diff --git a/build.sbt b/build.sbt
index 4330f51b8296c7a78f31f760efb738998c2722c5..9036f22d0f5fef46c70c93ebf0b3c0148a3d392a 100644
--- a/build.sbt
+++ b/build.sbt
@@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ def ghProject(repo: String, version: String) = RootProject(uri(s"git://$repo#$ve
 def svnProject(repo: String, version: String, user: String, pass: String) =
-lazy val bonsai      = ghProject("github.com/colder/bonsai.git",     "10eaaee4ea0ff6567f4f866922cb871bae2da0ac")
 lazy val scalaSmtlib = ghProject("github.com/regb/scala-smtlib.git", "850580ae86e299a1baa0eaef9e24eed905fefe58")
 lazy val princess    = svnProject("hal4.it.uu.se/princess/interpolation/trunk", "2703", "anonymous", "anonymous")
@@ -121,13 +120,12 @@ lazy val root = (project in file("."))
     parallelExecution := false
   )) : _*)
   .settings(compile <<= (compile in Compile) dependsOn script)
-  .dependsOn(bonsai)
   .settings(classpathSettings : _*)
     // @nv: ignore warnings from projects that are out of our control
     logLevel in (scalaSmtlib, Compile) := Level.Error,
-    logLevel in (princess, Compile) := Level.Error
+    logLevel in (princess, Compile)    := Level.Error
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/Main.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/Main.scala
index 80959c1d15fd10525ee9f8cb3db19aa227826b95..2e27cf6789c11a531136609588562f20e1113cb6 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/Main.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/inox/Main.scala
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ trait MainHelpers {
   protected def getDebugSections: Set[DebugSection] = Set(
-    datagen.DebugSectionDataGen,
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/DataGenerator.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/DataGenerator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d8a80bed63a318661ee9e6e86a9accd5a85a57b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/DataGenerator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package datagen
-import utils._
-import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean
-object DebugSectionDataGen extends DebugSection("datagen")
-trait DataGenerator extends Interruptible {
-  val program: Program
-  import program.trees._
-  implicit val debugSection = DebugSectionDataGen
-  def generateFor(ins: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, maxValid: Int, maxEnumerated: Int): Iterator[Seq[Expr]]
-  protected val interrupted: AtomicBoolean = new AtomicBoolean(false)
-  def interrupt(): Unit = {
-    interrupted.set(true)
-  }
-  def recoverInterrupt(): Unit = {
-    interrupted.set(false)
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/GrammarDataGen.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/GrammarDataGen.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b9280831cfd33e9549e653d003df960bc90fcbe..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/GrammarDataGen.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package datagen
-import evaluators._
-import bonsai.enumerators._
-import utils.UniqueCounter
-import utils.SeqUtils.cartesianProduct
-import grammars._
-/** Utility functions to generate values of a given type.
-  * In fact, it could be used to generate *terms* of a given type,
-  * e.g. by passing trees representing variables for the "bounds". */
-trait GrammarDataGen extends DataGenerator { self =>
-  val grammars: GrammarsUniverse { val program: self.program.type }
-  import grammars._
-  val evaluator: DeterministicEvaluator { val program: self.program.type }
-  val grammar: ExpressionGrammar
-  import program._
-  import program.trees._
-  import program.symbols._
-  import exprOps._
-  // Assume e contains generic values with index 0.
-  // Return a series of expressions with all normalized combinations of generic values.
-  private def expandGenerics(e: Expr): Seq[Expr] = {
-    val c = new UniqueCounter[TypeParameter]
-    val withUniqueCounters: Expr = postMap {
-      case GenericValue(t, _) =>
-        Some(GenericValue(t, c.next(t)))
-      case _ => None
-    }(e)
-    val indices = c.current
-    val (tps, substInt) = (for {
-      tp <- indices.keySet.toSeq
-    } yield tp -> (for {
-      from <- 0 to indices(tp)
-      to <- 0 to from
-    } yield (from, to))).unzip
-    val combos = cartesianProduct(substInt)
-    val substitutions = combos map { subst =>
-      tps.zip(subst).map { case (tp, (from, to)) =>
-        (GenericValue(tp, from): Expr) -> (GenericValue(tp, to): Expr)
-      }.toMap
-    }
-    substitutions map (replace(_, withUniqueCounters))
-  }
-  def generate(tpe: Type): Iterator[Expr] = {
-    val enum = new MemoizedEnumerator[Label, Expr, ProductionRule[Label, Expr]](grammar.getProductions)
-    enum.iterator(Label(tpe)).flatMap(expandGenerics).takeWhile(_ => !interrupted.get)
-  }
-  def generateFor(ins: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, maxValid: Int, maxEnumerated: Int): Iterator[Seq[Expr]] = {
-    def filterCond(vs: Seq[Expr]): Boolean = satisfying match {
-      case BooleanLiteral(true) =>
-        true
-      case e =>
-        // in -> e should be enough. We shouldn't find any subexpressions of in.
-        evaluator.eval(e, (ins zip vs).toMap) match {
-          case EvaluationResults.Successful(BooleanLiteral(true)) => true
-          case _ => false
-        }
-    }
-    if (ins.isEmpty) {
-      Iterator(Seq[Expr]()).filter(filterCond)
-    } else {
-      val values = generate(tupleTypeWrap(ins.map{ _.getType }))
-      val detupled = values.map {
-        v => unwrapTuple(v, ins.size)
-      }
-      detupled.take(maxEnumerated)
-              .filter(filterCond)
-              .take(maxValid)
-              .takeWhile(_ => !interrupted.get)
-    }
-  }
-  def generateMapping(ins: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, maxValid: Int, maxEnumerated: Int) = {
-    generateFor(ins, satisfying, maxValid, maxEnumerated) map (ins zip _)
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/ModelEnumerator.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/ModelEnumerator.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cfbc50d884955c874bd29db5eb1190f132b17c8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/ModelEnumerator.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package datagen
-import evaluators._
-import solvers._
-import utils._
-trait ModelEnumerator {
-  val program: Program
-  val factory: SolverFactory { val program: ModelEnumerator.this.program.type }
-  val evaluator: DeterministicEvaluator { val program: ModelEnumerator.this.program.type }
-  import program._
-  import program.trees._
-  import program.symbols._
-  import SolverResponses._
-  def enumSimple(vs: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr): FreeableIterator[Map[ValDef, Expr]] = {
-    enumVarying0(vs, satisfying, None, -1)
-  }
-  /**
-   * Enumerate at most `nPerCaracteristic` models with the same value for
-   * `caracteristic`.
-   *
-   * Note: there is no guarantee that the models enumerated consecutively share the
-   * same `caracteristic`.
