From b3629a86bd452ed7b046b9e33e54e50e179adaaf Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2023 15:54:48 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] preparation of data struc. for adaptive time stepping and

 src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90 | 130 ++++++++++++
 src/advance_field_mod.F90     |   2 +-
 src/basic_mod.F90             |   9 +-
 src/time_integration_mod.F90  | 375 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 4 files changed, 366 insertions(+), 150 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90

diff --git a/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90 b/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c8581ea6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+!! This module is a compilation of the routines implemented in GBS by L. Stenger
+!! for adaptive time stepping.
+MODULE adaptive_timestep
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    logical, public, protected :: time_scheme_is_adaptive = .false.
+    logical, public, protected :: should_discard_step = .false.
+    real(xp) :: adaptive_accuracy_ratio = 1._dp
+    integer  :: adaptive_error_estimator_order = -1
+    real(xp) :: dt_min = 1e-8_xp          !< Minimum allowable timestep for adaptive time schemes
+    real(xp) :: dt_max = 1e1_xp           !< Maximum allowable timestep for adaptive time schemes
+    real(xp) :: adaptive_safety = 0.9_xp  !< Safety factor of the adaptive timestep controller
+    !> @{
+    !> @brief Error tolerance for adaptive time schemes
+    !> @details
+    !> Typically, an adaptive time scheme will provide an error estimation for a
+    !> given time step "witdh". The allowable error will be defined as
+    !> `atol + rtol * abs(f)` (where `f` the quantity which is being integrated).
+    real(xp), public, protected :: adaptive_error_atol=1e-6_dp, adaptive_error_rtol=1e-3_dp
+    !> @}
+    integer, public, protected :: ntimelevel_rhs=4   !< number of time levels required for the rhs
+        SUBROUTINE adaptive_timestep_readinputs
+            ! Read the input parameters
+            USE prec_const
+            USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
+            IMPLICIT NONE
+            namelist /TIME_INTEGRATION_PAR/ adaptive_safety, adaptive_error_atol, adaptive_error_rtol
+            READ(lu_in,time_integration_par)
+            CALL set_numerical_scheme
+        END SUBROUTINE adaptive_timestep_readinputs
+        !> Computes the next time step for adaptive time schemes
+        !>
+        !> Provided a relative stepping error, defined by `tolerance/error` where
+        !> `tolerance` is the admissible error and `error` the estimated error of the
+        !> current step, compute an optimal `dt` for the next step.
+        !>
+        !> @param[in] dt Current time step
+        !> @param[in] errscale Normalized error of the current step
+        !> @returns Optimal `dt` for the next step
+        pure function adaptive_compute_next_dt(dt, errscale) result(next_dt)
+            real(xp), intent(in) :: dt, errscale
+            real(xp), parameter :: MINSCALE=.1_xp, MAXSCALE=5._xp
+            real(xp) :: next_dt, error_exponent
+            ! The parameters in this routine seem to work "fine". Attempts to be too
+            ! ambitious, especially with `adaptive_safety`, usually increase the rate
+            ! at which time steps are discarded!
+            if(errscale > 1._dp) then
+                error_exponent = 1 / real(adaptive_error_estimator_order + 1, xp)
+            else
+                error_exponent = 1 / real(adaptive_error_estimator_order, xp)
+            end if
+            next_dt =  dt * max(MINSCALE, min(MAXSCALE, adaptive_safety * errscale**error_exponent))
+        end function adaptive_compute_next_dt   
+        !> Setup for adaptive time schemes
+        !>
+        !> Prepares the next full embedded Runge-Kutta step (not substep) by adjusting
+        !> basic::dt based on the previous time step, along with extra cleanup in case
+        !> the previous step was discarded.
+        subroutine adaptive_time_scheme_setup()
+            use basic, only: cstepP, dt, meW, stepP
+            real(xp) :: old_dt
+            old_dt = dt
+            call set_dt(adaptive_compute_next_dt(dt, adaptive_accuracy_ratio))
+            if(should_discard_step) then
+                ! Note this relates to the previous step!
