From a7017e860f275099715fc3b67dba1670d3ddce02 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2023 11:45:11 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] save scripts

 matlab/assemble_cosolver_matrices.m           |  71 ++++++++
 matlab/compile_results.m                      |   4 +-
 matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m            |  10 +-
 matlab/extract_fig_data.m                     |   3 +-
 matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m         |   4 +-
 matlab/load/load_write_mat.m                  |  15 ++
 matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m                 |   5 +-
 matlab/plot/create_film.m                     |   2 +-
 matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m                  |  99 +++++++----
 .../plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m     |   7 +-
 matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m           |  10 +-
 matlab/plot/top_title.m                       |   9 +
 matlab/setup.m                                |  23 +--
 matlab/write_fort90.m                         |   1 -
 .../old => }/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m                 | 114 ++++++------
 wk/analysis_gene.m                            |  29 +++-
 .../GX_2022_fig_1_1.txt                       |  11 ++
 .../GX_2022_fig_2_1.txt                       |  23 +++
 .../GX_2022_fig_4_1.txt                       |  93 ++++++++++
 .../GX_2022_fig_4_2.txt                       |   5 +
 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90  |  92 ++++++++++
 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/plot_GX_data.m  |  33 ++++
 wk/fast_analysis.m                            | 164 ++++++++----------
 wk/fast_heat_flux_analysis.m                  |  43 +++++
 wk/heat_flux_convergence_analysis.m           | 156 +++++++++++++++++
 wk/kTcrit_convergence_analysis.m              | 146 ++++++++++++++++
 wk/lin_ITG_salpha.m                           | 162 +++++++++++++++++
 wk/lin_Ivanov.m                               |   5 +-
 wk/load_metadata_scan.m                       |  17 +-
 wk/local_run.m                                |  38 ++--
 wk/multiple_kTscan_p2_analysis.m              | 113 +++++++++---
 wk/old scripts/header_dp.m                    |  67 +++++++
 wk/scan_lin_ITG.m                             | 163 +++++++++++++++++
 33 files changed, 1474 insertions(+), 263 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 matlab/assemble_cosolver_matrices.m
 create mode 100644 matlab/load/load_write_mat.m
 create mode 100644 matlab/plot/top_title.m
 rename wk/{benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old => }/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m (64%)
 create mode 100644 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_1_1.txt
 create mode 100644 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_2_1.txt
 create mode 100644 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_1.txt
 create mode 100644 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_2.txt
 create mode 100644 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90
 create mode 100644 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/plot_GX_data.m
 create mode 100644 wk/fast_heat_flux_analysis.m
 create mode 100644 wk/heat_flux_convergence_analysis.m
 create mode 100644 wk/kTcrit_convergence_analysis.m
 create mode 100644 wk/lin_ITG_salpha.m
 create mode 100644 wk/old scripts/header_dp.m
 create mode 100644 wk/scan_lin_ITG.m

diff --git a/matlab/assemble_cosolver_matrices.m b/matlab/assemble_cosolver_matrices.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf71b20b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/assemble_cosolver_matrices.m
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+codir  = '/home/ahoffman/cosolver/';
+matname= 'gk_sugama_tau1e-3_P4_J2_dk_5e-2_km_5.0_NFLR_5';
+matdir = [codir,'SGGK_tau1e-3_P4_J2_dk_0.05_kpm_5.0/matrices/'];
+kperp  = load([matdir,'']); 
+Nkp    = numel(kperp);
+outdir = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/';
+outfile= [outdir,matname,'.h5'];
+    system(['rm ',outdir,matname,'.h5']);
+Nmax = numel(kperp);
+for n_=1:Nmax
+    n_string = sprintf('%5.5d',n_); disp(n_string);
+    filename  = ['ei.',n_string,'.h5'];
+    if(exist([matdir,filename])>0)
+        % Load matrices and write them in one h5 file
+        olddname = '/Ceipj/CeipjF'; infile = [matdir,'ei.',n_string,'.h5'];
+        newdname = ['/',sprintf('%5.5d',n_-1),olddname];
+        load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname);
+        olddname = '/Ceipj/CeipjT'; infile = [matdir,'ei.',n_string,'.h5'];
+        newdname = ['/',sprintf('%5.5d',n_-1),olddname];
+        load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname);
+        olddname = '/Ciepj/CiepjT'; infile = [matdir,'ie.',n_string,'.h5'];
+        newdname = ['/',sprintf('%5.5d',n_-1),olddname];
+        load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname);
+        olddname = '/Ciepj/CiepjF'; infile = [matdir,'ie.',n_string,'.h5'];
+        newdname = ['/',sprintf('%5.5d',n_-1),olddname];
+        load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname);
+        olddname =  '/Caapj/Ceepj'; infile = [matdir,'self.',n_string,'.h5'];
+        newdname = ['/',sprintf('%5.5d',n_-1),olddname];
+        mat_ee   = load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname);
+        olddname =  '/Caapj/Ciipj'; infile = [matdir,'self.',n_string,'.h5'];
+        newdname = ['/',sprintf('%5.5d',n_-1),olddname];
+        mat_ii   = load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname);
+        % to verify symmetry
+        verif = max(abs(imag(eig(mat_ee)))) + max(abs(imag(eig(mat_ii))));
+        if(verif>0) disp(['Warning, non sym matrix at ', n_string]); end;
+        % to verify negative EV
+        verif = max(real(eig(mat_ee))) + max(real(eig(mat_ii)));
+        if(verif>0) disp(['Warning, positive EV at ', n_string]); end;
+    else
+        break
+    end
+olddname = '/Ceipj/CeipjF'; infile = [matdir,'ei.',n_string,'.h5'];
+Pmaxe    = h5readatt(infile,olddname,'Pmaxe');
+Jmaxe    = h5readatt(infile,olddname,'Jmaxe');
+Pmaxi    = h5readatt(infile,olddname,'Pmaxi');
+Jmaxi    = h5readatt(infile,olddname,'Jmaxi');
+dims_e   = [0 0];
+dims_e(1)= Pmaxe; dims_e(2) = Jmaxe;
+dims_i   = [Pmaxi; Jmaxi];
+h5write (outfile,'/dims_e',dims_e);
+h5write (outfile,'/dims_i',dims_i);
+h5write (outfile,'/coordkperp',kperp(1:Nmax)');
+fid =;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/compile_results.m b/matlab/compile_results.m
index 27c14463..e744f989 100644
--- a/matlab/compile_results.m
+++ b/matlab/compile_results.m
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@ while(CONTINUE)
         %% load results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
         disp(sprintf('Loading ID %.2d (%s)',JOBNUM,filename));
         % Loading from output file
-        CPUTIME   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','cpu_time');
-        DT_SIM    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','dt');
+        % CPUTIME   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','cpu_time');
+        % DT_SIM    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','dt');
         [Pe, Je, Pi, Ji, kx, ky, z] = load_grid_data(filename);
         W_GAMMA   = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','write_gamma'),'y');
         W_HF      = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','write_hf'   ),'y');
diff --git a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
index 30ab59ff..907aa85e 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
@@ -10,11 +10,11 @@ if numel(size(DATA.PHI)) == 3
     switch OPTIONS.iz
         case 'avg'
-            field = squeeze(mean(DATA.PHI,3));
+            field = reshape(mean(DATA.PHI,3),DATA.grids.Nky,DATA.grids.Nkx,numel(DATA.Ts3D));
             zstrcomp = 'z-avg';
-            field = squeeze(DATA.PHI(:,:,OPTIONS.iz,:));
-            zstrcomp = ['z=',DATA.z(OPTIONS.iz)];
+            field = reshape(DATA.PHI(:,:,OPTIONS.iz,:),DATA.grids.Nky,DATA.grids.Nkx,numel(DATA.Ts3D));
+            zstrcomp = ['z=',num2str(DATA.grids.z(OPTIONS.iz))];
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ TW = [OPTIONS.KY_TW; OPTIONS.KX_TW];
 [~,ikzf] = max(mean(squeeze(abs(field(1,:,FRAMES))),2));
-FIGURE.fig = figure; set(gcf, 'Position',  [100 100 1200 700])
+FIGURE.fig = figure; %set(gcf, 'Position',  [100 100 1200 700])
 FIGURE.FIGNAME = 'mode_growth_meter';
 for i = 1:2
     MODES_SELECTOR = i; %(1:kx=0; 2:ky=0)
@@ -185,5 +185,5 @@ if d
         title('Growth rates')   
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
index 825aff05..a9689411 100644
--- a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
+++ b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@ end
 % n1 = numel(X_);
 [~,n0] = min(abs(X_-tw(1)));
 [~,n1] = min(abs(X_-tw(2)));
-mvm = @(x) movmean(x,1);
+mvm = @(x) x;
+% mvm = @(x) movmean(x,1);
 shift = 0;%X_(n0);
 % shift = 0;
 skip = 1;
diff --git a/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m b/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
index dcc9ad2b..54ee00f4 100644
--- a/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
+++ b/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ while(CONTINUE)
         if openable
             %% load results %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-            disp(sprintf('Loading ID %.2d (%s)',JOBNUM,filename));
+            fprintf('Loading ID %.2d (%s)\n',JOBNUM,filename);
             % Loading from output file
             CPUTIME   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','cpu_time');
             DT_SIM    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','dt');
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ else
         DATA.grids.deltap = Parray(2)-Parray(1);
-        DATA.grids.deltap = 1
+        DATA.grids.deltap = 1;
     DATA.dir      = DIRECTORY;
     DATA.localdir = DIRECTORY;
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_write_mat.m b/matlab/load/load_write_mat.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3315b172
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/load/load_write_mat.m
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+function mat_ = load_write_mat(infile,olddname,outfile,newdname)
+    mat_     = h5read   (infile,olddname);
+    h5create  (outfile,newdname,size(mat_));
+    h5write   (outfile,newdname,mat_);
+    if(~strcmp(olddname(end-3:end-2),'ii'))
+        neFLR    = h5readatt(infile,olddname,'neFLR');
+        h5writeatt(outfile,newdname,'neFLR',neFLR);
+    end
+    if(~strcmp(olddname(end-3:end-2),'ee'))    
+        niFLR    = h5readatt(infile,olddname,'niFLR');
+        h5writeatt(outfile,newdname,'niFLR',niFLR);
+    end
diff --git a/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m b/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
index 3ca0baa1..ef4d4c2e 100644
--- a/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
+++ b/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
@@ -77,6 +77,9 @@ path = '/home/ahoffman/gene/linear_CBC_results/';
 % fname = 'CBC_miller_nz_24_nv_scan_nw_16_kine.txt';
 %---------- CBC
 % fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_adiabe.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_18_nv_18_nw_8_adiabe.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_18_nv_12_nw_8_adiabe.txt';
+fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_24_nv_60_nw_30_adiabe.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_salpha_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_kine.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_20_nz_32_nv_32_nw_12_adiabe.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_miller_nx_8_nz_24_nv_36_nw_16_adiabe.txt';
@@ -85,7 +88,7 @@ path = '/home/ahoffman/gene/linear_CBC_results/';
 %----------Convergence nv CBC
 % fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_8_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
 % fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_16_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
-fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_24_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_nv_scan_8x1x24_nw_24_Lv_3_Lw_6.txt';
 data_ = load([path,fname]);
diff --git a/matlab/plot/create_film.m b/matlab/plot/create_film.m
index 58b1baef..e727e49c 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/create_film.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/create_film.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ if hmax == hmin
     disp('Warning : h = hmin = hmax = const')
 % Setup figure frame
-fig  = figure('Color','white','Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 1.2 1]);
+fig  = figure('Color','white','Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[0 0 1.2 1]);
     if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx')
         pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,1)); % to set up
         if BWR
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m b/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m
index 686686f8..65e04b31 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_cosol_mat.m
@@ -97,30 +97,46 @@ subplot(224)
 if 0
 mfns = {...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_4.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12_k2trunc.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_30.h5',...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGK_P6_J3_dk_5e-2_km_2.5_NFLR_20.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_6_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5',...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk.hacked_sugama_P_10_J_5_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5',...