-   */
-  def enumVarying(vs: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, measure: Expr, nPerMeasure: Int = 1) = {
-    enumVarying0(vs, satisfying, Some(measure), nPerMeasure)
-  }
-  private[this] def enumVarying0(vs: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, measure: Option[Expr], nPerMeasure: Int = 1): FreeableIterator[Map[ValDef, Expr]] = {
-    val s = factory.getNewSolver
-    s.assertCnstr(satisfying)
-    val m = measure match {
-      case Some(ms) =>
-        val m = Variable(FreshIdentifier("measure"), ms.getType)
-        s.assertCnstr(Equals(m, ms))
-        m
-      case None =>
-        Variable(FreshIdentifier("noop"), BooleanType)
-    }
-    var perMeasureRem = Map[Expr, Int]().withDefaultValue(nPerMeasure)
-    new FreeableIterator[Map[ValDef, Expr]] {
-      def computeNext() = {
-        s.check(Model) match {
-          case SatWithModel(model) =>
-            val fullModel = vs.map { v =>
-              v -> model.getOrElse(v, simplestValue(v.getType))
-            }.toMap
-            // Vary the model
-            s.assertCnstr(not(andJoin(fullModel.toSeq.sortBy(_._1).map {
-              case (k, v) => equality(k.toVariable, v)
-            })))
-            measure match {
-              case Some(ms) =>
-                val mValue = evaluator.eval(ms, fullModel).result.get
-                perMeasureRem += (mValue -> (perMeasureRem(mValue) - 1))
-                if (perMeasureRem(mValue) <= 0) {
-                  s.assertCnstr(not(equality(m, mValue)))
-                }
-              case None =>
-            }
-            Some(fullModel)
-          case _ =>
-            None
-        }
-      }
-      def free() {
-        factory.reclaim(s)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def enumMinimizing(vs: Seq[ValDef], cnstr: Expr, measure: Expr) = {
-    enumOptimizing(vs, cnstr, measure, Down)
-  }
-  def enumMaximizing(vs: Seq[ValDef], cnstr: Expr, measure: Expr) = {
-    enumOptimizing(vs, cnstr, measure, Up)
-  }
-  abstract class SearchDirection
-  case object Up   extends SearchDirection
-  case object Down extends SearchDirection
-  private[this] def enumOptimizing(vs: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, measure: Expr, dir: SearchDirection): FreeableIterator[Map[ValDef, Expr]] = {
-    assert(measure.getType == IntegerType)
-    val s = factory.getNewSolver
-    s.assertCnstr(satisfying)
-    val m = Variable(FreshIdentifier("measure"), measure.getType)
-    s.assertCnstr(Equals(m, measure))
-    // Search Range
-    var ub: Option[BigInt] = None
-    var lb: Option[BigInt] = None
-    def rangeEmpty() = (lb, ub) match {
-      case (Some(l), Some(u)) => u-l <= 1
-      case _ => false
-    }
-    def getPivot(): Option[BigInt] = (lb, ub, dir) match {
-      // Bisection Method
-      case (Some(l), Some(u), _) => Some(l + (u-l)/2)
-      // No bound yet, let the solver find at least one bound
-      case (None, None, _)       => None
-      // Increase lower bound
-      case (Some(l), None, Up)   => Some(l + l.abs + 1)
-      // Decrease upper bound
-      case (None, Some(u), Down) => Some(u - u.abs - 1)
-      // This shouldn't happen
-      case _ => None
-    }
-    new FreeableIterator[Map[ValDef, Expr]] {
-      def computeNext(): Option[Map[ValDef, Expr]] = {
-        if (rangeEmpty()) {
-          None
-        } else {
-          // Assert a new pivot point
-          val thisTry = getPivot().map { t =>
-            s.push()
-            dir match {
-              case Up =>
-                s.assertCnstr(GreaterThan(m, IntegerLiteral(t)))
-              case Down =>
-                s.assertCnstr(LessThan(m, IntegerLiteral(t)))
-            }
-            t
-          }
-          s.check(Model) match {
-            case SatWithModel(model) =>
-              val fullModel = vs.map { v =>
-                v -> model.getOrElse(v, simplestValue(v.getType))
-              }.toMap
-              evaluator.eval(measure, fullModel).result match {
-                case Some(IntegerLiteral(measureVal)) =>
-                  // Positive result
-                  dir match {
-                    case Up   => lb = Some(measureVal)
-                    case Down => ub = Some(measureVal)
-                  }
-                  Some(fullModel)
-                case _ =>
-                  ctx.reporter.warning("Evaluator failed to evaluate measure!")
-                  None
-              }
-            case Unsat =>
-              // Negative result
-              thisTry match {
-                case Some(t) =>
-                  s.pop()
-                  dir match {
-                    case Up   => ub = Some(t)
-                    case Down => lb = Some(t)
-                  }
-                  computeNext()
-                case None =>
-                  None
-              }
-            case Unknown =>
-              None
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      def free() {
-        factory.reclaim(s)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-object ModelEnumerator {
-  def apply(p: Program)
-           (sf: SolverFactory { val program: p.type }, ev: DeterministicEvaluator { val program: p.type }):
-            ModelEnumerator { val program: p.type; val factory: sf.type; val evaluator: ev.type } = new {
-    val program: p.type = p
-    val factory: sf.type = sf
-    val evaluator: ev.type = ev
-  } with ModelEnumerator
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/SolverDataGen.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/SolverDataGen.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2576742684986384139a28a7b875d26e79a1d168..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/datagen/SolverDataGen.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package datagen
-import evaluators._
-import solvers._
-import utils._
-trait SolverDataGen extends DataGenerator { self =>
-  import program._
-  import program.trees._
-  import program.symbols._
-  def factory(p: Program { val trees: self.program.trees.type }): SolverFactory { val program: p.type }
-  def evaluator(p: Program { val trees: self.program.trees.type }): DeterministicEvaluator { val program: p.type }
-  def generate(tpe: Type): FreeableIterator[Expr] = {
-    generateFor(Seq(ValDef(FreshIdentifier("tmp"), tpe)),
-      BooleanLiteral(true), 20, 20).map(_.head).takeWhile(_ => !interrupted.get)
-  }
-  def generateFor(ins: Seq[ValDef], satisfying: Expr, maxValid: Int, maxEnumerated: Int): FreeableIterator[Seq[Expr]] = {
-    if (ins.isEmpty) {
-      FreeableIterator.empty
-    } else {
-      var cdToId: Map[ADTDefinition, Identifier] = Map.empty
-      var fds: Seq[FunDef] = Seq.empty
-      def sizeFor(of: Expr): Expr = bestRealType(of.getType) match {
-        case adt: ADTType =>
-          val tadt = adt.getADT
-          val root = tadt.definition.root
-          val id = cdToId.getOrElse(root, {
-            import dsl._
-            val id = FreshIdentifier("sizeOf", true)
-            val tparams = root.tparams.map(_.freshen)
-            cdToId += root -> id
-            def typed(cons: ADTConstructor) = TypedADTConstructor(cons, tparams.map(_.tp))
-            def sizeOfConstructor(cons: ADTConstructor, expr: Expr): Expr =
-              typed(cons).fields.foldLeft(IntegerLiteral(1): Expr) { (i, f) =>
-                plus(i, sizeFor(expr.getField(f.id)))
-              }
-            val x = Variable(FreshIdentifier("x", true), tadt.root.toType)
-            fds +:= new FunDef(id, tparams, Seq(x.toVal), IntegerType, root match {
-              case sort: ADTSort =>
-                val (child +: rest) = sort.constructors
-                def sizeOf(cons: ADTConstructor) = sizeOfConstructor(cons, x.asInstOf(typed(cons).toType))
-                rest.foldLeft(sizeOf(child)) { (elze, ccd) =>
-                  if_ (x.isInstOf(typed(ccd).toType)) { sizeOf(ccd) } else_ { elze }
-                }
-              case cons: ADTConstructor =>
-                sizeOfConstructor(cons, x)
-            }, Set.empty)
-            id
-          })
-          FunctionInvocation(id, adt.tps, Seq(of))
-        case tt @ TupleType(tps) =>
-          val exprs = for ((t,i) <- tps.zipWithIndex) yield {
-            sizeFor(tupleSelect(of, i+1, tps.size))
-          }
-          exprs.foldLeft(IntegerLiteral(1): Expr)(plus)
-        case _ =>
-          IntegerLiteral(1)
-      }
-      val sizeOf = sizeFor(tupleWrap(ins.map(_.toVariable)))
-      // We need to synthesize a size function for ins' types.
-      val pgm1 = program.withFunctions(fds)
-      val modelEnum = ModelEnumerator(pgm1)(factory(pgm1), evaluator(pgm1))
-      val enum = modelEnum.enumVarying(ins, satisfying, sizeOf, 5)
-      enum.take(maxValid).map(model => ins.map(model)).takeWhile(_ => !interrupted.get)
-    }
-  }
-object SolverDataGen {
-  def apply(p: InoxProgram): SolverDataGen { val program: p.type } = new SolverDataGen {
-    val program: p.type = p
-    def factory(p: InoxProgram): SolverFactory { val program: p.type } = SolverFactory.default(p)
-    def evaluator(p: InoxProgram): RecursiveEvaluator { val program: p.type } = RecursiveEvaluator.default(p)
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/AllGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/AllGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index d999404ac7fde5a7d8eab46740e4bbd1a8d538d7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/AllGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package inox.grammars
-trait AllGrammars extends ElementaryGrammars
-  with BaseGrammars
-  with ValueGrammars
-  with ConstantGrammars
-  with ClosureGrammars
-  with EqualityGrammars
-  with FunctionCallsGrammars {
-    self: GrammarsUniverse =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Aspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Aspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ef23f7b1d7d46962ff62daca8bba3c2347b3bcf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Aspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
- * An Aspect applies to a label, and attaches information to it.
