package ch.epfl.lamp import sbt._ import Keys._ // import scalaj.http._ import{File, FileInputStream, IOException} import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 // import play.api.libs.json.{Json, JsObject, JsPath} import scala.util.{Failure, Success, Try} /** * Provides tasks for submitting the assignment */ object StudentTasks extends AutoPlugin { override def requires = super.requires && MOOCSettings object autoImport { val packageSourcesOnly = TaskKey[File]("packageSourcesOnly", "Package the sources of the project") val packageBinWithoutResources = TaskKey[File]("packageBinWithoutResources", "Like packageBin, but without the resources") val packageSubmissionZip = TaskKey[File]("packageSubmissionZip") val packageSubmission = inputKey[Unit]("package solution as an archive file") lazy val Grading = config("grading") extend(Runtime) } import autoImport._ import MOOCSettings.autoImport._ override lazy val projectSettings = Seq( packageSubmissionSetting, fork := true, connectInput in run := true, outputStrategy := Some(StdoutOutput), ) ++ packageSubmissionZipSettings ++ inConfig(Grading)(Defaults.testSettings ++ Seq( unmanagedJars += file("grading-tests.jar"), definedTests := (definedTests in Test).value, internalDependencyClasspath := (internalDependencyClasspath in Test).value )) /** ********************************************************** * SUBMITTING A SOLUTION TO COURSERA */ val packageSubmissionZipSettings = Seq( packageSubmissionZip := { val submission = crossTarget.value / "" val sources = (packageSourcesOnly in Compile).value val binaries = (packageBinWithoutResources in Compile).value -> "", binaries -> "binaries.jar"), submission, None) submission }, artifactClassifier in packageSourcesOnly := Some("sources"), artifact in (Compile, packageBinWithoutResources) ~= (art => art.withName( + "-without-resources")) ) ++ inConfig(Compile)( Defaults.packageTaskSettings(packageSourcesOnly, Defaults.sourceMappings) ++ Defaults.packageTaskSettings(packageBinWithoutResources, Def.task { val relativePaths = (unmanagedResources in Compile).value.flatMap(Path.relativeTo((unmanagedResourceDirectories in Compile).value)(_)) (mappings in (Compile, packageBin)).value.filterNot { case (_, path) => relativePaths.contains(path) } }) ) val maxSubmitFileSize = { val mb = 1024 * 1024 10 * mb } /** Check that the jar exists, isn't empty, isn't crazy big, and can be read * If so, encode jar as base64 so we can send it to Coursera */ def prepareJar(jar: File, s: TaskStreams): String = { val errPrefix = "Error submitting assignment jar: " val fileLength = jar.length() if (!jar.exists()) { s.log.error(errPrefix + "jar archive does not exist\n" + jar.getAbsolutePath) failSubmit() } else if (fileLength == 0L) { s.log.error(errPrefix + "jar archive is empty\n" + jar.getAbsolutePath) failSubmit() } else if (fileLength > maxSubmitFileSize) { s.log.error(errPrefix + "jar archive is too big. Allowed size: " + maxSubmitFileSize + " bytes, found " + fileLength + " bytes.\n" + jar.getAbsolutePath) failSubmit() } else { val bytes = new Array[Byte](fileLength.toInt) val sizeRead = try { val is = new FileInputStream(jar) val read = is.close() read } catch { case ex: IOException => s.log.error(errPrefix + "failed to read sources jar archive\n" + ex.toString) failSubmit() } if (sizeRead != bytes.length) { s.log.error(errPrefix + "failed to read the sources jar archive, size read: " + sizeRead) failSubmit() } else encodeBase64(bytes) } } /** Task to package solution to a given file path */ lazy val packageSubmissionSetting = packageSubmission := { val args: Seq[String] = Def.spaceDelimited("[path]").parsed val s: TaskStreams = streams.value // for logging val jar = (packageSubmissionZip in Compile).value val base64Jar = prepareJar(jar, s) val path = args.headOption.getOrElse((baseDirectory.value / "submission.jar").absolutePath) } /* /** Task to submit a solution to coursera */ val submit = inputKey[Unit]("submit solution to Coursera") lazy val submitSetting = submit := { // Fail if scalafix linting does not pass. scalafixLinting.value val args: Seq[String] = Def.spaceDelimited("<arg>").parsed val s: TaskStreams = streams.value // for logging val jar = (packageSubmissionZip