-%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk.hacked_sugama_P_4_J_2_N_75_kpm_5.0.h5',...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_4.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12_k2trunc.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_30.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGK_P6_J3_dk_5e-2_km_2.5_NFLR_20.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_6_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_landau_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_12.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_landau_P11_J7_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_16.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_tau1e-3_P11_J7_dk_5e-2_km_5.0_NFLR_12.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_tau1e-3_P4_J2_dk_5e-2_km_5.0_NFLR_5.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk.hacked_sugama_P_10_J_5_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';...
+%         '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk.hacked_sugama_P_4_J_2_N_75_kpm_5.0.h5';...
 CONAME_A = {...
-    'SG 20 10',...
-%     'PA 20 10',...
-%     'FC 10  5 NFLR 4',...
-%     'FC 10  5 NFLR 12',...
-%     'FC 10  5 NFLR 12 k<2', ...
-    'LD 6  3 NFLR 20', ...
-%     'FC 4 2 NFLR 6',...
-    'FC 4 2 NFLR 12', ...
-%     'Hacked SG A',...
-%     'Hacked SG B',...
+    'SG 20 10';...
+%     'PA 20 10';...
+%     'FC 10  5 NFLR 4';...
+%     'FC 10  5 NFLR 12';...
+%     'FC 10  5 NFLR 12 k<2';, ...
+    'LD 6  3 NFLR 20'; ...
+%     'FC 4 2 NFLR 6';...
+    'FC 4 2 NFLR 12'; ...
+    'LD 10 5 NFLR 12'; ...
+    'LD 11 7 NFLR 16'; ...
+    'SG 11 7 NFLR 12, tau 1e-3'; ...
+    'SG 4 2 NFLR 5, tau 1e-3'; ...
+%     'Hacked SG A';...
+%     'Hacked SG B';...
+TAU_A = [1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1e-3;...
+    1e-3;...
+    ];
 for j_ = 1:numel(mfns)
     mat_file_name = mfns{j_}; disp(mat_file_name);
@@ -135,9 +151,9 @@ for j_ = 1:numel(mfns)
         wmax(idx_+1) = max(abs(imag(eig(MAT)))); 
-    plot(kp_a,gmax,'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
+    plot(kp_a,gmax*TAU_A(j_),'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
-    plot(kp_a,wmax,'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
+    plot(kp_a,wmax*TAU_A(j_),'DisplayName',CONAME_A{j_}); hold on;
 legend('show'); grid on;
@@ -152,13 +168,34 @@ end
 if 0
 kperp= 1.5;
-mfns = {'/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5',...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5',...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_6_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5',...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5',...
-        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/LDGK_P6_J3_dk_5e-2_km_2.5_NFLR_20.h5',...
+mfns = {...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_6_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_landau_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_12.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_landau_P11_J7_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_16.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_tau1e-3_P11_J7_dk_5e-2_km_5.0_NFLR_12.h5';...
+        '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/iCa/gk_sugama_tau1e-3_P4_J2_dk_5e-2_km_5.0_NFLR_5.h5';...
-CONAME_A = {'SG 20 10','PA 20 10', 'FC 4 2 NFLR 6',  'FC 4 2 NFLR 12', 'LD 6 3 NFLR 12'};
+CONAME_A = {'SG 20 10';...
+    'PA 20 10';...
+    'FC 4 2 NFLR 6';...
+    'FC 4 2 NFLR 12';...
+    'LD 10 5 NFLR 12';...
+    'LD 11 7 NFLR 16';...
+    'SG 11 7 NFLR 12, tau 1e-3'; ...
+    'SG 4 2 NFLR 5, tau 1e-3'; ...
+    };
+TAU_A = [1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1;...
+    1e-3;...
+    1e-3;...
+    ];
 grow = {};
 puls = {};
 for j_ = 1:numel(mfns)
@@ -167,8 +204,8 @@ for j_ = 1:numel(mfns)
     [~,idx_]       = min(abs(kp_a-kperp));
     matidx        = sprintf('%5.5i',idx_);
     MAT           = h5read(mat_file_name,['/',matidx,'/Caapj/Ciipj']);
-    grow{j_}  = real(eig(MAT)); 
-    puls{j_}  = imag(eig(MAT)); 
+    grow{j_}  = real(eig(MAT))*TAU_A(j_); 
+    puls{j_}  = imag(eig(MAT))*TAU_A(j_); 
diff --git a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
index 84dacb44..4e2617cd 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime.m
@@ -28,10 +28,10 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA);
     FIGURE.ax1 = subplot(2,1,1,'parent',FIGURE.fig);
     for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
-            'color',clr_((DATA.grids.Np-1)/2+(ia-1),:),...
+            'color',clr_(max(1,(DATA.grids.Np-1)/2+(ia-1)),:),...
             'DisplayName',['$\Gamma_x$ ',DATA.paramshort]); hold on;
-            'color',clr_((DATA.grids.Np-1)/2+(ia-1),:),...
+            'color',clr_(max(1,(DATA.grids.Np-1)/2+(ia-1)),:),...
             'DisplayName',['$Q_x$ ',DATA.paramshort]); hold on;
@@ -84,6 +84,5 @@ mvm = @(x) movmean(x,OPTIONS.NMVA);
-    suptitle(DATA.paramshort)
+    top_title(DATA.paramshort)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m b/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m
index 3dcba78b..b77806a7 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/show_moments_spectrum.m
@@ -5,18 +5,16 @@ Pa = DATA.grids.Parray;
 Ja = DATA.grids.Jarray;
 Time_ = DATA.Ts3D;
 FIGURE.fig = figure; FIGURE.FIGNAME = ['mom_spectrum_',DATA.params_string];
-set(gcf, 'Position',  [100 50 1000 400])
+% set(gcf, 'Position',  [100 50 1000 400])
 if OPTIONS.ST == 0
     logname = 'log';
-%     compress = @(x,ia) (log(sum(abs(x(ia,:,:,:,:)),4)));
-    compress = @(x,ia) log(sum(abs(squeeze(x(:,:,:,:))),3));
+    compress = @(x,ia) log(sum(abs((x(:,:,:,:,:))),4));
     logname = '';
-%     compress = @(x,ia) (sum(abs(x(ia,:,:,:,:)),4));
-    compress = @(x,ia) sum(abs(squeeze(x(:,:,:,:))),3);
+    compress = @(x,ia) sum(abs((x(:,:,:,:,:))),4);
 for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
     Napjz = compress(DATA.Napjz,ia);
@@ -99,7 +97,7 @@ for ia = 1:DATA.inputs.Na
diff --git a/matlab/plot/top_title.m b/matlab/plot/top_title.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e59141d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/matlab/plot/top_title.m
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+function [] = top_title(title)
+% Home made function to use suptitle or sgtitle
+try % valid for matlab 2016
+    suptitle(title)
+catch % valid for matlab 2023
+    sgtitle(title)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/setup.m b/matlab/setup.m
index 6256ca69..3236997d 100644
--- a/matlab/setup.m
+++ b/matlab/setup.m
@@ -61,25 +61,28 @@ CLOSURE.nmax              = NMAX;
 COLL.collision_model = ['''',CO,''''];
 if (GKCO); COLL.GK_CO = '.true.'; else; COLL.GK_CO = '.false.';end;
 if (ABCO); COLL.INTERSPECIES = '.true.'; else; COLL.INTERSPECIES = '.false.';end;
-COLL.mat_file   = '''null''';
+COLL.mat_file   = 'null';
 switch CO
     case 'SG'
-        COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5''';
-%         COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/gk.hacked_sugama_P_10_J_5_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5''';
-%         COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/gk.hacked_sugama_P_4_J_2_N_75_kpm_5.0.h5''';
+        COLL.mat_file = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
+%         COLL.mat_file = 'gk.hacked_sugama_P_10_J_5_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
+%         COLL.mat_file = 'gk.hacked_sugama_P_4_J_2_N_75_kpm_5.0.h5';
     case 'LR'
-        COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5''';
+        COLL.mat_file = 'gk_pitchangle_8_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5';
     case 'LD'
-        COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5''';
-%         COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12_k2trunc.h5''';
-%         COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_30.h5''';        
-%         COLL.mat_file = '''../../../iCa/LDGK_P6_J3_dk_5e-2_km_2.5_NFLR_20.h5''';        
+        COLL.mat_file = 'gk_landau_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_12.h5';
+        % COLL.mat_file = 'gk_landau_P11_J7_dk_5e-2_km_2.0_NFLR_16.h5';
+        % COLL.mat_file = 'gk_coulomb_NFLR_12_P_4_J_2_N_50_kpm_4.0.h5';
+%         COLL.mat_file = 'LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_12_k2trunc.h5';
+%         COLL.mat_file = 'LDGKii_P10_J5_dk_5e-2_km_5_NFLR_30.h5';        
+%         COLL.mat_file = 'LDGK_P6_J3_dk_5e-2_km_2.5_NFLR_20.h5';        
+COLL.mat_file = [gyacomodir,'iCa/',COLL.mat_file];
+COLL.mat_file = ['''',COLL.mat_file,''''];
 COLL.coll_kcut = COLL_KCUT;
 % Time integration and intialization parameters
 TIME_INTEGRATION.numerical_scheme  = ['''',NUMERICAL_SCHEME,''''];
 INITIAL.init_background  = BCKGD0;
 INITIAL.init_noiselvl    = NOISE0;
 INITIAL.iseed            = 42;
diff --git a/matlab/write_fort90.m b/matlab/write_fort90.m
index badb02a2..eddf3778 100644
--- a/matlab/write_fort90.m
+++ b/matlab/write_fort90.m
@@ -108,7 +108,6 @@ fprintf(fid,'/\n');
 fprintf(fid,['  INIT_OPT      = ', INITIAL.INIT_OPT,'\n']);
-fprintf(fid,['  ACT_ON_MODES  = ', INITIAL.ACT_ON_MODES,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  init_background  = ', num2str(INITIAL.init_background),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  init_noiselvl = ', num2str(INITIAL.init_noiselvl),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  iseed         = ', num2str(INITIAL.iseed),'\n']);
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m b/wk/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
similarity index 64%
rename from wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
rename to wk/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
index fca6c554..d851b9c9 100644
--- a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
+++ b/wk/CBC_kT_nu_scan.m
@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_debug';
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo';
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp';
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-SIMID = 'p2_linear';  % Name of the simulation
-RERUN   = 0; % rerun if the data does not exist
+SIMID = 'p2_linear_new';  % Name of the simulation
+RERUN   = 1; % rerun if the data does not exist
 RUN     = 1;
-KT_a = [3:0.5:6.5 6.96];
-NU_a = [0 0.01:0.01:0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0];
+KT_a = [3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 6.0 6.5 6.96];
+NU_a = [0 0.001 0.002 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5];
 % KT_a = 3.5;
 % NU_a = 0.5;
-P    = 16;
-J    = 8;
+P    = 8;
+J    = 4;
 % collision setting
-CO        = 'DG';
-GKCO      = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
+CO        = 'LD';
+GKCO      = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
 COLL_KCUT = 1.75;
 % model
-KIN_E   = 0;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
+NA   = 1;         % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 1e-4;     % electron plasma beta
 % background gradients setting
 K_N    = 2.22;            % Density '''
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ K_N    = 2.22;            % Density '''
 GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
 % time and numerical grid
-DT     = 2e-3;
+DT     = 1e-2;
 TMAX   = 30;
 kymin  = 0.3;
 NY     = 2;
@@ -59,10 +59,8 @@ for KT = KT_a
