Guillaume Martres authored5d1d5639
Example lab
The goal of this lab is to familiarize yourself with the infrastructure and tools used in this class. Even though the grade in this lab won't influence your grade for the course, it is important that you work through this lab carefully.
Part 1: Obtaining the Project Files
First, make sure you've followed the Tools Setup page.
At this point, we strongly encourage you to take the time to read at least the first three chapters of the Git Book. If you just copy-paste the commands we give you without understanding them, it's likely that you'll make a mistake somewhere and waste time. Git can be a huge productivity enhancer when used correctly, so it's definitely worth the investment!
We'll starting by cloning the repository containing all our lab (make
sure to replace GASPAR
with your EPFL username (the one with letters, not the
one with number) in the following command).
git clone -b example git@gitlab.epfl.ch:lamp/student-repositories-s21/cs206-GASPAR.git cs206-example
If this command fails, make sure you've logged into gitlab and registered in a group, then wait a few minutes. If it still doesn't work it's likely that you didn't correctly upload your ssh key to gitlab, look at the last part of the Tools Setup page again.
cd cs206-example
Now that we've obtained the project, let's take a look at its structure: