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Commit 5539e479 authored by Etienne Kneuss's avatar Etienne Kneuss
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Foundations for testing performance, simplify SBT build

Performance tests are invoked via "sbt perf:test". Currently testing
performance of CEGIS on some random synthesis problems
parent 110c6160
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......@@ -7,28 +7,97 @@ organization := "ch.epfl.lara"
scalaVersion := "2.11.6"
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
javacOptions += "-Xlint:unchecked"
if(System.getProperty("") == "64") {
unmanagedBase <<= baseDirectory { base => base / "unmanaged" / "64" }
} else {
unmanagedBase <<= baseDirectory { base => base / "unmanaged" / "32" }
resolvers += "Typesafe Repository" at ""
resolvers ++= Seq(
"Typesafe Repository" at "",
"Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % "2.11.6",
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.0" % "test",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.4"
"org.scala-lang" % "scala-compiler" % "2.11.6",
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "2.2.0" % "test",
"com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % "2.3.4",
"com.storm-enroute" %% "scalameter" % "0.7-SNAPSHOT" % "test"
lazy val scriptName = "leon"
lazy val scriptFile = file(".") / scriptName
clean := {
if(scriptFile.exists && scriptFile.isFile) {
lazy val script = taskKey[Unit]("Generate the leon Bash script")
script := {
val s = streams.value
try {
val cps = (dependencyClasspath in Compile).value
val out = (classDirectory in Compile).value
val res = (resourceDirectory in Compile).value
val is64 = System.getProperty("") == "64"
val f = scriptFile
// Paths discovery
if(f.exists) {"Regenerating '"+f.getName+"' script ("+(if(is64) "64b" else "32b")+")...")
} else {"Generating '"+f.getName+"' script ("+(if(is64) "64b" else "32b")+")...")
val paths = (res.getAbsolutePath +: out.getAbsolutePath +:":")
IO.write(f, s"""|#!/bin/bash --posix
|java -Xmx2G -Xms512M -classpath $${SCALACLASSPATH} -Dscala.usejavacp=false -classpath $${SCALACLASSPATH} leon.Main $$@ 2>&1 | tee -i last.log
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
s.log.error("There was an error while generating the script file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage)
sourceGenerators in Compile <+= Def.task {
val libFiles = ((baseDirectory.value / "library") ** "*.scala").getPaths
val build = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "leon" / "Build.scala";
IO.write(build, s"""|package leon;
|object Build {
| val libFiles = List(
| ${libFiles.mkString("\"\"\"", "\"\"\",\n \"\"\"", "\"\"\"")}
| )
Keys.fork in run := true
Keys.fork in Test := true
......@@ -37,10 +106,32 @@ logBuffered in Test := false
javaOptions in Test ++= Seq("-Xss16M", "-Xmx4G", "-XX:MaxPermSize=128M")
testFrameworks += new TestFramework("org.scalameter.ScalaMeterFramework")
parallelExecution in Test := false
testOptions in (Test, test) := Seq(Tests.Filter(s => s.endsWith("LeonAllTests")), Tests.Argument("-oDF"))
testOptions in (Test, test) := Seq(Tests.Filter(s => s.endsWith("LeonAllTests")), Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaCheck, "-oDF"))
testOptions in (Test, testOnly) := Seq(Tests.Argument("-oDF"))
testOptions in (Test, testOnly) := Seq(Tests.Argument(TestFrameworks.ScalaCheck, "-oDF"))
sourcesInBase in Compile := false
lazy val PerfTest = config("perf") extend(Test)
scalaSource in PerfTest := baseDirectory.value / "src/test/scala/"
parallelExecution in PerfTest := false
testOptions in (PerfTest, test) := Seq(Tests.Filter(s => s.endsWith("PerfTest")))
def ghProject(repo: String, version: String) = RootProject(uri(s"${repo}#${version}"))
lazy val bonsai = ghProject("git://", "0fec9f97f4220fa94b1f3f305f2e8b76a3cd1539")
lazy val scalaSmtLib = ghProject("git://", "711e9a1ef994935482bc83ff3795a94f637f0a04")
lazy val root = (project in file(".")).
dependsOn(bonsai, scalaSmtLib).
settings(inConfig(PerfTest)(Defaults.testSettings): _*)
import sbt._
import Process._
import Keys._
object Leon extends Build {
private val scriptName = "leon"
def scriptFile = file(".") / scriptName
def is64 = System.getProperty("") == "64"
def ldLibraryDir32 = file(".") / "lib-bin" / "32"
def ldLibraryDir64 = file(".") / "lib-bin" / "64"
val cleanTask = TaskKey[Unit]("clean", "Cleans up the generated binaries and scripts.") <<= (streams, clean) map { (s,c) =>
if(scriptFile.exists && scriptFile.isFile) {
val nl = System.getProperty("line.separator")
val scriptTask = TaskKey[Unit]("script", "Generate the leon Bash script") <<= (streams, dependencyClasspath in Compile, classDirectory in Compile, resourceDirectory in Compile) map { (s, cps, out, res) =>
try {
val f = file("leon")
// Paths discovery
if(f.exists) {"Regenerating '"+f.getName+"' script ("+(if(is64) "64b" else "32b")+")...")