     K_Ne    = K_N;            % ele Density '''
     K_Ni    = K_N;            % ion Density gradient drive
-    PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
-    JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
-    PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
-    JMAXI   = J;     % "
+    PMAX   = P;     % Hermite basis size
+    JMAX   = J;     % Laguerre "
     NX      = 8;    % real space x-gridpoints
     LX      = 2*pi/0.8;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
     LY      = 2*pi/kymin;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
@@ -81,12 +79,11 @@ for KT = KT_a
 %     PARALLEL_BC = 'periodic'; %'dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected'
     SHIFT_Y = 0.0;
-    SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS2D   = -1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
-    SPS5D   = 1/2;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
-    SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
-    JOB2LOAD= -1;
+    DTSAVE0D = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 0D arrays
+    DTSAVE2D = -1;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+    DTSAVE3D = 2;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
+    DTSAVE5D = 100;     % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+    JOB2LOAD = -1;     % Start a new simulation serie
     %% OPTIONS
     LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
     % Collision operator
@@ -106,12 +103,18 @@ for KT = KT_a
     % unused
+    ADIAB_E = (NA==1);
     HD_CO   = 0.0;    % Hyper diffusivity cutoff ratio
     MU      = 0.0; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
     INIT_BLOB = 0; WIPE_TURB = 0; ACT_ON_MODES = 0;
     MU_X    = MU;     %
     MU_Y    = MU;     %
     N_HD    = 4;
+    HYP_V   = 'none';
+    HRCY_CLOS = 'truncation';   % Closure model for higher order moments
+    DMAX      = -1;
+    NLIN_CLOS = 'truncation';   % Nonlinear closure model for higher order moments
+    NMAX      = 0;
     MU_Z    = 1.0;     %
     MU_P    = 0.0;     %
     MU_J    = 0.0;     %
@@ -126,43 +129,50 @@ for KT = KT_a
     filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
     LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
     % check if data exist to run if no data
-    data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
-    if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.NU_EVOL) || numel(data_.Ts3D)<10)
-        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    data_ = {};
+    try
+        data_ = compile_results_low_mem(data_,LOCALDIR,00,00);
+    catch
+        data_.outfilenames = [];
+    end
+    if RUN && (RERUN || isempty(data_.outfilenames))
+        system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+        % system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %         system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 3 2 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-    if ~isempty(data_.NU_EVOL)
-        if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
-        % Load results after trying to run
-        filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
-        LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
+    data_    = compile_results_low_mem(data_,LOCALDIR,00,00);
+    [data_.PHI, data_.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(LOCALDIR,00,00,'phi');
+    if numel(data_.Ts3D)>10
+    % Load results after trying to run
+    filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/'];
+    LOCALDIR  = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/'];
-        data_ = compile_results(LOCALDIR,0,0); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
+    data_    = compile_results_low_mem(data_,LOCALDIR,00,00);
+    [data_.PHI, data_.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(LOCALDIR,00,00,'phi');
-        % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
-        options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data_.Ts3D(end);
-        options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
-        options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
+    % linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
+    options.TRANGE = [0.5 1]*data_.Ts3D(end);
+    options.NPLOTS = 0; % 1 for only growth rate and error, 2 for omega local evolution, 3 for plot according to z
+    options.GOK    = 0; %plot 0: gamma 1: gamma/k 2: gamma^2/k^3
-        [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.5*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
-        [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
-        field   = 0;
-        field_t = 0;
-        for ik = 2:NY/2+1
-            field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
-            field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
-            to_measure  = log(field_t(it1:it2));
-            tw = data_.Ts3D(it1:it2);
-    %         gr = polyfit(tw,to_measure,1);
-            gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
-            err= confint(gr);
-            g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
-            g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
-        end
-        [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
+    [~,it1] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-0.5*data_.Ts3D(end))); % start of the measurement time window
+    [~,it2] = min(abs(data_.Ts3D-1.0*data_.Ts3D(end))); % end of ...
+    field   = 0;
+    field_t = 0;
+    for ik = 2:NY/2+1
+        field   = squeeze(sum(abs(data_.PHI),3)); % take the sum over z
+        field_t = squeeze(field(ik,1,:)); % take the kx =0, ky = ky mode only
+        to_measure  = log(field_t(it1:it2));
+        tw = double(data_.Ts3D(it1:it2));
+%         gr = polyfit(tw,to_measure,1);
+        gr = fit(tw,to_measure,'poly1');
+        err= confint(gr);
+        g_ky(i,j,ik)  = gr.p1;
+        g_std(i,j,ik) = abs(err(2,1)-err(1,1))/2;
+    end
+    [gmax, ikmax] = max(g_ky(i,j,:));
-        msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,; disp(msg);
-        end
+    msg = sprintf('gmax = %2.2f, kmax = %2.2f',gmax,; disp(msg);
     i = i + 1;
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gene.m b/wk/analysis_gene.m
index a968d3db..260cd105 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gene.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gene.m
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add
 %Paper 2
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_64x32x32x24x12_Nexc_5/';
-% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_00/';
-folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
+folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_00/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_01/';
@@ -66,18 +66,35 @@ folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
 % debug ? shearless
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/shearless_CBC_128x64x24x24x12_00/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/shearless_CBC_128x64x24x24x12_01/';
+if 0
 gene_data = load_gene_data(folder);
 gene_data.FIGDIR = folder;
 gene_data = invert_kxky_to_kykx_gene_results(gene_data);
-gene_data.grids.Np = gene_data.grids.Nvp-1;
-gene_data.grids.Nj = gene_data.grids.Nmu-1;
+gene_data.grids.Np = gene_data.grids.Nvp;
+gene_data.grids.Nj = gene_data.grids.Nmu;
 gene_data.CODENAME = 'GENE';
 gene_data.inputs = gene_data.grids;
 gene_data.inputs.Na = 1;
 gene_data.paramshort = gene_data.params_string;
+if 0
 %% Dashboard (Compilation of main plots of the sim)
+if 1
+nrgfile           = 'nrg.dat.h5';
+% nrgfile           = 'nrg_1.h5';
+T    = h5read([folder,nrgfile],'/nrgions/time');
+Qx   = h5read([folder,nrgfile],'/nrgions/Q_es');
+[~,it0] = min(abs(0.25*T(end)-T(end));
+Qavg = mean(Qx(it0:end));
+Qstd = std(Qx(it0:end));
 %% Separated plot routines
 if 0
 %% Space time diagramm (fig 11 Ivanov 2020)
@@ -88,8 +105,8 @@ options.ST_FIELD = '\phi';          % chose your field to plot in spacetime diag
 options.INTERP   = 1;
 options.NCUT     = 4;              % Number of cuts for averaging and error estimation
 options.RESOLUTION = 256;
-fig = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(gene_data,options);
+% save_figure(gene_data,fig,'.png')
 if 0
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_1_1.txt b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_1_1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a7cd5b85
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_1_1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+0.06956521739130439, 0.013548387096774195
+0.14021739130434785, 0.052258064516129035
+0.2108695652173913, 0.0903225806451613
+0.2804347826086957, 0.12129032258064516
+0.3532608695652174, 0.1393548387096774
+0.4217391304347826, 0.14516129032258066
+0.4945652173913043, 0.13870967741935483
+0.567391304347826, 0.12129032258064516
+0.6380434782608695, 0.09677419354838711
+0.708695652173913, 0.06580645161290323
+0.7782608695652173, 0.03290322580645161
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_2_1.txt b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_2_1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..245cf31d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_2_1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+0.07175398633257407, 0.029629629629629617
+0.14236902050113903, 0.09506172839506172
+0.21070615034168572, 0.1617283950617284
+0.28132118451025057, 0.21851851851851853
+0.35649202733485197, 0.2518518518518519
+0.4225512528473805, 0.26296296296296295
+0.4977220956719818, 0.25555555555555554
+0.5637813211845103, 0.2308641975308642
+0.6343963553530751, 0.1962962962962963
+0.7050113895216401, 0.14814814814814817
+0.7779043280182232, 0.09259259259259262
+0.8530751708428246, 0.07654320987654323
+0.9191343963553531, 0.08395061728395065
+0.9920273348519362, 0.09876543209876543
+1.0626423690205011, 0.11234567901234568
+1.1332574031890659, 0.1271604938271605
+1.2038724373576308, 0.14197530864197533
+1.2744874715261958, 0.1617283950617284
+1.347380410022779, 0.1777777777777778
+1.4225512528473803, 0.20246913580246914
+1.4908883826879271, 0.22345679012345682
+1.5546697038724373, 0.24320987654320989
+1.6298405466970387, 0.26790123456790127
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_1.txt b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_1.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6fddbc63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_1.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+7.9051383399209385, 0.03838771593090229
+28.985507246376812, 0.03838771593090229
+39.52569169960475, 0.7677543186180422
+44.795783926218746, 2.840690978886755
+50.06587615283263, 21.727447216890596
+57.971014492753625, 7.907869481765834
+71.1462450592885, 4.261036468330136
+92.22661396574438, 7.984644913627639
+110.67193675889325, 5.719769673704416
+126.48221343873519, 6.641074856046064
+142.29249011857706, 7.63915547024952
+163.37285902503294, 8.790786948176583
+179.18313570487481, 6.525911708253357
+189.7233201581028, 6.564299424184263
+202.8985507246377, 5.988483685220729
+229.24901185770744, 7.101727447216891
+252.96442687747043, 7.984644913627639
+274.0447957839262, 8.33013435700576
+297.76021080368906, 7.101727447216891
+316.20553359683794, 8.36852207293666
+334.6508563899868, 5.758157389635315
+363.63636363636357, 6.948176583493282