- *
- * For instance, the "size" aspect provides information about the size of
- * expressions the label represents, (displayed as |5|).
- *
- * Int|5| is thus a Label "Int" with aspect "Sized(5)". The applyTo method of
- * the aspect can filter/modify/generate sub-productions:
- * If the grammar contains a Int -> Int + Int production, then
- * Int|5| will generate productions by doing: |5|.applyTo(Int + Int),
- * which itself returns:
- *   - Int|1| + Int|3|
- *   - Int|3| + Int|1|
- *   - Int|2| + Int|2|
- *
- */
-trait Aspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  trait Aspect extends Printable {
-    final type Production = ProductionRule[Label, Expr]
-    def applyTo(l: Label, ps: Seq[Production]): Seq[Production]
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/BaseGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/BaseGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 47d88d0445b27d0cd8bb347209002f233fb9e420..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/BaseGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait BaseGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import symbols._
-  /** The basic grammar for Inox expressions.
-    * Generates the most obvious expressions for a given type,
-    * without regard of context (variables in scope, current function etc.)
-    * Also does some trivial simplifications.
-    */
-  case object BaseGrammar extends SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(t: Type): Seq[Prod] = t match {
-      case BooleanType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(BooleanLiteral(false), BooleanC),
-          terminal(BooleanLiteral(true),  BooleanC),
-          nonTerminal(List(BooleanType), { case Seq(a) => not(a) }, Not),
-          nonTerminal(List(BooleanType, BooleanType), { case Seq(a, b) => and(a, b) }, And),
-          nonTerminal(List(BooleanType, BooleanType), { case Seq(a, b) => or(a, b)  }, Or ),
-          nonTerminal(List(Int32Type,   Int32Type),   { case Seq(a, b) => LessThan(a, b)   }),
-          nonTerminal(List(Int32Type,   Int32Type),   { case Seq(a, b) => LessEquals(a, b) }),
-          nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a, b) => LessThan(a, b)   }),
-          nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a, b) => LessEquals(a, b) })
-        )
-      case Int32Type =>
-        List(
-          terminal(IntLiteral(0), Zero),
-          terminal(IntLiteral(1), One ),
-          nonTerminal(List(Int32Type, Int32Type), { case Seq(a,b) => plus(a, b)  }, Plus ),
-          nonTerminal(List(Int32Type, Int32Type), { case Seq(a,b) => minus(a, b) }, Minus),
-          nonTerminal(List(Int32Type, Int32Type), { case Seq(a,b) => times(a, b) }, Times)
-        )
-      case IntegerType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(IntegerLiteral(0), Zero),
-          terminal(IntegerLiteral(1), One ),
-          nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a,b) => plus(a, b)  }, Plus ),
-          nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a,b) => minus(a, b) }, Minus),
-          nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a,b) => times(a, b) }, Times)//,
-          //nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a,b) => Modulo(a, b)   }, Mod),
-          //nonTerminal(List(IntegerType, IntegerType), { case Seq(a,b) => Division(a, b) }, Div)
-        )
-      case TupleType(stps) =>
-        List(
-          nonTerminal(stps, Tuple, Constructor(isTerminal = false))
-        )
-      case adt: ADTType =>
-        adt.getADT match {
-          case tcons: TypedADTConstructor =>
-            List(
-              nonTerminal(tcons.fields.map(_.getType), ADT(adt, _), tagOf(tcons.definition) )
-            )
-          case tsort: TypedADTSort =>
-            tsort.constructors.map { tcons =>
-              nonTerminal(tcons.fields.map(_.getType), ADT(tcons.toType, _), tagOf(tcons.definition) )
-            }
-        }
-      case st @ SetType(base) =>
-        List(
-          terminal(FiniteSet(Seq(), base), Constant),
-          nonTerminal(List(base),   { case elems     => FiniteSet(elems, base) }, Constructor(isTerminal = false)),
-          nonTerminal(List(st, st), { case Seq(a, b) => SetUnion(a, b) }),
-          nonTerminal(List(st, st), { case Seq(a, b) => SetIntersection(a, b) }),
-          nonTerminal(List(st, st), { case Seq(a, b) => SetDifference(a, b) })
-        )
-      case UnitType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(UnitLiteral(), Constant)
-        )
-      case _ =>
-        Nil
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ClosureGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ClosureGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index cbf304ab5b434009b58c0c8f28cde92229b914c4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ClosureGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait ClosureGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import symbols._
-  case object Closures extends ExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(lab: Label): Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]] = lab.getType match {
-      case FunctionType(argsTpes, ret) =>
-        val args = argsTpes.zipWithIndex.map { case (tpe, i) =>
-          ValDef(FreshIdentifier("a"+i), tpe)
-        }
-        val rlab = Label(ret).withAspect(ExtraTerminals(args.map(_.toVariable).toSet))
-        applyAspects(lab, List(
-          ProductionRule(List(rlab), { case List(body) => Lambda(args, body) }, Top, 1)
-        ))
-      case _ =>
-        Nil
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ConstantGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ConstantGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index f4b33ade7c89750fa47aec0d77cb5c7aaaabd983..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ConstantGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait ConstantGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import exprOps.collect
-  /** Generates constants found in an [[inox.ast.Expressions.Expr]].
-    * Some constants that are generated by other grammars (like 0, 1) will be excluded
-    */
-  case class Constants(e: Expr) extends SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-    private val excluded: Set[Expr] = Set(
-      IntegerLiteral(1),
-      IntegerLiteral(0),
-      IntLiteral(1),
-      IntLiteral(0),
-      BooleanLiteral(true),
-      BooleanLiteral(false)
-    )
-    def computeProductions(t: Type): Seq[Prod] = {
-      val literals = collect[Expr]{
-        case IsTyped(l:Literal[_], `t`) => Set(l)
-        case _ => Set()
-      }(e)
-      (literals -- excluded map (terminal(_, Constant))).toSeq
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ElementaryGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ElementaryGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 520d29c6e4e1e45c66b7b175c4a62a725a7a74f8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ElementaryGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait ElementaryGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program.trees._
-  import program.symbols._
-  /** Generates one production rule for each expression in a sequence that has compatible type */
-  case class OneOf(inputs: Seq[Expr]) extends SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(lab: Type): Seq[Prod] = {
-      inputs.collect {
-        case i if isSubtypeOf(i.getType, lab.getType) =>
-          terminal(i)
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  case class Union(gs: Seq[ExpressionGrammar]) extends ExpressionGrammar {
-    val subGrammars: Seq[ExpressionGrammar] = gs.flatMap {
-      case u: Union => u.subGrammars
-      case g => Seq(g)
-    }
-    def computeProductions(label: Label): Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]] =
-      subGrammars.flatMap(_.computeProductions(label))
-  }
-  /** The empty expression grammar */
-  case class Empty() extends ExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(l: Label) = Nil
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/EqualityGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/EqualityGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a7bc7297ac558d463d3192152643d94b8475ba..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/EqualityGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait EqualityGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import symbols._
-  /** A grammar of equalities
-    *
-    * @param types The set of types for which equalities will be generated
-    */
-  case class EqualityGrammar(types: Set[Type]) extends SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(t: Type): Seq[Prod] = t match {
-      case BooleanType =>
-        types.toList map { tp =>
-          nonTerminal(List(tp, tp), { case Seq(a, b) => equality(a, b) }, Equals)
-        }
-      case _ => Nil
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ExpressionGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ExpressionGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 0bc1bf8754e24ff21251876cd9f87c98d50a7094..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ExpressionGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-import scala.collection.mutable.{HashMap => MutableMap}
-/** Represents a context-free grammar of expressions */
-trait ExpressionGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  trait ExpressionGrammar {
-    private[this] val cache = new MutableMap[Label, Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]]]()
-    /** The list of production rules for this grammar for a given nonterminal.
