MODULE basic ! Basic module for time dependent problems use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding use prec_const IMPLICIT none ! INCLUDE 'fftw3-mpi.f03' INTEGER :: nrun = 1 ! Number of time steps to run real(dp) :: tmax = 100000.0 ! Maximum simulation time real(dp) :: dt = 1.0 ! Time step real(dp) :: time = 0 ! Current simulation time (Init from restart file) INTEGER :: comm0 ! Default communicator with a topology INTEGER :: commp, commr ! Communicators for 1-dim cartesian subgrids of comm0 INTEGER :: commr_p0 ! Communicators along kr for only rank 0 on p INTEGER :: jobnum = 0 ! Job number INTEGER :: step = 0 ! Calculation step of this run INTEGER :: cstep = 0 ! Current step number (Init from restart file) LOGICAL :: RESTART = .FALSE. ! Signal end of run LOGICAL :: nlend = .FALSE. ! Signal end of run LOGICAL :: crashed = .FALSE. ! Signal end of crashed run INTEGER :: ierr ! flag for MPI error INTEGER :: my_id ! Rank in COMM_WORLD INTEGER :: num_procs ! number of MPI processes INTEGER :: num_procs_p ! Number of processes in p INTEGER :: num_procs_kr ! Number of processes in r INTEGER :: rank_0, rank_p, rank_r! Ranks in comm0, commp, commr INTEGER :: nbr_L, nbr_R ! Left and right neighbours (along p) INTEGER :: nbr_T, nbr_B ! Top and bottom neighbours (along kr) INTEGER :: iframe0d ! counting the number of times 0d datasets are outputed (for diagnose) INTEGER :: iframe1d ! counting the number of times 1d datasets are outputed (for diagnose) INTEGER :: iframe2d ! counting the number of times 2d datasets are outputed (for diagnose) INTEGER :: iframe3d ! counting the number of times 3d datasets are outputed (for diagnose) INTEGER :: iframe5d ! counting the number of times 5d datasets are outputed (for diagnose) ! List of logical file units INTEGER :: lu_in = 90 ! File duplicated from STDIN INTEGER :: lu_job = 91 ! myjob file ! To measure computation time real :: start, finish real(dp) :: t0_rhs, t0_adv_field, t0_poisson, t0_Sapj, t0_diag, t0_checkfield, t0_step, t0_comm real(dp) :: t1_rhs, t1_adv_field, t1_poisson, t1_Sapj, t1_diag, t1_checkfield, t1_step, t1_comm real(dp) :: tc_rhs, tc_adv_field, tc_poisson, tc_Sapj, tc_diag, tc_checkfield, tc_step, tc_comm real(dp):: maxruntime = 1e9 ! Maximum simulation CPU time INTERFACE allocate_array MODULE PROCEDURE allocate_array_dp1,allocate_array_dp2,allocate_array_dp3,allocate_array_dp4 MODULE PROCEDURE allocate_array_dc1,allocate_array_dc2,allocate_array_dc3,allocate_array_dc4, allocate_array_dc5 MODULE PROCEDURE allocate_array_i1,allocate_array_i2,allocate_array_i3,allocate_array_i4 MODULE PROCEDURE allocate_array_l1,allocate_array_l2,allocate_array_l3,allocate_array_l4 END INTERFACE allocate_array CONTAINS !================================================================================ SUBROUTINE basic_data ! Read basic data for input file use prec_const IMPLICIT NONE NAMELIST /BASIC/ nrun, dt, tmax, RESTART, maxruntime READ(lu_in,basic) !Init cumulative timers tc_rhs = 0.;tc_adv_field = 0.; tc_poisson = 0. tc_Sapj = 0.; tc_diag = 0.; tc_checkfield = 0. END SUBROUTINE basic_data !================================================================================ SUBROUTINE daytim(str) ! Print date and time use prec_const IMPLICIT NONE CHARACTER(len=*) , INTENT(in) :: str CHARACTER(len=16) :: d, t, dat, time !________________________________________________________________________________ ! CALL DATE_AND_TIME(d,t) dat=d(7:8) // '/' // d(5:6) // '/' // d(1:4) time=t(1:2) // ':' // t(3:4) // ':' // t(5:10) WRITE(*,'(a,1x,a,1x,a)') str, dat(1:10), time(1:12) ! END SUBROUTINE daytim !================================================================================ SUBROUTINE display_h_min_s(time) real :: time integer :: days, hours, mins, secs days = FLOOR(time/24./3600.); hours= FLOOR(time/3600.); mins = FLOOR(time/60.); secs = FLOOR(time); IF ( days .GT. 0 ) THEN !display day h min s hours = (time/3600./24. - days) * 24 mins = (time/3600. - days*24. - hours) * 60 secs = (time/60. - days*24.*60 - hours*60 - mins) * 60 WRITE(*,*) 'CPU Time = ', days, '[day]', hours, '[h]', mins, '[min]', secs, '[s]' WRITE(*,*) '(',time,'[s])' ELSEIF ( hours .GT. 0 ) THEN !display h min s mins = (time/3600. - hours) * 60 secs = (time/60. - hours*60 - mins) * 60 WRITE(*,*) 'CPU Time = ', hours, '[h]', mins, '[min]', secs, '[s]' WRITE(*,*) '(',time,'[s])' ELSEIF ( mins .GT. 0 ) THEN !display min s secs = (time/60. - mins) * 60 WRITE(*,*) 'CPU Time = ', mins, '[min]', secs, '[s]' WRITE(*,*) '(',time,'[s])' ELSE ! display s WRITE(*,*) 'CPU Time = ', FLOOR(time), '[s]' ENDIF END SUBROUTINE display_h_min_s !================================================================================ ! To allocate arrays of doubles, integers, etc. at run time SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp1(a,is1,ie1) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1)) a=0.0_dp END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp1 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp2(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2)) a=0.0_dp END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp2 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp3(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3)) a=0.0_dp END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp3 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp4(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4)) a=0.0_dp END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp4 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp5(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4,is5:ie5)) a=0.0_dp END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dp5 !======================================== SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc1(a,is1,ie1) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE COMPLEX, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1)) a=CMPLX(0.0_dp,0.0_dp) END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc1 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc2(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE COMPLEX, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2)) a=CMPLX(0.0_dp,0.0_dp) END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc2 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc3(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE COMPLEX, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3)) a=CMPLX(0.0_dp,0.0_dp) END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc3 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc4(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE COMPLEX, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4)) a=CMPLX(0.0_dp,0.0_dp) END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc4 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc5(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5) IMPLICIT NONE DOUBLE COMPLEX, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4,is5:ie5)) a=CMPLX(0.0_dp,0.0_dp) END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_dc5 !======================================== SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i1(a,is1,ie1) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1)) a=0 END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i1 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i2(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2)) a=0 END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i2 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i3(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3)) a=0 END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i3 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i4(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4)) a=0 END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i4 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i5(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4,is5:ie5)) a=0 END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_i5 !======================================== SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l1(a,is1,ie1) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1)) a=.false. END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l1 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l2(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2)) a=.false. END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l2 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l3(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3)) a=.false. END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l3 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l4(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4) IMPLICIT NONE LOGICAL, DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4)) a=.false. END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l4 SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l5(a,is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5) IMPLICIT NONE real(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, INTENT(INOUT) :: a INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: is1,ie1,is2,ie2,is3,ie3,is4,ie4,is5,ie5 ALLOCATE(a(is1:ie1,is2:ie2,is3:ie3,is4:ie4,is5:ie5)) a=.false. END SUBROUTINE allocate_array_l5 END MODULE basic