diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index ef0f1f81483d40d7962da7002b2016bdedd772f3..d8f9cd131c06c5fa675444dbd4904947c55b313c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ FOBJ=$(OBJDIR)/advance_field_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/auxval.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/coeff_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/closure_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/circular_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/collision_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/nonlinear_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/control.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/diagnose.o $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/endrun.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/ExB_shear_flow_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fourier_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/inital.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/lag_interp_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/main.o \
@@ -146,7 +147,8 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
  $(OBJDIR)/auxval.o : src/auxval.F90 \
  	 $(OBJDIR)/fourier_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/memory.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o  $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/processing_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
+	 $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/processing_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/ExB_shear_flow_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/auxval.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o : src/basic_mod.F90 \
@@ -206,6 +208,11 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
  	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/endrun.F90 -o $@
+ $(OBJDIR)/ExB_shear_flow_mod.o : src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90 \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o\
+	 $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o
+	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o : src/fields_mod.F90 \
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/fields_mod.F90 -o $@
@@ -221,7 +228,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/geometry_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o : src/ghosts_mod.F90 \
- 	 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o \
+ 	 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o\
 	 $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/ghosts_mod.F90 -o $@
@@ -250,7 +257,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
  $(OBJDIR)/memory.o : src/memory.F90 $ \
  	 $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/collision_mod.o\
-   $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o \
+     $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o \
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/memory.F90 -o $@
@@ -321,7 +328,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
 	 $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/moments_eq_rhs_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/solve_EM_fields.o\
 	 $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
+	 $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/ExB_shear_flow_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/stepon.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/tesend.o : src/tesend.F90 \
diff --git a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
index 9993b2653f967e3fab20fd595a2bc67ce0683e8e..b9aa6fe0b3d9c109569a0881eb77c47897d42823 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/mode_growth_meter.m
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-function [FIGURE] = mode_growth_meter(DATA,OPTIONS)
+function [FIGURE, kykx, wkykx, ekykx] = mode_growth_meter(DATA,OPTIONS)
 Nma   = OPTIONS.NMA; %Number moving average
@@ -30,7 +30,9 @@ TW = [OPTIONS.KY_TW; OPTIONS.KX_TW];
 [~,ikzf] = max(mean(squeeze(abs(field(1,:,FRAMES))),2));
+% Amplitude ratio method to measure growth rates and freq.
 [wkykx, ekykx] = compute_growth_rates(DATA.PHI(:,:,:,FRAMES),DATA.Ts3D(FRAMES));
+kykx = meshgrid(DATA.grids.ky,DATA.grids.kx)';
 FIGURE.fig = figure; %set(gcf, 'Position',  [100 100 1200 700])
 FIGURE.FIGNAME = 'mode_growth_meter';
@@ -95,35 +97,13 @@ for i = 1:2
     gamma = MODES;
     amp   = MODES;
-    % w_ky = zeros(numel(MODES),numel(FRAMES)-1);
-    % ce   = zeros(numel(MODES),numel(FRAMES));
+    % Alternative method to measure growth
     for ik = MODES
         to_measure = log(plt(field,ik));
         gr = polyfit(t(it1:it2),to_measure(it1:it2),1);
         gamma(i_) = gr(1);
         amp(i_)   = gr(2);
-        % % Second method for measuring growth rate (measures frequ. too)
-        % if MODES_SELECTOR == 1
-        %     to_measure = reshape(DATA.PHI(ik,1,:,FRAMES),DATA.grids.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
-        % else
-        %     to_measure = reshape(DATA.PHI(1,ik,:,FRAMES),DATA.grids.Nz,numel(FRAMES));
-        % end
-        % for it = 2:numel(FRAMES)
-        %     phi_n   = to_measure(:,it); 
-        %     phi_nm1 = to_measure(:,it-1);
-        %     dt      = t(it)-t(it-1);
-        %     ZS      = sum(phi_nm1,1); %sum over z
-        % 
-        %     wl          = log(phi_n./phi_nm1)/dt;
-        %     w_ky(i_,it) = squeeze(sum(wl.*phi_nm1,1)./ZS);
-        % 
-        %     % for iky = 1:numel(w_ky(:,it))
-        %     %     ce(iky,it)   = abs(sum(abs(w_ky(iky,it)-wl(iky,:)).^2.*phi_nm1(iky,:),2)./ZS(iky,:));
-        %     % end
-        % end
     mod2plot = 2:min(Nmax,OPTIONS.NMODES+1);
@@ -135,7 +115,7 @@ for i = 1:2
         pclr = pcolor(XX,YY,abs(plt(fftshift(field,MODES_SELECTOR),1:numel(k))));set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');  hold on;
     %     xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1])
-        xlabel(['$',kstr,'\rho_s$']); ylabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$');
+        xlabel(['$',kstr,'\rho_s$']); ylabel('$t c_s /R_0$');
         title([MODESTR,', ',zstrcomp])  
 %     subplot(2+d,3,2+3*(i-1))
@@ -151,13 +131,25 @@ for i = 1:2
         plot(t(it1)*[1 1],[1e-10 1],'--k')
         plot(t(it2)*[1 1],[1e-10 1],'--k')
         xlim([t(1) t(end)]); %ylim([1e-5 1])
-        xlabel('$t c_s /\rho_s$'); ylabel(['$|\phi_{',kstr,'}|$']);
+        xlabel('$t c_s /R_0$'); ylabel(['$|\phi_{',kstr,'}|$']);
         title('Measure time window')
 %     subplot(2+d,3,3+3*(i-1))
     FIGURE.axes(3+3*(i-1)) = subplot(2+d,3,3+3*(i-1),'parent',FIGURE.fig);
     % yyaxis("left")
-        errorbar(k(MODES),real(omega(ik)),real(err(ik)),'-k',...
+    if OPTIONS.GOK2
+        x_ = k(MODES);
+        y_ = real(omega(ik))./k(MODES).^2;
+        e_ = real(err(ik))./k(MODES).^2;
+        lb_= '\gamma/k^2';
+    else
+        x_ = k(MODES);
+        y_ = real(omega(ik));
+        e_ = real(err(ik));
+        lb_= '\gamma';
+    end
+        errorbar(x_,y_,e_,'-ok',...
+                'LineWidth',1.5,...
                 ['$\gamma$, (',num2str(DATA.inputs.PMAX),',',num2str(DATA.inputs.JMAX),')']); 
         hold on;
@@ -169,11 +161,12 @@ for i = 1:2
         % ylabel('$\gamma$');
     % yyaxis("right")
-        errorbar(k(MODES),imag(omega(ik)),imag(err(ik)),'--k',...
+        errorbar(k(MODES),imag(omega(ik)),imag(err(ik)),'--ok',...
+                'LineWidth',1.5,...
                 ['$\omega$, (',num2str(DATA.inputs.PMAX),',',num2str(DATA.inputs.JMAX),')']); 
         hold on;
-        ylabel('$\gamma,\omega$');
+        ylabel(['$',lb_,',\omega$']);
         title('Growth rates')
diff --git a/matlab/profiler.m b/matlab/profiler.m
index 43a3713a1c24cdb63d077c38b9d0e56dc72311fb..817c939a84212915d54cd9d3498fc386dcfbaa9c 100644
--- a/matlab/profiler.m
+++ b/matlab/profiler.m
@@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ function [] = profiler(data)
 % filename = sprintf([BASIC.RESDIR,'outputs_%.2d.h5'],00);
 % outfilename = ['/misc/HeLaZ_outputs',filename(3:end)];
 CPUTI=[]; DTSIM=[]; RHSTC=[]; POITC=[]; SAPTC=[]; COLTC=[];
-GRATC=[]; NADTC=[];  ADVTC=[]; GHOTC=[]; CLOTC=[]; CHKTC=[];
-DIATC=[]; STETC=[]; TS0TC=[];
+GRATC=[]; NADTC=[]; ADVTC=[]; GHOTC=[]; CLOTC=[]; CHKTC=[];
+DIATC=[]; EXBTC=[]; STETC=[]; TS0TC=[];
 for i = 1:numel(data.outfilenames)
     outfilename = data.outfilenames{i};
     CPUTI = [ CPUTI; double(h5readatt(outfilename,'/data/input','cpu_time'))];
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@ for i = 1:numel(data.outfilenames)
     RHSTC = [ RHSTC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_rhs')];
     POITC = [ POITC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_poisson')];
     SAPTC = [ SAPTC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_Sapj')];
+    try
+    EXBTC = [ EXBTC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_ExBshear')];
+    catch
+        EXBTC = 0.*SAPTC;
+    end
     COLTC = [ COLTC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_coll')];
     GRATC = [ GRATC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_grad')];
     NADTC = [ NADTC; h5read(outfilename,'/profiler/Tc_nadiab')];
@@ -26,14 +31,14 @@ for i = 1:numel(data.outfilenames)
 CPUTI = CPUTI(end);
 DTSIM = mean(DTSIM);
-N_T          = 12;
+N_T          = 13;
-missing_Tc   = STETC - RHSTC - ADVTC - GHOTC - CLOTC ...
