diff --git a/eval/plot.py b/eval/plot.py
index 6056f6060d5950db7e8d565b018c2ab28aa3f0aa..62ac2302ff53dd2f2f7093e3fdc5e22fc9ec2cab 100644
--- a/eval/plot.py
+++ b/eval/plot.py
@@ -76,8 +76,7 @@ def plot_results(path, centralized, data_machine="machine0", data_node=0):
         main_data = [main_data]
         # Plot Training loss
-        means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats(
-            [x["train_loss"] for x in results])
+        means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["train_loss"] for x in results])
         plot(means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Training Loss", folder, "upper right")
         df = pd.DataFrame(
@@ -94,11 +93,9 @@ def plot_results(path, centralized, data_machine="machine0", data_node=0):
         # Plot Testing loss
         if centralized:
-            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats(
-                [x["test_loss"] for x in main_data])
+            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["test_loss"] for x in main_data])
-            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats(
-                [x["test_loss"] for x in results])
+            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["test_loss"] for x in results])
         plot(means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Testing Loss", folder, "upper right")
         df = pd.DataFrame(
@@ -115,11 +112,9 @@ def plot_results(path, centralized, data_machine="machine0", data_node=0):
         # Plot Testing Accuracy
         if centralized:
-            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats(
-                [x["test_acc"] for x in main_data])
+            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["test_acc"] for x in main_data])
-            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats(
-                [x["test_acc"] for x in results])
+            means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["test_acc"] for x in results])
         plot(means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Testing Accuracy", folder, "lower right")
         df = pd.DataFrame(
@@ -133,23 +128,7 @@ def plot_results(path, centralized, data_machine="machine0", data_node=0):
             os.path.join(path, "test_acc_" + folder + ".csv"), index_label="rounds"
-        plt.figure(6)
-        means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["grad_std"] for x in results])
-        plot(
-            means,
-            stdevs,
-            mins,
-            maxs,
-            "Gradient Variation over Nodes",
-            folder,
-            "upper right",
-        )
-        # Plot Testing loss
-        plt.figure(7)
-        means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["grad_mean"] for x in results])
-        plot(
-            means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Gradient Magnitude Mean", folder, "upper right"
-        )
         # Collect total_bytes shared
         bytes_list = []
         for x in results:
@@ -185,10 +164,6 @@ def plot_results(path, centralized, data_machine="machine0", data_node=0):
     plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "test_loss.png"), dpi=300)
     plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "test_acc.png"), dpi=300)
-    plt.figure(6)
-    plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "grad_std.png"), dpi=300)
-    plt.figure(7)
-    plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "grad_mean.png"), dpi=300)
     # Plot total_bytes
     plt.title("Data Shared")
diff --git a/eval/testing.py b/eval/testing.py
index 9d67b28da6626887591f6b70dd41e700b7eeb744..556d1796580e268b29691fdef81b33017473d2be 100644
--- a/eval/testing.py
+++ b/eval/testing.py
@@ -65,7 +65,33 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-            args.centralized_train_eval,
-            args.centralized_test_eval,
+    processes = []
+    for r in range(procs_per_machine):
+        processes.append(
+            mp.Process(
+                target=DPSGDNode,
+                args=[
+                    r,
+                    m_id,
+                    l,
+                    g,
+                    my_config,
+                    args.iterations,
+                    args.log_dir,
+                    args.weights_store_dir,
+                    log_level[args.log_level],
+                    args.test_after,
+                    args.train_evaluate_after,
+                    args.reset_optimizer,
+                ],
+            )
+        )
+    for p in processes:
+        p.start()
+    for p in processes:
+        p.join()
diff --git a/eval/testingFederated.py b/eval/testingFederated.py
index c1b0c4dd20142a2d768275ff07c16f229e11331f..e0666d791cff5fd778b8ffe4d499ed344ed1e5a5 100644
--- a/eval/testingFederated.py
+++ b/eval/testingFederated.py
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ from torch import multiprocessing as mp
 from decentralizepy import utils
 from decentralizepy.graphs.Graph import Graph
 from decentralizepy.mappings.Linear import Linear
-from decentralizepy.node.FederatedParameterServer import FederatedParameterServer
 from decentralizepy.node.DPSGDNodeFederated import DPSGDNodeFederated
+from decentralizepy.node.FederatedParameterServer import FederatedParameterServer
 def read_ini(file_path):
diff --git a/eval/testingPeerSampler.py b/eval/testingPeerSampler.py
index d8fb3cfb7a1b2f7a33f58e322a2f163cdf5c3bfe..1e0b39a838254bd078f0ae709f68b967f97d3caa 100644
--- a/eval/testingPeerSampler.py
+++ b/eval/testingPeerSampler.py
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ from decentralizepy import utils
 from decentralizepy.graphs.Graph import Graph
 from decentralizepy.mappings.Linear import Linear
 from decentralizepy.node.DPSGDWithPeerSampler import DPSGDWithPeerSampler
-from decentralizepy.node.PeerSamplerDynamic import PeerSamplerDynamic
 from decentralizepy.node.PeerSampler import PeerSampler
+# from decentralizepy.node.PeerSamplerDynamic import PeerSamplerDynamic
 def read_ini(file_path):
@@ -91,8 +91,6 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
-                    args.centralized_train_eval,
-                    args.centralized_test_eval,
