From 88c3c967c89b1ec9ab33f82e760d9175f1d697ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Mon, 20 Mar 2023 13:30:52 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] benchmarked with nonlinear Zpinch case

 matlab/compile_results.m                     |  36 +++++--
 matlab/extract_fig_data.m                    |   2 +-
 src/fourier_mod.F90                          |  24 ++---
 src/grid_mod.F90                             |  24 +++--
 src/inital.F90                               |  14 +--
 src/nonlinear_mod.F90                        |  42 ++++----
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90           |   8 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90        |   8 +-
 testcases/zpinch_example/fort.90             | 101 +++++++++++++++++++
 testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1           |   1 +
 testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1_debug     |   1 +
 testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort.90         | 101 +++++++++++++++++++
 testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort_00.90      |  83 +++++++++++++++
 testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1       |   1 +
 testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1_debug |   1 +
 testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_debug   |   1 +
 wk/analysis_gene.m                           |   4 +-
 wk/analysis_gyacomo.m                        |   5 +-
 wk/header_3D_results.m                       |   4 +-
 19 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 testcases/zpinch_example/fort.90
 create mode 120000 testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1
 create mode 120000 testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1_debug
 create mode 100644 testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort.90
 create mode 100644 testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort_00.90
 create mode 120000 testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1
 create mode 120000 testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1_debug
 create mode 120000 testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_debug

diff --git a/matlab/compile_results.m b/matlab/compile_results.m
index 27c14463..31fa7062 100644
--- a/matlab/compile_results.m
+++ b/matlab/compile_results.m
@@ -293,16 +293,40 @@ else
     DATA.scale = 1;%(1/Nx/Ny)^2;
     % Fields
-    DATA.Nipj = Nipj_; DATA.Ni00 = Ni00_; DATA.Nipjz = Nipjz_;
+    if W_NAPJ
+    DATA.Nipj   = zeros(Pi_new,Ji_new,Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts5D_)); DATA.Nipj(:,:,:,:,1:Nz,:) = Nipj_;
+    end
+    if W_NA00
+    DATA.Ni00   = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_));   DATA.Ni00(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = Ni00_;
+    DATA.Nipjz  = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_));  DATA.Nipjz(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = Nipjz_;
+    end
+    if W_DENS
+    DATA.DENS_I = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_)); DATA.DENS_I(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = DENS_I_;
+    end
+    if W_TEMP
+    DATA.TEMP_I = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_)); DATA.TEMP_I(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = TEMP_I_;
+    end
-    DATA.Nepj = Nepj_; DATA.Ne00 = Ne00_; DATA.Nepjz = Nepjz_;
+    if W_NAPJ
+    DATA.Nepj   = zeros(Pe_new,Je_new,Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts5D_)); DATA.Nepj(:,:,:,:,1:Nz,:) = Nepj_;
+    end
+    if W_NA00    
+    DATA.Ne00   = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_));   DATA.Ne00(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = Ne00_;
+    DATA.Nepjz  = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_));  DATA.Nepjz(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = Nepjz_;
+    end
+    if W_DENS    
+    DATA.DENS_E = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_)); DATA.DENS_E(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = DENS_E_;
+    end
+    if W_TEMP
+    DATA.TEMP_E = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_)); DATA.TEMP_E(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = TEMP_E_;
+    end
     DATA.Ts5D = Ts5D_; DATA.Ts3D = Ts3D_; DATA.Ts0D = Ts0D_;
-    DATA.PHI  = PHI_; 