+missing_Tc   = STETC - RHSTC - ADVTC - GHOTC - CLOTC - EXBTC ...
               -COLTC - POITC - SAPTC - CHKTC - DIATC - GRATC - NADTC;
 total_Tc     = STETC;
 TIME_PER_FCT = [diff(RHSTC); diff(ADVTC); diff(GHOTC);...
-    diff(CLOTC); diff(COLTC); diff(POITC); diff(SAPTC); ...
+    diff(CLOTC); diff(COLTC); diff(POITC); diff(SAPTC); diff(EXBTC); ...
     diff(CHKTC); diff(DIATC); diff(GRATC); diff(NADTC); diff(missing_Tc)];
 TIME_PER_FCT = reshape(TIME_PER_FCT,[numel(TIME_PER_FCT)/N_T,N_T]);
@@ -47,6 +52,7 @@ clos_Ta       = mean(diff(CLOTC));
 coll_Ta       = mean(diff(COLTC));
 poisson_Ta    = mean(diff(POITC));
 Sapj_Ta       = mean(diff(SAPTC));
+ExB_Ta        = mean(diff(EXBTC));
 checkfield_Ta = mean(diff(CHKTC));
 grad_Ta       = mean(diff(GRATC));
 nadiab_Ta     = mean(diff(NADTC));
@@ -61,14 +67,15 @@ names = {...
+    'ExBs';
-Ts_A = [rhs_Ta adv_field_Ta ghost_Ta clos_Ta coll_Ta...
-    poisson_Ta Sapj_Ta checkfield_Ta diag_Ta grad_Ta  nadiab_Ta miss_Ta];
+Ts_A = [rhs_Ta adv_field_Ta ghost_Ta clos_Ta coll_Ta poisson_Ta...
+     Sapj_Ta ExB_Ta checkfield_Ta diag_Ta grad_Ta  nadiab_Ta miss_Ta];
 %% Plots
diff --git a/matlab/setup.m b/matlab/setup.m
index a5b6f420fb80ca48b15bc693a96a61445b9beb9f..89d826810aec2bfb4792c01c2937a23d9799909b 100644
--- a/matlab/setup.m
+++ b/matlab/setup.m
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ if ADIAB_E; MODEL.ADIAB_E = '.true.'; else; MODEL.ADIAB_E = '.false.';end;
 if ADIAB_I; MODEL.ADIAB_I = '.true.'; else; MODEL.ADIAB_I = '.false.';end;
 if MHD_PD;  MODEL.MHD_PD  = '.true.'; else; MODEL.MHD_PD  = '.false.';end;
 MODEL.beta    = BETA;
 MODEL.mu_x    = MU_X;
 MODEL.mu_y    = MU_Y;
 MODEL.N_HD    = N_HD;
diff --git a/matlab/write_fort90.m b/matlab/write_fort90.m
index abba1afe5ec8545bd669767c9aef5661cfe3a3d1..0c0dc4e9822a405e99bbf15436ac40e850cb37f4 100644
--- a/matlab/write_fort90.m
+++ b/matlab/write_fort90.m
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ fprintf(fid,['  k_gB    = ', num2str(MODEL.k_gB),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  k_cB    = ', num2str(MODEL.k_cB),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  lambdaD = ', num2str(MODEL.lambdaD),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  beta    = ', num2str(MODEL.beta),'\n']);
+fprintf(fid,['  ExBrate = ', num2str(MODEL.ExBrate),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  ADIAB_E = ', MODEL.ADIAB_E,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  ADIAB_I = ', MODEL.ADIAB_I,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  tau_i   = ', num2str(MODEL.tau_i),'\n']);
diff --git a/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90 b/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..649f99664d72a5f4fee7e762ebd8f9b4eddef064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/ExB_shear_flow_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+MODULE ExB_shear_flow
+    ! This module contains the necessary tools to implement ExB shearing flow effects.
+    ! The algorithm is taken from the presentation of Hammett et al. 2006 (APS) and
+    ! it the one used in GS2.
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    ! Variables
+    REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: gamma_E = 0._xp ! ExB background shearing rate \gamma_E
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: sky_ExB      ! shift of the kx modes, kx* = kx + s(ky)
+    INTEGER,  DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: jump_ExB     ! jump to do to shift the kx grids
+    LOGICAL,  DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: shiftnow_ExB ! Indicates if there is a line to shift
+    ! Routines
+    PUBLIC :: Setup_ExB_shear_flow, Apply_ExB_shear_flow, Update_ExB_shear_flow
+    ! Setup the variables for the ExB shear
+    SUBROUTINE Setup_ExB_shear_flow
+        USE grid,       ONLY : local_nky
+        ! Setup the ExB shift
+        ALLOCATE(sky_ExB(local_nky))
+        sky_ExB = 0._xp
+        ! Setup the jump array and shifting flag
+        ALLOCATE(jump_ExB(local_nky))
+        jump_ExB     = 0
+        ALLOCATE(shiftnow_ExB(local_nky))
+        shiftnow_ExB = .FALSE.
+    END SUBROUTINE Setup_ExB_shear_flow
+    ! Update according to the current ExB shear value
+    ! -the grids
+    ! -the spatial operators 
+    ! -the fields by imposing a shift on kx
+    SUBROUTINE Apply_ExB_shear_flow
+        USE basic,      ONLY: chrono_ExBs, start_chrono, stop_chrono
+        USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky, kxarray, update_grids, &
+            total_nkx, deltakx, kx_min, kx_max
+        USE prec_const, ONLY: PI
+        USE geometry,   ONLY: gxx,gxy,inv_hatB2, evaluate_magn_curv
+        USE numerics,   ONLY: evaluate_EM_op, evaluate_kernels
+        USE fields,     ONLY: moments, phi, psi
+        ! local var
+        INTEGER :: iky, ikx, ikx_s
+        CALL start_chrono(chrono_ExBs)
+        ! shift all fields and correct the shift value
+        DO iky = 1,local_Nky
+            IF(shiftnow_ExB(iky)) THEN
+                print*, "SHIFT ARRAYS"
+                ! shift all fields
+                DO ikx = 1,total_nkx
+                    ikx_s = ikx + jump_ExB(iky)
+                    ! We test if the shifted modes are still in contained in our resolution
+                    ! IF( (kxarray(iky,ikx)-sky_ExB(iky) .GE. kx_min) .AND. (kxarray(iky,ikx)-sky_ExB(iky) .LE. kx_max) ) THEN
+                    IF ( ((ikx_s .GT. 0 ) .AND. (ikx_s .LE. total_nkx )) .AND. &
+                         (((ikx   .LE. (total_nkx/2+1)) .AND. (ikx_s .LE. (total_nkx/2+1))) .OR. &
+                          ((ikx   .GT. (total_nkx/2+1)) .AND. (ikx_s .GT. (total_nkx/2+1)))) ) THEN
+                        moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx,:,:) = moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx_s,:,:)
+                        phi(iky,ikx,:)             = phi(iky,ikx_s,:)
+                        psi(iky,ikx,:)             = psi(iky,ikx_s,:)
+                    ELSE ! if it is not, it is lost (~dissipation for high modes)
+                        moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx,:,:) = 0._xp
+                        phi(iky,ikx,:)             = 0._xp
+                        psi(iky,ikx,:)             = 0._xp
+                    ENDIF
+                ENDDO
+                ! correct the shift value s(ky) for this row 
+                sky_ExB(iky) = sky_ExB(iky) - jump_ExB(iky)*deltakx
+            ENDIF
+        ENDDO
+        ! After shifting and correction, we update the operators and grids
+        !   update the grids  
+        CALL update_grids(sky_ExB,gxx,gxy,inv_hatB2)
+        !   update the EM op., the kernels and the curvature op.