diff --git a/logs/config_celeba_sharing.ini b/logs/config_celeba_sharing.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index c5302ae575b7f96a604d1e04b8e78854718795dd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/logs/config_celeba_sharing.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-dataset_package = decentralizepy.datasets.Celeba
-dataset_class = Celeba
-model_class = CNN
-images_dir = /mnt/nfs/shared/leaf/data/celeba/data/raw/img_align_celeba
-train_dir = /mnt/nfs/shared/leaf/data/celeba/per_user_data/train
-test_dir = /mnt/nfs/shared/leaf/data/celeba/data/test
-; python list of fractions below
-sizes = 
-optimizer_package = torch.optim
-optimizer_class = SGD
-lr = 0.001
-training_package = decentralizepy.training.Training
-training_class = Training
-rounds = 4
-full_epochs = False
-batch_size = 16
-shuffle = True
-loss_package = torch.nn
-loss_class = CrossEntropyLoss
-comm_package = decentralizepy.communication.TCP
-comm_class = TCP
-addresses_filepath = /mnt/nfs/kirsten/Gitlab/tutorial/ip.json
-sharing_package = decentralizepy.sharing.Sharing
-sharing_class = Sharing
-;sharing_package = decentralizepy.sharing.PartialModel
-;sharing_class = PartialModel
-;alpha = 0.1
-;accumulation = True
-;accumulate_averaging_changes = True
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNode.py b/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNode.py
index 0c8f0434d74249ff704d833a869907263b4c2c09..3951ad297f99137c19435386ecba05c7d8db5730 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNode.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNode.py
@@ -9,12 +9,9 @@ import torch
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 from decentralizepy import utils
-from decentralizepy.communication.TCP import TCP
 from decentralizepy.graphs.Graph import Graph
-from decentralizepy.graphs.Star import Star
 from decentralizepy.mappings.Mapping import Mapping
 from decentralizepy.node.Node import Node
-from decentralizepy.train_test_evaluation import TrainTestHelper
 class DPSGDNode(Node):
@@ -70,42 +67,18 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
         rounds_to_train_evaluate = self.train_evaluate_after
         global_epoch = 1
         change = 1
-        if self.uid == 0:
-            dataset = self.dataset
-            if self.centralized_train_eval:
-                dataset_params_copy = self.dataset_params.copy()
-                if "sizes" in dataset_params_copy:
-                    del dataset_params_copy["sizes"]
-                self.whole_dataset = self.dataset_class(
-                    self.rank,
-                    self.machine_id,
-                    self.mapping,
-                    sizes=[1.0],
-                    **dataset_params_copy
-                )
-                dataset = self.whole_dataset
-            if self.centralized_test_eval:
-                tthelper = TrainTestHelper(
-                    dataset,  # self.whole_dataset,
-                    # self.model_test, # todo: this only works if eval_train is set to false
-                    self.model,
-                    self.loss,
-                    self.weights_store_dir,
-                    self.mapping.get_n_procs(),
-                    self.trainer,
-                    self.testing_comm,
-                    self.star,
-                    self.threads_per_proc,
-                    eval_train=self.centralized_train_eval,
-                )
         for iteration in range(self.iterations):
             logging.info("Starting training iteration: %d", iteration)
+            rounds_to_train_evaluate -= 1
+            rounds_to_test -= 1
             self.iteration = iteration
             new_neighbors = self.get_neighbors()
+            # The following code does not work because TCP sockets are supposed to be long lived.
             # for neighbor in self.my_neighbors:
             #     if neighbor not in new_neighbors:
             #         logging.info("Removing neighbor {}".format(neighbor))
@@ -163,8 +136,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
                     "total_bytes": {},
                     "total_meta": {},
                     "total_data_per_n": {},
-                    "grad_mean": {},
-                    "grad_std": {},
             results_dict["total_bytes"][iteration + 1] = self.communication.total_bytes
@@ -177,14 +148,8 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
                     iteration + 1
                 ] = self.communication.total_data
-            if hasattr(self.sharing, "mean"):
-                results_dict["grad_mean"][iteration + 1] = self.sharing.mean
-            if hasattr(self.sharing, "std"):
-                results_dict["grad_std"][iteration + 1] = self.sharing.std
-            rounds_to_train_evaluate -= 1
-            if rounds_to_train_evaluate == 0 and not self.centralized_train_eval:
+            if rounds_to_train_evaluate == 0:
                 logging.info("Evaluating on train set.")
                 rounds_to_train_evaluate = self.train_evaluate_after * change
                 loss_after_sharing = self.trainer.eval_loss(self.dataset)
@@ -197,26 +162,12 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
                     os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}_train_loss.png".format(self.rank)),
-            rounds_to_test -= 1
             if self.dataset.__testing__ and rounds_to_test == 0:
                 rounds_to_test = self.test_after * change
-                if self.centralized_test_eval:
-                    if self.uid == 0:
-                        ta, tl, trl = tthelper.train_test_evaluation(iteration)
-                        results_dict["test_acc"][iteration + 1] = ta
-                        results_dict["test_loss"][iteration + 1] = tl
-                        if trl is not None:
-                            results_dict["train_loss"][iteration + 1] = trl
-                    else:
-                        self.testing_comm.send(0, self.model.get_weights())
-                        sender, data = self.testing_comm.receive()
-                        assert sender == 0 and data == "finished"
-                else:
-                    logging.info("Evaluating on test set.")
