From 8f7a499b4d513416fc316e68ec875d44aa0eabdd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Cyril David Hoffmann <>
Date: Mon, 2 Aug 2021 15:51:26 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] module to precompute kernels, lin coeff etc.

 src/numerics_mod.F90 | 237 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 237 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 src/numerics_mod.F90

diff --git a/src/numerics_mod.F90 b/src/numerics_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f247cecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/numerics_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+MODULE numerics
+    USE basic
+    USE prec_const
+    USE grid
+    USE utility
+    USE coeff
+    implicit none
+    PUBLIC :: compute_derivatives, build_dnjs_table, evaluate_kernels, compute_lin_coeff
+! Compute the 2D particle temperature for electron and ions (sum over Laguerre)
+SUBROUTINE compute_derivatives
+END SUBROUTINE compute_derivatives
+!!!!!!! Build the Laguerre-Laguerre coupling coefficient table for nonlin
+SUBROUTINE build_dnjs_table
+  USE array, Only : dnjs
+  USE coeff
+  INTEGER :: in, ij, is, J
+  INTEGER :: n_, j_, s_
+  J = max(jmaxe,jmaxi)
+  DO in = 1,J+1 ! Nested dependent loops to make benefit from dnjs symmetry
+    n_ = in - 1
+    DO ij = in,J+1
+      j_ = ij - 1
+      DO is = ij,J+1
+        s_ = is - 1
+        dnjs(in,ij,is) = TO_DP(ALL2L(n_,j_,s_,0))
+        ! By symmetry
+        dnjs(in,is,ij) = dnjs(in,ij,is)
+        dnjs(ij,in,is) = dnjs(in,ij,is)
+        dnjs(ij,is,in) = dnjs(in,ij,is)
+        dnjs(is,ij,in) = dnjs(in,ij,is)
+        dnjs(is,in,ij) = dnjs(in,ij,is)
+      ENDDO
+    ENDDO
+END SUBROUTINE build_dnjs_table
+!!!!!!! Evaluate the kernels once for all
+SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
+  USE basic
+  USE array, Only : kernel_e, kernel_i
+  USE grid
+  use model, ONLY : tau_e, tau_i, sigma_e, sigma_i, q_e, q_i, lambdaD, CLOS, sigmae2_taue_o2, sigmai2_taui_o2
+  REAL(dp)    :: factj, j_dp, j_int
+  REAL(dp)    :: be_2, bi_2, alphaD
+  REAL(dp)    :: kx, ky, kperp2
+  !!!!! Electron kernels !!!!!
+  !Precompute species dependant factors
+  factj = 1.0 ! Start of the recursive factorial
+  DO ij = 1, jmaxe+1
+    j_int = jarray_e(ij)
+    j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of degree
+    ! Recursive factorial
+    IF (j_dp .GT. 0) THEN
+      factj = factj * j_dp
+    ELSE
+      factj = 1._dp
+    ENDIF
+    DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
+      kx     = kxarray(ikx)
+      DO iky = ikys,ikye
+        ky    = kyarray(iky)
+        be_2  =  (kx**2 + ky**2) * sigmae2_taue_o2
+        kernel_e(ij, ikx, iky) = be_2**j_int * exp(-be_2)/factj
+      ENDDO
+    ENDDO
+  ! Kernels closure
+  DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
+    kx     = kxarray(ikx)
+    DO iky = ikys,ikye
+      ky    = kyarray(iky)
+      be_2  =  (kx**2 + ky**2) * sigmae2_taue_o2
+      ! Kernel ghost + 1 with Kj+1 = y/(j+1) Kj (/!\ ij = j+1)
+      kernel_e(ijeg_e,ikx,iky) = be_2/(real(ijeg_e-1,dp))*kernel_e(ije_e,ikx,iky)
+      ! Kernel ghost - 1 with Kj-1 = j/y Kj(careful about the kperp=0)
+      IF ( be_2 .NE. 0 ) THEN
+        kernel_e(ijsg_e,ikx,iky) = (real(ijsg_e,dp))/be_2*kernel_e(ijs_e,ikx,iky)
+      ELSE
+        kernel_e(ijsg_e,ikx,iky) = 0._dp
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+  !!!!! Ion kernels !!!!!