+        ! CALL evaluate_kernels
+        ! CALL evaluate_EM_op
+        ! CALL evaluate_magn_curv
+        CALL stop_chrono(chrono_ExBs)
+    END SUBROUTINE Apply_ExB_shear_flow
+    ! update the ExB shear value for the next time step
+    SUBROUTINE Update_ExB_shear_flow
+        USE basic,      ONLY: dt, chrono_ExBs, start_chrono, stop_chrono
+        USE grid,       ONLY: local_nky, kyarray, inv_dkx
+        USE model,      ONLY: ExBrate
+        ! local var
+        INTEGER :: iky
+        CALL start_chrono(chrono_ExBs)
+        ! update the ExB shift, jumps and flags
+        shiftnow_ExB = .FALSE.
+        DO iky = 1,local_Nky
+            sky_ExB(iky)      = sky_ExB(iky) - kyarray(iky)*ExBrate*dt
+            jump_ExB(iky)     = NINT(sky_ExB(iky)*inv_dkx)
+            ! If the jump is 1 or more for a given ky, we flag the index
+            ! in shiftnow_ExB and will use it in Shift_fields to avoid
+            ! zero-shiftings that may be majoritary.
+            shiftnow_ExB(iky) = (abs(jump_ExB(iky)) .GT. 0)
+        ENDDO
+        CALL stop_chrono(chrono_ExBs)
+    END SUBROUTINE Update_ExB_shear_flow
+END MODULE ExB_shear_flow
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/auxval.F90 b/src/auxval.F90
index dd4f4a16d6b9cb27c3de193db4c965d50478fc59..6828d2aa879b778088aee66136bff0320e95d639 100644
--- a/src/auxval.F90
+++ b/src/auxval.F90
@@ -5,13 +5,15 @@ subroutine auxval
   USE grid
   USE array
   USE model
-  USE fourier, ONLY: init_grid_distr_and_plans
+  USE fourier,        ONLY: init_grid_distr_and_plans
   use prec_const
   USE numerics
   USE geometry
-  USE closure, ONLY: set_closure_model, hierarchy_closure
-  USE parallel, ONLY: init_parallel_var, my_id, num_procs, num_procs_p, num_procs_z, num_procs_ky, rank_p, rank_ky, rank_z
-  USE processing, ONLY: init_process
+  USE closure,        ONLY: set_closure_model, hierarchy_closure
+  USE parallel,       ONLY: init_parallel_var, my_id, num_procs, &
+    num_procs_p, num_procs_z, num_procs_ky, rank_p, rank_ky, rank_z
+  USE processing,     ONLY: init_process
+  USE ExB_shear_flow, ONLY: Setup_ExB_shear_flow
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
   USE CLA, ONLY: init_CLA
@@ -34,7 +36,7 @@ subroutine auxval
   ! precompute the kernels
   CALL evaluate_kernels 
   ! compute inverse of poisson and ampere operators
-  CALL evaluate_EM_op 
+  CALL evaluate_EM_op
   ! precompute the Laguerre nonlin product coeffs
   IF ( LINEARITY .NE. 'linear' ) &
     CALL build_dnjs_table 
@@ -42,6 +44,8 @@ subroutine auxval
   CALL build_dv4Hp_table 
   ! set the closure scheme in use
   CALL set_closure_model   
+  ! Setup ExB shear variables
+  CALL Setup_ExB_shear_flow
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
   ! If we want to test SVD decomposition etc.
   CALL init_CLA(local_nky,local_np*local_nj)
diff --git a/src/basic_mod.F90 b/src/basic_mod.F90
index 0c45dd452978d58a64048cfb65693e292b7efb19..fb34690a6aad560d5cf31e7e4692f8ab9643a21c 100644
--- a/src/basic_mod.F90
+++ b/src/basic_mod.F90
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@ MODULE basic
   end type chrono
   ! Define the chronos for each relevant routines
   type(chrono), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: chrono_runt, chrono_mrhs, chrono_advf, chrono_pois, chrono_sapj,&
-   chrono_diag, chrono_chck, chrono_step, chrono_clos, chrono_ghst, chrono_coll, chrono_napj, chrono_grad
+   chrono_diag, chrono_chck, chrono_step, chrono_clos, chrono_ghst, chrono_coll, chrono_napj, &
+   chrono_grad, chrono_ExBs
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
   ! A chrono for SVD tests
   type(chrono), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: chrono_CLA
@@ -86,6 +87,7 @@ CONTAINS
     chrono_chck%ttot = 0
     chrono_diag%ttot = 0
     chrono_step%ttot = 0
+    chrono_ExBs%ttot = 0
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
     chrono_CLA%ttot = 0
diff --git a/src/circular_mod.F90 b/src/circular_mod.F90
index cff23018af3d1453cd43a2f503691a6b5f6a1675..8a01fb7cbce6a4b3177fb3dac977a69499f9a882 100644
--- a/src/circular_mod.F90
+++ b/src/circular_mod.F90
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ MODULE circular
   USE grid, ONLY: local_Nky, local_Nkx, local_nz, ngz, nzgrid, kyarray, kxarray, zarray, total_nz, local_nz_offset, iodd, ieven
   ! use discretization
   USE lagrange_interpolation
-  USE model
   implicit none
   public:: get_circ
diff --git a/src/collision_mod.F90 b/src/collision_mod.F90
index 5d842e4db52b432dcd5ff4c8213f8f74cc2b1b05..66df93ec942fb430b242f32df273819ea1825177 100644
--- a/src/collision_mod.F90
+++ b/src/collision_mod.F90
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE compute_lenard_bernstein
     USE grid, ONLY: ias,iae, ips,ipe, ijs,ije, parray, jarray, &
-                    ikys,ikye, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize, kparray, ngp, ngj, ngz
+                    ikys,ikye, ikxs,ikxe, izs,ize, kp2array, ngp, ngj, ngz
     USE species,          ONLY: sigma2_tau_o2, nu_ab
     USE time_integration, ONLY: updatetlevel
     USE array,            ONLY: Capj
     USE fields,           ONLY: moments
     COMPLEX(xp) :: TColl_
-    REAL(xp)    :: j_xp, p_xp, ba_2, kp
+    REAL(xp)    :: j_xp, p_xp, ba_2, kp2
     INTEGER     :: iz,ikx,iky,ij,ip,ia,eo,ipi,iji,izi
     DO iz = izs,ize; izi = iz + ngz/2
     DO ikx = ikxs, ikxe;
@@ -135,8 +135,8 @@ CONTAINS
       eo   = MODULO(parray(ipi),2)
       p_xp = REAL(parray(ipi),xp)
       j_xp = REAL(jarray(iji),xp)
-      kp   = kparray(iky,ikx,izi,eo)
-      ba_2 = kp**2 * sigma2_tau_o2(ia) ! this is (ba/2)^2
+      kp2  = kp2array(iky,ikx,izi,eo)
+      ba_2 = kp2 * sigma2_tau_o2(ia) ! this is (ba/2)^2
       !** Assembling collison operator **
       ! -nuee (p + 2j) Nepj
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ CONTAINS
     USE grid, ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, parray, jarray, ngp, ngj, &
                     ip0, ip2, ij0, ij1, ieven, &
                     local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, ngz,&
-                    kparray
+                    kp2array
     USE species,          ONLY: nu_ab, tau, q_tau
     USE time_integration, ONLY: updatetlevel
     USE array,            ONLY: Capj
@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ CONTAINS
     COMPLEX(xp) :: Tmp
     INTEGER     :: iz,ikx,iky,ij,ip,ia, ipi,iji,izi
-    REAL(xp)    :: j_xp, p_xp, kp_xp
+    REAL(xp)    :: j_xp, p_xp, kp2_xp
     DO iz = 1,local_nz
       izi = iz + ngz/2
       DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
         DO iky = 1,local_nky 
-          kp_xp = kparray(iky,ikx,izi,ieven)
+          kp2_xp = kp2array(iky,ikx,izi,ieven)
           DO ij = 1,local_nj
             iji = ij + ngj/2 
             DO ip = 1,local_np
@@ -185,17 +185,17 @@ CONTAINS
                 j_xp      = REAL(jarray(iji),xp)
                 !** Assembling collison operator **
                 IF( (p_xp .EQ. 0._xp) .AND. (j_xp .EQ. 0._xp)) THEN !Ca00
-                  Tmp = tau(ia)**2 * kp_xp**4*(&
+                  Tmp = tau(ia)**2 * kp2_xp**2*(&
                     67_xp/120_xp      *moments(ia,ip0,ij0,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel)&
                    -67_xp/240_xp      *moments(ia,ip0,ij1,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel)&