-                    ta, tl = self.dataset.test(self.model, self.loss)
-                    results_dict["test_acc"][iteration + 1] = ta
-                    results_dict["test_loss"][iteration + 1] = tl
+                logging.info("Evaluating on test set.")
+                ta, tl = self.dataset.test(self.model, self.loss)
+                results_dict["test_acc"][iteration + 1] = ta
+                results_dict["test_loss"][iteration + 1] = tl
                 if global_epoch == 49:
                     change *= 2
@@ -253,8 +204,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
-        centralized_train_eval,
-        centralized_test_eval,
         Instantiate object field with arguments.
@@ -281,10 +230,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
             Number of iterations after which the train loss is calculated
         reset_optimizer : int
             1 if optimizer should be reset every communication round, else 0
-        centralized_train_eval : bool
-            If set the train set evaluation happens at the node with uid 0
-        centralized_test_eval : bool
-            If set the train set evaluation happens at the node with uid 0
         self.rank = rank
         self.machine_id = machine_id
@@ -297,17 +242,12 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
         self.test_after = test_after
         self.train_evaluate_after = train_evaluate_after
         self.reset_optimizer = reset_optimizer
-        self.centralized_train_eval = centralized_train_eval
-        self.centralized_test_eval = centralized_test_eval
         self.sent_disconnections = False
         logging.info("Rank: %d", self.rank)
         logging.info("type(graph): %s", str(type(self.rank)))
         logging.info("type(mapping): %s", str(type(self.mapping)))
-        if centralized_test_eval or centralized_train_eval:
-            self.star = Star(self.mapping.get_n_procs())
     def init_comm(self, comm_configs):
         Instantiate communication module from config.
@@ -322,17 +262,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
         comm_class = getattr(comm_module, comm_configs["comm_class"])
         comm_params = utils.remove_keys(comm_configs, ["comm_package", "comm_class"])
         self.addresses_filepath = comm_params.get("addresses_filepath", None)
-        if self.centralized_test_eval:
-            self.testing_comm = TCP(
-                self.rank,
-                self.machine_id,
-                self.mapping,
-                self.star.n_procs,
-                self.addresses_filepath,
-                offset=self.star.n_procs,
-            )
-            self.testing_comm.connect_neighbors(self.star.neighbors(self.uid))
         self.communication = comm_class(
             self.rank, self.machine_id, self.mapping, self.graph.n_procs, **comm_params
@@ -351,8 +280,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
-        centralized_train_eval=False,
-        centralized_test_eval=True,
@@ -384,10 +311,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
             Number of iterations after which the train loss is calculated
         reset_optimizer : int
             1 if optimizer should be reset every communication round, else 0
-        centralized_train_eval : bool
-            If set the train set evaluation happens at the node with uid 0
-        centralized_test_eval : bool
-            If set the train set evaluation happens at the node with uid 0
         args : optional
             Other arguments
@@ -407,8 +330,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
-            centralized_train_eval,
-            centralized_test_eval,
@@ -423,7 +344,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
         self.peer_deques = dict()
-        # self.instantiate_peer_deques()
     def received_from_all(self):
@@ -454,8 +374,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
-        centralized_train_eval=0,
-        centralized_test_eval=1,
@@ -499,19 +417,10 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
             Number of iterations after which the train loss is calculated
         reset_optimizer : int
             1 if optimizer should be reset every communication round, else 0
-        centralized_train_eval : int
-            If set then the train set evaluation happens at the node with uid 0.
-            Note: If it is True then centralized_test_eval needs to be true as well!
-        centralized_test_eval : int
-            If set then the trainset evaluation happens at the node with uid 0
         args : optional
             Other arguments
-        centralized_train_eval = centralized_train_eval == 1
-        centralized_test_eval = centralized_test_eval == 1
-        # If centralized_train_eval is True then centralized_test_eval needs to be true as well!
