diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d9eaf4429e5dfb7dafcd210eb8c9e8547f7b5b77..a7d1f316db418de222be5c2376c678ff82160125 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -8,29 +8,48 @@
 GYACOMO (Gyrokinetic Advanced Collision Moment solver, 2021)
 Copyright (C) 2022 EPFL
-This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-(at your option) any later version.
+This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-GNU General Public License for more details.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 Author: Antoine C.D. Hoffmann
 # Citing GYACOMO
-If you use GYACOMO in your work, please cite the following paper: 
+If you use GYACOMO in your work, please cite (at least) one of the following paper: 
 Hoffmann, A., Frei, B., & Ricci, P. (2023). Gyrokinetic simulations of plasma turbulence in a Z-pinch using a moment-based approach and advanced collision operators. Journal of Plasma Physics, 89(2), 905890214. doi:10.1017/S0022377823000284
+Hoffmann, A., Frei, B., & Ricci, P. (2023). Gyrokinetic moment-based simulations of the
+Dimits shift https://arxiv.org/abs/2308.01016
+# What is GYACOMO ?
+GYACOMO is the Gyrokinetic Advanced Collision Moment solver which solves the gyrokinetic Boltzmann equation in the delta-f flux-tube limit based on a projection of the velocity distribution function onto a Hermite-Laguerre velocity basis.
+It can be coupled with precomputed matrices from the code Cosolver (B.J. Frei) to incorporate advanced collision operators up to the gyro-averaged linearized exact coulomb interaction (GK Landau operator).
+This repository contains the solver source code (in /src) but also my personnal post-processing Matlab scripts, which are less documented. I would recommend the user to write their own post-processing scripts based on the H5 files the code outputs.
+#### GYACOMO can
+- evolve kinetic electrons and ions
+- use an adiabatic electrons model
+- include perpendicular magnetic perturbation (Ampere's law)
+- use Z-pinch and s-alpha geometry
+- use the Miller geometry framework (elongation, triangularity etc.)
+- use various experimental closures for the linear and nonlinear terms
+- add background ExB shear flow
+#### GYACOMO cannot (yet)
+- include parallel magnetic fluctuations
+- use an adiabatic ion model
+- include finite rhostar effects
+- study stellarator geometries
 # How to compile and run GYACOMO
-A tutorial is present on the code's wiki https://gitlab.epfl.ch/ahoffman/gyacomo/-/wikis/home.
+A tutorial is now on the code's wiki https://gitlab.epfl.ch/ahoffman/gyacomo/-/wikis/home.
 (older guideline)
 To compile and run GYACOMO, follow these steps:
@@ -51,6 +70,8 @@ Note: For some collision operators (Sugama and Full Coulomb), you will need to r
 ### 4.x GYACOMO
+>4.11 background ExB shear is implemented
 >4.1 Miller geometry is added and benchmarked for CBC adiabatic electrons
 >4.0 new name and opening the code with GNU GPLv3 license
diff --git a/src/initial_mod.F90 b/src/initial_mod.F90
index d06c7cde87e44761b61523e11f198de0e7959866..a42e5d50bf4e356e5d4e665e24fccee11e421e35 100644
--- a/src/initial_mod.F90
+++ b/src/initial_mod.F90
@@ -85,7 +85,6 @@ CONTAINS
       CALL apply_closure_model
       CALL update_ghosts_moments
       CALL solve_EM_fields ! compute phi_0=phi(N_0)
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
     ! through initialization
@@ -93,18 +92,15 @@ CONTAINS
       CASE ('phi')
         CALL speak('Init noisy phi')
         CALL init_phi
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
       CASE ('phi_ppj')
         CALL speak('Init noisy phi')
         CALL init_phi_ppj
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
       ! set moments_00 (GC density) with noise and compute phi afterwards
         CALL speak('Init noisy gyrocenter density')
         CALL init_gyrodens ! init only gyrocenter density
         CALL update_ghosts_moments
         CALL solve_EM_fields
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
       ! set moments_00 (GC density) with a single kx0,ky0 mode
       ! kx0 is setup but by the noise value and ky0 by the background value
@@ -112,37 +108,32 @@ CONTAINS
