field_step-1,'',0,0,[nx ny nz],general.allParams.data_format);
+    vExB = computeFXYZ(-KY.*field_c,1);
+    time_vExB(i) = t;
+    Gx(i) = mean(mean(squeeze(dens(:,:,1).*vExB(:,:,1))));
+%% Plot
+[X_TX,Y_TX] = meshgrid(time_dens,x);
+% pclr=pcolor(X_TX',Y_TX',dens_xt);        
+set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
+% figure
+% plot(time_dens,Gx)
diff --git a/matlab/load_params.m b/matlab/load_params.m
index 1d44a63a5dac5bd3c4457f27dc7337dc110c6ac5..78020b7f634d44b6650454258210d9e2fb06cfe5 100644
--- a/matlab/load_params.m
+++ b/matlab/load_params.m
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ DATA.L       = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','Lx');
 DATA.CLOS    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','CLOS');
 DATA.DT_SIM  = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','dt');
 DATA.MU      = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu');
+DATA.MUx     = -99;%h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu_x');
+DATA.MUy     = -99;%h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','mu_y');
 % MU      = str2num(filename(end-18:end-14)); %bad...
 DATA.W_GAMMA   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','write_gamma') == 'y';
 DATA.W_PHI     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','write_phi')   == 'y';
diff --git a/matlab/photomaton.m b/matlab/photomaton.m
index ef43d8740afb61bafdce67a37b4e654f9f2153dc..66b6f04832b2f43315fb7fe50570158fc60eb802 100644
--- a/matlab/photomaton.m
+++ b/matlab/photomaton.m
@@ -4,22 +4,27 @@ function [ FIGURE ] = photomaton( DATA,OPTIONS )
 toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
 FNAME  = toplot.FILENAME;
 FRAMES = toplot.FRAMES;
+Nframes= numel(FRAMES);
+Nrows  = ceil(Nframes/4);
+Ncols  = ceil(Nframes/Nrows);
 TNAME = [];
-FIGURE.fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 numel(FRAMES) 1])
+FIGURE.fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 Ncols Nrows])
     for i_ = 1:numel(FRAMES)
-    subplot(1,numel(FRAMES),i_); TNAME = [TNAME,'_',sprintf('%.0f',DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES(i_)))];
+    subplot(Nrows,Ncols,i_); TNAME = [TNAME,'_',sprintf('%.0f',DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES(i_)))];
         if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'kxky')
             scale = max(max(abs(toplot.FIELD(:,:,FRAMES(i_))))); % Scaling to normalize
             scale = 1;
-        pclr = pcolor(toplot.X,toplot.Y,toplot.FIELD(:,:,FRAMES(i_))./scale); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT)
-%         if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'kxky')
-%             caxis([-1,1]);
-%             colormap(bluewhitered);
-%         end
+        pclr = pcolor(toplot.X,toplot.Y,toplot.FIELD(:,:,FRAMES(i_))./scale); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');
+            pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT)
+        end
+        if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'kxky')
+            caxis([-1,1]);
+            colormap(bluewhitered);
+        end
         xlabel(toplot.XNAME); ylabel(toplot.YNAME);
 %         if i_ > 1; set(gca,'ytick',[]); end; 
         title([sprintf('$t c_s/R=%.0f$',DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES(i_))),', max = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]);
diff --git a/matlab/plots/ZF_spacetime.m b/matlab/plots/ZF_spacetime.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..b40deed90aa2ed66dbdf7aa5f0ff7761ccf7bec4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plots/ZF_spacetime.m
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+function [FIGURE] = ZF_spacetime(DATA, TAVG_0, TAVG_1)
+%Compute steady radial transport
+tend = TAVG_1; tstart = TAVG_0;
+[~,its3D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-tstart));
+[~,ite3D]   = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-tend));
+nx = DATA.Nx; ny = DATA.Ny; nz = DATA.Nz; nkx = DATA.Nkx; nky = DATA.Nky;
+FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['ZF_spacetime','_',DATA.PARAMS]; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 1200, 600])
+%% radial shear radial profiles
+        % computation
+    Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D);
+    [KY, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+    plt = @(x) mean(x(:,:,1,:),2);
+    phi            = zeros(nx,ny,1,Ns3D);
+    for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+%         phi(:,:,1,it)  = real(fftshift(ifft2((DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+        phi(:,:,1,it) = ifourier_GENE(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+    end
+    clear  spectrumKxKyZ spectrumKxKyZ
+    f2plot = phi; fname = '$\langle \phi\rangle_y$';
+    [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.x,DATA.Ts3D);
+    pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze(plt(f2plot))'); 
+    set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
+    legend(fname) %colorbar;
+    clim = max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,1,its3D:ite3D)))));
+    caxis(clim*[-1 1]);
+    cmap = bluewhitered(256);
+    colormap(cmap); colorbar;
+    ylabel('$x/\rho_s$');     
+    title(DATA.param_title);
+    dxphi            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+    for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+        dxphi(:,:,1,it) = ifourier_GENE(1i*KX.*DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+    end
+    f2plot = dxphi; fname = '$\langle \partial_x\phi\rangle_y$';
+    [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.x,DATA.Ts3D);
+    pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze(plt(f2plot))'); 
+    set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
+    legend(fname) %colorbar;
+    clim = max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,1,its3D:ite3D)))));
+    caxis(clim*[-1 1]);
+    cmap = bluewhitered(256);
+    colormap(cmap); colorbar;
+    ylabel('$x/\rho_s$');    
+    dx2phi           = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+    for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+        dx2phi(:,:,1,it) = ifourier_GENE(-KX.^2.*DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+    end
+    f2plot = dx2phi; 
+%     fname = '$\Gamma_x(x)$'; 
+    fname = '$\langle \partial_x^2\phi\rangle_y$';
+    [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.x,DATA.Ts3D);
+    pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze(plt(f2plot))'); 
+    set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
+    legend(fname) %colorbar;
+    clim = max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,1,its3D:ite3D)))));
+    caxis(clim*[-1 1]);
+    cmap = bluewhitered(256);
+    colormap(cmap); colorbar;
+    xlabel('$t c_s/R$'), ylabel('$x/\rho_s$'); 
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_shear.m b/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_shear.m
index 597952e0bfa91d795fff41c55300430aab81b9b7..97ca17ab42259b5d7f4087b74f426c9d5fa118b1 100644
--- a/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_shear.m
+++ b/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_shear.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [FIGURE] = plot_radial_transport_and_shear(DATA, TAVG_0, TAVG_1)
+function [FIGURE] = plot_radial_transport_and_shear(DATA, TAVG_0, TAVG_1,stfname)
 %Compute steady radial transport
 tend = TAVG_1; tstart = TAVG_0;
 [~,its0D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts0D-tstart));
@@ -18,26 +18,24 @@ FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['ZF_transport_drphi','_',DATA.PARAMS]; se
         title(['$\nu_{',DATA.CONAME,'}=$', num2str(DATA.NU), ', $\kappa_N=$',num2str(DATA.K_N),...
         ', $L=',num2str(DATA.L),'$, $N=',num2str(DATA.Nx),'$, $(P,J)=(',num2str(DATA.PMAXI),',',num2str(DATA.JMAXI),')$,',...
         ' $\mu_{hd}=$',num2str(DATA.MU),', $\Gamma^{\infty} \approx $',num2str(gamma_infty_avg)]);
-    %% zonal vs nonzonal energies for phi(t) and shear radial profile
+    %% zonal vs nonzonal energies for phi(t)
     % computation
+    [~,ikzf] = max(squeeze(mean(abs(squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,:))),2)));
     Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D);
     [KY, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
-    Ephi_Z           = zeros(1,Ns3D);
-    Ephi_NZ_kgt0     = zeros(1,Ns3D);
-    Ephi_NZ_kgt1     = zeros(1,Ns3D);
-    Ephi_NZ_kgt2     = zeros(1,Ns3D);
-    high_k_phi       = zeros(1,Ns3D);
-    dxphi           = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
-%     dx2phi           = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+%     Ephi_Z           = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+%     Ephi_NZ_kgt0     = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+%     Ephi_NZ_kgt1     = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+%     Ephi_NZ_kgt2     = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+    E_Zmode_SK       = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+    E_NZmode_SK      = zeros(1,Ns3D);
     for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
-        [amp,ikzf] = max(abs((KX~=0).*DATA.PHI(:,1,1,it)));
-        Ephi_NZ_kgt0(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)>0.0).*(KX~=0).*(KY~=0).*(KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
-        Ephi_NZ_kgt1(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)>1.0).*(KX~=0).*(KY~=0).*(KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
-        Ephi_NZ_kgt2(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)>2.0).*(KX~=0).*(KY~=0).*(KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
-        Ephi_Z(it)       = squeeze(sum(sum(((KX~=0).*(KY==0).*(KX.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
-        dxphi(:,:,1,it)  = real(fftshift(ifft2(-1i*KX.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
-%         dx2phi(:,:,1,it) = real(fftshift(ifft2(-KX.^2.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+%         Ephi_NZ_kgt0(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)>0.0).*(KX~=0).*(KY~=0).*(KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
+%         Ephi_NZ_kgt1(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)>1.0).*(KX~=0).*(KY~=0).*(KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
+%         Ephi_NZ_kgt2(it) = squeeze(sum(sum(((sqrt(KX.^2+KY.^2)>2.0).*(KX~=0).*(KY~=0).*(KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
+%         Ephi_Z(it)       = squeeze(sum(sum(((KX~=0).*(KY==0).*(KX.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2))));
+        E_Zmode_SK(it)   = squeeze(DATA.ky(ikzf).^2.*abs(DATA.PHI(ikzf,1,1,it))^2);
+        E_NZmode_SK(it)  = squeeze(sum(sum(((1+KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2.*(KY~=0)))));
     [~,its3D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-tstart));
     [~,ite3D]   = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-tend));
@@ -45,21 +43,36 @@ FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['ZF_transport_drphi','_',DATA.PARAMS]; se
     it0 = 1; itend = Ns3D;
     trange = it0:itend;
-    pltx = @(x) x;%-x(1);
-    plty = @(x) x./max((x(its3D:ite3D)));
+    plt1 = @(x) x;%-x(1);
+    plt2 = @(x) x./max((x(its3D:ite3D)));
 %     plty = @(x) x(500:end)./max(squeeze(x(500:end)));
         yyaxis left
-        plot(pltx(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plty(Ephi_Z(trange)),'DisplayName',['Zonal, ',DATA.CONAME]); hold on;
+        plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_Zmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$k_{zf}^2|\phi_{kzf}|^2$');
         ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{Z}$')
         yyaxis right
-        plot(pltx(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plty(Ephi_NZ_kgt0(trange)),'DisplayName','$k_p>0$');
+        plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_NZmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$(1+k^2)|\phi^k|^2$');
         xlim([DATA.Ts3D(it0), DATA.Ts3D(itend)]);
         ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{NZ}$')
         xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]);% xlim([0 500]);
+    %% radial shear radial profile
+        % computation
+    Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D);
+    [~, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+%     dxphi            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+%     dx2phi           = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+    Gx           = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+    for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+%         dxphi(:,:,1,it)  = real(fftshift(ifft2(-1i*KX.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+%         dx2phi(:,:,1,it) = real(fftshift(ifft2(-KX.^2.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+        Gx(:,:,1,it)  = real(fftshift(ifft2(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)))...