+                if(meW==0 .and. dt/=old_dt) print *, "step discarded. dt update ", old_dt, " => ", dt
+                if(meW==0 .and. dt/=old_dt) print *, "errscale was ", adaptive_accuracy_ratio
+            end if
+            ! Setting `adaptive_accuracy_ratio` is equivalent to saying that the step
+            ! has zero error, i.e. "assume the step is perfect now, and update later
+            ! when actually computing the error after performing the step"
+            should_discard_step = .false.
+            adaptive_accuracy_ratio = huge(adaptive_accuracy_ratio)
+        end subroutine adaptive_time_scheme_setup
+        !> Updates the normalized adaptive time scheme error
+        !>
+        !> This routine is useful to combine the normalized error of the full system
+        !> of equation by recording the worst (highest) error, which will eventually
+        !> be passed to time_integration::adaptive_compute_next_dt.
+        !>
+        !> @param[in] errscale Normalized time step error
+        !>
+        !> @sa time_integration::adaptive_compute_next_dt
+        subroutine adaptive_set_error(errscale)
+            real(xp), intent(in) :: errscale
+            logical :: satisfies_tolerance
+            satisfies_tolerance = errscale > 1._xp
+            adaptive_accuracy_ratio = min(adaptive_accuracy_ratio, errscale)
+            should_discard_step = should_discard_step .or. (.not. satisfies_tolerance)
+        end subroutine adaptive_set_error
+        !> Returns `.true.` if the current step should be discarded.
+        pure function adaptive_must_recompute_step() result(res)
+        logical :: res
+        res = should_discard_step
+        end function adaptive_must_recompute_step
+        subroutine set_updatetlevel(new_updatetlevel)
+        integer, intent(in) :: new_updatetlevel
+        updatetlevel = new_updatetlevel
+        end subroutine set_updatetlevel
+        subroutine set_updatetlevel_rhs
+        select case (numerical_scheme)
+        case ('rkc2')
+        if (updatetlevel == 1)then
+            updatetlevel_rhs = 1
+            else
+            updatetlevel_rhs = 2
+            end if
+        case default
+            updatetlevel_rhs = updatetlevel
+        end select
+        end subroutine set_updatetlevel_rhs
+END  MODULE adaptive_timestep
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/advance_field_mod.F90 b/src/advance_field_mod.F90
index 9ee8c4be..d67d080c 100644
--- a/src/advance_field_mod.F90
+++ b/src/advance_field_mod.F90
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ CONTAINS
       DO ia    =1,local_na
         IF( evolve_mom(ipi,iji) )&
         moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,1) = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,1) &
-               + dt*b_E(istage)*moments_rhs(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,istage)
+               + dt*b_E(istage,1)*moments_rhs(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,istage)
       END DO
       END DO
       END DO
diff --git a/src/basic_mod.F90 b/src/basic_mod.F90
index 704aad2a..0c45dd45 100644
--- a/src/basic_mod.F90
+++ b/src/basic_mod.F90
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ MODULE basic
   ! Routines interfaces
   PUBLIC :: allocate_array, basic_outputinputs,basic_data,&
             speak, str, increase_step, increase_cstep, increase_time, display_h_min_s,&
-            set_basic_cp, daytim, start_chrono, stop_chrono
+            set_basic_cp, daytim, start_chrono, stop_chrono, change_dt
   ! Interface for allocating arrays, these routines allocate and initialize directly to zero
   INTERFACE allocate_array
     MODULE PROCEDURE allocate_array_xp1,allocate_array_xp2,allocate_array_xp3, &
@@ -123,6 +123,11 @@ CONTAINS
     cstep  = cstep  + 1
+  SUBROUTINE change_dt(new_dt)
+    REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: new_dt   
+    dt = new_dt
   SUBROUTINE increase_time
     time  = time  + dt
@@ -244,7 +249,7 @@ CONTAINS
   !   "Convert an integer to string."
