From dde677bc010d85121bb5922a7d4f4c50f9bc8856 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2023 09:18:53 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] WIP - ExB

 src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90 | 205 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 src/auxval.F90             |   2 +-
 src/control.F90            |  16 ++-
 src/fourier_mod.F90        |  14 +--
 src/geometry_mod.F90       |   6 +-
 src/grid_mod.F90           |  26 +++--
 src/nonlinear_mod.F90      |   6 +-
 7 files changed, 167 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90 b/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
index 73377126..f4804937 100644
--- a/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
+++ b/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ MODULE ExB_shear_flow
     ! This module contains the necessary tools to implement ExB shearing flow effects.
     ! The algorithm is taken from the presentation of Hammett et al. 2006 (APS) and
     ! it the one used in GS2.
-    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, imagu
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, imagu, pi
     ! Variables
@@ -23,9 +23,12 @@ CONTAINS
     ! Setup the variables for the ExB shear
     SUBROUTINE Setup_ExB_shear_flow(ExBrate)
-        USE grid,     ONLY: Nx, local_nky, total_nky, local_nx, Ny, deltakx, deltaky
+        USE grid,     ONLY: Nx, local_nky, total_nky, local_nx, Ny, deltakx, deltaky,&
+                            kyarray, kyarray_full
         USE geometry, ONLY: Cyq0_x0
+        USE basic,    ONLY: dt
+        INTEGER :: iky
         REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: ExBrate
         ! Setup the ExB shearing rate and aux var
@@ -42,9 +45,20 @@ CONTAINS
         ! Setup the ExB shift array
+        ! consider no initial shift (maybe changed if restart)
         sky_ExB = 0._xp
-        ALLOCATE(sky_ExB_full(total_nky))
+        ! Midpoint init
+        DO iky = 1,local_nky
+            sky_ExB(iky) = sky_ExB(iky) !+ 0.5_xp*kyarray(iky)*gamma_E*dt
+        ENDDO
+        ALLOCATE(sky_ExB_full(total_nky+1))
+        ! consider no initial shift (maybe changed if restart)
         sky_ExB_full = 0._xp
+        ! Midpoint init
+        DO iky = 1,total_nky+1
+            sky_ExB_full(iky) = sky_ExB_full(iky) !+ 0.5_xp*REAL(iky-1,xp)*deltaky*gamma_E*dt
+        ENDDO
         ! Setup the kx correction array
@@ -60,27 +74,74 @@ CONTAINS
         ! Setup nonlinear factor
         ALLOCATE(    ExB_NL_factor(Nx,local_nky))
-        ALLOCATE(inv_ExB_NL_factor(Ny/2+1,local_nx))
+        ALLOCATE(inv_ExB_NL_factor(Ny/2+2,local_nx))
             ExB_NL_factor = 1._xp
         inv_ExB_NL_factor = 1._xp
     END SUBROUTINE Setup_ExB_shear_flow
-    ! Update according to the current ExB shear value
-    ! -shift the grids
-    ! -the spatial operators
-    ! -the fields by imposing a shift on kx
+    ! update the ExB shear value for the next time step
+    SUBROUTINE Update_ExB_shear_flow(step_number)
+        USE basic,      ONLY: dt,time
+        USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky, total_nky, kyarray, inv_dkx, kyarray_full, update_grids, deltaky
+        USE geometry,   ONLY: gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2, evaluate_magn_curv
+        USE numerics,   ONLY: evaluate_EM_op, evaluate_kernels
+        USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+        USE time_integration, ONLY: c_E
+        INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: step_number
+        ! local var
+        INTEGER :: iky
+        REAL(xp):: tnext
+        ! tnext = time + c_E(step_number)*dt
+        tnext = time + 0._xp*dt
+        ! do nothing if no ExB
+        IF(ExB) THEN
+            ! Update new shear value
+            DO iky = 1,local_nky
+                !! This must be done incrementely to be able to pull it back
+                !  when a grid shift occurs                
+                sky_ExB(iky)      = sky_ExB(iky) - kyarray(iky)*gamma_E*dt
+                jump_ExB(iky)     = NINT(sky_ExB(iky)*inv_dkx)
+                ! If the jump is 1 or more for a given ky, we flag the index
+                ! in shiftnow_ExB and will use it in Shift_fields to avoid
+                ! zero-shiftings that may be majoritary.
