SUBROUTINE diagnose(kstep) ! Diagnostics, writing simulation state to disk USE basic USE diagnostics_par IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: kstep CALL cpu_time(t0_diag) ! Measuring time !! Basic diagnose loop for reading input file, displaying advancement and ending IF ((kstep .EQ. 0)) THEN INQUIRE(unit=lu_in, name=input_fname) CLOSE(lu_in) ENDIF IF (kstep .GE. 0) THEN ! Terminal info IF (MOD(cstep, INT(1.0/dt)) == 0 .AND. (my_id .EQ. 0)) THEN WRITE(*,"(F6.0,A,F6.0)") time,"/",tmax ENDIF ELSEIF (kstep .EQ. -1) THEN CALL cpu_time(finish) ! Display computational time cost IF (my_id .EQ. 0) CALL display_h_min_s(finish-start) END IF !! Specific diagnostic calls CALL diagnose_full(kstep) ! IF(nsave_5d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_moments(kstep) ! IF(nsave_3d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_momspectrum(kstep) ! IF(nsave_3d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_fields(kstep) ! IF(nsave_0d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_profiler(kstep) ! IF(nsave_0d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_gridgeom(kstep) ! IF(nsave_0d .GT. 0) CALL diagnose_timetraces(kstep) CALL cpu_time(t1_diag); tc_diag = tc_diag + (t1_diag - t0_diag) END SUBROUTINE diagnose SUBROUTINE init_outfile(comm,file0,file,fid) USE diagnostics_par, ONLY : write_doubleprecision, diag_par_outputinputs, input_fname USE basic, ONLY : my_id, jobnum, lu_in, basic_outputinputs USE grid, ONLY : grid_outputinputs USE geometry, ONLY : geometry_outputinputs USE model, ONLY : model_outputinputs USE collision, ONLY : coll_outputinputs USE initial_par, ONLY : initial_outputinputs USE time_integration,ONLY : time_integration_outputinputs USE futils, ONLY : creatf, creatg, creatd, attach, putfile IMPLICIT NONE !input INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: comm CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(IN) :: file0 CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(OUT) :: file INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: fid CHARACTER(len=256) :: str,fname INCLUDE 'srcinfo.h' ! Writing output filename WRITE(file,'(a,a1,i2.2,a3)') TRIM(file0) ,'_',jobnum,'.h5' ! 1.1 Initial run ! Main output file creation IF (write_doubleprecision) THEN CALL creatf(file, fid, real_prec='d', mpicomm=comm) ELSE CALL creatf(file, fid, mpicomm=comm) END IF IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,'(3x,a,a)') TRIM(file), ' created' ! basic data group CALL creatg(fid, "/data", "data") ! File group CALL creatg(fid, "/files", "files") CALL attach(fid, "/files", "jobnum", jobnum) ! Add input namelist variables as attributes of /data/input, defined in srcinfo.h ! IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'VERSION=', VERSION ! IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'BRANCH=', BRANCH ! IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'AUTHOR=', AUTHOR ! IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) 'HOST=', HOST ! Add the code info and parameters to the file WRITE(str,'(a,i2.2)') "/data/input" CALL creatd(fid, 0,(/0/),TRIM(str),'Input parameters') CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "version", VERSION) !defined in srcinfo.h CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "branch", BRANCH) !defined in srcinfo.h CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "author", AUTHOR) !defined in srcinfo.h CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "execdate", EXECDATE) !defined in srcinfo.h CALL attach(fid, TRIM(str), "host", HOST) !defined in srcinfo.h CALL basic_outputinputs(fid,str) CALL grid_outputinputs(fid, str) CALL geometry_outputinputs(fid, str) CALL diag_par_outputinputs(fid, str) CALL model_outputinputs(fid, str) CALL coll_outputinputs(fid, str) CALL initial_outputinputs(fid, str) CALL time_integration_outputinputs(fid, str) ! Save STDIN (input file) of this run IF(jobnum .LE. 99) THEN WRITE(str,'(a,i2.2)') "/files/STDIN.",jobnum ELSE WRITE(str,'(a,i3.2)') "/files/STDIN.",jobnum END IF CALL putfile(fid, TRIM(str), TRIM(input_fname),ionode=0) END SUBROUTINE init_outfile !! Auxiliary routines hidden in headers INCLUDE 'diag_headers/diagnose_full.h'