diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/TopKPlusRandom.py b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/TopKPlusRandom.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..1a31e433318b6c813dea2b25f30cdadbfd465840
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/TopKPlusRandom.py
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from decentralizepy.sharing.PartialModel import PartialModel
+class TopKPlusRandom(PartialModel):
+    """
+    This class implements partial model sharing with some random additions.
+    """
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        rank,
+        machine_id,
+        communication,
+        mapping,
+        graph,
+        model,
+        dataset,
+        log_dir,
+        alpha=1.0,
+        dict_ordered=True,
+        save_shared=False,
+        metadata_cap=1.0,
+    ):
+        """
+        Constructor
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        rank : int
+            Local rank
+        machine_id : int
+            Global machine id
+        communication : decentralizepy.communication.Communication
+            Communication module used to send and receive messages
+        mapping : decentralizepy.mappings.Mapping
+            Mapping (rank, machine_id) -> uid
+        graph : decentralizepy.graphs.Graph
+            Graph reprensenting neighbors
+        model : decentralizepy.models.Model
+            Model to train
+        dataset : decentralizepy.datasets.Dataset
+            Dataset for sharing data. Not implemented yet! TODO
+        log_dir : str
+            Location to write shared_params (only writing for 2 procs per machine)
+        alpha : float
+            Percentage of model to share
+        dict_ordered : bool
+            Specifies if the python dict maintains the order of insertion
+        save_shared : bool
+            Specifies if the indices of shared parameters should be logged
+        metadata_cap : float
+            Share full model when self.alpha > metadata_cap
+        """
+        super().__init__(
+            rank,
+            machine_id,
+            communication,
+            mapping,
+            graph,
+            model,
+            dataset,
+            log_dir,
+            alpha,
+            dict_ordered,
+            save_shared,
+            metadata_cap,
+        )
+    def extract_top_gradients(self):
+        """
+        Extract the indices and values of the topK gradients and put some extra random.
+        The gradients must have been accumulated.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        tuple
+            (a,b). a: The magnitudes of the topK gradients, b: Their indices.
+        """
+        logging.info("Summing up gradients")
+        assert len(self.model.accumulated_gradients) > 0
+        gradient_sum = self.model.accumulated_gradients[0]
+        for i in range(1, len(self.model.accumulated_gradients)):
+            for key in self.model.accumulated_gradients[i]:
+                gradient_sum[key] += self.model.accumulated_gradients[i][key]
+        logging.info("Returning topk gradients")
+        tensors_to_cat = [v.data.flatten() for _, v in gradient_sum.items()]
+        G = torch.abs(torch.cat(tensors_to_cat, dim=0))
+        std, mean = torch.std_mean(G, unbiased=False)
+        self.std = std.item()
+        self.mean = mean.item()
+        elements_to_pick = round(self.alpha / 2.0 * G.shape[0])
+        G_topK = torch.topk(G, min(G.shape[0], elements_to_pick), dim=0, sorted=False)
+        more_indices = np.arange(G.shape[0], dtype=int)
+        np.delete(more_indices, G_topK[1].numpy())
+        more_indices = np.random.choice(
+            more_indices, min(more_indices.shape[0], elements_to_pick)
+        )
+        G_topK0 = torch.cat([G_topK[0], G[more_indices]], dim=0)
+        G_topK1 = torch.cat([G_topK[1], torch.tensor(more_indices)], dim=0)
+        return G_topK0, G_topK1