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Ordinals and (Half of) Transfinite Recursion

Sankalp Gambhir requested to merge github/fork/sankalpgambhir/transfinite-rec into main

Adding more set theory stuff. Developing ordinals and hoping to have transfinite recursion soon!

Dedicated to the two great banes of my existence:

val firstInPairReduction = Lemma(
    () |- (firstInPair(pair(x, y)) === x)
val secondInPairReduction = Lemma(
    () |- (secondInPair(pair(x, y)) === y)

I hate ordered pairs

Other technical changes:

  • subproof now checks the provided statement for correctness and introduces a Restate step if necessary to present itself correctly.
  • introduced a lastStep helper, which can be used to refer to the, guess what, last step. Intended use case is when steps are named just because the step following them is a two-premise tactic. This is a fairly common pattern. Example:
val prem = have( A |- B ) by Magic // generic step to be used multiple times or mark a point in the proof
// ... things happen
val step2 = thenHave( B |- D ) by Magic // minor step that only has to be used once
have( A |- C ) by Cut(prem, step2)

// the above changes to 
val prem = have( A |- B ) by Magic // generic step to be used multiple times or mark a point in the proof 
// ... things happen
thenHave( B |- D ) by Magic // minor step that only has to be used once
have( A |- C ) by Cut(prem, lastStep)
  • added some OL kernel helpers. Two of these are required to fix alpha equivalence in Cut parameter inference, the rest have been added for completeness.
    • +<? add a formula to the left of a sequent if an OL equivalent does not exist
    • +>? add a formula to the right of a sequent if an OL equivalent does not exist
    • ++<? add the LHS of a sequent to an existing sequent, dropping formulas for which OL equivalents exist
    • ++>? add the RHS of a sequent to an existing sequent, dropping formulas for which OL equivalents exist
    • ++? add the LHS and RHS of a sequent to an existing sequent, dropping formulas for which OL equivalents exist
  • Fixed param inference in Cut to allow alpha-eq formulas; and more generally, now, OL eq.

Merge request reports
