From ed999c3bc9c51e0b90f055ebb6faa14f10e3f252 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine <>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2023 16:50:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] consequent reorganization of the code -removed the parameters
 only modules -simplified the names of the input namelists

 Makefile                                      |  55 +-
 fort.90                                       |  12 +-
 matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m         |   4 +-
 matlab/load/load_params.m                     |  10 +-
 matlab/write_fort90.m                         |  12 +-
 src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90                 |   4 +-
 src/auxval.F90                                |  17 +-
 src/closure_mod.F90                           |   4 +-
 src/collision_mod.F90                         |   4 +-
 src/control.F90                               |  10 +-
 src/diagnose.F90                              | 600 ---------------
 src/diagnostics_mod.F90                       | 684 ++++++++++++++++++
 src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90                   |  92 ---
 src/inital.F90                                | 630 ----------------
 src/initial_mod.F90                           | 651 +++++++++++++++++
 src/initial_par_mod.F90                       |  60 --
 src/main.F90                                  |  11 +-
 src/model_mod.F90                             |   8 +-
 src/nonlinear_mod.F90                         |  25 +-
 src/readinputs.F90                            |   6 +-
 src/restarts_mod.F90                          |  13 +-
 src/time_integration_mod.F90                  |   6 +-
 testcases/DLRA_zpinch/base_case/fort_00.90    |  12 +-
 testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_2/fort_00.90 |  12 +-
 testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_6/fort_00.90 |  12 +-
 testcases/ITG_zpinch/fort_00.90               |  12 +-
 testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90          |  12 +-
 testcases/cyclone_example/fort_01.90          |  12 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90            |  10 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90         |  10 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort_01.90         |  10 +-
 testcases/smallest_problem/fort_11.90         |  10 +-
 testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_00.90                |  12 +-
 testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_01.90                |  12 +-
 testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_02.90                |  12 +-
 testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90           |  12 +-
 wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90  |  12 +-
 wk/paper_2_scripts_and_results/fort_00.90     |  12 +-
 38 files changed, 1538 insertions(+), 1564 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/diagnose.F90
 create mode 100644 src/diagnostics_mod.F90
 delete mode 100644 src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90
 delete mode 100644 src/inital.F90
 create mode 100644 src/initial_mod.F90
 delete mode 100644 src/initial_par_mod.F90

diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 6087f542..d2e104d2 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -117,11 +117,11 @@ $(OBJDIR)/diagnose.o : src/srcinfo.h
 FOBJ=$(OBJDIR)/advance_field_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/auxval.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/coeff_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/closure_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/circular_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/collision_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/nonlinear_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/control.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/diagnose.o $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/endrun.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/endrun.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/ExB_shear_flow_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fourier_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/inital.o \
-$(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/lag_interp_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/main.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o \
+$(OBJDIR)/initial_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/lag_interp_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/main.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/memory.o $(OBJDIR)/miller_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/moments_eq_rhs_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o \
 $(OBJDIR)/ppexit.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o \
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
 # Modules compilation
  $(OBJDIR)/advance_field_mod.o : src/advance_field_mod.F90 \
-   $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o \
+   $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/closure_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/advance_field_mod.F90 -o $@
@@ -187,25 +187,21 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
  $(OBJDIR)/control.o : src/control.F90 \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/auxval.o $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o \
-   $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/ppexit.o $(OBJDIR)/readinputs.o $(OBJDIR)/tesend.o
+     $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/ppexit.o $(OBJDIR)/readinputs.o $(OBJDIR)/tesend.o \
+     $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/control.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/cosolver_interface_mod.o : src/cosolver_interface_mod.F90 \
    $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/species_mod.o\
-	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o
+	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/closure_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/cosolver_interface_mod.F90 -o $@
- $(OBJDIR)/diagnose.o : src/diagnose.F90 \
+ $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_mod.o : src/diagnostics_mod.F90 \
  	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/processing_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o \
-   $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o\
-	 $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o
-	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/diagnose.F90 -o $@
- $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_par_mod.o : src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90 \
- 	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o
-	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90 -o $@
+     $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o
+	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/diagnostics_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/endrun.o : src/endrun.F90 \
  	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o
@@ -239,17 +235,14 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
  	 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fourier_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/grid_mod.F90 -o $@
- $(OBJDIR)/inital.o : src/inital.F90 \
+ $(OBJDIR)/initial_mod.o : src/initial_mod.F90 \
  	 $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o \
+     $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/solve_EM_fields.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/collision_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/closure_mod.o \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/nonlinear_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/restarts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o
-	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/inital.F90 -o $@
- $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o : src/initial_par_mod.F90 \
- 	 $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o
-	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/initial_par_mod.F90 -o $@
+	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/initial_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/lag_interp_mod.o : src/lag_interp_mod.F90 \
@@ -287,7 +280,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
  $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o : src/numerics_mod.F90 \
  	 $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o  $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/coeff_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o
+	 $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/species_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/geometry_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/numerics_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o : src/parallel_mod.F90 \
@@ -307,18 +300,19 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/processing_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/readinputs.o : src/readinputs.F90  \
-   $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o  \
+   $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/initial_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/model_mod.o  \
   $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/readinputs.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/restarts_mod.o : src/restarts_mod.F90   \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/diagnostics_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o
+	 $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/restarts_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/solve_EM_fields.o : src/solve_EM_fields.F90 \
    $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o \
-	 $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o
+	 $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/parallel_mod.o \
+	 $(OBJDIR)/processing_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/solve_EM_fields.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/species_mod.o : src/species_mod.F90 \
@@ -326,7 +320,7 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/species_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/stepon.o : src/stepon.F90 \
- 	 $(OBJDIR)/initial_par_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/advance_field_mod.o \
+ 	 $(OBJDIR)/initial_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/advance_field_mod.o \
    $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/nonlinear_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/array_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/numerics_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/fields_mod.o \
 	 $(OBJDIR)/ghosts_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/moments_eq_rhs_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/solve_EM_fields.o\
@@ -343,7 +337,8 @@ $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/time_integration_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/utility_mod.o : src/utility_mod.F90  \
-   $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o
+   $(OBJDIR)/grid_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/basic_mod.o $(OBJDIR)/prec_const_mod.o \
+   $(OBJDIR)/time_integration_mod.o
 	$(F90) -c $(F90FLAGS) $(FPPFLAGS) $(EXTMOD) $(EXTINC) src/utility_mod.F90 -o $@
  $(OBJDIR)/CLA_mod.o : src/CLA_mod.F90  \
diff --git a/fort.90 b/fort.90
index 3638ba08..c536e536 100644
--- a/fort.90
+++ b/fort.90
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   shift_y= 0.0
   Npol   = 1.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   write_temp  = .t.
   !diag_mode   = 'txtonly'
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 2 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .f.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = -1
   nonlinear_closure='anti_laguerre_aliasing' !(truncation,full_sum,anti_laguerre_aliasing)
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'phi' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m b/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
index 54ee00f4..a90409a8 100644
--- a/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
+++ b/matlab/load/compile_results_low_mem.m
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ while(CONTINUE)
             CPUTIME   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input','cpu_time');
             DT_SIM    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/basic','dt');
             [Parray, Jarray, kx, ky, z] = load_grid_data(filename);
-            W_GAMMA   = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_gamma'),'y');
-            W_HF      = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_hf'   ),'y');
+            W_GAMMA   = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_gamma'),'y');
+            W_HF      = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_hf'   ),'y');
             KIN_E     = strcmp(h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/model',     'ADIAB_E' ),'n');
             BETA      = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/model','beta');
diff --git a/matlab/load/load_params.m b/matlab/load/load_params.m
index ce0f1794..967baf3c 100644
--- a/matlab/load/load_params.m
+++ b/matlab/load/load_params.m
@@ -51,11 +51,11 @@ function [DATA] = load_params(DATA,filename)
         DATA.inputs.ADIAB_I = 0;
-    DATA.inputs.W_GAMMA   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_gamma') == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_PHI     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_phi')   == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_NA00    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_Na00')  == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_NAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_Napj')  == 'y';
-    DATA.inputs.W_SAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diag_par','write_Sapj')  == 'y';
+    DATA.inputs.W_GAMMA   = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_gamma') == 'y';
+    DATA.inputs.W_PHI     = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_phi')   == 'y';
+    DATA.inputs.W_NA00    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Na00')  == 'y';
+    DATA.inputs.W_NAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Napj')  == 'y';
+    DATA.inputs.W_SAPJ    = h5readatt(filename,'/data/input/diagnostics','write_Sapj')  == 'y';
     % Species dependent parameters
     DATA.inputs.sigma = zeros(1,DATA.inputs.Na);
diff --git a/matlab/write_fort90.m b/matlab/write_fort90.m
index 0c0dc4e9..f0bda4cd 100644
--- a/matlab/write_fort90.m
+++ b/matlab/write_fort90.m
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ fprintf(fid,['  Npol    = ', num2str(GEOM.Npol),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  PB_PHASE= ', GEOM.PB_PHASE,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  dtsave_0d = ', num2str(OUTPUTS.dtsave_0d),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  dtsave_1d = ', num2str(OUTPUTS.dtsave_1d),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  dtsave_2d = ', num2str(OUTPUTS.dtsave_2d),'\n']);
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ fprintf(fid,['  write_dens  = ', OUTPUTS.write_dens,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  write_temp  = ', OUTPUTS.write_temp,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['LINEARITY = ', MODEL.LINEARITY,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['RM_LD_T_EQ= ', MODEL.RM_LD_T_EQ,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  Na      = ', num2str(MODEL.Na),'\n']);
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ fprintf(fid,['  tau_i   = ', num2str(MODEL.tau_i),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  MHD_PD  = ', MODEL.MHD_PD,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  hierarchy_closure=',CLOSURE.hierarchy_closure,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  dmax             =',num2str(CLOSURE.dmax),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  nonlinear_closure=',CLOSURE.nonlinear_closure,'\n']);
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ if(strcmp(MODEL.ADIAB_E,'.false.'))
 fprintf(fid,['  collision_model = ', COLL.collision_model,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  GK_CO      = ', COLL.GK_CO,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  INTERSPECIES    = ', COLL.INTERSPECIES,'\n']);
@@ -116,14 +116,14 @@ fprintf(fid,['  collision_kcut  = ', num2str(COLL.coll_kcut),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  INIT_OPT      = ', INITIAL.INIT_OPT,'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  init_background  = ', num2str(INITIAL.init_background),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  init_noiselvl = ', num2str(INITIAL.init_noiselvl),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  iseed         = ', num2str(INITIAL.iseed),'\n']);
 fprintf(fid,['  numerical_scheme = ', TIME_INTEGRATION.numerical_scheme,'\n']);
diff --git a/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90 b/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90
index c8581ea6..f663258e 100644
--- a/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90
+++ b/src/adaptive_timestep_mod.F90
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ MODULE adaptive_timestep
             USE prec_const
             USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
             IMPLICIT NONE
-            namelist /TIME_INTEGRATION_PAR/ adaptive_safety, adaptive_error_atol, adaptive_error_rtol
+            namelist /TIME_INTEGRATION/ adaptive_safety, adaptive_error_atol, adaptive_error_rtol
-            READ(lu_in,time_integration_par)
+            READ(lu_in,time_integration)
             CALL set_numerical_scheme
         END SUBROUTINE adaptive_timestep_readinputs
diff --git a/src/auxval.F90 b/src/auxval.F90
index 6828d2aa..32966633 100644
--- a/src/auxval.F90
+++ b/src/auxval.F90
@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
 subroutine auxval
   !   Set auxiliary values, at beginning of simulation
-  USE basic
-  USE grid
-  USE array
-  USE model
+  USE basic,          ONLY: str, speak
+  USE grid,           ONLY: local_np, local_np_offset, total_np, local_nj, local_nj_offset, total_nj,&
+                            local_nky, local_nky_offset, total_nky, local_nkx, local_nkx_offset, dmax,&
+                            local_nz, local_nz_offset, total_nz, init_grids_data, set_grids
+  !USE array
+  USE model,          ONLY: Na, EM, LINEARITY, N_HD
   USE fourier,        ONLY: init_grid_distr_and_plans
-  use prec_const
-  USE numerics
-  USE geometry
+  use MPI,            ONLY: MPI_COMM_WORLD
+  USE numerics,       ONLY: build_dnjs_table, build_dv4Hp_table, compute_lin_coeff, &
+                            evaluate_EM_op, evaluate_kernels
+  USE geometry,       ONLY: Npol, shear, eval_magnetic_geometry
   USE closure,        ONLY: set_closure_model, hierarchy_closure
   USE parallel,       ONLY: init_parallel_var, my_id, num_procs, &
     num_procs_p, num_procs_z, num_procs_ky, rank_p, rank_ky, rank_z
diff --git a/src/closure_mod.F90 b/src/closure_mod.F90
index 8fd9163c..c580905d 100644
--- a/src/closure_mod.F90
+++ b/src/closure_mod.F90
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ CONTAINS
 SUBROUTINE closure_readinputs
   USE basic, ONLY: lu_in
-  NAMELIST /CLOSURE_PAR/ hierarchy_closure, dmax, nonlinear_closure, nmax
-  READ(lu_in,closure_par)
+  NAMELIST /CLOSURE/ hierarchy_closure, dmax, nonlinear_closure, nmax
+  READ(lu_in,closure)
 SUBROUTINE set_closure_model
diff --git a/src/collision_mod.F90 b/src/collision_mod.F90
index 66df93ec..ef4e0d78 100644
--- a/src/collision_mod.F90
+++ b/src/collision_mod.F90
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@ CONTAINS
     ! Read the input parameters
     USE basic, ONLY: lu_in
-    NAMELIST /COLLISION_PAR/ collision_model, GK_CO, INTERSPECIES, mat_file, collision_kcut
-    READ(lu_in,collision_par)
+    NAMELIST /COLLISION/ collision_model, GK_CO, INTERSPECIES, mat_file, collision_kcut
+    READ(lu_in,collision)
     SELECT CASE(collision_model)
       ! Lenhard bernstein
       CASE   ('LB','lenhard-bernstein','Lenhard-Bernstein')
diff --git a/src/control.F90 b/src/control.F90
index c8e307da..bb743ee6 100644
--- a/src/control.F90
+++ b/src/control.F90
@@ -4,9 +4,11 @@ SUBROUTINE control
   use basic,      ONLY: str,daytim,speak,basic_data,&
                         chrono_runt,chrono_step, chrono_diag, start_chrono, stop_chrono
-  use prec_const, ONLY: xp, stdout
-  USE parallel,   ONLY: ppinit
-  USE mpi
+  use prec_const,  ONLY: xp, stdout
+  USE parallel,    ONLY: ppinit
+  USE initial,     ONLY: initialize
+  USE mpi,         ONLY: MPI_COMM_WORLD
+  USE diagnostics, ONLY: diagnose
   REAL(xp) :: t_init_diag_0, t_init_diag_1
   INTEGER  :: ierr
@@ -41,7 +43,7 @@ SUBROUTINE control
   !                   1.5     Initial conditions
   CALL speak( 'Create initial state...')