+                      .*real(fftshift(ifft2(DATA.DENS_I(:,:,1,it),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+    end
+    clim =  max(max(abs(Gx)));
         [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.x,DATA.Ts3D);
-        pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze((mean(dxphi(:,:,1,:),2)))'); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); legend('$\langle \partial_x\phi\rangle_y$') %colorbar;
+%         pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze((mean(dxphi(:,:,1,:),2)))'); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); legend('$\langle \partial_x\phi\rangle_y$') %colorbar;
 %         pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze((mean(dx2phi(:,:,1,:),2)))'); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); legend('$\langle \partial_x^2\phi\rangle_y$') %colorbar;
-        caxis([-3 3]);
+        pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze((mean(Gx(:,:,1,:),2)))'); set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); legend('$\langle \partial_y \phi n_i\rangle_y$') %colorbar;
+        caxis(clim*[-1 1]);
         xlabel('$t c_s/R$'), ylabel('$x/\rho_s$'); colormap(bluewhitered(256))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m b/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6039a696796b110a20f78221903092d9c1c1288
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plots/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+function [FIGURE] = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(DATA, TAVG_0, TAVG_1,stfname)
+    %Compute steady radial transport
+    tend = TAVG_1; tstart = TAVG_0;
+    [~,its0D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts0D-tstart));
+    [~,ite0D]   = min(abs(DATA.Ts0D-tend));
+    SCALE = (1/DATA.Nx/DATA.Ny)^2;
+    gamma_infty_avg = mean(DATA.PGAMMA_RI(its0D:ite0D))*SCALE;
+    gamma_infty_std = std (DATA.PGAMMA_RI(its0D:ite0D))*SCALE;
+    [~,ikzf] = max(squeeze(mean(abs(squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,:))),2)));
+    Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D);
+    [KY, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+    %% computations
+    % Compute Gamma from ifft matlab
+    Gx = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,numel(DATA.Ts3D));
+    for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+        for iz = 1:DATA.Nz
+            Gx(:,:,it)  = Gx(:,:,it) + ifourier_GENE(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny])...
+                          .*ifourier_GENE(DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,it),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+        end
+        Gx(:,:,it)  = Gx(:,:,it)/DATA.Nz;
+    end
+    Gamma_t_mtlb = squeeze(mean(mean(Gx,1),2)); 
+    % zonal vs nonzonal energies for phi(t)
+    E_Zmode_SK       = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+    E_NZmode_SK      = zeros(1,Ns3D);
+    for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+        E_Zmode_SK(it)   = squeeze(DATA.ky(ikzf).^2.*abs(DATA.PHI(ikzf,1,1,it))^2);
+        E_NZmode_SK(it)  = squeeze(sum(sum(((1+KX.^2+KY.^2).*abs(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)).^2.*(KY~=0)))));
+    end
+    [~,its3D] = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-tstart));
+    [~,ite3D]   = min(abs(DATA.Ts3D-tend));
+%% Figure    
+    FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['ZF_transport_drphi','_',DATA.PARAMS]; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 1200, 600])
+    subplot(311)
+%     yyaxis left
+        plot(DATA.Ts0D,DATA.PGAMMA_RI*SCALE,'DisplayName','$\langle n_i \partial_y\phi \rangle_y$'); hold on;
+        plot(DATA.Ts3D,Gamma_t_mtlb,'DisplayName','matlab comp.'); hold on;
+        plot(DATA.Ts0D(its0D:ite0D),ones(ite0D-its0D+1,1)*gamma_infty_avg, '-k',...
+            'DisplayName',['$\Gamma^{\infty} = $',num2str(gamma_infty_avg),'$\pm$',num2str(gamma_infty_std)]);
+        grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]); ylabel('$\Gamma_x$')
+        ylim([0,5*abs(gamma_infty_avg)]); xlim([DATA.Ts0D(1),DATA.Ts0D(end)]);
+        title([DATA.param_title,', $\Gamma^{\infty} \approx $',num2str(gamma_infty_avg)]);
+    % plot
+    subplot(312)
+    it0 = 1; itend = Ns3D;
+    trange = it0:itend;
+    plt1 = @(x) x;%-x(1);
+    plt2 = @(x) x./max((x(its3D:ite3D)));
+%     plty = @(x) x(500:end)./max(squeeze(x(500:end)));
+        yyaxis left
+        plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_Zmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$k_{zf}^2|\phi_{kzf}|^2$');
+        ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{Z}$')
+        yyaxis right
+        plot(plt1(DATA.Ts3D(trange)),plt2(E_NZmode_SK(trange)),'DisplayName','$(1+k^2)|\phi^k|^2$');
+        xlim([DATA.Ts3D(it0), DATA.Ts3D(itend)]);
+        ylim([-0.1, 1.5]); ylabel('$E_{NZ}$')
+        xlabel('$t c_s/R$'); grid on; set(gca,'xticklabel',[]);% xlim([0 500]);
+    %% radial shear radial profile
+        % computation
+    Ns3D = numel(DATA.Ts3D);
+    [KY, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+    plt = @(x) mean(x(:,:,1,:),2);
+    switch stfname
+        case 'phi'
+                phi            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+                for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+                    phi(:,:,1,it)  = ifourier_GENE(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+                end
+                f2plot = phi; fname = '$\phi$';
+        case 'v_y'
+                dxphi            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+                for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+                    dxphi(:,:,1,it)  = ifourier_GENE(-1i*KX.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+                end
+                f2plot = dxphi; fname = '$\langle \partial_x\phi\rangle_y$';
+        case 'v_x'
+                dyphi            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+                for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+                    dyphi(:,:,1,it)  = ifourier_GENE(1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+                end
+                f2plot = dyphi; fname = '$\langle \partial_y\phi\rangle_y$';
+        case 'szf'
+            dx2phi           = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,1,Ns3D);
+            for it = 1:numel(DATA.Ts3D)
+                dx2phi(:,:,1,it) = ifourier_GENE(-KX.^2.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,1,it)),[DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny]);
+            end
+            f2plot = dx2phi; fname = '$\langle \partial_x^2\phi\rangle_y$';
+    end
+    clim = max(max(abs(plt(f2plot(:,:,1,its3D:ite3D)))));
+    subplot(313)
+        [TY,TX] = meshgrid(DATA.x,DATA.Ts3D);
+        pclr = pcolor(TX,TY,squeeze(plt(f2plot))'); 
+        set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
+        legend(fname) %colorbar;
+        caxis(clim*[-1 1]);
+        cmap = bluewhitered(256);
+        colormap(cmap)
+        xlabel('$t c_s/R$'), ylabel('$x/\rho_s$'); 
+    if strcmp(stfname,'Gx')
+        subplot(311)
+        plot(DATA.Ts3D,squeeze(mean(plt(f2plot),1)));
+    end
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/process_field.m b/matlab/process_field.m
index b2df3a5f5477454497307b3dd3270c62e46af163..376186a7c062ecea479485046544d2acdb1fd679 100644
--- a/matlab/process_field.m
+++ b/matlab/process_field.m
@@ -147,6 +147,69 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
                 FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+    case 'n_e'
+        NAME = 'ne';
+        if COMPDIM == 3
+            for it = FRAMES
+                tmp = squeeze(compr(DATA.DENS_E(:,:,:,it)));
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(process(tmp));
+            end
+        else
+            if REALP
+                tmp = zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz);
+            else
+                tmp = zeros(DATA.Nkx,DATA.Nky,Nz);
+            end
+            for it = FRAMES
+                for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z)
+                    tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(DATA.DENS_E(:,:,iz,it)));
+                end
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+            end                
+        end
+    case 'k^2n_e'
+        NAME = 'k2ne';
+        [KY, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+        if COMPDIM == 3
+            for it = FRAMES
+                for iz = 1:DATA.Nz
+                tmp = squeeze(compr(-(KX.^2+KY.^2).*DATA.DENS_E(:,:,iz,it)));
+                end
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(process(tmp));
+            end
+        else
+            if REALP
+                tmp = zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz);
+            else
+                tmp = zeros(DATA.Nkx,DATA.Nky,Nz);
+            end
+            for it = FRAMES
+                for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z)
+                    tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(-(KX.^2+KY.^2).*DATA.DENS_E(:,:,iz,it)));
+                end
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+            end                
+        end  
+    case 'n_e^{NZ}'
+        NAME = 'neNZ';
+        if COMPDIM == 3
+            for it = FRAMES
+                tmp = squeeze(compr(DATA.DENS_E(:,:,:,it).*(KY~=0)));
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(process(tmp));
+            end
+        else
+            if REALP
+                tmp = zeros(Nx,Ny,Nz);
+            else
+                tmp = zeros(DATA.Nkx,DATA.Nky,Nz);
+            end
+            for it = FRAMES
+                for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z)
+                    tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(DATA.DENS_E(:,:,iz,it).*(KY~=0)));
+                end
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+            end                
+        end        
     case 'n_i'
         NAME = 'ni';
         if COMPDIM == 3
@@ -207,58 +270,78 @@ switch OPTIONS.NAME
                 FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
-   case '\Gamma_y'
-        NAME     = 'Gy';
-        [KY, ~] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
-        Gx      = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,DATA.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
+   case 'v_y'
+        NAME     = 'vy';
+        [~, KX] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+        vE      = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,DATA.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
         for it = FRAMES % Compute the 3D real transport for each frame
             for iz = 1:DATA.Nz
-            Gx(:,:,iz,it)  = real(ifft2(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny))...
-                .*real(ifft2(DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,it),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny));
+            vE(:,:,iz,it)  = real(ifft2(-1i*KX.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny));
         if REALP % plot in real space
             for it = FRAMES
-                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(Gx(:,:,:,it)));
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(vE(:,:,:,it)));
         else % Plot spectrum
             process = @(x) abs(fftshift(x,2));
-            shift_x = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
-            shift_y = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
             tmp = zeros(DATA.Nkx,DATA.Nky,Nz);
             for it = FRAMES
                 for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z)
-                tmp(:,:,iz) = process(squeeze(fft2(Gx(:,:,iz,it),DATA.Nkx,DATA.Nky)));
+                    tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(-1i*KX.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it))));
-            FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
-            end  
-        end  
-        case '\Gamma_x'
-        NAME     = 'Gx';
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+            end   
+        end 
+   case 'v_x'
+        NAME     = 'vx';
         [KY, ~] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
-        Gx      = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,DATA.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
+        vE      = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,DATA.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
         for it = FRAMES % Compute the 3D real transport for each frame
             for iz = 1:DATA.Nz
-            Gx(:,:,iz,it)  = real((ifft2(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)))...
-                .*real((ifft2(DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,it),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+            vE(:,:,iz,it)  = real(ifft2(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny));
         if REALP % plot in real space
             for it = FRAMES
-                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(Gx(:,:,:,it)));
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(vE(:,:,:,it)));
         else % Plot spectrum
             process = @(x) abs(fftshift(x,2));
-            shift_x = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
-            shift_y = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
-            tmp = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,Nz);
+            tmp = zeros(DATA.Nkx,DATA.Nky,Nz);
             for it = FRAMES
                 for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z)
-                tmp(:,:,iz) = process(squeeze(fft2(Gx(:,:,iz,it),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+                    tmp(:,:,iz) = squeeze(process(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it))));
-            FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp(1:DATA.Nkx,1:DATA.Nky,:)));
-            end  
-        end    
+                FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp));
+            end   
+        end 
+    case '\Gamma_x'
+    NAME     = 'Gx';
+    [KY, ~] = meshgrid(DATA.ky, DATA.kx);
+    Gx      = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,DATA.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
+    for it = FRAMES % Compute the 3D real transport for each frame
+        for iz = 1:DATA.Nz
+        Gx(:,:,iz,it)  = real((ifft2(-1i*KY.*(DATA.PHI(:,:,iz,it)),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)))...