-      *
-      * @param lab The nonterminal for which production rules will be generated
-      * @note This is the cached version of [[computeProductions]]. Clients should use this method.
-      */
-    final def getProductions(lab: Label) = {
-      cache.getOrElse(lab, {
-        val res = applyAspects(lab, computeProductions(lab))
-        cache += lab -> res
-        res
-      })
-    }
-    /** The list of production rules for this grammar for a given nonterminal.
-      *
-      * @param lab The nonterminal for which production rules will be generated
-      * @note Clients should use the cached version, [[getProductions]] instead
-      */
-    def computeProductions(lab: Label): Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]]
-    protected def applyAspects(lab: Label, ps: Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]]) = {
-      lab.aspects.foldLeft(ps) {
-        case (ps, a) => a.applyTo(lab, ps)
-      }
-    }
-    /** Returns the union of two generators. */
-    //final def ||(that: ExpressionGrammar): ExpressionGrammar = {
-    //  Union(Seq(this, that))
-    //}
-    final def printProductions(printer: String => Unit) {
-      def sorter(lp1: (Label, Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]]), lp2: (Label, Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]])): Boolean = {
-        val l1 = lp1._1
-        val l2 = lp2._1
-        val os1 = l1.aspects.collectFirst { case Sized(size) => size }
-        val os2 = l2.aspects.collectFirst { case Sized(size) => size }
-        (os1, os2) match {
-          case (Some(s1), Some(s2)) =>
-            if (s1 > s2) {
-              true
-            } else if (s1 == s2) {
-              l1.asString < l2.asString
-            } else {
-              false
-            }
-          case _ => l1.asString < l2.asString
-        }
-      }
-      for ((lab, gs) <- cache.toSeq.sortWith(sorter)) {
-        val lhs = f"${Console.BOLD}${lab.asString}%50s${Console.RESET} ::= "
-        if (gs.isEmpty) {
-          printer(s"${lhs}ε")
-        } else {
-          val rhs = for (g <- gs) yield {
-            val subs = g.subTrees.map { t =>
-              new Variable(
-                FreshIdentifier(Console.BOLD + t.asString + Console.RESET),
-                t.getType
-              )
-            }
-            g.builder(subs).asString
-          }
-          printer(lhs + rhs.mkString("\n" + " " * 55))
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/FunctionCallsGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/FunctionCallsGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c82da4bd2fae57568b5754b8b3dc2a5eab07c14b..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/FunctionCallsGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait FunctionCallsGrammars extends utils.Helpers { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import exprOps._
-  import symbols._
-  /** Generates non-recursive function calls
-    *
-    * @param currentFunction The currend function for which no calls will be generated
-    * @param types The candidate real type parameters for [[currentFunction]]
-    * @param exclude An additional set of functions for which no calls will be generated
-    */
-  case class FunctionCalls(currentFunction: FunDef, types: Seq[Type], exclude: Set[FunDef]) extends SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(t: Type): Seq[Prod] = {
-      def getCandidates(fd: FunDef): Seq[TypedFunDef] = {
-        // Prevents recursive calls
-        val cfd = currentFunction
-        val isRecursiveCall = (transitiveCallers(cfd) + cfd) contains fd
-        val isDet = true // TODO FIXME fd.body.exists(isDeterministic)
-        if (!isRecursiveCall && isDet) {
-          canBeSubtypeOf(fd.returnType, t) match {
-            case Some(tpsMap) =>
-              val free = fd.tparams.map(_.tp)
-              val tfd = fd.typed(free.map(tp => tpsMap.getOrElse(tp, tp)))
-              if (tpsMap.size < free.size) {
-                /* Some type params remain free, we want to assign them:
-                 *
-                 * List[T] => Int, for instance, will be found when
-                 * requesting Int, but we need to assign T to viable
-                 * types. For that we use list of input types as heuristic,
-                 * and look for instantiations of T such that input <?:
-                 * List[T].
-                 */
-                types.distinct.flatMap { (atpe: Type) =>
-                  var finalFree = free.toSet -- tpsMap.keySet
-                  var finalMap = tpsMap
-                  for (ptpe <- tfd.params.map(_.getType).distinct) {
-                    unify(atpe, ptpe, finalFree.toSeq) match { // FIXME!!!! this may allow weird things if lub!=ptpe
-                      case Some(ntpsMap) =>
-                        finalFree --= ntpsMap.keySet
-                        finalMap  ++= ntpsMap
-                      case _ =>
-                    }
-                  }
-                  if (finalFree.isEmpty) {
-                    List(fd.typed(free.map(tp => finalMap.getOrElse(tp, tp))))
-                  } else {
-                    Nil
-                  }
-                }
-              } else {
-                // All type parameters that used to be free are assigned
-                List(tfd)
-              }
-            case None =>
-              Nil
-          }
-        } else {
-          Nil
-        }
-      }
-      val filter = (tfd:TypedFunDef) => /* TODO: Reimplement this somehow tfd.fd.isSynthetic || tfd.fd.isInner || */ (exclude contains tfd.fd)
-      val funcs = functionsAvailable.toSeq.sortBy(_.id).flatMap(getCandidates).filterNot(filter)
-      funcs.map{ tfd =>
-        nonTerminal(tfd.params.map(_.getType), FunctionInvocation(tfd.id, tfd.tps, _))//, tagOf(tfd.fd, isSafe = false))
-      } 
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/GrammarsUniverse.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/GrammarsUniverse.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 96145201005badc44d779c5068b8522a436c57d2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/GrammarsUniverse.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait GrammarsUniverse
-  extends Tags
-     with Productions
-     with Aspects
-     with aspects.PersistentAspects
-     with aspects.AllAspects
-     with Labels
-     with ExpressionGrammars
-     with SimpleExpressionGrammars
-     with AllGrammars {
-  val program: Program
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Labels.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Labels.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 65628b63c730f2000afb08a49d8532d4ae313b90..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Labels.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait Labels { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program.{printerOpts => _, _}
-  import trees._
-  case class Label(tpe: Type, aspects: List[Aspect] = Nil) extends Typed {
-    def getType(implicit s: Symbols) = tpe
-    def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions): String = {
-      val ts = tpe.asString
-      ts + aspects.map(_.asString).mkString
-    }
-    def withAspect(a: Aspect) = Label(tpe, aspects :+ a)
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Productions.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Productions.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 00a5344f564049d3a4b1c10512fb8494a6047ef1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Productions.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-import bonsai.Generator
-/** Represents a production rule of a non-terminal symbol of an [[ExpressionGrammar]].
- *
- *  @param subTrees The nonterminals that are used in the right-hand side of this [[ProductionRule]]
- *                  (and will generate deeper syntax trees).
- *  @param builder A function that builds the syntax tree that this [[ProductionRule]] represents from nested trees.
- *  @param tag Gives information about the nature of this production rule.