+                shiftnow_ExB(iky) = (abs(jump_ExB(iky)) .GT. 0)
+            ENDDO
+            ! Update the full skyExB array too
+            DO iky = 1,total_nky+1
+                sky_ExB_full(iky) = sky_ExB_full(iky) - REAL(iky-1,xp)*deltaky*gamma_E*dt
+            ENDDO
+            ! Shift the arrays if the shear value sky is too high
+            CALL Array_shift_ExB_shear_flow
+            ! We update the operators and grids
+            !   update the grids  
+            CALL update_grids(sky_ExB,gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2)
+            !   update the EM op., the kernels and the curvature op.
+            CALL evaluate_kernels
+            CALL evaluate_EM_op
+            CALL evaluate_magn_curv
+            !   update the ExB nonlinear factor...
+            IF(LINEARITY .EQ. 'nonlinear') &
+             CALL update_nonlinear_ExB_factors
+        ENDIF
+    END SUBROUTINE Update_ExB_shear_flow
+    ! According to the current ExB shear value we update
+    ! the fields by imposing a shift on kx
     SUBROUTINE Array_shift_ExB_shear_flow
-        USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky, update_grids, &
-            total_nkx, deltakx, kx_min, kx_max, kxarray0
+        USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky, total_nky, update_grids, &
+            total_nkx, deltakx, kx_min, kx_max, kxarray0, inv_dkx
         USE prec_const, ONLY: PI
         USE fields,     ONLY: moments, phi, psi
         USE numerics,   ONLY: evaluate_EM_op, evaluate_kernels
         ! local var
-        INTEGER :: iky, ikx, ikx_s, i_, loopstart, loopend, increment
+        INTEGER :: iky, ikx, ikx_s, i_, loopstart, loopend, increment, jump_
         IF(ExB) THEN
-            ! shift all fields and correct the shift value
+            ! shift all local fields and correct the local shift value
             DO iky = 1,local_Nky
                 IF(shiftnow_ExB(iky)) THEN
                     ! We shift the array from left to right or right to left according to the jump
@@ -107,15 +168,12 @@ CONTAINS
                             ikx = i_ - total_nkx/2 + 1
                         ikx_s = ikx + jump_ExB(iky)
-                        ! adjust the shift according
+                        ! adjust the shift accordingly
                         IF (ikx_s .LE. 0) &
                             ikx_s = ikx_s + total_nkx
                         IF (ikx_s .GT. total_nkx) &
                             ikx_s = ikx_s - total_nkx
-                        ! We test if the shifted modes are still in contained in our resolution
-                        ! IF ( ((ikx_s .GT. 0 )              .AND. (ikx_s .LE. total_nkx )) .AND. &
-                        !     (((ikx   .LE. (total_nkx/2+1)) .AND. (ikx_s .LE. (total_nkx/2+1))) .OR. &
-                        !      ((ikx   .GT. (total_nkx/2+1)) .AND. (ikx_s .GT. (total_nkx/2+1)))) ) THEN
+                        ! Then we test if the shifted modes are still in contained in our resolution
                         IF ( (kxarray0(ikx)+jump_ExB(iky)*deltakx .LE. kx_max) .AND. &
                              (kxarray0(ikx)+jump_ExB(iky)*deltakx .GE. kx_min)) THEN
                                 moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx,:,:) = moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx_s,:,:)
@@ -129,73 +187,66 @@ CONTAINS
                     ! correct the shift value s(ky) for this row
                     sky_ExB(iky) = sky_ExB(iky) - jump_ExB(iky)*deltakx
+                    ! reset the flag
+                    shiftnow_ExB(iky) = .FALSE.