+            .*real((ifft2(DATA.DENS_I(:,:,iz,it),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+        end
+    end
+    if REALP % plot in real space
+        for it = FRAMES
+            FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(Gx(:,:,:,it)));
+        end
+    else % Plot spectrum
+        process = @(x) abs(fftshift(x,2));
+        shift_x = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
+        shift_y = @(x) fftshift(x,2);
+        tmp = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,Nz);
+        for it = FRAMES
+            for iz = 1:numel(DATA.z)
+            tmp(:,:,iz) = process(squeeze(fft2(Gx(:,:,iz,it),DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny)));
+            end
+        FIELD(:,:,it) = squeeze(compr(tmp(1:DATA.Nkx,1:DATA.Nky,:)));
+        end  
+    end    
 TOPLOT.X         = shift_x(X);
diff --git a/matlab/setup.m b/matlab/setup.m
index f696387e5cf5109889e5d32c83f20bb6fc288d57..5ec853a92ab44795775c5b6e484dc81f10cf29cb 100644
--- a/matlab/setup.m
+++ b/matlab/setup.m
@@ -17,10 +17,12 @@ if SG; GRID.SG = '.true.'; else; GRID.SG = '.false.';end;
 % Model parameters
 if KIN_E; MODEL.KIN_E = '.true.'; else; MODEL.KIN_E = '.false.';end;
-MODEL.mu      = MU;
+MODEL.mu_x    = MU_X;
+MODEL.mu_y    = MU_Y;
+MODEL.mu_z    = 0;
 MODEL.mu_p    = MU_P;
 MODEL.mu_j    = MU_J;
 MODEL.nu      = NU; % hyper diffusive coefficient nu for HW
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@ MODEL.GradB   = GRADB;      % Magnetic gradient
 MODEL.CurvB   = CURVB;      % Magnetic curvature
 % Collision parameters
-COLL.collision_model = CO;
+COLL.collision_model = ['''',CO,''''];
 if (GKCO); COLL.gyrokin_CO = '.true.'; else; COLL.gyrokin_CO = '.false.';end;
 if (ABCO); COLL.interspecies = '.true.'; else; COLL.interspecies = '.false.';end;
 COLL.mat_file   = '''null''';
@@ -56,14 +58,11 @@ switch CO
 % Time integration and intialization parameters
 TIME_INTEGRATION.numerical_scheme  = '''RK4''';
-if (INIT_PHI); INITIAL.init_noisy_phi = '.true.'; else; INITIAL.init_noisy_phi = '.false.';end;
-INITIAL.wipe_turb = WIPE_TURB;
-if (INIT_BLOB); INITIAL.init_blob = '.true.'; else; INITIAL.init_blob = '.false.';end;
-INITIAL.init_background  = (INIT_ZF>0)*ZF_AMP + BCKGD0;
-INITIAL.init_noiselvl = NOISE0;
-INITIAL.iseed             = 42;
+INITIAL.init_background  = BCKGD0;
+INITIAL.init_noiselvl    = NOISE0;
+INITIAL.iseed            = 42;
 % Naming and creating input file
diff --git a/matlab/show_geometry.m b/matlab/show_geometry.m
index e57746d858498f5a68aaa27708195c04b8b7c78f..3794d8c8ec17a61b29391e0d000142b82381d9c9 100644
--- a/matlab/show_geometry.m
+++ b/matlab/show_geometry.m
@@ -12,22 +12,20 @@ if DATA.Nz > 1 % Torus flux tube geometry
     x_tor = (R + a.*cos(p)) .* cos(t);
     y_tor = (R + a.*cos(p)) .* sin(t);
     z_tor = a.*sin(p);
+    DIMENSIONS = [50 50 1200 600];
 else % Zpinch geometry
     Nturns = 0.1; Tgeom = 0;
-    a      = 1; % Torus minor radius
+    a      = 0.7; % Torus minor radius
     R      = 0; % Torus major radius
     q      = 0; 
     theta  = linspace(-Nturns*pi, Nturns*pi, 100); % Poloidal angle
-    phi    = linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 3); % cylinder height
+    phi    = linspace(-0.1, 0.1, 5); % cylinder height
     [t, p] = meshgrid(phi, theta);
     x_tor = a.*cos(p);
     z_tor = a.*sin(p);
     y_tor = t;
+    DIMENSIONS = [50 50 numel(OPTIONS.TIME)*400 500];
-FIGURE.fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  [50 50 1200 600])
-torus=surf(x_tor, y_tor, z_tor); hold on;alpha 1.0;%light('Position',[-1 1 1],'Style','local')
-set(torus,'edgecolor',[1 1 1]*0.8,'facecolor','none')
 % field line coordinates
 Xfl = @(z) (R+a*cos(z)).*cos(q*z);
 Yfl = @(z) (R+a*cos(z)).*sin(q*z);
@@ -49,16 +47,10 @@ yY  = @(z) bZ(z).*xX(z)-bX(z).*xZ(z)./sqrt((bY(z).*xZ(z)-bZ(z).*xY(z)).^2+(bZ(z)
 yZ  = @(z) bX(z).*xY(z)-bY(z).*xX(z)./sqrt((bY(z).*xZ(z)-bZ(z).*xY(z)).^2+(bZ(z).*xX(z)-bX(z).*xZ(z)).^2+(bX(z).*xY(z)-bY(z).*xX(z)).^2);
 yvec= @(z) [yX(z); yY(z); yZ(z)];
 % Plot high res field line
-theta  = linspace(-Nturns*pi, Nturns*pi, 512)   ; % Poloidal angle
 % Planes plot
 theta  = DATA.z   ; % Poloidal angle
 % Plot x,y,bvec at these points
-scale = 0.15;
+scale = 0.10;
 %% Plot plane result
@@ -66,31 +58,52 @@ OPTIONS.PLAN      = 'xy';
 r_o_R             = DATA.rho_o_R;
 [Y,X]             = meshgrid(r_o_R*DATA.y,r_o_R*DATA.x);
 max_              = 0;
-FIELDS            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,numel(OPTIONS.PLANES));
+FIELDS            = zeros(DATA.Nx,DATA.Ny,DATA.Nz);
+FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['geometry','_',DATA.PARAMS]; set(gcf, 'Position',  DIMENSIONS)
 for it_ = 1:numel(OPTIONS.TIME)
-[~,it] = min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(it_)-DATA.Ts3D));
-    OPTIONS.COMP   = iz;
-    toplot         = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
-    FIELDS(:,:,iz) = toplot.FIELD(:,:,it); 
-    tmp            = max(max(abs(FIELDS(:,:,iz))));
-    if (tmp > max_) max_ = tmp;
-    z_             = DATA.z(iz);    
-    Xp = Xfl(z_) + X*xX(z_) + Y*yX(z_);
-    Yp = Yfl(z_) + X*xY(z_) + Y*yY(z_);
-    Zp = Zfl(z_) + X*xZ(z_) + Y*yZ(z_);
-    s=surface(Xp,Yp,Zp,FIELDS(:,:,iz)/max_);
-    s.EdgeColor = 'none';
-    colormap(bluewhitered);
-    caxis([-1,1]);
-axis equal
+    %plot magnetic geometry
+    magnetic_topo=surf(x_tor, y_tor, z_tor); hold on;alpha 1.0;%light('Position',[-1 1 1],'Style','local')
+    set(magnetic_topo,'edgecolor',[1 1 1]*0.8,'facecolor','none')
+    %plot field line
+    theta  = linspace(-Nturns*pi, Nturns*pi, 512)   ; % Poloidal angle
+    plot3(Xfl(theta),Yfl(theta),Zfl(theta))
+    %plot vector basis
+    theta  = DATA.z   ; % Poloidal angle
+    plot3(Xfl(theta),Yfl(theta),Zfl(theta),'ok'); hold on;
+    quiver3(Xfl(theta),Yfl(theta),Zfl(theta),scale*xX(theta),scale*xY(theta),scale*xZ(theta),0,'r');
+    quiver3(Xfl(theta),Yfl(theta),Zfl(theta),scale*yX(theta),scale*yY(theta),scale*yZ(theta),0,'g');
+    quiver3(Xfl(theta),Yfl(theta),Zfl(theta),scale*bX(theta),scale*bY(theta),scale*bZ(theta),0,'b');
+    xlabel('X');ylabel('Y');zlabel('Z');
+    %Plot time dependent data
+    [~,it] = min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(it_)-DATA.Ts3D));
+    for iz = OPTIONS.PLANES
+        OPTIONS.COMP   = iz;
+        toplot         = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS);
+        FIELDS(:,:,iz) = toplot.FIELD(:,:,it); 
+        tmp            = max(max(abs(FIELDS(:,:,iz))));
+        if (tmp > max_) max_ = tmp;
+    end
+    for iz = OPTIONS.PLANES
+        z_             = DATA.z(iz);    
+        Xp = Xfl(z_) + X*xX(z_) + Y*yX(z_);
+        Yp = Yfl(z_) + X*xY(z_) + Y*yY(z_);
+        Zp = Zfl(z_) + X*xZ(z_) + Y*yZ(z_);
+        s=surface(Xp,Yp,Zp,FIELDS(:,:,iz)/max_);
+        s.EdgeColor = 'none';
+        colormap(bluewhitered);
+%         caxis([-1,1]);
+    end
+    if DATA.Nz == 1
+        xlim([0.65 0.75]);
+        ylim([-0.1 0.1]);
+        zlim([-0.2 0.2]);
+    end
+    end
+    %%
+    % axis equal
+    view([1,-2,1])
diff --git a/matlab/write_fort90.m b/matlab/write_fort90.m
index e7901dd410458c0c333331425e12e0bba7b19e8a..574b6d02035fc7e72a789a5c131e2ef24bb2225b 100644
--- a/matlab/write_fort90.m
+++ b/matlab/write_fort90.m
@@ -50,7 +50,9 @@ fprintf(fid,['  CLOS    = ', num2str(MODEL.CLOS),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  NL_CLOS = ', num2str(MODEL.NL_CLOS),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  LINEARITY = ', MODEL.LINEARITY,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  KIN_E   = ', MODEL.KIN_E,'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  mu      = ', num2str(MODEL.mu),'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  mu_x    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_x),'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  mu_y    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_y),'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  mu_z    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_z),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  mu_p    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_p),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  mu_j    = ', num2str(MODEL.mu_j),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  nu      = ', num2str(MODEL.nu),'\n']);
@@ -77,11 +79,8 @@ fprintf(fid,'/\n');
-fprintf(fid,['  INIT_NOISY_PHI    = ', INITIAL.init_noisy_phi,'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  INIT_ZF       = ', num2str(INITIAL.INIT_ZF),'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  ACT_ON_MODES       = ', INITIAL.ACT_ON_MODES,'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  WIPE_TURB     = ', num2str(INITIAL.wipe_turb),'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  INIT_BLOB     = ', INITIAL.init_blob,'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  INIT_OPT      = ', INITIAL.INIT_OPT,'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  ACT_ON_MODES  = ', INITIAL.ACT_ON_MODES,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  init_background  = ', num2str(INITIAL.init_background),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  init_noiselvl = ', num2str(INITIAL.init_noiselvl),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  iseed         = ', num2str(INITIAL.iseed),'\n']);
diff --git a/src/collision_mod.F90 b/src/collision_mod.F90
index 835c9221c0e2d611b5c618c926b180968afed989..9bdcd861187e940466122d53b61650a74df73bfb 100644
--- a/src/collision_mod.F90
+++ b/src/collision_mod.F90
@@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ CONTAINS
         interspecies  = .false.
       CASE ('LD') ! Landau
         cosolver_coll = .true.
+        cosolver_coll = .false.
+        interspecies  = .false.