-        assert not centralized_train_eval or centralized_test_eval
         total_threads = os.cpu_count()
         self.threads_per_proc = max(
@@ -532,8 +441,6 @@ class DPSGDNode(Node):
-            centralized_train_eval == 1,
-            centralized_test_eval == 1,
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNodeFederated.py b/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNodeFederated.py
index b27c92da89b50491321f5907f3d1cea4ed1ad64a..a1e36df1b936b33a4f415b469f1d803e936f1eec 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNodeFederated.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDNodeFederated.py
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ class DPSGDNodeFederated(Node):
             self.sharing.communication_round += 1
-            logging.info("Received worker request at node {}, global iteration {}, local round {}".format(
-                self.uid,
-                iteration,
-                self.participated
-            ))
+            logging.info(
+                "Received worker request at node {}, global iteration {}, local round {}".format(
+                    self.uid, iteration, self.participated
+                )
+            )
             if self.reset_optimizer:
                 self.optimizer = self.optimizer_class(
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ class DPSGDNodeFederated(Node):
             if self.participated > 0:
                 with open(
-                    os.path.join(
-                        self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)),
+                    os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)),
                 ) as inf:
                     results_dict = json.load(inf)
@@ -76,12 +75,9 @@ class DPSGDNodeFederated(Node):
                     "total_bytes": {},
                     "total_meta": {},
                     "total_data_per_n": {},
-                    "grad_mean": {},
-                    "grad_std": {},
-            results_dict["total_bytes"][iteration
-                                        + 1] = self.communication.total_bytes
+            results_dict["total_bytes"][iteration + 1] = self.communication.total_bytes
             if hasattr(self.communication, "total_meta"):
@@ -91,14 +87,9 @@ class DPSGDNodeFederated(Node):
                     iteration + 1
                 ] = self.communication.total_data
-            if hasattr(self.sharing, "mean"):
-                results_dict["grad_mean"][iteration + 1] = self.sharing.mean
-            if hasattr(self.sharing, "std"):
-                results_dict["grad_std"][iteration + 1] = self.sharing.std
             with open(
-                os.path.join(
-                    self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)), "w"
+                os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)), "w"
             ) as of:
                 json.dump(results_dict, of)
@@ -122,7 +113,7 @@ class DPSGDNodeFederated(Node):
-        reset_optimizer
+        reset_optimizer,
         Instantiate object field with arguments.
@@ -179,8 +170,7 @@ class DPSGDNodeFederated(Node):
         comm_module = importlib.import_module(comm_configs["comm_package"])
         comm_class = getattr(comm_module, comm_configs["comm_class"])
-        comm_params = utils.remove_keys(
-            comm_configs, ["comm_package", "comm_class"])
+        comm_params = utils.remove_keys(comm_configs, ["comm_package", "comm_class"])
         self.addresses_filepath = comm_params.get("addresses_filepath", None)
         self.communication = comm_class(
             self.rank, self.machine_id, self.mapping, self.graph.n_procs, **comm_params
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDWithPeerSampler.py b/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDWithPeerSampler.py
index d4e926c4c0515c617e86a10d20666bf8cb5cbd1a..f4f90e744e90d51916b3bf8f39667b74a49f6259 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDWithPeerSampler.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/node/DPSGDWithPeerSampler.py
@@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ class DPSGDWithPeerSampler(DPSGDNode):
-        centralized_train_eval=0,
-        centralized_test_eval=1,
@@ -93,19 +91,10 @@ class DPSGDWithPeerSampler(DPSGDNode):
             Number of iterations after which the train loss is calculated
         reset_optimizer : int
             1 if optimizer should be reset every communication round, else 0
-        centralized_train_eval : int
-            If set then the train set evaluation happens at the node with uid 0.
-            Note: If it is True then centralized_test_eval needs to be true as well!
-        centralized_test_eval : int
-            If set then the trainset evaluation happens at the node with uid 0
         args : optional
             Other arguments
-        centralized_train_eval = centralized_train_eval == 1
-        centralized_test_eval = centralized_test_eval == 1
-        # If centralized_train_eval is True then centralized_test_eval needs to be true as well!
-        assert not centralized_train_eval or centralized_test_eval
         total_threads = os.cpu_count()
         self.threads_per_proc = max(
@@ -126,8 +115,6 @@ class DPSGDWithPeerSampler(DPSGDNode):
-            centralized_train_eval == 1,
-            centralized_test_eval == 1,
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/node/FederatedParameterServer.py b/src/decentralizepy/node/FederatedParameterServer.py
index a92de2886c2a6a212cff3f6d77a094f0694fec4e..75fb11134ac2289a8857f07d4a8139ed99a1316b 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/node/FederatedParameterServer.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/node/FederatedParameterServer.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import math
 import os
 import random
 from collections import deque
 from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 from decentralizepy import utils
@@ -134,8 +135,7 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
         comm_module = importlib.import_module(comm_configs["comm_package"])
         comm_class = getattr(comm_module, comm_configs["comm_class"])
-        comm_params = utils.remove_keys(
-            comm_configs, ["comm_package", "comm_class"])
+        comm_params = utils.remove_keys(comm_configs, ["comm_package", "comm_class"])
         self.addresses_filepath = comm_params.get("addresses_filepath", None)
         self.communication = comm_class(
             self.rank, self.machine_id, self.mapping, self.graph.n_procs, **comm_params
@@ -291,9 +291,7 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
             # Notify workers
             for worker in self.current_workers:
-                self.communication.send(
-                    worker, to_send
-                )
+                self.communication.send(worker, to_send)
             # Receive updates from current workers
             while not self.received_from_all():
@@ -314,8 +312,7 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
             if iteration:
                 with open(
-                    os.path.join(
-                        self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)),
+                    os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)),