+        ! Check the global shift values
+        DO iky = 1,total_nky+1
+            jump_ = NINT(sky_ExB_full(iky)*inv_dkx)
+            IF (ABS(jump_) .GT. 0) &
+                sky_ExB_full(iky) = sky_ExB_full(iky) - jump_*deltakx
+        ENDDO
     END SUBROUTINE Array_shift_ExB_shear_flow
-    ! update the ExB shear value for the next time step
-    SUBROUTINE Update_ExB_shear_flow
-        USE basic,      ONLY: dt, time
-        USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky, local_nky_offset, kyarray, inv_dkx, xarray, Nx, Ny, &
-                              local_nx,  local_nx_offset, kyarray_full,&
-                              ikyarray, inv_ikyarray, deltaky, update_grids
-        USE geometry,   ONLY: gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2, evaluate_magn_curv
-        USE numerics,   ONLY: evaluate_EM_op, evaluate_kernels
+    SUBROUTINE Update_nonlinear_ExB_factors
+        USE grid,  ONLY: local_nky, local_nky_offset, xarray, Nx, Ny, local_nx, deltakx,&
+                         local_nx_offset, ikyarray, inv_ikyarray, deltaky, update_grids
+        USE basic, ONLY: time, dt
-        ! local var
         INTEGER :: iky, ix
-        REAL(xp):: dt_ExB, J_dp, inv_J, x
-        ! do nothing if no ExB
-        IF(ExB) THEN
-            ! reset the ExB shift, jumps and flags
-            shiftnow_ExB = .FALSE.
-            DO iky = 1,local_Nky
-                sky_ExB(iky)      = sky_ExB(iky) - kyarray(iky)*gamma_E*dt
-                jump_ExB(iky)     = NINT(sky_ExB(iky)*inv_dkx)
-                ! If the jump is 1 or more for a given ky, we flag the index
-                ! in shiftnow_ExB and will use it in Shift_fields to avoid
-                ! zero-shiftings that may be majoritary.
-                shiftnow_ExB(iky) = (abs(jump_ExB(iky)) .GT. 0)
+        REAL(xp):: dt_ExB, J_xp, inv_J, xval, tnext
+        tnext = time + dt
+        DO iky = 1,local_nky ! WARNING: Local indices ky loop
+            ! for readability
+            ! J_xp  = ikyarray(iky+local_nky_offset)
+            ! inv_J = inv_ikyarray(iky+local_nky_offset)
+            J_xp   = REAL(iky-1,xp)
+            IF(J_xp .GT. 0._xp) THEN
+                inv_J  = 1._xp/J_xp
+            ELSE
+                inv_J  = 0._xp
+            ENDIF
+            ! compute dt factor
+            dt_ExB = (tnext - t0*inv_J*ANINT(J_xp*tnext*inv_t0,xp))
+            DO ix = 1,Nx
+                xval = 2._xp*pi/deltakx*REAL(ix-1,xp)/REAL(Nx,xp)!xarray(ix)
+                ! assemble the ExB nonlin factor
+                ! ExB_NL_factor(ix,iky) = EXP(-imagu*x*gamma_E*J_xp*deltaky*dt_ExB)
+                ExB_NL_factor(ix,iky) = EXP(-imagu*sky_ExB(iky)*xval)               
+                ! ExB_NL_factor(ix,iky) = EXP(-imagu*sky_ExB_full(iky+local_nky_offset)*xval)               
-            ! Update the full skyExB array too
-            sky_ExB_full = sky_ExB_full - kyarray_full*gamma_E*dt
-            ! Update the ExB nonlinear factor...