         CALL init_modes ! init single mode in gyrocenter density
         CALL update_ghosts_moments
         CALL solve_EM_fields
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
       ! init all moments randomly (unadvised)
         CALL speak('Init noisy moments')
         CALL init_moments ! init all moments
         CALL update_ghosts_moments
         CALL solve_EM_fields
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
       ! init a gaussian blob in gyrodens
         CALL speak('--init a blob')
         CALL initialize_blob
         CALL update_ghosts_moments
         CALL solve_EM_fields
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
       ! init moments 00 with a power law similarly to GENE
         CALL speak('ppj init ~ GENE')
         call init_ppj
         CALL update_ghosts_moments
         CALL solve_EM_fields
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
         CALL speak('Init Ricci')
         CALL init_ricci ! init only gyrocenter density
         CALL update_ghosts_moments
         CALL solve_EM_fields
-        CALL update_ghosts_EM
         ERROR STOP "Initialization mode not recognized"
     ! closure of j>J, p>P and j<0, p<0 moments
     CALL speak('Apply closure')
@@ -460,7 +451,7 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
     USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, total_nz,&
-                          AA_x, AA_y, parray, jarray,&
+                          AA_x, AA_y, parray, jarray, two_third_kxmax, two_third_kymax,&
                           ngp,ngj,ngz, iky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray
     USE fields,     ONLY: moments
     USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
@@ -469,13 +460,11 @@ CONTAINS
     REAL(xp) ::kx, ky, z, sigma_x, sigma_y, gain
     INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij, p, j
-    sigma_y = 0.5
-    sigma_x = sigma_y
+    sigma_y = two_third_kymax/2._xp
+    sigma_x = two_third_kxmax/2._xp
     gain  = 1.0
     ! One can increase the gain if we run 3D sim
     IF(total_nz .GT. 1) THEN
-      sigma_y = 1.0
-      sigma_x = sigma_y
       gain = 10.0
diff --git a/src/restarts_mod.F90 b/src/restarts_mod.F90
index 88f561f9c7d32fca188af440197bbeda2c581f2d..579ca824b6a9259327d46a5f1d4c3d0aa7e865de 100644
--- a/src/restarts_mod.F90
+++ b/src/restarts_mod.F90
@@ -133,8 +133,8 @@ CONTAINS
                     zjp1_cp = z_cp_stretched(z_idx_mapping(izg)+1)
                     zerotoone = (zi - zj_cp)/(zjp1_cp-zj_cp) ! weight for interpolation
                     moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,:) = &
-                      zerotoone       *moments_cp(iacp,ipcp,ijcp,iycp,ixcp,z_idx_mapping(izg))&
-                    +(1._xp-zerotoone)*moments_cp(iacp,ipcp,ijcp,iycp,ixcp,z_idx_mapping(izg+1))
+                    (1._xp-zerotoone) *moments_cp(iacp,ipcp,ijcp,iycp,ixcp,z_idx_mapping(izg))&
+                    +       zerotoone *moments_cp(iacp,ipcp,ijcp,iycp,ixcp,z_idx_mapping(izg+1))
                   ELSE ! copy on all planes
                     moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,:) = moments_cp(iacp,ipcp,ijcp,iycp,ixcp,1)
@@ -177,35 +177,45 @@ CONTAINS
       REAL(xp), DIMENSION(Nz_cp+1) , INTENT(OUT) :: z_cp_stretched
       ! local variables
       INTEGER :: iz_new, jz_cp
-      REAL(xp):: zi, zj_cp, dz_s
+      REAL(xp):: zi, zj_cp, dz_s, dz_new
       LOGICAL :: in_interval
       ! stretched checkpoint grid interval 
       dz_s  = (zarray_new(Nz_new)-zarray_new(1))/(Nz_cp-1) 
-      ! We loop over each new z grid points 
-      DO iz_new = 1,Nz_new
-        zi = zarray_new(iz_new) ! current position
-        ! Loop over the stretched checkpoint grid to find the right interval
-        zj_cp = zarray_new(1) ! init cp grid position
-        jz_cp = 1             ! init cp grid index
-        in_interval = .FALSE. ! flag to check if we stand in the interval
-        DO WHILE (.NOT. in_interval)
-          in_interval = (zi .GE. zj_cp) .AND. (zi .LT. zj_cp+dz_s)
-          ! Increment
-          zj_cp = zj_cp + dz_s
-          jz_cp = jz_cp + 1
-          IF(jz_cp .GT. Nz_cp+1) ERROR STOP "STOP: could not adapt grid .."