-  CALL inital
+  CALL initialize
   ! CALL mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
   CALL speak('...initial state created')
diff --git a/src/diagnose.F90 b/src/diagnose.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 8807f076..00000000
--- a/src/diagnose.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,600 +0,0 @@
-SUBROUTINE diagnose(kstep)
-  !   Diagnostics, writing simulation state to disk
-  USE basic,           ONLY: lu_in, chrono_runt, cstep, dt, time, tmax, display_h_min_s
-  USE diagnostics_par, ONLY: input_fname, diag_mode, nsave_0d
-  USE processing,      ONLY: pflux_x, hflux_x
-  USE parallel,        ONLY: my_id
-  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
-  !! Basic diagnose loop for reading input file, displaying advancement and ending
-  IF ((kstep .EQ. 0)) THEN
-    INQUIRE(unit=lu_in, name=input_fname)
-    CLOSE(lu_in)
-  !! End diag
-  IF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
-     ! Display total run time
-     CALL display_h_min_s(chrono_runt%ttot)
-  !! Specific diagnostic calls
-  SELECT CASE(diag_mode)
-  CASE('full')
-    CALL diagnose_full(kstep)
-  CASE('txtonly')
-    CALL diagnose_txtonly(kstep)
-  ! Terminal info
-  IF ((kstep .GE. 0) .AND. (MOD(cstep, nsave_0d) == 0) .AND. (my_id .EQ. 0)) THEN
-    if(SIZE(pflux_x) .GT. 1) THEN
-      WRITE(*,"(A,F8.2,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A)")&
-      '|t = ', time,'| Pxi = ',pflux_x(1),'| Qxi = ',hflux_x(1),'| Pxe = ',pflux_x(2),'| Qxe = ',hflux_x(2),'|'
-    else
-      WRITE(*,"(A,F8.2,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A)")&
-      '|t = ', time,'| Px  = ',pflux_x(1),'| Qx  = ',hflux_x(1),'|'
-    endif
-SUBROUTINE init_outfile(comm,file0,file,fid)
-  USE diagnostics_par, ONLY: write_doubleprecision, diag_par_outputinputs, input_fname
-  USE basic,           ONLY: speak, jobnum, basic_outputinputs
-  USE grid,            ONLY: grid_outputinputs
-  USE geometry,        ONLY: geometry_outputinputs
-  USE model,           ONLY: model_outputinputs
-  USE closure,         ONLY: closure_outputinputs
-  USE species,         ONLY: species_outputinputs
-  USE collision,       ONLY: coll_outputinputs
-  USE initial_par,     ONLY: initial_outputinputs
-  USE time_integration,ONLY: time_integration_outputinputs
-  USE parallel,        ONLY: parallel_outputinputs
-  USE futils,          ONLY: creatf, creatg, creatd, attach, putfile
-  !input
-  INTEGER,            INTENT(IN)    :: comm
-  CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(IN)    :: file0
-  CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(OUT)   :: file
-  INTEGER,            INTENT(OUT)   :: fid
-  CHARACTER(len=256)                :: str
-  INCLUDE 'srcinfo.h'
-  ! Writing output filename
-  WRITE(file,'(a,a1,i2.2,a3)') TRIM(file0)   ,'_',jobnum,'.h5'
-  !                      1.1   Initial run
-  ! Main output file creation
-  IF (write_doubleprecision) THEN
-    CALL creatf(file, fid, real_prec='d', mpicomm=comm)
-    CALL creatf(file, fid, mpicomm=comm)
-  CALL speak(TRIM(file)//' created')
-  !  basic data group
-  CALL creatg(fid, "/data", "data")
-  !  File group
-  CALL creatg(fid, "/files", "files")
-  CALL attach(fid, "/files",  "jobnum", jobnum)
-  ! Add the code info and parameters to the file
-  CALL creatg(fid, "/data/input", "input")
-  CALL creatd(fid, 0,(/0/),"/data/input/codeinfo",'Code Information')
-  CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",  "version",  VERSION) !defined in srcinfo.h
-  CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",   "branch",   BRANCH) !defined in srcinfo.h
-  CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",   "author",   AUTHOR) !defined in srcinfo.h
-  CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo", "execdate", EXECDATE) !defined in srcinfo.h
-  CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",     "host",     HOST) !defined in srcinfo.h
-  CALL            basic_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL             grid_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL         geometry_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL         diag_par_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL            model_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL          closure_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL          species_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL             coll_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL          initial_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL time_integration_outputinputs(fid)
-  CALL         parallel_outputinputs(fid)
-  !  Save STDIN (input file) of this run
-  IF(jobnum .LE. 99) THEN
-     WRITE(str,'(a,i2.2)') "/files/STDIN.",jobnum
-     WRITE(str,'(a,i3.2)') "/files/STDIN.",jobnum
-  CALL putfile(fid, TRIM(str), TRIM(input_fname),ionode=0)
-END SUBROUTINE init_outfile
-SUBROUTINE diagnose_full(kstep)
-  USE basic,           ONLY: speak,chrono_runt,&
-                             cstep,iframe0d,iframe3d,iframe5d,crashed
-  USE grid,            ONLY: &
-    parray_full,pmax,jarray_full,jmax, kparray, &
-    kyarray_full,kxarray_full,zarray_full, ngz, total_nz, local_nz, ieven,&
-    local_Nky, total_nky, local_nkx, total_nkx
-  USE geometry, ONLY: gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, &
-                      hatR, hatZ, hatB, dBdx, dBdy, dBdz, Jacobian, gradz_coeff
-  USE diagnostics_par
-  USE futils,          ONLY: creatf, creatg, creatd, closef, putarr, putfile, attach, openf!, putarrnd ! Routine de merde, jamais l'utiliser
-  USE array
-  USE model,           ONLY: EM
-  USE parallel,        ONLY: my_id, comm0, gather_z, gather_xyz_real
-  USE collision,       ONLY: coll_outputinputs
-  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
-  INTEGER, parameter  :: BUFSIZE = 2
-  REAL(xp), DIMENSION(total_nz) :: Az_full ! full z array for metric output
-  REAL(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: kp_full
-  INTEGER :: rank = 0, ierr
-  INTEGER :: dims(1) = (/0/)
-  !____________________________________________________________________________
-  !                   1.   Initial diagnostics
-  IF ((kstep .EQ. 0)) THEN
-    CALL init_outfile(comm0,   resfile0,resfile,fidres)
-    ! Profiler time measurement
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/profiler", "performance analysis")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_rhs",        "cumulative rhs computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_poisson",    "cumulative poisson computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_Sapj",       "cumulative Sapj computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_coll",       "cumulative collision computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_grad",       "cumulative grad computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_nadiab",     "cumulative nadiab moments computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_ExBshear",   "cumulative ExB shear time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_adv_field",  "cumulative adv. fields computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_ghost",       "cumulative communication time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_clos",       "cumulative closure computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_checkfield", "cumulative checkfield computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_diag",       "cumulative diagnostic time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_step",       "cumulative total step computation time")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/time",          "current simulation time")
-#ifdef TEST_SVD
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0, (/0/), "/profiler/Tc_CLA", "cumulative total CLA computation time")
-    ! Grid info
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/grid", "Grid data")
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordkx",   kxarray_full,  "kx*rho_s0", ionode=0)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordky",   kyarray_full,  "ky*rho_s0", ionode=0)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordz",    zarray_full,   "z/R", ionode=0)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordp" ,   parray_full,   "p", ionode=0)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordj" ,   jarray_full,   "j", ionode=0)
-    CALL gather_xyz_real(kparray(1:local_Nky,1:local_Nkx,1:local_nz,ieven),kp_full,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordkp" ,      kp_full,   "kp", ionode=0)
-    ! Metric info
-    CALL   creatg(fidres, "/data/metric", "Metric data")
-    CALL gather_z(gxx((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gxx", Az_full, "gxx", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(gxy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gxy", Az_full, "gxy", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(gxz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gxz", Az_full, "gxz", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(gyy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gyy", Az_full, "gyy", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(gyz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gyz", Az_full, "gyz", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(gzz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gzz", Az_full, "gzz", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(hatR((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/hatR", Az_full, "hatR", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(hatZ((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/hatZ", Az_full, "hatZ", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(hatB((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/hatB", Az_full, "hatB", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(dBdx((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdx", Az_full, "dBdx", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(dBdy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdy", Az_full, "dBdy", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(dBdz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdz", Az_full, "dBdz", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(Jacobian((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/Jacobian", Az_full, "Jacobian", ionode =0)
-    CALL gather_z(gradz_coeff((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
-    CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gradz_coeff", Az_full, "gradz_coeff", ionode =0)
-    !  var0d group (gyro transport)
-    IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
-     CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var0d", "0d profiles")
-     CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var0d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
-     CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/cstep", "iteration number")
-     IF (write_gamma) THEN
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/gflux_x", "Radial gyro transport")
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/pflux_x", "Radial part transport")
-     ENDIF
-     IF (write_hf) THEN
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/hflux_x", "Radial part heat flux")
-     ENDIF
-     IF (cstep==0) THEN
-       iframe0d=0
-     ENDIF
-     CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var0d/" , "frames", iframe0d)
-    END IF
-    !  var2d group (gyro transport)
-    IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var2d", "2d profiles")
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var2d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var2d/cstep", "iteration number")
-#ifdef TEST_SVD
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var2d/sv_ky_pj", "singular values of the moment ky/pj cut")
-    ENDIF
-    !  var3d group (phi,psi, fluid moments, Ni00, Napjz)
-    IF (nsave_3d .GT. 0) THEN
-     CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d", "3d profiles")
-     CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var3d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
-     CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var3d/cstep", "iteration number")
-     IF (write_phi) CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/phi", "phi")
-     IF (write_phi.AND.EM) CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/psi", "psi")
-    IF (write_Na00) THEN
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Na00", "gyrocenter density ")
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Napjz", "pj(z) moment spectrum ")
-    ENDIF
-    IF (write_dens) THEN
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/dens", "density ")
-    ENDIF
-    IF (write_fvel) THEN
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/upar", "parallel fluid velocity ")
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/uper", "perpendicular fluid velocity ")
-    ENDIF
-    IF (write_temp) THEN
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Tper", "perpendicular temperature ")
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Tpar", "parallel temperature ")
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/temp", "tiotal temperature ")
-    ENDIF
-     IF (cstep==0) THEN
-       iframe3d=0
-     ENDIF
-     CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var3d/" , "frames", iframe3d)
-    END IF
-    !  var5d group (moments)
-    IF (nsave_5d .GT. 0) THEN
-      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d", "5d profiles")
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var5d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
-      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var5d/cstep", "iteration number")
-      IF (write_Napj) THEN
-       CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d/moments", "full moments array")
-      ENDIF
-      IF (cstep==0) THEN
-       iframe5d=0
-      END IF
-      CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var5d/" , "frames", iframe5d)
-    END IF
-  !_____________________________________________________________________________
-  !                   2.   Periodic diagnostics
-  !
-  IF (kstep .GE. 0) THEN
-    !                       2.1   0d history arrays
-    IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
-      IF ( MOD(cstep, nsave_0d) == 0 ) THEN
-        CALL diagnose_0d
-      END IF
-    END IF
-    !                       2.2   2d profiles
-    IF (nsave_2d .GT. 0) THEN
-      IF (MOD(cstep, nsave_2d) == 0) THEN
-        CALL diagnose_2d
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    !                       2.3   3d profiles
-    IF (nsave_3d .GT. 0) THEN
-      IF (MOD(cstep, nsave_3d) == 0) THEN
-        CALL diagnose_3d
-        ! Looks at the folder if the file check_phi exists and spits a snapshot
-        ! of the current electrostatic potential in a basic text file
-        CALL spit_snapshot_check
-      ENDIF
-    ENDIF
-    !                       2.4   5d profiles
-    IF (nsave_5d .GT. 0) THEN
-      IF (MOD(cstep, nsave_5d) == 0) THEN
-        CALL diagnose_5d
-      END IF
-    END IF
-  !_____________________________________________________________________________
-  !                   3.   Final diagnostics
-  ELSEIF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
-    CALL attach(fidres, "/data/input","cpu_time",chrono_runt%ttot)
-    ! make a checkpoint at last timestep if not crashed
-    IF(.NOT. crashed) THEN
-      IF(my_id .EQ. 0) write(*,*) 'Saving last state'
-      IF (nsave_5d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_5d
-    ENDIF
-    !   Close all diagnostic files
-    CALL mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
-    CALL closef(fidres)
-END SUBROUTINE diagnose_full
-!! This routine outputs only txt file 0D data (flux and time)
-SUBROUTINE diagnose_txtonly(kstep)
-  USE basic
-  USE diagnostics_par
-  USE processing,      ONLY: pflux_x, hflux_x, compute_radial_transport, compute_radial_heatflux
-  USE parallel,        ONLY: my_id, comm0
-  USE futils,          ONLY: creatf, creatg, creatd, attach, putfile, closef
-  INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
-  INTEGER, parameter  :: BUFSIZE = 2
-  INTEGER :: rank = 0
-  INTEGER :: dims(1) = (/0/)
-  IF (kstep .GE. 0) THEN
-    ! output the transport in a txt file
-    IF ( MOD(cstep, nsave_0d) == 0 ) THEN
-      CALL compute_radial_transport
-      CALL compute_radial_heatflux
-      IF (my_id .EQ. 0) &
-        WRITE(1,*) time, pflux_x(1), hflux_x(1)
-    END IF
-  !! Save the last state
-  ELSEIF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
-    CALL init_outfile(comm0,   resfile0,resfile,fidres)
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d", "5d profiles")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var5d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
-    CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var5d/cstep", "iteration number")
-    CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d/moments", "full moments array")
-    CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var5d/" , "frames", iframe5d)
-    CALL diagnose_5d
-    CALL closef(fidres)
-END SUBROUTINE diagnose_txtonly
-!!-------------- Auxiliary routines -----------------!!
