From fef2ca96e71d82a9d21fc395f9178c4c08ee98f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Antoine Hoffmann <>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2022 10:09:13 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] scripts and results

 matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m | 54 +++++++++++--------
 matlab/extract_fig_data.m                     |  3 +-
 matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m                 | 11 +++-
 matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m                     |  3 ++
 matlab/setup.m                                |  4 +-
 wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan_quick_run.m                 | 47 ++++++++++++++++
 wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_quick_run.m                 | 48 +++++++++++++++++
 wk/Dimits_2000_fig3.m                         | 28 ++++++++++
 wk/ITG_peak_KT_53_k_035_scan.m                |  6 +++
 wk/analysis_HeLaZ.m                           | 36 ++++++-------
 wk/analysis_gene.m                            |  5 +-
 wk/header_3D_results.m                        | 11 +++-
 wk/quick_run.m                                | 54 ++++++++++---------
 wk/scan_quick_run.m                           | 47 ++++++++++++++++
 14 files changed, 284 insertions(+), 73 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan_quick_run.m
 create mode 100644 wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_quick_run.m
 create mode 100644 wk/Dimits_2000_fig3.m
 create mode 100644 wk/ITG_peak_KT_53_k_035_scan.m
 create mode 100644 wk/scan_quick_run.m

diff --git a/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m b/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m
index 47ba061c..7ee54f66 100644
--- a/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m
+++ b/matlab/compute/compute_fluxtube_growth_rate.m
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@ if DATA.Nx > 1
     ikxnz = abs(DATA.PHI(1,:,1,1)) > -1;
-ikynz = abs(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,1)) > 0;
+ikynz = (abs(DATA.PHI(:,1,1,1)) > 0);
+ikynz = logical(ikynz .* ( > 0));
 phi = DATA.PHI(ikynz,ikxnz,:,:);
 t   = DATA.Ts3D;
@@ -39,34 +39,44 @@ linear_gr.g_ky   = real(w_ky(Is,:));
 linear_gr.w_ky   = imag(w_ky(Is,:));
 linear_gr.ce     = abs(ce);     = kys;
+linear_gr.std_g = std (real(w_ky(Is,:)),[],2);
+linear_gr.avg_g = mean(real(w_ky(Is,:)),2);
+linear_gr.std_w = std (imag(w_ky(Is,:)),[],2);
+linear_gr.avg_w = mean(imag(w_ky(Is,:)),2);
 if PLOT >0
-       figure
+   figure
+if PLOT >1
+    subplot(1,PLOT,1)
        plot(,linear_gr.g_ky(:,end),'-o','DisplayName','$Re(\omega_{k_y})$'); hold on;
        plot(,linear_gr.w_ky(:,end),'--*','DisplayName','$Im(\omega_{k_y})$'); hold on;
        plot(,linear_gr.ce  (:,end),'x','DisplayName','$\epsilon$'); hold on;
+       errorbar(,linear_gr.avg_g,linear_gr.std_g,...
+           '-o','DisplayName','$Re(\omega_{k_y})$',...
+           'LineWidth',1.5); hold on;
+       errorbar(,linear_gr.avg_w,linear_gr.std_w,...
+           '--*','DisplayName','$Im(\omega_{k_y})$',...