-            DO iky = 1,local_Nky ! WARNING: Local indices ky loop
-                ! for readability
-                J_dp    = ikyarray(iky+local_nky_offset)
-                inv_J   = inv_ikyarray(iky+local_nky_offset)
-                ! compute dt factor
-                dt_ExB       = (time - t0*inv_J*ANINT(J_dp*time*inv_t0,xp))
-                dkx_ExB(iky) = gamma_E*J_dp*deltaky*dt_ExB
-                DO ix = 1,Nx
-                    x = xarray(ix)
-                    ! assemble the ExB nonlin factor
-                    !ExB_NL_factor(ix,iky) = EXP(imagu*x*dkx_ExB(iky))
-                    ExB_NL_factor(ix,iky) = EXP(imagu*x*sky_ExB(iky)) !GENE does that???
-                ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-            ! ... and the inverse
-            DO iky = 1,Ny/2+1 ! WARNING: Global indices ky loop
-                ! for readability
-                J_dp  = ikyarray(iky)
-                inv_J = inv_ikyarray(iky)
-                ! compute dt factor
-                dt_ExB = (time - t0*inv_J*ANINT(J_dp*time*inv_t0,xp))
-                DO ix = 1,local_nx
-                    x = xarray(ix+local_nx_offset)
-                    ! assemble the inverse ExB nonlin factor
-                    ! inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix) = EXP(-imagu*x*gamma_E*J_dp*deltaky*dt_ExB)
-                    inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix) = EXP(-imagu*x*sky_ExB_full(iky)) !GENE does that???
-                ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+        ! ... and the inverse
+        DO iky = 1,Ny/2+2 ! WARNING: Global indices ky loop
+            ! for readability
+            J_xp   = REAL(iky-1,xp)
+            IF(J_xp .GT. 0._xp) THEN
+                inv_J  = 1._xp/J_xp
+            ELSE
+                inv_J  = 0._xp
+            ENDIF
+            ! compute dt factor
+            dt_ExB = (tnext - t0*inv_J*ANINT(J_xp*tnext*inv_t0,xp))
+            DO ix = 1,local_nx
+                xval = 2._xp*pi/deltakx*REAL(ix-1,xp)/REAL(Nx,xp)!xarray(ix+local_nx_offset)
+                ! assemble the inverse ExB nonlin factor
+                ! inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix) = EXP(imagu*x*gamma_E*J_xp*deltaky*dt_ExB)
+                inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix) = EXP(imagu*sky_ExB_full(iky)*xval)
-        ENDIF
-        ! We update the operators and grids
-        !   update the grids  
-        CALL update_grids(dkx_ExB,gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2)
-        !   update the EM op., the kernels and the curvature op.
-        CALL evaluate_kernels
-        CALL evaluate_EM_op
-        CALL evaluate_magn_curv
-    END SUBROUTINE Update_ExB_shear_flow
+        ENDDO
+    END SUBROUTINE Update_nonlinear_ExB_factors
 END MODULE ExB_shear_flow
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/auxval.F90 b/src/auxval.F90
index f5495643..f54b3c38 100644
--- a/src/auxval.F90
+++ b/src/auxval.F90
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ subroutine auxval
   CALL speak('=== Set auxiliary values ===')
   ! Init the grids
   CALL init_grids_data(Na,EM,LINEARITY) 
-  CALL set_grids(shear,Npol,LINEARITY,N_HD,EM,Na) 
+  CALL set_grids(shear,ExBrate,Npol,LINEARITY,N_HD,EM,Na) 
   ! Allocate memory for global arrays
   CALL memory
   ! Initialize displacement and receive arrays
diff --git a/src/control.F90 b/src/control.F90
index a5379531..a5bf592d 100644
--- a/src/control.F90
+++ b/src/control.F90
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ SUBROUTINE control