-SUBROUTINE diagnose_0d
-  USE basic
-  USE futils, ONLY: append, attach, getatt, creatd
-  USE diagnostics_par
-  USE prec_const
-  USE processing
-  USE model,   ONLY: Na
-  ! Time measurement data
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_rhs",       REAL(chrono_mrhs%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_adv_field", REAL(chrono_advf%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_clos",      REAL(chrono_clos%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_ghost",     REAL(chrono_ghst%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_coll",      REAL(chrono_coll%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_poisson",   REAL(chrono_pois%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_Sapj",      REAL(chrono_sapj%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_checkfield",REAL(chrono_chck%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_diag",      REAL(chrono_diag%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_grad",      REAL(chrono_grad%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_nadiab",    REAL(chrono_napj%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_ExBshear",  REAL(chrono_ExBs%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_step",      REAL(chrono_step%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
-#ifdef TEST_SVD
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_CLA",      REAL(chrono_CLA%ttot,dp),ionode=0) 
-  CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/time",                REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
-  ! Processing data
-  CALL append(fidres,  "/data/var0d/time",      REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/cstep", real(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL getatt(fidres,      "/data/var0d/",       "frames",iframe0d)
-  iframe0d=iframe0d+1
-  CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var0d/" , "frames", iframe0d)
-  ! Ion transport data
-  IF (write_gamma) THEN
-    CALL compute_radial_transport
-    CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/gflux_x",REAL(gflux_x,dp),ionode=0)
-    CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/pflux_x",REAL(pflux_x,dp),ionode=0)
-  IF (write_hf) THEN
-    CALL compute_radial_heatflux
-    CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/hflux_x",REAL(hflux_x,dp),ionode=0)
-END SUBROUTINE diagnose_0d
-SUBROUTINE diagnose_2d
-  USE prec_const
-  USE basic
-  USE diagnostics_par
-  USE futils, ONLY: putarr, append
-#ifdef TEST_SVD
-  iframe2d=iframe2d+1
-  CALL append(fidres,"/data/var2d/time", REAL(time,dp), ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres,"/data/var2d/cstep",REAL(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
-#ifdef TEST_SVD
-  WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var2d/sv_ky_pj/", iframe2d
-  CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, Sf, ionode=0)
-SUBROUTINE diagnose_3d
-  USE basic
-  USE futils, ONLY: append, getatt, attach, putarr!, putarrnd
-  USE fields, ONLY: phi, psi, moments
-  USE array,  ONLY: Napjz,dens,upar,uper,Tpar,Tper,temp
-  USE grid, ONLY: CONTAINSp0, ip0,ij0, local_na, total_na,&
-                  total_np, total_nj, total_nky, total_nkx, total_nz, &
-                  local_np, local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, &
-                  ngz
-  USE time_integration, ONLY: updatetlevel
-  USE diagnostics_par
-  USE prec_const
-  USE processing, ONLY: compute_fluid_moments, compute_Napjz_spectrum
-  USE model,      ONLY: EM
-  USE parallel,   ONLY: manual_3D_bcast
-  COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(local_na,local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz) :: Na00_
-  ! add current time, cstep and frame
-  CALL append(fidres,  "/data/var3d/time",           REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/data/var3d/cstep", real(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL getatt(fidres,      "/data/var3d/",       "frames",iframe3d)
-  iframe3d=iframe3d+1
-  CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var3d/" , "frames", iframe3d)
-  ! Write current EM fields
-  IF (write_phi)        CALL write_field3d_kykxz(phi (:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2)), 'phi')
-  IF (write_phi.AND.EM) CALL write_field3d_kykxz(psi (:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2)), 'psi')
-  IF (write_Na00) THEN
-    CALL compute_Napjz_spectrum
-      ! gyrocenter density
-      Na00_    = moments(:,ip0,ij0,:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),updatetlevel)
-    ELSE
-      Na00_    = 0._xp
-    ENDIF
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(Na00_, 'Na00')
-    ! <<Napj>x>y spectrum
-    CALL write_field3da_pjz(Napjz, 'Napjz')
-  !! Fuid moments
-  IF (write_dens .OR. write_fvel .OR. write_temp) &
-  CALL compute_fluid_moments
-  IF (write_dens) THEN
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(dens, 'dens')
-  IF (write_fvel) THEN
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(upar, 'upar')
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(uper, 'uper')
-  IF (write_temp) THEN
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(Tpar, 'Tpar')
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(Tper, 'Tper')
-    CALL write_field3da_kykxz(temp, 'temp')
-    SUBROUTINE write_field3d_kykxz(field, text)
-      USE parallel, ONLY : gather_xyz, num_procs
-      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field
-      CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
-      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
-      CHARACTER(50) :: dset_name
-      field_full = 0;
-      WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var3d", TRIM(text), iframe3d
-      IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN ! no data distribution
-        CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field, ionode=0)
-      ELSE
-        CALL gather_xyz(field,field_full,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
-        CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
-      ENDIF
-      END SUBROUTINE write_field3d_kykxz
-      SUBROUTINE write_field3da_kykxz(field, text)
-        USE parallel, ONLY : gather_xyz, num_procs
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field
-        CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(local_nky,total_nkx,local_nz) :: buff_local
-        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: buff_full
-        CHARACTER(50) :: dset_name
-        INTEGER :: ia
-        field_full = 0;
-        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var3d", TRIM(text), iframe3d
-        IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN ! no data distribution
-          CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field, ionode=0)
-        ELSE
-          DO ia = 1,total_Na
-            buff_local = field(ia,:,:,:)
-            CALL gather_xyz(buff_local,buff_full,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
-            field_full(ia,:,:,:) = buff_full
-          ENDDO
-          CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
-        ENDIF
-        END SUBROUTINE write_field3da_kykxz
-    SUBROUTINE write_field3da_pjz(field, text)
-      USE parallel, ONLY : gather_pjz, num_procs
-      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field
-      CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
-      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_np,total_nj,total_nz) :: field_full
-      CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: dset_name
-      field_full = 0;
-      WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var3d", TRIM(text), iframe3d
-      IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN ! no data distribution
-        CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field, ionode=0)
-      ELSE
-        CALL gather_pjz(field,field_full,total_na,local_np,total_np,total_nj,local_nz,total_nz)
-        CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
-      ENDIF
-      CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, "time", time)
-    END SUBROUTINE write_field3da_pjz
-END SUBROUTINE diagnose_3d
-SUBROUTINE diagnose_5d
-  USE basic,  ONLY: time, iframe5d,cstep
-  USE futils, ONLY: append, getatt, attach, putarr !,putarrnd
-  USE fields, ONLY: moments
-  USE grid,   ONLY:total_np, total_nj, total_nky, total_nkx, total_nz, &
-                   local_np, local_nj, local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, &
-                   ngp, ngj, ngz, total_na
-  USE diagnostics_par
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp,dp
-  CALL append(fidres,  "/data/var5d/time",  REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL append(fidres, "/data/var5d/cstep", REAL(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
-  CALL getatt(fidres,      "/data/var5d/",       "frames",iframe5d)
-  iframe5d=iframe5d+1
-  CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var5d/" , "frames", iframe5d)
-  IF (write_Napj) THEN
-  CALL write_field5d(moments, 'moments')
-  SUBROUTINE write_field5d(field, text)
-    USE basic,            ONLY: jobnum, dt
-    USE futils,           ONLY: attach, putarr!, putarrnd
-    USE parallel,         ONLY: gather_pjxyz, num_procs
-    USE prec_const,       ONLY: xp
-    USE time_integration, ONLY: ntimelevel
-    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,local_np+ngp,local_nj+ngj,local_Nky,local_Nkx,local_nz+ngz,ntimelevel), INTENT(IN) :: field
-    CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
-    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,local_np,local_nj,local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz) :: field_sub
-    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_np,total_nj,total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
-    CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: dset_name
-    field_sub  = field(1:total_na,(1+ngp/2):(local_np+ngp/2),(1+ngj/2):(local_nj+ngj/2),&
-                          1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),1)
-    field_full = 0;
-    WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var5d", TRIM(text), iframe5d
-    IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN
-      CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_sub, ionode=0)
-    ELSE!IF(GATHERV_OUTPUT) THEN ! output using one node (gatherv)
-      CALL gather_pjxyz(field_sub,field_full,total_na,local_np,total_np,total_nj,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
-      CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
-    ! ELSE
-    !   CALL putarrnd(fidres, dset_name, field_sub,  (/1,3,5/))
-     ENDIF
-    CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'cstep', cstep)
-    CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'time', time)
-    CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'jobnum', jobnum)
-    CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'dt', dt)
-    CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'iframe5d', iframe5d)
-  END SUBROUTINE write_field5d
-END SUBROUTINE diagnose_5d
-SUBROUTINE spit_snapshot_check
-  USE fields, ONLY: phi
-  USE grid, ONLY: total_nkx,total_nky,total_nz,&
-                  local_nky,local_nz, ngz
-  USE parallel, ONLY: gather_xyz, my_id
-  USE basic
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  LOGICAL :: file_exist
-  INTEGER :: fid_check, ikx, iky, iz
-  CHARACTER(256) :: check_filename
-  COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_to_check
-  !! Spit a snapshot of PHI if requested (triggered by creating a file named "check_phi")
-  INQUIRE(file='check_phi', exist=file_exist)
-  IF( file_exist ) THEN
-     IF(my_id.EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> gather phi..'
-     CALL gather_xyz(phi(:,:,(1+Ngz/2):(local_nz+Ngz/2)), field_to_check,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
-     IF(my_id.EQ. 0) THEN
-       WRITE(check_filename,'(a16)') 'check_phi.out'
-       OPEN(fid_check, file=check_filename, form='formatted')
-       WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> output phi ..'
-       WRITE(fid_check,*) total_nky, total_nkx, total_nz
-       DO iky = 1,total_nky; DO ikx = 1, total_nkx; DO iz = 1,total_nz
-         WRITE(fid_check,*) real(field_to_check(iky,ikx,iz)), ',' , imag(field_to_check(iky,ikx,iz))
-       CLOSE(fid_check)
-       WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> done.'
-       ! delete the check_phi flagfile
-       OPEN(fid_check, file='check_phi')
-       CLOSE(fid_check, status='delete')
-     ENDIF
-END SUBROUTINE spit_snapshot_check
diff --git a/src/diagnostics_mod.F90 b/src/diagnostics_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..db03142c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/diagnostics_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+MODULE diagnostics
+  !   Module for diagnostic parameters
+  USE prec_const
+  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_doubleprecision = .FALSE.
+  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_gamma, write_hf  ! output particle transport and heat flux
+  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_phi,  write_Na00
+  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_Napj, write_Sapj
+  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_dens, write_fvel, write_temp
+  INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: nsave_0d, nsave_1d, nsave_2d, nsave_3d, nsave_5d ! save data every n step
+  REAL,    PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: dtsave_0d, dtsave_1d, dtsave_2d, dtsave_3d, dtsave_5d ! save data every dt time unit
+  ! Change diagnostic mode (full/txtonly)
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: diag_mode = "full"
+  !  HDF5 file
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: resfile,resfile0 = "outputs"            ! Head of main result file name
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: momfile,momfile0 = "moments"   ! Head of the moment spectrum file (N_a(p,j,z))
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: mspfile,mspfile0 = "moments_spectrum"   ! Head of the moment spectrum file (N_a(p,j,z))
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: fldfile,fldfile0 = "fields"             ! Head of field (phi,A)
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: ttrfile,ttrfile0 = "time_traces"        ! Head of time traces (gamma_x,Q_x)
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: ggmfile,ggmfile0 = "grid_geometry"        ! Head of time traces (gamma_x,Q_x)
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: prffile,prffile0 = "profiler"        ! Head of time traces (gamma_x,Q_x)
+  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: input_fname
+  INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidres,fidmsp,fidfld,fidttr ! FID for output
+  INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidmom,fidggm, fidprf
+  PUBLIC :: diag_readinputs, diag_outputinputs, diagnose, spit_snapshot_check
+  SUBROUTINE diag_readinputs
+    !    Read the input parameters
+    USE basic, ONLY : lu_in, dt
+    USE prec_const
+    NAMELIST /DIAGNOSTICS/ dtsave_0d, dtsave_1d, dtsave_2d, dtsave_3d, dtsave_5d
+    NAMELIST /DIAGNOSTICS/ write_doubleprecision, write_gamma, write_hf, write_phi
+    NAMELIST /DIAGNOSTICS/ write_Na00, write_Napj, write_Sapj
+    NAMELIST /DIAGNOSTICS/ write_dens, write_fvel, write_temp
+    READ(lu_in,diagnostics)
+    ! set nsave variables from dtsave ones (time unit to steps)
+    nsave_0d = CEILING(dtsave_0d/dt)
+    nsave_1d = CEILING(dtsave_1d/dt)
+    nsave_2d = CEILING(dtsave_2d/dt)
+    nsave_3d = CEILING(dtsave_3d/dt)
+    nsave_5d = CEILING(dtsave_5d/dt)
+  END SUBROUTINE diag_readinputs
+  SUBROUTINE init_outfile(comm,file0,file,fid)
+    USE basic,           ONLY: speak, jobnum, basic_outputinputs
+    USE grid,            ONLY: grid_outputinputs
+    USE geometry,        ONLY: geometry_outputinputs
+    USE model,           ONLY: model_outputinputs
+    USE closure,         ONLY: closure_outputinputs
+    USE species,         ONLY: species_outputinputs
+    USE collision,       ONLY: coll_outputinputs
+    USE initial,         ONLY: initial_outputinputs
+    USE time_integration,ONLY: time_integration_outputinputs
+    USE parallel,        ONLY: parallel_outputinputs
+    USE futils,          ONLY: creatf, creatg, creatd, attach, putfile
+    !input
+    INTEGER,            INTENT(IN)    :: comm
+    CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(IN)    :: file0
+    CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(OUT)   :: file
+    INTEGER,            INTENT(OUT)   :: fid
+    CHARACTER(len=256)                :: str
+    INCLUDE 'srcinfo.h'
+    ! Writing output filename
+    WRITE(file,'(a,a1,i2.2,a3)') TRIM(file0)   ,'_',jobnum,'.h5'
+    !                      1.1   Initial run
+    ! Main output file creation
+    IF (write_doubleprecision) THEN
+      CALL creatf(file, fid, real_prec='d', mpicomm=comm)
+    ELSE
+      CALL creatf(file, fid, mpicomm=comm)
+    END IF
+    CALL speak(TRIM(file)//' created')
+    !  basic data group
+    CALL creatg(fid, "/data", "data")
+    !  File group
+    CALL creatg(fid, "/files", "files")
+    CALL attach(fid, "/files",  "jobnum", jobnum)
+    ! Add the code info and parameters to the file
+    CALL creatg(fid, "/data/input", "input")
+    CALL creatd(fid, 0,(/0/),"/data/input/codeinfo",'Code Information')
+    CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",  "version",  VERSION) !defined in srcinfo.h
+    CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",   "branch",   BRANCH) !defined in srcinfo.h
+    CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",   "author",   AUTHOR) !defined in srcinfo.h
+    CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo", "execdate", EXECDATE) !defined in srcinfo.h
+    CALL attach(fid, "/data/input/codeinfo",     "host",     HOST) !defined in srcinfo.h
+    CALL            basic_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL             grid_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL         geometry_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL             diag_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL            model_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL          closure_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL          species_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL             coll_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL          initial_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL time_integration_outputinputs(fid)
+    CALL         parallel_outputinputs(fid)
+    !  Save STDIN (input file) of this run
+    IF(jobnum .LE. 99) THEN
+       WRITE(str,'(a,i2.2)') "/files/STDIN.",jobnum
+    ELSE
+       WRITE(str,'(a,i3.2)') "/files/STDIN.",jobnum
+    END IF
+    CALL putfile(fid, TRIM(str), TRIM(input_fname),ionode=0)
+  END SUBROUTINE init_outfile
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose(kstep)
+    !   Diagnostics, writing simulation state to disk
+    USE basic,           ONLY: lu_in, chrono_runt, cstep, dt, time, tmax, display_h_min_s
+    USE processing,      ONLY: pflux_x, hflux_x
+    USE parallel,        ONLY: my_id
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
+    !! Basic diagnose loop for reading input file, displaying advancement and ending
+    IF ((kstep .EQ. 0)) THEN
+      INQUIRE(unit=lu_in, name=input_fname)
+      CLOSE(lu_in)
+    ENDIF
+    !! End diag
+    IF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
+       ! Display total run time
+       CALL display_h_min_s(chrono_runt%ttot)
+    END IF
+    !! Specific diagnostic calls
+    SELECT CASE(diag_mode)
+    CASE('full')
+      CALL diagnose_full(kstep)
+    CASE('txtonly')
+      CALL diagnose_txtonly(kstep)
+    ! Terminal info
+    IF ((kstep .GE. 0) .AND. (MOD(cstep, nsave_0d) == 0) .AND. (my_id .EQ. 0)) THEN
+      if(SIZE(pflux_x) .GT. 1) THEN
+        WRITE(*,"(A,F8.2,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A)")&
+        '|t = ', time,'| Pxi = ',pflux_x(1),'| Qxi = ',hflux_x(1),'| Pxe = ',pflux_x(2),'| Qxe = ',hflux_x(2),'|'
+      else
+        WRITE(*,"(A,F8.2,A8,G10.3,A8,G10.3,A)")&
+        '|t = ', time,'| Px  = ',pflux_x(1),'| Qx  = ',hflux_x(1),'|'
+      endif
+    ENDIF
+  END SUBROUTINE diagnose
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose_full(kstep)
+    USE basic,           ONLY: speak,chrono_runt,&
+                               cstep,iframe0d,iframe3d,iframe5d,crashed
+    USE grid,            ONLY: &
+      parray_full,pmax,jarray_full,jmax, kparray, &
+      kyarray_full,kxarray_full,zarray_full, ngz, total_nz, local_nz, ieven,&
+      local_Nky, total_nky, local_nkx, total_nkx
+    USE geometry, ONLY: gxx, gxy, gxz, gyy, gyz, gzz, &
+                        hatR, hatZ, hatB, dBdx, dBdy, dBdz, Jacobian, gradz_coeff
+    USE futils,          ONLY: creatf, creatg, creatd, closef, putarr, putfile, attach, openf!, putarrnd ! Routine de merde, jamais l'utiliser
+    USE array
+    USE model,           ONLY: EM
+    USE parallel,        ONLY: my_id, comm0, gather_z, gather_xyz_real
+    USE collision,       ONLY: coll_outputinputs
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
+    INTEGER, parameter  :: BUFSIZE = 2
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(total_nz) :: Az_full ! full z array for metric output
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: kp_full
+    INTEGER :: rank = 0, ierr
+    INTEGER :: dims(1) = (/0/)
+    !____________________________________________________________________________
+    !                   1.   Initial diagnostics
+    IF ((kstep .EQ. 0)) THEN
+      CALL init_outfile(comm0,   resfile0,resfile,fidres)
+      ! Profiler time measurement
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/profiler", "performance analysis")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_rhs",        "cumulative rhs computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_poisson",    "cumulative poisson computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_Sapj",       "cumulative Sapj computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_coll",       "cumulative collision computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_grad",       "cumulative grad computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_nadiab",     "cumulative nadiab moments computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_ExBshear",   "cumulative ExB shear time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_adv_field",  "cumulative adv. fields computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_ghost",       "cumulative communication time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_clos",       "cumulative closure computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_checkfield", "cumulative checkfield computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_diag",       "cumulative diagnostic time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/Tc_step",       "cumulative total step computation time")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, dims, "/profiler/time",          "current simulation time")
+#ifdef TEST_SVD
+      CALL creatd(fidres, 0, (/0/), "/profiler/Tc_CLA", "cumulative total CLA computation time")
+      ! Grid info
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/grid", "Grid data")
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordkx",   kxarray_full,  "kx*rho_s0", ionode=0)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordky",   kyarray_full,  "ky*rho_s0", ionode=0)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordz",    zarray_full,   "z/R", ionode=0)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordp" ,   parray_full,   "p", ionode=0)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordj" ,   jarray_full,   "j", ionode=0)
+      CALL gather_xyz_real(kparray(1:local_Nky,1:local_Nkx,1:local_nz,ieven),kp_full,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/grid/coordkp" ,      kp_full,   "kp", ionode=0)
+      ! Metric info
+      CALL   creatg(fidres, "/data/metric", "Metric data")
+      CALL gather_z(gxx((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gxx", Az_full, "gxx", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(gxy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gxy", Az_full, "gxy", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(gxz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gxz", Az_full, "gxz", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(gyy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gyy", Az_full, "gyy", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(gyz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gyz", Az_full, "gyz", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(gzz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gzz", Az_full, "gzz", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(hatR((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/hatR", Az_full, "hatR", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(hatZ((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/hatZ", Az_full, "hatZ", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(hatB((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/hatB", Az_full, "hatB", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(dBdx((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdx", Az_full, "dBdx", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(dBdy((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdy", Az_full, "dBdy", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(dBdz((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/dBdz", Az_full, "dBdz", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(Jacobian((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/Jacobian", Az_full, "Jacobian", ionode =0)
+      CALL gather_z(gradz_coeff((1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),ieven),Az_full,local_nz,total_nz)
+      CALL putarr(fidres, "/data/metric/gradz_coeff", Az_full, "gradz_coeff", ionode =0)
+      !  var0d group (gyro transport)
+      IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
+       CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var0d", "0d profiles")
+       CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var0d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
+       CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/cstep", "iteration number")
+       IF (write_gamma) THEN
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/gflux_x", "Radial gyro transport")
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/pflux_x", "Radial part transport")
+       ENDIF
+       IF (write_hf) THEN
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var0d/hflux_x", "Radial part heat flux")
+       ENDIF
+       IF (cstep==0) THEN
+         iframe0d=0
+       ENDIF
+       CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var0d/" , "frames", iframe0d)
+      END IF
+      !  var2d group (gyro transport)
+      IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var2d", "2d profiles")
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var2d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var2d/cstep", "iteration number")
+#ifdef TEST_SVD
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var2d/sv_ky_pj", "singular values of the moment ky/pj cut")
+      ENDIF
+      !  var3d group (phi,psi, fluid moments, Ni00, Napjz)
+      IF (nsave_3d .GT. 0) THEN
+       CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d", "3d profiles")
+       CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var3d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
+       CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var3d/cstep", "iteration number")
+       IF (write_phi) CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/phi", "phi")
+       IF (write_phi.AND.EM) CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/psi", "psi")
+      IF (write_Na00) THEN
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Na00", "gyrocenter density ")
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Napjz", "pj(z) moment spectrum ")
+      ENDIF
+      IF (write_dens) THEN
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/dens", "density ")
+      ENDIF
+      IF (write_fvel) THEN
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/upar", "parallel fluid velocity ")
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/uper", "perpendicular fluid velocity ")
+      ENDIF
+      IF (write_temp) THEN
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Tper", "perpendicular temperature ")
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/Tpar", "parallel temperature ")
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var3d/temp", "tiotal temperature ")
+      ENDIF
+       IF (cstep==0) THEN
+         iframe3d=0
+       ENDIF
+       CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var3d/" , "frames", iframe3d)
+      END IF
+      !  var5d group (moments)
+      IF (nsave_5d .GT. 0) THEN
+        CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d", "5d profiles")
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var5d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
+        CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var5d/cstep", "iteration number")
+        IF (write_Napj) THEN
+         CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d/moments", "full moments array")
+        ENDIF
+        IF (cstep==0) THEN
+         iframe5d=0
+        END IF
+        CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var5d/" , "frames", iframe5d)
+      END IF
+    ENDIF
+    !_____________________________________________________________________________
+    !                   2.   Periodic diagnostics
+    !