+           'LineWidth',1.5); hold on;
 %        xlim([min( max(]);
-       if PLOT > 1
-           [YY,XX] = meshgrid(kys,t(its+1:ite));
-           figure
-              subplot(311)
-%            imagesc(t(its:ite),kys,real(w_ky)); set(gca,'YDir','normal'); 
-           pclr = pcolor(XX',YY',real(w_ky));    set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
-           xlabel('$t$'); ylabel('$k_y$');
-           title('Re($\omega$)')
-              subplot(312)
-           pclr = pcolor(XX',YY',imag(w_ky));    set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
-           xlabel('$t$'); ylabel('$k_y$');
-           title('Im($\omega$)')
-              subplot(313)
-           pclr = pcolor(XX',YY',abs(w_ky));    set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); 
-           xlabel('$t$'); ylabel('$k_y$');
-           title('|$\omega$|')
-       end
+if PLOT > 1
+    subplot(1,PLOT,2)
+    plot(DATA.Ts3D(its+1:ite),linear_gr.g_ky(Is,:)); hold on;
+    plot(DATA.Ts3D(its+1:ite),linear_gr.w_ky(Is,:));
+    xlabel('t'); ylabel('$\gamma(t),\omega(t)$')
+if PLOT > 2
+    subplot(1,PLOT,3)
+    semilogy(DATA.Ts3D,squeeze(abs(DATA.PHI(2,1,DATA.Nz/2,:)))); hold on;
+    xlabel('t'); ylabel('$|\phi_{ky}|(t)$')
diff --git a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
index e996e711..b9b99f3a 100644
--- a/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
+++ b/matlab/extract_fig_data.m
@@ -8,12 +8,13 @@ for i = 1:numel(dataObjs)
     Y_ = [Y_ dataObjs(i).YData];
 n0 = 1;
+n1 = 26;%numel(X_);
 mvm = @(x) movmean(x,1);
 shift = X_(n0);
 % shift = 0;
 % plot(X_(n0:end),Y_(n0:end));
-plot(mvm(X_(n0:end)-shift),mvm(Y_(n0:end))); hold on;
+plot(mvm(X_(n0:n1)-shift),mvm(Y_(n0:n1))); hold on;
 t0 = ceil(numel(X_)*0.5); t1 = numel(X_);
 avg= mean(Y_(t0:t1)); dev = std(Y_(t0:t1));
diff --git a/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m b/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
index 0e0e991d..3ac095c9 100644
--- a/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
+++ b/matlab/load/quick_gene_load.m
@@ -41,8 +41,15 @@
 % fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_1.6_KT_0.4_nu_0_32x16.txt';
 % fname ='GENE_LIN_Kn_2.5_KT_0.625_nu_0_32x16.txt';
 path = '/home/ahoffman/gene/linear_CBC_results/';
-fname = 'CBC_linear.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_100_20x1x32x32x12_Lv_3_Lw_12.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_KT_4_20x1x32x32x12_Lv_3_Lw_12.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_KT_4_20x1x32x64x24_Lv_6_Lw_24.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_KT_5.3_20x1x32x32x12_Lv_3_Lw_12.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_KT_5.3_32x1x48x40x16_Lv_3_Lw_12.txt';
+fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_20x1x32x32x12_Lv_3_Lw_12.txt';
+% fname = 'CBC_ky_0.3_20x1x32x32x12_Lv_3_Lw_12_nuv_1e-3.txt';
 data_ = load([path,fname]);
\ No newline at end of file
+plot(data_(:,2),data_(:,3),'-dk','DisplayName','GENE'); hold on;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m b/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m
index 14ebd494..7288fe17 100644
--- a/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m
+++ b/matlab/plot/spectrum_1D.m
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ else
     pclr = pcolor(toplot.X,toplot.Y,Gk);
     set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none');
+    xlabel('$k_x$');
+    ylabel('$k_y$');
+    title(['GM $|$',fieldname,'$(k_x,k_y)|$ t-averaged']); 
diff --git a/matlab/setup.m b/matlab/setup.m
index 6228cac6..db703d01 100644
--- a/matlab/setup.m
+++ b/matlab/setup.m
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ if MODEL.q_e == 0; SIMID = [SIMID,'_i']; end;
 % gradients L_perp/L_x
 MODEL.K_n     = K_N;        % source term kappa for HW
 MODEL.K_T     = K_T;        % Temperature
-MODEL.K_E     = K_E;        % Electric
+MODEL.K_E     = 0;        % Electric
 MODEL.GradB   = GRADB;      % Magnetic gradient
 MODEL.CurvB   = CURVB;      % Magnetic curvature
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ drives_ = [];
 if abs(K_N) > 0; drives_ = [drives_,'_kN_',num2str(K_N)]; end;
 if abs(K_T) > 0; drives_ = [drives_,'_kT_',num2str(K_T)]; end;
 % collision
-coll_ = ['_nu_%0.0e_',CONAME];
+coll_ = ['_nu_%1.1e_',CONAME];
 coll_   = sprintf(coll_,NU);
 % nonlinear
 lin_ = [];
diff --git a/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan_quick_run.m b/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan_quick_run.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4245d7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/CBC_kT_PJ_scan_quick_run.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+KT_a = [3:0.5:7];
+g_max= KT_a*0;
+g_avg= KT_a*0;
+g_std= KT_a*0;
+k_max= KT_a*0;
+NU    = 0.05;
+DT    = 2e-3;
+TMAX  = 50;
+ky_   = 0.3;
+SIMID = 'linear_CBC_KT_scan_ky=0.3_CLOS_0_DGGK_0.05';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID = 'linear_CBC_PJ_scan_KT_4_ky=0.3_CLOS_0_TMAX_100';  % Name of the simulation
+RUN   = 1;
+for P = [20]
+for K_T = KT_a
+    quick_run
+    g_max(i) = gmax;
+    k_max(i) = kmax;
+    g_avg(i) = lg.avg_g;
+    g_std(i) = lg.std_g;
+    i = i + 1;
+% plot(KT_a,max(g_max,0));
+y_ = g_avg; 
+e_ = g_std;
+y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
+e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
+    'LineWidth',1.2,...