                    -3_xp/10_xp        *q_tau(ia)*phi(iky,ikx,izi))
                 ELSEIF( (p_xp .EQ. 2._xp) .AND. (j_xp .EQ. 0._xp)) THEN ! Ca20
-                  Tmp = tau(ia) * kp_xp**2*(&
+                  Tmp = tau(ia) * kp2_xp*(&
                 ELSEIF( (p_xp .EQ. 0._xp) .AND. (j_xp .EQ. 1._xp)) THEN ! Ca01
-                  Tmp = tau(ia) * kp_xp**2*(&
+                  Tmp = tau(ia) * kp2_xp*(&
diff --git a/src/diagnose.F90 b/src/diagnose.F90
index 327ad696636784faad221a7be612e7fb08e760df..8807f076fa17bd74169421b4f7907081bc8b3e26 100644
--- a/src/diagnose.F90
+++ b/src/diagnose.F90
@@ -134,11 +134,12 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose_full(kstep)
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_coll",       "cumulative collision computation time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_grad",       "cumulative grad computation time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_nadiab",     "cumulative nadiab moments computation time")
+    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_ExBshear",   "cumulative ExB shear time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_adv_field",  "cumulative adv. fields computation time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_ghost",       "cumulative communication time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_clos",       "cumulative closure computation time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_checkfield", "cumulative checkfield computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_diag",       "cumulative sym computation time")
+    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_diag",       "cumulative diagnostic time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_step",       "cumulative total step computation time")
     CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/time",          "current simulation time")
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
@@ -351,6 +352,7 @@ SUBROUTINE diagnose_0d
   CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_diag",      REAL(chrono_diag%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
   CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_grad",      REAL(chrono_grad%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
   CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_nadiab",    REAL(chrono_napj%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_ExBshear",  REAL(chrono_ExBs%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
   CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_step",      REAL(chrono_step%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
   CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_CLA",      REAL(chrono_CLA%ttot,dp),ionode=0) 
diff --git a/src/geometry_mod.F90 b/src/geometry_mod.F90
index 4d18d1c9b4ec00a6daad8f83db11a66922ed3495..91b83db374904c8290a598ac1009bfff3592811b 100644
--- a/src/geometry_mod.F90
+++ b/src/geometry_mod.F90
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ implicit none
   ! derivatives of magnetic field strength
   REAL(xp),    PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: dBdx, dBdy, dBdz, dlnBdz
   ! Relative magnetic field strength
+  REAL(xp),    PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: hatB, inv_hatB2 ! normalized bckg magnetic gradient amplitude and its inv squared
   ! Relative strength of major radius
   REAL(xp),    PUBLIC, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: hatR, hatZ
   ! Some geometrical coefficients
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ implicit none
   ! Functions
   PUBLIC :: geometry_readinputs, geometry_outputinputs,&
-            eval_magnetic_geometry, set_ikx_zBC_map
+            eval_magnetic_geometry, set_ikx_zBC_map, evaluate_magn_curv
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ CONTAINS
   subroutine eval_magnetic_geometry
     USE grid,     ONLY: total_nky, total_nz, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, ngz,&
-                        kxarray, kyarray, set_kparray, nzgrid, zweights_SR, ieven, set_kxgrid
+                        set_kparray, nzgrid, zweights_SR, ieven, set_kxgrid
     USE basic,    ONLY: speak
     USE miller,   ONLY: set_miller_parameters, get_miller
     USE circular, ONLY: get_circ
@@ -108,10 +108,8 @@ CONTAINS
     USE species,  ONLY: Ptot
     ! evalute metrix, elementwo_third_kpmaxts, jacobian and gradient
     implicit none
-    REAL(xp) :: kx,ky
     COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(local_nz) :: integrant
-    real(xp) :: Cx, Cy, g_xz, g_yz, g_zz
-    INTEGER  :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
     ! Allocate arrays
     CALL geometry_allocate_mem(local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz,ngz,nzgrid)
@@ -164,15 +162,39 @@ CONTAINS
           ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << geometry not recognized!!'
         END SELECT
+    ! inv squared of the magnetic gradient bckg amplitude (for fast kperp update)
+    inv_hatB2 = 1/hatB/hatB
     ! Reset kx grid (to account for Cyq0_x0 factor)
     CALL set_kxgrid(shear,Npol,Cyq0_x0,LINEARITY,N_HD) 
     ! Evaluate perpendicular wavenumber
     !  k_\perp^2 = g^{xx} k_x^2 + 2 g^{xy}k_x k_y + k_y^2 g^{yy}
     !  normalized to rhos_
-    CALL set_kparray(gxx,gxy,gyy,hatB)
+    CALL set_kparray(gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2)
+    ! Evaluate magnetic curvature operator Ckxky
+    CALL evaluate_magn_curv
+    ! coefficient in the front of parallel derivative
+    gradz_coeff = 1._xp /(jacobian*hatB)
+    ! d/dz(ln B) to correspond to the formulation in Hoffmann et al. 2023
+    dlnBdz      = dBdz/hatB
+    !
+    ! set the mapping for parallel boundary conditions
+    CALL set_ikx_zBC_map
+    !
+    ! Compute the inverse z integrated Jacobian (useful for flux averaging)
+    integrant = Jacobian((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven) ! Convert into complex array
+    CALL simpson_rule_z(local_nz,zweights_SR,integrant,iInt_Jacobian)
+    iInt_Jacobian = 1._xp/iInt_Jacobian ! reverse it
+  END SUBROUTINE eval_magnetic_geometry
+  SUBROUTINE evaluate_magn_curv
+    USE grid,     ONLY: local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, ngz,&
+                        kxarray, kyarray, nzgrid
+    REAL(xp) :: kx,ky
+    real(xp) :: Cx, Cy, g_xz, g_yz, g_zz
+    INTEGER  :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
     DO eo = 1,nzgrid
-      ! Curvature operator (Frei et al. 2022 eq 2.15)
       DO iz = 1,local_nz+ngz
         ! !covariant metric
         g_xz = jacobian(iz,eo)**2*(gxy(iz,eo)*gyz(iz,eo)-gyy(iz,eo)*gxz(iz,eo))
@@ -186,25 +208,13 @@ CONTAINS
         DO iky = 1,local_nky
           ky = kyarray(iky)
            DO ikx= 1,local_nkx
-             kx = kxarray(ikx)
+             kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
              Ckxky(iky, ikx, iz,eo) = (Cx*kx + Cy*ky)/C_xy
-        ! coefficient in the front of parallel derivative
-        gradz_coeff(iz,eo) = 1._xp /(jacobian(iz,eo)*hatB(iz,eo))
-        ! d/dz(ln B) to correspond to the formulation in paper 2023
-        dlnBdz(iz,eo)      = dBdz(iz,eo)/hatB(iz,eo)
-    !
-    ! set the mapping for parallel boundary conditions
-    CALL set_ikx_zBC_map
-    !