+    IF (kstep .GE. 0) THEN
+      !                       2.1   0d history arrays
+      IF (nsave_0d .GT. 0) THEN
+        IF ( MOD(cstep, nsave_0d) == 0 ) THEN
+          CALL diagnose_0d
+        END IF
+      END IF
+      !                       2.2   2d profiles
+      IF (nsave_2d .GT. 0) THEN
+        IF (MOD(cstep, nsave_2d) == 0) THEN
+          CALL diagnose_2d
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      !                       2.3   3d profiles
+      IF (nsave_3d .GT. 0) THEN
+        IF (MOD(cstep, nsave_3d) == 0) THEN
+          CALL diagnose_3d
+          ! Looks at the folder if the file check_phi exists and spits a snapshot
+          ! of the current electrostatic potential in a basic text file
+          CALL spit_snapshot_check
+        ENDIF
+      ENDIF
+      !                       2.4   5d profiles
+      IF (nsave_5d .GT. 0) THEN
+        IF (MOD(cstep, nsave_5d) == 0) THEN
+          CALL diagnose_5d
+        END IF
+      END IF
+    !_____________________________________________________________________________
+    !                   3.   Final diagnostics
+    ELSEIF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
+      CALL attach(fidres, "/data/input","cpu_time",chrono_runt%ttot)
+      ! make a checkpoint at last timestep if not crashed
+      IF(.NOT. crashed) THEN
+        IF(my_id .EQ. 0) write(*,*) 'Saving last state'
+        IF (nsave_5d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_5d
+      ENDIF
+      !   Close all diagnostic files
+      CALL mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
+      CALL closef(fidres)
+    END IF
+  END SUBROUTINE diagnose_full
+  !! This routine outputs only txt file 0D data (flux and time)
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose_txtonly(kstep)
+    USE basic
+    USE processing,      ONLY: pflux_x, hflux_x, compute_radial_transport, compute_radial_heatflux
+    USE parallel,        ONLY: my_id, comm0
+    USE futils,          ONLY: creatf, creatg, creatd, attach, putfile, closef
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep
+    INTEGER, parameter  :: BUFSIZE = 2
+    INTEGER :: rank = 0
+    INTEGER :: dims(1) = (/0/)
+    IF (kstep .GE. 0) THEN
+      ! output the transport in a txt file
+      IF ( MOD(cstep, nsave_0d) == 0 ) THEN
+        CALL compute_radial_transport
+        CALL compute_radial_heatflux
+        IF (my_id .EQ. 0) &
+          WRITE(1,*) time, pflux_x(1), hflux_x(1)
+      END IF
+    !! Save the last state
+    ELSEIF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN
+      CALL init_outfile(comm0,   resfile0,resfile,fidres)
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d", "5d profiles")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims,  "/data/var5d/time",     "Time t*c_s/R")
+      CALL creatd(fidres, rank, dims, "/data/var5d/cstep", "iteration number")
+      CALL creatg(fidres, "/data/var5d/moments", "full moments array")
+      CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var5d/" , "frames", iframe5d)
+      CALL diagnose_5d
+      CALL closef(fidres)
+    ENDIF
+  END SUBROUTINE diagnose_txtonly
+  !!-------------- Auxiliary routines -----------------!!
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose_0d
+    USE basic
+    USE futils, ONLY: append, attach, getatt, creatd
+    USE prec_const
+    USE processing
+    USE model,   ONLY: Na
+    ! Time measurement data
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_rhs",       REAL(chrono_mrhs%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_adv_field", REAL(chrono_advf%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_clos",      REAL(chrono_clos%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_ghost",     REAL(chrono_ghst%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_coll",      REAL(chrono_coll%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_poisson",   REAL(chrono_pois%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_Sapj",      REAL(chrono_sapj%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_checkfield",REAL(chrono_chck%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_diag",      REAL(chrono_diag%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_grad",      REAL(chrono_grad%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_nadiab",    REAL(chrono_napj%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_ExBshear",  REAL(chrono_ExBs%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_step",      REAL(chrono_step%ttot,dp),ionode=0)
+#ifdef TEST_SVD
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/Tc_CLA",      REAL(chrono_CLA%ttot,dp),ionode=0) 
+    CALL append(fidres, "/profiler/time",                REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
+    ! Processing data
+    CALL append(fidres,  "/data/var0d/time",      REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/cstep", real(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL getatt(fidres,      "/data/var0d/",       "frames",iframe0d)
+    iframe0d=iframe0d+1
+    CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var0d/" , "frames", iframe0d)
+    ! Ion transport data
+    IF (write_gamma) THEN
+      CALL compute_radial_transport
+      CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/gflux_x",REAL(gflux_x,dp),ionode=0)
+      CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/pflux_x",REAL(pflux_x,dp),ionode=0)
+    ENDIF
+    IF (write_hf) THEN
+      CALL compute_radial_heatflux
+      CALL append(fidres, "/data/var0d/hflux_x",REAL(hflux_x,dp),ionode=0)
+    ENDIF
+  END SUBROUTINE diagnose_0d
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose_2d
+    USE prec_const
+    USE basic
+    USE futils, ONLY: putarr, append
+#ifdef TEST_SVD
+    USE CLA, ONLY: Sf
+    CHARACTER(50) :: dset_name
+    iframe2d=iframe2d+1
+    CALL append(fidres,"/data/var2d/time", REAL(time,dp), ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres,"/data/var2d/cstep",REAL(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
+#ifdef TEST_SVD
+    WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var2d/sv_ky_pj/", iframe2d
+    CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, Sf, ionode=0)
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose_3d
+    USE basic
+    USE futils, ONLY: append, getatt, attach, putarr!, putarrnd
+    USE fields, ONLY: phi, psi, moments
+    USE array,  ONLY: Napjz,dens,upar,uper,Tpar,Tper,temp
+    USE grid, ONLY: CONTAINSp0, ip0,ij0, local_na, total_na,&
+                    total_np, total_nj, total_nky, total_nkx, total_nz, &
+                    local_np, local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, &
+                    ngz
+    USE time_integration, ONLY: updatetlevel
+    USE prec_const
+    USE processing, ONLY: compute_fluid_moments, compute_Napjz_spectrum
+    USE model,      ONLY: EM
+    USE parallel,   ONLY: manual_3D_bcast
+    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(local_na,local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz) :: Na00_
+    ! add current time, cstep and frame
+    CALL append(fidres,  "/data/var3d/time",           REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/data/var3d/cstep", real(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL getatt(fidres,      "/data/var3d/",       "frames",iframe3d)
+    iframe3d=iframe3d+1
+    CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var3d/" , "frames", iframe3d)
+    ! Write current EM fields
+    IF (write_phi)        CALL write_field3d_kykxz(phi (:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2)), 'phi')
+    IF (write_phi.AND.EM) CALL write_field3d_kykxz(psi (:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2)), 'psi')
+    IF (write_Na00) THEN
+      CALL compute_Napjz_spectrum
+        ! gyrocenter density
+        Na00_    = moments(:,ip0,ij0,:,:,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),updatetlevel)
+      ELSE
+        Na00_    = 0._xp
+      ENDIF
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(Na00_, 'Na00')
+      ! <<Napj>x>y spectrum
+      CALL write_field3da_pjz(Napjz, 'Napjz')
+    ENDIF
+    !! Fuid moments
+    IF (write_dens .OR. write_fvel .OR. write_temp) &
+    CALL compute_fluid_moments
+    IF (write_dens) THEN
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(dens, 'dens')
+    ENDIF
+    IF (write_fvel) THEN
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(upar, 'upar')
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(uper, 'uper')
+    ENDIF
+    IF (write_temp) THEN
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(Tpar, 'Tpar')
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(Tper, 'Tper')
+      CALL write_field3da_kykxz(temp, 'temp')
+    ENDIF
+      SUBROUTINE write_field3d_kykxz(field, text)
+        USE parallel, ONLY : gather_xyz, num_procs
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field
+        CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
+        CHARACTER(50) :: dset_name
+        field_full = 0;
+        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var3d", TRIM(text), iframe3d
+        IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN ! no data distribution
+          CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field, ionode=0)
+        ELSE
+          CALL gather_xyz(field,field_full,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
+          CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
+        ENDIF
+        END SUBROUTINE write_field3d_kykxz
+        SUBROUTINE write_field3da_kykxz(field, text)
+          USE parallel, ONLY : gather_xyz, num_procs
+          IMPLICIT NONE
+          COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field
+          CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
+          COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
+          COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(local_nky,total_nkx,local_nz) :: buff_local
+          COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: buff_full
+          CHARACTER(50) :: dset_name
+          INTEGER :: ia
+          field_full = 0;
+          WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var3d", TRIM(text), iframe3d
+          IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN ! no data distribution
+            CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field, ionode=0)
+          ELSE
+            DO ia = 1,total_Na
+              buff_local = field(ia,:,:,:)
+              CALL gather_xyz(buff_local,buff_full,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
+              field_full(ia,:,:,:) = buff_full
+            ENDDO
+            CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
+          ENDIF
+          END SUBROUTINE write_field3da_kykxz
+      SUBROUTINE write_field3da_pjz(field, text)
+        USE parallel, ONLY : gather_pjz, num_procs
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), INTENT(IN) :: field
+        CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
+        COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_np,total_nj,total_nz) :: field_full
+        CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: dset_name
+        field_full = 0;
+        WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var3d", TRIM(text), iframe3d
+        IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN ! no data distribution
+          CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field, ionode=0)
+        ELSE
+          CALL gather_pjz(field,field_full,total_na,local_np,total_np,total_nj,local_nz,total_nz)
+          CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
+        ENDIF
+        CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, "time", time)
+      END SUBROUTINE write_field3da_pjz
+  END SUBROUTINE diagnose_3d
+  SUBROUTINE diagnose_5d
+    USE basic,  ONLY: time, iframe5d,cstep
+    USE futils, ONLY: append, getatt, attach, putarr !,putarrnd
+    USE fields, ONLY: moments
+    USE grid,   ONLY:total_np, total_nj, total_nky, total_nkx, total_nz, &
+                     local_np, local_nj, local_nky, local_nkx, local_nz, &
+                     ngp, ngj, ngz, total_na
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp,dp
+    CALL append(fidres,  "/data/var5d/time",  REAL(time,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL append(fidres, "/data/var5d/cstep", REAL(cstep,dp),ionode=0)
+    CALL getatt(fidres,      "/data/var5d/",       "frames",iframe5d)
+    iframe5d=iframe5d+1
+    CALL attach(fidres,"/data/var5d/" , "frames", iframe5d)
+    IF (write_Napj) THEN
+    CALL write_field5d(moments, 'moments')
+    ENDIF
+    SUBROUTINE write_field5d(field, text)
+      USE basic,            ONLY: jobnum, dt
+      USE futils,           ONLY: attach, putarr!, putarrnd
+      USE parallel,         ONLY: gather_pjxyz, num_procs
+      USE prec_const,       ONLY: xp
+      USE time_integration, ONLY: ntimelevel
+      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,local_np+ngp,local_nj+ngj,local_Nky,local_Nkx,local_nz+ngz,ntimelevel), INTENT(IN) :: field
+      CHARACTER(*), INTENT(IN) :: text
+      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,local_np,local_nj,local_nky,local_nkx,local_nz) :: field_sub
+      COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_na,total_np,total_nj,total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_full
+      CHARACTER(LEN=50) :: dset_name
+      field_sub  = field(1:total_na,(1+ngp/2):(local_np+ngp/2),(1+ngj/2):(local_nj+ngj/2),&
+                            1:local_nky,1:local_nkx,(1+ngz/2):(local_nz+ngz/2),1)
+      field_full = 0;
+      WRITE(dset_name, "(A, '/', A, '/', i6.6)") "/data/var5d", TRIM(text), iframe5d
+      IF (num_procs .EQ. 1) THEN
+        CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_sub, ionode=0)
+      ELSE!IF(GATHERV_OUTPUT) THEN ! output using one node (gatherv)
+        CALL gather_pjxyz(field_sub,field_full,total_na,local_np,total_np,total_nj,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
+        CALL putarr(fidres, dset_name, field_full, ionode=0)
+      ! ELSE
+      !   CALL putarrnd(fidres, dset_name, field_sub,  (/1,3,5/))
+       ENDIF
+      CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'cstep', cstep)
+      CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'time', time)
+      CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'jobnum', jobnum)
+      CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'dt', dt)
+      CALL attach(fidres, dset_name, 'iframe5d', iframe5d)
+    END SUBROUTINE write_field5d
+  END SUBROUTINE diagnose_5d
+  SUBROUTINE spit_snapshot_check
+    USE fields, ONLY: phi
+    USE grid, ONLY: total_nkx,total_nky,total_nz,&
+                    local_nky,local_nz, ngz
+    USE parallel, ONLY: gather_xyz, my_id
+    USE basic
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    LOGICAL :: file_exist
+    INTEGER :: fid_check, ikx, iky, iz
+    CHARACTER(256) :: check_filename
+    COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(total_nky,total_nkx,total_nz) :: field_to_check
+    !! Spit a snapshot of PHI if requested (triggered by creating a file named "check_phi")
+    INQUIRE(file='check_phi', exist=file_exist)
+    IF( file_exist ) THEN
+       IF(my_id.EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> gather phi..'