-    DATA.PSI  = PSI_; 
+    DATA.PHI   = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_)); DATA.PHI(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = PHI_;
+    if BETA>0
+    DATA.PSI   = zeros(Nky,Nkx,Nz,numel(Ts3D_)); DATA.PSI(:,:,1:Nz,:)   = PSI_;
+    end
     % grids
     DATA.Pe = Pe; DATA.Pi = Pi; 
diff --git a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
index 8c8f0d92..825aff05 100644
--- a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
+++ b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 % tw = [3000 4000];
 % tw = [4000 4500];
 % tw = [4500 5000];
-tw = [100 180];
+tw = [00 1000];
 fig = gcf;
 axObjs = fig.Children;
diff --git a/src/fourier_mod.F90 b/src/fourier_mod.F90
index 3a23febf..f6e226c2 100644
--- a/src/fourier_mod.F90
+++ b/src/fourier_mod.F90
@@ -68,22 +68,22 @@ MODULE fourier
   !!! Compute the poisson bracket of [F,G] to real space
   !   - Compute the convolution using the convolution theorem
-  SUBROUTINE poisson_bracket_and_sum(kx_, ky_, inv_Nx, inv_Ny, AA_x, AA_y,&
+  SUBROUTINE poisson_bracket_and_sum(ky_, kx_, inv_Ny, inv_Nx, AA_y, AA_x,&
                                      local_nky_ptr, local_nkx_ptr, F_, G_, sum_real_)
-    INTEGER(C_INTPTR_T),      INTENT(IN)    :: local_nkx_ptr,local_nky_ptr
-    REAL(dp),                 INTENT(IN)    :: inv_Nx, inv_Ny
-    REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:),   INTENT(IN)    :: kx_, ky_, AA_x, AA_y
-    COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX),INTENT(IN)    :: F_(:,:), G_(:,:)
-    real(C_DOUBLE), pointer,  INTENT(INOUT) :: sum_real_(:,:)
+    INTEGER(C_INTPTR_T),                  INTENT(IN) :: local_nkx_ptr,local_nky_ptr
+    REAL(dp),                             INTENT(IN) :: inv_Nx, inv_Ny
+    REAL(dp), DIMENSION(local_nky_ptr),   INTENT(IN) :: ky_, AA_y
+    REAL(dp), DIMENSION(local_nkx_ptr),   INTENT(IN) :: kx_, AA_x
+    COMPLEX(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), DIMENSION(local_nky_ptr,local_nkx_ptr), &
+                                          INTENT(IN) :: F_(:,:), G_(:,:)
+    real(C_DOUBLE), pointer,              INTENT(INOUT) :: sum_real_(:,:)
     INTEGER :: ikx,iky
     ! First term df/dx x dg/dy
     DO ikx = 1,local_nkx_ptr
       DO iky = 1,local_nky_ptr
-        cmpx_data_f(ikx,iky) = &
-              imagu*kx_(ikx)*F_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky) !Anti aliasing filter
-        cmpx_data_g(ikx,iky) = &
-              imagu*ky_(iky)*G_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky) !Anti aliasing filter
+        cmpx_data_f(ikx,iky) = imagu*kx_(ikx)*F_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky) 
+        cmpx_data_g(ikx,iky) = imagu*ky_(iky)*G_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planb, cmpx_data_f, real_data_f)
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@ MODULE fourier
     DO ikx = 1,local_nkx_ptr
       DO iky = 1,local_nky_ptr
         cmpx_data_f(ikx,iky) = &
-              imagu*ky_(iky)*F_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky) !Anti aliasing filter
+              imagu*ky_(iky)*F_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
         cmpx_data_g(ikx,iky) = &
-              imagu*kx_(ikx)*G_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky) !Anti aliasing filter
+              imagu*kx_(ikx)*G_(iky,ikx)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
     call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planb, cmpx_data_f, real_data_f)
diff --git a/src/grid_mod.F90 b/src/grid_mod.F90
index 5a1604b6..367f3ea4 100644
--- a/src/grid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/grid_mod.F90
@@ -508,6 +508,9 @@ CONTAINS
       zarray_full(izs) = 0
     ELSEIF(Nz .GE. 4) THEN
       ngz =4
+      IF(mod(Nz,2) .NE. 0 ) THEN
+        ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << Nz must be an even number for Simpson integration rule !!!!'
+     ENDIF
       ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << Nz is not appropriate!!'
@@ -559,18 +562,19 @@ CONTAINS
       IF(abs(local_zmax(eo) - (zmax+REAL(eo-1,dp)*grid_shift)) .LT. EPSILON(zmax)) &
         contains_zmax = .TRUE.
-     IF(mod(Nz,2) .NE. 0 ) THEN
-        ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << Nz must be an even number for Simpson integration rule !!!!'