   USE initial,        ONLY: initialize
   USE mpi,            ONLY: MPI_COMM_WORLD
   USE diagnostics,    ONLY: diagnose
-  USE ExB_shear_flow, ONLY: Array_shift_ExB_shear_flow, Update_ExB_shear_flow
+  USE ExB_shear_flow, ONLY: Update_ExB_shear_flow
   REAL(xp) :: t_init_diag_0, t_init_diag_1
   INTEGER  :: ierr
@@ -67,11 +67,15 @@ SUBROUTINE control
   !              2.   Main loop
     CALL start_chrono(chrono_step) ! Measuring time per step
     ! Test if the stopping requirements are met (update nlend)
     CALL tesend
     IF( nlend ) EXIT ! exit do loop
+    ! Increment steps and csteps (private in basic module)
+    CALL increase_step
+    CALL increase_cstep
     ! Update the ExB shear flow for the next step
     ! This call includes :
     !  - the ExB shear value (s(ky)) update for the next time step
@@ -79,15 +83,9 @@ SUBROUTINE control
     !  - the ExB NL correction factor update (exp(+/- ixkySdts))
     !  - (optional) the kernel, poisson op. and ampere op update
     CALL start_chrono(chrono_ExBs)
-      CALL Update_ExB_shear_flow
-    ! Shift the arrays if the shear value sky is too high
-      CALL Array_shift_ExB_shear_flow
+      CALL Update_ExB_shear_flow(1)
     CALL stop_chrono(chrono_ExBs)
-    ! Increment steps and csteps (private in basic module)
-    CALL increase_step
-    CALL increase_cstep
     ! Do a full RK step (e.g. 4 substeps for ERK4)
     CALL stepon
diff --git a/src/fourier_mod.F90 b/src/fourier_mod.F90
index f50df010..56f1217c 100644
--- a/src/fourier_mod.F90
+++ b/src/fourier_mod.F90
@@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
     !   module variable (convolution theorem)
     SUBROUTINE poisson_bracket_and_sum( ky_array, kx_array, inv_Ny, inv_Nx, AA_y, AA_x,&
                                         local_nky, total_nkx, F_, G_,&
-                                        ExB, ExB_NL_factor, sum_real_)
+                                        ExB, ExB_NL_factor,sky_ExB,sum_real_)
         INTEGER,                                  INTENT(IN) :: local_nky,total_nkx
         REAL(xp),                                 INTENT(IN) :: inv_Nx, inv_Ny
@@ -274,11 +274,12 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
         REAL(xp), DIMENSION(total_nkx),           INTENT(IN) :: AA_x
         REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nky,total_nkx), INTENT(IN) :: kx_array
         COMPLEX(c_xp_c), DIMENSION(local_nky,total_nkx), &
-                                            INTENT(IN)      :: F_, G_
+                                                  INTENT(IN) :: F_, G_
         COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nkx,local_nky), &
-                                            INTENT(IN)      :: ExB_NL_factor
+                                                  INTENT(IN) :: ExB_NL_factor
         LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: ExB
-        real(c_xp_r), pointer,              INTENT(INOUT)   :: sum_real_(:,:)
+        REAL(xp),DIMENSION(local_nky),            INTENT(IN) :: sky_ExB
+        real(c_xp_r), pointer,                 INTENT(INOUT) :: sum_real_(:,:)
         ! local variables
         INTEGER :: ikx,iky
         COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nkx,local_nky) :: ikxF, ikyG, ikyF, ikxG
@@ -330,6 +331,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
         call fftw_mpi_execute_dft_c2r(planb, ikxG, real_data_g)
         sum_real_ = sum_real_ - real_data_f*real_data_g*inv_Ny*inv_Nx
     END SUBROUTINE poisson_bracket_and_sum
@@ -371,7 +373,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