} else {"Generating '"+f.getName+"' script ("+(if(is64) "64b" else "32b")+")...")
val paths = (res.getAbsolutePath +: out.getAbsolutePath +:":")
IO.write(f, s"""|#!/bin/bash --posix
|java -Xmx2G -Xms512M -classpath $${SCALACLASSPATH} -Dscala.usejavacp=false -classpath $${SCALACLASSPATH} leon.Main $$@ 2>&1 | tee -i last.log
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
s.log.error("There was an error while generating the script file: " + e.getLocalizedMessage)
val sourceGen = {
sourceGenerators in Compile += Def.task {
val libFiles = ((baseDirectory.value / "library") ** "*.scala").getPaths
val build = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "leon" / "Build.scala";
IO.write(build, s"""|package leon;
|object Build {
| val libFiles = List(
| ${libFiles.mkString("\"\"\"", "\"\"\",\n \"\"\"", "\"\"\"")}
| )
object LeonProject {
val settings = Seq(
lazy val root = Project(
id = "leon",
base = file("."),
settings = Project.defaultSettings ++ LeonProject.settings
).dependsOn(Github.bonsai, Github.scalaSmtLib)
object Github {
def project(repo: String, version: String) = RootProject(uri(s"${repo}#${version}"))
lazy val bonsai = project("git://", "0fec9f97f4220fa94b1f3f305f2e8b76a3cd1539")
lazy val scalaSmtLib = project("git://", "711e9a1ef994935482bc83ff3795a94f637f0a04")
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
import leon.lang._
import leon.lang.synthesis._
import leon.annotation._
object Numerals {
sealed abstract class Num
case object Z extends Num
case class S(pred: Num) extends Num
def value(n: Num): BigInt = {
n match {
case Z => 0
case S(p) => 1 + value(p)
} ensuring (_ >= 0)
def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num = {
choose { (r: Num) =>
value(r) == value(x) + value(y)
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
import leon.lang._
import leon.lang.synthesis._
import leon.annotation._
object Numerals {
sealed abstract class Num
case object Z extends Num
case class S(pred: Num) extends Num
def value(n: Num): BigInt = {
n match {
case Z => 0
case S(p) => 1 + value(p)
} ensuring (_ >= 0)
def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num = (x match {
case Z => y
case S(p) => add(p, S(y))
}) ensuring (value(_) == value(x) + value(y))
def distinct(x: Num, y: Num): Num = {
choose { (r : Num) =>
r != x && r != y
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
import leon.lang._
import leon.collection._
import leon.lang.synthesis._
object Holes {
def abs3(a: Int) = {
if (?(a > 0, a < 0)) {
} else {
} ensuring {
_ >= 0
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
import leon.collection._
import leon.lang._
import leon.lang.synthesis._
object Length {
def foo(l : List[Int]) : Int =
choose { res:Int => (l, res) passes {
case Nil() => 0
case Cons(a, Nil()) => 2
case Cons(_, Cons(_, Cons(_, Cons(_, Nil())))) => 8
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
import leon.lang._
import leon.lang.synthesis._
import leon.annotation._
object Numerals {
sealed abstract class Num
case object Z extends Num
case class S(pred: Num) extends Num
def value(n: Num): BigInt = {
n match {
case Z => 0
case S(p) => 1 + value(p)
} ensuring (_ >= 0)
def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num = (x match {
case Z => y
case S(p) => add(p, S(y))
}) ensuring (value(_) == value(x) + value(y))
def mult(x: Num, y: Num): Num = {
choose { (r: Num) =>
value(r) == value(x) * value(y)
/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
import leon.lang._
import leon.lang.synthesis._
import leon.annotation._
object Numerals {
sealed abstract class Num
case object Z extends Num
case class S(pred: Num) extends Num
def value(n:Num) : BigInt = {
n match {
case Z => 0
case S(p) => 1 + value(p)
} ensuring (_ >= 0)
def add(x: Num, y: Num): Num = (x match {
case Z => y
case S(p) => add(p, S(y))
}) ensuring (value(_) == value(x) + value(y))
def mult(x: Num, y: Num): Num = (y match {
case S(p) =>
add(mult(x, p), x)
case Z =>
}) ensuring { value(_) == value(x) * value(y) }
def squared(x: Num): Num = {
choose { (r: Num) =>
value(r) == value(x) * value(x)
import leon._
import leon.synthesis._
import leon.synthesis.rules._
import leon.test._
import leon.utils._
import leon.frontends.scalac._
import leon.purescala.Definitions._
import org.scalameter.picklers.noPickler._
import org.scalameter.api._
class CegisPerfTest extends PerformanceTest.OfflineRegressionReport {
override def persistor = new SerializationPersistor
override def executor: Executor = LocalExecutor(warmer, aggregator, measurer)
val lt = new LeonTestSuite{}
val ctxPrograms = for (f <- lt.filesInResourceDir("regression/performance/cegis/", _.endsWith(".scala"))) yield {
val extraction =
ExtractionPhase andThen
val leonReporter = new TestSilentReporter
val paths = List(f.getPath)
val ctx = Main.processOptions(paths).copy(reporter = leonReporter,
interruptManager = new InterruptManager(leonReporter))
(f.getName.dropRight(6), ctx,
val cegisRules = List(
val settings = SynthesisSettings(timeoutMs = Some(20000), rules = cegisRules)
performance of "CEGIS" in {
for ((name, ctx, pgm) <- ctxPrograms) {
measure.method(name) in {
using(Gen.unit("test")) in { _ =>
val cis = ChooseInfo.extractFromProgram(pgm).filterNot(_.fd.annotations("library"))
for (ci <- cis) {
val synth = new Synthesizer(ctx, pgm, ci, settings)
val s = synth.getSearch
val sols =
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