+384.71673254281956, 7.7543186180422286
+411.0671936758893, 6.410748560460654
+437.41765480895907, 7.216890595009598
+450.5928853754942, 6.410748560460654
+479.5783926218708, 8.675623800383878
+498.0237154150197, 6.142034548944338
+511.1989459815547, 7.4856046065259125
+521.7391304347825, 8.90595009596929
+534.9143610013175, 7.869481765834934
+553.3596837944665, 8.982725527831095
+577.0750988142292, 6.602687140115165
+600.790513833992, 7.7543186180422286
+637.68115942029, 6.180422264875244
+650.8563899868248, 7.4856046065259125
+664.0316205533597, 6.833013435700575
+674.5718050065877, 7.984644913627639
+700.9222661396575, 6.564299424184263
+727.2727272727273, 7.984644913627639
+748.353096179183, 7.063339731285989
+764.163372859025, 7.792706333973129
+790.5138339920948, 6.833013435700575
+816.8642951251647, 10.134357005758158
+827.4044795783927, 7.946257197696738
+848.4848484848483, 9.021113243761997
+861.6600790513835, 7.677543186180424
+877.4703557312253, 8.90595009596929
+898.5507246376812, 8.560460652591171
+924.901185770751, 6.218809980806142
+951.2516469038208, 7.7159309021113245
+967.0619235836627, 7.408829174664108
+980.2371541501975, 6.410748560460654
+1006.5876152832673, 8.17658349328215
+1043.478260869565, 7.216890595009598
+1104.0843214756258, 9.328214971209214
+1130.4347826086955, 7.370441458733206
+1148.8801054018445, 8.522072936660269
+1177.8656126482213, 6.679462571976966
+1214.756258234519, 7.44721689059501
+1251.6469038208168, 6.410748560460654
+1270.0922266139657, 7.4856046065259125
+1306.9828722002635, 6.218809980806142
+1341.2384716732543, 8.214971209213052
+1357.0487483530962, 7.63915547024952
+1375.494071146245, 9.289827255278313
+1396.574440052701, 6.90978886756238
+1422.9249011857708, 7.562380038387715
+1441.3702239789195, 6.948176583493282
+1454.5454545454545, 7.7159309021113245
+1470.3557312252965, 6.641074856046064
+1501.97628458498, 7.063339731285989
+1520.421607378129, 6.641074856046064
+1546.772068511199, 8.522072936660269
+1573.1225296442688, 6.871401151631478
+1591.5678524374177, 6.0268714011516344
+1615.2832674571805, 7.408829174664108
+1633.7285902503293, 7.293666026871401
+1665.3491436100132, 8.099808061420346
+1678.5243741765482, 6.602687140115165
+1686.429512516469, 7.332053742802303
+1702.239789196311, 5.758157389635315
+1733.8603425559945, 8.867562380038388
+1757.5757575757575, 6.756238003838774
+1786.561264822134, 7.946257197696738
+1802.3715415019765, 6.410748560460654
+1841.897233201581, 7.024952015355087
+1860.34255599473, 8.445297504798464
+1894.5981554677205, 7.024952015355087
+1913.0434782608695, 7.562380038387715
+1936.758893280632, 6.0268714011516344
+1965.744400527009, 7.4856046065259125
+1989.459815546772, 6.525911708253357
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_2.txt b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_2.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8259b204
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/GX_2022_fig_4_2.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+1, 0.07058823529411917
+1.498583569405099, 0.14117647058823657
+2, 3.31764705882353
+2.492917847025496, 7.48235294117647
+3, 12.376470588235291
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90 b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b4c87cc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+  nrun       = 100000000
+  dt         = 0.02
+  tmax       = 30
+  maxruntime = 356400
+  job2load   = -1
+  pmax  = 60
+  jmax  = 30
+  Nx     = 8
+  Lx     = 7.854
+  Ny     = 2
+  Ly     = 20.944
+  Nz     = 24
+  SG     = .false.
+  Nexc   = 1
+  geom   = 's-alpha'
+  q0     = 1.4
+  shear  = 0.8
+  eps    = 0.18
+  kappa  = 1
+  delta  = 0
+  zeta   = 0
+  parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
+  shift_y = 0
+  Npol    = 1
+  dtsave_0d = 1
+  dtsave_1d = -1
+  dtsave_2d = -1
+  dtsave_3d = 2
+  dtsave_5d = 100
+  write_doubleprecision = .false.
+  write_gamma = .true.
+  write_hf    = .true.
+  write_phi   = .true.
+  write_Na00  = .true.
+  write_Napj  = .false.
+  write_dens  = .false.
+  write_temp  = .true.
+  LINEARITY = 'linear'
+  Na      = 1
+  mu_x    = 0
+  mu_y    = 0
+  N_HD    = 4
+  mu_z    = 1
+  HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'
+  mu_p    = 0
+  mu_j    = 0
+  nu      = 0.1
+  k_gB    = 1
+  k_cB    = 1
+  lambdaD = 0
+  beta    = 0.0001
+  ADIAB_E = .true.
+  hierarchy_closure='truncation'
+  dmax             =-1
+  nonlinear_closure='truncation'
+  nmax             =0
+  name_  = ions 
+  tau_   = 1
+  sigma_ = 1
+  q_     = 1
+  K_N_   = 2.22
+  K_T_   = 3.5
+  collision_model = 'DG'
+  GK_CO      = .false.
+  INTERSPECIES    = .true.
+  mat_file        = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/oiCa/null'
+  collision_kcut  = 1.75
+  INIT_OPT      = 'phi'
+  init_background  = 0
+  init_noiselvl = 1e-05
+  iseed         = 42
+  numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/plot_GX_data.m b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/plot_GX_data.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..092a4e72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/plot_GX_data.m
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+% Linear CBC adiab. e, miller (figure 1 top)
+GX_data_ = load('/home/ahoffman/GX_paper_data/fig_1_1.txt');
+scale_x = 1.0; 
+scale_y = 2.777778; % gamma_AH/gamma_NM = R/a
+xlabel('$k_y\rho_i$'); ylabel('$\gamma R/v_{ti}$');
+title('(figure 1 top)');
+% Linear CBC kin. e, miller (figure 2 top left)
+GX_data_ = load('/home/ahoffman/GX_paper_data/fig_2_1.txt');
+scale_x = 1.0; 
+scale_y = 2.777778; % gamma_AH/gamma_NM = R/a
+xlabel('$k_y\rho_i$'); ylabel('$\gamma R/v_{ti}$');
+title('(figure 2 top left)');
+% Nonlinear heatflux, adiab. e, miller (figure 4 left)
+GX_data_ = load('/home/ahoffman/GX_paper_data/fig_4_1.txt');
+scale_x = 1/2.777778;  % t_AH/t_NM = (a/R)
+scale_y = 2.777778^2;
+xlabel('$tv_{ti}/R$'); ylabel('$Q_i/G_{GB}^R$');
+title('(figure 4 right)');
+% Dimits shift, adiab. e, miller (figure 4 right)
+GX_data_ = load('/home/ahoffman/GX_paper_data/fig_4_2.txt');
+scale_x = 2.777778; % wT_AH/wT_NM = a/R
+scale_y = 2.777778^2; % Q_AH/Q_NM = (a/R)^2
+xlabel('$R/L_T$'); ylabel('$Q_i/Q_{GB}^R$');
+title('(figure 4 right)');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/fast_analysis.m b/wk/fast_analysis.m
index ec4d127e..91e6f946 100644
--- a/wk/fast_analysis.m
+++ b/wk/fast_analysis.m
@@ -1,86 +1,64 @@
-% Directory of the code "mypathtogyacomo/gyacomo/"
+gyacomodir = pwd; gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2); % get code directory
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add
 % Partition of the computer where the data have to be searched
-% PARTITION  = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/';
-PARTITION = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
-%% CBC 
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/9x5x192x96x32_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/21x11x128x64x24_dp';
-%% tests single vs double precision
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_sp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_sp_clos_1';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/3x2x128x64x24_sp_muz_2.0';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/test_3x2x128x64x24_sp_muz_2.0';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/3x2x128x64x24_sp_clos_1';
-%% Marconi results
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_muz_2.0_muxy_0';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_SG';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_muz_2.0_full_NL';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/9x5x192x96x32_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
-% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
-%% low precision 3D ITG
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/CBC_3x2x64x48x16_CLOS_1';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/kT_0.0';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/kT_3.0';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/3x2x64x48x16/CBC';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/5x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/5x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/5x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/5x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/5x2x64x48x16/CBC';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/9x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/9x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/9x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/9x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/9x2x64x48x16/CBC';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/11x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/11x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/11x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/11x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/11x2x64x48x16/CBC';
-%% Box size effect on CBC
-% resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/7x4x128x64x24/CBC_L120';
-resdir = 'results/paper_2_GYAC23/7x4x128x64x24/CBC_L180';
-%% testcases
-% resdir = 'testcases/ITG_zpinch';
-% resdir = 'testcases/zpinch_example/results_trunc';
-% resdir = 'testcases/zpinch_example/results_maxd=2';
-% resdir = 'testcases/DLRA_zpinch/base_case';
-% resdir = 'testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_2';
-% resdir = 'testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_6';
-% resdir = 'testcases/cyclone_example';
+PARTITION  = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/';
+% PARTITION = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/';
+%% Tests
+% resdir = 'test_stepon_AA/CBC_stepon_AA';
+% resdir = 'test_stepon_AA/CBC_no_stepon_AA'; % No clear conclusions
+%% CBC benchmark
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/3x2x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/3x2x128x64x24_nu_5e-2';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/5x3x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/21x6x192x96x24';
+%% low precision kT scan
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/1x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/1x2x64x48x16/CBC_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/1x2x128x64x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/5x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/5x2x64x48x16/CBC_noise_init';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/9x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/11x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+%% Collision scan
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuLDGK_scan_CBC/7x2x64x48x16/nu_0.1';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuLDGK_scan_CBC/9x2x64x48x16/nu_0.1';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuLDGK_scan_CBC/9x2x64x48x16/nu_0.1';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24/nu_0.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24/nu_0.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuSGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x2x128x64x24/nu_0.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuSGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x2x128x64x24_Lx200/nu_0.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuLDGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x2x128x64x24/nu_0.01';
+%% kT eff study