                 ) as inf:
                     results_dict = json.load(inf)
@@ -327,12 +324,9 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
                     "total_bytes": {},
                     "total_meta": {},
                     "total_data_per_n": {},
-                    "grad_mean": {},
-                    "grad_std": {},
-            results_dict["total_bytes"][iteration
-                                        + 1] = self.communication.total_bytes
+            results_dict["total_bytes"][iteration + 1] = self.communication.total_bytes
             if hasattr(self.communication, "total_meta"):
@@ -342,10 +336,6 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
                     iteration + 1
                 ] = self.communication.total_data
-            if hasattr(self.sharing, "mean"):
-                results_dict["grad_mean"][iteration + 1] = self.sharing.mean
-            if hasattr(self.sharing, "std"):
-                results_dict["grad_std"][iteration + 1] = self.sharing.std
             rounds_to_train_evaluate -= 1
@@ -359,8 +349,7 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
                     "Training Loss",
                     "Communication Rounds",
-                    os.path.join(
-                        self.log_dir, "{}_train_loss.png".format(self.rank)),
+                    os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}_train_loss.png".format(self.rank)),
             rounds_to_test -= 1
@@ -378,8 +367,7 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
                 global_epoch += change
             with open(
-                os.path.join(
-                    self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)), "w"
+                os.path.join(self.log_dir, "{}_results.json".format(self.rank)), "w"
             ) as of:
                 json.dump(results_dict, of)
@@ -391,8 +379,7 @@ class FederatedParameterServer(Node):
             ) as of:
-                json.dump(
-                    self.model.shared_parameters_counter.numpy().tolist(), of)
+                json.dump(self.model.shared_parameters_counter.numpy().tolist(), of)
         logging.info("Storing final weight")
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Sharing.py b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Sharing.py
index 49419214a36260574d8c617d187273dc0501fd25..1becb58cf339f11d03833f846c354ba780de677a 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Sharing.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Sharing.py
@@ -80,15 +80,13 @@ class Sharing:
         result = dict(data)
         if self.compress:
             if "params" in result:
-                result["params"] = self.compressor.compress_float(
-                    result["params"])
+                result["params"] = self.compressor.compress_float(result["params"])
         return result
     def decompress_data(self, data):
         if self.compress:
             if "params" in data:
-                data["params"] = self.compressor.decompress_float(
-                    data["params"])
+                data["params"] = self.compressor.decompress_float(data["params"])
         return data
     def serialized_model(self):
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Wavelet.py b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Wavelet.py
index b0a4796fa909cd7cfc3d333bfb4bab45236851a9..7fff1641650025dd8c0480957056e130bc7cab99 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Wavelet.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/Wavelet.py
@@ -134,8 +134,7 @@ class Wavelet(PartialModel):
         self.change_based_selection = change_based_selection
         # Do a dummy transform to get the shape and coefficents slices
-        coeff = pywt.wavedec(self.init_model.numpy(),
-                             self.wavelet, level=self.level)
+        coeff = pywt.wavedec(self.init_model.numpy(), self.wavelet, level=self.level)
         data, coeff_slices = pywt.coeffs_to_array(coeff)
         self.wt_shape = data.shape
         self.coeff_slices = coeff_slices
@@ -212,8 +211,7 @@ class Wavelet(PartialModel):
                 with open(
-                        "{}_shared_params.json".format(
-                            self.communication_round + 1),
+                        "{}_shared_params.json".format(self.communication_round + 1),
                 ) as of:
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/train_test_evaluation.py b/src/decentralizepy/train_test_evaluation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f407c2050a4b848d2c6d04fd5f4a5de06f5a2c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/src/decentralizepy/train_test_evaluation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-import logging
-import os
-from pathlib import Path
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from decentralizepy.graphs import Graph
-class TrainTestHelper:
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        dataset,
-        model,
-        loss,
-        dir,
-        n_procs,
-        trainer,
-        comm,
-        graph: Graph,
-        threads_per_proc,
-        eval_train=False,
-    ):
-        self.dataset = dataset
-        self.model = model
-        self.loss = loss
-        self.dir = Path(dir)
-        self.n_procs = n_procs
-        self.trainer = trainer
-        self.comm = comm
-        self.star = graph
-        self.threads_per_proc = threads_per_proc
-        self.eval_train = eval_train
-    def train_test_evaluation(self, iteration):
-        with torch.no_grad():
-            self.model.eval()
-            total_threads = os.cpu_count()
-            torch.set_num_threads(total_threads)
-            neighbors = self.star.neighbors(0)
-            state_dict_copy = {}
-            shapes = []
-            lens = []
-            to_cat = []
-            for key, val in self.model.state_dict().items():
-                shapes.append(val.shape)
-                clone_val = val.clone().detach()
-                state_dict_copy[key] = clone_val
-                flat = clone_val.flatten()
-                to_cat.append(flat)
-                lens.append(flat.shape[0])
-            my_weight = torch.cat(to_cat)
-            weights = [my_weight]
-            # TODO: add weight of node 0
-            for i in neighbors:
-                sender, data = self.comm.receive()
-                logging.info(f"Received weight from {sender}")
-                weights.append(data)
-            # averaging
-            average_weight = np.mean([w.numpy() for w in weights], axis=0)
-            start_index = 0
-            average_weight_dict = {}
-            for i, key in enumerate(state_dict_copy):
-                end_index = start_index + lens[i]
-                average_weight_dict[key] = torch.from_numpy(
-                    average_weight[start_index:end_index].reshape(shapes[i])
-                )
-                start_index = end_index
-            self.model.load_state_dict(average_weight_dict)
-            if self.eval_train:
-                logging.info("Evaluating on train set.")
-                trl = self.trainer.eval_loss(self.dataset)
-            else:
-                trl = None
-            logging.info("Evaluating on test set.")