+       CALL gather_xyz(phi(:,:,(1+Ngz/2):(local_nz+Ngz/2)), field_to_check,local_nky,total_nky,total_nkx,local_nz,total_nz)
+       IF(my_id.EQ. 0) THEN
+         WRITE(check_filename,'(a16)') 'check_phi.out'
+         OPEN(fid_check, file=check_filename, form='formatted')
+         WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> output phi ..'
+         WRITE(fid_check,*) total_nky, total_nkx, total_nz
+         DO iky = 1,total_nky; DO ikx = 1, total_nkx; DO iz = 1,total_nz
+           WRITE(fid_check,*) real(field_to_check(iky,ikx,iz)), ',' , imag(field_to_check(iky,ikx,iz))
+         CLOSE(fid_check)
+         WRITE(*,*) 'Check file found -> done.'
+         ! delete the check_phi flagfile
+         OPEN(fid_check, file='check_phi')
+         CLOSE(fid_check, status='delete')
+       ENDIF
+    ENDIF
+  END SUBROUTINE spit_snapshot_check
+  SUBROUTINE diag_outputinputs(fid)
+    !
+    !    Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file
+    !
+    USE prec_const
+    USE futils, ONLY: attach, creatd
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: fid
+    CHARACTER(len=256)  :: str
+    WRITE(str,'(a)') '/data/input/diagnostics'
+    CALL creatd(fidres, 0,(/0/),TRIM(str),'Diagnostics Parameters Input')
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "write_doubleprecision", write_doubleprecision)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_0d", nsave_0d)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_1d", nsave_1d)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_2d", nsave_2d)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_3d", nsave_3d)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_5d", nsave_5d)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "write_gamma", write_gamma)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),    "write_hf",    write_hf)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),   "write_phi",   write_phi)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_Na00",  write_Na00)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_Napj",  write_Napj)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_Sapj",  write_Sapj)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_dens",  write_dens)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_fvel",  write_fvel)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_temp",  write_temp)
+  END SUBROUTINE diag_outputinputs
+END MODULE diagnostics
diff --git a/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90 b/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a8630f8..00000000
--- a/src/diagnostics_par_mod.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-MODULE diagnostics_par
-  !   Module for diagnostic parameters
-  USE prec_const
-  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_doubleprecision = .FALSE.
-  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_gamma, write_hf  ! output particle transport and heat flux
-  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_phi,  write_Na00
-  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_Napj, write_Sapj
-  LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: write_dens, write_fvel, write_temp
-  INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: nsave_0d, nsave_1d, nsave_2d, nsave_3d, nsave_5d ! save data every n step
-  REAL,    PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: dtsave_0d, dtsave_1d, dtsave_2d, dtsave_3d, dtsave_5d ! save data every dt time unit
-  ! Change diagnostic mode (full/txtonly)
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: diag_mode = "full"
-  !  HDF5 file
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: resfile,resfile0 = "outputs"            ! Head of main result file name
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: momfile,momfile0 = "moments"   ! Head of the moment spectrum file (N_a(p,j,z))
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: mspfile,mspfile0 = "moments_spectrum"   ! Head of the moment spectrum file (N_a(p,j,z))
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: fldfile,fldfile0 = "fields"             ! Head of field (phi,A)
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: ttrfile,ttrfile0 = "time_traces"        ! Head of time traces (gamma_x,Q_x)
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: ggmfile,ggmfile0 = "grid_geometry"        ! Head of time traces (gamma_x,Q_x)
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: prffile,prffile0 = "profiler"        ! Head of time traces (gamma_x,Q_x)
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: input_fname
-  CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: rstfile                     ! restart result file
-  INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidres,fidmsp,fidfld,fidttr ! FID for output
-  INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidmom,fidggm, fidprf
-  INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidrst                      ! FID for restart file
-  PUBLIC :: diag_par_readinputs, diag_par_outputinputs
-  SUBROUTINE diag_par_readinputs
-    !    Read the input parameters
-    USE basic, ONLY : lu_in, dt
-    USE prec_const
-    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ dtsave_0d, dtsave_1d, dtsave_2d, dtsave_3d, dtsave_5d
-    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ write_doubleprecision, write_gamma, write_hf, write_phi
-    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ write_Na00, write_Napj, write_Sapj
-    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ write_dens, write_fvel, write_temp
-    NAMELIST /OUTPUT_PAR/ diag_mode
-    READ(lu_in,output_par)
-    ! set nsave variables from dtsave ones (time unit to steps)
-    nsave_0d = CEILING(dtsave_0d/dt)
-    nsave_1d = CEILING(dtsave_1d/dt)
-    nsave_2d = CEILING(dtsave_2d/dt)
-    nsave_3d = CEILING(dtsave_3d/dt)
-    nsave_5d = CEILING(dtsave_5d/dt)
-  END SUBROUTINE diag_par_readinputs
-  SUBROUTINE diag_par_outputinputs(fid)
-    !
-    !    Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file
-    !
-    USE prec_const
-    USE futils, ONLY: attach, creatd
-    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: fid
-    CHARACTER(len=256)  :: str
-    WRITE(str,'(a)') '/data/input/diag_par'
-    CALL creatd(fidres, 0,(/0/),TRIM(str),'Diagnostics Parameters Input')
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "write_doubleprecision", write_doubleprecision)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_0d", nsave_0d)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_1d", nsave_1d)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_2d", nsave_2d)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_3d", nsave_3d)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "nsave_5d", nsave_5d)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "write_gamma", write_gamma)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),    "write_hf",    write_hf)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),   "write_phi",   write_phi)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_Na00",  write_Na00)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_Napj",  write_Napj)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_Sapj",  write_Sapj)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_dens",  write_dens)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_fvel",  write_fvel)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str),  "write_temp",  write_temp)
-  END SUBROUTINE diag_par_outputinputs
-END MODULE diagnostics_par
diff --git a/src/inital.F90 b/src/inital.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index d426e5de..00000000
--- a/src/inital.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,630 +0,0 @@
-!!!!!! initialize the moments and load/build coeff tables
-  USE basic,            ONLY: speak
-  USE initial_par,      ONLY: INIT_OPT
-  USE time_integration, ONLY: set_updatetlevel
-  USE collision,        ONLY: init_collision
-  USE closure,          ONLY: apply_closure_model
-  USE ghosts,           ONLY: update_ghosts_moments, update_ghosts_EM
-  USE restarts,         ONLY: load_moments, job2load
-  USE processing,       ONLY: compute_fluid_moments, compute_radial_heatflux, compute_radial_transport
-  USE model,            ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE nonlinear,        ONLY: compute_Sapj, nonlinear_init
-  CALL set_updatetlevel(1)
-  !!!!!! Set the moments arrays Nepj, Nipj and phi!!!!!!
-  ! through loading a previous state
-  IF ( job2load .GE. 0 ) THEN
-    CALL speak('Load moments')
-    CALL load_moments ! get N_0
-    CALL apply_closure_model
-    CALL update_ghosts_moments
-    CALL solve_EM_fields ! compute phi_0=phi(N_0)
-    CALL update_ghosts_EM
-  ! through initialization
-    ! set phi with noise and set moments to 0
-    CASE ('phi')
-      CALL speak('Init noisy phi')
-      CALL init_phi
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    CASE ('phi_ppj')
-      CALL speak('Init noisy phi')
-      CALL init_phi_ppj
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    ! set moments_00 (GC density) with noise and compute phi afterwards
-    CASE('mom00')
-      CALL speak('Init noisy gyrocenter density')
-      CALL init_gyrodens ! init only gyrocenter density
-      CALL update_ghosts_moments
-      CALL solve_EM_fields
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    ! set moments_00 (GC density) with a single kx0,ky0 mode
-    ! kx0 is setup but by the noise value and ky0 by the background value
-    CASE('mom00_single_mode')
-      CALL speak('Init noisy gyrocenter density')
-      CALL init_single_mode ! init single mode in gyrocenter density
-      CALL update_ghosts_moments
-      CALL solve_EM_fields
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    ! init all moments randomly (unadvised)
-    CASE('allmom')
-      CALL speak('Init noisy moments')
-      CALL init_moments ! init all moments
-      CALL update_ghosts_moments
-      CALL solve_EM_fields
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    ! init a gaussian blob in gyrodens
-    CASE('blob')
-      CALL speak('--init a blob')
-      CALL initialize_blob
-      CALL update_ghosts_moments
-      CALL solve_EM_fields
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    ! init moments 00 with a power law similarly to GENE
-    CASE('ppj')
-      CALL speak('ppj init ~ GENE')
-      call init_ppj
-      CALL update_ghosts_moments
-      CALL solve_EM_fields
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-    CASE('ricci')
-      CALL speak('Init Ricci')
-      CALL init_ricci ! init only gyrocenter density
-      CALL update_ghosts_moments
-      CALL solve_EM_fields
-      CALL update_ghosts_EM
-  ! closure of j>J, p>P and j<0, p<0 moments
-  CALL speak('Apply closure')
-  CALL apply_closure_model
-  ! ghosts for p parallelization
-  CALL speak('Ghosts communication')
-  CALL update_ghosts_moments
-  CALL update_ghosts_EM
-  !! End of phi and moments initialization
-  ! Init collision operator
-  CALL init_collision
-  !! Preparing auxiliary arrays at initial state
-  ! particle density, fluid velocity and temperature (used in diagnose)
-  CALL speak('Computing fluid moments and transport')
-  CALL compute_fluid_moments
-  CALL compute_radial_transport
-  CALL compute_radial_heatflux
-  ! init auxval for nonlinear
-  CALL nonlinear_init
-  ! compute nonlinear for t=0 diagnostic
-  CALL compute_Sapj ! compute S_0 = S(phi_0,N_0)
-!!!!!!! Initialize all the moments randomly
-SUBROUTINE init_moments
-  USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, contains_ky0, AA_x, AA_y
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE fields,     ONLY: moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
-  REAL(xp) :: noise
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
-  INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, ipi,iji,izi
-  ! Seed random number generator
-  iseedarr(:)=iseed
-  CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=iseedarr+my_id)
-    !**** Broad noise initialization *******************************************
-  DO ia=1,local_na
-    DO ip=1,local_np
-      ipi = ip+ngp/2
-      DO ij=1,local_nj
-        iji = ij+ngj/2
-        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-          DO iky=1,local_nky
-            DO iz=1,local_nz
-              izi = iz+ngz/2
-              CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(noise)
-              moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,:) = (init_background + init_noiselvl*(noise-0.5_xp))
-            END DO
-          END DO
-        END DO
-        IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
-          DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at ky = 0 for all z
-            moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky0,ikx,:,:) = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:,:)
-          END DO
-        ENDIF
-      END DO
-    END DO
-    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-        DO iky=1,local_nky
-          DO iz=1,local_nz
-            izi = iz+ngz/2
-            DO ip=1,local_np
-              ipi = ip+ngp/2
-              DO ij=1,local_nj
-                iji = ij+ngj/2
-                moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi, :) = moments(ia, ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-END SUBROUTINE init_moments
-!!!!!!! Initialize the gyrocenter density randomly
-SUBROUTINE init_gyrodens
-  USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, parray, jarray, contains_ky0, AA_x, AA_y
-  USE fields,     ONLY: moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
-  REAL(xp) :: noise
-  INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
-  ! Seed random number generator
-  iseedarr(:)=iseed
-  CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=iseedarr+my_id)
-  moments = 0._xp
-    !**** Broad noise initialization *******************************************
-  DO ia=1,local_na
-    DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
-      DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
-        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-          DO iky=1,local_nky
-            DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
-              CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(noise)
-              IF ( (parray(ip) .EQ. 0) .AND. (jarray(ij) .EQ. 0) ) THEN
-                moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = (init_background + init_noiselvl*(noise-0.5_xp))
-              ELSE
-                moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
-              ENDIF
-            END DO
-          END DO
-        END DO
-        IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
-          DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at ky = 0 for all z
-            moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,ikx,:,:) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:,:)
-          END DO
-        ENDIF
-      END DO
-    END DO
-    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-        DO iky=1,local_nky
-          DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-            DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
-              DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
-                moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-END SUBROUTINE init_gyrodens
-!!!!!!! Initialize a single mode in the gyrocenter density
-SUBROUTINE init_single_mode
-  USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, kxarray, kyarray, parray, jarray, &
-                        contains_ky0, deltakx, deltaky
-  USE fields,     ONLY: moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
-  REAL(xp) :: amplitude
-  INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, ikxi, ikyi
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
-  moments   = 0._xp
-  amplitude = 1._xp 
-  ! find the closest modes to be intialized
-  ikxi = NINT(init_noiselvl);
-  ikyi = NINT(init_background);
-  !****single mode initialization *******************************************
-  ! DO ia=1,local_na