+    'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P),',',num2str(P/2),')']); 
+hold on;
+title(['Linear CBC $K_T$ threshold $k_y=$',num2str(ky_),' (CLOS = 1)']);
+legend('show'); xlabel('$K_T$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
diff --git a/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_quick_run.m b/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_quick_run.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6b9bc4fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/CBC_nu_CO_scan_quick_run.m
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+% NU_a = [0.05 0.15 0.25 0.35 0.45];
+NU_a = [0:0.05:0.5];
+g_max= NU_a*0;
+g_avg= NU_a*0;
+g_std= NU_a*0;
+k_max= NU_a*0;
+CO      = 'LR';
+K_T   = 5.3;
+DT    = 2e-3;
+TMAX  = 30;
+ky_   = 0.3;
+SIMID = 'linear_CBC_nu_scan_ky=0.3_CLOS_0_LRGK';  % Name of the simulation
+RUN   = 1;
+for P = [2 4 6 10 12 20]
+for NU = NU_a
+    quick_run
+    g_max(i) = gmax;
+    k_max(i) = kmax;
+    g_avg(i) = lg.avg_g;
+    g_std(i) = lg.std_g;
+    i = i + 1;
+% plot(KT_a,max(g_max,0));
+y_ = g_avg; 
+e_ = g_std;
+y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
+e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
+    'LineWidth',1.2,...
+    'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P),',',num2str(P/2),')']); 
+hold on;
+title(['$\kappa_T=$',num2str(K_T),' $k_y=$',num2str(ky_),' (CLOS = 0)']);
+legend('show'); xlabel('$\nu_{DGGK}$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');
diff --git a/wk/Dimits_2000_fig3.m b/wk/Dimits_2000_fig3.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..96c8b4b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/Dimits_2000_fig3.m
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+%192x96x16x3x2 simulation
+kT_Xi_GM_32 = ...
+    [7.0 3.6;...
+     6.0 2.6;...
+     5.0 1.1;...
+    ];
+%128x64x16x5x3 simulation
+kT_Xi_GM_53 = ...
+    [7.0 4.6;...
+     5.3 1.9;...
+     5.0 1.5;...
+    ];
+%128x64x16x24x12 simulation
+kT_Xi_GN = ...
+    [7.0 5.0;...
+     5.3 2.4;...
+     4.5 nan;...
+    ];
+plot(kT_Xi_GM_32(:,1), kT_Xi_GM_32(:,2),'o-','DisplayName','192x96x16x3x2'); hold on
+plot(kT_Xi_GM_53(:,1), kT_Xi_GM_53(:,2),'o-','DisplayName','128x64x16x5x3'); hold on
+plot(kT_Xi_GN(:,1), kT_Xi_GN(:,2),'o--k','DisplayName','GENE 128x64x16x24x12');
+xlabel('$\kappa_T$'); ylabel('$\chi_i$');
+xlim([0 20]);
+ylim([0 12]);
+title('Dimits et al. 2000, Fig. 3');
+legend('show'); grid on;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/ITG_peak_KT_53_k_035_scan.m b/wk/ITG_peak_KT_53_k_035_scan.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9671fc0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/ITG_peak_KT_53_k_035_scan.m
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+P = [   2    4    8   10   16];
+k = 0.35; KN = 2.22; KT = 5.3;
+g = [0.22 0.29 0.10 0.04 0.11];
+w = [0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wk/analysis_HeLaZ.m b/wk/analysis_HeLaZ.m
index 7721a364..1ba1f5aa 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_HeLaZ.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_HeLaZ.m
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ system(['mkdir -p ',LOCALDIR]);
 CMD = ['rsync ', LOCALDIR,'outputs* ',MISCDIR]; disp(CMD);
 % Load outputs from jobnummin up to jobnummax
 data = compile_results(MISCDIR,JOBNUMMIN,JOBNUMMAX); %Compile the results from first output found to JOBNUMMAX if existing
 data.localdir = LOCALDIR;
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ FMT = '.fig';
 if 1
 %% Space time diagramm (fig 11 Ivanov 2020)
-options.TAVG_0   = 0.7*data.Ts3D(end); data.scale = 1;%(1/data.Nx/data.Ny)^2;
+options.TAVG_0   = 0.7*data.Ts3D(end); data.scale = 1;%/(data.Nx*data.Ny)^2;
 options.TAVG_1   = data.Ts3D(end); % Averaging times duration