-            ta, tl = self.dataset.test(self.model, self.loss)
-            # reload old weight
-            self.model.load_state_dict(state_dict_copy)
-            if trl is not None:
-                print(iteration, ta, tl, trl)
-            else:
-                print(iteration, ta, tl)
-            torch.set_num_threads(self.threads_per_proc)
-            for neighbor in neighbors:
-                self.comm.send(neighbor, "finished")
-            self.model.train()
-        return ta, tl, trl
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/utils.py b/src/decentralizepy/utils.py
index 03b36f4093b6a78bbe1d3561cc0a26dca5740b18..0d5bda39874ad348d63bc592c702b17a5e5f2290 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/utils.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/utils.py
@@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ def get_args():
     parser.add_argument("-ta", "--test_after", type=int, default=5)
     parser.add_argument("-tea", "--train_evaluate_after", type=int, default=1)
     parser.add_argument("-ro", "--reset_optimizer", type=int, default=1)
-    parser.add_argument("-ctr", "--centralized_train_eval", type=int, default=0)
-    parser.add_argument("-cte", "--centralized_test_eval", type=int, default=0)
     parser.add_argument("-sm", "--server_machine", type=int, default=0)
     parser.add_argument("-sr", "--server_rank", type=int, default=-1)
     parser.add_argument("-wr", "--working_rate", type=float, default=1.0)
@@ -119,8 +117,6 @@ def write_args(args, path):
         "test_after": args.test_after,
         "train_evaluate_after": args.train_evaluate_after,
         "reset_optimizer": args.reset_optimizer,
-        "centralized_train_eval": args.centralized_train_eval,
-        "centralized_test_eval": args.centralized_test_eval,
         "working_rate": args.working_rate,
     with open(os.path.join(path, "args.json"), "w") as of:
diff --git a/tutorial/96_nodes_random1.edges b/tutorial/96_nodes_random1.edges
deleted file mode 100644
index 80a38679eee7560e52eb305a8ff0783f602c6071..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorial/96_nodes_random1.edges
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-0 1
-0 67
-0 68
-0 9
-0 82
-0 19
-0 52
-0 91
-0 95
-1 0
-1 66
-1 2
-1 29
-1 51
-1 91
-1 93
-2 1
-2 3
-2 8
-2 41
-2 14
-2 89
-2 27
-2 93
-3 2
-3 4
-3 8
-3 11
-3 44
-3 77
-3 93
-4 3
-4 5
-4 76
-4 81
-4 18
-4 19
-4 59
-4 29
-5 37
-5 4
-5 53
-5 6
-6 5
-6 7
-6 72
-6 40
-6 47
-6 90
-7 8
-7 90
-7 19
-7 6
-8 2
-8 3
-8 7
-8 41
-8 9
-8 77
-8 78
-8 21
-9 0
-9 8
-9 10
-9 21
-9 89
-9 91
-9 28
-10 80
-10 9
-10 11
-10 93
-11 3
-11 10
-11 12
-11 45
-11 80
-11 87
-12 33
-12 11
-12 13
-12 18
-12 53
-12 55
-13 65
-13 50
-13 12
-13 14
-14 2
-14 13
-14 15
-14 81
-14 52
-14 21
-14 58
-14 91
-15 16
-15 60
-15 29
-15 14
-16 33
-16 15
-16 17
-16 21
-16 24
-16 60
-17 16
-17 81
-17 18
-17 63
-18 4
-18 12
-18 17
-18 51
-18 19
-18 89
-18 29
-19 0
-19 4
-19 37
-19 7
-19 40
-19 47
-19 18
-19 20
-19 22
-19 58
-20 69
-20 76
-20 79
-20 19
-20 21
-20 86
-20 95
-21 34
-21 8
-21 9
-21 74
-21 14
-21 16
-21 20
-21 22
-22 19
-22 21
-22 23
-23 66
-23 82
-23 22
-23 24
-23 89
-23 94
-24 37
-24 38
-24 16
-24 84
-24 23
-24 25
-24 58
-24 27
-25 24
-25 26
-25 61
-26 25
-26 27
-26 69
-27 64
-27 33
-27 2
-27 87
-27 24
-27 26
-27 28
-27 31
-28 69
-28 9
-28 74
-28 27
-28 29
-29 1
-29 4
-29 43
-29 15
-29 18
-29 91
-29 28
-29 30
-30 31
-30 29
-30 55
-31 32
-31 75
-31 27
-31 30
-32 65
-32 33
-32 39
-32 84
-32 31
