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  • lamp/cs206
  • bwermeil/cs206-2020
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22 results
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with 0 additions and 1346 deletions
package ch.epfl.lamp
import sbt._
import sbt.Keys._
* Coursera uses two versions of each assignment. They both have the same assignment key and part id but have
* different item ids.
* @param key Assignment key
* @param partId Assignment partId
* @param itemId Item id of the non premium version
* @param premiumItemId Item id of the premium version (`None` if the assignment is optional)
case class CourseraId(key: String, partId: String, itemId: String, premiumItemId: Option[String])
* Settings shared by all assignments, reused in various tasks.
object MOOCSettings extends AutoPlugin {
override def requires = super.requires && filteringReporterPlugin.FilteringReporterPlugin
object autoImport {
val course = SettingKey[String]("course")
val assignment = SettingKey[String]("assignment")
val options = SettingKey[Map[String, Map[String, String]]]("options")
val courseraId = settingKey[CourseraId]("Coursera-specific information identifying the assignment")
val testSuite = settingKey[String]("Fully qualified name of the test suite of this assignment")
// Convenient alias
type CourseraId = ch.epfl.lamp.CourseraId
val CourseraId = ch.epfl.lamp.CourseraId
import autoImport._
override val globalSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
// supershell is verbose, buggy and useless.
useSuperShell := false
override val projectSettings: Seq[Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
parallelExecution in Test := false,
// Report test result after each test instead of waiting for every test to finish
logBuffered in Test := false,
name := s"${course.value}-${assignment.value}"
// Used for Coursera submission (StudentPlugin)
// libraryDependencies += "org.scalaj" %% "scalaj-http" % "2.4.2"
// libraryDependencies += "" %% "play-json" % "2.7.4"
// Used for Base64 (StudentPlugin)
libraryDependencies += "commons-codec" % "commons-codec" % "1.10"
// addSbtPlugin("org.scala-js" % "sbt-scalajs" % "0.6.28")
addSbtPlugin("" % "sbt-plugin" % "2.8.8")
addSbtPlugin("ch.epfl.lamp" % "sbt-dotty" % "0.5.3")
package f3
import instrumentation._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
type FileName = String
/** An API for manipulating files. */
trait FileSystem:
/** Create a new file named `file` with the passed `content`. */
def createFile(file: FileName, content: String): Unit
/** If `file` exists, return its content, otherwise crashes. */
def readFile(file: FileName): String
/** If `file` exists, delete it, otherwise crash. */
def deleteFile(file: FileName): Unit
end FileSystem
/** An in-memory file system for testing purposes implemented using a Map.
* Every method in this class is thread-safe.
class InMemoryFileSystem extends FileSystem:
val fsMap: mutable.Map[FileName, String] = TrieMap()
def createFile(file: FileName, content: String): Unit =
assert(!fsMap.contains(file), s"$file already exists")
fsMap(file) = content
def readFile(file: FileName): String =
fsMap.get(file) match
case Some(content) => content
case None => assert(false, s"Attempt to read non-existing $file")
def deleteFile(file: FileName): Unit =
end InMemoryFileSystem
package f3
import instrumentation._
/** A synchronization mechanism allowing multiple reads to proceed concurrently
* with an update to the state.
class RCU extends Monitor:
protected val latestVersion: AtomicLong = AtomicLong(0)
protected val readersVersion: ThreadMap[Long] = ThreadMap()
/** This method must be called before accessing shared data for reading. */
def startRead(): Unit =
"startRead() cannot be called multiple times without an intervening stopRead()")
/** Once a thread which has previously called `startRead` has finished reading
* shared data, it must call this method.
def stopRead(): Unit =
"stopRead() cannot be called without a preceding startRead()")
/** Wait until all reads started before this method was called have finished,
* then return.
def waitForOldReads(): Unit =
val newVersion = latestVersion.incrementAndGet()
readersVersion.waitForall(_ >= newVersion)
package f3
import instrumentation._
import scala.collection.mutable
/** A map which associates every thread to at most one value of type A.
* Every method in this class is thread-safe.
class ThreadMap[A] extends Monitor:
protected val theMap: mutable.Map[Thread, A] = mutable.Map()
/** Return the value in the map entry for the current thread if it exists,
* otherwise None. */
def currentThreadValue: Option[A] = synchronized {
/** Is there a map entry for the current thread? */
def currentThreadHasValue: Boolean =
synchronized {
/** Set the map entry of the current thread to `value` and notify any thread
* waiting on `waitForall`. */
def setCurrentThreadValue(value: A): Unit =
synchronized {
theMap(Thread.currentThread) = value
/** Delete the map entry associated with this thread (if it exists) and notify
* all threads waiting in `waitForall`. */
def deleteCurrentThreadValue(): Unit =
synchronized {
/** Wait until `predicate` returns true for all map entries, then return. */
def waitForall(predicate: A => Boolean): Unit =
synchronized {
while !theMap.forall((_, value) => predicate(value)) do
end ThreadMap
package f3
import instrumentation._
class UpdateServer(fs: FileSystem) extends Monitor:
val rcu = new RCU
/** The name of the file containing the latest update.
* This is `@volatile` to guarantee that `fetchUpdate` always sees the latest
* filename.
@volatile private var updateFile: Option[FileName] = None
/** Return the content of the latest update if one is available, otherwise None.
* This method is thread-safe.
def fetchUpdate(): Option[String] =
// TODO: use `rcu`
val value =
/** Define a new update, more precisely this will:
* - Create a new update file called `newName` with content `newContent`
* - Ensure that any future call to `fetchUpdate` returns the new update
* content.
* - Delete the old update file.
* This method is _NOT_ thread-safe, it cannot be safely called from multiple
* threads at once.
def newUpdate(newName: FileName, newContent: String): Unit =
// TODO: use `rcu`
val oldFile = updateFile
fs.createFile(newName, newContent)
updateFile = Some(newName)
end UpdateServer
package f3.instrumentation
/** A long value that may be updated atomically. */
class AtomicLong(initial: Long):
private val atomic = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong(initial)
/** Get the current value. */
def get: Long = atomic.get()
/** Set to the given `value`. */
def set(value: Long): Unit = atomic.set(value)
/** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _original_ value. */
def getAndIncrement(): Long =
/** Atomically increment by one the current value and return the _updated_ value. */
def incrementAndGet(): Long =
/** Atomically set the value to `newValue` if the current value == `expected`.
* Return true if successful, otherwise return false to indicate that the
* actual value was not equal to the expected value.
def compareAndSet(expected: Long, newValue: Long): Boolean =
atomic.compareAndSet(expected, newValue)
end AtomicLong
package f3.instrumentation
class Dummy
trait Monitor {
implicit val dummy: Dummy = new Dummy
def wait()(implicit i: Dummy) = waitDefault()
def synchronized[T](e: => T)(implicit i: Dummy) = synchronizedDefault(e)
def notify()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyDefault()
def notifyAll()(implicit i: Dummy) = notifyAllDefault()
private val lock = new AnyRef
// Can be overridden.
def waitDefault(): Unit = lock.wait()
def synchronizedDefault[T](toExecute: =>T): T = lock.synchronized(toExecute)
def notifyDefault(): Unit = lock.notify()
def notifyAllDefault(): Unit = lock.notifyAll()
package f3.instrumentation
class AtomicReference[T](initial: T) {
private val atomic = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference[T](initial)
def get: T = atomic.get()
def set(value: T): Unit = atomic.set(value)
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