-    ! Compute the inverse z integrated Jacobian (useful for flux averaging)
-    integrant = Jacobian((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven) ! Convert into complex array
-    CALL simpson_rule_z(local_nz,zweights_SR,integrant,iInt_Jacobian)
-    iInt_Jacobian = 1._xp/iInt_Jacobian ! reverse it
-  END SUBROUTINE eval_magnetic_geometry
@@ -382,10 +392,10 @@ CONTAINS
             ! Check if it has to be connected to the otherside of the kx grid
             if(ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) .LE. 0) ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) = ikx_zBC_L(iky,ikx) + total_nkx
             ! Check if it points out of the kx domain
-            ! print*, kxarray(ikx), shift, kx_min
-            IF( (kxarray(ikx) - shift) .LT. kx_min ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
-              ! print*,( ((kxarray(ikx) - shift)-kx_min) .LT. EPSILON(kx_min) )
-              ! print*, kxarray(ikx)-kx_min, EPSILON(kx_min)
+            ! print*, kxarray(iky,ikx), shift, kx_min
+            IF( (kxarray(iky,ikx) - shift) .LT. kx_min ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
+              ! print*,( ((kxarray(iky,ikx) - shift)-kx_min) .LT. EPSILON(kx_min) )
+              ! print*, kxarray(iky,ikx)-kx_min, EPSILON(kx_min)
               ! IF( (ikx-mn_y*Nexc) .LT. 1 ) THEN 
               SELECT CASE(parallel_bc)
               CASE ('dirichlet','disconnected') ! connected to 0
@@ -420,7 +430,7 @@ CONTAINS
             ! Check if it has to be connected to the otherside of the kx grid
             if(ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) .GT. total_nkx) ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) - total_nkx
             ! Check if it points out of the kx domain
-            IF( (kxarray(ikx) + shift) .GT. kx_max ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
+            IF( (kxarray(iky,ikx) + shift) .GT. kx_max ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
             ! IF( (ikx+mn_y*Nexc) .GT. total_nkx ) THEN ! outside of the frequ domain
               SELECT CASE(parallel_bc)
               CASE ('dirichlet','disconnected') ! connected to 0
@@ -428,7 +438,7 @@ CONTAINS
               CASE ('periodic') ! connected to itself as for shearless
                 ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = ikx
               CASE ('cyclic')
-                ! write(*,*) 'check',ikx,iky, kxarray(ikx) + shift, '>', kx_max
+                ! write(*,*) 'check',ikx,iky, kxarray(iky,ikx) + shift, '>', kx_max
                 ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx) = MODULO(ikx_zBC_R(iky,ikx)-1,total_nkx)+1
               CASE DEFAULT
                 ERROR STOP "The parallel BC is not recognized (dirichlet, periodic, cyclic or disconnected)"
@@ -517,6 +527,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE set_ikx_zBC_map
        ALLOCATE(       dBdy(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
        ALLOCATE(       dBdz(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
        ALLOCATE(     dlnBdz(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
+       ALLOCATE(  inv_hatB2(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
        ALLOCATE(       hatB(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
        ALLOCATE(       hatR(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
        ALLOCATE(       hatZ(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid))
diff --git a/src/grid_mod.F90 b/src/grid_mod.F90
index dbeda1d1ba8c321c56bb4448322558320a6e7c6c..a3e8a7a5fc6e421a0efc23a66b5a8e226d3be422 100644
--- a/src/grid_mod.F90
+++ b/src/grid_mod.F90
@@ -25,11 +25,13 @@ MODULE grid
   ! Grid arrays
-  REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kxarray, kxarray_full
+  REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kxarray ! ExB shear makes it ky dependant
   REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kyarray, kyarray_full
   REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kparray !kperp
+  REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kp2array !kperp^2
   ! Kronecker delta for p=0, p=1, p=2, j=0, j=1
   REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kroneck_p0, kroneck_p1, kroneck_p2, kroneck_p3
   REAL(xp), DIMENSION(:),   ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: kroneck_j0, kroneck_j1
@@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ MODULE grid
   integer(C_INTPTR_T), PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: local_nkx_ptr, local_nky_ptr
   integer(C_INTPTR_T), PUBLIC,PROTECTED :: local_nkx_ptr_offset, local_nky_ptr_offset
   ! Grid spacing and limits
-  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  deltap, deltaz, inv_deltaz
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  deltap, deltaz, inv_deltaz, inv_dkx
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  deltakx, deltaky, kx_max, ky_max, kx_min, ky_min!, kp_max
   INTEGER , PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  local_pmin,  local_pmax
   INTEGER , PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  local_jmin,  local_jmax
@@ -112,6 +114,7 @@ MODULE grid
   PUBLIC :: set_grids, set_kxgrid, set_kparray
   PUBLIC :: grid_readinputs, grid_outputinputs
   PUBLIC :: bar
+  PUBLIC :: update_grids ! Update the kx and kperp grids for ExB shear flow
   ! Precomputations
   real(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED    :: pmax_xp, jmax_xp
@@ -214,7 +217,7 @@ CONTAINS
     local_nkx_ptr = ikxe - ikxs + 1
     local_nkx     = ikxe - ikxs + 1
     local_nkx_offset = ikxs - 1
-    ALLOCATE(kxarray(local_nkx))
+    ALLOCATE(kxarray(local_nky,local_Nkx))
     !!---------------- PARALLEL Z GRID (parallelized)
@@ -263,6 +266,7 @@ CONTAINS
     !!---------------- Kperp grid
     CALL allocate_array( kparray, 1,local_nky, 1,local_nkx, 1,local_nz+ngz, 1,nzgrid)
+    CALL allocate_array(kp2array, 1,local_nky, 1,local_nkx, 1,local_nz+ngz, 1,nzgrid)
   ! We define the grids that contain ghosts (p,j,z) with indexing from 1 to Nlocal + nghost
@@ -474,7 +478,7 @@ CONTAINS
     REAL(xp), INTENT(IN) :: shear, Npol, Cyq0_x0
-    INTEGER :: ikx
+    INTEGER :: ikx, iky
     REAL(xp):: Lx_adapted
     IF(shear .GT. 0) THEN
       IF(my_id.EQ.0) write(*,*) 'Magnetic shear detected: set up sheared kx grid..'
@@ -488,7 +492,8 @@ CONTAINS
       ! x length is adapted
       Lx = Lx_adapted*Nexc
-    deltakx      = 2._xp*PI/Lx
+    deltakx = 2._xp*PI/Lx
+    inv_dkx = 1._xp/deltakx   
     IF(MODULO(total_nkx,2) .EQ. 0) THEN ! Even number of kx (-2 -1 0 1 2 3)
       ! Creating a grid ordered as dk*(0 1 2 3 -2 -1)
       DO ikx = 1,total_nkx
@@ -499,18 +504,20 @@ CONTAINS
       kx_min = MINVAL(kxarray_full)!-kx_max+deltakx
       ! Set local grid (not parallelized so same as full one)
       local_kxmax = 0._xp
-      DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
-        kxarray(ikx) = kxarray_full(ikx+local_nkx_offset)
-        ! Finding kx=0
-        IF (kxarray(ikx) .EQ. 0) THEN
-          ikx0 = ikx
-          contains_kx0 = .true.
-        ENDIF
-        ! Finding local kxmax
-        IF (ABS(kxarray(ikx)) .GT. local_kxmax) THEN
-          local_kxmax = ABS(kxarray(ikx))
-          ikx_max = ikx
-        ENDIF
+      DO iky = 1,local_nky
+        DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
+          kxarray(iky,ikx) = kxarray_full(ikx+local_nkx_offset)
+          ! Finding kx=0
+          IF (kxarray(1,ikx) .EQ. 0) THEN
+            ikx0 = ikx
+            contains_kx0 = .true.