- *  @tparam T The type of nonterminal symbols of the grammar
- *  @tparam R The type of syntax trees of the grammar
- */
-trait Productions { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  case class ProductionRule[T, R](override val subTrees: Seq[T], override val builder: Seq[R] => R, tag: Tag, cost: Int)
-    extends Generator[T,R](subTrees, builder)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/SimpleExpressionGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/SimpleExpressionGrammars.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 6282c52542ca3cadd9c0a941c2a6fbe54d8dc9b2..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/SimpleExpressionGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-/** An [[ExpressionGrammar]] whose productions for a given [[Label]]
-  * depend only on the underlying [[Type]] of the label
-  */
-trait SimpleExpressionGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program.trees._
-  import program.symbols
-  trait SimpleExpressionGrammar extends ExpressionGrammar {
-    type Prod = ProductionRule[Type, Expr]
-    /** Generates a [[ProductionRule]] without nonterminal symbols */
-    def terminal(builder: => Expr, tag: Tag = Top, cost: Int = 1) = {
-      ProductionRule[Type, Expr](Nil, { (subs: Seq[Expr]) => builder }, tag, cost)
-    }
-    /** Generates a [[ProductionRule]] with nonterminal symbols */
-    def nonTerminal(subs: Seq[Type], builder: (Seq[Expr] => Expr), tag: Tag = Top, cost: Int = 1) = {
-      ProductionRule[Type, Expr](subs, builder, tag, cost)
-    }
-    def filter(f: Prod => Boolean) = {
-      new SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-        def computeProductions(lab: Type) = {
-          SimpleExpressionGrammar.this.computeProductions(lab).filter(f)
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Finalize this to depend only on the type of the label
-    final def computeProductions(lab: Label): Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]] = {
-      computeProductions(lab.getType).map { p =>
-        ProductionRule(p.subTrees.map(Label(_)), p.builder, p.tag, p.cost)
-      }
-    }
-    /** Version of [[ExpressionGrammar.computeProductions]] which depends only a [[Type]] */
-    def computeProductions(tpe: Type): Seq[Prod]
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Tags.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Tags.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 919b40d58bb62d1d83dd8cec48a3f6dfb1d9aff4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/Tags.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait Tags { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees.ADTConstructor
-  import trees.FunDef
-  /** A class for tags that tag a [[ProductionRule]] with the kind of expression in generates. */
-  abstract class Tag
-  case object Top       extends Tag // Tag for the top-level of the grammar (default)
-  case object Zero      extends Tag // Tag for 0
-  case object One       extends Tag // Tag for 1
-  case object BooleanC  extends Tag // Tag for boolean constants
-  case object Constant  extends Tag // Tag for other constants
-  case object And       extends Tag // Tags for boolean operations
-  case object Or        extends Tag
-  case object Not       extends Tag
-  case object Plus      extends Tag // Tags for arithmetic operations
-  case object Minus     extends Tag
-  case object Times     extends Tag
-  case object Mod       extends Tag
-  case object Div       extends Tag
-  case object Variable  extends Tag // Tag for variables
-  case object Equals    extends Tag // Tag for equality
-  /** Constructors like Tuple, CaseClass... 
-    * 
-    * @param isTerminal If true, this constructor represents a terminal symbol
-    *                  (in practice, case class with 0 fields)
-    */
-  case class Constructor(isTerminal: Boolean) extends Tag
-  /** Tag for function calls
-    *
-    * @param isMethod Whether the function called is a method
-    * @param isSafe Whether this constructor represents a safe function call.
-    *               We need this because this call implicitly contains a variable,
-    *               so we want to allow constants in all arguments.
-    */
-  //case class FunCall(isMethod: Boolean, isSafe: Boolean) extends Tag
-  /** The set of tags that represent constants */
-  val isConst: Set[Tag] = Set(Zero, One, Constant, BooleanC, Constructor(true))
-  /** The set of tags that represent commutative operations */
-  val isCommut: Set[Tag] = Set(Plus, Times, Equals)
-  /** The set of tags which have trivial results for equal arguments */
-  val symmetricTrivial = Set(Minus, And, Or, Equals, Div, Mod)
-  /** Tags which allow constants in all their operands
-    *
-    * In reality, the current version never allows that: it is only allowed in safe function calls
-    * which by construction contain a hidden reference to a variable.
-    * TODO: Experiment with different conditions, e.g. are constants allowed in
-    * top-level/ general function calls/ constructors/...?
-    */
-  def allConstArgsAllowed(t: Tag) = t match {
-    //case FunCall(_, true) => true
-    case _ => false
-  }
-  def tagOf(cons: ADTConstructor) = Constructor(cons.fields.isEmpty)
-  //def tagOf(fd: FunDef, isSafe: Boolean) = FunCall(fd.methodOwner.isDefined, isSafe)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ValueGrammars.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ValueGrammars.scala
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index cf3f60cc8aceaf66b607308cfe4f61d3ca3fca1c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/ValueGrammars.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-trait ValueGrammars { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import symbols._
-  /** A grammar of values (ground terms) */
-  case object ValueGrammar extends SimpleExpressionGrammar {
-    def computeProductions(t: Type): Seq[Prod] = t match {
-      case BooleanType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(BooleanLiteral(true), One),
-          terminal(BooleanLiteral(false), Zero)
-        )
-      case Int32Type =>
-        List(
-          terminal(IntLiteral(0), Zero),
-          terminal(IntLiteral(1), One),
-          terminal(IntLiteral(5), Constant)
-        )
-      case IntegerType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(IntegerLiteral(0), Zero),
-          terminal(IntegerLiteral(1), One),
-          terminal(IntegerLiteral(5), Constant)
-        )
-      case CharType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(CharLiteral('a'), Constant),
-          terminal(CharLiteral('b'), Constant),
-          terminal(CharLiteral('0'), Constant)
-        )
-      case RealType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(FractionLiteral(0, 1), Zero),
-          terminal(FractionLiteral(1, 1), One),
-          terminal(FractionLiteral(-1, 2), Constant),
-          terminal(FractionLiteral(555, 42), Constant)
-        )
-      case StringType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(StringLiteral(""), Constant),
-          terminal(StringLiteral("a"), Constant),
-          terminal(StringLiteral("foo"), Constant),
-          terminal(StringLiteral("bar"), Constant)
-        )
-      case tp: TypeParameter =>
-        List(
-          terminal(GenericValue(tp, 0))
-        )
-      case TupleType(stps) =>
-        List(
-          nonTerminal(stps, Tuple, Constructor(stps.isEmpty))
-        )
-      case adt: ADTType =>
-        adt.getADT match {
-          case tcons: TypedADTConstructor =>
-            List(
-              nonTerminal(tcons.fields.map(_.getType), ADT(adt, _), tagOf(tcons.definition))
-            )
-          case tsort: TypedADTSort =>
-            tsort.constructors.map { tcons =>
-              nonTerminal(tcons.fields.map(_.getType), ADT(tcons.toType, _), tagOf(tcons.definition))
-            }
-        }
-      case st @ SetType(base) =>
-        List(
-          terminal(FiniteSet(Seq(), base), Constant),
-          nonTerminal(List(base),       { elems => FiniteSet(elems, base) }, Constructor(isTerminal = false)),
-          nonTerminal(List(base, base), { elems => FiniteSet(elems, base) }, Constructor(isTerminal = false))
-        )
-      case UnitType =>
-        List(
-          terminal(UnitLiteral(), Constant)
-        )
-      case FunctionType(from, to) =>
-        val args = from map (tp => ValDef(FreshIdentifier("x", true), tp))
-        List(
-          nonTerminal(Seq(to), { case Seq(e) => Lambda(args, e) })
-        )
-      case _ =>
-        Nil
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/AllAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/AllAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 57e7cda88599ad37cacaac25b5cf09d7c35e4948..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/AllAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package inox.grammars
-package aspects
-trait AllAspects extends SizeAspects
-  with ExtraTerminalsAspects
-  with SimilarToAspects
-  with DepthBoundAspects
-  with TypeDepthBoundAspects
-  with TaggedAspects
-  self: GrammarsUniverse =>
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/DepthBoundAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/DepthBoundAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f617782af59f8cd8a339303f0120716b6c914a9..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/DepthBoundAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-trait DepthBoundAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program.trees.PrinterOptions
-  /** Limits a grammar by depth */
-  case class DepthBound(depth: Int) extends Aspect {
-    require(depth >= 0)
-    def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions): String = s"D$depth"
-    def applyTo(l: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      if (depth == 0) Nil
-      else if (depth == 1) ps.filter(_.isTerminal)
-      else {
-        ps map { prod =>
-          prod.copy(subTrees = prod.subTrees.map(_.withAspect(DepthBound(depth - 1))))
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/ExtraTerminalsAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/ExtraTerminalsAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 2090376987a0f593e0a3258eefcf83cbdc2ee489..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/ExtraTerminalsAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-trait ExtraTerminalsAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import exprOps.formulaSize
-  import symbols._
-  /**
-   * Informs sub-productions that there are extra terminals available (used by
-   * grammars.ExtraTerminals).