+  factj = 1.0 ! Start of the recursive factorial
+  DO ij = 1, jmaxi+1
+    j_int = jarray_e(ij)
+    j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of degree
+    ! Recursive factorial
+    IF (j_dp .GT. 0) THEN
+      factj = factj * j_dp
+    ELSE
+      factj = 1._dp
+    ENDIF
+    DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
+      kx     = kxarray(ikx)
+      DO iky = ikys,ikye
+        ky    = kyarray(iky)
+        bi_2  =  (kx**2 + ky**2) * sigmai2_taui_o2
+        kernel_i(ij, ikx, iky) = bi_2**j_int * exp(-bi_2)/factj
+      ENDDO
+    ENDDO
+  ! Kernels closure
+  DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe
+    kx     = kxarray(ikx)
+    DO iky = ikys,ikye
+      ky    = kyarray(iky)
+      bi_2  =  (kx**2 + ky**2) * sigmai2_taui_o2
+      ! Kernel ghost + 1 with Kj+1 = y/(j+1) Kj
+      kernel_i(ijeg_i,ikx,iky) = bi_2/(real(ijeg_i-1,dp))*kernel_i(ije_i,ikx,iky)
+      ! Kernel ghost - 1 with Kj-1 = j/y Kj(careful about the kperp=0)
+      IF ( bi_2 .NE. 0 ) THEN
+        kernel_i(ijsg_i,ikx,iky) = (real(ijsg_i,dp))/bi_2*kernel_i(ijs_i,ikx,iky)
+      ELSE
+        kernel_i(ijsg_i,ikx,iky) = 0._dp
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+END SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
+SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
+  USE array, ONLY: xnepj, xnepp1j, xnepm1j, xnepp2j, xnepm2j, xnepjp1, xnepjm1, &
+                   xnipj, xnipp1j, xnipm1j, xnipp2j, xnipm2j, xnipjp1, xnipjm1, &
+                   xphij, xphijp1, xphijm1
+  USE model, ONLY: taue_qe, taui_qi, sqrtTaue_qe, sqrtTaui_qi, eta_T, eta_n
+  USE prec_const
+  USE grid,  ONLY: parray_e, parray_i, jarray_e, jarray_i, &
+                   ip,ij, ips_e,ipe_e, ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_e,ije_e, ijs_i,ije_i
+  INTEGER     :: p_int, j_int ! polynom. degrees
+  REAL(dp)    :: p_dp, j_dp
+  REAL(dp)    :: kx, ky, z
+  !! Electrons linear coefficients for moment RHS !!!!!!!!!!
+  DO ip = ips_e, ipe_e
+    p_int= parray_e(ip)   ! Hermite degree
+    p_dp = REAL(p_int,dp) ! REAL of Hermite degree
+    DO ij = ijs_e, ije_e
+      j_int= jarray_e(ij)   ! Laguerre degree
+      j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of Laguerre degree
+      xnepj(ip,ij) = taue_qe * 2._dp * (p_dp + j_dp + 1._dp)
+    ENDDO
+  DO ip = ips_e, ipe_e
+    p_int= parray_e(ip)   ! Hermite degree
+    p_dp = REAL(p_int,dp) ! REAL of Hermite degree
+    xnepp1j(ip) = sqrtTaue_qe * SQRT(p_dp + 1_dp)
+    xnepm1j(ip) = sqrtTaue_qe * SQRT(p_dp)
+    xnepp2j(ip) = taue_qe * SQRT((p_dp + 1._dp) * (p_dp + 2._dp))
+    xnepm2j(ip) = taue_qe * SQRT(p_dp * (p_dp - 1._dp))
+  DO ij = ijs_e, ije_e
+    j_int= jarray_e(ij)   ! Laguerre degree
+    j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of Laguerre degree
+    xnepjp1(ij) = -taue_qe * (j_dp + 1._dp)
+    xnepjm1(ij) = -taue_qe * j_dp
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+  !! Ions linear coefficients for moment RHS !!!!!!!!!!
+  DO ip = ips_i, ipe_i
+    p_int= parray_i(ip)   ! Hermite degree
+    p_dp = REAL(p_int,dp) ! REAL of Hermite degree
+    DO ij = ijs_i, ije_i
+      j_int= jarray_i(ij)   ! Laguerre degree
+      j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of Laguerre degree
+      xnipj(ip,ij) = taui_qi * 2._dp * (p_dp + j_dp + 1._dp)
+    ENDDO
+  DO ip = ips_i, ipe_i
+    p_int= parray_i(ip)   ! Hermite degree
+    p_dp = REAL(p_int,dp) ! REAL of Hermite degree
+    xnipp1j(ip) = sqrtTaui_qi * SQRT(p_dp + 1._dp)
+    xnipm1j(ip) = sqrtTaui_qi * SQRT(p_dp)
+    xnipp2j(ip) = taui_qi * SQRT((p_dp + 1._dp) * (p_dp + 2._dp))
+    xnipm2j(ip) = taui_qi * SQRT(p_dp * (p_dp - 1._dp))
+  DO ij = ijs_i, ije_i
+    j_int= jarray_i(ij)   ! Laguerre degree
+    j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REAL of Laguerre degree
+    xnipjp1(ij) = -taui_qi * (j_dp + 1._dp)
+    xnipjm1(ij) = -taui_qi * j_dp
+  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+  !! ES linear coefficients for moment RHS !!!!!!!!!!
+  DO ip = ips_i, ipe_i
+    p_int= parray_i(ip)   ! Hermite degree
+    DO ij = ijs_i, ije_i
+      j_int= jarray_i(ij)   ! REALof Laguerre degree
+      j_dp = REAL(j_int,dp) ! REALof Laguerre degree
+      !! Electrostatic potential pj terms
+      IF (p_int .EQ. 0) THEN ! kronecker p0
+        xphij(ip,ij)    = eta_n + 2.*j_dp*eta_T
+        xphijp1(ip,ij)  =-eta_T*(j_dp+1._dp)
+        xphijm1(ip,ij)  =-eta_T* j_dp
+      ELSE IF (p_int .EQ. 2) THEN ! kronecker p2
+        xphij(ip,ij)    = eta_T/SQRT2
+        xphijp1(ip,ij)  = 0._dp; xphijm1(ip,ij)  = 0._dp;
+      ELSE
+        xphij(ip,ij)    = 0._dp; xphijp1(ip,ij)  = 0._dp
+        xphijm1(ip,ij)  = 0._dp;
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+END SUBROUTINE compute_lin_coeff
+END MODULE numerics