# Exercise 1 : Parallel Encoding ```scala def rle(data: ParSeq[Char]): Buffer[(Char, Int)] = { def g(as: Buffer[(Char, Int)], bs: Buffer[(Char, Int)]) = if (as.isEmpty || bs.isEmpty || as.last._1 != bs.head._1) as ++ bs else as.init.append((as.last._1, as.last._2 + bs.head._2)) ++ bs.tail def f(acc: Buffer[(Char, Int)], x: Char) = if (acc.isEmpty || acc.last._1 != x) acc.append((x, 1)) else acc.init.append((x, acc.last._2 + 1)) val z: Buffer[(Char, Int)] = Buffer.empty data.aggregate(z)(f, g) } ``` # Exercise 2 : Parallel Two Phase Construction ```scala class DLLCombiner[A] extends Combiner[A, Array[A]] { var head: Node[A] = null var last: Node[A] = null var size: Int = 0 override def +=(elem: A): Unit = { val node = new Node(elem) if (size == 0) { head = node last = node size = 1 } else { last.next = node node.previous = last last = node size += 1 } } override def combine(that: DLLCombiner[A]): DLLCombiner[A] = if (this.size == 0) that else if (that.size == 0) this else { this.last.next = that.head that.head.previous = this.last this.size = this.size + that.size this.last = that.last this } // This is not implemented in parallel yet. override def result(): Array[A] = { val data = new Array[A](size) var current = head var i = 0 while (i < size) { data(i) = current.value i += 1 current = current.next } data } } ``` ## Question 1 The complexity of `+=` is constant, as well as the complexity of `combine`. This is obviously well within the desired complexity range. The result function takes time linear in the size of the data, which is acceptable according to the Combiner requirements. However, the result function should work in parallel according to the contract. This isn't the case here. ## Question 2 The idea is to copy the double linked list to the array from both ends at the same time. For this, we create a task that handles the second half of the array, while the current thread copied the first half. ```scala override def result(): Array[A] = { val data = new Array[A](size) val mid = size / 2 // This is executed on a different thread. val taskEnd = task { var i = size - 1 var current = last while (i >= mid) { data(i) = current.value current = current.previous i -= 1 } } // This is executed on the current thread. var i = 0 var current = head while (i < mid) { data(i) = current.value current = current.next i += 1 } taskEnd.join() data } ``` ## Question 3 The actual answer to this question is: *it depends*. Two see why, we first make the following observation: All implementations of the result function must consist of primarily two operations: 1. Moving to the next node in the list, and, 2. Copying the value of the node to the array. Depending on the actual cost of the two operations, one may devise schemes that can make efficient use of more than two threads. For instance, assume for a moment that copying a value to the array is significantly costlier than moving to the next node in the list. In this case, we could execute the function efficiently in parallel by spawning multiple threads starting from the head of the list, each handling a disjoint set of indexes (for instance, one thread takes indexes of the form 4n, another 4n + 1 and so on). On the other hand, if we assume that moving to the next node in the list has a cost comparable to the one of copying a value to the array, then finding such a strategy is more challenging, or even impossible. However, there are ways to circumvent this problem by modifying the data structure used. One way could be to keep track of the middle of the double linked lists. The result function could then execute in parallel on 4 different threads by copying the array from both ends and from the middle (in both directions) simultaneously. The problem would then be to efficiently maintain the pointer to the middle of the list, which might not be a trivial task when combining arbitrary lists together. If you are interested in learning more about such data-structures, we encourage you to look up the skip list data structure, which generalises on this idea. Another solution would be to modify the nodes so that they also point to their successor's successor and their predecessor's predecessor. This way, two threads could start from the start of the list and two from the end. In each case, one thread would be responsible for odd indexes and the other for even ones. This solution does not change at all the complexity of the various Combiner operations, but requires a bit more bookkeeping. # Exercise 3: Pipelines ## Question 1 ```scala def toPipeline(fs: ParSeq[A => A]): A => A = if (fs.isEmpty) (x: A) => x else fs.reduce(_ andThen _) ``` ## Question 2 Even though the pipeline is constructed in parallel, *it will not itself execute in parallel*. The resulting pipeline still has to apply its argument to all the functions it contains sequentially. This is due to the fact that the andThen method simply returns a function that will apply the first function and then the second, sequentially. ## Question 3 ```scala def andThen(that: FiniteFun[A]): FiniteFun[A] = { val newDefault = that(default) val newMappings = for { (x, y) <- mappings val z = that(y) if (z != newDefault) } yield (x, z) new FiniteFun(newMappings, newDefault) } ``` Pipelines of such functions can be efficiently constructed in parallel, as was the case for "normal" functions also. Also, interestingly, the resulting pipeline can be executed efficiently. The execution time of the pipeline does not depend on the number of functions in the pipeline, only on the lookup time in the finite map mappings (which can be nearly constant time if the underlying map is a hashtable). The size of this map is upper bounded by the size of the mappings of the functions in the pipeline. ## Question 4 To simplify the analysis, we will assume that lookup in the mappings takes constant time, and thus that applying a FiniteFun also takes constant time. Let's also assume that fs is of size `n` for both functions. Since the function is purely sequential, the work and depth of applyAllSeq are equal. They amount to `n` applications of a finite function, which is linear in `n`. For applyAllPar, things are a bit more complex. Let's denote by `d` the size of the largest domain of all functions passed as argument. The depth of the function is simply the depth of computing the pipeline (`fs.reduce(_ andThen _)`) plus a constant for applying the pipeline. Assuming infinite parallelism, this results in a depth that is in `O(log2(n) ⋅ d)`. The work of applyAllPar is significantly more than its depth, and can be upper bounded by `O(n ⋅ d)`. Indeed, there are `n` applications of the `andThen` method, each of which takes `O(d)` time. When `d` is a constant, then the parallel version will be asymptotically faster than its sequential counterpart. If `d` is exponentially larger than `n`, then the sequential version is expected to perform better.