-     ENDIF
     ! local weights for Simpson rule
-    DO iz = 1,local_nz
-      IF(MODULO(iz+local_nz_offset,2) .EQ. 1) THEN ! odd iz
-        zweights_SR(iz) = onethird*deltaz*2._dp
-      ELSE ! even iz
-        zweights_SR(iz) = onethird*deltaz*4._dp
-      ENDIF
-    ENDDO
+    IF(total_nz .EQ. 1) THEN
+      zweights_SR = 1._dp
+    ELSE
+      DO iz = 1,local_nz
+        IF(MODULO(iz+local_nz_offset,2) .EQ. 1) THEN ! odd iz
+          zweights_SR(iz) = onethird*deltaz*2._dp
+        ELSE ! even iz
+          zweights_SR(iz) = onethird*deltaz*4._dp
+        ENDIF
+      ENDDO
+    ENDIF
   END SUBROUTINE set_zgrid
   SUBROUTINE set_kparray(gxx, gxy, gyy,hatB)
diff --git a/src/inital.F90 b/src/inital.F90
index 04c4d511..9e9abed6 100644
--- a/src/inital.F90
+++ b/src/inital.F90
@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE init_phi_ppj
 SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
   USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        AA_x, AA_y,&
+                        AA_x, AA_y, parray, jarray,&
                         ngp,ngj,ngz, iky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray
   USE fields,     ONLY: moments
   USE prec_const, ONLY: dp
@@ -336,20 +336,22 @@ SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
   USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian, shear
   REAL(dp) ::kx, ky, z, sigma_x, sigma_y, gain
-  INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij
+  INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij, p, j
   sigma_y = 1.0
   sigma_x = sigma_y
   gain  = 10.0
   DO ia=1,local_na
     DO iky=1,local_nky
       ky = kyarray(iky)
-      DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+      DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
         z  = zarray(iz,ieven)
         DO ikx=1,total_nkx
           kx = kxarray(ikx) + z*shear*ky
-          DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
-            DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
-              IF( (iky .NE. iky0) .AND. (ip .EQ. 1) .AND. (ij .EQ. 1)) THEN
+          DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
+            p = parray(ip)
+            DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
+              j = jarray(ij)
+              IF( (iky .NE. iky0) .AND. (p .EQ. 0) .AND. (j .EQ. 0)) THEN
                 moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) &
                 + gain * exp(-((kx/sigma_x)**2+(ky/sigma_y)**2)) &
                   * AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)* &
diff --git a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90 b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
index 7155fc24..44f48f84 100644
--- a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
+++ b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_Sapj
   !! In real space Sapj ~ b*(grad(phi) x grad(g)) which in moments in fourier becomes
   !! Sapj = Sum_n (ikx Kn phi)#(iky Sum_s d_njs Naps) - (iky Kn phi)#(ikx Sum_s d_njs Naps)
   !! where # denotes the convolution.
   ! Execution time start
   CALL cpu_time(t0_Sapj)
@@ -61,21 +60,22 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_Sapj
       ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << Linearity not recognized '
   ! Execution time END
   CALL cpu_time(t1_Sapj)
   tc_Sapj = tc_Sapj + (t1_Sapj - t0_Sapj)
 END SUBROUTINE compute_Sapj
 SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
-  INTEGER :: iz,ij,ip,eo,ia,ikx,iky
+  INTEGER :: iz,ij,ip,eo,ia,ikx,iky,izi,ipi,iji,ini,isi
   DO iz = 1,local_nz
+    izi = iz + ngz/2
     DO ij = 1,local_nj ! Loop over Laguerre moments
-      j_int=jarray(ij+ngj/2)
+      iji = ij + ngj/2
+      j_int=jarray(iji)
       DO ip = 1,local_np ! Loop over Hermite moments
-        p_int    = parray(ip+ngp/2)
+        ipi = ip + ngp/2
+        p_int    = parray(ipi)
         sqrt_p   = SQRT(REAL(p_int,dp))
         sqrt_pp1 = SQRT(REAL(p_int,dp) + 1._dp)
         eo       = min(nzgrid,MODULO(parray(ip),2)+1)
@@ -83,38 +83,40 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
           IF((CLOS .NE. 1) .OR. (p_int+2*j_int .LE. dmax)) THEN !compute for every moments except for closure 1