   END SUBROUTINE collision_readinputs
@@ -72,18 +75,20 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE compute_TColl
     USE basic
+    USE model, ONLY : nu
     ! Execution time start
     CALL cpu_time(t0_coll)
-    SELECT CASE(collision_model)
-      CASE ('LB')
-        CALL compute_lenard_bernstein
-      CASE ('DG')
-        CALL compute_dougherty
-        CALL compute_cosolver_coll
+    IF (nu .NE. 0) THEN
+      SELECT CASE(collision_model)
+        CASE ('LB')
+          CALL compute_lenard_bernstein
+        CASE ('DG')
+          CALL compute_dougherty
+          CALL compute_cosolver_coll
+    ENDIF
     ! Execution time end
     CALL cpu_time(t1_coll)
diff --git a/src/inital.F90 b/src/inital.F90
index 880143c8187543a9737995af62c3cb28a31f994e..06a336b0f6ebecc7e11c6727d27a837ea70e7d6a 100644
--- a/src/inital.F90
+++ b/src/inital.F90
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ SUBROUTINE inital
   USE closure
   USE ghosts
   USE restarts
-  USE numerics, ONLY: wipe_turbulence, play_with_modes, save_EM_ZF_modes
+  USE numerics, ONLY: play_with_modes, save_EM_ZF_modes
   USE processing, ONLY: compute_nadiab_moments
@@ -27,17 +27,26 @@ SUBROUTINE inital
     CALL poisson ! compute phi_0=phi(N_0)
   ! through initialization
     ! set phi with noise and set moments to 0
+    CASE ('phi')
       IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Init noisy phi'
       CALL init_phi
     ! set moments_00 (GC density) with noise and compute phi afterwards
-    ELSE
+    CASE('mom00')
       IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Init noisy gyrocenter density'
       CALL init_gyrodens ! init only gyrocenter density
       ! CALL init_moments ! init all moments randomly (unadvised)
       CALL poisson ! get phi_0 = phi(N_0)
-    ENDIF
+    CASE('allmom')
+      IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Init noisy moments'
+      CALL init_moments ! init all moments
+      CALL poisson ! get phi_0 = phi(N_0)
+    CASE('blob')
+      IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) '--init a blob'
+      CALL initialize_blob
+      CALL poisson ! get phi_0 = phi(N_0)
   ! Save zonal and entropy modes
@@ -46,12 +55,6 @@ SUBROUTINE inital
   ! Freeze/Wipe some selected modes (entropy,zonal,turbulent)
   CALL play_with_modes
-  ! Option for initializing a gaussian blob on the zonal profile
-    IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) '--init a blob'
-    CALL initialize_blob
   IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Apply closure'
   CALL apply_closure_model
@@ -338,6 +341,16 @@ SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
+    DO ip=ips_e,ipe_e
+    DO ij=ijs_e,ije_e
+      IF( (iky .NE. iky_0) .AND. (ip .EQ. 1) .AND. (ij .EQ. 1)) THEN
+        moments_e( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :) = moments_e( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :) &
+        + gain*sigma/SQRT2 * exp(-(kx**2+ky**2)*sigma**2/4._dp) &
+          * AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)!&
+          ! * exp(sigmai2_taui_o2*(kx**2+ky**2))
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+    ENDDO
diff --git a/src/initial_par_mod.F90 b/src/initial_par_mod.F90
index fc72d99e9a7afea02f9955391653819a100bfc8c..a9d9714f62728f5902bfc7f88c3e4c2f0c3d6385 100644
--- a/src/initial_par_mod.F90
+++ b/src/initial_par_mod.F90
@@ -5,17 +5,13 @@ MODULE initial_par
-  ! Initialization through a noisy phi
+  ! Initialization option (phi/mom00/allmom/blob)
   ! Initialization through a zonal flow phi
   REAL(DP), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ZF_AMP     = 1E+3_dp
   ! Act on modes artificially (keep/wipe, zonal, non zonal, entropy mode etc.)
   CHARACTER(len=32),  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ACT_ON_MODES = 'nothing'
-  ! Wipe turbulence in the restart (=1) or at each step (=2)
-  ! Init a Gaussian blob density in the middle
   ! Initial background level
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: init_background=0._dp
   ! Initial noise amplitude
@@ -35,11 +31,8 @@ CONTAINS
     USE prec_const
     NAMELIST /INITIAL_CON/ init_background
     NAMELIST /INITIAL_CON/ init_noiselvl
@@ -59,9 +52,7 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: fidres
     CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(in) :: str
-    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "INIT_NOISY_PHI", INIT_NOISY_PHI)
-    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "INIT_ZF", INIT_ZF)
+    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "INIT_OPT", INIT_OPT)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "init_background", init_background)
diff --git a/src/model_mod.F90 b/src/model_mod.F90
index 2f56451f96761098c4a91da9c35d8558e963c160..2e1f4d9d055da973e9dd5476fb7bb10b3f5b4e8a 100644
--- a/src/model_mod.F90
+++ b/src/model_mod.F90
@@ -11,7 +11,9 @@ MODULE model
   CHARACTER(len=16), &
             PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::LINEARITY= 'linear'   ! To turn on non linear bracket term
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::   KIN_E =  .true.    ! Simulate kinetic electron (adiabatic otherwise)
-  REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::      mu =  0._dp     ! spatial      Hyperdiffusivity coefficient (for num. stability)
+  REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    mu_x =  0._dp     ! spatial    x-Hyperdiffusivity coefficient (for num. stability)
+  REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    mu_y =  0._dp     ! spatial    y-Hyperdiffusivity coefficient (for num. stability)
+  REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    mu_z =  0._dp     ! spatial    z-Hyperdiffusivity coefficient (for num. stability)
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    mu_p =  0._dp     ! kinetic para hyperdiffusivity coefficient (for num. stability)
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    mu_j =  0._dp     ! kinetic perp hyperdiffusivity coefficient (for num. stability)
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::      nu =  1._dp     ! Collision frequency
@@ -54,8 +56,10 @@ CONTAINS
     USE prec_const
-    NAMELIST /MODEL_PAR/ CLOS, NL_CLOS, KERN, LINEARITY, KIN_E, mu, mu_p, mu_j, nu, tau_e, tau_i, sigma_e, sigma_i, &
-                         q_e, q_i, K_n, K_T, K_E, GradB, CurvB, lambdaD
+                         mu_x, mu_y, mu_z, mu_p, mu_j, nu,&
+                         tau_e, tau_i, sigma_e, sigma_i, q_e, q_i,&
+                         K_n, K_T, K_E, GradB, CurvB, lambdaD
@@ -104,7 +108,10 @@ CONTAINS
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "LINEARITY", LINEARITY)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),     "KIN_E",   KIN_E)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),        "nu",      nu)
-    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),        "mu",      mu)
+    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),        "mu",       0)
+    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),        "mu_x",  mu_x)
+    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),        "mu_y",  mu_y)
+    CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),        "mu_z",  mu_z)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),     "tau_e",   tau_e)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),     "tau_i",   tau_i)
     CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str),   "sigma_e", sigma_e)
diff --git a/src/moments_eq_rhs.F90 b/src/moments_eq_rhs.F90
index 29f34e8035c0403523c186be8d0f737964bc070f..4e5ce055ac020b85a6451039ec47615c1d8d6118 100644
--- a/src/moments_eq_rhs.F90
+++ b/src/moments_eq_rhs.F90
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ SUBROUTINE moments_eq_rhs_e
               ! Electrostatic background gradients
               - i_ky * K_E * moments_e(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel) &
               ! Numerical hyperdiffusion (totally artificial, for stability purpose)
-              - mu*kperp2**2 * moments_e(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel) &
+              - (mu_x*kx**2 + mu_y*ky**2)*moments_e(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel) &
               ! Collision term
               + TColl_e(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz)
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ SUBROUTINE moments_eq_rhs_i
               ! Electrostatic background gradients
               - i_ky * K_E * moments_i(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel) &
               ! Numerical hyperdiffusion (totally artificial, for stability purpose)
-              - mu*kperp2**2 * moments_i(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel) &
+              - (mu_x*kx**2 + mu_y*ky**2)*moments_i(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz,updatetlevel) &
               ! Collision term
               + TColl_i(ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz)
diff --git a/src/numerics_mod.F90 b/src/numerics_mod.F90
index 1b3926173c113de07eaf802f64ae1eb35d8c3dbd..84c1b30a19409a5a14dba0f90b98d88dd1cd3395 100644
--- a/src/numerics_mod.F90
+++ b/src/numerics_mod.F90
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ MODULE numerics
     implicit none
     PUBLIC :: build_dnjs_table, evaluate_kernels, evaluate_poisson_op, compute_lin_coeff
-    PUBLIC :: wipe_turbulence, play_with_modes, save_EM_ZF_modes
+    PUBLIC :: play_with_modes, save_EM_ZF_modes
@@ -244,43 +244,6 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
 END SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
-!!!!!!! Remove all ky!=0 modes to conserve only zonal modes in a restart
-SUBROUTINE wipe_turbulence
-  USE fields
-  USE grid
-  DO ikx=ikxs,ikxe
-  DO iky=ikys,ikye
-  DO iz=izs,ize
-    DO ip=ips_e,ipe_e
-    DO ij=ijs_e,ije_e
-      IF( iky .NE. iky_0) THEN
-        moments_e( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :) = 0e-3_dp*moments_e( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :)
-      ELSE
-        moments_e( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :) = 1e+0_dp*moments_e( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :)
-      ENDIF
-    ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    DO ip=ips_i,ipe_i
-    DO ij=ijs_i,ije_i
-      IF( iky .NE. iky_0) THEN
-        moments_i( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :) = 0e-3_dp*moments_i( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :)
-      ELSE
-        moments_i( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :) = 1e+0_dp*moments_i( ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, :)
-      ENDIF
-    ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    IF( iky .NE. iky_0) THEN
-      phi(ikx,iky,iz) = 0e-3_dp*phi(ikx,iky,iz)
-    ELSE
-      phi(ikx,iky,iz) = 1e+0_dp*phi(ikx,iky,iz)
-    ENDIF
 !!!!!!! Routine that can artificially increase or wipe modes
diff --git a/src/restarts_mod.F90 b/src/restarts_mod.F90
index 0bb98587c82da2e93cb14d1c7e1ecdd797d277f5..797267b88d2c35d6f70f3d551b4eb40fc1125dfb 100644
--- a/src/restarts_mod.F90
+++ b/src/restarts_mod.F90
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 MODULE restarts
 USE basic
-USE futils,          ONLY: openf, closef, getarr, getatt, isgroup, isdataset,getarrnd
+USE futils,          ONLY: openf, closef, getarr, getatt, isgroup,&
+                           isdataset, getarrnd, putarrnd
 USE grid
 USE fields
 USE diagnostics_par
@@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ INTEGER :: pmaxe_cp, jmaxe_cp, pmaxi_cp, jmaxi_cp, n0
 COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: moments_e_cp
 COMPLEX(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: moments_i_cp
-PUBLIC :: load_moments
+PUBLIC :: load_moments!, write_restart
diff --git a/src/srcinfo.h b/src/srcinfo.h
index 7cc5e9ad5cd3212593dd6b361c4cf1a77640ab8f..0d57eb336ae8322c3f325f0a5f265a715f5bee74 100644