-  !   DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
-  !     DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
-  !       DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
-  !         IF  ( ((parray(ip) .EQ. 0) .AND. (jarray(ij) .EQ. 0)) &
-  !         .AND. ((ikxi .NE. -1)      .AND. (ikyi .NE. -1))      ) &
-  !           moments(ia,ip,ij,ikyi,ikxi,iz,:) = amplitude
-  !       END DO
-  !       IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
-  !         DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at ky = 0 for all z
-  !           moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:,:) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,ikx,:,:)
-  !         END DO
-  !       ENDIF
-  !     END DO
-  !   END DO
-  ! ENDDO
-  moments(:,:,:,1,1,:,:) = amplitude
-  moments(:,:,:,2,2,:,:) = amplitude
-  moments(:,:,:,3,3,:,:) = amplitude
-  moments(:,:,:,4,4,:,:) = amplitude
-  moments(:,:,:,5,5,:,:) = amplitude
-END SUBROUTINE init_single_mode
-!!!!!!! Initialize a noisy ES potential and cancel the moments
-SUBROUTINE init_phi
-  USE grid,       ONLY: total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        ngz, iky0, ikx0, contains_ky0, AA_x, AA_y
-  USE fields,     ONLY: phi, moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
-  REAL(xp) :: noise
-  INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
-  INTEGER :: iky,ikx,iz
-  ! Seed random number generator
-  iseedarr(:)=iseed
-  CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=iseedarr+my_id)
-  !**** noise initialization *******************************************
-  DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-    DO iky=1,local_nky
-      DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-        CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(noise)
-        phi(iky,ikx,iz) = (init_background + init_noiselvl*(noise-0.5_xp))!*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-      ENDDO
-    END DO
-  !symmetry at ky = 0 to keep real inverse transform
-  IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
-    DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-      DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2
-        phi(iky0,ikx,iz) = phi(iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,iz)
-      ENDDO
-    phi(iky0,ikx0,iz) = REAL(phi(iky0,ikx0,iz),xp) !origin must be real
-  ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-  IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-    DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-      DO iky=1,local_nky
-        DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-          phi(iky,ikx,iz) = phi(iky,ikx,iz)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-  !**** ensure no previous moments initialization
-  moments = 0._xp
-  !**** Zonal Flow initialization *******************************************
-  ! put a mode at ikx = mode number + 1, symmetry is already included since kx>=0
-  ! IF(INIT_ZF .GT. 0) THEN
-  !   IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'Init ZF phi'
-  !   IF( (INIT_ZF+1 .GT. ikxs) .AND. (INIT_ZF+1 .LT. ikxe) ) THEN
-  !     DO ia=1,local_na
-  !       DO iz = 1,local_nz+ngz
-  !         phi(iky0,INIT_ZF+1,iz) = ZF_AMP*(2._xp*PI)**2/deltakx/deltaky/2._xp * COS((iz-1)/Nz*2._xp*PI)
-  !         moments(ia,ip0,ij0,iky0,INIT_ZF+1,iz,:) = kxarray(INIT_ZF+1)**2*phi(iky0,INIT_ZF+1,iz)* COS((iz-1)/Nz*2._xp*PI)
-  !       ENDDO
-  !     ENDDO
-  !   ENDIF
-  ! ENDIF
-!!!!!!! Initialize a ppj ES potential and cancel the moments
-SUBROUTINE init_phi_ppj
-  USE grid,       ONLY: total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, AA_x, AA_y,&
-                        ngz, iky0, ikx0, contains_ky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray, deltakx
-  USE fields,     ONLY: phi, moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian
-  REAL(xp) :: kx, ky, z, amp
-  INTEGER  :: ikx, iky, iz
-  amp = 1.0_xp
-    !**** ppj initialization *******************************************
-      DO iky=1,local_nky
-        ky = kyarray(iky)
-        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-          kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
-          DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-            z = zarray(iz,ieven)
-            IF (ky .NE. 0) THEN
-              phi(iky,ikx,iz) = 0._xp
-            ELSE
-              phi(iky,ikx,iz) = 0.5_xp*amp*(deltakx/(ABS(kx)+deltakx))
-            ENDIF
-            ! z-dep and noise
-            phi(iky,ikx,iz) = phi(iky,ikx,iz) * &
-            (Jacobian(iz,ieven)*iInt_Jacobian)**2
-          END DO
-        END DO
-      END DO
-    !symmetry at ky = 0 to keep real inverse transform
-    IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
-      DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-        DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2
-          phi(iky0,ikx,iz) = phi(iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,iz)
-        ENDDO
-        phi(iky0,ikx0,iz) = REAL(phi(iky0,ikx0,iz),xp) !origin must be real
-      END DO
-    ENDIF
-    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-        DO iky=1,local_nky
-          DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-            phi(iky,ikx,iz) = phi(iky,ikx,iz)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-          ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-    !**** ensure no previous moments initialization
-    moments = 0._xp
-END SUBROUTINE init_phi_ppj
-!!!!!!! Initialize an ionic Gaussian blob on top of the preexisting modes
-SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
-  USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, total_nz,&
-                        AA_x, AA_y, parray, jarray,&
-                        ngp,ngj,ngz, iky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray
-  USE fields,     ONLY: moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian, shear
-  REAL(xp) ::kx, ky, z, sigma_x, sigma_y, gain
-  INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij, p, j
-  sigma_y = 0.5
-  sigma_x = sigma_y
-  gain  = 1.0
-  ! One can increase the gain if we run 3D sim
-  IF(total_nz .GT. 1) THEN
-    sigma_y = 1.0
-    sigma_x = sigma_y
-    gain = 10.0
-  DO ia=1,local_na
-    DO iky=1,local_nky
-      ky = kyarray(iky)
-      DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
-        z  = zarray(iz,ieven)
-        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-          kx = kxarray(iky,ikx) + z*shear*ky
-          DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
-            p = parray(ip)
-            DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
-              j = jarray(ij)
-              IF( (iky .NE. iky0) .AND. (p .EQ. 0) .AND. (j .EQ. 0)) THEN
-                moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) &
-                + gain * exp(-((kx/sigma_x)**2+(ky/sigma_y)**2)) &
-                  * AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)* &
-                  (Jacobian(iz,ieven)*iInt_Jacobian)**2!&
-                  ! * exp(sigmai2_taui_o2*(kx**2+ky**2))
-              ENDIF
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-        DO iky=1,local_nky
-          DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-            DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
-              DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
-                moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-END SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
-!!!!!!! Initialize the gyrocenter in a ppj gene manner (power law)
-SUBROUTINE init_ppj
-  USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        AA_x, AA_y, deltakx, deltaky,contains_ky0,&
-                        ngp,ngj,ngz, iky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray
-  USE fields,     ONLY: moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, pi
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian, shear
-  REAL(xp) :: kx, ky, sigma_z, amp, z
-  INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij
-  sigma_z = pi/4._xp
-  amp = 1.0_xp
-    !**** Broad noise initialization *******************************************
-    DO ia=1,local_na
-      DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
-        DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
-          IF ( (ip .EQ. 1) .AND. (ij .EQ. 1) ) THEN
-            DO iky=1,local_nky
-              ky = kyarray(iky)
-              DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-                kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
-                DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-                  z = zarray(iz,ieven)
-                  IF (kx .EQ. 0) THEN
-                    IF(ky .EQ. 0) THEN
-                      moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
-                    ELSE
-                      moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0.5_xp * deltaky/(ABS(ky)+deltaky)
-                    ENDIF
-                  ELSE
-                    IF(ky .GT. 0) THEN
-                      moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = (deltakx/(ABS(kx)+deltakx))*(deltaky/(ABS(ky)+deltaky))
-                    ELSE
-                      moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0.5_xp*amp*(deltakx/(ABS(kx)+deltakx))
-                    ENDIF
-                  ENDIF
-                  ! z-dep and noise
-                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) * &
-                  (Jacobian(iz,ieven)*iInt_Jacobian)**2
-                  ! divide by kernel_0 to adjust to particle density (n = kernel_0 N00)
-                  ! moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:)/kernel(ia,ij,iky,ikx,iz,0)
-                END DO
-              END DO
-            END DO
-            IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
-              DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at kx = 0 for all z
-                moments(ia,ip,ij,iky0,ikx,:,:) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:, :)
-              END DO
-            ENDIF
-        ELSE
-          moments(ia,ip,ij,:,:,:,:) = 0._xp
-        ENDIF
-      END DO
-    END DO
-    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-      DO iky=1,local_nky
-      DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-        DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
-        DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
-          moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-        ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-!!!!!!! Initialize Ricci density
-SUBROUTINE init_ricci
-  USE basic,      ONLY: maindir
-  USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
-                        local_nkx_offset, local_nky_offset, kxarray, kyarray, &
-                        ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, ikx0, parray, jarray,&
-                        deltakx, deltaky, contains_ky0, contains_kx0,&
-                        AA_x, AA_y
-  USE fields,     ONLY: moments
-  USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, imagu
-  USE initial_par,ONLY: iseed, init_noiselvl, init_background
-  USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
-  REAL(xp), DIMENSION(186,94) :: ricci_mat_real, ricci_mat_imag
-  REAL(xp) :: scaling
-  INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, LPFx, LPFy
-  CHARACTER(256) ::  filename
-  ! open data file
-  ricci_mat_real = 0; ricci_mat_imag = 0
-  filename = TRIM(maindir) // '/Gallery/fourier_ricci_real.txt'
-  open(unit = 1 , file = filename)
-  read(1,*) ricci_mat_real
-  close(1)
-  filename = TRIM(maindir) // '/Gallery/fourier_ricci_imag.txt'
-  open(unit = 2 , file = filename)
-  read(2,*) ricci_mat_imag
-  close(2)
-  scaling = 0.000001_xp
-  moments = 0._xp
-    !**** initialization *******************************************
-  DO ia=1,local_na
-    DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-      DO iky=1,local_nky
-        DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
-          DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
-            DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
-              IF((ikx+local_nkx_offset .LE. 186) .AND. (iky+local_nky_offset .LE. 94)) THEN
-                ! IF ( (parray(ip) .EQ. 0) .AND. (jarray(ij) .EQ. 0) ) THEN
-                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = scaling*(ricci_mat_real(ikx+local_nkx_offset,iky+local_nky_offset)&
-                  - imagu*ricci_mat_imag(ikx+local_nkx_offset,iky+local_nky_offset))
-                ! ELSE
-                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
-                ! ENDIF
-              ELSE
-                moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
-              ENDIF
-            END DO
-          END DO
-        END DO
-      END DO
-    END DO
-    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
-    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
-      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-        DO iky=1,local_nky
-          DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
-            DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
-              DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
-                moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
-              ENDDO
-            ENDDO
-          ENDDO
-        ENDDO
-      ENDDO
-    ENDIF
-  !! Play with some filtering
-  LPFx = 0
-  LPFy = 0
-    DO ikx=1,total_nkx
-      DO iky=1,local_nky
-        IF ( (abs(kxarray(ikx,iky)) .LT. LPFx*deltakx ) .AND. (abs(kyarray(iky)) .LT. LPFy*deltaky ) )&
-          moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx,:,:) = 0._xp
-      ENDDO
-    ENDDO
-END SUBROUTINE init_ricci
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/initial_mod.F90 b/src/initial_mod.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4491fea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/initial_mod.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
+MODULE initial
+  !   Module for initial parameters
+  USE prec_const
+  ! Initialization option (phi/mom00/allmom/blob)
+  ! Act on modes artificially (keep/wipe, zonal, non zonal, entropy mode etc.)
+  ! REMOVED FEATURE (only here for retrocompatibility)
+  CHARACTER(len=32),  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ACT_ON_MODES = 'nothing'
+  ! Initial amplitude (for specific modes or image init.)
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: init_amp        = 1._xp
+  ! Initial background level (in addition to noise init)
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: init_background = 0._xp
+  ! Initial noise amplitude (for noise init)
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: init_noiselvl   = 1E-6_xp
+  ! Initialization for random number generator
+  PUBLIC :: initial_outputinputs, initial_readinputs, initialize
+  SUBROUTINE initial_readinputs
+    ! Read the input parameters
+    USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
+    USE prec_const
+        init_amp,init_background,init_noiselvl,iseed
+    READ(lu_in,initial)
+  END SUBROUTINE initial_readinputs
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!! initialize the moments and load/build coeff tables
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE initialize
+    USE basic,            ONLY: speak
+    USE time_integration, ONLY: set_updatetlevel
+    USE collision,        ONLY: init_collision
+    USE closure,          ONLY: apply_closure_model
+    USE ghosts,           ONLY: update_ghosts_moments, update_ghosts_EM
+    USE restarts,         ONLY: load_moments, job2load
+    USE processing,       ONLY: compute_fluid_moments, compute_radial_heatflux, compute_radial_transport
+    USE model,            ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE nonlinear,        ONLY: compute_Sapj, nonlinear_init
+    CALL set_updatetlevel(1)
+    !!!!!! Set the moments arrays Nepj, Nipj and phi!!!!!!