             ! Set non linear sum truncation
             IF (NL_CLOS .EQ. -2) THEN
-              nmax = local_nj
+              nmax = Jmax
             ELSEIF (NL_CLOS .EQ. -1) THEN
-              nmax = (Jmax-j_int)+1+ngj/2-local_nj_offset
+              nmax = Jmax-j_int
-              nmax = NL_CLOS+1+ngj/2-local_nj_offset
+              nmax = min(NL_CLOS,Jmax-j_int)
             bracket_sum_r = 0._dp ! initialize sum over real nonlinear term
-            DO in = 1,nmax ! Loop over laguerre for the sum
-              n_int = parray(in+ngp/2)
+            DO in = 1,nmax+1 ! Loop over laguerre for the sum
+              ini = in+ngj/2
               ! First convolution terms
-              F_cmpx(:,:) = phi(:,:,iz+ngz/2) * kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,:,:,iz+ngz/2,eo)
+              F_cmpx(:,:) = phi(:,:,izi) * kernel(ia,ini,:,:,izi,eo)
               ! Second convolution terms
               G_cmpx = 0._dp ! initialization of the sum
-              smax   = (n_int+j_int)+1+ngj/2-local_nj_offset
-              DO is = 1, MIN(smax,local_nj) ! sum truncation on number of moments
+              smax   = MIN( (in-1)+(ij-1), Jmax );
+              DO is = 1, smax+1 ! sum truncation on number of moments
+                isi = is + ngj/2
                 G_cmpx(:,:) = G_cmpx(:,:) + &
-                  dnjs(in,ij,is) * moments(ia,ip,is+ngj/2,:,:,iz+ngz/2,updatetlevel)
+                  dnjs(in,ij,is) * moments(ia,ipi,isi,:,:,izi,updatetlevel)
               ! this function add its result to bracket_sum_r
               CALL poisson_bracket_and_sum(kyarray,kxarray,inv_Ny,inv_Nx,AA_y,AA_x,local_nky_ptr,local_nkx_ptr,F_cmpx,G_cmpx,bracket_sum_r)
   !-----------!! ELECTROMAGNETIC CONTRIBUTION -sqrt(tau)/sigma*{Sum_s dnjs [sqrt(p+1)Nap+1s + sqrt(p)Nap-1s], Kernel psi}
               IF(EM) THEN
               ! First convolution terms
-              F_cmpx(:,:) = -sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) * psi(:,:,iz+ngz/2) * kernel(ia,in+ngj/2,:,:,iz+ngz/2,eo)
+              F_cmpx(:,:) = -sqrt_tau_o_sigma(ia) * psi(:,:,izi) * kernel(ia,ini,:,:,izi,eo)
               ! Second convolution terms
               G_cmpx = 0._dp ! initialization of the sum
-              smax   = (n_int+j_int)+1+ngj/2-local_nj_offset
-              DO is = 1, MIN(smax,local_nj) ! sum truncation on number of moments
+              smax   = MIN( (in-1)+(ij-1), Jmax );
+              DO is = 1, smax+1 ! sum truncation on number of moments
+                isi = is + ngj/2
                 G_cmpx(:,:)  = G_cmpx(:,:) + &
-                  dnjs(in,ij,is) * (sqrt_pp1*moments(ia,ip+1+ngj/2,is,:,:,iz+ngz/2,updatetlevel)&
-                                   +sqrt_p  *moments(ia,ip-1+ngj/2,is,:,:,iz+ngz/2,updatetlevel))
+                  dnjs(in,ij,is) * (sqrt_pp1*moments(ia,ipi+1,isi,:,:,izi,updatetlevel)&
+                                   +sqrt_p  *moments(ia,ipi-1,isi,:,:,izi,updatetlevel))
               ! this function add its result to bracket_sum_r
               CALL poisson_bracket_and_sum(kyarray,kxarray,inv_Ny,inv_Nx,AA_y,AA_x,local_nky_ptr,local_nkx_ptr,F_cmpx,G_cmpx,bracket_sum_r)
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
index f6a8807c..bc7dce3f 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
@@ -8,9 +8,9 @@
   pmax   = 4
   jmax   = 1
-  Nx     = 2
+  Nx     = 16
   Lx     = 200
-  Ny     = 4
+  Ny     = 12
   Ly     = 60
   Nz     = 6
   SG     = .f.
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
   ! Collisionality
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
-  LINEARITY = 'linear'
+  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 2 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 0.2
   mu_y    = 0.4
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
-  INIT_OPT         = 'allmom'
+  INIT_OPT         = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 1.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.0
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
index d4f127f0..d330d8e0 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
@@ -9,9 +9,9 @@
   jmaxe  = 1
   pmaxi  = 4
   jmaxi  = 1
-  Nx     = 2
+  Nx     = 16
   Lx     = 200
-  Ny     = 4
+  Ny     = 12
   Ly     = 60
   Nz     = 6
   SG     = .f.