--- a/src/srcinfo.h
+++ b/src/srcinfo.h
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ character(len=40) BRANCH
 character(len=20) AUTHOR
 character(len=40) EXECDATE
 character(len=40) HOST
-parameter (VERSION='2df4eb7-dirty')
+parameter (VERSION='6d12f9c-dirty')
 parameter (BRANCH='master')
 parameter (AUTHOR='ahoffman')
-parameter (EXECDATE='Tue Nov 23 10:32:57 CET 2021')
+parameter (EXECDATE='Tue Dec 14 10:47:37 CET 2021')
 parameter (HOST ='spcpc606')
diff --git a/src/srcinfo/srcinfo.h b/src/srcinfo/srcinfo.h
index 7cc5e9ad5cd3212593dd6b361c4cf1a77640ab8f..0d57eb336ae8322c3f325f0a5f265a715f5bee74 100644
--- a/src/srcinfo/srcinfo.h
+++ b/src/srcinfo/srcinfo.h
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ character(len=40) BRANCH
 character(len=20) AUTHOR
 character(len=40) EXECDATE
 character(len=40) HOST
-parameter (VERSION='2df4eb7-dirty')
+parameter (VERSION='6d12f9c-dirty')
 parameter (BRANCH='master')
 parameter (AUTHOR='ahoffman')
-parameter (EXECDATE='Tue Nov 23 10:32:57 CET 2021')
+parameter (EXECDATE='Tue Dec 14 10:47:37 CET 2021')
 parameter (HOST ='spcpc606')
diff --git a/src/stepon.F90 b/src/stepon.F90
index a57b3e4bde6d2e6391f583d9b596dd80096d7d1a..f56880aee24408625d08627b5cb56cd9a6081752 100644
--- a/src/stepon.F90
+++ b/src/stepon.F90
@@ -6,13 +6,13 @@ SUBROUTINE stepon
   USE closure
   USE collision, ONLY : compute_TColl
   USE fields, ONLY: moments_e, moments_i, phi
+  USE initial_par, ONLY: ACT_ON_MODES
   USE ghosts
   USE grid
   use prec_const
   USE time_integration
-  USE numerics, ONLY: play_with_modes, wipe_turbulence
+  USE numerics, ONLY: play_with_modes
   USE processing, ONLY: compute_nadiab_moments
   USE utility, ONLY: checkfield
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ SUBROUTINE stepon
       CALL compute_Sapj
       ! Store or cancel/maintain zonal modes artificially
       CALL play_with_modes
-      ! Cancel non zonal modes artificially
-      IF ( WIPE_TURB .EQ. 2) CALL wipe_turbulence
       !-  Check before next step
       CALL checkfield_all()
       IF( nlend ) EXIT ! exit do loop
diff --git a/wk/Dimits_shift_results.m b/wk/Dimits_shift_results.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5bbd02a31c811713a48a5e41f9076be9b0de41a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/Dimits_shift_results.m
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+%% Nu = 1e-2
+KN      = [   1.5    1.6    1.7    1.8    1.9];
+Ginf_LD = [5.5e-2 1.3e-1 2.7e-1 4.6e-1 1.0e+0];
+conv_LD = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+Ginf_SG = [1.2e-3 2.8e-3 1.7e-2 8.9e-2 3.0e+0];
+conv_SG = [9.0e-4 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+Ginf_DG = [1.1e-4 5.6e-4 9.0e-4 6.5e-3 7.0e+0];
+conv_DG = [1.6e-4 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_LD,'d--g','DisplayName','Landau'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_SG,'o-b','DisplayName','Sugama'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_SG,'x-k','DisplayName','conv'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_DG,'^-r','DisplayName','Dougherty'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_DG,'x-k','DisplayName','conv'); hold on;
+%% Nu = 5e-2
+KN      = [   1.5    1.6    1.7    1.8    1.9];
+Ginf_LD = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+conv_LD = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+Ginf_SG = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 2.0e-1 0.0e+0];
+conv_SG = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+Ginf_DG = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_LD,'d--g','DisplayName','Landau'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_SG,'o-b','DisplayName','Sugama'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_DG,'^-r','DisplayName','Dougherty'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_LD,'x--k','DisplayName','changing params'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_SG,'x--k','DisplayName','changing params'); hold on;
+%% Nu = 1e-1
+KN      = [   1.5    1.6    1.7    1.8    1.9];
+Ginf_LD = [2.5e-2 2.5e-1 6.3e-1 1.3e+0 2.3e+0];
+conv_LD = [0.0e+0 2.5e-1 0.0e+0 1.2e+0 0.0e+0];
+Ginf_SG = [0.0e-9 1.3e-2 9.1e-2 3.0e-1 7.8e-1];
+Ginf_DG = [2.0e-4 6.4e-3 3.6e-2 3.1e-1 0.0e+0];
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_LD,'d--g','DisplayName','Landau'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_SG,'o-b','DisplayName','Sugama'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_DG,'^-r','DisplayName','Dougherty'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_LD,'x--k','DisplayName','changing params'); hold on;
+%% Nu = 5e-1
+KN      = [   1.5    1.6    1.7    1.8    1.9];
+Ginf_LD = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+conv_LD = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+Ginf_SG = [0.0e-9 3.9e-2 2.7e-1 6.6e-1 1.6e+0];
+conv_SG = [0.0e-9 0.0e+0 3.0e-1 0.0e+0 1.6e+0];
+Ginf_DG = [0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0 0.0e+0];
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_LD,'d--g','DisplayName','Landau'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_SG,'o-b','DisplayName','Sugama'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,Ginf_DG,'^-r','DisplayName','Dougherty'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_LD,'x--k','DisplayName','changing params'); hold on;
+semilogy(KN,conv_SG,'x--k','DisplayName','changing params'); hold on;
+%% Primary mode stability region (confirmed with GENE)
+stable = [1.5 0.1; 1.5 0.05];
+unstable = [1.5 0.01];
+semilogy(stable(:,1),stable(:,2),'og'); hold on;
diff --git a/wk/Hallenbert.m b/wk/Hallenbert.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..768341d0643953169f071d2e2e0d5ab051805ac7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/Hallenbert.m
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
+%% Set Up parameters
+CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
+NU      = 0.1;      % Collision frequency
+K_N     = 1.5;       % Density gradient drive
+K_T     = 0.25*K_N;  % Temperature '''
+K_E     = 0.0;       % Electrostat gradient
+SIGMA_E = 0.0233380; % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+MU_X    = 0.0;      % X hyperdiffusivity
+MU_Y    = 0.0;      % Y ''
+KIN_E   = 1;         % Kinetic (1) or adiabatic (2) electron model
+NX      = 150;     % Spatial radial resolution ( = 2x radial modes)
+LX      = 120;    % Radial window size
+NY      = 50;     % Spatial azimuthal resolution (= azim modes)
+LY      = 120;    % Azimuthal window size
+NZ      = 1;     % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
+P       = 4;
+J       = 2;
+Q0      = 1.0;       % safety factor
+SHEAR   = 0.0;       % magnetic shear
+EPS     = 0.0;      % inverse aspect ratio
+GRADB   = 1.0;       % Magnetic  gradient
+CURVB   = 1.0;       % Magnetic  curvature
+SG      = 0;         % Staggered z grids option
+TMAX    = 2000;  % Maximal time unit
+DT      = 1e-3;   % Time step
+SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for profiler
+SPS2D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
+SPS5D   = 1/100;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints/10
+JOB2LOAD= -1;
+% Collision operator
+% (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+CO      = 'LD';
+GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
+ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
+NL_CLOS = -1;   % nonlinear closure model (-2: nmax = jmax, -1: nmax = jmax-j, >=0 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
+SIMID   = 'Hallenbert_nu_1e-01';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = 'debug';  % Name of the simulation
+LINEARITY  = 'nonlinear';   % (nonlinear, semilinear, linear)
+% INIT options
+INIT_PHI  = 1;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi (0= noisy moments 00)
+INIT_ZF   = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
+INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 'donothing';
+W_DOUBLE = 1;
+W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
+W_PHI    = 1; W_NA00   = 1;
+W_DENS   = 1; W_TEMP   = 1;
+W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
+%% unused
+PMAXE   = P;    % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree
+JMAXE   = J;     % Highest ''       Laguerre ''
+PMAXI   = P;     % Highest ion      Hermite polynomial degree
+JMAXI   = J;     % Highest ''       Laguerre ''
+KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
+KX0KH   = 0; A0KH = 0; % Background phi mode to drive Ray-Tay inst.
+KPAR    = 0.0;    % Parellel wave vector component
+LAMBDAD = 0.0;
+NOISE0  = 1.0e-4;
+BCKGD0  = 0;    % Init background
+TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
+MU_P    = 0.0;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
+MU_J    = 0.0;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
+%% Setup and file management
+system('rm fort*.90');
+outfile = [BASIC.RESDIR,'out.txt'];
diff --git a/wk/analysis_3D.m b/wk/analysis_3D.m
index 3978302c2f38791881c0680287c75454758adcec..941a4ace3d2972ed825b7350413e982efe8e47c5 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_3D.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_3D.m
@@ -8,11 +8,85 @@ outfile ='';
 outfile ='';
 outfile ='';
 outfile ='';
-outfile ='';
-outfile ='';
-outfile ='';
-% outfile ='nonlin_FCGK/nadiab_op_continue';
-% outfile ='Cyclone/150x150x30_5x3_Lx_200_Ly_150_q0_1.4_e_0.18_kN_2.22_kT_6.9_nu_5e-02_SGGK_adiabe';
+%% nu = 5e-1
+% Sugama
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_5e-01_SGGK';% also in 7x4
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_5e-01_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_5e-01_SGGK';% also in 7x4
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_5e-01_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.9_kT_0.475_nu_5e-01_SGGK';%also in 7x4
+%% nu = 1e-1
+% Landau
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/150x50_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/150x50_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.9_kT_0.475_nu_1e-01_LDGK';
+% Sugama
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-01_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-01_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-01_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.9_kT_0.475_nu_1e-01_SGGK';
+% Dougherty
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-01_DGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-01_DGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-01_DGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-01/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-01_DGGK';
+%% nu = 5e-2
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-02/200x32_11x6_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_5e-02_SGGK';%For GENE benchmark % to analyse (added HD)
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-02/200x32_11x6_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_5e-02_SGGK';
+% testing various NL closures
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-02/200x32_7x4_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_5e-02_SGGK';
+outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-02/200x32_5x3_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_5e-02_SGDK';
+%% nu = 1e-2
+% Landau
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-02_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-02_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-02_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-02_LDGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.9_kT_0.475_nu_1e-02_LDGK';
+% Sugama
+% outfile ='kobayashi_2015_fig1/150x150_5x3_L_100_kN_1.4_nu_5e-03_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_7x4_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_7x4_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/300x64_5x3_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_11x6_L_120_kN_1.7_kT_0.425_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-02_SGGK'; % To analyse (added HD)