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/kT_eff_study/1x3x128x64x24_kT_3.0/Lx120';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/kT_eff_study/1x3x128x64x24_kT_3.0/Lx240';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/kT_eff_study/3x3x128x64x24_kT_3.4/Lx120';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/kT_eff_study/3x3x128x64x24_kT_3.4/Lx240';
+resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/kT_eff_study/5x3x128x64x24_kT_3.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/kT_eff_study/7x3x128x64x24_kT_3.6';
 J0 = 00; J1 = 10;
@@ -102,15 +80,17 @@ options.NMVA     = 1;              % Moving average for time traces
 options.ST_FIELD = '\phi';          % chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (e.g \phi,v_x,G_x)
 options.INTERP   = 0;
 options.RESOLUTION = 256;
-fig = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(data,options);
 if 0
 %% MOVIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 % Options
+[data.PHI, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
 options.INTERP    = 1;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
 options.NAME      = '\phi';
+% options.NAME      = '\phi^{NZ}';
 % options.NAME      = '\omega_z';
 % options.NAME     = 'N_i^{00}';
 % options.NAME      = 's_{Ey}';
@@ -144,8 +124,8 @@ options.NORMALIZE = 0;
 options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
 % options.NAME      = '\phi';
 options.PLAN      = 'xy';
-options.COMP      = 'avg';
-options.TIME      = [800 900 1000];
+options.COMP      = 1;
+options.TIME      = [300];
 options.RESOLUTION = 256;
 fig = photomaton(data,options);
 % save_figure(data,fig)
@@ -155,25 +135,25 @@ if 0
-if 0
+if 1
 %% Hermite-Laguerre spectrum
-% [data.Napjz, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3Da(DATADIR,J0,J1,'Napjz');
-[data.Napjz, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'Nipjz');
-options.ST         = 0;
+[data.Napjz, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3Da(DATADIR,J0,J1,'Napjz');
+% [data.Napjz, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'Nipjz');
+options.ST         = 1;
 options.NORMALIZED = 0;
 options.LOGSCALE   = 1;
 options.FILTER     = 0; %filter the 50% time-average of the spectrum from
 fig = show_moments_spectrum(data,options);
-if 0
+if 1
 %% Mode evolution
 [data.PHI, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi');
 options.NORMALIZED = 0;
 options.TIME   = [000:9000];
-options.KX_TW  = [1 80]; %kx Growth rate time window
-options.KY_TW  = [0 80];  %ky Growth rate time window
+options.KX_TW  = [30 40]; %kx Growth rate time window
+options.KY_TW  = [10 20];  %ky Growth rate time window
 options.NMA    = 1;
 options.NMODES = 800;
 options.iz     = 'avg'; % avg or index
diff --git a/wk/fast_heat_flux_analysis.m b/wk/fast_heat_flux_analysis.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e602d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/fast_heat_flux_analysis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+%% Analysis of sequential kT scans
+% resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/5x3x128x64x24_dp/';
+% resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/7x4x128x64x24_dp/';
+resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/9x5x128x64x24_dp/';
+Jobs    = [0 2 3 4 5];
+kTA     = 0*Jobs;
+kNA     = 0*Jobs;
+QxstdA  = kTA;
+QxavgA  = kTA;
+for ij = 1:numel(Jobs)
+    data = {};
+    data    = compile_results_low_mem(data,resdir,Jobs(ij),Jobs(ij));
+    % fast heat flux analysis
+    T    = data.Ts0D-data.Ts0D(1);
+    Qx   = data.HFLUX_X;
+    [~,it0] = min(abs(0.25*T(end)-T));
+    Qavg = mean(Qx(it0:end));
+    Qstd = std(Qx(it0:end));
+    kTA(ij)    = data.inputs.K_T;
+    kNA(ij)    = data.inputs.K_N;
+    QxavgA(ij) = Qavg;
+    QxstdA(ij) = Qstd;
+    subplot(121)
+    plot(T,Qx,'DisplayName',['$\kappa_T=',num2str(data.inputs.K_T),'$']); hold on
+    plot([T(it0) T(end)],Qavg*[1 1],'--k','DisplayName',...
+    ['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+[~,indices] = sort(kTA);
+kTA = kTA(indices);
+kNA = kNA(indices);
+QxavgA = QxavgA(indices);
+QxstdA = QxstdA(indices);
+% Plots
+    'DisplayName','GYAC LD CBC ($\nu_{DGDK}=0.05$)'); hold on
+xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$\chi$')
diff --git a/wk/heat_flux_convergence_analysis.m b/wk/heat_flux_convergence_analysis.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b80aa6ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/heat_flux_convergence_analysis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+if 0
+    %% GYAC Local low res
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/3x2x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/5x2x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/7x3x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/9x2x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/11x2x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/17x2x64x48x16/CBC/';
+    data = {};
+    data    = compile_results_low_mem(data,resdir,00,10);
+    % fast heat flux analysis
+    T    = data.Ts0D;
+    Qx   = data.HFLUX_X;
+    [~,it0] = min(abs(0.25*T(end)-T));
+    Qavg = mean(Qx(it0:end));
+    Qstd = std(Qx(it0:end));
+    figure
+    plot(T,Qx); hold on
+    plot([T(it0) T(end)],Qavg*[1 1],'--k','DisplayName',...
+    ['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+    legend('show')
+    disp(['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+if 1
+%% Manually gathered data
+QvsPJ = [...
+   %vp mu  Qxav  Qxer   kT
+    03 02 62.19 26.46 6.96;...
+    05 02 51.49 08.38 6.96;...
+    07 03 50.08 08.38 6.96;...
+    09 02 42.49 08.52 6.96;...
+    11 02 36.84 07.22 6.96;... % 192x96 instead of 128x64
+    17 02 37.26 07.63 6.96;...
+    'DisplayName','GYAC 64x48x16 ($\nu_{DGDK}=0.001$)'); hold on
+if 0
+%% Manually gathered data
+QvsPJ = [... % Old results done with nu = 0.05
+   %vp mu  Qxav  Qxer   kT
+    03 02 97.38 17.42 6.96;...
+    05 02 64.80 13.50 6.96;...
+    09 02 54.19 10.56 6.96;...
+    11 02 59.57 13.58 6.96;... % 192x96 instead of 128x64
+    'DisplayName','GYAC 64x48x16 ($\nu_{DGDK}=0.05$)'); hold on
+if 0
+    %% GYAC Marconi standard res   
+% Marconi standard res    
+    % resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/3x2x128x64x24/';
+%     resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/3x2x128x64x24_nu_5e-2/';
+%     resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/5x3x128x64x24/';
+%     resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x128x64x24/';
+%     resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/7x4x128x64x24/CBC_L120/';
+%     resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/7x4x128x64x24/CBC_L180/';
+%     resdir = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/21x6x192x96x24/';
+    data = {};
+    data    = compile_results_low_mem(data,resdir,00,10);
+    % fast heat flux analysis
+    T    = data.Ts0D;
+    Qx   = data.HFLUX_X;
+    [~,it0] = min(abs(0.25*T(end)-T));
+    Qavg = mean(Qx(it0:end));
+    Qstd = std(Qx(it0:end));
+    figure
+    plot(T,Qx); hold on
+    plot([T(it0) T(end)],Qavg*[1 1],'--k','DisplayName',...
+    ['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+    legend('show')
+    disp(['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+if 1
+%% Manually gathered data
+QvsPJ = [...
+   %vp mu  Qxav  Qxer   kT
+    03 02 43.60 11.47 6.96;...
+    03 02 65.03 17.79 6.96;... % nuDGDK = 0.05 instead of 0.001
+    05 03 44.08 06.51 6.96;...
+    07 04 33.09 04.85 6.96;...
+    07 04 35.31 04.15 6.96;... % other run
+    07 04 37.60 04.65 6.96;... % L=180
+    21 06 33.07 05.31 6.96;... % 192x96 instead of 128x64
+    % 21 11 00.00 00.00 6.96;... % 192x96 instead of 128x64
+%     figure
+    'DisplayName','GYAC 128x64x24 ($\nu_{DGDK}=0.001$)')
+if 0
+    %% GENE
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_64x32x32x24x12_Nexc_5/';
+%     folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_00/';
+%     folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_00/';
+%     folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_00/';
+%     folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_6.96_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_01/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_00/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x32x16_Nexc_5_01/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_5.3_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_5.3_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5/';
+    folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_6.96_128x64x24x8x4_Nexc_5_smallvbox/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/new_sim/KT_6.96_128x64x24x16x8_Nexc_5_largexbox/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x24x16x8_Muz_0.02/';
+    % folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/128x64x16x6x4/';
+    % fast heat flux analysis
+    nrgfile           = 'nrg.dat.h5';
+    % nrgfile           = 'nrg_1.h5';
+    T    = h5read([folder,nrgfile],'/nrgions/time');
+    Qx   = h5read([folder,nrgfile],'/nrgions/Q_es');
+    [~,it0] = min(abs(0.25*T(end)-T));
+    Qavg = mean(Qx(it0:end));
+    Qstd = std(Qx(it0:end));
+    figure
+    plot(T,Qx); hold on
+    plot([T(it0) T(end)],Qavg*[1 1],'--k','DisplayName',...
+    ['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+    legend('show')
+    disp(['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qavg),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qstd),'$']);
+if 1
+%% Manually gathered data
+    QvsNv = [...
+       %vp mu  Qxav Qxer   kT
+        06 04 17.90 6.85 6.96;...
+        08 04 02.01 0.59 6.96;...
+        08 04 13.12 3.20 6.96;...
+        16 08 38.13 6.08 6.96;...
+        16 08 35.74 4.85 6.96;...
+        32 16 33.10 7.01 6.96;...
+    ];
+%         figure
+    errorbar((QvsNv(:,1).*QvsNv(:,2)),QvsNv(:,3),QvsNv(:,4),'--sk',...
+        'DisplayName','GENE 128x64x24')
+%         QvsNv = [...
+%            %vp mu  Qxav Qxer   kT
+%             32 16 00.32 0.09 5.30;...
+%             16 08 00.77 0.18 5.30;...
+%         ];
+%         figure
+%         errorbar(QvsNv(:,1).*QvsNv(:,2)/2,QvsNv(:,3),QvsNv(:,4),'sk')
+%         legend('GENE KT=5.3');
+xlabel('$N_{v\parallel}\times N_{\mu}$'); ylabel('$Q_x$');
+top_title('collisionless CBC');
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/kTcrit_convergence_analysis.m b/wk/kTcrit_convergence_analysis.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fe674244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/kTcrit_convergence_analysis.m
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+%% Results of a scan to check the critical kT
+% We set kTcrit as the value where the heat flux can increase by two order
+% of magnitude on 50 t.u. (i.e. from 1e-20 to 1e-18) with an phi backg init
+% of amplitude 1e-5 and on the mode ky=0.2. When the last heat flux value
+% is larger than 1e-15 we fix it as kTmin. Then we decrease kT by 0.1 and
+% rerun. If 1e-15 is not reached, this value is kTcrit. Otherwise iterate.
+% Note: this criterium is equivalent to gamma<0.05
+% P J kTcrit
+kTcritP0 = [...
+0 1 3.5;...    
+0 2 2.5;...    
+0 3 2.3;...    
+0 4 2.4;...    
+0 5 2.5;...    
+0 6 2.7;...    
+0 7 2.9;...    
+0 8 2.9;...    
+kTcritP1 = [... %used ky=0.3
+1 1 4.4;...    
+1 2 3.5;...    
+1 3 3.5;...    
+1 4 3.8;...    
+1 5 4.4;...    
+% 1 6 0;...    
