diff --git a/src/auxval.F90 b/src/auxval.F90
index 2f57e672c3860f1eb5a2bb0bfcb777163b9d11e9..ff50aba0e1210a7ebbcfb67a68c2b6eb9bb659ce 100644
--- a/src/auxval.F90
+++ b/src/auxval.F90
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ subroutine auxval
       IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,'(A9,I3,A10,I3,A10,I3)') 'n_procs= ', num_procs, ', num_procs_p   = ', num_procs_p, ', num_procs_kr   = ', num_procs_kr
       IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) ''
-       'my_id  = ', my_id, ', rank_p  = ', rank_p, ', rank_r  = ', rank_r
+       'my_id  = ', my_id, ', rank_p  = ', rank_p, ', rank_kr  = ', rank_kr
        '              ips_e = ', ips_e, ', ikrs  = ', ikrs
diff --git a/src/basic_mod.F90 b/src/basic_mod.F90
index 2f04e2327084010ad3735dd963646d2125c18cf0..add5d7756aadeb4da9f673b6192f8f4402f17eb5 100644
--- a/src/basic_mod.F90
+++ b/src/basic_mod.F90
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ MODULE basic
   INTEGER :: num_procs             ! number of MPI processes
   INTEGER :: num_procs_p           ! Number of processes in p
   INTEGER :: num_procs_kr          ! Number of processes in r
-  INTEGER :: rank_0, rank_p, rank_r! Ranks in comm0, comm_p, comm_kr
+  INTEGER :: rank_0, rank_p, rank_kr! Ranks in comm0, comm_p, comm_kr
   INTEGER :: nbr_L, nbr_R          ! Left and right neighbours (along p)
   INTEGER :: nbr_T, nbr_B          ! Top and bottom neighbours (along kr)
diff --git a/src/grid_mod.F90 b/src/grid_mod.F90
index 1ba800c84dbb3c15766e642150634382438cfd73..83f5fec52390ae36df6039a7d0c89dab7995bdcb 100644
--- a/src/grid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/grid_mod.F90
@@ -47,9 +47,6 @@ MODULE grid
   REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: kparray     ! kperp array
-  REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: kparray_2D  ! kperp array in 2D
-  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: ikparray    ! kperp indices array
-  INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: ikparray_2D ! to convert (ikr,ikz) -> ikp
   REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  deltakr, deltakz
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  ikrs, ikre, ikzs, ikze, ikps, ikpe
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ikr_0, ikz_0 ! Indices of k-grid origin
@@ -82,9 +79,9 @@ CONTAINS
     ! write(*,*) Nr
     local_nkr        = (Nr/2+1)/num_procs_kr
     ! write(*,*) local_nkr
-    local_nkr_offset = rank_r*local_nkr
+    local_nkr_offset = rank_kr*local_nkr
-    if (rank_r .EQ. num_procs_kr-1) local_nkr = (Nr/2+1)-local_nkr_offset
+    if (rank_kr .EQ. num_procs_kr-1) local_nkr = (Nr/2+1)-local_nkr_offset
   END SUBROUTINE init_1Dgrid_distr
@@ -111,8 +108,6 @@ CONTAINS
       counts_np_i(in+1) = iend-istart+1
       displs_np_i(in+1) = istart-1
-    write(*,*) rank_p, ': counts = ', counts_np_e
-    write(*,*) rank_p, ': disps = ',  displs_np_e
     ! local grid computation
@@ -227,36 +222,20 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE set_kpgrid !Precompute the grid of kperp
     INTEGER :: ikz_sym, tmp_, counter
-    ! 2D to 1D indices array convertor
-    ALLOCATE(ikparray_2D(ikrs:ikre,ikzs:ikze))
-    ALLOCATE( kparray_2D(ikrs:ikre,ikzs:ikze))
+    REAL(dp):: local_kp_min, local_kp_max
+    ! Find the min and max kperp to load subsequent GK matrices
+    local_kp_min = krarray(ikrs) !smallest local kperp is on the kr axis
+    local_kp_max = SQRT(krarray(ikre)**2 + kzarray(Nkz/2+1)**2)
+    ikps = ikrs
+    ikpe = INT(CEILING(local_kp_max/deltakr))+2
     ! local number of different kperp
-    local_nkp = local_nkr * (local_nkr-1)/2 + 1
+    local_nkp = ikpe - ikps + 1
     ! Allocate 1D array of kperp values and indices
-    ALLOCATE(ikparray(1:local_nkr))
-    ALLOCATE( kparray(1:local_nkr))
-    ! Fill the arrays
-    tmp_ = 0; counter = 1
-    DO ikz = ikzs,ikze
-      DO ikr = ikrs,ikre
-        ! Set a symmetry on kz
-        IF (ikz .LE. Nkz/2+1) THEN
-          ikz_sym = ikz
-        ELSE
-          ikz_sym = Nkz+2 - ikz
-        ENDIF
-        ! Formula to find the 2D to 1D kperp equivalences ordered as
-        !      10
-        !    6 9
-        !  3 5 8
-        !1 2 4 7  etc...
-        ikp = MAX(ikr-1,ikz_sym-1)*MIN(ikr-1,ikz_sym-1)/2 + min(ikr-1,ikz_sym-1)
-        ikparray_2D(ikr,ikz) = ikp
-        kparray_2D(ikr,ikz)  = SQRT(krarray(ikr)**2 + kzarray(ikz)**2)
-      ENDDO
+    ALLOCATE(kparray(ikps:ikpe))
+    DO ikp = ikps,ikpe
+      kparray(ikp) = REAL(ikp-1,dp) * deltakr
+    write(*,*) rank_kr, ': ikps = ', ikps, 'ikpe = ',ikpe
   SUBROUTINE grid_readinputs
diff --git a/src/ppinit.F90 b/src/ppinit.F90
index 350fa817d02712b2adef3fe9bc882dc052f814ec..1364ea92167e8f432cc54eaa7f5bc8be7317b27f 100644
--- a/src/ppinit.F90
+++ b/src/ppinit.F90
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ SUBROUTINE ppinit
   CALL MPI_CART_SUB (comm0, (/.FALSE.,.TRUE./), comm_kr, ierr)
   ! Find id inside the sub communicators
   CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm_p, rank_p, ierr)
-  CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm_kr, rank_r, ierr)
+  CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(comm_kr, rank_kr, ierr)
   ! Find neighbours
   CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT(comm0, 0, 1, nbr_L, nbr_R, ierr)
   CALL MPI_CART_SHIFT(comm0, 1, 1, nbr_B, nbr_T, ierr)