     SUBROUTINE apply_inv_ExB_NL_factor(fyx,inv_ExB_NL_factor)
         real(c_xp_r), pointer,                        INTENT(INOUT) :: fyx(:,:)
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved,local_nx_),  INTENT(IN)    :: inv_ExB_NL_factor
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_),  INTENT(IN)  :: inv_ExB_NL_factor
         ! local variables
         REAL(xp),    DIMENSION(2*NY_halved,local_nx_) :: tmp_yx_1, tmp_yx_2
         COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(NY_halved+1,local_nx_) :: tmp_kyx
@@ -385,7 +387,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE fft1D_plans
         ! Fourier real to complex on the second buffer (first buffer is now unusable)
         CALL FFT_yx_to_kyx(tmp_yx_1,tmp_kyx)
         ! Treat the result with the ExB NL factor
-        DO iky = 1,NY_halved
+        DO iky = 1,NY_halved+1
                 DO ix = 1,local_nx_
                         tmp_kyx(iky,ix) = tmp_kyx(iky,ix)*inv_ExB_NL_factor(iky,ix)
diff --git a/src/geometry_mod.F90 b/src/geometry_mod.F90
index 91b83db3..73b4e589 100644
--- a/src/geometry_mod.F90
+++ b/src/geometry_mod.F90
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ CONTAINS
     USE miller,   ONLY: set_miller_parameters, get_miller
     USE circular, ONLY: get_circ
     USE calculus, ONLY: simpson_rule_z
-    USE model,    ONLY: beta, LINEARITY, N_HD
+    USE model,    ONLY: beta, ExBrate, LINEARITY, N_HD
     USE species,  ONLY: Ptot
     ! evalute metrix, elementwo_third_kpmaxts, jacobian and gradient
     implicit none
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ CONTAINS
           IF(FLOOR(Npol) .NE. CEILING(Npol)) ERROR STOP "ERROR STOP: Npol must be integer for s-alpha geometry"
           IF(MODULO(FLOOR(Npol),2) .EQ. 0)   ERROR STOP "Npol must be odd for s-alpha"
           call eval_salpha_geometry
+          C_y     = 1._xp
           Cyq0_x0 = 1._xp
           CALL speak('Z-pinch geometry')
@@ -136,6 +137,7 @@ CONTAINS
           q0      = 0._xp
           eps     = 0._xp
           kappa   = 1._xp
+          C_y     = 1._xp
           Cyq0_x0 = 1._xp
           CALL speak('Miller geometry')
@@ -165,7 +167,7 @@ CONTAINS
     ! inv squared of the magnetic gradient bckg amplitude (for fast kperp update)
     inv_hatB2 = 1/hatB/hatB
     ! Reset kx grid (to account for Cyq0_x0 factor)
-    CALL set_kxgrid(shear,Npol,Cyq0_x0,LINEARITY,N_HD) 
+    CALL set_kxgrid(shear,ExBrate,Npol,Cyq0_x0,LINEARITY,N_HD) 
     ! Evaluate perpendicular wavenumber
     !  k_\perp^2 = g^{xx} k_x^2 + 2 g^{xy}k_x k_y + k_y^2 g^{yy}
diff --git a/src/grid_mod.F90 b/src/grid_mod.F90
index a17d89df..cec77fa8 100644
--- a/src/grid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/grid_mod.F90
@@ -292,8 +292,8 @@ CONTAINS
   ! The other grids are simply
   ! |_|_|_|_|
   !  1 2 3 4
-  SUBROUTINE set_grids(shear,Npol,LINEARITY,N_HD,EM,Na)
-    REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: shear, Npol
+  SUBROUTINE set_grids(shear,ExBrate,Npol,LINEARITY,N_HD,EM,Na)
+    REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: shear, ExBrate, Npol
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ CONTAINS
     CALL set_pgrid(EM)
     CALL set_jgrid
     CALL set_kygrid(LINEARITY,N_HD)
-    CALL set_kxgrid(shear,Npol,1._xp,LINEARITY,N_HD) ! this will be redone after geometry if Cyq0_x0 .NE. 1
+    CALL set_kxgrid(shear,ExBrate,Npol,1._xp,LINEARITY,N_HD) ! this will be redone after geometry if Cyq0_x0 .NE. 1
     CALL set_xgrid
     CALL set_zgrid (Npol)
   END SUBROUTINE set_grids
@@ -486,10 +486,10 @@ CONTAINS