-33 32
-33 34
-33 67
-33 68
-33 12
-33 77
-33 16
-33 27
-34 33
-34 35
-34 70
-34 21
-34 89
-34 92
-34 61
-35 66
-35 34
-35 36
-35 83
-35 58
-36 67
-36 35
-36 37
-36 85
-36 88
-37 36
-37 5
-37 38
-37 51
-37 19
-37 24
-37 61
-38 37
-38 39
-38 77
-38 82
-38 24
-39 32
-39 38
-39 40
-39 74
-39 43
-39 81
-40 68
-40 6
-40 39
-40 41
-40 19
-40 61
-41 2
-41 8
-41 40
-41 42
-41 43
-41 81
-42 41
-42 43
-42 70
-43 39
-43 41
-43 42
-43 44
-43 29
-44 43
-44 3
-44 45
-45 70
-45 75
-45 11
-45 44
-45 78
-45 79
-45 46
-46 45
-46 47
-47 6
-47 75
-47 46
-47 48
-47 19
-48 73
-48 47
-48 49
-49 48
-49 50
-49 52
-50 13
-50 49
-50 83
-50 51
-50 89
-50 92
-51 1
-51 37
-51 70
-51 80
-51 81
-51 18
-51 50
-51 52
-51 87
-52 0
-52 66
-52 14
-52 49
-52 51
-52 53
-52 62
-52 95
-53 5
-53 71
-53 12
-53 83
-53 52
-53 54
-54 55
-54 53
-54 87
-55 12
-55 54
-55 56
-55 92
-55 30
-55 95
-56 80
-56 81
-56 55
-56 57
-56 91
-57 56
-57 89
-57 90
-57 58
-58 35
-58 71
-58 14
-58 19
-58 24
-58 57
-58 59
-59 58
-59 4
-59 60
-60 15
-60 16
-60 84
-60 59
-60 61
-61 34
-61 37
-61 40
-61 25
-61 60
-61 62
-62 52
-62 61
-62 63
-63 64
-63 17
-63 68
-63 62
-64 65
-64 27
-64 63
-65 32
-65 64
-65 66
-65 13
-65 87
-66 1
-66 65
-66 67
-66 35
-66 52
-66 23
-67 0
-67 33
-67 66
-67 36
-67 68
-67 94
-68 0
-68 33
-68 67
-68 69
-68 40
-68 88
-68 94
-68 63
-69 68
-69 70
-69 20
-69 26
-69 28
-70 34
-70 69
-70 71
-70 42
-70 45
-70 51
-71 72
-71 58
-71 53
-71 70
-72 73
-72 71
-72 6
-72 95
-73 48
-73 74
-73 72
-73 84
-74 39
-74 73
-74 75
-74 21
-74 28
-75 74
-75 76
-75 45
-75 47
-75 93
-75 31
-76 4
-76 75
-76 77
-76 20
-76 87
-76 88
-76 95
-77 33
-77 3
-77 38
-77 8
-77 76
-77 78
-78 8
-78 77
-78 45
-78 79
-79 45
-79 78
-79 80
-79 20
-79 94
-80 88
-80 10
-80 11
-80 79
-80 81
-80 51
-80 56
-80 91
-81 4
-81 39
-81 41
-81 14
-81 80
-81 17
-81 82
-81 51
-81 56
-82 0
-82 38
-82 81
-82 83
-82 23
-82 89
-83 35
-83 82
-83 50
-83 84
-83 53
-84 32
-84 73
-84 83
-84 85
-84 24
-84 60
-85 36
-85 86
-85 84
-86 20
-86 85
-86 87
-87 65
-87 11
-87 76
-87 51
-87 54
-87 86
-87 88
-87 27
-88 36
-88 68
-88 76
-88 80
-88 87
-88 89
-89 2
-89 34
-89 9
-89 18
-89 50
-89 82
-89 23
-89 88
-89 57
-89 90
-90 6
-90 7
-90 89
-90 91
-90 57
-91 0
-91 1
-91 9
-91 14
-91 80
-91 56
-91 90
-91 92
-91 29
-92 34
-92 50
-92 55
-92 91
-92 93
-93 1
-93 2
-93 3
-93 10
-93 75
-93 92
-93 94
-94 67
-94 68
-94 79
-94 23
-94 93
-94 95
-95 0
-95 72
-95 76
-95 20
-95 52
-95 55
-95 94
diff --git a/tutorial/96_regular.edges b/tutorial/96_regular.edges
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db09a2763b09045c8218ce25e640f052b6089e8..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/tutorial/96_regular.edges
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,381 +0,0 @@
-0 24
-0 1
-0 26
-0 95
-1 2
-1 0
-1 82
-1 83
-2 33
-2 90
-2 3
-2 1
-3 2
-3 4
-3 14
-3 79
-4 3
-4 12
-4 5
-4 86
-5 64
-5 42
-5 4
-5 6
-6 9
-6 5
-6 62
-6 7
-7 24
-7 8
-7 45
-7 6
-8 81
-8 17
-8 9
-8 7
-9 8
-9 10
-9 53
-9 6
-10 9
-10 11
-10 29
-10 31
-11 80
-11 10
-11 36
-11 12
-12 11
-12 4
-12 13
-12 70
-13 12
-13 53
-13 30
-13 14
-14 3
-14 15
-14 13
-14 47
-15 16
-15 26
-15 14
-16 41
-16 17
-16 15
-17 8
-17 16
-17 18
-17 83
-18 17
-18 19
-18 95
-18 63
-19 82
-19 18
-19 20
-19 22
-20 19
-20 59
-20 21
-20 22
-21 72
-21 58
-21 20
-21 22
-22 19
-22 20
-22 21
-22 23
-23 24
-23 65
-23 85
-23 22
-24 0
-24 25
-24 23
-24 7
-25 32
-25 24
-25 26
-25 38
-26 0
-26 25
-26 27
-26 15
-27 32
-27 26
-27 28
-27 63
-28 27
-28 92
-28 29
-28 39
-29 10
-29 52
-29 28
-29 30
-30 66
-30 29