-   */
-  case class ExtraTerminals(s: Set[Expr]) extends PersistentAspect {
-    def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions) = {
-      s.toList.map(_.asString(opts)).mkString("{", ",", "}")
-    }
-    override def applyTo(lab: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      super.applyTo(lab, ps) ++ {
-        s.filter(e => isSubtypeOf(e.getType, lab.getType)).map { e =>
-          ProductionRule[Label, Expr](Nil, { (es: Seq[Expr]) => e }, Top, formulaSize(e))
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/PersistentAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/PersistentAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index ff54abec841b4a995fd0e758702585456a2fba6c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/PersistentAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-trait PersistentAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  /**
-   * Persistent aspects allow label information to be propagated down:
-   * Int{e} means (Int with a terminal 'e'). And thus, the Closure grammar
-   * is able to have, as production:
-   *   Int=>Int  :=  (e: Int) => Int{e}
-   * In turn, all Int productions, e.g. Int := Int + Int, gets transformed by the
-   * aspect and generate:
-   *   Int{e}  :=  Int{e} + Int{e}
-   *
-   * This with the ExtraTerminals grammar, enables the generation of expressions
-   * like:
-   *   e + 1
-   */
-  abstract class PersistentAspect extends Aspect {
-    def applyTo(lab: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      ps.map { p =>
-        p.copy(subTrees = p.subTrees.map(lab => lab.withAspect(this)))
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/SimilarToAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/SimilarToAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 9c226caf5c886eb041d1fac0104c44de5aae7dd5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/SimilarToAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-import inox.utils.SeqUtils._
-trait SimilarToAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees.{Minus => EMinus, Plus => EPlus, Times => ETimes, _}
-  import symbols._
-  import exprOps._
-  /** Generates expressions similar to a [[Seq]] of given expressions
- *
-    * @param es The expressions for which similar ones will be generated
-    */
-  case class SimilarTo(es: Seq[Expr]) extends Aspect {
-    type Prods = Seq[ProductionRule[Label, Expr]]
-    def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions) = es.map(_.asString(opts)).mkString("~", "~", "~")
-    def term(e: Expr, tag: Tag = Top, cost: Int = 1): ProductionRule[Label, Expr] = {
-      ProductionRule(Nil, { case Seq() => e }, tag, cost)
-    }
-    /**
-     * ~f(a,b)~  ::=  f(~a~, b)
-     *                f(a, ~b~)
-     *                f(b, a)   // if non-commut
-     */
-    def applyTo(lab: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      def isCommutative(e: Expr) = e match {
-        case _: EPlus | _: ETimes => true
-        case _ => false
-      }
-      val similarProds: Prods = es.filter(e => isSubtypeOf(e.getType, lab.getType)).flatMap { e =>
-        val swaps: Prods = e match {
-          case Deconstructor(as, b) if as.nonEmpty && !isCommutative(e) =>
-            val ast = as.zipWithIndex.groupBy(_._1.getType).mapValues(_.map(_._2).toList)
-            val perms = ast.values.map { is =>
-              is.permutations.toList.filter(p => p != is).map(ps => (is zip ps).toMap)
-            }.filter(_.nonEmpty).toList
-            //println("Perms:")
-            //for (ps <- perms) {
-            //  println(" - "+ps.mkString(", "))
-            //}
-            for (ps <- cartesianProduct(perms)) yield {
-              val perm = ps.foldLeft(Map[Int, Int]())( _ ++ _ )
-              //println("Trying permutation "+perm+": "+
-              //    b(as.indices.map { i =>
-              //      as(perm.getOrElse(i, i))
-              //    }))
-              term(b(as.indices.map { i => as(perm.getOrElse(i, i)) }))
-            }
-          case _ =>
-            Nil
-        }
-        val subs: Prods = e match {
-          case Operator(as, b) if as.nonEmpty =>
-            for ((a, i) <- as.zipWithIndex) yield {
-              ProductionRule[Label, Expr](
-                List(Label(a.getType).withAspect(SimilarTo(Seq(a)))),
-                { case Seq(e) =>
-                  b(as.updated(i, e))
-                },
-                Top,
-                1
-              )
-            }
-          case _ =>
-            Nil
-        }
-        val typeVariations: Prods = e match {
-          case IntegerLiteral(v) =>
-            List(
-              term(IntegerLiteral(v + 1)),
-              term(IntegerLiteral(v - 1))
-            )
-          case IntLiteral(v) =>
-            List(
-              term(IntLiteral(v + 1)),
-              term(IntLiteral(v - 1))
-            )
-          case BooleanLiteral(v) =>
-            List(
-              term(BooleanLiteral(!v))
-            )
-          case IsTyped(e, IntegerType) =>
-            List(
-              term(EPlus(e, IntegerLiteral(1))),
-              term(EMinus(e, IntegerLiteral(1)))
-            )
-          case IsTyped(e, Int32Type) =>
-            List(
-              term(EPlus(e, IntLiteral(1))),
-              term(EMinus(e, IntLiteral(1)))
-            )
-          case IsTyped(e, BooleanType) =>
-            List(
-              term(not(e))
-            )
-          case _ =>
-            Nil
-        }
-        val ccVariations: Prods = e match {
-          case ADT(adt, args) =>
-            val resType = adt.getADT.toConstructor
-            val neighbors = resType.root match {
-              case tsort: TypedADTSort =>
-                tsort.constructors diff Seq(resType)
-              case tcons: TypedADTConstructor =>
-                Nil
-            }
-            for (scct <- neighbors if scct.fieldsTypes == resType.fieldsTypes) yield {
-              term(ADT(scct.toType, args))
-            }
-          case _ =>
-            Nil
-        }
-        swaps ++ subs ++ typeVariations ++ ccVariations
-      }
-      ps ++ similarProds
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/SizeAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/SizeAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 911b79798739d6a5faa06883a72eb2d6bc0b84f3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/SizeAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-import inox.utils.SeqUtils._
- * Attach sizes to labels and transmit them down accordingly
- */
-trait SizeAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program.trees.PrinterOptions
-  case class Sized(size: Int) extends Aspect {
-    def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions) = "|"+size+"|"
-    def applyTo(lab: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      val optimizeCommut = true
-      ps.flatMap { p =>
-        if (size <= 0) {
-          Nil
-        } else if (p.arity == 0) {
-          if (size == p.cost) {
-            List(p)
-          } else {
-            Nil
-          }
-        } else {
-          val sizes = if(optimizeCommut && isCommut(p.tag) && p.subTrees.toSet.size == 1) {
-            sumToOrdered(size - p.cost, p.arity)
-          } else {
-            sumTo(size - p.cost, p.arity)
-          }
-          for (ss <- sizes) yield {
-            val newSubTrees = (p.subTrees zip ss).map {
-              case (lab, s) => lab.withAspect(Sized(s))
-            }
-            ProductionRule(newSubTrees, p.builder, p.tag, p.cost)
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/TaggedAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/TaggedAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 34126a2c5555a03af7fc5b6a61d3f626294febbf..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/TaggedAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2015 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-trait TaggedAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program.trees.PrinterOptions
-  case class Tagged(tag: Tag, pos: Int, isConst: Option[Boolean]) extends Aspect {
-    private val cString = isConst match {
-      case Some(true) => "↓"
-      case Some(false) => "↑"
-      case None => "â—‹"
-    }
-    /** [[isConst]] is printed as follows: ↓ for constants only, ↑ for nonconstants only,
-      * â—‹ for anything allowed.