 options.NMVA     = 1;              % Moving average for time traces
 % options.ST_FIELD = '\Gamma_x';   % chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (e.g \phi,v_x,G_x)
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ options.PLAN      = 'xz';
 % options.PLAN      = 'sx';
 options.COMP      = 'avg';
 % options.TIME      = data.Ts5D(end-30:end);
-options.TIME      =  data.Ts3D(1:2:end);
-% options.TIME      = [750:1:1000];
+% options.TIME      =  data.Ts3D(1:10:end);
+options.TIME      = [200:2:400];
 data.EPS          = 0.1;
 data.a = data.EPS * 2000;
@@ -67,18 +67,18 @@ if 0
 % Options
 options.INTERP    = 0;
 options.POLARPLOT = 0;
-options.AXISEQUAL = 1;
+options.AXISEQUAL = 0;
 % options.NAME      = '\phi';
 % options.NAME      = 'n_e';
 options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
 % options.NAME      = 'T_i';
 % options.NAME      = '\Gamma_x';
 % options.NAME      = 'k^2n_e';
-options.PLAN      = 'kxz';
+options.PLAN      = 'kxky';
 % options.NAME      'f_i';
 % options.PLAN      = 'sx';
 options.COMP      = 'avg';
-options.TIME      = [120 150 155];
+options.TIME      = [20 60 200 400 500];
 data.a = data.EPS * 2e3;
 fig = photomaton(data,options);
 % save_figure(data,fig)
@@ -98,12 +98,12 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Kinetic distribution function sqrt(<f_a^2>xy) (GENE vsp)
-options.SPAR      = linspace(-3,3,32)+(6/127/2);
-options.XPERP     = linspace( 0,6,32);
-% options.SPAR      = gene_data.vp';
-% options.XPERP     =';
-options.iz        = 'avg';
-options.T         = [600];
+% options.SPAR      = linspace(-3,3,32)+(6/127/2);
+% options.XPERP     = linspace( 0,6,32);
+options.SPAR      = gene_data.vp';
+options.XPERP     =';
+options.iz        = 1;
+options.T         = [500 1000];
 options.PLT_FCT   = 'contour';
 options.ONED      = 0;
 options.non_adiab = 0;
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ if 0
 options.P2J        = 0;
 options.ST         = 1;
 options.PLOT_TYPE  = 'space-time';
-options.NORMALIZED = 1;
+options.NORMALIZED = 0;
 options.JOBNUM     = 0;
 options.TIME       = [1000];
 options.specie     = 'i';
@@ -131,11 +131,11 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Time averaged spectrum
-options.TIME   = [300 600];
+options.TIME   = [100 500];
 options.NORM   =1;
 % options.NAME   = '\phi';
-% options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
-options.NAME   ='\Gamma_x';
+options.NAME      = 'N_i^{00}';
+% options.NAME   ='\Gamma_x';
 options.PLAN   = 'kxky';
 options.COMPZ  = 'avg';
 options.OK     = 0;
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ options.NORMALIZED = 0;
 options.K2PLOT = 1;
 options.TIME   = [0:160];
 options.NMA    = 1;
-options.NMODES = 15;
+options.NMODES = 1;
 options.iz     = 'avg';
 fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options);
diff --git a/wk/analysis_gene.m b/wk/analysis_gene.m
index 4b20e0b5..57ba009e 100644
--- a/wk/analysis_gene.m
+++ b/wk/analysis_gene.m
@@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/ZP_HP_kn_1.6_nuv_3.2/';
 % folder = '/misc/gene_results/ZP_kn_2.5_large_box/';
 folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/128x64x16x24x12/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/196x96x20x32x16_00/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/128x64x16x6x4/';
+% folder = '/misc/gene_results/CBC/KT_5.3_128x64x16x24x12_00/';
 gene_data = load_gene_data(folder);
 gene_data = invert_kxky_to_kykx_gene_results(gene_data);
 if 1
@@ -101,7 +104,7 @@ end
 if 0
 %% Show f_i(vpar,mu)
-options.times   = 200:300;
+options.times   = 20:80;
 options.specie  = 'i';
 options.PLT_FCT = 'contour';
 options.folder  = folder;
diff --git a/wk/header_3D_results.m b/wk/header_3D_results.m
index 9b6139f7..45ec1e03 100644
--- a/wk/header_3D_results.m
+++ b/wk/header_3D_results.m