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.9_kT_0.475_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_11x6_L_120_kN_1.9_kT_0.475_nu_1e-02_SGGK';
+% Dougherty
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_7x4_L_120_kN_1.5_kT_0.375_nu_1e-02_DGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_1e-02_DGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_8x5_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_0e+00_DGGK';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.8_kT_0.45_nu_1e-02_DGGK';
+%% nu = 5e-3
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-03/200x32_5x3_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-03_muxy_5e-2';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-03/200x32_5x3_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-03_mux_5e-2_muy_6e-1';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-03/200x32_11x6_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-03_mux_5e-2_muy_6e-1';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_5e-03/200x32_11x6_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-03_muxy_5e-2';
+%% nu = 0
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120x240_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_0_mu_0.05';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_nu_1e-02/200x32_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6_kT_0.4_nu_0_mu_0.05';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_fig2b/200x32_5x3_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_2.5_eta_0.25_nu_0_muxy_5e-2';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_fig2b/200x32_5x3_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_2.5_eta_0.25_nu_0_muxy_1e-1';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_fig2b/200x32_11x6_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_2.5_eta_0.25_nu_0_muxy_5e-2';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_fig2c/200x32_11x6_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_2.0_eta_0.25_nu_0_muxy_5e-2';
+% outfile ='Hallenbert_fig2c/200x32_5x3_Lx_120_Ly_60_kN_2.0_eta_0.25_nu_0_muxy_5e-2';
     LOCALDIR  = ['../results/',outfile,'/'];
     MISCDIR   = ['/misc/HeLaZ_outputs/results/',outfile,'/'];
     system(['mkdir -p ',MISCDIR]);
@@ -23,15 +97,15 @@ outfile ='';
 outfile ='';
 outfile ='';
 outfile ='';
-outfile ='';
-outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/simulation_A/300x150_L_120_P_8_J_4_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_SGGK_mu_0e+00/out.txt';
+outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/simulation_A_new/300x300_5x3_L_120_kN_1.6667_nu_1e-01_SGGK/out.txt';
+% outfile ='/marconi_scratch/userexternal/ahoffman/HeLaZ/results/simulation_A/300x150_L_120_P_8_J_4_eta_0.6_nu_1e-01_SGGK_mu_0e+00/out.txt';
 % BASIC.RESDIR      = ['../',outfile(46:end-8),'/'];
 MISCDIR = ['/misc/HeLaZ_outputs/',outfile(46:end-8),'/'];
 %% Load the results
 % Load outputs from jobnummin up to jobnummax
 data = compile_results(MISCDIR,JOBNUMMIN,JOBNUMMAX); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
@@ -42,22 +116,33 @@ FMT = '.fig';
 if 1
 %% Space time diagramm (fig 11 Ivanov 2020)
-TAVG_0 = 11000; TAVG_1 = 11600; % Averaging times duration
-fig = plot_radial_transport_and_shear(data,TAVG_0,TAVG_1);
+TAVG_0 =100; TAVG_1 = 80000; % Averaging times duration
+% chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (uzf,szf,Gx)
+fig = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(data,TAVG_0,TAVG_1,'phi');
+if 0
+%% ZF caracteristics (space time diagrams
+TAVG_0 = 500; TAVG_1 = 18000; % Averaging times duration
+% chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (uzf,szf,Gx)
+fig = ZF_spacetime(data,TAVG_0,TAVG_1);
 if 0
 %% MOVIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 % Options
 options.INTERP    = 1;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
-options.NAME      = '\phi^{NZ}';
+options.NAME      = '\phi';
+% options.NAME      = 'v_y';
+% options.NAME      = 'n_i^{NZ}';
+% options.NAME      = '\Gamma_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i';
-options.PLAN      = 'kxky';
+options.PLAN      = 'xy';
 options.COMP      = 1;
-options.TIME      = 1500:10:5500;
+options.TIME      =200:3:800;
 % options.TIME      = 140:0.5:160;
 data.a = data.EPS * 2000;
@@ -68,13 +153,15 @@ if 0
 % Options
 options.INTERP    = 0;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
+options.AXISEQUAL = 0;
+% options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = '\Gamma_x';
-% options.NAME      = 'n_i^{NZ}|';
-options.NAME      = 'n_i';
-options.PLAN      = 'kxz';
-options.COMP      = 1;
-options.TIME      = [50 70 200 500];
-data.a = data.EPS * 1000;
+options.NAME      = 'n_i^{NZ}';
+% options.NAME      = 'k^2n_e';
+options.PLAN      = 'kxky';
+options.COMP      = 'avg';
+options.TIME      = 1.2e4+[600 800 1000];
+data.a = data.EPS * 2000;
 fig = photomaton(data,options);
@@ -83,10 +170,11 @@ if 0
 %% 3D plot on the geometry
 options.INTERP    = 1;
 options.NAME      = 'n_i';
-options.PLANES    = 16;
-options.TIME      = 50;
+options.PLANES    = 1;
+options.TIME      = 1.2e4+[0 500 1000];
 data.rho_o_R      = 1e-3; % Sound larmor radius over Machine size ratio
-FIGURE = show_geometry(data,options);
+fig = show_geometry(data,options);
 if 0
@@ -171,7 +259,7 @@ if 0
 %% Zonal profiles (ky=0)
 % Chose the field to plot
-FIELD = Ne00.*conj(Ne00);   FNAME = 'Ne002'; FIELDLTX = '|N_e^{00}|^2'
+FIELD = data.Ne00.*conj(data.Ne00);   FNAME = 'Ne002'; FIELDLTX = '|N_e^{00}|^2'
 % FIELD = Ni00.*conj(Ni00);   FNAME = 'Ni002'; FIELDLTX = '|N_i^{00}|^2'
 % FIELD = abs(PHI); FNAME = 'absPHI'; FIELDLTX = '|\tilde\phi|';
 % FIELD = PHI.*conj(PHI); FNAME = 'PHI2'; FIELDLTX = '|\tilde\phi|^2';
@@ -189,13 +277,13 @@ TNAME = [];
 fig = figure; FIGNAME = ['Zonal_',FNAME,TNAME,'_snaps','_',PARAMS]; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100, 100, 600,400])
 plt_2 = @(x) (fftshift(x,2));
     for i_ = 1:numel(tf)
-    [~,it] = min(abs(Ts3D-tf(i_))); TNAME = [TNAME,'_',num2str(Ts3D(it))];
-    DATA = plt_2(squeeze(plt(FIELD,it)));
-    semilogy(kx(2:end),DATA,'-','DisplayName',sprintf('$t c_s/R=%.0f$',Ts3D(it))); hold on; grid on;
+    [~,it] = min(abs(data.Ts3D-tf(i_))); TNAME = [TNAME,'_',num2str(data.Ts3D(it))];
+    d2plot = plt_2(squeeze(plt(FIELD,it)));
+    semilogy(data.kx(2:end),d2plot,'-','DisplayName',sprintf('$t c_s/R=%.0f$',data.Ts3D(it))); hold on; grid on;
 title(['$',FIELDLTX,'$ Zonal Spectrum']); legend('show');
 if 0
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_HeLaZ_molix.m b/wk/benchmark_HeLaZ_molix.m
index bb6da7ab40c14a323db5dcb13abca47c5e88e306..053ab242ad725a04bb26c0cefac5802f19d83a88 100644
--- a/wk/benchmark_HeLaZ_molix.m
+++ b/wk/benchmark_HeLaZ_molix.m
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ cd ..
 cd wk
 SIMDIR = '../results/benchmarks/shearless_molix_Kin_e/';
-system(['cd ',SIMDIR,';',' ./../../../bin/helaz 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+system(['cd ',SIMDIR,';',' ./../../../bin/helaz3.04 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 % Run molix
 % cd ../../molix
diff --git a/wk/evolve_tracers.m b/wk/evolve_tracers.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05e3613d6657849f92b3987d30bad59c39824a98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/evolve_tracers.m
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@
+% Options
+U_TIME   =11000; % >0 for frozen velocity at a given time, -1 for evolving field
+Evolve_U = 1; % 0 for frozen velocity at a given time, 1 for evolving field
+Tfin   = 1000;
+dt_    = 0.1;
+Nstep  = ceil(Tfin/dt_);
+% Init tracers
+Np      = 40; %number of tracers
+% color = tcolors;
+color = jet(Np);
+tcolors = distinguishable_colors(Np); %Their colors
+Na = 10000; %length of trace
+Traj_x = zeros(Np,Nstep);
+Traj_y = zeros(Np,Nstep);
+Disp_x = zeros(Np,Nstep);
+Disp_y = zeros(Np,Nstep);
+xmax = max(data.x); xmin = min(data.x);
+ymax = max(data.y); ymin = min(data.y);
+% Xp = 0.8*xmax*(0.5-rand(Np));
+% Yp = 0.8*ymax*(0.5-rand(Np));
+dp_ = (xmax-xmin)/(Np-1);
+Xp = linspace(xmin+dp_/2,xmax-dp_/2,Np);
+Yp = zeros(1,Np);
+Zp = zeros(Np);
+% position grid and velocity field
+[YY_, XX_ ,ZZ_] = meshgrid(data.y,data.x,data.z);
+[KY,KX] = meshgrid(data.ky,data.kx);
+Ux = zeros(size(XX_));
+Uy = zeros(size(XX_));
+Uz = zeros(size(XX_));
+ni = zeros(size(XX_));
+[~,itu_] = min(abs(U_TIME-data.Ts3D));
+% computing the frozen velocity field
+for iz = 1:data.Nz
+    Ux(:,:,iz) = real(ifft2( 1i*KY.*(data.PHI(:,:,iz,itu_)),data.Nx,data.Ny));
+    Uy(:,:,iz) = real(ifft2(-1i*KX.*(data.PHI(:,:,iz,itu_)),data.Nx,data.Ny));
+%Time loop
+t_ = 0;
+it = 1;
+itu_old = 0;
+nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',it,Nstep);
+    fig = figure;
+   if Evolve_U
+    [~,itu_] = min(abs(U_TIME+t_-data.Ts3D));
+   end
+    if Evolve_U && (itu_old ~= itu_)
+        % updating the velocity field and density field
+        for iz = 1:data.Nz
+            Ux(:,:,iz) = real(ifft2( 1i*KY.*(data.PHI(:,:,iz,itu_)),data.Nx,data.Ny));
+            Uy(:,:,iz) = real(ifft2(-1i*KX.*(data.PHI(:,:,iz,itu_)),data.Nx,data.Ny));
+            ni(:,:,iz) = real(ifft2(data.DENS_I(:,:,iz,itu_),data.Nx,data.Ny));
+        end
+    end
+    % evolve each tracer
+    for ip = 1:Np
+        % locate the tracer
+            % find corners of the cell
+            x_ = Xp(ip);
+            [e_x,ixC] = min(abs(x_-data.x)); 
+            if e_x == 0 % on the face
+                ix0 = ixC;
+                ix1 = ixC;
+            elseif x_ > data.x(ixC) % right from grid point
+                ix0 = ixC;
+                ix1 = ixC+1;
+            else % left
+                ix0 = ixC-1;  
+                ix1 = ixC; 
+            end
+            y_ = Yp(ip);
+            [e_y,iyC] = min(abs(y_-data.y));
+            if e_y == 0 % on the face
+                iy0 = iyC;
+                iy1 = iyC;
+            elseif y_ > data.y(iyC) % above
+                iy0 = iyC;
+                iy1 = iyC+1;
+            else % under
+                iy0 = iyC-1;  
+                iy1 = iyC; 
+            end
+            z_ = Zp(ip,1);
+            [e_z,izC] = min(abs(z_-data.z));
+            if e_z == 0 % on the face
+                iz0 = izC;
+                iz1 = izC;
+            elseif z_ > data.z(izC) % before
+                iz0 = izC;
+                iz1 = izC+1;
+            else % behind
+                iz0 = izC-1;  
+                iz1 = izC; 
+            end
+            x0   = data.x(ix0); x1 = data.x(ix1); %left right
+            y0   = data.x(iy0); y1 = data.y(iy1); %down top
+            z0   = data.z(iz0); z1 = data.z(iz1); %back front
+            if(e_x > 0)
+                ai__ = (x_ - x0)/(x1-x0); % interp coeff x
+            else
+                ai__ = 0;
+            end
+            if(e_y > 0)
+                a_i_ = (y_ - y0)/(y0-y1); % interp coeff y
+            else
+                a_i_ = 0;
+            end
+            if(e_z > 0)
+                a__i = (z_ - z0)/(z1-z0); % interp coeff z
+            else
+                a__i = 0;
+            end
+        % interp velocity and density
+            %velocity values
+            u000 = [Ux(ix0,iy0,iz0) Uy(ix0,iy0,iz0) ni(ix0,iy0,iz0)];
+            u001 = [Ux(ix0,iy0,iz1) Uy(ix0,iy0,iz1) ni(ix0,iy0,iz1)];
+            u010 = [Ux(ix0,iy1,iz0) Uy(ix0,iy1,iz0) ni(ix0,iy1,iz0)];
+            u011 = [Ux(ix0,iy1,iz1) Uy(ix0,iy1,iz1) ni(ix0,iy1,iz1)];
+            u100 = [Ux(ix1,iy0,iz0) Uy(ix1,iy0,iz0) ni(ix1,iy0,iz0)];
+            u101 = [Ux(ix1,iy0,iz1) Uy(ix1,iy0,iz1) ni(ix1,iy0,iz1)];
+            u110 = [Ux(ix1,iy1,iz0) Uy(ix1,iy1,iz0) ni(ix1,iy1,iz0)];
+            u111 = [Ux(ix1,iy1,iz1) Uy(ix1,iy1,iz1) ni(ix1,iy1,iz1)];
+            %linear interpolation
+            linterp = @(x1,x2,a) (1-a)*x1 + a*x2;
+            u_00  =  linterp(u000,u100,ai__);
+            u_10  =  linterp(u010,u110,ai__);
+            u__0  =  linterp(u_00,u_10,a_i_);