-      */
-    def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions): String = s"#$tag$cString@$pos"
-    def applyTo(lab: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      // Tags to avoid depending on parent aspect
-      val excludedTags: Set[Tag] = (tag, pos) match {
-        case (Top,   _)             => Set()
-        case (And,   0)             => Set(And, BooleanC)
-        case (And,   1)             => Set(BooleanC)
-        case (Or,    0)             => Set(Or, BooleanC)
-        case (Or,    1)             => Set(BooleanC)
-        case (Plus,  0)             => Set(Plus, Zero, One)
-        case (Plus,  1)             => Set(Zero)
-        case (Minus, 1)             => Set(Zero)
-        case (Not,   _)             => Set(Not, BooleanC)
-        case (Times, 0)             => Set(Times, Zero, One)
-        case (Times, 1)             => Set(Zero, One)
-        case (Equals,_)             => Set(Not, BooleanC)
-        case (Div | Mod, 0 | 1)     => Set(Zero, One)
-        //case (FunCall(true, _), 0)  => Set(Constructor(true)) // Don't allow Nil().size etc.
-        case _                      => Set()
-      }
-      def powerSet[A](t: Set[A]): Set[Set[A]] = {
-        @scala.annotation.tailrec
-        def pwr(t: Set[A], ps: Set[Set[A]]): Set[Set[A]] =
-          if (t.isEmpty) ps
-          else pwr(t.tail, ps ++ (ps map (_ + t.head)))
-        pwr(t, Set(Set.empty[A]))
-      }
-      ps.flatMap { p =>
-        val tagsValid = !(excludedTags contains p.tag)
-        // If const-ness is explicit, make sure the production has similar const-ness
-        val constValid = isConst match {
-          case Some(b) => TaggedAspects.this.isConst(p.tag) == b
-          case None    => true
-        }
-        if (constValid && tagsValid) {
-          val subAspects = if (p.isTerminal || allConstArgsAllowed(p.tag)) {
-            Seq(p.subTrees.indices.map { i =>
-              Tagged(p.tag, i, None)
-            })
-          } else {
-            // All positions are either forced to be const or forced to be
-            // non-const. We don't want all consts though.
-            val indices = p.subTrees.indices.toSet
-            (powerSet(indices) - indices) map { isConst =>
-              p.subTrees.indices.map { i =>
-                Tagged(p.tag, i, Some(isConst(i)))
-              }
-            }
-          }
-          for (as <- subAspects) yield {
-            val newSubTrees = (p.subTrees zip as).map { case (lab, a) =>
-              lab.withAspect(a)
-            }
-            ProductionRule(newSubTrees, p.builder, p.tag, p.cost)
-          }
-        } else {
-          Nil
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/TypeDepthBoundAspects.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/TypeDepthBoundAspects.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index c1fc410a4c2efd8a64e4a702e55dd33787d47e80..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/aspects/TypeDepthBoundAspects.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package aspects
-trait TypeDepthBoundAspects { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import symbols.typeOps.depth
-  case class TypeDepthBound(bound: Int) extends PersistentAspect {
-    override def asString(implicit opts: PrinterOptions): String = "" // This is just debug pollution to print
-    override def applyTo(lab: Label, ps: Seq[Production]) = {
-      if (depth(lab.getType) > bound) Nil
-      else super.applyTo(lab, ps)
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/utils/Helpers.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/utils/Helpers.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 08e91da1a71434423bfc1fe53c3d9529b79e2ec7..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/grammars/utils/Helpers.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package grammars
-package utils
-trait Helpers { self: GrammarsUniverse =>
-  import program._
-  import trees.{ Minus => EMinus, Plus => EPlus, Variable => EVariable, _ }
-  import exprOps._
-  import symbols._
-  /**
-   * Filter functions potentially returning target type
-   *
-   * If the function takes type parameters, it will try to find an assignment
-   * such that the function returns the target type.
-   *
-   * The return is thus a set of typed functions.
-   */
-  def functionsReturning(fds: Set[FunDef], tpe: Type): Set[TypedFunDef] = {
-    fds.flatMap { fd =>
-      canBeSubtypeOf(fd.returnType, tpe) match {
-        case Some(tpsMap) =>
-          Some(fd.typed(fd.typeArgs.map(tp => tpsMap.getOrElse(tp, tp))))
-        case None =>
-          None
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /** Given an initial set of function calls provided by a list of [[Terminating]],
-    * returns function calls that will hopefully be safe to call recursively from within this initial function calls.
-    *
-    * For each returned call, one argument is substituted by a "smaller" one, while the rest are left as holes.
-    *
-    * @param prog The current program
-    * @param ws Helper predicates that contain [[Terminating]]s with the initial calls
-    * @param pc The path condition
-    * @param tpe The expected type for the returned function calls. If absent, all types are permitted.
-    * @return A list of pairs (safe function call, holes),
-    *         where holes stand for the rest of the arguments of the function.
-    */
-  def terminatingCalls(prog: Program, wss: Seq[FunctionInvocation], pc: Path, tpe: Option[Type], introduceHoles: Boolean): List[(FunctionInvocation, Option[Set[Identifier]])] = {
-    def subExprsOf(expr: Expr, v: EVariable): Option[(EVariable, Expr)] = expr match {
-      case ADTSelector(r, _) => subExprsOf(r, v)
-      case (r: EVariable) if leastUpperBound(r.getType, v.getType).isDefined => Some(r -> v)
-      case _ => None
-    }
-    val z   = IntegerLiteral(0)
-    val one = IntegerLiteral(1)
-    val knownSmallers = (pc.bindings.flatMap {
-      // @nv: used to check both Equals(id, selector) and Equals(selector, id)
-      case (id, s @ ADTSelector(r, _)) => subExprsOf(s, id.toVariable)
-      case _ => None
-    } ++ pc.conditions.flatMap {
-      case GreaterThan(v: EVariable, `z`) =>
-        Some(v -> EMinus(v, one))
-      case LessThan(`z`, v: EVariable) =>
-        Some(v -> EMinus(v, one))
-      case LessThan(v: EVariable, `z`) =>
-        Some(v -> EPlus(v, one))
-      case GreaterThan(`z`, v: EVariable) =>
-        Some(v -> EPlus(v, one))
-      case _ => None
-    }).groupBy(_._1).mapValues(v => v.map(_._2))
-    def argsSmaller(e: Expr, tpe: Type): Seq[Expr] = e match {
-      case ADT(adt, args) =>
-        (adt.getADT.toConstructor.fields.map(_.getType) zip args).collect {
-          case (t, e) if isSubtypeOf(t, tpe) =>
-            List(e) ++ argsSmaller(e, tpe) 
-        }.flatten
-      case v: EVariable =>
-        knownSmallers.getOrElse(v, Seq())
-      case _ => Nil
-    }
-    val res = wss.flatMap {
-      case FunctionInvocation(fid, tps, args) =>
-        val resFun = getFunction(fid)
-        if (tpe forall (isSubtypeOf(resFun.returnType, _))) Nil else {
-          val ids = resFun.params.map(vd => EVariable(FreshIdentifier("<hole>", true), vd.getType)).toList
-          for (((a, i), tpe) <- args.zipWithIndex zip resFun.params.map(_.getType);
-                smaller <- argsSmaller(a, tpe)) yield {
-            val newArgs = (if (introduceHoles) ids else args).updated(i, smaller)
-            val newFd = FunctionInvocation(fid, tps, newArgs)
-            val freeIds = if(introduceHoles) Some((ids.toSet - ids(i)).map(_.id)) else None
-            (newFd, freeIds)
-          }
-        }
-    }
-    res.toList
-  }
-  /**
-   * All functions we call use in synthesis, which includes:
-   *  - all functions in main units
-   *  - all functions imported, or methods of classes imported
-   */
-  def functionsAvailable: Set[FunDef] = program.symbols.functions.values.toSet
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/EnumerationSolver.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/EnumerationSolver.scala
deleted file mode 100644
index 51a7b7db089db80e5bd4c401dd3f73769b1dba99..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/EnumerationSolver.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright 2009-2016 EPFL, Lausanne */