+% 1 7 0;...    
+% 1 8 0;...    
+kTcritP2 = [...
+% 2 1 0;...    
+% 2 2 0;...    
+% 2 3 0;...    
+% 2 4 0;...    
+% 2 5 0;...    
+% 2 6 0;...    
+% 2 7 0;...    
+% 2 8 0;...    
+kTcritP3 = [...
+% 3 1 0;...    
+% 3 2 0;...    
+% 3 3 0;...    
+% 3 4 0;...    
+% 3 5 0;...    
+% 3 6 0;...    
+% 3 7 0;...    
+% 3 8 0;...    
+kTcritP4 = [...
+4 1 3.5;...    
+4 2 2.8;...    
+4 3 2.8;...    
+4 4 3.0;...    
+4 5 4.2;...    
+4 6 3.7;...    
+4 7 3.4;...    
+4 8 3.3;...    
+kTcritP5 = [...
+5 1 3.8;...    
+5 2 2.9;...    
+5 3 3.0;...    
+5 4 3.6;...    
+5 5 4.2;...    
+5 6 3.9;...    
+5 7 3.6;...    
+5 8 3.5;...    
+kTcritP6 = [...
+6 1 3.7;...    
+6 2 2.9;...    
+6 3 2.9;...    
+6 4 3.1;...    
+6 5 4.2;...    
+6 6 3.8;...    
+6 7 3.6;...    
+6 8 3.4;...    
+kTcritP7 = [...
+7 1 4.0;...    
+7 2 3.1;...    
+7 3 3.2;...    
+7 4 3.7;...    
+7 5 4.4;...    
+7 6 4.0;...    
+7 7 3.7;...    
+7 8 3.6;...    
+kTcritP8 = [...
+8 1 4.0;...    
+8 2 3.1;...    
+8 3 3.0;...    
+8 4 3.3;...    
+8 5 4.4;...    
+8 6 4.0;...    
+8 7 3.7;...    
+8 8 3.5;...    
+kTcritP12 = [...
+12 2 3.5;...    
+12 4 3.9;...    
+12 6 4.3;...    
+12 8 3.8;...    
+12 10 3.7;...    
+12 12 4.0;...    
+kT_tot = [kTcritP0; kTcritP1; kTcritP2; kTcritP3; kTcritP4; kTcritP5; kTcritP6; kTcritP7; kTcritP8; kTcritP12];
+% Stability map
+Np = 12;
+kT_map = zeros(Np);
+[XX,YY] = meshgrid(0:Np,0:Np);
+sz = size(kT_tot);
+for i = 1:sz(1)
+  kT_map(kT_tot(i,1)+1,kT_tot(i,2)+1) = kT_tot(i,3)-4;
+plot(kTcritP0(:,2),kTcritP0(:,3),'--o','DisplayName',num2str(kTcritP0(1,1))); hold on;
+plot(kTcritP4(:,2),kTcritP4(:,3),'--o','DisplayName',num2str(kTcritP4(1,1))); hold on;
+plot(kTcritP5(:,2),kTcritP5(:,3),'--o','DisplayName',num2str(kTcritP5(1,1))); hold on;
+ylim([0 5]);
+% bubblechart(kTcritP0(:,1),kTcritP0(:,2),kTcritP0(:,3)); hold on
+% bubblechart(kTcritP4(:,1),kTcritP4(:,2),kTcritP4(:,3)); hold on
+% bubblechart(kTcritP5(:,1),kTcritP5(:,2),kTcritP5(:,3))
+% bubblechart(kTcritP6(:,1),kTcritP6(:,2),kTcritP6(:,3))
+% bubblechart(kTcritP7(:,1),kTcritP7(:,2),kTcritP7(:,3))
+% bubblechart(kTcritP8(:,1),kTcritP8(:,2),kTcritP8(:,3))
+% bubblechart(kTcritP12(:,1),kTcritP12(:,2),kTcritP12(:,3))
diff --git a/wk/lin_ITG_salpha.m b/wk/lin_ITG_salpha.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9ac342f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/lin_ITG_salpha.m
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+% This script creates a directory in /results and runs a simulation directly
+% from the Matlab framework. It is meant to run only small problems in linear
+% for benchmarking and debugging purposes since it makes Matlab "busy".
+%% Set up the paths for the necessary Matlab modules
+gyacomodir = pwd;
+gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % Add matlab module
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % Add plot module
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % Add compute module
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % Add load module
+%% Set simulation parameters
+SIMID = 'lin_ITG'; % Name of the simulation
+RUN = 0; % To run or just to load
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp'; % single precision
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
+%% Set up physical parameters
+CLUSTER.TIME = '99:00:00';  % Allocation time hh:mm:ss
+NU = 0.001;                 % Collision frequency
+TAU = 1.0;                  % e/i temperature ratio
+K_Ne = 0*2.22;              % ele Density
+K_Te = 0*6.96;              % ele Temperature
+K_Ni = 2.22;              % ion Density gradient drive
+K_Ti = 5.3;              % ion Temperature
+SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;        % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+NA = 1;                     % number of kinetic species
+ADIAB_E = (NA==1);          % adiabatic electron model
+BETA = 0.0;                 % electron plasma beta
+%% Set up grid parameters
+P = 60;
+J = 30;%P/2;
+PMAX = P;                   % Hermite basis size
+JMAX = J;                   % Laguerre basis size
+NX = 8;                     % real space x-gridpoints
+NY = 2;                    % real space y-gridpoints
+LX = 2*pi/0.05;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in x direction
+LY = 2*pi/0.3;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in y direction
+NZ = 24;                    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
+SG = 0;                     % Staggered z grids option
+NEXC = 1;                   % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
+GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
+EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
+Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
+SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
+KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
+DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
+ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
+PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; % Boundary condition for parallel direction ('dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected')
+SHIFT_Y = 0.0;    % Shift in the periodic BC in z
+NPOL   = 1;       % Number of poloidal turns
+TMAX     = 50;  % Maximal time unit
+DT       = 1e-3;   % Time step
+DTSAVE0D = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 0D arrays
+DTSAVE2D = -1;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+DTSAVE3D = 2;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
+DTSAVE5D = 100;     % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+JOB2LOAD = -1;     % Start a new simulation serie
+LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
+CO        = 'DG';       % Collision operator (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+GKCO      = 0;          % Gyrokinetic operator
+ABCO      = 1;          % INTERSPECIES collisions
+INIT_ZF   = 0;          % Initialize zero-field quantities
+HRCY_CLOS = 'truncation';   % Closure model for higher order moments
+DMAX      = -1;
+NLIN_CLOS = 'truncation';   % Nonlinear closure model for higher order moments
+NMAX      = 0;
+KERN      = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
+INIT_OPT  = 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
+NUMERICAL_SCHEME = 'RK4'; % Numerical integration scheme (RK2,SSPx_RK2,RK3,SSP_RK3,SSPx_RK3,IMEX_SSP2,ARK2,RK4,DOPRI5)
+W_DOUBLE = 1;     % Output flag for double moments
+W_GAMMA  = 1;     % Output flag for gamma (Gyrokinetic Energy)
+W_HF     = 1;     % Output flag for high-frequency potential energy
+W_PHI    = 1;     % Output flag for potential
+W_NA00   = 1;     % Output flag for nalpha00 (density of species alpha)
+W_DENS   = 1;     % Output flag for total density
+W_TEMP   = 1;     % Output flag for temperature
+W_NAPJ   = 1;     % Output flag for nalphaparallel (parallel momentum of species alpha)
+W_SAPJ   = 0;     % Output flag for saparallel (parallel current of species alpha)
+% These parameters are usually not to play with in linear runs
+MU      = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
+MU_X    = MU;     % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in x direction
+MU_Y    = MU;     % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in y direction
+N_HD    = 4;      % Degree of spatial-hyperdiffusivity
+MU_Z    = 2.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in z direction
+HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'; % Kinetic-hyperdiffusivity model
+MU_P    = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient for Hermite
+MU_J    = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient for Laguerre
+LAMBDAD = 0.0;    % Lambda Debye
+NOISE0  = 0.0e-5; % Initial noise amplitude
+BCKGD0  = 1.0e-5;    % Initial background
+k_gB   = 1.0;     % Magnetic gradient strength
+k_cB   = 1.0;     % Magnetic curvature strength
+COLL_KCUT = 1000; % Cutoff for collision operator
+%% RUN
+% system(['rm fort*.90']);
+% Run linear simulation
+if RUN
+    MVIN =['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/;'];
+%     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0;'];
+    RUN  =['time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
+%     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0;'];
+%     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0;'];
+    MVOUT='cd ../../../wk;';
+    system([MVIN,RUN,MVOUT]);
+%% Analysis
+% load
+filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/']; % Create the filename based on SIMID and PARAMS
+LOCALDIR = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/']; % Create the local directory path based on gyacomodir, results directory, and filename
+FIGDIR   = LOCALDIR; % Set FIGDIR to the same path as LOCALDIR
+% Load outputs from jobnummin up to jobnummax
+J0 = 0; J1 = 0;
+data = {}; % Initialize data as an empty cell array
+% load grids, inputs, and time traces
+data = compile_results_low_mem(data,LOCALDIR,J0,J1); 
+if 0
+%% Plot heat flux evolution
+xlabel('$tc_s/R$'); ylabel('$Q_x$');
+if 1 % Activate or not
+%% plot mode evolution and growth rates
+% Load phi
+[data.PHI, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(LOCALDIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+options.NORMALIZED = 0; 
+options.TIME   = data.Ts3D;
+ % Time window to measure the growth of kx/ky modes
+options.KX_TW  = [0.2 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.KY_TW  = [0.2 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.NMA    = 1; % Set NMA option to 1
+options.NMODES = 999; % Set how much modes we study
+options.iz     = 'avg'; % Compressing z
+options.ik     = 1; %
+options.fftz.flag = 0; % Set fftz.flag option to 0
+fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options); % Call the function mode_growth_meter with data and options as input arguments, and store the result in fig
diff --git a/wk/lin_Ivanov.m b/wk/lin_Ivanov.m
index ec997fc0..3fd95e20 100644
--- a/wk/lin_Ivanov.m
+++ b/wk/lin_Ivanov.m
@@ -18,10 +18,11 @@ default_plots_options
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
 % To compile single precision gyacomo do 'make clean; make sp' in the /gyacomo folder
 EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp'; % single precision
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_debug'; % single precision
 %% Set up physical parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME = '99:00:00';  % Allocation time hh:mm:ss
 TAU = 1e-2;                  % e/i temperature ratio
-NU = 0.05/TAU;                 % Collision frequency
+NU = 0.1/TAU;                 % Collision frequency
 K_Ne = 0*2.22;              % ele Density
 K_Te = 0*6.96;              % ele Temperature
 K_Ni = 0*2.22;              % ion Density gradient drive
@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ JOB2LOAD = -1;     % Start a new simulation serie
 LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
-CO        = 'DG';       % Collision operator (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+CO        = 'IV';       % Collision operator (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
 GKCO      = 1;          % Gyrokinetic operator
 ABCO      = 1;          % INTERSPECIES collisions
 INIT_ZF   = 0;          % Initialize zero-field quantities
diff --git a/wk/load_metadata_scan.m b/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
index df8ed3ec..8dede8e1 100644