       integer, intent(in) :: k
       character(len=10)   :: str_
-      write (str_, "(i2.2)") k
+      write (str_, "(I8)") k
       str_ = adjustl(str_)
   end function str_int
diff --git a/src/time_integration_mod.F90 b/src/time_integration_mod.F90
index e1a2aa51..5b8e5654 100644
--- a/src/time_integration_mod.F90
+++ b/src/time_integration_mod.F90
@@ -1,33 +1,52 @@
 MODULE time_integration
   USE prec_const
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ntimelevel=4 ! Total number of time levels required by the numerical scheme
   INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: updatetlevel ! Current time level to be updated
-  real(xp),PUBLIC,PROTECTED,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: c_E,c_I !Coeff for Expl/Implic time integration in case of time dependent RHS (i.e. dy/dt = f(y,t)) see Baptiste Frei CSE Rapport 06/17
+  real(xp),PUBLIC,PROTECTED,DIMENSION(:),ALLOCATABLE :: c_E !Coeff for Expl/Implic time integration in case of time dependent RHS (i.e. dy/dt = f(y,t)) see Baptiste Frei CSE Rapport 06/17
   character(len=10),PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: numerical_scheme='RK4'
+  !!---- start: This part is taken from GBS adaptive time stepping by L. Stenger
+  ! For more information check
+  logical, public, protected :: time_scheme_is_adaptive = .false.
+  logical, public, protected :: should_discard_step = .false.
+  real(xp) :: adaptive_accuracy_ratio = 1._xp
+  integer  :: adaptive_error_estimator_order = -1
+  real(xp) :: dt_min = 1e-8_xp          !< Minimum allowable timestep for adaptive time schemes
+  real(xp) :: dt_max = 1e1_xp           !< Maximum allowable timestep for adaptive time schemes
+  real(xp) :: adaptive_safety = 0.9_xp  !< Safety factor of the adaptive timestep controller
+  !> @{
+  !> @brief Error tolerance for adaptive time schemes
+  !> @details
+  !> Typically, an adaptive time scheme will provide an error estimation for a
+  !> given time step "witdh". The allowable error will be defined as
+  !> `atol + rtol * abs(f)` (where `f` the quantity which is being integrated).
+  real(xp), public, protected :: adaptive_error_atol=1e-6_xp, adaptive_error_rtol=1e-3_xp
+  !> @}
+  integer, public, protected :: ntimelevel_rhs   = 4 !< number of time levels required for the rhs
+  integer, public, protected :: updatetlevel_rhs = 1 !< time level to be updated for rhs
+  !!---- end
   PUBLIC :: set_updatetlevel, time_integration_readinputs, time_integration_outputinputs
-  SUBROUTINE set_updatetlevel(new_updatetlevel)
-    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: new_updatetlevel
-    updatetlevel = new_updatetlevel
-  END SUBROUTINE set_updatetlevel
   SUBROUTINE time_integration_readinputs
     ! Read the input parameters
     USE prec_const
     USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
     NAMELIST /TIME_INTEGRATION_PAR/ numerical_scheme
+    namelist /TIME_INTEGRATION_PAR/ adaptive_safety, adaptive_error_atol, adaptive_error_rtol
     CALL set_numerical_scheme
   END SUBROUTINE time_integration_readinputs
@@ -52,24 +71,21 @@ CONTAINS
     ! Order 2 methods
     CASE ('RK2')
       CALL RK2
-    CASE ('SSPx_RK2')
-      CALL SSPx_RK2
     ! Order 3 methods
     CASE ('RK3')
       CALL RK3
     CASE ('SSP_RK3')
       CALL SSP_RK3
-    CASE ('SSPx_RK3')
-      CALL SSPx_RK3
-    CASE ('IMEX_SSP2')
-    CASE ('ARK2')
-      CALL ARK2
+    ! Adaptative scheme
+    CASE ('ODE23')
+      time_scheme_is_adaptive = .true.
+      CALL ode23
     ! Order 4 methods
     CASE ('RK4')
       CALL RK4
     ! Order 5 methods
     CASE ('DOPRI5')
+      time_scheme_is_adaptive = .true.
       CALL DOPRI5
        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Cannot initialize time integration scheme. Name invalid.'