+            u_01  =  linterp(u001,u101,ai__);
+            u_11  =  linterp(u011,u111,ai__);
+            u__1  =  linterp(u_01,u_11,a_i_);
+            u___  =  linterp(u__0,u__1,a__i);
+            % push the particle
+            q = sign(-u___(3));
+%             q =1;
+            x_ = x_ + dt_*u___(1)*q;
+            y_ = y_ + dt_*u___(2)*q;
+        % apply periodic boundary conditions
+        if(x_ > xmax)
+            x_ = xmin + (x_ - xmax);
+        elseif(x_ < xmin)
+            x_ = xmax + (x_ - xmin);
+        end
+        if(y_ > ymax)
+            y_ = ymin + (y_ - ymax);
+        elseif(y_ < ymin)
+            y_ = ymax + (y_ - ymin);
+        end
+        % store data
+            % Trajectory
+            Traj_x(ip,it) = x_;
+            Traj_y(ip,it) = y_;  
+            % Displacement
+            Disp_x(ip,it) = Disp_x(ip,it) + dt_*u___(1)*q;
+            Disp_y(ip,it) = Disp_y(ip,it) + dt_*u___(2)*q;        
+        % update position
+        Xp(ip) = x_; Yp(ip) = y_;
+    end
+    %% Movie
+    if Evolve_U && (itu_old ~= itu_) && SHOW_FILM
+    % updating the velocity field
+        clf(fig);
+        F2P = real(ifft2(data.PHI(:,:,iz,itu_),data.Nx,data.Ny));
+        scale = max(max(abs(F2P))); % Scaling to normalize
+        pclr = pcolor(XX_,YY_,F2P/scale); 
+        colormap(bluewhitered);
+        set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); hold on; caxis([-5,5]);
+        for ip = 1:Np
+            ia0 = max(1,it-Na);
+            plot(Traj_x(ip,ia0:it),Traj_y(ip,ia0:it),'.','Color',color(ip,:)); hold on
+        end
+        for ip = 1:Np
+            plot(Traj_x(ip, 1),Traj_y(ip, 1),'xk'); hold on
+            plot(Traj_x(ip,it),Traj_y(ip,it),'ok','MarkerFaceColor',color(ip,:)); hold on
+        end
+        title(['$t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(data.Ts3D(itu_)))]);
+        axis equal
+        xlim([xmin xmax]); ylim([ymin ymax]);
+        drawnow
+    end
+    t_ = t_ + dt_; it = it + 1; itu_old = itu_;
+    % terminal info
+    while nbytes > 0
+      fprintf('\b')
+      nbytes = nbytes - 1;
+    end
+    nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',it,Nstep);
+Nt = it;
+%% Plot trajectories and statistics
+xtot = Disp_x;
+ytot = Disp_y;
+% aggregate the displacements
+for iq = 1:Np
+    x_ = 0; y_ = 0;
+    for iu = 1:Nt-1
+            x_          = x_ + Disp_x(iq,iu);
+            y_          = y_ + Disp_y(iq,iu);
+            xtot(iq,iu) = x_;
+            ytot(iq,iu) = y_;
+    end
+ma = @(x) x;%movmean(x,100);
+time_ = linspace(U_TIME,U_TIME+Tfin,it-1);
+for ip = 1:Np
+%     plot(ma(time_),ma(Traj_x(ip,:)),'-','Color',tcolors(ip,:)); hold on
+    plot(ma(time_),xtot(ip,:),'-','Color',tcolors(ip,:)); hold on
+%     plot(ma(time_),ma(Disp_x(ip,:)),'-','Color',tcolors(ip,:)); hold on
+xlim(U_TIME + [0 Tfin]);
+    plot(time_,mean(xtot,1)); hold on
+    fit = polyfit(time_,mean(xtot,1),1);
+    plot(time_,fit(1)*time_+fit(2),'--k','DisplayName',['$\alpha=',num2str(fit(1)),'$']); hold on
+ylabel('$\langle x \rangle_p$');
+xlim(U_TIME + [0 Tfin]);
+for ip = 1:Np
+%     plot(ma(time_),ma(Traj_y(ip,:)),'-','Color',tcolors(ip,:)); hold on
+    plot(ma(time_),ytot(ip,:),'-','Color',tcolors(ip,:)); hold on
+%     plot(ma(time_),ma(Disp_y(ip,:)),'-','Color',tcolors(ip,:)); hold on
+xlim(U_TIME + [0 Tfin]);
+    plot(time_,mean(ytot,1)); hold on
+ylabel('$\langle y \rangle_p$');
+xlim(U_TIME + [0 Tfin]);
+if 0
+    %%
+   figure
+%    hist(reshape(xtot,[Np*(Nt-1) 1],Np))
+   hist(xtot(:,2000),Np/20)
diff --git a/wk/linear_1D_entropy_mode.m b/wk/linear_1D_entropy_mode.m
index 5c23f2f39bcc3b54a50ba30b8d70dc96be6876df..a6dd80cb252bfe9e60212251b99ee403c3bae014 100644
--- a/wk/linear_1D_entropy_mode.m
+++ b/wk/linear_1D_entropy_mode.m
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
 NU      = 0.1;   % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
-K_N     = 1/0.6;   % Density gradient drive
-K_T     = 0.0;   % Temperature '''
+K_N     = 1.8;   % Density gradient drive
+K_T     = 0.25*K_N;   % Temperature '''
 K_E     = 0.0;   % Electrostat '''
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-NX      = 150;     % real space x-gridpoints
+NX      = 64;     % real space x-gridpoints
 NY      = 1;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-LX      = 200;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+LX      = 100;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 LY      = 1;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 NZ      = 1;      % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 Q0      = 1.0;    % safety factor
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ SHEAR   = 0.0;    % magnetic shear
 EPS     = 0.0;    % inverse aspect ratio
 SG      = 1;         % Staggered z grids option
-TMAX    = 200;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
+TMAX    = 100;  % Maximal time unit
+DT      = 1e-2c;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = 0;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
@@ -32,19 +32,19 @@ SPS5D   = 1;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
 JOB2LOAD= -1;
-SIMID   = 'Linear_entropy_mode';  % Name of the simulation
+SIMID   = 'Linear_Hallenbert';  % Name of the simulation
 LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
 KIN_E   = 1;
 % Collision operator
 % (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
-CO      = 'LD';
-GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
+CO      = 'SG';
+GKCO    = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
 ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: gyrofluid closure (p+2j<=Pmax))
 NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
 KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-INIT_PHI= 0;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi
+INIT_OPT= 'mom00';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
 W_DOUBLE = 1;
 W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
@@ -56,11 +56,13 @@ W_NAPJ   = 1; W_SAPJ   = 0;
 % unused
 HD_CO   = 0.5;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
 kmax    = NX*pi/LX;% Highest fourier mode
-NU_HYP  = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-MU      = NU_HYP/(HD_CO*kmax)^4; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
+MU      = 0.05; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-MU_P    = 0.0;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
-MU_J    = 0.0;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
+MU_X    = MU;     % 
+MU_Y    = MU;     % 
+MU_Z    = 0.0;     %
+MU_P    = 0.0;     %
+MU_J    = 0.0;     % 
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;
 NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
 BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
@@ -70,10 +72,10 @@ CURVB   = 1.0;
 if 1
 %% Parameter scan over PJ
-% PA = [2 4];
-% JA = [1 2];
-PA = [4];
-JA = [2];
+% PA = [20];
+% JA = [10];
+PA = [4 6 8];
+JA = [2 3 4];
 DTA= DT*ones(size(JA));%./sqrt(JA);
 % DTA= DT;
 mup_ = MU_P;
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ for i = 1:Nparam
     if 0
     %% Fit verification
-    for i = 1:1:Nx/2+1
+    for i = 1:1:NX/2+1
         X_ = Ts3D(:); Y_ = squeeze(abs(Ni00(i,1,1,:)));
         semilogy(X_,Y_,'DisplayName',['k=',num2str(kx(i))]); hold on;
@@ -131,7 +133,9 @@ fig = figure; FIGNAME = 'linear_study';
 plt = @(x) x;
 % subplot(211)
     for i = 1:Nparam
-        clr       = line_colors(mod(i-1,numel(line_colors(:,1)))+1,:);
+%         colors = line_colors;
+        colors = jet(Nparam);
+        clr       = colors(mod(i-1,numel(line_colors(:,1)))+1,:);
         linestyle = line_styles(floor((i-1)/numel(line_colors(:,1)))+1);
diff --git a/wk/linear_1D_damping.m b/wk/linear_damping.m
similarity index 77%
rename from wk/linear_1D_damping.m
rename to wk/linear_damping.m
index 35e2a5313cf702586c0cf1280e67fd949c11492b..394e93b56e88d0c57025e63a28d3d263b247502c 100644
--- a/wk/linear_1D_damping.m
+++ b/wk/linear_damping.m
@@ -8,40 +8,43 @@ CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
 NU      = 0.1;   % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
+K_N     = 0.0;   % Density gradient drive
+K_T     = 0.0;   % Temperature '''
+K_E     = 0.0;   % Electrostat '''
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-NX      = 150;     % real space x-gridpoints
+NX      = 64;     % real space x-gridpoints
 NY      = 1;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
-LX      = 200;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+LX      = 100;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 LY      = 1;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
 NZ      = 1;      % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 Q0      = 1.0;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.0;    % magnetic shear
 EPS     = 0.0;    % inverse aspect ratio
-SG      = 0;         % Staggered z grids option
+SG      = 1;         % Staggered z grids option
-TMAX    = 20;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
+TMAX    = 500;  % Maximal time unit
+DT      = 2e-2;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = 0;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS3D   = 5;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS5D   = 1/5;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+SPS5D   = 1;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
 JOB2LOAD= -1;
-NOISE0  = 0.0; % Init noise amplitude
-BCKGD0  = 1.0;    % Init background
-SIMID   = 'Linear_damping';  % Name of the simulation
-LINEARITY = 0;   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
+SIMID   = 'damping_analysis';  % Name of the simulation
+LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
 KIN_E   = 1;
 % Collision operator
-% (0:L.Bernstein, 1:Dougherty, 2:Sugama, 3:Pitch angle, 4:Full Couloumb ; +/- for GK/DK)
-CO      = 4;
+% (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+CO      = 'DG';
+GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
+ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: gyrofluid closure (p+2j<=Pmax))
 NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
 KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
-INIT_PHI= 0;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi
+INIT_OPT= 'mom00';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
 W_DOUBLE = 1;
 W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
@@ -56,22 +59,24 @@ kmax    = NX*pi/LX;% Highest fourier mode
 NU_HYP  = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
 MU      = NU_HYP/(HD_CO*kmax)^4; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-MU_P    = 0.0;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
-MU_J    = 0.0;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
+MU_X    = 0.0;     % 
+MU_Y    = 0.0;     % 
+MU_Z    = 0.0;     %
+MU_P    = 0.0;     %
+MU_J    = 0.0;     % 
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;
+NOISE0  = 0*1.0e-5; % Init noise amplitude
+BCKGD0  = 1.0;    % Init background
 GRADB   = 0.0;
 CURVB   = 0.0;
-K_N     = 0.0;   % Density gradient drive
-K_T     = 0.0;   % Temperature '''
-K_E     = 0.0;   % Electrostat '''
 if 1
 %% Parameter scan over PJ
-% PA = [2 4];
-% JA = [1 2];
-PA = [2];
-JA = [1];
+PA = [4];
+JA = [2];
+% PA = [2 4 8];
+% JA = [1 2 4];
 DTA= DT*ones(size(JA));%./sqrt(JA);
 % DTA= DT;
 mup_ = MU_P;
@@ -91,34 +96,36 @@ for i = 1:Nparam
     % Run linear simulation
     if RUN
         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ./../../../bin/helaz3 1 6 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 2 ./../../../bin/helaz3 1 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; ./../../../bin/helaz3 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 2 ./../../../bin/helaz 1 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+%         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; ./../../../bin/helaz 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     Load and process results