+          ENDIF
+          ! Finding local kxmax
+          IF (ABS(kxarray(iky,ikx)) .GT. local_kxmax) THEN
+            local_kxmax = ABS(kxarray(iky,ikx))
+            ikx_max = ikx
+          ENDIF
+        END DO
       END DO
     ELSE ! Odd number of kx (-2 -1 0 1 2)
       ERROR STOP "Gyacomo is safer with an even Kx number"
@@ -518,13 +525,15 @@ CONTAINS
     ! Orszag 2/3 filter
     two_third_kxmax = 2._xp/3._xp*kx_max;
     ! Antialiasing filter
-    DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
-      IF ( ((kxarray(ikx) .GT. -two_third_kxmax) .AND. &
-           (kxarray(ikx) .LT. two_third_kxmax))   .OR. (LINEARITY .EQ. 'linear')) THEN
-        AA_x(ikx) = 1._xp;
-      ELSE
-        AA_x(ikx) = 0._xp;
-      ENDIF
+    DO iky = 1,local_nky
+      DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
+        IF ( ((kxarray(iky,ikx) .GT. -two_third_kxmax) .AND. &
+            (kxarray(iky,ikx) .LT. two_third_kxmax))   .OR. (LINEARITY .EQ. 'linear')) THEN
+          AA_x(ikx) = 1._xp;
+        ELSE
+          AA_x(ikx) = 0._xp;
+        ENDIF
+      END DO
     END DO
     ! For hyperdiffusion
     IF(LINEARITY.EQ.'linear') THEN
@@ -572,19 +581,6 @@ CONTAINS
       ! Find local extrema
       local_zmax(eo) = zarray(local_nz+ngz/2,eo)
       local_zmin(eo) = zarray(1+ngz/2,eo)
-      ! Periodic z \in (-pi pi-dz)
-      ! DO ig = 1,ngz/2 ! first ghost cells
-      !   iglob = ig+local_nz_offset-ngz/2
-      !   IF (iglob .LE. 0) &
-      !     iglob = iglob + total_nz
-      !   zarray(ig,eo) = zarray_full(iglob)
-      ! ENDDO
-      ! DO ig = local_nz+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz ! last ghost cells
-      !   iglob = ig+local_nz_offset-ngz/2
-      !   IF (iglob .GT. total_nz) &
-      !     iglob = iglob - total_nz
-      !   zarray(ig,eo) = zarray_full(iglob)
-      ! ENDDO
       ! continue in z<pi and z>pi
       DO ig = 1,ngz/2
         zarray(local_nz+ngz/2+ig,eo) = zarray(local_nz+ngz/2,eo) + ig*deltaz
@@ -611,9 +607,9 @@ CONTAINS
   END SUBROUTINE set_zgrid
-  SUBROUTINE set_kparray(gxx, gxy, gyy,hatB)
+  SUBROUTINE set_kparray(gxx, gxy, gyy, inv_hatB2)
-    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid), INTENT(IN) :: gxx,gxy,gyy,hatB
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid), INTENT(IN) :: gxx,gxy,gyy,inv_hatB2
     INTEGER     :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
     REAL(xp)    :: kx, ky
     DO eo = 1,nzgrid
@@ -621,11 +617,12 @@ CONTAINS
         DO iky = 1,local_nky
           ky = kyarray(iky)
           DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
-            kx = kxarray(ikx)
+            kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
             ! there is a factor 1/B from the normalization; important to match GENE
             ! this factor comes from $b_a$ argument in the Bessel. Kperp is not used otherwise.
-            kparray(iky, ikx, iz, eo) = &
-            SQRT( gxx(iz,eo)*kx**2 + 2._xp*gxy(iz,eo)*kx*ky + gyy(iz,eo)*ky**2)/ hatB(iz,eo)
+            kp2array(iky, ikx, iz, eo) = &
+              (gxx(iz,eo)*kx**2 + 2._xp*gxy(iz,eo)*kx*ky + gyy(iz,eo)*ky**2)*inv_hatB2(iz,eo)
+            kparray(iky, ikx, iz, eo)  = SQRT(kp2array(iky, ikx, iz, eo))
@@ -633,6 +630,34 @@ CONTAINS
     two_third_kpmax = 2._xp/3._xp * MAXVAL(kparray)
+  SUBROUTINE update_grids (sky,gxx,gxy,inv_hatB2)
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nky),INTENT(IN) :: sky ! ExB grid shift
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(local_nz+ngz,nzgrid), INTENT(IN) :: gxx,gxy,inv_hatB2
+    INTEGER     :: eo,iz,iky,ikx
+    REAL(xp)    :: kx, ky, skp2
+    ! Update the kx grid
+    DO iky = 1,local_nky
+      DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
+        kxarray(iky,ikx) = kxarray(iky,ikx) + sky(iky)
+      ENDDO
+    ENDDO
+    ! Update the kperp grid
+    DO eo = 1,nzgrid
+      DO iz = 1,local_nz+ngz
+        DO iky = 1,local_nky
+          ky = kyarray(iky)
+          DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
+            kx   = kxarray(iky,ikx)
+            ! shift in kp obtained from kp2* = kp2 + skp2
+            skp2 = sky(iky)*inv_hatB2(iz,eo)*(gxx(iz,eo)*(2._xp*kx+sky(iky)) +gxy(iz,eo)*ky)
+            kp2array(iky, ikx, iz, eo) = kp2array(iky, ikx, iz, eo) + skp2
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDDO
+    ENDDO
   SUBROUTINE grid_outputinputs(fid)
     ! Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file
     USE futils, ONLY: attach, creatd
diff --git a/src/inital.F90 b/src/inital.F90
index cfc12ecb46382ff7a583f9bc8488bebea9904733..8871714afef4976ee6bf96f470170dc870f0303c 100644
--- a/src/inital.F90
+++ b/src/inital.F90
@@ -308,10 +308,10 @@ SUBROUTINE init_phi_ppj
   INTEGER  :: ikx, iky, iz
   amp = 1.0_xp
     !**** ppj initialization *******************************************
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-        kx = kxarray(ikx)
-        DO iky=1,local_nky
-          ky = kyarray(iky)
+      DO iky=1,local_nky
+        ky = kyarray(iky)
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+          kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
           DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
             z = zarray(iz,ieven)
             IF (ky .NE. 0) THEN
@@ -381,7 +381,7 @@ SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
       DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
         z  = zarray(iz,ieven)
         DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-          kx = kxarray(ikx) + z*shear*ky
+          kx = kxarray(iky,ikx) + z*shear*ky
           DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
             p = parray(ip)
             DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
@@ -437,10 +437,10 @@ SUBROUTINE init_ppj
       DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
         DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
           IF ( (ip .EQ. 1) .AND. (ij .EQ. 1) ) THEN
-            DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-              kx = kxarray(ikx)
-              DO iky=1,local_nky
-                ky = kyarray(iky)
+            DO iky=1,local_nky
+              ky = kyarray(iky)
+              DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+                kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
                 DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
                   z = zarray(iz,ieven)
                   IF (kx .EQ. 0) THEN
diff --git a/src/miller_mod.F90 b/src/miller_mod.F90
index 463770f7b4bca8f28146f6b4a03cee4f82bd5af4..ad06e9448a8ef77ca711b06859bdb292d3f8a307 100644
--- a/src/miller_mod.F90
+++ b/src/miller_mod.F90
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ MODULE miller
   USE grid, ONLY: local_Nky, local_Nkx, local_nz, ngz, nzgrid, kyarray, kxarray, zarray, total_nz, local_nz_offset, iodd, ieven
   ! use discretization
   USE lagrange_interpolation
-  USE model
   implicit none
   public:: get_miller, set_miller_parameters
diff --git a/src/model_mod.F90 b/src/model_mod.F90
index 4f4974ca1a20f352c96125481a5ad69572dc688d..f74659a8fddda82c533b699edfd916e03f4da199 100644
--- a/src/model_mod.F90
+++ b/src/model_mod.F90
@@ -17,14 +17,15 @@ MODULE model
   CHARACTER(len=16), &
   PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::   HYP_V = 'hypcoll'  ! hyperdiffusion model for velocity space ('none','hypcoll','dvpar4')
   INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::      Na =  1         ! number of evolved species
+  LOGICAL,  PUBLIC            :: ADIAB_E =  .false.   ! adiabatic electron model
+  LOGICAL,  PUBLIC            :: ADIAB_I =  .false.   ! adiabatic ion model
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::   tau_i =  1.0       ! electron-ion temperature ratio for ion adiabatic model
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::      nu =  0._xp     ! collision frequency parameter
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    k_gB =  1._xp     ! Magnetic gradient strength (L_ref/L_gB)