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ helazdir = '/home/ahoffman/HeLaZ/';
 % outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.5_256x128x5x3';
 % outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.5_312x196x5x3_Lx_400_Ly_200';
 % outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.5_256x64x5x3';
-outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.0_200x48x9x5_large_box';
+% outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.0_200x48x9x5_large_box';
 % outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.0_256x64x9x5_Lx_240_Ly_120';
 % outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_1.6_256x128x7x4';
 % outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_1.6_200x48x11x6';
@@ -41,5 +41,12 @@ outfile ='Zpinch_rerun/Kn_2.0_200x48x9x5_large_box';
 % outfile = 'CBC/64x32x16x5x3';
 % outfile = 'CBC/64x128x16x5x3';
 % outfile = 'CBC/128x64x16x5x3';
-outfile = 'CBC/64x64x16x3x2';
+% outfile = 'CBC/192x96x16x3x2';
+% outfile = 'CBC/128x64x16x5x3';
+outfile = 'CBC/kT_scan_128x64x16x5x3';
+% outfile = 'CBC/kT_scan_192x96x16x3x2';
+%% Linear CBC
+% outfile = 'linear_CBC/20x2x32_21x11_Lx_62.8319_Ly_31.4159_q0_1.4_e_0.18_s_0.8_kN_2.22_kT_5.3_nu_1e-02_DGDK_adiabe';
 run analysis_HeLaZ
diff --git a/wk/quick_run.m b/wk/quick_run.m
index e0bcee2e..8a7931f4 100644
--- a/wk/quick_run.m
+++ b/wk/quick_run.m
@@ -3,35 +3,39 @@
 % from matlab framework. It is meant to run only small problems in linear
 % for benchmark and debugging purpose since it makes matlab "busy"
-RUN = 1; % To run or just to load
+% RUN = 1; % To run or just to load
 addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add
 HELAZDIR = '/home/ahoffman/HeLaZ/';
 EXECNAME = 'helaz3';
-% EXECNAME = 'helaz3_shear'; %verified version
+% EXECNAME = 'helaz3_dbg';
 %% Set Up parameters
 CLUSTER.TIME  = '99:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss
-NU      = 0.01;   % Collision frequency
+% NU      = 0.0;   % Collision frequency
 TAU     = 1.0;    % e/i temperature ratio
-K_N     = 2.22;%2.0;   % Density gradient drive
-K_T     = 6.92;%0.25*K_N;   % Temperature '''
-K_E     = 0.0;   % Electrostat '''
+K_N     = 2.22;%2.0;   % ion Density gradient drive
+K_Ne     = K_N;        % ele Density gradient drive
+% K_T     = 4.0;%0.25*K_N;   % Temperature '''
+K_Te     = K_T;            % Temperature '''
 % SIGMA_E = 0.05196152422706632;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 SIGMA_E = 0.0233380;   % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380)
 KIN_E   = 0;     % 1: kinetic electrons, 2: adiabatic electrons
 BETA    = 0e-1;     % electron plasma beta 
-PMAXE   = 4;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
-JMAXE   = 2;     % Laguerre "
-PMAXI   = 4;     % " ions
-JMAXI   = 2;     % "
+% P = 12;
+J = P/2;
+PMAXE   = P;     % Hermite basis size of electrons
+JMAXE   = J;     % Laguerre "
+PMAXI   = P;     % " ions
+JMAXI   = J;     % "
 NX      = 12;    % real space x-gridpoints
-NY      = 8;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
+NY      = 2;     %     ''     y-gridpoints
 LX      = 2*pi/0.1;   % Size of the squared frequency domain
-LY      = 2*pi/0.1;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+% LY      = 2*pi/0.3;     % Size of the squared frequency domain
+LY      = 2*pi/ky_;
 NZ      = 16;    % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid)
 NPOL    = 1;
 SG      = 0;     % Staggered z grids option
@@ -42,8 +46,8 @@ Q0      = 1.4;    % safety factor
 SHEAR   = 0.8;    % magnetic shear (Not implemented yet)
 EPS     = 0.18;    % inverse aspect ratio
-TMAX    = 20;  % Maximal time unit
-DT      = 5e-3;   % Time step
+% TMAX    = 100;  % Maximal time unit
+% DT      = 2e-3;   % Time step
 SPS0D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS2D   = 0;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