     filename = ['../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/outputs_00.h5'];
+    tfit = []; gfit = [];
     for ikx = 1:NX/2+1
-        tend   = 2;%max(Ts3D(abs(Ni00(ikx,1,1,:))~=0));
-        tstart   = 0;
+        tend   = max(Ts3D);
+        tstart   = 0.5*tend;
         [~,itstart] = min(abs(Ts3D-tstart));
         [~,itend]   = min(abs(Ts3D-tend));
         trange = itstart:itend;
         % exp fit on moment 00
         X_ = Ts3D(trange); Y_ = squeeze(abs(Ni00(ikx,1,1,trange)));
-        gamma_Ni00(i,ikx) = LinearFit_s(X_,Y_);
+        [gamma_Ni00(i,ikx),tfit(ikx,:),gfit(ikx,:)] = LinearFit_s(X_,Y_);
         % exp fit on phi
         X_ = Ts3D(trange); Y_ = squeeze(abs(PHI(ikx,1,1,trange)));
         gamma_phi (i,ikx) = LinearFit_s(X_,Y_);
     gamma_Ni00(i,:) = real(gamma_Ni00(i,:));% .* (gamma_Ni00(i,:)>=0.0));
     gamma_Nipj(i,:) = real(gamma_Nipj(i,:));% .* (gamma_Nipj(i,:)>=0.0));
-    if 0
+    if 1
     %% Fit verification
-    for i = 1:1:NX/2+1
-        X_ = Ts3D(:); Y_ = squeeze(abs(Ni00(i,1,1,:)));
-        semilogy(X_,Y_,'DisplayName',['k=',num2str(kx(i))]); hold on;
+    for i = 1:5:NX/2+1
+%         X_ = Ts3D(:); Y_ = squeeze(abs(Ni00(i,1,1,:)));
+%         semilogy(X_,Y_,'DisplayName',['k=',num2str(kx(i))]); hold on;
+        plot(tfit(ikx,:),gfit(i,:),'DisplayName',['k=',num2str(kx(i))]); hold on;
diff --git a/wk/local_run.m b/wk/local_run.m
index c5d950fe21d2ed88de46e7f4262a6d8b123874ea..f2581ae23c035f6a7522a169cb2bc6e7dc187f2e 100644
--- a/wk/local_run.m
+++ b/wk/local_run.m
@@ -4,18 +4,18 @@ addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.1;         % Collision frequency
-K_N     = 1/0.6;       % Density gradient drive
+NU      = 0.005;         % Collision frequency
+K_N     = 1.4;       % Density gradient drive
 K_T     = 0.0;         % Temperature '''
 K_E     = 0.0;         % Electrostat gradient
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 NU_HYP  = 0.0;
 KIN_E   = 1;         % Kinetic (1) or adiabatic (2) electron model
-NX      = 200;     % Spatial radial resolution ( = 2x radial modes)
-LX      = 120;    % Radial window size
-NY      = 100;     % Spatial azimuthal resolution (= azim modes)
-LY      = 120;    % Azimuthal window size
+NX      = 150;     % Spatial radial resolution ( = 2x radial modes)
+LX      = 100;    % Radial window size
+NY      = 150;     % Spatial azimuthal resolution (= azim modes)
+LY      = 100;    % Azimuthal window size
 NZ      = 1;     % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 P       = 4;
 J       = 2;
@@ -27,24 +27,26 @@ GRADB   = 1.0;       % Magnetic  gradient
 CURVB   = 1.0;       % Magnetic  curvature
 SG      = 0;         % Staggered z grids option
-TMAX    = 1000;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 1e-2;   % Time step
+TMAX    = 120;  % Maximal time unit
+DT      = 2e-2;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for profiler
 SPS2D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-SPS3D   = 1/2;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
+SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
 SPS5D   = 1/200;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints/10
+JOB2LOAD= -1;
 % Collision operator
-% (0 : L.Bernstein, 1 : Dougherty, 2: Sugama, 3 : Pitch angle ; 4 : Coulomb; +/- for GK/DK)
-CO      = 2;
-CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation)
+% (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+CO      = 'SG';
+GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
+ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2: nmax = jmax, -1: nmax = jmax-j, >=0 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
-SIMID   = 'semi_linear';  % Name of the simulation
-LINEARITY  = 'nonlinear';   % (nonlinear, semilinear, linear)
+SIMID   = 'kobayashi_2015_fig1';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = 'debug';  % Name of the simulation
+LINEARITY  = 'linear';   % (nonlinear, semilinear, linear)
 % INIT options
-INIT_PHI  = 0;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi (0= noisy moments 00)
+INIT_PHI  = 1;   % Start simulation with a noisy phi (0= noisy moments 00)
 INIT_ZF   = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
 INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 'donothing';
@@ -67,8 +69,8 @@ LAMBDAD = 0.0;
 kmax    = NX*pi/LX;% Highest fourier mode
 HD_CO   = 0.5;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
 MU      = NU_HYP/(HD_CO*kmax)^4; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
-NOISE0  = 1.0e-5;
-BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Init background
+NOISE0  = 0;%1.0e-4;
+BCKGD0  = 1e-4;    % Init background
 TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
 MU_P    = 0.0;     % Hermite  hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f
 MU_J    = 0.0;     % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f
diff --git a/wk/marconi_run.m b/wk/marconi_run.m
index f9836ed232d0504c7f18113acc5009525ff34986..841237cb613151baef69e6fb9b1e29cc66dd7f32 100644
--- a/wk/marconi_run.m
+++ b/wk/marconi_run.m
@@ -3,7 +3,8 @@ addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 SUBMIT = 1; % To submit the job automatically
 CHAIN  = 2; % To chain jobs (CHAIN = n will launch n jobs in chain)
 % EXECNAME = 'helaz3_dbg';
-  EXECNAME = 'helaz3';
+  EXECNAME = 'helaz3.03';
+  SIMID = 'simulation_A_new';
 %% Set Up parameters
@@ -35,25 +36,24 @@ P       = 4;
 J       = 2;
 TMAX    = 10000;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 2e-3;   % Time step
+DT      = 7e-3;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for profiler
 SPS2D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS3D   = 1/2;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
 SPS5D   = 1/50;  % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
-JOB2LOAD= -1; % start from t=0 if <0, else restart from outputs_$job2load
+JOB2LOAD= 0; % start from t=0 if <0, else restart from outputs_$job2load
 % Collision operator
-% (0 : L.Bernstein, 1 : Dougherty, 2: Sugama, 3 : Pitch angle ; +/- for GK/DK)
-CO      = 2;
+% (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+CO      = 'LR';
+GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
+ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation)
-NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2: nmax = jmax, -1: nmax = jmax-j, >=0 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
-% SIMID   = 'test_chained_job';  % Name of the simulation
-SIMID   = 'simulation_A';  % Name of the simulation
-% SIMID   = ['v3.0_P_',num2str(P),'_J_',num2str(J)];  % Name of the simulation
-LINEARITY = 1;   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
+NL_CLOS = -1;   % nonlinear closure model (-2: nmax = jmax, -1: nmax = jmax-j, >=0 : nmax = NL_CLOS)
+LINEARITY = 'nonlinear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
 % INIT options
 INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
+INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 'donothing';
 W_DOUBLE = 1;
 W_GAMMA  = 1; W_HF     = 1;
@@ -111,6 +111,8 @@ if(SUBMIT)
             SBATCH_CMD = ['sbatch --dependency=afterok:',jobid_,' batch_script.sh\n'];
             JOB2LOAD= JOB2LOAD+1;
+%             DT = 1e-1;
+%             NL_CLOS = -1;
             [~,job_info_] = system('ssh ahoffman@login.marconi.cineca.it sh HeLaZ/wk/setup_and_run.sh');
@@ -118,5 +120,5 @@ if(SUBMIT)
-system('rm fort*.90');
+% system('rm fort*.90');
diff --git a/wk/mode_growth_meter.m b/wk/mode_growth_meter.m
index e00a08aab3eb88eda7a56665088929357f3993bb..3b90ca720d00b0c61e4217d0268a39899b29f78e 100644
--- a/wk/mode_growth_meter.m
+++ b/wk/mode_growth_meter.m
@@ -1,12 +1,18 @@
-MODES_SELECTOR = 1; %(1:Zonal, 2: NZonal, 3: ky=kx)
-options.K2PLOT = 0.01:0.05:1.0;
-options.TIME   =500:0.5:1000;
+MODES_SELECTOR = 2; %(1:Zonal, 2: NZonal, 3: ky=kx)
+options.K2PLOT = 0.01:0.01:1.0;
+options.TIME   =4000:1:4200;
 DATA = data;
 OPTIONS = options;
 iz = 1;
+[~,ikzf] = max(squeeze(mean(abs(squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,:))),2)));
+FRAMES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.TIME));
+for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.TIME)
+    [~,FRAMES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(i)-DATA.Ts3D));
@@ -37,16 +43,11 @@ elseif MODES_SELECTOR == 3
     MODESTR = 'Diag modes';
-FRAMES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.TIME));
-for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.TIME)
-    [~,FRAMES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.TIME(i)-DATA.Ts3D));
-MODES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.K2PLOT));
-for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.K2PLOT)
-    [~,MODES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.K2PLOT(i)-k));
+MODES = 1:numel(k);
+% MODES = zeros(size(OPTIONS.K2PLOT));
+% for i = 1:numel(OPTIONS.K2PLOT)
+%     [~,MODES(i)] =min(abs(OPTIONS.K2PLOT(i)-k));
+% end
 % plt = @(x,ik) abs(squeeze(x(1,ik,iz,FRAMES)))./max(abs(squeeze(x(1,ik,iz,FRAMES))));
@@ -74,7 +75,10 @@ subplot(1,3,2)
     mod2plot = round(linspace(2,numel(MODES),15));
     for i_ = mod2plot
         semilogy(t,plt(DATA.PHI,MODES(i_))); hold on;
-        semilogy(t,exp(gamma(i_).*t+amp(i_)),'--k')
+%         semilogy(t,exp(gamma(i_).*t+amp(i_)),'--k')
+    end
+    if MODES_SELECTOR == 1
+        semilogy(t,plt(DATA.PHI,ikzf),'--k');
     xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1])
     xlabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$'); ylabel(['$|\phi_{',kstr,'}|$']);
@@ -83,5 +87,8 @@ subplot(1,3,2)
     plot(k(MODES),gamma); hold on;
+    if MODES_SELECTOR == 1
+        plot(k(ikzf),gamma(ikzf),'ok');
+    end
     xlabel(['$',kstr,'\rho_s$']); ylabel('$\gamma$');
     title('Growth rates')
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/quick_gene_load.m b/wk/quick_gene_load.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..40cb7617192efc0128a863a2291c34ee8c9916cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/quick_gene_load.m
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+%% gyroLES plot
+% genepath = '/misc/gene_results';
+% % simpath  = '/NL_Zpinch_Kn_1.7_eta_0.25_nuSG_1e-1_gyroLES/';
+% simpath  = '/NL_Zpinch_Kn_1.8_eta_0.25_nuSG_5e-2_gyroLES/';
+% filename = 'GyroLES_ions.dat';
+% toload = [genepath simpath filename];
+% data = readtable(toload);
+% t = data.Var1;
+% mu_x = data.Var2;
+% mu_y = data.Var3;
+% figure;
+% plot(t,mu_x); hold on
+% plot(t,mu_y);
+% legend('mu_x','mu_y'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('Hyper-diff');
+% title('gyroLES results for H&P fig. 2c')
+%% Plot linear results
+path = '/home/ahoffman/gene/linear_zpinch_results/';
+% fname ='tmp.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.8_KT_0.45_nuSG_0.047_32x16.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.5_KT_0.325_nuSG_0.047_32x16.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.5_KT_0.325_nuSG_0.0235_32x16.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.5_KT_0.325_nuSG_0.0047_32x16.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.5_KT_0.325_nuSG_0.0047_64x32.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.4_KT_0.35_nuSG_0.0047_64x32.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.6_KT_0.4_nuSG_0.0047_64x32.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.8_KT_0.45_nu_0_32x16.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.8_KT_0.45_nuSG_0.0235_64x32.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.9_KT_0.475_nuSG_0.047_64x32.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.9_KT_0.475_nuSG_0.235_64x32.txt';
+% fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.7_KT_0.425_nuSG_0.235_64x32.txt';
+fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.8_KT_0.45_nuSGDK_0.047_32x16.txt';
+data_ = load([path,fname]);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/tmp.txt b/wk/tmp.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e69de29bb2d1d6434b8b29ae775ad8c2e48c5391