diff --git a/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90 b/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90
index c4d16a14a0cfdc5792bcfcc98ef8302a7e6c53f7..c449b1150b46cd02fe5c8531682113f35b3278fb 100644
--- a/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90
@@ -1,18 +1,18 @@
   nrun       = 99999999
   dt         = 0.01
-  tmax       = 500
+  tmax       = 50
   maxruntime = 72000
   job2load   = -1
-  pmax   = 4
-  jmax   = 2
-  Nx     = 128
+  pmax   = 2
+  jmax   = 1
+  Nx     = 64
   Lx     = 120
-  Ny     = 64
+  Ny     = 48
   Ly     = 120
-  Nz     = 24
+  Nz     = 16
   SG     = .f.
   Nexc   = 0
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
-  dtsave_3d = 5
+  dtsave_3d = 1
   dtsave_5d = 20
   write_doubleprecision = .f.
   write_gamma = .t.
@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
-  mu_x    = 1.0
-  mu_y    = 1.0
+  mu_x    = 0.0
+  mu_y    = 0.0
   N_HD    = 4
   mu_z    = 2.0
   HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'
   mu_p    = 0.0
   mu_j    = 0.0
-  nu      = 0.001
+  nu      = 0.1
   beta    = 0.0
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
-  GK_CO           = .f.
+  GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90 b/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90
index 4c2f8a920232e171d6e784da7a2a590722c58b98..fb603223a921e3028196463bb54b46357c2ccbe6 100644
--- a/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90
@@ -34,8 +34,8 @@
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
-  dtsave_3d = 5
-  dtsave_5d = 20
+  dtsave_3d = 1
+  dtsave_5d = 10
   write_doubleprecision = .f.
   write_gamma = .t.
   write_hf    = .t.
diff --git a/wk/fast_analysis.m b/wk/fast_analysis.m
index a4d580dd50ccf7392f8153c9f3a002ec89f1d5b9..6f3841cca6ad5f997056f69ce15c059a3f5fc1f6 100644
--- a/wk/fast_analysis.m
+++ b/wk/fast_analysis.m
@@ -23,7 +23,9 @@ PARTITION = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_muz_2.0_full_NL';
 % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_muz_2.0_muxy_0';
+%% testcases
 resdir = 'testcases/zpinch_example';
+% resdir = 'testcases/cyclone_example';
 J0 = 00; J1 = 10;
@@ -33,7 +35,7 @@ DATADIR = [PARTITION,resdir,'/'];
 data    = {};
 data    = compile_results_low_mem(data,DATADIR,J0,J1);
-if 1
+if 0
 %% Plot transport and phi radial profile
 [data.PHI, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = 'Q_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_i-n_e';
-options.PLAN      = 'xz';
+options.PLAN      = 'xy';
 % options.NAME      = 'f_i';
 % options.PLAN      = 'sx';
 options.COMP      = 'avg';
@@ -78,10 +80,10 @@ if 0
-if 0
+if 1
 %% Hermite-Laguerre spectrum
-[data.Nipjz, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'Nipjz');
-data.Nipjz = log(data.Nipjz);
+[data.Napjz, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3Da(DATADIR,J0,J1,'Napjz');
+% data.Nipjz = log(data.Nipjz);
 % options.TIME = 'avg';
 options.P2J        = 0;
 options.ST         = 1;