--- a/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
+++ b/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 % Metadata path
+gyacomodir  = pwd;
+gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % ... add
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0';
 %% Scans over KT and NU, keeping ky, CO constant (CBC_kT_nu_scan.m)
 % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3_6.96_nu_0_1_DGDK.mat';
 % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_P_8_J_4_kT_3_6.96_nu_0_1_DGDK.mat';
@@ -13,7 +19,7 @@
 % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_SGGK_P_2_20_KT_6.96.mat';
 %  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_hypcoll_P_2_30_KT_6.96.mat';
 %  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_hypcoll_P_2_30_KT_5.3.mat';
- datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_30_KT_6.96.mat';
+ % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_30_KT_6.96.mat';
 %  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_10_KT_6.96.mat';
 %  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_6_10_KT_6.96.mat';
 %  datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_nu_0.01_1_dvpar4_P_2_10_KT_5.3.mat';
@@ -22,6 +28,15 @@
 % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_30_kT_5.3_DGDK_0.05.mat';
 % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_20_kT_6.96_DGDK_0.02.mat';
 % datafname = 'p2_linear/8x24_ky_0.3_J_2_15_P_2_30_kT_5.3_DGDK_0.025.mat';
+%% new
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_IVDK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_DGDK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_DGGK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_SGGK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_4_J_2_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_LDGK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_6_J_3_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_DGGK.mat';
+% datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_6_J_3_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_SGGK.mat';
+datafname = 'p2_linear_new/8x24_ky_0.3_P_6_J_3_kT_3.5_6.96_nu_0_0.5_LDGK.mat';
 %% Load data
 fname = ['../results/',datafname];
 d = load(fname);
diff --git a/wk/local_run.m b/wk/local_run.m
index 36969a57..1e3a3db6 100644
--- a/wk/local_run.m
+++ b/wk/local_run.m
@@ -15,33 +15,33 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % Add load module
 SIMID = 'dbg'; % Name of the simulation
 RUN = 1; % To run or just to load
-% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp'; % single precision
-EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp'; % single precision
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
 %% Set up physical parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME = '99:00:00';  % Allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU = 0.05;                 % Collision frequency
+NU = 0.001;                 % Collision frequency
 TAU = 1.0;                  % e/i temperature ratio
 K_Ne = 0*2.22;              % ele Density
 K_Te = 0*6.96;              % ele Temperature
 K_Ni = 1*2.22;              % ion Density gradient drive
-K_Ti = 3.6;              % ion Temperature
+K_Ti = 5.0;              % ion Temperature
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;        % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 NA = 1;                     % number of kinetic species
 ADIAB_E = (NA==1);          % adiabatic electron model
 BETA = 0.0;                 % electron plasma beta
 %% Set up grid parameters
-P = 6;
-J = 2;%P/2;
+P = 1;
+J = 1;%P/2;
 PMAX = P;                   % Hermite basis size
 JMAX = J;                   % Laguerre basis size
-NX = 16;                     % real space x-gridpoints
-NY = 8;                    % real space y-gridpoints
+NX = 4;                     % real space x-gridpoints
+NY = 2;                    % real space y-gridpoints
 LX = 2*pi/0.1;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in x direction
-LY = 2*pi/0.2;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in y direction
-NZ = 16;                    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
+LY = 2*pi/0.3;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in y direction
+NZ = 24;                    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 SG = 0;                     % Staggered z grids option
-NEXC = 0;                   % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
+NEXC = 1;                   % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
 GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
@@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ SHIFT_Y = 0.0;    % Shift in the periodic BC in z
 NPOL   = 1;       % Number of poloidal turns
-TMAX     = 200;  % Maximal time unit
-DT       = 2e-2;   % Time step
+TMAX     = 50;  % Maximal time unit
+DT       = 1e-2;   % Time step
 DTSAVE0D = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 0D arrays
 DTSAVE2D = -1;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 DTSAVE3D = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
-DTSAVE5D = 20;     % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+DTSAVE5D = 100;     % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 JOB2LOAD = -1;     % Start a new simulation serie
@@ -99,12 +99,12 @@ MU_X    = MU;     % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in x direction
 MU_Y    = MU;     % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in y direction
 N_HD    = 4;      % Degree of spatial-hyperdiffusivity
 MU_Z    = 2.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in z direction
-HYP_V   = 'dvpar4'; % Kinetic-hyperdiffusivity model
+HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'; % Kinetic-hyperdiffusivity model
 MU_P    = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient for Hermite
 MU_J    = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient for Laguerre
 LAMBDAD = 0.0;    % Lambda Debye
-NOISE0  = 1.0e-5; % Initial noise amplitude
-BCKGD0  = 0.0;    % Initial background
+NOISE0  = 0.0e-5; % Initial noise amplitude
+BCKGD0  = 1.0e-5;    % Initial background
 k_gB   = 1.0;     % Magnetic gradient strength
 k_cB   = 1.0;     % Magnetic curvature strength
 COLL_KCUT = 1000; % Cutoff for collision operator
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ setup
 if RUN
     MVIN =['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/;'];
 %     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0;'];
-    RUN  =['time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0;'];
+    RUN  =['time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
 %     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0;'];
 %     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0;'];
     MVOUT='cd ../../../wk;';
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ data = {}; % Initialize data as an empty cell array
 % load grids, inputs, and time traces
 data = compile_results_low_mem(data,LOCALDIR,J0,J1); 
-if 1
+if 0
 %% Plot heat flux evolution
diff --git a/wk/multiple_kTscan_p2_analysis.m b/wk/multiple_kTscan_p2_analysis.m
index 4f557fbd..02604c12 100644
--- a/wk/multiple_kTscan_p2_analysis.m
+++ b/wk/multiple_kTscan_p2_analysis.m
@@ -1,44 +1,61 @@
 clrs_ = lines(10);
-scantype = 'nuscan';
-% scantype = 'kTscan';
+% resdir = '5x3x128x64x24'; clr_ = clrs_(1,:);   CBC_res = [44.08 06.51]; kTthresh = 2.8;
+% resdir = '7x4x128x64x24'; clr_ = clrs_(2,:);   CBC_res = [44.08 06.51]; kTthresh = 2.9;
+% resdir = '9x2x128x64x24'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); CBC_res = [37.60 04.65]; kTthresh = 3.3;
+% resdir = '9x2x128x64x24_Lx200'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); CBC_res = [37.60 04.65]; kTthresh = 3.3;
+% resdir = '9x5x128x64x24'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); CBC_res = [37.60 04.65]; kTthresh = 3.3;
+% resdir = '9x5x128x64x24_Lx200'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); CBC_res = [37.60 04.65]; kTthresh = 3.3;
+% resdir = '13x2x128x64x24'; clr_ = clrs_(4,:); CBC_res = [36.84 07.22]; kTthresh = 4.4;
+resdir = '13x5x128x64x24'; clr_ = clrs_(4,:); CBC_res = [37.60 04.65]; kTthresh = 3.9;
-switch scantype
-    case 'kTscan'
-%     resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/5x3x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(1,:); xname = '$\kappa_T (\kappa_N=2.22)$';
-%     resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/7x4x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(2,:); xname = '$\kappa_T (\kappa_N=2.22)$';
-    resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/9x5x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); xname = '$\kappa_T (\kappa_N=2.22)$';
-    case 'nuscan'
-%     resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(1,:); xname = '$\nu (\kappa_T=5.3,\kappa_N=2.22)$';
-%     resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); xname = '$\nu (\kappa_T=5.3,\kappa_N=2.22)$';
-%     resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuSGGK_scan_kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(1,:); xname = '$\nu (\kappa_T=5.3,\kappa_N=2.22)$';
-    resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuSGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24_dp'; clr_ = clrs_(3,:); xname = '$\nu (\kappa_T=5.3,\kappa_N=2.22)$';
+if 1
+    scantype = 'kTscan';
+    xname = '$\kappa_T (\kappa_N=2.22)$';
+    scanvarname = 'kT';
+    GRAD = '';
+    prefix = ['/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/',resdir,'/']; 
+    scanval = [6.96 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0];
+    naming = @(s) sprintf('%1.1f',s);
+    titlename = [GRAD,' $\nu=0$'];
+    CO = 'DGGK'; mrkstyl='v'; clr_ = clrs_(2,:);
+    % CO = 'SGGK'; mrkstyl='s'; clr_ = clrs_(1,:);
+    % CO = 'LDGK'; mrkstyl='d'; clr_ = clrs_(5,:);
+    % GRAD = 'CBC';
+    GRAD = 'kT_5.3';
+    % GRAD = 'kT_4.5';
+    scantype = 'nuscan';
+    xname = ['$\nu_{',CO,'}$ '];
+    titlename = [CO,', ',resdir,', ',GRAD];
+    scanvarname = 'nu';
+    prefix = ['/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nu',CO,'_scan_',GRAD,'/',resdir,'/']; 
+    scanval = [0.005 0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5];
+    naming = @(s) num2str(s);
-Njobs = 4;
-x = 0*(1:Njobs);
-Qx_avg  = 0*(1:Njobs);
-Qx_std  = 0*(1:Njobs);
-Chi_avg = 0*(1:Njobs);
-Chi_std = 0*(1:Njobs);
+N   = numel(scanval);
+x = 1:N;
+Qx_avg  = 1:N;
+Qx_std  = 1:N;
+Chi_avg = 1:N;
+Chi_std = 1:N;
+data = {};
-datadir = ['/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/',resdir,'/'];
-for i = 1:Njobs+1
-    J0 = i-1; J1 = i-1;
+for i = 1:N
+    datadir = [prefix,scanvarname,'_',naming(scanval(i)),'/'];
     Nseg = 5;
-    data    = compile_results_low_mem(data,datadir,J0,J1);
+    data    = compile_results_low_mem(data,datadir,00,10);
     Trange  = data.Ts0D(end)*[0.3 1.0];
     [~,it0] = min(abs(Trange(1)  -data.Ts0D)); 
     [~,it1] = min(abs(Trange(end)-data.Ts0D)); 
     if 0
-        Qx      = data.HFLUX_X(it0:it1);
         Qxa_    = 0*(1:Nseg);
         for n = 1:Nseg
            ntseg = floor((it1-it0)/n);
@@ -61,21 +78,63 @@ for i = 1:Njobs+1
         case 'kTscan'
         x(i) = data.inputs.K_T;
+    subplot(N,2,2*i-1)
+    Qx      = data.HFLUX_X;
+    T       = data.Ts0D;
+    plot(T,Qx,'DisplayName',[scanvarname,'=',num2str(x(i))],...
+        'Color',clr_); hold on
+    plot([T(it0) T(end)],Qx_avg(i)*[1 1],'--k','DisplayName',...