@@ -85,41 +101,16 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 2
     CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep,1,1)
     CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
     ntimelevel = 2
-    c_E(1) = 0.0_xp
-    c_E(2) = 1.0_xp
-    b_E(1) = 1._xp/2._xp
-    b_E(2) = 1._xp/2._xp
+    c_E(1)   = 0.0_xp
+    c_E(2)   = 1.0_xp
+    b_E(1,1) = 1._xp/2._xp
+    b_E(2,1) = 1._xp/2._xp
     A_E(2,1) = 1._xp
-    ! Butcher coeff for modified strong stability  preserving RK2
-    ! used in GX (Hammett 2022, Mandell et al. 2022)
-    USE basic
-    USE prec_const
-    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 2
-    REAL(xp) :: alpha, beta
-    alpha = 1._xp/SQRT(2._xp)
-    beta  = SQRT(2._xp) - 1._xp
-    CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
-    ntimelevel = 2
-    c_E(1)   = 0.0_xp
-    c_E(2)   = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
-    b_E(1)   = alpha*beta/2._xp
-    b_E(2)   = alpha/2._xp
-    A_E(2,1) = alpha
-    ! b_E(1) = 1._xp
-    ! b_E(2) = 1._xp/SQRT(2._xp)
-    ! A_E(2,1) = 1._xp/SQRT(2._xp)
   !!! third order time schemes
     ! Butcher coeff for classical RK3
@@ -128,98 +119,20 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 3
     CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep,1,1)
     CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
     ntimelevel = 3
     c_E(1)   = 0.0_xp
     c_E(2)   = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
     c_E(3)   = 1.0_xp
-    b_E(1)   = 1._xp/6._xp
-    b_E(2)   = 2._xp/3._xp
-    b_E(3)   = 1._xp/6._xp
+    b_E(1,1) = 1._xp/6._xp
+    b_E(2,1) = 2._xp/3._xp
+    b_E(3,1) = 1._xp/6._xp
     A_E(2,1) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
     A_E(3,1) = -1._xp
     A_E(3,2) = 2._xp
-    ! Butcher coeff for modified strong stability  preserving RK3
-    ! used in GX (Hammett 2022, Mandell et al. 2022)
-    USE basic
-    USE prec_const
-    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 3
-    REAL(xp) :: a1, a2, a3, w1, w2, w3
-    a1 = (1._xp/6._xp)**(1._xp/3._xp)! (1/6)^(1/3)
-    ! a1 = 0.5503212081491044571635029569733887910843_xp ! (1/6)^(1/3)
-    a2 = a1
-    a3 = a1
-    w1 = 0.5_xp*(-1._xp + SQRT( 9._xp - 2._xp * 6._xp**(2._xp/3._xp))) ! (-1 + sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3)))/2
-    ! w1 = 0.2739744023885328783052273138309828937054_xp ! (sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3))-1)/2
-    w2 = 0.5_xp*(-1._xp + 6._xp**(2._xp/3._xp) - SQRT(9._xp - 2._xp * 6._xp**(2._xp/3._xp))) ! (6^(2/3)-1-sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3)))/2
-    ! w2 = 0.3769892220587804931852815570891834795475_xp ! (6^(2/3)-1-sqrt(9-2*6^(2/3)))/2
-    w3 = 1._xp/a1 - w2 * (1._xp + w1)
-    ! w3 = 1.3368459739528868457369981115334667265415_xp
-    CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
-    ntimelevel = 3
-    c_E(1) = 0.0_xp
-    c_E(2) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
-    c_E(3) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
-    b_E(1) = a1 * (w1*w2 + w3)
-    b_E(2) = a2 * w2
-    b_E(3) = a3
-    A_E(2,1) = a1
-    A_E(3,1) = a1 * w1
-    A_E(3,2) = a2
-    !! Version of Rokhzadi 2017 (An Optimally Stable and Accurate Second-Order
-    !   SSP Runge-Kutta IMEX Scheme for Atmospheric Applications)
-    USE basic
-    USE prec_const