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    k_cB =  1._xp     ! Magnetic curvature strength (L_ref/L_cB)
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: lambdaD =  0._xp     ! Debye length
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    beta =  0._xp     ! electron plasma Beta (8piNT_e/B0^2)
-  LOGICAL,  PUBLIC            :: ADIAB_E =  .false.   ! adiabatic electron model
-  LOGICAL,  PUBLIC            :: ADIAB_I =  .false.   ! adiabatic ion model
-  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::   tau_i =  1.0       ! electron-ion temperature ratio for ion adiabatic model
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ExBrate =  0._xp     ! ExB background shearing rate (radially constant shear flow)
   ! Auxiliary variable
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::      EM =  .true.    ! Electromagnetic effects flag
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  MHD_PD =  .true.    ! MHD pressure drift
@@ -40,14 +41,15 @@ CONTAINS
   SUBROUTINE model_readinputs
     !    Read the input parameters
-    USE basic,    ONLY: lu_in, speak
-    USE parallel, ONLY: num_procs_p
-    USE prec_const
+    USE basic,          ONLY: lu_in, speak
+    USE parallel,       ONLY: num_procs_p
+    USE prec_const,     ONLY: xp
-                         mu_x, mu_y, N_HD, HDz_h, mu_z, mu_p, mu_j, HYP_V, Na,&
-                         nu, k_gB, k_cB, lambdaD, beta, ADIAB_E, ADIAB_I, tau_i
+                         Na, ADIAB_E, ADIAB_I, tau_i, &
+                         mu_x, mu_y, N_HD, HDz_h, mu_z, mu_p, mu_j, HYP_V, &
+                         nu, k_gB, k_cB, lambdaD, beta, ExBrate
diff --git a/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90 b/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
index ea1691cb4487c14bb17181b4cd4d28e52bb87c19..f7609cb1e7f8da4328e0ac08bf946d12db193e29 100644
--- a/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
+++ b/src/moments_eq_rhs_mod.F90
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ CONTAINS
     USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                          parray,jarray,kxarray, kyarray, kparray
+                          parray,jarray,kxarray, kyarray, kp2array
     USE basic
     USE closure,    ONLY: evolve_mom
     USE prec_const
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@ CONTAINS
     z:DO  iz = 1,local_nz
       izi = iz + ngz/2
       x:DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
-        kx       = kxarray(ikx)                     ! radial wavevector
-        i_kx     = imagu * kx                       ! radial derivative
         y:DO iky = 1,local_nky
+          kx       = kxarray(iky,ikx)                 ! radial wavevector
           ky       = kyarray(iky)                     ! binormal wavevector
+          i_kx     = imagu * kx                       ! radial derivative
           i_ky     = imagu * ky                       ! binormal derivative
           phikykxz = phi(iky,ikx,izi)
           psikykxz = psi(iky,ikx,izi)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ CONTAINS
               ipi   = ip+ngp/2
               p_int = parray(ipi)                   ! Hermite degree
               eo    = min(nzgrid,MODULO(p_int,2)+1) ! Indicates if we are on odd or even z grid
-              kperp2= kparray(iky,ikx,izi,eo)**2
+              kperp2= kp2array(iky,ikx,izi,eo)
               ! Species loop
               a:DO ia = 1,local_na
                 Napj = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,updatetlevel)
diff --git a/src/numerics_mod.F90 b/src/numerics_mod.F90
index 0224a51566afd7ccc26b6b89572d832c21727377..6ec4d1de2ea60ef855242cf3f7923ad5c05a009d 100644
--- a/src/numerics_mod.F90
+++ b/src/numerics_mod.F90
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_kernels
   USE basic
   USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
   USE array,   ONLY : kernel!, HF_phi_correction_operator
-  USE grid,    ONLY : local_na, local_nj,ngj, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, ngz, jarray, kparray,&
+  USE grid,    ONLY : local_na, local_nj,ngj, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, ngz, jarray, kp2array,&
   USE species, ONLY : sigma2_tau_o2
   USE model,   ONLY : ADIAB_I, tau_i
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ DO ia  = 1,local_na
           DO ij = 1,local_nj + ngj
             j_int = jarray(ij)
             j_xp  = REAL(j_int,xp)
-            y_    =  sigma2_tau_o2(ia) * kparray(iky,ikx,iz,eo)**2
+            y_    =  sigma2_tau_o2(ia) * kp2array(iky,ikx,iz,eo)
             IF(j_int .LT. 0) THEN !ghosts values
               kernel(ia,ij,iky,ikx,iz,eo) = 0._xp
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ DO ia  = 1,local_na
             DO ij = 1,local_nj + ngj
               j_int = jarray(ij)
               j_xp  = REAL(j_int,xp)
-              y_    =  sigma_i**2*tau_i/2._xp * kparray(iky,ikx,iz,eo)**2
+              y_    =  sigma_i**2*tau_i/2._xp * kp2array(iky,ikx,iz,eo)
               IF(j_int .LT. 0) THEN !ghosts values
                 kernel_i(ij,iky,ikx,iz,eo) = 0._xp
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_poisson_op
   kxloop: DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
   kyloop: DO iky = 1,local_nky
   zloop:  DO iz  = 1,local_nz
-  IF( (kxarray(ikx).EQ.0._xp) .AND. (kyarray(iky).EQ.0._xp) ) THEN
+  IF( (kxarray(iky,ikx).EQ.0._xp) .AND. (kyarray(iky).EQ.0._xp) ) THEN
       inv_poisson_op(iky, ikx, iz) =  0._xp
       inv_pol_ion   (iky, ikx, iz) =  0._xp
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_ampere_op
   USE prec_const,   ONLY : xp
   USE array,    ONLY : kernel, inv_ampere_op
   USE grid,     ONLY : local_na, local_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, ngz, total_nj, ngj,&
-                       kparray, kxarray, kyarray, SOLVE_AMPERE, iodd
+                       kp2array, kxarray, kyarray, SOLVE_AMPERE, iodd
   USE model,    ONLY : beta, ADIAB_I
   USE species,  ONLY : q, sigma
   USE geometry, ONLY : hatB
@@ -232,8 +232,8 @@ SUBROUTINE evaluate_ampere_op
     x:DO ikx = 1,local_nkx
     y:DO iky = 1,local_nky
     z:DO iz  = 1,local_nz
-    kperp2 = kparray(iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,iodd)**2
-    IF( (kxarray(ikx).EQ.0._xp) .AND. (kyarray(iky).EQ.0._xp) ) THEN
+    kperp2 = kp2array(iky,ikx,iz+ngz/2,iodd)
+    IF( (kxarray(iky,ikx).EQ.0._xp) .AND. (kyarray(iky).EQ.0._xp) ) THEN
         inv_ampere_op(iky, ikx, iz) =  0._xp
       sum_jpol = 0._xp
diff --git a/src/prec_const_mod.F90 b/src/prec_const_mod.F90
index ce1efa47661cc1a0c5cb03aeaf34bf150b640350..f8fedacda57a3c3e1006e46c87f0a48140bad660 100644
--- a/src/prec_const_mod.F90
+++ b/src/prec_const_mod.F90
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ MODULE prec_const
       ! dp_r = range(b)
       ! dp_p = precision(b)
-      REAL(xp) :: c = 1_xp
+      REAL(xp) :: c = 1._xp
       xp_r = range(c)
       xp_p = precision(c)
diff --git a/src/stepon.F90 b/src/stepon.F90
index 91a7298b1281a5072d2c7c0559e5e1d542b7e008..b511e179f0e616acca9f3b08e256b177de68f9e8 100644
--- a/src/stepon.F90
+++ b/src/stepon.F90
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ SUBROUTINE stepon
    use mpi,                   ONLY: MPI_COMM_WORLD
    USE time_integration,      ONLY: ntimelevel
    USE prec_const,            ONLY: xp
+   USE ExB_shear_flow,        ONLY: Apply_ExB_shear_flow, Update_ExB_shear_flow
 #ifdef TEST_SVD
    USE CLA,                  ONLY: test_svd,filter_sv_moments_ky_pj
@@ -16,6 +17,14 @@ SUBROUTINE stepon
    INTEGER :: num_step, ierr
    LOGICAL :: mlend
+   ! Update the ExB backg. shear flow before the step
+   ! This call includes :
+   !  - the kx grid update
+   !  - the kernel, poisson op. and ampere op update
+   !  - kx-shift of the fields at required ky values
+   !  - the ExB shear value (s(ky)) update for the next time step
+   CALL Apply_ExB_shear_flow
    DO num_step=1,ntimelevel ! eg RK4 compute successively k1, k2, k3, k4