-30 13
-30 31
-31 32
-31 10
-31 36
-31 30
-32 25
-32 27
-32 31
-32 33
-33 32
-33 2
-33 84
-33 34
-34 33
-34 50
-34 35
-34 93
-35 57
-35 34
-35 43
-35 36
-36 35
-36 11
-36 37
-36 31
-37 88
-37 36
-37 38
-37 79
-38 25
-38 37
-38 39
-38 49
-39 40
-39 28
-39 77
-39 38
-40 41
-40 91
-40 39
-40 87
-41 16
-41 40
-41 42
-41 51
-42 41
-42 43
-42 5
-43 42
-43 35
-43 44
-44 72
-44 43
-44 75
-44 45
-45 67
-45 44
-45 46
-45 7
-46 76
-46 45
-46 54
-46 47
-47 48
-47 65
-47 14
-47 46
-48 56
-48 49
-48 61
-48 47
-49 48
-49 50
-49 38
-49 71
-50 49
-50 34
-50 51
-50 93
-51 41
-51 50
-51 52
-51 95
-52 51
-52 74
-52 53
-52 29
-53 9
-53 52
-53 13
-53 54
-54 75
-54 53
-54 46
-54 55
-55 56
-55 69
-55 85
-55 54
-56 48
-56 57
-56 69
-56 55
-57 56
-57 89
-57 58
-57 35
-58 57
-58 59
-58 21
-58 86
-59 73
-59 58
-59 20
-59 60
-60 62
-60 59
-60 61
-60 78
-61 48
-61 62
-61 60
-61 94
-62 60
-62 61
-62 6
-62 63
-63 64
-63 18
-63 27
-63 62
-64 65
-64 84
-64 5
-64 63
-65 64
-65 66
-65 23
-65 47
-66 65
-66 89
-66 67
-66 30
-67 80
-67 66
-67 68
-67 45
-68 67
-68 92
-68 69
-68 94
-69 56
-69 68
-69 70
-69 55
-70 90
-70 12
-70 69
-70 71
-71 72
-71 49
-71 70
-71 87
-72 73
-72 44
-72 21
-72 71
-73 72
-73 91
-73 59
-73 74
-74 73
-74 75
-74 52
-74 76
-75 74
-75 44
-75 54
-75 76
-76 74
-76 75
-76 77
-76 46
-77 81
-77 76
-77 78
-77 39
-78 88
-78 60
-78 77
-78 79
-79 80
-79 3
-79 37
-79 78
-80 81
-80 67
-80 11
-80 79
-81 8
-81 82
-81 80
-81 77
-82 81
-82 1
-82 83
-82 19
-83 1
-83 82
-83 84
-83 17
-84 64
-84 33
-84 83
-84 85
-85 84
-85 55
-85 86
-85 23
-86 58
-86 4
-86 85
-86 87
-87 40
-87 88
-87 86
-87 71
-88 89
-88 37
-88 78
-88 87
-89 88
-89 57
-89 66
-89 90
-90 89
-90 2
-90 91
-90 70
-91 40
-91 73
-91 90
-91 92
-92 93
-92 91
-92 68
-92 28
-93 50
-93 34
-93 94
-93 92
-94 93
-94 68
-94 61
-94 95
-95 0
-95 18
-95 51
-95 94
diff --git a/tutorial/ip.json b/tutorial/ip.json
index 12eb2052c1a72995fe228925f39ca2ab547c5054..15d6591df53574707ac03627fa19c9ecd749b1e3 100644
--- a/tutorial/ip.json
+++ b/tutorial/ip.json
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
-    "0": "",
-    "1": "",
-    "2": "",
-    "3": "",
-    "4": "",
-    "5": ""
+    "0": ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/run_decentralized.sh b/tutorial/run_decentralized.sh
index 2fdf386a098dd9ae551ae41ffeb25401bceb6980..692bb430b2032bbd7e1109a27a97aa3225165f1e 100755
--- a/tutorial/run_decentralized.sh
+++ b/tutorial/run_decentralized.sh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ graph=/mnt/nfs/risharma/Gitlab/tutorial/96_regular.edges
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@ mkdir -p $log_dir
 cp $original_config $config_file
 # echo "alpha = 0.10" >> $config_file
-$env_python $eval_file -ro 0 -tea $test_after -ld $log_dir -mid $m -ps $procs_per_machine -ms $machines -is $iterations -gf $graph -ta $test_after -cf $config_file -ll $log_level -ctr 0 -cte 0 -wsd $log_dir
\ No newline at end of file
+$env_python $eval_file -ro 0 -tea $test_after -ld $log_dir -mid $m -ps $procs_per_machine -ms $machines -is $iterations -gf $graph -ta $test_after -cf $config_file -ll $log_level -wsd $log_dir
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tutorial/run_federated.sh b/tutorial/run_federated.sh
index dfe360bb2b629c3035c7154d26a9354fc518d34b..5113ed79073cf94fb99a2b66597bd600007fd45c 100755
--- a/tutorial/run_federated.sh
+++ b/tutorial/run_federated.sh
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ graph=/mnt/nfs/risharma/Gitlab/tutorial/96_regular.edges