-    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 3
-    CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
-    ntimelevel = 3
-    c_E(1)   = 0._xp
-    c_E(2)   = 0.711664700366941_xp
-    c_E(3)   = 0.994611536833690_xp
-    b_E(1)   = 0.398930808264688_xp
-    b_E(2)   = 0.345755244189623_xp
-    b_E(3)   = 0.255313947545689_xp
-    A_E(2,1) = 0.711664700366941_xp
-    A_E(3,1) = 0.077338168947683_xp
-    A_E(3,2) = 0.917273367886007_xp
-    !! Version of Rokhzadi 2017 (An Optimally Stable and Accurate Second-Order
-    !   SSP Runge-Kutta IMEX Scheme for Atmospheric Applications)
-    USE basic
-    USE prec_const
-    INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 3
-    CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
-    ntimelevel = 3
-    c_E(1)   = 0._xp
-    c_E(2)   = 2._xp*(1._xp - 1._xp/SQRT2)
-    c_E(3)   = 1._xp
-    b_E(1)   = 1._xp/(2._xp*SQRT2)
-    b_E(2)   = 1._xp/(2._xp*SQRT2)
-    b_E(3)   = 1._xp - 1._xp/SQRT2
-    A_E(2,1) = 2._xp*(1._xp - 1._xp/SQRT2)
-    A_E(3,1) = 1._xp - (3._xp + 2._xp*SQRT2)/6._xp
-    A_E(3,2) = (3._xp + 2._xp*SQRT2)/6._xp
     ! Butcher coeff for strong stability  preserving RK3
     USE basic
@@ -227,15 +140,15 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 3
     CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep,1,1)
     CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
     ntimelevel = 3
     c_E(1)   = 0.0_xp
     c_E(2)   = 1.0_xp
     c_E(3)   = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
-    b_E(1)   = 1._xp/6._xp
-    b_E(2)   = 1._xp/6._xp
-    b_E(3)   = 2._xp/3._xp
+    b_E(1,1) = 1._xp/6._xp
+    b_E(2,1) = 1._xp/6._xp
+    b_E(3,1) = 2._xp/3._xp
     A_E(2,1) = 1._xp
     A_E(3,1) = 1._xp/4._xp
     A_E(3,2) = 1._xp/4._xp
@@ -249,17 +162,17 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep = 4
     CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep,1,1)
     CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
     ntimelevel = 4
     c_E(1)   = 0.0_xp
     c_E(2)   = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
     c_E(3)   = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
     c_E(4)   = 1.0_xp
-    b_E(1)   = 1.0_xp/6.0_xp
-    b_E(2)   = 1.0_xp/3.0_xp
-    b_E(3)   = 1.0_xp/3.0_xp
-    b_E(4)   = 1.0_xp/6.0_xp
+    b_E(1,1) = 1.0_xp/6.0_xp
+    b_E(2,1) = 1.0_xp/3.0_xp
+    b_E(3,1) = 1.0_xp/3.0_xp
+    b_E(4,1) = 1.0_xp/6.0_xp
     A_E(2,1) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
     A_E(3,2) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
     A_E(4,3) = 1.0_xp
@@ -274,20 +187,26 @@ CONTAINS
     INTEGER,PARAMETER :: nbstep =7
     CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
-    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep,1,2)
     CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
+    adaptive_error_estimator_order = 4
     ntimelevel = 7
-    c_E(1) = 0._xp
+    ntimelevel_rhs = 7
+    c_E = 0._xp
     c_E(2) = 1.0_xp/5.0_xp
     c_E(3) = 3.0_xp /10.0_xp
     c_E(4) = 4.0_xp/5.0_xp
     c_E(5) = 8.0_xp/9.0_xp
     c_E(6) = 1.0_xp
     c_E(7) = 1.0_xp
+    A_E = 0._xp
     A_E(2,1) = 1.0_xp/5.0_xp
     A_E(3,1) = 3.0_xp/40.0_xp
     A_E(3,2) = 9.0_xp/40.0_xp
-    A_E(4,1) = 	44.0_xp/45.0_xp
+    A_E(4,1) = 44.0_xp/45.0_xp
     A_E(4,2) = -56.0_xp/15.0_xp
     A_E(4,3) = 32.0_xp/9.0_xp