-package inox
-package solvers
-import evaluators._
-import SolverResponses._
-import grammars.GrammarsUniverse
-import utils._
-import datagen._
-trait EnumerationSolver extends Solver { self =>
-  val grammars: GrammarsUniverse { val program: self.program.type }
-  val evaluator: DeterministicEvaluator { val program: self.program.type }
-  import program._
-  import trees._
-  import symbols._
-  import exprOps._
-  def name = "Enum"
-  val maxTried = 10000
-  var datagen: Option[DataGenerator { val program: self.program.type }] = None
-  private var interrupted = false
-  val freeVars    = new IncrementalSet[ValDef]()
-  val constraints = new IncrementalSeq[Expr]()
-  def assertCnstr(expression: Expr): Unit = {
-    constraints += expression
-    freeVars ++= variablesOf(expression).map(_.toVal)
-  }
-  def push() = {
-    freeVars.push()
-    constraints.push()
-  }
-  def pop() = {
-    freeVars.pop()
-    constraints.pop()
-  }
-  def reset() = {
-    freeVars.clear()
-    constraints.clear()
-    interrupted = false
-    datagen     = None
-  }
-  def check(config: CheckConfiguration): config.Response[Model, Assumptions] = config.cast {
-    val res: SolverResponse[Model, Assumptions] = try {
-      datagen = Some(new GrammarDataGen {
-        val grammars: self.grammars.type = self.grammars
-        val evaluator: DeterministicEvaluator { val program: self.program.type } = self.evaluator
-        val grammar: grammars.ExpressionGrammar = grammars.ValueGrammar
-        val program: self.program.type = self.program
-      })
-      if (interrupted) {
-        Unknown
-      } else {
-        val allFreeVars = freeVars.toSeq.sortBy(_.id.name)
-        val allConstraints = constraints.toSeq
-        val it: Iterator[Seq[Expr]] = datagen.get.generateFor(allFreeVars, andJoin(allConstraints), 1, maxTried)
-        if (it.hasNext) {
-          if (config.withModel) {
-            val varModels = it.next
-            SatWithModel(allFreeVars.zip(varModels).toMap)
-          } else {
-            Sat
-          }
-        } else {
-          val cardinalities = allFreeVars.map(vd => typeCardinality(vd.tpe))
-          if (cardinalities.forall(_.isDefined) && cardinalities.flatten.product < maxTried) {
-            Unsat
-          } else {
-            Unknown
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    } catch {
-      case e: Throwable =>
-        Unknown
-    }
-    datagen = None
-    res
-  }
-  def checkAssumptions(config: Configuration)(assumptions: Set[Expr]): config.Response[Model, Assumptions] = {
-    push()
-    for (c <- assumptions) assertCnstr(c)
-    val res: config.Response[Model, Assumptions] = config.cast {
-      (check(Model min config) : SolverResponse[Model, Assumptions]) match {
-        case Unsat if config.withUnsatAssumptions => UnsatWithAssumptions(Set.empty)
-        case c => c
-      }
-    }
-    pop()
-    res
-  }
-  def free() = {
-    constraints.clear()
-  }
-  def interrupt(): Unit = {
-    interrupted = true
-    datagen.foreach(_.interrupt())
-  }
-  def recoverInterrupt(): Unit = {
-    interrupted = false
-    datagen.foreach(_.recoverInterrupt())
-  }
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/SolverFactory.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/SolverFactory.scala
index afbd829eb4f4f12d10054214acb908f591ebedf6..34b253974671af029e6a4d9f35fc9de0c8ac2419 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/SolverFactory.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/SolverFactory.scala
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
 package inox
 package solvers
-import inox.grammars.GrammarsUniverse
 trait SolverFactory {
   val program: Program
@@ -64,13 +62,13 @@ object SolverFactory {
   import evaluators._
   import combinators._
+  import unrolling._
   val solverNames = Map(
     "nativez3" -> "Native Z3 with z3-templates for unrolling",
     "unrollz3" -> "Native Z3 with inox-templates for unrolling",
     "smt-cvc4" -> "CVC4 through SMT-LIB",
     "smt-z3"   -> "Z3 through SMT-LIB",
-    "enum"     -> "Enumeration-based counter-example finder",
     "princess" -> "Princess with inox unrolling"
@@ -78,9 +76,12 @@ object SolverFactory {
                  (p: Program, opts: Options)
                  (ev: DeterministicEvaluator with SolvingEvaluator { val program: p.type },
                   enc: ast.ProgramTransformer {
-                     val sourceProgram: p.type
-                     val targetProgram: Program { val trees: inox.trees.type }
-                  }): SolverFactory { val program: p.type; type S <: TimeoutSolver { val program: p.type } } = {
+                    val sourceProgram: p.type
+                    val targetProgram: Program { val trees: inox.trees.type }
+                  }): SolverFactory {
+                    val program: p.type
+                    type S <: TimeoutSolver { val program: p.type }
+                  } = {
     name match {
       case "nativez3" => create(p)(name, () => new {
         val program: p.type = p
@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ object SolverFactory {
         val program: p.type = p
         val options = opts
         val encoder = enc
-      } with unrolling.UnrollingSolver with theories.Z3Theories with TimeoutSolver with tip.TipDebugger {
+      } with UnrollingSolver with theories.Z3Theories with TimeoutSolver with tip.TipDebugger {
         val evaluator = ev
         lazy val modelEvaluator = RecursiveEvaluator(targetProgram, options + optIgnoreContracts(true))
@@ -108,7 +109,7 @@ object SolverFactory {
         val program: p.type = p
         val options = opts
         val encoder = enc
-      } with unrolling.UnrollingSolver with theories.CVC4Theories with TimeoutSolver with tip.TipDebugger {
+      } with UnrollingSolver with theories.CVC4Theories with TimeoutSolver with tip.TipDebugger {
         val evaluator = ev
         lazy val modelEvaluator = RecursiveEvaluator(targetProgram, options + optIgnoreContracts(true))
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ object SolverFactory {
         val program: p.type = p
         val options = opts
         val encoder = enc
-      } with unrolling.UnrollingSolver with theories.Z3Theories with TimeoutSolver with tip.TipDebugger {
+      } with UnrollingSolver with theories.Z3Theories with TimeoutSolver with tip.TipDebugger {
         val evaluator = ev
         lazy val modelEvaluator = RecursiveEvaluator(targetProgram, options + optIgnoreContracts(true))
@@ -142,16 +143,6 @@ object SolverFactory {
         val evaluator = ev
-      case "enum" => create(p)(name, () => new {
-        val program: p.type = p
-        val options = opts
-      } with EnumerationSolver with TimeoutSolver {
-        val evaluator = ev
-        val grammars: GrammarsUniverse {val program: p.type} = new GrammarsUniverse {
-          val program: p.type = p
-        }
-      })
       case _ => throw FatalError("Unknown solver: " + name)
diff --git a/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/combinators/TimeoutSolver.scala b/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/combinators/TimeoutSolver.scala
index e9b03ebc46ad3af55090d0d5d19f9201333dddbd..39ac8f13348425b658ae4c4eaea964eef90ce0cb 100644
--- a/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/combinators/TimeoutSolver.scala
+++ b/src/main/scala/inox/solvers/combinators/TimeoutSolver.scala
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ trait TimeoutSolver extends Solver {
-  abstract override def check(config: CheckConfiguration) = {
+  abstract override def check(config: CheckConfiguration): config.Response[Model, Assumptions] = {
     optTimeout match {
       case Some(to) =>
         ti.interruptAfter(to) {
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ trait TimeoutSolver extends Solver {
   abstract override def checkAssumptions(config: Configuration)
-                                        (assumptions: Set[Expr]) = {
+                                        (assumptions: Set[Expr]): config.Response[Model, Assumptions] = {
     optTimeout match {
       case Some(to) =>
         ti.interruptAfter(to) {