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   ! Collisionality
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
-  LINEARITY = 'linear'
+  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   KIN_E   = .t.
   mu_x    = 0.2
   mu_y    = 0.4
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
   mat_file        = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
-  INIT_OPT    = 'allmom'
+  INIT_OPT    = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES       = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 1.0
   init_noiselvl = 0.0
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example/fort.90 b/testcases/zpinch_example/fort.90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c5bd290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example/fort.90
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+  nrun       = 99999999
+  dt         = 0.01
+  tmax       = 50
+  maxruntime = 356400
+  job2load   = -1
+  pmax   = 4
+  jmax   = 2
+  Nx     = 128
+  Lx     = 200
+  Ny     = 48
+  Ly     = 60
+  Nz     = 1
+  SG     = .f.
+  Nexc   = 1
+  geom   = 'Z-pinch'
+  q0     = 0.0
+  shear  = 0.0
+  eps    = 0.0
+  kappa  = 1.0
+  s_kappa= 0.0
+  delta  = 0.0
+  s_delta= 0.0
+  zeta   = 0.0
+  s_zeta = 0.0
+  parallel_bc = 'shearless'
+  shift_y= 0.0
+  dtsave_0d = 0.1
+  dtsave_1d = -1
+  dtsave_2d = -1
+  dtsave_3d = 1
+  dtsave_5d = 10
+  write_doubleprecision = .f.
+  write_gamma = .t.
+  write_hf    = .t.
+  write_phi   = .t.
+  write_Na00  = .t.
+  write_Napj  = .t.
+  write_dens  = .t.
+  write_fvel  = .t.
+  write_temp  = .t.
+  ! Collisionality
+  CLOS    = 0
+  NL_CLOS = -1
+  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
+  Na      = 2 ! number of species
+  mu_x    = 1.0
+  mu_y    = 1.0
+  N_HD    = 4
+  mu_z    = 0.0
+  HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'
+  mu_p    = 0.0
+  mu_j    = 0.0
+  nu      = 0.1
+  beta    = 0.0
+  ADIAB_E = .f.
+  tau_e   = 1.0
+ ! ions
+ name_ = 'ions'
+ tau_  = 1.0
+ sigma_= 1.0
+ q_    = 1.0
+ k_N_  = 2.0
+ k_T_  = 0.4
+ ! electrons
+ name_ = 'electrons'
+ tau_  = 1.0
+ sigma_= 0.023338
+ q_    = -1.0
+ k_N_  = 2.0
+ k_T_  = 0.4
+  collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
+  GK_CO           = .t.
+  INTERSPECIES    = .true.
+  mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
+  INIT_OPT         = 'phi'
+  ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
+  init_background  = 0.0
+  init_noiselvl    = 0.005
+  iseed            = 42
+  numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1 b/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..2fd67105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1_debug b/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1_debug
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..f0c8bbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example/gyacomo_1_debug
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort.90 b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort.90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5c5bd290
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort.90
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+  nrun       = 99999999
+  dt         = 0.01
+  tmax       = 50
+  maxruntime = 356400
+  job2load   = -1
+  pmax   = 4
+  jmax   = 2
+  Nx     = 128
+  Lx     = 200
+  Ny     = 48
+  Ly     = 60
+  Nz     = 1
+  SG     = .f.
+  Nexc   = 1
+  geom   = 'Z-pinch'
+  q0     = 0.0
+  shear  = 0.0
+  eps    = 0.0
+  kappa  = 1.0
+  s_kappa= 0.0
+  delta  = 0.0
+  s_delta= 0.0
+  zeta   = 0.0
+  s_zeta = 0.0
+  parallel_bc = 'shearless'
+  shift_y= 0.0
+  dtsave_0d = 0.1
+  dtsave_1d = -1
+  dtsave_2d = -1
+  dtsave_3d = 1
+  dtsave_5d = 10
+  write_doubleprecision = .f.
+  write_gamma = .t.
+  write_hf    = .t.
+  write_phi   = .t.
+  write_Na00  = .t.
+  write_Napj  = .t.
+  write_dens  = .t.
+  write_fvel  = .t.
+  write_temp  = .t.
+  ! Collisionality
+  CLOS    = 0
+  NL_CLOS = -1
+  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
+  Na      = 2 ! number of species
+  mu_x    = 1.0
+  mu_y    = 1.0
+  N_HD    = 4
+  mu_z    = 0.0
+  HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'
+  mu_p    = 0.0
+  mu_j    = 0.0
+  nu      = 0.1
+  beta    = 0.0
+  ADIAB_E = .f.