       !----- BEFORE: All fields+ghosts are updated for step = n
       ! Compute right hand side from current fields
@@ -70,6 +79,9 @@ SUBROUTINE stepon
    END DO
+   ! Update the ExB shear flow for the next step
+   CALL Update_ExB_shear_flow
 !!!! Basic structure to simplify stepon
    SUBROUTINE assemble_RHS
diff --git a/wk/lin_run_script.m b/wk/lin_run_script.m
index 97644a1790f9d1067e49b2f388db569bb269b40b..b4832e7da8a2dc06bf8c925f311142352b0c82c2 100644
--- a/wk/lin_run_script.m
+++ b/wk/lin_run_script.m
@@ -15,34 +15,36 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load']))    % Add load folder
 addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'wk/parameters']))  % Add parameters folder
 %% Setup run or load an executable
-RUN = 1; % To run or just to load
+RUN = 0; % To run or just to load
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp_save'; % single precision
 EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_sp'; % single precision
 % EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_dp'; % double precision
+% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo23_debug'; % double precision
 %% Setup parameters
 % run lin_DTT_HM_rho85
 % run lin_DTT_HM_rho98
 % run lin_DTT_LM_rho90
 % run lin_DTT_LM_rho95
-run lin_JET_rho97
+% run lin_JET_rho97
 % run lin_Entropy
-% run lin_ITG
+run lin_ITG
 % run lin_KBM
 %% Change parameters
-NY   = 2;
-NX   = 6;
-NZ   = 32;
-PMAX = 2;
+EXBRATE = 0.0;              % Background ExB shear flow
+NY   = 40;
+NX   = 8;
+PMAX = 16;
-ky   = 0.5;
+ky   = 0.05;
 LY   = 2*pi/ky;
-DT   = 1e-3;
-TMAX = 10;
+DT   = 5e-3;
+TMAX = 50;
 % % SIGMA_E = 0.04;
 % TMAX     = 10;
 % DTSAVE0D = 200*DT;
+% DTSAVE3D = TMAX/50;
 %% RUN
@@ -51,9 +53,9 @@ setup
 if RUN
     MVIN =['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/;'];
     % RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 2 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 1 0;'];
-   RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
-     % RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 8 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 2 2 0;'];
-%     RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0;'];
+   % RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 4 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 2 0;'];
+     RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 8 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 2 2 0;'];
+    % RUN  =['time ',mpirun,' -np 1 ',gyacomodir,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0;'];
       % RUN = ['./../../../bin/gyacomo23_sp 0;'];
     MVOUT='cd ../../../wk;';
@@ -84,8 +86,9 @@ options.NMA    = 1; % Set NMA option to 1
 options.NMODES = 999; % Set how much modes we study
 options.iz     = 'avg'; % Compressing z
 options.ik     = 1; %
+options.GOK2   = 0; % plot gamma/k^2
 options.fftz.flag = 0; % Set fftz.flag option to 0
-fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options); % Call the function mode_growth_meter with data and options as input arguments, and store the result in fig
+[fig, kykx, wkykx, ekykx] = mode_growth_meter(data,options); % Call the function mode_growth_meter with data and options as input arguments, and store the result in fig
 if (1 && NZ>4)
diff --git a/wk/lin_scan_script.m b/wk/lin_scan_script.m
index 8831740be18598ee3c075df149aef21272dbafd6..2dea07f623d52d7151946d1c7ed97270ef2d0c6c 100644
--- a/wk/lin_scan_script.m
+++ b/wk/lin_scan_script.m
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ run lin_JET_rho97
 %% Change parameters
 NY   = 2;
+% SIGMA_E  = 0.023;
 %% Scan parameters
 SIMID = [SIMID,'_scan'];
 P_a   = [2 4 6 8];
diff --git a/wk/load_and_replot.m b/wk/load_and_replot.m
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d0e7ee51fd0f3156026196434d16f4f95057fb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/load_and_replot.m
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+% Load the .fig file
+figFile = '/home/ahoffman/paper2_fig/31_CBC_linear_convergence.fig'; % Replace with the actual path to your .fig file
+% figFile = 'tmp.fig'; % Replace with the actual path to your .fig file
+figHandle = openfig(figFile);
+%% Extract data from the figure
+% Here, we assume that the plotted data is stored in a single line plot
+lineHandle = findobj(figHandle, 'Type', 'line');
+xData = get(lineHandle, 'XData');
+yData = get(lineHandle, 'YData');
+% Extract legend labels
+legendHandle = findobj(figHandle, 'Type', 'legend');
+legendEntries = flip(get(legendHandle, 'String'));
+% legendEntries = legendEntries{end:-1:1};
+% Close the loaded figure
+    figure
+for i = numel(xData):-1:1
+    % plot(xData{i},yData{i},'DisplayName',legendEntries{i}); hold on
+    plot(xData{i},yData{i}./xData{i}.^2,'DisplayName',legendEntries{i}); hold on
+legend show
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/load_metadata_scan.m b/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
index f107d4afec12cbd35cd8844c282d73a5cc056d90..7ef57a678dfc60073e788d78e736c638f4d0a4be 100644
--- a/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
+++ b/wk/load_metadata_scan.m
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ addpath(genpath([gyacomodir,'matlab/load'])) % ... add% EXECNAME = 'gyacomo_1.0'
 % datafname = 'lin_DTT_AB_rho85_PT_scan/16x24_ky_0.1_1_P_2_8_DGGK_0.05_be_0.0039.mat';
 % datafname = 'lin_DTT_AB_rho85_PT_scan/16x24_ky_0.1_0.9_P_2_8_kN_1.33_DGGK_0.56901_be_0.0039.mat';
 % datafname = 'lin_DTT_AB_rho85_PT_scan/8x24_ky_0.05_1.5_P_2_8_kN_1.33_DGGK_0.1_be_0.0039.mat';
-datafname = 'lin_JET_rho97_scan/8x32_ky_0.031623_31.6228_P_1_1_kN_31.4286_DGGK_0.1_be_0.0031.mat';
+% datafname = 'lin_JET_rho97_scan/4x32_ky_0.01_10_P_2_8_kN_10_DGGK_0.1_be_0.0031.mat';
+% datafname = 'lin_JET_rho97_scan/4x32_ky_0.01_10_P_2_8_kN_10_DGGK_0.05_be_0.0031.mat';
+% datafname = 'lin_JET_rho97_scan/8x32_ky_0.01_10_P_2_8_kN_10_DGGK_0.05_be_0.0031.mat';
+% datafname = 'lin_JET_rho97_scan/8x32_ky_0.01_10_P_2_2_kN_10_DGGK_0.05_be_0.0031.mat';
+datafname = 'lin_JET_rho97_scan/8x32_ky_0.031623_31.6228_P_2_8_kN_10_DGGK_0.1_be_0.0031.mat';
 %% Chose if we filter gamma>0.05
diff --git a/wk/parameters/lin_ITG.m b/wk/parameters/lin_ITG.m
index 7e2167a3f8646b08f56338a158002d9e295063ae..07d85ebc3aa01595ebd7e924280e8eaf25d875c9 100644
--- a/wk/parameters/lin_ITG.m
+++ b/wk/parameters/lin_ITG.m
@@ -3,16 +3,17 @@ SIMID = 'lin_ITG'; % Name of the simulation
 %% Set up physical parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME = '99:00:00';  % Allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU = 0.005;                 % Collision frequency
-TAU = 1.0;                  % e/i temperature ratio
-K_Ne = 0*2.22;              % ele Density
-K_Te = 0*6.96;              % ele Temperature
-K_Ni = 2.22;              % ion Density gradient drive
-K_Ti = 6.96;              % ion Temperature
+NU      = 0.005;            % Collision frequency
+TAU     = 1.0;              % e/i temperature ratio
+K_Ne    = 0*2.22;           % ele Density
+K_Te    = 0*6.96;           % ele Temperature
+K_Ni    = 2.22;             % ion Density gradient drive
+K_Ti    = 6.96;             % ion Temperature
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;        % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
-NA = 1;                     % number of kinetic species
+NA      = 1;                % number of kinetic species
 ADIAB_E = (NA==1);          % adiabatic electron model
-BETA = 0.0;                 % electron plasma beta
+BETA    = 0.0;              % electron plasma beta
+EXBRATE = 0.0;              % Background ExB shear flow
 %% Set up grid parameters
 P = 4;
 J = 2;%P/2;
@@ -40,8 +41,8 @@ SHIFT_Y = 0.0;    % Shift in the periodic BC in z
 NPOL   = 1;       % Number of poloidal turns
-TMAX     = 50;  % Maximal time unit
-DT       = 1e-2;   % Time step
+TMAX     = 20;  % Maximal time unit
+DT       = 2e-2;   % Time step
 DTSAVE0D = 1;      % Sampling time for 0D arrays
 DTSAVE2D = -1;     % Sampling time for 2D arrays
 DTSAVE3D = 1;      % Sampling time for 3D arrays