in Compile).value val assignmentDetails = courseraId.?.value.getOrElse(throw new MessageOnlyException("This assignment can not be submitted to Coursera because the `courseraId` setting is undefined")) val assignmentKey = assignmentDetails.key val courseName = course.value match { case "capstone" => "scala-capstone" case "bigdata" => "scala-spark-big-data" case other => other } val partId = assignmentDetails.partId val itemId = assignmentDetails.itemId val premiumItemId = assignmentDetails.premiumItemId val (email, secret) = args match { case email :: secret :: Nil => (email, secret) case _ => val inputErr = s"""|Invalid input to `submit`. The required syntax for `submit` is: |submit <email-address> <submit-token> | |The submit token is NOT YOUR LOGIN PASSWORD. |It can be obtained from the assignment page: |$courseName/programming/$itemId |${ premiumItemId.fold("") { id => s"""or (for premium learners): |$courseName/programming/$id """.stripMargin } } """.stripMargin s.log.error(inputErr) failSubmit() } val base64Jar = prepareJar(jar, s) val json = s"""|{ | "assignmentKey":"$assignmentKey", | "submitterEmail":"$email", | "secret":"$secret", | "parts":{ | "$partId":{ | "output":"$base64Jar" | } | } |}""".stripMargin def postSubmission[T](data: String): Try[HttpResponse[String]] = { val http = Http("") val hs = List( ("Cache-Control", "no-cache"), ("Content-Type", "application/json") )"Connecting to Coursera...") val response = Try(http.postData(data) .headers(hs) .option(HttpOptions.connTimeout(10000)) // scalaj default timeout is only 100ms, changing that to 10s .asString) // kick off HTTP POST response } val connectMsg = s"""|Attempting to submit "${assignment.value}" assignment in "$courseName" course |Using: |- email: $email |- submit token: $secret""".stripMargin def reportCourseraResponse(response: HttpResponse[String]): Unit = { val code = response.code val respBody = response.body /* Sample JSON response from Coursera { "message": "Invalid email or token.", "details": { "learnerMessage": "Invalid email or token." } } */ // Success, Coursera responds with 2xx HTTP status code if (response.is2xx) { val successfulSubmitMsg = s"""|Successfully connected to Coursera. (Status $code) | |Assignment submitted successfully! | |You can see how you scored by going to: |$courseName/programming/$itemId/ |${ premiumItemId.fold("") { id => s"""or (for premium learners): |$courseName/programming/$id """.stripMargin } } |and clicking on "My Submission".""".stripMargin } // Failure, Coursera responds with 4xx HTTP status code (client-side failure) else if (response.is4xx) { val result = Try(Json.parse(respBody)).toOption val learnerMsg = result match { case Some(resp: JsObject) => (JsPath \ "details" \ "learnerMessage").read[String].reads(resp).get case Some(x) => // shouldn't happen "Could not parse Coursera's response:\n" + x case None => "Could not parse Coursera's response:\n" + respBody } val failedSubmitMsg = s"""|Submission failed. |There was something wrong while attempting to submit. |Coursera says: |$learnerMsg (Status $code)""".stripMargin s.log.error(failedSubmitMsg) } // Failure, Coursera responds with 5xx HTTP status code (server-side failure) else if (response.is5xx) { val failedSubmitMsg = s"""|Submission failed. |Coursera seems to be unavailable at the moment (Status $code) |Check and try again in a few minutes. """.stripMargin s.log.error(failedSubmitMsg) } // Failure, Coursera repsonds with an unexpected status code else { val failedSubmitMsg = s"""|Submission failed. |Coursera replied with an unexpected code (Status $code) """.stripMargin s.log.error(failedSubmitMsg) } } // kick it all off, actually make request postSubmission(json) match { case Success(resp) => reportCourseraResponse(resp) case Failure(e) => val failedConnectMsg = s"""|Connection to Coursera failed. |There was something wrong while attempting to connect to Coursera. |Check your internet connection. |${e.toString}""".stripMargin s.log.error(failedConnectMsg) } } */ def failSubmit(): Nothing = { sys.error("Submission failed") } /** * ***************** * DEALING WITH JARS */ def encodeBase64(bytes: Array[Byte]): String = new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes)) }