+    ! through loading a previous state
+    IF ( job2load .GE. 0 ) THEN
+      CALL speak('Load moments')
+      CALL load_moments ! get N_0
+      CALL apply_closure_model
+      CALL update_ghosts_moments
+      CALL solve_EM_fields ! compute phi_0=phi(N_0)
+      CALL update_ghosts_EM
+    ! through initialization
+    ELSE
+      ! set phi with noise and set moments to 0
+      CASE ('phi')
+        CALL speak('Init noisy phi')
+        CALL init_phi
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      CASE ('phi_ppj')
+        CALL speak('Init noisy phi')
+        CALL init_phi_ppj
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      ! set moments_00 (GC density) with noise and compute phi afterwards
+      CASE('mom00')
+        CALL speak('Init noisy gyrocenter density')
+        CALL init_gyrodens ! init only gyrocenter density
+        CALL update_ghosts_moments
+        CALL solve_EM_fields
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      ! set moments_00 (GC density) with a single kx0,ky0 mode
+      ! kx0 is setup but by the noise value and ky0 by the background value
+      CASE('mom00_single_mode')
+        CALL speak('Init noisy gyrocenter density')
+        CALL init_single_mode ! init single mode in gyrocenter density
+        CALL update_ghosts_moments
+        CALL solve_EM_fields
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      ! init all moments randomly (unadvised)
+      CASE('allmom')
+        CALL speak('Init noisy moments')
+        CALL init_moments ! init all moments
+        CALL update_ghosts_moments
+        CALL solve_EM_fields
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      ! init a gaussian blob in gyrodens
+      CASE('blob')
+        CALL speak('--init a blob')
+        CALL initialize_blob
+        CALL update_ghosts_moments
+        CALL solve_EM_fields
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      ! init moments 00 with a power law similarly to GENE
+      CASE('ppj')
+        CALL speak('ppj init ~ GENE')
+        call init_ppj
+        CALL update_ghosts_moments
+        CALL solve_EM_fields
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+      CASE('ricci')
+        CALL speak('Init Ricci')
+        CALL init_ricci ! init only gyrocenter density
+        CALL update_ghosts_moments
+        CALL solve_EM_fields
+        CALL update_ghosts_EM
+    ENDIF
+    ! closure of j>J, p>P and j<0, p<0 moments
+    CALL speak('Apply closure')
+    CALL apply_closure_model
+    ! ghosts for p parallelization
+    CALL speak('Ghosts communication')
+    CALL update_ghosts_moments
+    CALL update_ghosts_EM
+    !! End of phi and moments initialization
+    ! Init collision operator
+    CALL init_collision
+    !! Preparing auxiliary arrays at initial state
+    ! particle density, fluid velocity and temperature (used in diagnose)
+    CALL speak('Computing fluid moments and transport')
+    CALL compute_fluid_moments
+    CALL compute_radial_transport
+    CALL compute_radial_heatflux
+    ! init auxval for nonlinear
+    CALL nonlinear_init
+    ! compute nonlinear for t=0 diagnostic
+    CALL compute_Sapj ! compute S_0 = S(phi_0,N_0)
+  END SUBROUTINE initialize
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize all the moments randomly
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_moments
+    USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+                          ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, contains_ky0, AA_x, AA_y
+    USE fields,     ONLY: moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
+    REAL(xp) :: noise
+    INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
+    INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, ipi,iji,izi
+    ! Seed random number generator
+    iseedarr(:)=iseed
+    CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=iseedarr+my_id)
+      !**** Broad noise initialization *******************************************
+    DO ia=1,local_na
+      DO ip=1,local_np
+        ipi = ip+ngp/2
+        DO ij=1,local_nj
+          iji = ij+ngj/2
+          DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+            DO iky=1,local_nky
+              DO iz=1,local_nz
+                izi = iz+ngz/2
+                CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(noise)
+                moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi,:) = (init_background + init_noiselvl*(noise-0.5_xp))
+              END DO
+            END DO
+          END DO
+          IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
+            DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at ky = 0 for all z
+              moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky0,ikx,:,:) = moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:,:)
+            END DO
+          ENDIF
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+      IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+          DO iky=1,local_nky
+            DO iz=1,local_nz
+              izi = iz+ngz/2
+              DO ip=1,local_np
+                ipi = ip+ngp/2
+                DO ij=1,local_nj
+                  iji = ij+ngj/2
+                  moments(ia,ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi, :) = moments(ia, ipi,iji,iky,ikx,izi, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+                ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+  END SUBROUTINE init_moments
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize the gyrocenter density randomly
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_gyrodens
+    USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+                          ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, parray, jarray, contains_ky0, AA_x, AA_y
+    USE fields,     ONLY: moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
+    REAL(xp) :: noise
+    INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz
+    INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
+    ! Seed random number generator
+    iseedarr(:)=iseed
+    CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=iseedarr+my_id)
+    moments = 0._xp
+      !**** Broad noise initialization *******************************************
+    DO ia=1,local_na
+      DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
+        DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
+          DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+            DO iky=1,local_nky
+              DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
+                CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(noise)
+                IF ( (parray(ip) .EQ. 0) .AND. (jarray(ij) .EQ. 0) ) THEN
+                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = (init_background + init_noiselvl*(noise-0.5_xp))
+                ELSE
+                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
+                ENDIF
+              END DO
+            END DO
+          END DO
+          IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
+            DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at ky = 0 for all z
+              moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,ikx,:,:) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:,:)
+            END DO
+          ENDIF
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+      IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+          DO iky=1,local_nky
+            DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+              DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
+                DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
+                  moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+                ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+  END SUBROUTINE init_gyrodens
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize a single mode in the gyrocenter density
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_single_mode
+    USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+                          ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, kxarray, kyarray, parray, jarray, &
+                          contains_ky0, deltakx, deltaky
+    USE fields,     ONLY: moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
+    REAL(xp) :: amplitude
+    INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, ikxi, ikyi
+    INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
+    moments   = 0._xp
+    IF (my_id .EQ. 0) THEN
+      moments(:,:,:,2,2,:,:) = init_amp
+      moments(:,:,:,3,3,:,:) = init_amp
+      moments(:,:,:,4,4,:,:) = init_amp
+      moments(:,:,:,5,5,:,:) = init_amp
+    ENDIF
+  END SUBROUTINE init_single_mode
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize a noisy ES potential and cancel the moments
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_phi
+    USE grid,       ONLY: total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+                          ngz, iky0, ikx0, contains_ky0, AA_x, AA_y
+    USE fields,     ONLY: phi, moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE parallel,   ONLY: my_id
+    REAL(xp) :: noise
+    INTEGER, DIMENSION(12) :: iseedarr
+    INTEGER :: iky,ikx,iz
+    ! Seed random number generator
+    iseedarr(:)=iseed
+    CALL RANDOM_SEED(PUT=iseedarr+my_id)
+    !**** noise initialization *******************************************
+    DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+      DO iky=1,local_nky
+        DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+          CALL RANDOM_NUMBER(noise)
+          phi(iky,ikx,iz) = (init_background + init_noiselvl*(noise-0.5_xp))!*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+        ENDDO
+      END DO
+    END DO
+    !symmetry at ky = 0 to keep real inverse transform
+    IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
+      DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+        DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2
+          phi(iky0,ikx,iz) = phi(iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,iz)
+        ENDDO
+      phi(iky0,ikx0,iz) = REAL(phi(iky0,ikx0,iz),xp) !origin must be real
+    END DO
+    ENDIF
+    ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+    IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+        DO iky=1,local_nky
+          DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+            phi(iky,ikx,iz) = phi(iky,ikx,iz)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDDO
+    ENDIF
+    !**** ensure no previous moments initialization
+    moments = 0._xp
+  END SUBROUTINE init_phi
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize a ppj ES potential and cancel the moments
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_phi_ppj
+    USE grid,       ONLY: total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, AA_x, AA_y,&
+                          ngz, iky0, ikx0, contains_ky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray, deltakx
+    USE fields,     ONLY: phi, moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian
+    REAL(xp) :: kx, ky, z, amp
+    INTEGER  :: ikx, iky, iz
+    amp = 1.0_xp
+      !**** ppj initialization *******************************************
+        DO iky=1,local_nky
+          ky = kyarray(iky)
+          DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+            kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
+            DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+              z = zarray(iz,ieven)
+              IF (ky .NE. 0) THEN
+                phi(iky,ikx,iz) = 0._xp
+              ELSE
+                phi(iky,ikx,iz) = 0.5_xp*amp*(deltakx/(ABS(kx)+deltakx))
+              ENDIF
+              ! z-dep and noise
+              phi(iky,ikx,iz) = phi(iky,ikx,iz) * &
+              (Jacobian(iz,ieven)*iInt_Jacobian)**2
+            END DO
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      !symmetry at ky = 0 to keep real inverse transform
+      IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
+        DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+          DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2
+            phi(iky0,ikx,iz) = phi(iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,iz)
+          ENDDO
+          phi(iky0,ikx0,iz) = REAL(phi(iky0,ikx0,iz),xp) !origin must be real
+        END DO
+      ENDIF
+      ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+      IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+          DO iky=1,local_nky
+            DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+              phi(iky,ikx,iz) = phi(iky,ikx,iz)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+      !**** ensure no previous moments initialization
+      moments = 0._xp
+  END SUBROUTINE init_phi_ppj
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize an ionic Gaussian blob on top of the preexisting modes
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
+    USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz, total_nz,&
+                          AA_x, AA_y, parray, jarray,&
+                          ngp,ngj,ngz, iky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray
+    USE fields,     ONLY: moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian, shear
+    REAL(xp) ::kx, ky, z, sigma_x, sigma_y, gain
+    INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij, p, j
+    sigma_y = 0.5
+    sigma_x = sigma_y
+    gain  = 1.0
+    ! One can increase the gain if we run 3D sim
+    IF(total_nz .GT. 1) THEN
+      sigma_y = 1.0
+      sigma_x = sigma_y
+      gain = 10.0
+    ENDIF
+    DO ia=1,local_na
+      DO iky=1,local_nky
+        ky = kyarray(iky)
+        DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
+          z  = zarray(iz,ieven)
+          DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+            kx = kxarray(iky,ikx) + z*shear*ky
+            DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
+              p = parray(ip)
+              DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
+                j = jarray(ij)
+                IF( (iky .NE. iky0) .AND. (p .EQ. 0) .AND. (j .EQ. 0)) THEN
+                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) &
+                  + gain * exp(-((kx/sigma_x)**2+(ky/sigma_y)**2)) &
+                    * AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)* &
+                    (Jacobian(iz,ieven)*iInt_Jacobian)**2!&
+                    ! * exp(sigmai2_taui_o2*(kx**2+ky**2))
+                ENDIF
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDDO
+      ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+      IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+          DO iky=1,local_nky
+            DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+              DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
+                DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
+                  moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+                ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+  END SUBROUTINE initialize_blob
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize the gyrocenter in a ppj gene manner (power law)
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_ppj
+    USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+                          AA_x, AA_y, deltakx, deltaky,contains_ky0,&
+                          ngp,ngj,ngz, iky0, ieven, kxarray, kyarray, zarray
+    USE fields,     ONLY: moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, pi
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    USE geometry,   ONLY: Jacobian, iInt_Jacobian, shear
+    REAL(xp) :: kx, ky, sigma_z, z
+    INTEGER :: ia,iky,ikx,iz,ip,ij
+    sigma_z = pi/4._xp
+      !**** Broad noise initialization *******************************************
+      DO ia=1,local_na
+        DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
+          DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
+            IF ( (ip .EQ. 1) .AND. (ij .EQ. 1) ) THEN
+              DO iky=1,local_nky
+                ky = kyarray(iky)
+                DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+                  kx = kxarray(iky,ikx)
+                  DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+                    z = zarray(iz,ieven)
+                    IF (kx .EQ. 0) THEN
+                      IF(ky .EQ. 0) THEN
+                        moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
+                      ELSE
+                        moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0.5_xp * deltaky/(ABS(ky)+deltaky)
+                      ENDIF
+                    ELSE
+                      IF(ky .GT. 0) THEN
+                        moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = (deltakx/(ABS(kx)+deltakx))*(deltaky/(ABS(ky)+deltaky))
+                      ELSE
+                        moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0.5_xp*(deltakx/(ABS(kx)+deltakx))
+                      ENDIF
+                    ENDIF
+                    ! z-dep and noise
+                    moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) * &
+                    (Jacobian(iz,ieven)*iInt_Jacobian)**2
+                    ! divide by kernel_0 to adjust to particle density (n = kernel_0 N00)
+                    ! moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:)/kernel(ia,ij,iky,ikx,iz,0)
+                  END DO
+                END DO
+              END DO
+              IF ( contains_ky0 ) THEN
+                DO ikx=2,total_nkx/2 !symmetry at kx = 0 for all z
+                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky0,ikx,:,:) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky0,total_nkx+2-ikx,:, :)
+                END DO
+              ENDIF
+          ELSE
+            moments(ia,ip,ij,:,:,:,:) = 0._xp
+          ENDIF
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+      IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+        DO iky=1,local_nky
+        DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+          DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
+          DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
+            moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+          ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+  END SUBROUTINE init_ppj
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  !!!!!!! Initialize Ricci density
+  ! We take the picture of Paolo Ricci and use it as input for the initialization
+  ! of the gyrodensity. The picture is expected to be 186x96 fourier modes stored
+  ! in the gyacomo/Gallery directory, in two 2D matrices (real.txt and imag.txt)  
+  ! with only spaces as separators. 
+  ! One can scale the amplitude of the modes with the init_background parameter 
+  ! (1e-5 approx is needed to calm down the system if it is in nonlinear evolution)
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE init_ricci
+    USE basic,      ONLY: maindir
+    USE grid,       ONLY: local_na, local_np, local_nj, total_nkx, local_nky, local_nz,&
+                          local_nkx_offset, local_nky_offset, kxarray, kyarray, &
+                          ngp, ngj, ngz, iky0, ikx0, parray, jarray,&
+                          deltakx, deltaky, contains_ky0, contains_kx0,&
+                          AA_x, AA_y
+    USE fields,     ONLY: moments
+    USE prec_const, ONLY: xp, imagu
+    USE model,      ONLY: LINEARITY
+    REAL(xp), DIMENSION(186,94) :: ricci_mat_real, ricci_mat_imag
+    REAL(xp) :: scaling
+    INTEGER  :: ia,ip,ij,ikx,iky,iz, LPFx, LPFy
+    CHARACTER(256) ::  filename
+    ! open data file
+    ricci_mat_real = 0; ricci_mat_imag = 0
+    filename = TRIM(maindir) // '/Gallery/fourier_ricci_real.txt'
+    OPEN(unit = 1 , file = filename)
+    READ(1,*) ricci_mat_real
+    CLOSE(1)
+    filename = TRIM(maindir) // '/Gallery/fourier_ricci_imag.txt'
+    OPEN(unit = 2 , file = filename)
+    READ(2,*) ricci_mat_imag
+    CLOSE(2)
+    scaling = init_amp*1e-5
+    moments = 0._xp
+      !**** initialization *******************************************
+    DO ia=1,local_na
+      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+        DO iky=1,local_nky
+          DO ip=1+ngp/2,local_np+ngp/2
+            DO ij=1+ngj/2,local_nj+ngj/2
+              DO iz=1+ngz/2,local_nz+ngz/2
+                IF((ikx+local_nkx_offset .LE. 186) .AND. (iky+local_nky_offset .LE. 94)) THEN
+                  IF (.TRUE.) THEN
+                  ! IF ( (parray(ip) .EQ. 0) .AND. (jarray(ij) .EQ. 0) ) THEN
+                    moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = scaling*(ricci_mat_real(ikx+local_nkx_offset,iky+local_nky_offset)&
+                    - imagu*ricci_mat_imag(ikx+local_nkx_offset,iky+local_nky_offset))
+                  ELSE
+                    moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
+                  ENDIF
+                ELSE
+                  moments(ia,ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz,:) = 0._xp
+                ENDIF
+              END DO
+            END DO
+          END DO
+        END DO
+      END DO
+      ! Putting to zero modes that are not in the 2/3 Orszag rule
+      IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN
+        DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+          DO iky=1,local_nky
+            DO iz=1,local_nz+ngz
+              DO ip=1,local_np+ngp
+                DO ij=1,local_nj+ngj
+                  moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :) = moments(ia, ip,ij,iky,ikx,iz, :)*AA_x(ikx)*AA_y(iky)
+                ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+            ENDDO
+          ENDDO
+        ENDDO
+      ENDIF
+    ENDDO
+    !! Play with some filtering
+    LPFx = 0
+    LPFy = 0
+      DO ikx=1,total_nkx
+        DO iky=1,local_nky
+          IF ( (abs(kxarray(ikx,iky)) .LT. LPFx*deltakx ) .AND. (abs(kyarray(iky)) .LT. LPFy*deltaky ) )&
+            moments(:,:,:,iky,ikx,:,:) = 0._xp
+        ENDDO
+      ENDDO
+  END SUBROUTINE init_ricci
+  !******************************************************************************!
+  SUBROUTINE initial_outputinputs(fid)
+    ! Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file
+    USE futils, ONLY: attach, creatd
+    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: fid
+    CHARACTER(len=256)  :: str
+    WRITE(str,'(a)') '/data/input/intial'
+    CALL creatd(fid, 0,(/0/),TRIM(str),'Initial Input')
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "INIT_OPT", INIT_OPT)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "init_background", init_background)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "init_noiselvl", init_noiselvl)
+    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "iseed", iseed)
+  END SUBROUTINE initial_outputinputs
+END MODULE initial
diff --git a/src/initial_par_mod.F90 b/src/initial_par_mod.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 4fd93b0b..00000000
--- a/src/initial_par_mod.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-MODULE initial_par
-  !   Module for initial parameters
-  USE prec_const
-  ! Initialization option (phi/mom00/allmom/blob)
-  ! Initialization through a zonal flow phi
-  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ZF_AMP     = 1E+3_xp
-  ! Act on modes artificially (keep/wipe, zonal, non zonal, entropy mode etc.)