+    ['$Q_{avg}=',sprintf('%2.2f',Qx_avg(i)),'\pm',sprintf('%2.2f',Qx_std(i)),'$']);
+    ylabel(['$Q_x, (\kappa_T=',num2str(x(i)),')$']);
+    % legend('show')
+% Add colless CBC results
+switch  scantype
+    case 'kTscan'
+        Chi_avg = [CBC_res(1)/2.22/6.96 Chi_avg];
+        Chi_std = [CBC_res(2)/2.22/6.96 Chi_std];
+        x = [6.96 x];
+    case 'nuscan'
+        Chi_avg = [CBC_res(1)/2.22/6.96 Chi_avg];
+        Chi_std = [CBC_res(2)/2.22/6.96 Chi_std];
+        x = [0 x];
 % plot;
-errorbar(x,Chi_avg,Chi_std,'DisplayName',data.paramshort,'color',clr_); hold on;
+errorbar(x,Chi_avg,Chi_std,'DisplayName',data.paramshort,'color',clr_,'Marker',mrkstyl); hold on;
 switch  scantype
     case 'nuscan'
     Lin1999 = load('/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/Lin_1999_fig2.txt');
+    set(gca,'XScale','log')
+    xlim([min(x)*0.8 max(x)*1.2])
     case 'kTscan'
     Dim2000 = load('/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/Dimits_2000_fig3_full_no_GF.txt');
     plot(Dim2000(:,1),Dim2000(:,2),'ok','DisplayName','Dimits 2000');
+    xline(kTthresh,'DisplayName','$\kappa_T^{crit}$','color',clr_)
+    xline(4.0,'DisplayName','Dimits $\kappa_T^{crit}$','color',[0 0 0])
+    xlim([kTthresh*0.8 max(x)*1.2])
+    	%-------------- GENE ---------------
+	kT_Qi_GENE = ...
+	    [...
+	     13. 2.7e+2 2.2e+1;...%128x64x16x24x12 kymin=0.02 (large box)
+	     11. 1.9e+2 1.7e+1;...%128x64x16x24x12 kymin=0.02 (large box)
+	     9.0 1.1e+2 4.2e+1;...%128x64x16x24x12 kymin=0.05
+	     7.0 3.5e+1 4.6e+0;...%128x64x16x24x12 kymin=0.05
+	     5.3 9.7e+0 6.8e+0;...%128x64x16x24x12 kymin=0.05
+	     4.5 2.3e-1 5.0e-2;...%128x64x16x24x12 kymin=0.05
+	    ];
+	y_ = kT_Qi_GENE  (:,2)./kT_Qi_GENE  (:,1)./kN;
+	e_ = kT_Qi_GENE  (:,3)./kT_Qi_GENE  (:,1)./kN;
+	errorbar(kT_Qi_GENE (:,1),y_, e_,...
+        '+-.k','DisplayName','GENE 128x64x16x24x12',...
+	    'MarkerSize',msz,'LineWidth',lwt); hold on
 % plot(ITG_threshold*[1 1],[0 20],'-.','DisplayName','$\kappa_T^{crit}$',...
 %     'color',clr_);
+% ylim(ylimits);
diff --git a/wk/old scripts/header_dp.m b/wk/old scripts/header_dp.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd4fde5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/old scripts/header_dp.m	
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%% CBC 
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/9x5x192x96x32_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/21x11x128x64x24_dp';
+%% tests single vs double precision
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_sp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_sp_clos_1';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/3x2x128x64x24_sp_muz_2.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/test_3x2x128x64x24_sp_muz_2.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/3x2x128x64x24_sp_clos_1';
+%% Marconi results
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_muz_2.0_muxy_0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_SG';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp_muz_2.0_full_NL';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_5.3/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/11x6x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/CBC/9x5x192x96x32_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/7x4x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collisionless/kT_scan_nu_1e-3/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/5x3x128x64x24_dp';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/collision_study/nuDGGK_scan_kT_5.3/9x5x128x64x24_dp';
+%% low precision 3D ITG
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/CBC_3x2x64x48x16_CLOS_1';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/kT_0.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/kT_3.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/3x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/5x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/5x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_3.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/9x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/kT_4.0';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/kT_4.5';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/kT_5.3';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/nu=0.05/11x2x64x48x16/CBC';
+% resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/local_runs/11x2x64x48x16/CBC';
diff --git a/wk/scan_lin_ITG.m b/wk/scan_lin_ITG.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1a81f90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/scan_lin_ITG.m
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+% This script creates a directory in /results and runs a simulation directly
+% from the Matlab framework. It is meant to run only small problems in linear
+% for benchmarking and debugging purposes since it makes Matlab "busy".
+%% Set up the paths for the necessary Matlab modules
+gyacomodir = pwd;
+gyacomodir = gyacomodir(1:end-2);
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab'])) % Add matlab module
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/plot'])) % Add plot module
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/compute'])) % Add compute module
+addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % Add load module
+%% Set simulation parameters
+SIMID = 'lin_ITG'; % Name of the simulation
+RUN = 0; % To run or just to load
+EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp'; % single precision
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
+for i = 1:numel(KT_A)
+%% Set up physical parameters
+CLUSTER.TIME = '99:00:00';  % Allocation time hh:mm:ss
+NU = 0.001;                 % Collision frequency
+TAU = 1.0;                  % e/i temperature ratio
+K_Ne = 0*2.22;              % ele Density
+K_Te = 0*6.96;              % ele Temperature
+K_Ni = 2.22;              % ion Density gradient drive
+K_Ti = KT_A(i);              % ion Temperature
+SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;        % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
+NA = 1;                     % number of kinetic species
+ADIAB_E = (NA==1);          % adiabatic electron model
+BETA = 0.0;                 % electron plasma beta
+%% Set up grid parameters
+P = 60;
+J = 30;%P/2;
+PMAX = P;                   % Hermite basis size
+JMAX = J;                   % Laguerre basis size
+NX = 8;                     % real space x-gridpoints
+NY = 2;                    % real space y-gridpoints
+LX = 2*pi/0.05;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in x direction
+LY = 2*pi/0.3;              % Size of the squared frequency domain in y direction
+NZ = 24;                    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
+SG = 0;                     % Staggered z grids option
+NEXC = 1;                   % To extend Lx if needed (Lx = Nexc/(kymin*shear))
+GEOMETRY= 's-alpha';
+% GEOMETRY= 'miller';
+EPS     = 0.18;   % inverse aspect ratio
+Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
+SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear
+KAPPA   = 1.0;    % elongation
+DELTA   = 0.0;    % triangularity
+ZETA    = 0.0;    % squareness
+PARALLEL_BC = 'dirichlet'; % Boundary condition for parallel direction ('dirichlet','periodic','shearless','disconnected')
+SHIFT_Y = 0.0;    % Shift in the periodic BC in z
+NPOL   = 1;       % Number of poloidal turns
+TMAX     = 50;  % Maximal time unit
+DT       = 1e-3;   % Time step
+DTSAVE0D = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 0D arrays
+DTSAVE2D = -1;     % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
+DTSAVE3D = 2;      % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays
+DTSAVE5D = 100;     % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
+JOB2LOAD = -1;     % Start a new simulation serie
+LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
+CO        = 'DG';       % Collision operator (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
+GKCO      = 0;          % Gyrokinetic operator
+ABCO      = 1;          % INTERSPECIES collisions
+INIT_ZF   = 0;          % Initialize zero-field quantities
+HRCY_CLOS = 'truncation';   % Closure model for higher order moments
+DMAX      = -1;
+NLIN_CLOS = 'truncation';   % Nonlinear closure model for higher order moments
+NMAX      = 0;
+KERN      = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
+INIT_OPT  = 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
+NUMERICAL_SCHEME = 'RK4'; % Numerical integration scheme (RK2,SSPx_RK2,RK3,SSP_RK3,SSPx_RK3,IMEX_SSP2,ARK2,RK4,DOPRI5)
+W_DOUBLE = 1;     % Output flag for double moments
+W_GAMMA  = 1;     % Output flag for gamma (Gyrokinetic Energy)
+W_HF     = 1;     % Output flag for high-frequency potential energy
+W_PHI    = 1;     % Output flag for potential
+W_NA00   = 1;     % Output flag for nalpha00 (density of species alpha)
+W_DENS   = 1;     % Output flag for total density
+W_TEMP   = 1;     % Output flag for temperature
+W_NAPJ   = 1;     % Output flag for nalphaparallel (parallel momentum of species alpha)
+W_SAPJ   = 0;     % Output flag for saparallel (parallel current of species alpha)
+% These parameters are usually not to play with in linear runs
+MU      = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient
+MU_X    = MU;     % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in x direction
+MU_Y    = MU;     % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in y direction
+N_HD    = 4;      % Degree of spatial-hyperdiffusivity
+MU_Z    = 2.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient in z direction
+HYP_V   = 'hypcoll'; % Kinetic-hyperdiffusivity model
+MU_P    = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient for Hermite
+MU_J    = 0.0;    % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient for Laguerre
+LAMBDAD = 0.0;    % Lambda Debye
+NOISE0  = 0.0e-5; % Initial noise amplitude
+BCKGD0  = 1.0e-5;    % Initial background
+k_gB   = 1.0;     % Magnetic gradient strength
+k_cB   = 1.0;     % Magnetic curvature strength
+COLL_KCUT = 1000; % Cutoff for collision operator
+%% RUN
+% system(['rm fort*.90']);
+% Run linear simulation
+if RUN
+    MVIN =['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/;'];
+%     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0;'];
+    RUN  =['time mpirun -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
+%     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 6 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0;'];
+%     RUN  =['time mpirun -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0;'];
+    MVOUT='cd ../../../wk;';
+    system([MVIN,RUN,MVOUT]);
+%% Analysis
+% load
+filename = [SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/']; % Create the filename based on SIMID and PARAMS
+LOCALDIR = [gyacomodir,'results/',filename,'/']; % Create the local directory path based on gyacomodir, results directory, and filename
+FIGDIR   = LOCALDIR; % Set FIGDIR to the same path as LOCALDIR
+% Load outputs from jobnummin up to jobnummax
+J0 = 0; J1 = 0;
+data = {}; % Initialize data as an empty cell array
+% load grids, inputs, and time traces
+data = compile_results_low_mem(data,LOCALDIR,J0,J1); 
+if 0
+%% Plot heat flux evolution
+xlabel('$tc_s/R$'); ylabel('$Q_x$');
+if 1 % Activate or not
+%% plot mode evolution and growth rates
+% Load phi
+[data.PHI, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(LOCALDIR,J0,J1,'phi');
+options.NORMALIZED = 0; 
+options.TIME   = data.Ts3D;
+ % Time window to measure the growth of kx/ky modes
+options.KX_TW  = [0.2 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.KY_TW  = [0.2 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.NMA    = 1; % Set NMA option to 1
+options.NMODES = 999; % Set how much modes we study
+options.iz     = 'avg'; % Compressing z
+options.ik     = 1; %
+options.fftz.flag = 0; % Set fftz.flag option to 0
+fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options); % Call the function mode_growth_meter with data and options as input arguments, and store the result in fig