     A_E(5,1 ) = 19372.0_xp/6561.0_xp
@@ -304,13 +223,175 @@ CONTAINS
     A_E(7,4) = 125.0_xp/192.0_xp
     A_E(7,5) = -2187.0_xp/6784.0_xp
     A_E(7,6) = 11.0_xp/84.0_xp
-    b_E(1) = 35.0_xp/384.0_xp
-    b_E(2) = 0._xp
-    b_E(3) = 500.0_xp/1113.0_xp
-    b_E(4) = 125.0_xp/192.0_xp
-    b_E(5) = -2187.0_xp/6784.0_xp
-    b_E(6) = 11.0_xp/84.0_xp
-    b_E(7) = 0._xp
+    b_E = 0._xp
+    b_E(1, 1) = 35._xp/384._xp
+    b_E(2, 1) = 0._xp
+    b_E(3, 1) = 500._xp/1113._xp
+    b_E(4, 1) = 125._xp/192._xp
+    b_E(5, 1) = -2187._xp/6784._xp
+    b_E(6, 1) = 11._xp/84._xp
+    b_E(7, 1) = 0._xp
+    b_E(1, 2) = 5179._xp/57600._xp
+    b_E(2, 2) = 0._xp
+    b_E(3, 2) = 7571._xp/16695._xp
+    b_E(4, 2) = 393._xp/640._xp
+    b_E(5, 2) = -92097._xp/339200._xp
+    b_E(6, 2) = 187._xp/2100._xp
+    b_E(7, 2) = 1._xp/40._xp
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!---- This part is taken from GBS adaptive time stepping by L. Stenger ---
+  !> Updates the time step
+  !>
+  !> If the new time step in not within the closed interval `[dt_min, dt_max]`,
+  !> the simulation will be terminated
+  !>
+  !> @param[in] new_dt Desired time step value
+  subroutine set_dt(new_dt)
+    use basic, only: dt, nlend, change_dt
+    use parallel, ONLY: comm_p, my_id
+    real(xp), intent(in) :: new_dt
+    integer :: ierr
+    logical :: mlend
+    mlend = .false.
+    if(dt<=dt_min .or. dt>=dt_max) then
+      mlend = .true.
+      if(my_id == 0) then
+        print "(A, 3(G12.5,A))", "The adaptive time integration scheme tried to set the time step to ", dt, &
+          ", which is outside of the allowed range of [", dt_min, ", ", dt_max, &
+          "]." // new_line("A") // "The simulation will be terminated."
+      end if
+    else
+      CALL change_dt(new_dt)
+    end if
+    call mpi_allreduce(mlend, nlend, 1, MPI_LOGICAL, MPI_LOR, comm_p, ierr)
+  end subroutine set_dt
+  !> Computes the next time step for adaptive time schemes
+  !>
+  !> Provided a relative stepping error, defined by `tolerance/error` where
+  !> `tolerance` is the admissible error and `error` the estimated error of the
+  !> current step, compute an optimal `dt` for the next step.
+  !>
+  !> @param[in] dt Current time step
+  !> @param[in] errscale Normalized error of the current step
+  !> @returns Optimal `dt` for the next step
+  pure function adaptive_compute_next_dt(dt, errscale) result(next_dt)
+    real(xp), intent(in) :: dt, errscale
+    real(xp), parameter :: MINSCALE=.1_xp, MAXSCALE=5._xp
+    real(xp) :: next_dt, error_exponent
+    ! The parameters in this routine seem to work "fine". Attempts to be too
+    ! ambitious, especially with `adaptive_safety`, usually increase the rate
+    ! at which time steps are discarded!
+    if(errscale > 1._xp) then
+        error_exponent = 1 / real(adaptive_error_estimator_order + 1, xp)
+    else
+        error_exponent = 1 / real(adaptive_error_estimator_order, xp)
+    end if
+    next_dt =  dt * max(MINSCALE, min(MAXSCALE, adaptive_safety * errscale**error_exponent))
+  end function adaptive_compute_next_dt   
+  !> Setup for adaptive time schemes
+  !>
+  !> Prepares the next full embedded Runge-Kutta step (not substep) by adjusting
+  !> basic::dt based on the previous time step, along with extra cleanup in case
+  !> the previous step was discarded.
