% Directory of the code "mypathtogyacomo/gyacomo/" % Partition of the computer where the data have to be searched PARTITION = '/misc/gyacomo23_outputs/'; % PARTITION = gyacomodir; %% CBC % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x192x96x32_nu_0.05_muxy_0.5_muz_0.2'; % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x192x96x32_nu_0.05_muxy_1.0_muz_1.0'; % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/7x4x192x96x32_nu_0.05_muxy_1.0_muz_2.0'; % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/CBC/Full_NL_7x4x192x96x32_nu_0.05_muxy_1.0_muz_2.0'; %% tests % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_xp'; resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_sp'; % resdir = 'paper_2_GYAC23/precision_study/5x3x128x64x24_Lx_180'; %% J0 = 00; J1 = 10; % Load basic info (grids and time traces) DATADIR = [PARTITION,resdir,'/']; data = {}; data = compile_results_low_mem(data,DATADIR,J0,J1); %% Plot transport and phi radial profile [data.PHI, data.Ts3D] = compile_results_3D(DATADIR,J0,J1,'phi'); options.TAVG_0 = 100; options.TAVG_1 = 1000; options.NCUT = 5; % Number of cuts for averaging and error estimation options.NMVA = 1; % Moving average for time traces % options.ST_FIELD = '\Gamma_x'; % chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (e.g \phi,v_x,G_x) options.ST_FIELD = '\phi'; % chose your field to plot in spacetime diag (e.g \phi,v_x,G_x) options.INTERP = 0; options.RESOLUTION = 256; fig = plot_radial_transport_and_spacetime(data,options); if 0 %% MOVIES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Options options.INTERP = 0; options.POLARPLOT = 0; options.NAME = '\phi'; % options.NAME = '\omega_z'; % options.NAME = 'N_i^{00}'; % options.NAME = 's_{Ey}'; % options.NAME = 'n_i^{NZ}'; % options.NAME = 'Q_x'; % options.NAME = 'n_i'; % options.NAME = 'n_i-n_e'; options.PLAN = 'xy'; % options.NAME = 'f_i'; % options.PLAN = 'sx'; options.COMP = 'avg'; % options.TIME = data.Ts5D(end-30:end); % options.TIME = data.Ts3D; options.TIME = [0:1500]; data.EPS = 0.1; data.a = data.EPS * 2000; options.RESOLUTION = 256; create_film(data,options,'.gif') end