-        ENDDO ! per construction the while loop should always top
-        z_idx_mapping(iz_new) = jz_cp-1 ! The last index was one too much so we store the one before
-      ENDDO
-      ! we build explicitly the stretched cp grid for output and double check
-      DO jz_cp = 1,Nz_cp
-        z_cp_stretched(jz_cp) = zarray_new(1) + (jz_cp-1)*dz_s
-      ENDDO
-      ! Periodicity
-      z_cp_stretched(Nz_cp+1) = z_cp_stretched(1)
-      z_idx_mapping (Nz_new+1) = z_idx_mapping (1)
-      ! Check that the start and the end of the grids are the same
-      IF(.NOT.(abs(z_cp_stretched(1)-zarray_new(1)) .LT. 1e-3).AND.(abs(z_cp_stretched(Nz_cp)-zarray_new(Nz_new)).LT.1e-3)) &
-        ERROR STOP "Failed to stretch the cp grid"
+      dz_new= (zarray_new(Nz_new)-zarray_new(1))/(Nz_new-1) 
+      IF(ABS(dz_s-dz_new) .LT. EPSILON(dz_s)) THEN
+        DO iz_new = 1,Nz_new
+          z_cp_stretched(iz_new) = zarray_new(iz_new)
+          z_idx_mapping(iz_new)  = iz_new
+        ENDDO
+        z_cp_stretched(Nz_new+1) = zarray_new(1)
+        z_idx_mapping(Nz_new+1)  = 1
+      ELSE ! Strech the grid
+        ! We loop over each new z grid points 
+        DO iz_new = 1,Nz_new
+          zi = zarray_new(iz_new) ! current position
+          ! Loop over the stretched checkpoint grid to find the right interval
+          zj_cp = zarray_new(1) ! init cp grid position
+          jz_cp = 1             ! init cp grid index
+          in_interval = .FALSE. ! flag to check if we stand in the interval
+          DO WHILE (.NOT. in_interval)
+            in_interval = (zi .GE. zj_cp) .AND. (zi .LT. zj_cp+dz_s)
+            ! Increment
+            zj_cp = zj_cp + dz_s
+            jz_cp = jz_cp + 1
+            IF(jz_cp .GT. Nz_cp+1) ERROR STOP "STOP: could not adapt grid .."
+          ENDDO ! per construction the while loop should always top
+          z_idx_mapping(iz_new) = jz_cp-1 ! The last index was one too much so we store the one before
+        ENDDO
+        ! we build explicitly the stretched cp grid for output and double check
+        DO jz_cp = 1,Nz_cp
+          z_cp_stretched(jz_cp) = zarray_new(1) + (jz_cp-1)*dz_s
+        ENDDO
+        ! Periodicity
+        z_cp_stretched(Nz_cp+1) = z_cp_stretched(1)
+        z_idx_mapping (Nz_new+1) = z_idx_mapping(1)
+        ! Check that the start and the end of the grids are the same
+        IF(.NOT.(abs(z_cp_stretched(1)-zarray_new(1)) .LT. 1e-3).AND.(abs(z_cp_stretched(Nz_cp)-zarray_new(Nz_new)).LT.1e-3)) &
+          ERROR STOP "Failed to stretch the cp grid"
+      ENDIF
     END SUBROUTINE z_grid_mapping
 END MODULE restarts