-  CHARACTER(len=32),  PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ACT_ON_MODES = 'nothing'
-  ! Initial background level
-  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: init_background=0._xp
-  ! Initial noise amplitude
-  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: init_noiselvl=1E-6_xp
-  ! Initialization for random number generator
-  PUBLIC :: initial_outputinputs, initial_readinputs
-  SUBROUTINE initial_readinputs
-    ! Read the input parameters
-    USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
-    USE prec_const
-    NAMELIST /INITIAL_CON/ init_background
-    NAMELIST /INITIAL_CON/ init_noiselvl
-    READ(lu_in,initial_con)
-    !WRITE(*,initial_con)
-  END SUBROUTINE initial_readinputs
-  SUBROUTINE initial_outputinputs(fid)
-    ! Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file
-    USE futils, ONLY: attach, creatd
-    INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: fid
-    CHARACTER(len=256)  :: str
-    WRITE(str,'(a)') '/data/input/intial'
-    CALL creatd(fid, 0,(/0/),TRIM(str),'Initial Input')
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "INIT_OPT", INIT_OPT)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "init_background", init_background)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "init_noiselvl", init_noiselvl)
-    CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "iseed", iseed)
-  END SUBROUTINE initial_outputinputs
-END MODULE initial_par
diff --git a/src/main.F90 b/src/main.F90
index 83f9d66e..13cd8a9a 100644
--- a/src/main.F90
+++ b/src/main.F90
@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
-!GYACOMO (Gyrokinetic Advanced Collision Moment solver, 2021)
-!Copyright (C) 2022  A.C.D. Hoffmann
+! GYACOMO (Gyrokinetic Advanced Collision Moment solver, 2021)
+! Version 3, 29 June 2007
+! Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+! Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+! of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
   !    Main program
-  use prec_const
   CALL control
diff --git a/src/model_mod.F90 b/src/model_mod.F90
index f74659a8..f468a0cd 100644
--- a/src/model_mod.F90
+++ b/src/model_mod.F90
@@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ MODULE model
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: lambdaD =  0._xp     ! Debye length
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::    beta =  0._xp     ! electron plasma Beta (8piNT_e/B0^2)
   REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ExBrate =  0._xp     ! ExB background shearing rate (radially constant shear flow)
+  INTEGER,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::   ikxZF =  0         ! Background zonal mode wavenumber (acts in the nonlinear term)
+  REAL(xp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::   ZFamp =  200._xp   ! Amplitude of the background zonal mode
   ! Auxiliary variable
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::      EM =  .true.    ! Electromagnetic effects flag
   LOGICAL,  PUBLIC, PROTECTED ::  MHD_PD =  .true.    ! MHD pressure drift
@@ -46,12 +48,12 @@ CONTAINS
     USE prec_const,     ONLY: xp
                          Na, ADIAB_E, ADIAB_I, tau_i, &
                          mu_x, mu_y, N_HD, HDz_h, mu_z, mu_p, mu_j, HYP_V, &
-                         nu, k_gB, k_cB, lambdaD, beta, ExBrate
+                         nu, k_gB, k_cB, lambdaD, beta, ExBrate, ikxZF, ZFamp
-    READ(lu_in,model_par)
+    READ(lu_in,model)
       ERROR STOP '>> ERROR << cannot have both adiab e and adiab i models'
diff --git a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90 b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
index ccfa5f5d..be57b22f 100644
--- a/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
+++ b/src/nonlinear_mod.F90
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 MODULE nonlinear
   USE array,       ONLY : dnjs, Sapj, kernel
-  USE initial_par, ONLY : ACT_ON_MODES
   USE fourier,     ONLY : bracket_sum_r, bracket_sum_c, planf, planb, poisson_bracket_and_sum
   USE fields,      ONLY : phi, psi, moments
   USE grid,        ONLY: local_na, &
@@ -8,8 +7,8 @@ MODULE nonlinear
                          local_nj,ngj,jarray,jmax, local_nj_offset, dmax,&
                          kyarray, AA_y, local_nky_ptr, local_nky_ptr_offset,inv_Ny,&
                          local_nkx_ptr,kxarray, AA_x, inv_Nx,&
-                         local_nz,ngz,zarray,nzgrid
-  USE model,       ONLY : LINEARITY, EM
+                         local_nz,ngz,zarray,nzgrid, deltakx, iky0, contains_kx0, contains_ky0
+  USE model,       ONLY : LINEARITY, EM, ikxZF, ZFamp
   USE closure,     ONLY : evolve_mom, nmaxarray
   USE prec_const,  ONLY : xp
   USE species,     ONLY : sqrt_tau_o_sigma
@@ -63,6 +62,7 @@ END SUBROUTINE compute_Sapj
 SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
   INTEGER :: iz,ij,ip,eo,ia,ikx,iky,izi,ipi,iji,ini,isi
+  INTEGER :: ikxExBp, ikxExBn ! Negative and positive ExB flow indices
   z:DO iz = 1,local_nz
     izi = iz + ngz/2
     j:DO ij = 1,local_nj ! Loop over Laguerre moments
@@ -82,7 +82,20 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
               ini = in+ngj/2
               ! First convolution terms
-              F_cmpx(:,:) = phi(:,:,izi) * kernel(ia,ini,:,:,izi,eo)
+              DO ikx = 1,local_nkx_ptr
+                DO iky = 1,local_nky_ptr
+                  F_cmpx(iky,ikx) = phi(iky,ikx,izi) * kernel(ia,ini,iky,ikx,izi,eo)
+                ENDDO
+              ENDDO
+              ! Test to implement the ExB shearing as a additional zonal mode in the ES potential
+              IF(ikxZF .GT. 1) THEN
+                ikxExBp = ikxZF
+                ikxExBn = local_nkx_ptr - (ikxExBp-2)
+                IF(contains_kx0 .AND. contains_ky0) THEN
+                  F_cmpx(iky0,ikxExBp) = F_cmpx(iky0,ikxExBp) + ZFamp * kernel(ia,ini,iky0,ikxExBp,izi,eo)
+                  F_cmpx(iky0,ikxExBn) = F_cmpx(iky0,ikxExBn) + ZFamp * kernel(ia,ini,iky0,ikxExBn,izi,eo)
+                ENDIF
+              ENDIF
               ! Second convolution terms
               G_cmpx = 0._xp ! initialization of the sum
               smax   = MIN( jarray(ini)+jarray(iji), jmax );
@@ -91,7 +104,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
                 G_cmpx(:,:) = G_cmpx(:,:) + &
                   dnjs(in,ij,is) * moments(ia,ipi,isi,:,:,izi,updatetlevel)
               ENDDO s1
-              ! this function add its result to bracket_sum_r
+              ! this function adds its result to bracket_sum_r
                 CALL poisson_bracket_and_sum(kyarray,kxarray,inv_Ny,inv_Nx,AA_y,AA_x,local_nky_ptr,local_nkx_ptr,F_cmpx,G_cmpx,bracket_sum_r)
   !-----------!! ELECTROMAGNETIC CONTRIBUTION -sqrt(tau)/sigma*{Sum_s dnjs [sqrt(p+1)Nap+1s + sqrt(p)Nap-1s], Kernel psi}
               IF(EM) THEN
@@ -105,7 +118,7 @@ SUBROUTINE compute_nonlinear
                     dnjs(in,ij,is) * (sqrt_pp1*moments(ia,ipi+1,isi,:,:,izi,updatetlevel)&
                                     +sqrt_p  *moments(ia,ipi-1,isi,:,:,izi,updatetlevel))
                 ENDDO s2
-                ! this function add its result to bracket_sum_r
+                ! this function adds its result to bracket_sum_r
                 CALL poisson_bracket_and_sum(kyarray,kxarray,inv_Ny,inv_Nx,AA_y,AA_x,local_nky_ptr,local_nkx_ptr,F_cmpx,G_cmpx,bracket_sum_r)
             ENDDO n
diff --git a/src/readinputs.F90 b/src/readinputs.F90
index 02f8b5d5..d0550189 100644
--- a/src/readinputs.F90
+++ b/src/readinputs.F90
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@ SUBROUTINE readinputs
   ! Additional data specific for a new run
   USE grid,             ONLY: grid_readinputs
-  USE diagnostics_par,  ONLY: diag_par_readinputs
+  USE diagnostics,      ONLY: diag_readinputs
   USE collision,        ONLY: collision_readinputs
   USE model,            ONLY: model_readinputs
   USE species,          ONLY: species_readinputs
-  USE initial_par,      ONLY: initial_readinputs
+  USE initial,          ONLY: initial_readinputs
   USE time_integration, ONLY: time_integration_readinputs
   USE geometry,         ONLY: geometry_readinputs
   USE closure,          ONLY: closure_readinputs
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ SUBROUTINE readinputs
   CALL geometry_readinputs
   ! Load diagnostic options from input file
-  CALL diag_par_readinputs
+  CALL diag_readinputs
   ! Load model parameters from input file
   CALL model_readinputs
diff --git a/src/restarts_mod.F90 b/src/restarts_mod.F90
index 491fd53b..7621c74d 100644
--- a/src/restarts_mod.F90
+++ b/src/restarts_mod.F90
@@ -7,12 +7,15 @@ USE grid, ONLY: local_Na,local_Na_offset,local_np,local_np_offset,&
   local_nz,local_nz_offset,ngp,ngj,ngz, deltap,&
   kyarray_full,kxarray_full,zarray, zarray_full, local_zmin, local_zmax ! for z interp
-USE fields
-USE diagnostics_par
-USE time_integration
-USE prec_const, ONLY : xp,dp,sp
+USE fields,          ONLY: moments, phi, psi
+!USE time_integration
+USE prec_const,      ONLY : xp,dp,sp,PI
+CHARACTER(len=256), PUBLIC :: rstfile ! restart result file
+INTEGER, PUBLIC            :: fidrst  ! FID for restart file
 PUBLIC :: load_moments!, write_restart
@@ -39,7 +42,7 @@ CONTAINS
     COMPLEX(xp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE :: moments_cp
     CALL cpu_time(timer_tot_1)
     ! Checkpoint filename
-    WRITE(rstfile,'(a,a1,i2.2,a3)') TRIM(resfile0),'_',job2load,'.h5'
+    WRITE(rstfile,'(a,i2.2,a3)') 'outputs_',job2load,'.h5'
     CALL speak("Resume from "//rstfile)
     ! Open file
     IF(xp .EQ. dp) THEN
diff --git a/src/time_integration_mod.F90 b/src/time_integration_mod.F90
index 5b8e5654..0ed20e6e 100644
--- a/src/time_integration_mod.F90
+++ b/src/time_integration_mod.F90
@@ -44,10 +44,10 @@ CONTAINS
     USE prec_const
     USE basic, ONLY : lu_in
-    NAMELIST /TIME_INTEGRATION_PAR/ numerical_scheme
-    namelist /TIME_INTEGRATION_PAR/ adaptive_safety, adaptive_error_atol, adaptive_error_rtol
+    NAMELIST /TIME_INTEGRATION/ numerical_scheme
+    namelist /TIME_INTEGRATION/ adaptive_safety, adaptive_error_atol, adaptive_error_rtol
-    READ(lu_in,time_integration_par)
+    READ(lu_in,time_integration)
     CALL set_numerical_scheme
   END SUBROUTINE time_integration_readinputs
diff --git a/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/base_case/fort_00.90 b/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/base_case/fort_00.90
index 07e2cd32..1dfdd69d 100644
--- a/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/base_case/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/base_case/fort_00.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'shearless'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 0.1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = 0.1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 2 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .f.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = 2
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_2/fort_00.90 b/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_2/fort_00.90
index 1fa68c8b..dc0af1ff 100644
--- a/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_2/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_2/fort_00.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'shearless'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 0.1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = 0.1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 2 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .f.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = 2
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_6/fort_00.90 b/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_6/fort_00.90
index 81ae89e5..3bc58a92 100644
--- a/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_6/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/DLRA_zpinch/nsv_filter_6/fort_00.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'shearless'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 0.1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = 0.1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 2 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .f.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = 2
@@ -86,20 +86,20 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/ITG_zpinch/fort_00.90 b/testcases/ITG_zpinch/fort_00.90
index 536bb949..87253b73 100644
--- a/testcases/ITG_zpinch/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/ITG_zpinch/fort_00.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'shearless'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 0.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = 2
@@ -86,19 +86,19 @@
  k_N_  = 1.6
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90 b/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90
index 07b169f3..309ceed7 100644
--- a/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_00.90
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 0.0
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = -1
@@ -78,20 +78,20 @@
  k_T_  = 6.96
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .f.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   !numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
   numerical_scheme = 'SSP_RK3'
diff --git a/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_01.90 b/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_01.90
index 07b169f3..309ceed7 100644
--- a/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_01.90
+++ b/testcases/cyclone_example/fort_01.90
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 0.0
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = -1
@@ -78,20 +78,20 @@
  k_T_  = 6.96
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .f.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   !numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
   numerical_scheme = 'SSP_RK3'
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
index bc7dce3f..7b62621e 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 0.5
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   ! Collisionality
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
@@ -83,19 +83,19 @@
  k_T_  = 2.0!6.96
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 1.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.0
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
index d330d8e0..5e3925a0 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_00.90
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   eps    = 0.18
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   nsave_0d = 50
   nsave_1d = -1
   nsave_2d = -1
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
   write_temp  = .t.
   job2load    = -1
   ! Collisionality
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@
   K_Ti    = 4!2.22
   beta    = 0.1
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   gyrokin_CO      = .t.
   interspecies    = .true.
   mat_file        = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT    = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES       = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 1.0
   init_noiselvl = 0.0
   iseed         = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_01.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_01.90
index ecaa8711..5670c21b 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_01.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_01.90
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
   eps    = 0.18
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   nsave_0d = 1
   nsave_1d = -1
   nsave_2d = -1
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
   write_temp  = .t.
   job2load    = -1
   ! Collisionality
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
@@ -65,19 +65,19 @@
   K_Ti    = 2.22
   beta    = 0
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO      = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   !mat_file        = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT    = 'blob'
   ACT_ON_MODES       = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0
   init_noiselvl = 0.005
   iseed         = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_11.90 b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_11.90
index f6a8807c..c934f3b4 100644
--- a/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_11.90
+++ b/testcases/smallest_problem/fort_11.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 0.5
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   ! Collisionality
   CLOS    = 0
   NL_CLOS = -1
@@ -83,19 +83,19 @@
  k_T_  = 2.0!6.96
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'allmom'
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 1.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.0
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_00.90 b/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_00.90
index dc01408d..8e575fe4 100644
--- a/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_00.90
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   shift_y= 0.0
   Npol   = 1.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   write_temp  = .t.
   !diag_mode   = 'txtonly'
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = -1
   nonlinear_closure='anti_laguerre_aliasing' !(truncation,full_sum,anti_laguerre_aliasing)
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_01.90 b/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_01.90
index 84aa2a6f..60d9f8a4 100644
--- a/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_01.90
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_01.90
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   shift_y= 0.0
   Npol   = 1.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   write_temp  = .t.
   !diag_mode   = 'txtonly'
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = -1
   nonlinear_closure='anti_laguerre_aliasing' !(truncation,full_sum,anti_laguerre_aliasing)
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_02.90 b/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_02.90
index 3073e0e0..8fe3e08e 100644
--- a/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_02.90
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_3D/fort_02.90
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
   shift_y= 0.0
   Npol   = 1.8
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
   write_temp  = .t.
   !diag_mode   = 'txtonly'
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 1 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .t.
   tau_e   = 1.0
   dmax = -1
   nonlinear_closure='anti_laguerre_aliasing' !(truncation,full_sum,anti_laguerre_aliasing)
@@ -91,19 +91,19 @@
  k_N_  = 2.0
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90 b/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90
index 3a7fcb7c..2278803d 100644
--- a/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90
+++ b/testcases/zpinch_example/fort_00.90
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
   parallel_bc = 'dirichlet'
   shift_y= 0.0
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
   write_fvel  = .t.
   write_temp  = .t.
   LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'
   Na      = 2 ! number of species
   mu_x    = 1.0
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
   ADIAB_E = .f.
   tau_i   = 1.0
   dmax = 2
@@ -86,19 +86,19 @@
  k_N_  = 1.6
  k_T_  = 0.4
   collision_model = 'DG' !DG/SG/PA/LD (dougherty, sugama, pitch angle, landau)
   GK_CO           = .t.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file       = 'gk_sugama_P_20_J_10_N_150_kpm_8.0.h5'
   INIT_OPT         = 'blob' !(phi,blob)
   ACT_ON_MODES     = 'donothing'
   init_background  = 0.0
   init_noiselvl    = 0.005
   iseed            = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
diff --git a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90 b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90
index 70572048..78e75f4f 100644
--- a/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90
+++ b/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/old/fort_00.90
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   shift_y = 0
   Npol    = 1
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
   write_dens  = .true.
   write_temp  = .true.
 LINEARITY = 'linear'
 RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
   Na      = 2
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
   beta    = 0.03
   ADIAB_E = .false.
   dmax             =-1
@@ -82,19 +82,19 @@ RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
   K_N_   = 3
   K_T_   = 4.5
   collision_model = 'DG'
   GK_CO      = .false.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file        = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/wk/benchmark_and_scan_scripts/oiCa/null'
   collision_kcut  = 1
   INIT_OPT      = 'phi'
   init_background  = 1e-05
   init_noiselvl = 0
   iseed         = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/paper_2_scripts_and_results/fort_00.90 b/wk/paper_2_scripts_and_results/fort_00.90
index fe18d5ae..b08af283 100644
--- a/wk/paper_2_scripts_and_results/fort_00.90
+++ b/wk/paper_2_scripts_and_results/fort_00.90
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
   Npol    = 1
   PB_PHASE= .false.
   dtsave_0d = 1
   dtsave_1d = -1
   dtsave_2d = -1
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
   write_dens  = .false.
   write_temp  = .true.
 LINEARITY = 'linear'
 RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
   Na      = 2
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
   tau_i   = 1
   MHD_PD  = .false.
   dmax             =-1
@@ -90,19 +90,19 @@ RM_LD_T_EQ= .false.
   K_N_   = 2.22
   K_T_   = 6.96
   collision_model = 'DG'
   GK_CO      = .false.
   INTERSPECIES    = .true.
   mat_file        = '/home/ahoffman/gyacomo/wk/paper_2_scripts_and_resuliCa/null'
   collision_kcut  = 1.75
   INIT_OPT      = 'phi'
   init_background  = 0
   init_noiselvl = 1e-05
   iseed         = 42
   numerical_scheme = 'RK4'