# Exercise 4 Use the following commands to make a fresh clone of your repository: ``` git clone -b exercise-4 git@gitlab.epfl.ch:lamp/student-repositories-s21/cs206-GASPAR.git exercise-4 ``` Update the README.md file with your solutions. Don't forget to list the group members's SCIPER numbers. # Problem 1: Implementing map and filter on Futures In this exercise, you will come up with an implementation of the `map` and `filter` methods of Futures. First of all, spend some time as a group to make sure that you understand what those methods are supposed to do. Then, complete the following code to implement the two methods: ```scala trait Future[T] { self => def map[S](f: T => S): Future[S] = new Future[S] { def onComplete(callback: Try[S] => Unit): Unit = ??? } def filter(f: T => Boolean): Future[T] = new Future[T] { def onComplete(callback: Try[T] => Unit): Unit = ??? } } ``` In the case of `filter`, if the original `Future` successfully returns a value which does not satisfy the predicate, the new `Future` should return a `Failure` containing a `NoSuchElementException`. # Problem 2: Coordinator / Worker In this exercise, you will have to implement a Coordinator / Worker actor system, in which one actor, the coordinator, dispatches work to other actors, the workers. Between the coordinator and the workers, only two kinds of messages are sent: `Request` and `Ready` messages. ```scala case class Request(computation: => Unit) case object Ready ``` The coordinator actor sends `Request` messages to workers to request them to perform some computation (passed as an argument of `Request`). Upon reception of a `Request`, a worker should perform the computation. Workers should send a `Ready` message to their coordinator whenever they finish executing the requested computation, and also right after they are created. The coordinator actor itself receives requests through `Request` messages from clients. The coordinator actor should then dispatch the work to worker actors. The coordinator should however never send a request to a worker which has not declared itself ready via a `Ready` message beforehand. Implement the `Coordinator` and `Worker` classes. ```scala class Coordinator extends Actor { ??? override def receive = ??? } class Worker(coordinator: Coordinator) extends Actor { ??? override def receive = ??? } ``` An example system using the Coordinator and Worker actors is shown below. ```scala object Main extends App { val coordinatorProps: Props = Props(new Coordinator()) def workerProps(coord: Coordinator): Props = Props(new Worker(coord)) val system = ActorSystem("coordinator/worker") val coordinator = system.actorOf(coordinatorProps) val workers = Seq.fill(10) { system.actorOf(workerProps(coordinator)) } // Now, clients should be able to send requests to the coordinator… coordinator ! Request(println(3 + 5)) coordinator ! Request(println(67 * 3)) // And so on... } ``` *Hint*: In order to fulfill its job, the coordinator should remember which workers are ready and what requests are still to be allocated to a worker.