 SPS3D   = 1;      % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays
@@ -51,15 +55,16 @@ SPS5D   = 1/5;    % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays
 SPSCP   = 0;    % Sampling per time unit for checkpoints
 JOB2LOAD= -1;
-SIMID   = 'linear_CBC';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = 'linear_CBC';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID   = 'scan';  % Name of the simulation
 LINEARITY = 'linear';   % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1)
 % Collision operator
 % (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau)
-CO      = 'DG';
-GKCO    = 0; % gyrokinetic operator
+% CO      = 'SG';
+GKCO    = 1; % gyrokinetic operator
 ABCO    = 1; % interspecies collisions
 INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0;
-CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: gyrofluid closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
+CLOS    = 0;   % Closure model (0: =0 truncation, 1: v^Nmax closure (p+2j<=Pmax))s
 NL_CLOS = 0;   % nonlinear closure model (-2:nmax=jmax; -1:nmax=jmax-j; >=0:nmax=NL_CLOS)
 KERN    = 0;   % Kernel model (0 : GK)
 INIT_OPT= 'phi';   % Start simulation with a noisy mom00/phi/allmom
@@ -96,7 +101,7 @@ if RUN
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; time mpirun -np 4 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 4 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 4 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 1 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 1 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
-    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 2 3 0; cd ../../../wk'])
+    system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 2 1 3 0; cd ../../../wk'])
 %     system(['cd ../results/',SIMID,'/',PARAMS,'/; mpirun -np 6 ',HELAZDIR,'bin/',EXECNAME,' 1 6 1 0; cd ../../../wk'])
@@ -112,7 +117,7 @@ data = compile_results(LOCALDIR,JOBNUMMIN,JOBNUMMAX); %Compile the results from
 if 1
 %% linear growth rate (adapted for 2D zpinch and fluxtube)
 trange = [0.5 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
-nplots = 1;
+nplots = 0;
 lg = compute_fluxtube_growth_rate(data,trange,nplots);
 [gmax,     kmax] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end));
 [gmaxok, kmaxok] = max(lg.g_ky(:,end)./;
@@ -157,17 +162,16 @@ options.kzky = 0;
 [lg, fig] = compute_3D_zpinch_growth_rate(data,trange,options);
 if 0
 %% Mode evolution
-options.NORMALIZED = 1;
+options.NORMALIZED = 0;
 options.K2PLOT = 1;
-options.TIME   = [0 1]*data.Ts3D(end);
+options.TIME   = [0:1000];
 options.NMA    = 1;
 options.NMODES = 1;
-options.iz     = 9;
+options.iz     = 'avg';
 fig = mode_growth_meter(data,options);
diff --git a/wk/scan_quick_run.m b/wk/scan_quick_run.m
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4245d7d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/wk/scan_quick_run.m
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+KT_a = [3:0.5:7];
+g_max= KT_a*0;
+g_avg= KT_a*0;
+g_std= KT_a*0;
+k_max= KT_a*0;
+NU    = 0.05;
+DT    = 2e-3;
+TMAX  = 50;
+ky_   = 0.3;
+SIMID = 'linear_CBC_KT_scan_ky=0.3_CLOS_0_DGGK_0.05';  % Name of the simulation
+% SIMID = 'linear_CBC_PJ_scan_KT_4_ky=0.3_CLOS_0_TMAX_100';  % Name of the simulation
+RUN   = 1;
+for P = [20]
+for K_T = KT_a
+    quick_run
+    g_max(i) = gmax;
+    k_max(i) = kmax;
+    g_avg(i) = lg.avg_g;
+    g_std(i) = lg.std_g;
+    i = i + 1;
+% plot(KT_a,max(g_max,0));
+y_ = g_avg; 
+e_ = g_std;
+y_ = y_.*(y_-e_>0);
+e_ = e_ .* (y_>0);
+    'LineWidth',1.2,...
+    'DisplayName',['(',num2str(P),',',num2str(P/2),')']); 
+hold on;
+title(['Linear CBC $K_T$ threshold $k_y=$',num2str(ky_),' (CLOS = 1)']);
+legend('show'); xlabel('$K_T$'); ylabel('$\gamma$');