+  tau_e   = 1.0
+ ! ions
+ name_ = 'ions'
+ tau_  = 1.0
+ sigma_= 1.0
+ q_    = 1.0
+ k_N_  = 2.0
+ k_T_  = 0.4
+ ! electrons
+ name_ = 'electrons'
+ tau_  = 1.0
+ sigma_= 0.023338
+ q_    = -1.0
+ k_N_  = 2.0
+ k_T_  = 0.4
+  collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
+  GK_CO           = .t.
+  INTERSPECIES    = .true.
+  mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
+  INIT_OPT         = 'phi'
+  ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
+  init_background  = 0.0
+  init_noiselvl    = 0.005
+  iseed            = 42
+  numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort_00.90 b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort_00.90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5864634f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/fort_00.90
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+  nrun   = 100000000
+  dt     = 0.01
+  tmax   = 50
+  maxruntime = 356400
+  pmaxe  = 4
+  jmaxe  = 2
+  pmaxi  = 4
+  jmaxi  = 2
+  Nx     = 128
+  Lx     = 200
+  Ny     = 48
+  Ly     = 60
+  Nz     = 1
+  SG     = .f.
+  geom   = 'Z-pinch'
+  q0     = 0
+  shear  = 0
+  eps    = 0
+  parallel_bc = 'shearless'
+  nsave_0d = 10
+  nsave_1d = -1
+  nsave_2d = -1
+  nsave_3d = 100
+  nsave_5d = 1000
+  write_doubleprecision = .f.
+  write_gamma = .t.
+  write_hf    = .t.
+  write_phi   = .t.
+  write_Na00  = .f.
+  write_Napj  = .t.
+  write_Sapj  = .f.
+  write_dens  = .t.
+  write_temp  = .t.
+  job2load    = -1
+  ! Collisionality
+  CLOS    = 0
+  NL_CLOS = -1
+  LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
+  KIN_E   = .t.
+  mu_x    = 1.0
+  mu_y    = 1.0
+  N_HD    = 4
+  mu_z    = 0.0
+  mu_p    = 0
+  mu_j    = 0
+  nu      = 0.1
+  tau_e   = 1
+  tau_i   = 1
+  sigma_e = 0.023338
+  sigma_i = 1
+  q_e     = -1
+  q_i     = 1
+  K_Ne    = 2.0
+  K_Te    = 0.4
+  K_Ni    = 2.0
+  K_Ti    = 0.4
+  beta    = 0
+  collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
+  GK_CO      = .true.
+  INTERSPECIES    = .true.
+  !mat_file        = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
+  INIT_OPT    = 'phi'
+  ACT_ON_MODES       = 'donothing'
+  init_background  = 0
+  init_noiselvl = 0.005
+  iseed         = 42
+  numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1 b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..2fd67105
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1_debug b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1_debug
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..f0c8bbfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_1_debug
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_debug b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_debug
new file mode 120000
index 00000000..363e139a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example_new/gyacomo_debug
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gene.m b/wk/analysis_gene.m
index 9ab388ea..b3aa355a 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gene.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gene.m
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add
 %Paper 2
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_64x32x32x24x12_Nexc_5/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_00/';
-folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_01/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_01/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_5.3_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5/';
-% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_5.3_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5/';
+folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_5.3_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_smallvbox/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_largexbox/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x16x8_Muz_0.02/';
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m b/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
index 5ba7a9f1..ce908eef 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gyacomo.m
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
 gyacomodir = pwd; gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2); % get code directory
-% resdir = '.'; %Name of the directory where the results are located
+resdir = '../testcases/zpinch_example/'; %Name of the directory where the results are located
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
diff --git a/wk/header_3D_results.m b/wk/header_3D_results.m
index 0f8bc4ae..b2c5664e 100644
--- a/wk/header_3D_results.m
+++ b/wk/header_3D_results.m
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ PARTITION  = '/misc/gyacomo_outputs/';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_sp';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x192x96x32_dp';
+resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x192x96x32_dp';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x64';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_MUxy_0';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_NL_-1';
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ PARTITION  = '/misc/gyacomo_outputs/';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/11x6x128x64x24';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/11x6x128x64x64';
-resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/21x11x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/kT_5.3/21x11x128x64x24_dp';
 %% nu scans kT=5.3
 % resdir = 'paper_2_nonlinear/nu_scan_kT_5.3/DGGK_7x4x128x64x24_dp';