+  subroutine adaptive_time_scheme_setup()
+    use basic, only: dt, str, speak
+    real(xp) :: old_dt
+    old_dt = dt
+    call set_dt(adaptive_compute_next_dt(dt, adaptive_accuracy_ratio))
+    if(should_discard_step) then
+        ! Note this relates to the previous step!
+        if(dt/=old_dt) CALL speak("step discarded. dt update "//str(old_dt)//" => "//str(dt))
+        if(dt/=old_dt) CALL speak("errscale was "//str(adaptive_accuracy_ratio))
+    end if
+    ! Setting `adaptive_accuracy_ratio` is equivalent to saying that the step
+    ! has zero error, i.e. "assume the step is perfect now, and update later
+    ! when actually computing the error after performing the step"
+    should_discard_step = .false.
+    adaptive_accuracy_ratio = huge(adaptive_accuracy_ratio)
+  end subroutine adaptive_time_scheme_setup
+  !> Updates the normalized adaptive time scheme error
+  !>
+  !> This routine is useful to combine the normalized error of the full system
+  !> of equation by recording the worst (highest) error, which will eventually
+  !> be passed to time_integration::adaptive_compute_next_dt.
+  !>
+  !> @param[in] errscale Normalized time step error
+  !>
+  !> @sa time_integration::adaptive_compute_next_dt
+  subroutine adaptive_set_error(errscale)
+    real(xp), intent(in) :: errscale
+    logical :: satisfies_tolerance
+    satisfies_tolerance = errscale > 1._xp
+    adaptive_accuracy_ratio = min(adaptive_accuracy_ratio, errscale)
+    should_discard_step = should_discard_step .or. (.not. satisfies_tolerance)
+  end subroutine adaptive_set_error
+  !> Returns `.true.` if the current step should be discarded.
+  pure function adaptive_must_recompute_step() result(res)
+  logical :: res
+  res = should_discard_step
+  end function adaptive_must_recompute_step
+  subroutine set_updatetlevel(new_updatetlevel)
+  integer, intent(in) :: new_updatetlevel
+  updatetlevel = new_updatetlevel
+  end subroutine set_updatetlevel
+  subroutine set_updatetlevel_rhs
+  select case (numerical_scheme)
+  case ('rkc2')
+  if (updatetlevel == 1)then
+    updatetlevel_rhs = 1
+    else
+    updatetlevel_rhs = 2
+    end if
+  case default
+    updatetlevel_rhs = updatetlevel
+  end select
+  end subroutine set_updatetlevel_rhs
+  !> Sets up Butcher coefficients for the Bogacki-Shampine method (orders 3 and 2)
+  subroutine ode23
+    use basic
+    integer,parameter :: nbstep = 4
+    CALL allocate_array(c_E,1,nbstep)
+    CALL allocate_array(b_E,1,nbstep, 1, 2)
+    CALL allocate_array(A_E,1,nbstep,1,nbstep)
+    adaptive_error_estimator_order = 2
+    ntimelevel = 4
+    ntimelevel_rhs = 4
+    c_E = 0._xp
+    c_E(2) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
+    c_E(3) = 3.0_xp /4.0_xp
+    c_E(4) = 1._xp
+    A_E = 0._xp
+    A_E(2,1) = 1.0_xp/2.0_xp
+    A_E(3,2) = 3.0_xp/4.0_xp
+    A_E(4,1) = 2.0_xp/9.0_xp
+    A_E(4,2) = 1.0_xp/3.0_xp
+    A_E(4,3) = 4.0_xp/9.0_xp
+    b_E = 0._xp
+    b_E(1, 1) = 2._xp/9._xp
+    b_E(2, 1) = 1._xp/3._xp
+    b_E(3, 1) = 4._xp/9._xp
+    b_E(4, 1) = 0._xp
+    b_E(1, 2) = 7._xp/24._xp
+    b_E(2, 2) = 1._xp/4._xp
+    b_E(3, 2) = 1._xp/3._xp
+    b_E(4, 2) = 1._xp/8._xp
+  end subroutine ode23
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  !!-------------------------------------------------------------------------
 END MODULE time_integration