MODULE coeff ! this module contains routines to compute the Laguerre-Laguerre products coefficients ! dnjs for the nonlinear term. ALL2L(n,j,s,0) = dnjs ! Lpjl(p,j,l) returns the l-th coefficient of the j-th order associated Laguerre_{p-1/2} poynomial ! the canonical basis (p=0) writes L_j(x) = sum_{l=0}^j c_l x^l USE PREC_CONST use BASIC USE FMZM PUBLIC CONTAINS !----------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> Computes the associated-Laguerre/Laguerre to Laguerre basis transformation coefficient \f$ \overline{d}^{|m|}_{nkf} \f$, !> !> \f[ \overline{d}^{|m|}_{nkf} = \sum_{n_1 = 0}^n \sum_{k_1 =0}^k \sum_{f_1=0}^f L_{kk_1}^{-1/2} L_{nn_1}^{|m|-1/2} L_{f f_1}^{-1/2} (n_1 + k_1 + f_1)!. \f] !> @todo Checked against Mathematica !> @param[in] n !> @param[in] k !> @param[in] s !> @param[in] m !> @param[out] XOUT !----------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION ALL2L(n,k,s,m) RESULT(XOUT) ! ! Computes the associated-Laguerre/Laguerre to Laguerre coefficient, i.e. ! ! L_n^m L_k = sum_{s=0}^{n+k}\overline{d}_{nks}^m L_s ! ! ! IMPLICIT NONE ! INTEGER, intent(in) :: n,k,s,m ! ... degree and orders of Laguerre polynomials TYPE(FM) :: XOUT ! ... coefficient values TYPE(FM), SAVE :: AUXN,AUXK,AUXS INTEGER :: n1,k1,s1 ! CALL FM_ENTER_USER_FUNCTION(XOUT) ! Compute coefficients ! XOUT = TO_FM('0.0') ! DO n1=0,n AUXN =Lpjl(REAL(m,xp)-0.5_xp,REAL(n,xp),REAL(n1,xp)) DO k1=0,k AUXK =Lpjl(-0.5_xp,REAL(k,xp),REAL(k1,xp)) DO s1=0,s AUXS = Lpjl(-0.5_xp,REAL(s,xp),REAL(s1,xp)) XOUT = XOUT + FACTORIAL(TO_FM(n1 + k1 + s1 ))*AUXN*AUXK*AUXS ENDDO ENDDO ENDDO ! CALL FM_EXIT_USER_FUNCTION(XOUT) ! END FUNCTION ALL2L !----------------------------------------------------------- !> @brief !> Computes the associated Laguerre serie coefficient \f$ L_{jl}^p \f$ !> !> \f[ L_{jl}^{p} = \frac{(-1)^l (p + j + 1/2)!}{(j - l)!(l +p + 1/2 )! l!}. \f] !> such that !> \f[ L^{p+1/2}_j(x) = \sum_{l=0}^j L^p_{jl} x^l \f] !> @param[in] XOUT !----------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION Lpjl(p,j,l) RESULT(XOUT) ! ! Computes the associated Laguerre serie coefficient, ! IMPLICIT NONE ! REAL(xp), intent(in) :: p,j,l TYPE(FM) :: XOUT ! CALL FM_ENTER_USER_FUNCTION(XOUT) ! compute coeff XOUT = TO_FM('0.0') XOUT = TO_FM(((-1)**l))*FACTORIAL(TO_FM(2*p + 2*j + 1)/2)/& (FACTORIAL(TO_FM( j -l ))*FACTORIAL(TO_FM(2*l + 2*p + 1)/2)*FACTORIAL(TO_FM(l))) CALL FM_EXIT_USER_FUNCTION(XOUT) END FUNCTION Lpjl END MODULE coeff