   END SUBROUTINE set_kygrid
-  SUBROUTINE set_kxgrid(shear,Npol,Cyq0_x0,LINEARITY,N_HD)
-    USE prec_const
+  SUBROUTINE set_kxgrid(shear,ExBrate,Npol,Cyq0_x0,LINEARITY,N_HD)
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, pi
-    REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: shear, Npol, Cyq0_x0
+    REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: shear, Npol, Cyq0_x0, ExBrate
     INTEGER :: ikx, iky
@@ -538,7 +538,13 @@ CONTAINS
       ERROR STOP "Gyacomo is safer with an even Kx number"
     ! Orszag 2/3 filter
-    two_third_kxmax = 2._xp/3._xp*(kx_max-deltakx);
+    ! We remove one point more if ExB is on since the moving grid
+    ! can go up to kx=+-(kx_max+deltakx/2)
+    IF (ABS(ExBrate) .GT. 0) THEN
+      two_third_kxmax = 2._xp/3._xp*(kx_max-deltakx)
+    ELSE
+      two_third_kxmax = 2._xp/3._xp*kx_max
+    ENDIF
     ! Antialiasing filter
     DO iky = 1,local_nky
       DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
@@ -663,16 +669,16 @@ CONTAINS
     two_third_kpmax = 2._xp/3._xp * MAXVAL(kparray)
-  SUBROUTINE update_grids (dkx_ExB,gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2)
+  SUBROUTINE update_grids (sky_ExB,gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2)
-    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nky),INTENT(IN) :: dkx_ExB ! ExB correction dkx = gamma_E ky dtshift
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nky),INTENT(IN) :: sky_ExB ! ExB correction dkx = gamma_E ky dtshift
     REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid), INTENT(IN) :: gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2
     INTEGER     :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
     REAL(xp)    :: kx, ky
     ! Update the kx grid
     DO ikx = 1,total_Nkx
       DO iky = 1,local_nky
-        kxarray(iky,ikx) = kxarray0(ikx) - dkx_ExB(iky)
+        kxarray(iky,ikx) = kxarray0(ikx) - sky_ExB(iky)
     ! Update the kperp grid
diff --git a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90 b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
index 946304ac..2440078e 100644
--- a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
+++ b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ MODULE nonlinear
   USE prec_const,  ONLY : xp
   USE species,     ONLY : sqrt_tau_o_sigma
   USE time_integration, ONLY : updatetlevel
-  USE ExB_shear_flow,   ONLY : ExB_NL_factor, inv_ExB_NL_factor, ExB, dkx_ExB
+  USE ExB_shear_flow,   ONLY : ExB_NL_factor, inv_ExB_NL_factor, ExB, sky_ExB
   use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
               ! this function adds its result to bracket_sum_r
                 CALL poisson_bracket_and_sum( kyarray,kxarray,inv_Ny,inv_Nx,AA_y,AA_x,&
-                                              ExB, ExB_NL_factor, bracket_sum_r)
+                                              ExB, ExB_NL_factor, sky_ExB, bracket_sum_r)
   !-----------!! ELECTROMAGNETIC CONTRIBUTION -sqrt(tau)/sigma*{Sum_s dnjs [sqrt(p+1)Nap+1s + sqrt(p)Nap-1s], Kernel psi}
               IF(EM) THEN
                 ! First convolution terms
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
                 ! this function adds its result to bracket_sum_r
                 CALL poisson_bracket_and_sum( kyarray,kxarray,inv_Ny,inv_Nx,AA_y,AA_x,&
-                                              ExB, ExB_NL_factor, bracket_sum_r)
+                                              ExB, ExB_NL_factor, sky_ExB, bracket_sum_r)
             ENDDO n
             ! Apply the ExB shearing rate factor before going back to k-space