diff --git a/eval/plot.py b/eval/plot.py
index 2782f2bd9098fa57ed553cd3914c775a405333d9..c185aa5dd23366d560149630eab24ec6f6c6762e 100644
--- a/eval/plot.py
+++ b/eval/plot.py
@@ -39,26 +39,43 @@ def plot_results(path):
     print("Reading folders from: ", path)
     print("Folders: ", folders)
+    bytes_means, bytes_stdevs = {}, {}
     for folder in folders:
         folder_path = os.path.join(path, folder)
         if not os.path.isdir(folder_path):
         results = []
-        files = os.listdir(folder_path)
-        files = [f for f in files if f.endswith("_results.json")]
-        for f in files:
-            filepath = os.path.join(folder_path, f)
-            with open(filepath, "r") as inf:
-                results.append(json.load(inf))
+        machine_folders = os.listdir(folder_path)
+        for machine_folder in machine_folders:
+            mf_path = os.path.join(folder_path, machine_folder)
+            if not os.path.isdir(mf_path):
+                continue
+            files = os.listdir(mf_path)
+            files = [f for f in files if f.endswith("_results.json")]
+            for f in files:
+                filepath = os.path.join(mf_path, f)
+                with open(filepath, "r") as inf:
+                    results.append(json.load(inf))
+        # Plot Training loss
         means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["train_loss"] for x in results])
         plot(means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Training Loss", folder, "upper right")
+        # Plot Testing loss
         means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["test_loss"] for x in results])
         plot(means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Testing Loss", folder, "upper right")
+        # Plot Testing Accuracy
         means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats([x["test_acc"] for x in results])
         plot(means, stdevs, mins, maxs, "Testing Accuracy", folder, "lower right")
+        # Collect total_bytes shared
+        bytes_list = []
+        for x in results:
+            max_key = str(max(list(map(int, x["total_bytes"].keys()))))
+            bytes_list.append({max_key: x["total_bytes"][max_key]})
+        means, stdevs, mins, maxs = get_stats(bytes_list)
+        bytes_means[folder] = list(means.values())[0]
+        bytes_stdevs[folder] = list(stdevs.values())[0]
     plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "train_loss.png"))
@@ -66,6 +83,20 @@ def plot_results(path):
     plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "test_loss.png"))
     plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "test_acc.png"))
+    # Plot total_bytes
+    plt.figure(4)
+    plt.title("Data Shared")
+    x_pos = np.arange(len(bytes_means.keys()))
+    plt.bar(
+        x_pos,
+        np.array(list(bytes_means.values())) // (1024 * 1024),
+        yerr=np.array(list(bytes_stdevs.values())) // (1024 * 1024),
+        align="center",
+    )
+    plt.ylabel("Total data shared in MBs")
+    plt.xlabel("Fraction of Model Shared")
+    plt.xticks(x_pos, list(bytes_means.keys()))
+    plt.savefig(os.path.join(path, "data_shared.png"))
 def plot_parameters(path):
diff --git a/leaf.sh b/leaf.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c4ab794ba1c8b932ef21364586d8629008f4ec1a..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/leaf.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-echo "[Cloning leaf repository]"
-git clone https://github.com/TalwalkarLab/leaf.git
-echo "[Installing unzip]"
-sudo apt-get install unzip
-cd leaf/data/shakespeare
-echo "[Generating non-iid data]"
-./preprocess.sh -s niid --sf 1.0 -k 0 -t sample -tf 0.8 --smplseed 10 --spltseed 10
-echo "[Data Generated]"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/PartialModel.py b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/PartialModel.py
index 424fdcbf7c0f362d211059dc058f9dc3f82154d9..bd01be3e66e0925e86ce7bb2474f8b6e4b0843fe 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/sharing/PartialModel.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/sharing/PartialModel.py
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ class PartialModel(Sharing):
+        save_shared=False,
             rank, machine_id, communication, mapping, graph, model, dataset, log_dir
@@ -29,10 +30,17 @@ class PartialModel(Sharing):
         self.alpha = alpha
         self.dict_ordered = dict_ordered
         self.communication_round = 0
-        self.folder_path = os.path.join(
-            self.log_dir, "shared_params/{}".format(self.rank)
-        )
-        Path(self.folder_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+        self.save_shared = save_shared
+        # Only save for 2 procs
+        if rank == 0 or rank == 1:
+            self.save_shared = True
+        if self.save_shared:
+            self.folder_path = os.path.join(
+                self.log_dir, "shared_params/{}".format(self.rank)
+            )
+            Path(self.folder_path).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
     def extract_top_gradients(self):
         logging.info("Summing up gradients")
@@ -53,23 +61,24 @@ class PartialModel(Sharing):
         with torch.no_grad():
             _, G_topk = self.extract_top_gradients()
-            shared_params = dict()
-            shared_params["order"] = list(self.model.state_dict().keys())
-            shapes = dict()
-            for k, v in self.model.state_dict().items():
-                shapes[k] = list(v.shape)
-            shared_params["shapes"] = shapes
-            shared_params[self.communication_round] = G_topk.tolist()
-            with open(
-                os.path.join(
-                    self.folder_path,
-                    "{}_shared_params.json".format(self.communication_round + 1),
-                ),
-                "w",
-            ) as of:
-                json.dump(shared_params, of)
+            if self.save_shared:
+                shared_params = dict()
+                shared_params["order"] = list(self.model.state_dict().keys())
+                shapes = dict()
+                for k, v in self.model.state_dict().items():
+                    shapes[k] = list(v.shape)
+                shared_params["shapes"] = shapes
+                shared_params[self.communication_round] = G_topk.tolist()
+                with open(
+                    os.path.join(
+                        self.folder_path,
+                        "{}_shared_params.json".format(self.communication_round + 1),
+                    ),
+                    "w",
+                ) as of:
+                    json.dump(shared_params, of)
             logging.info("Extracting topk params")
diff --git a/src/decentralizepy/utils.py b/src/decentralizepy/utils.py
index 75504417ffd181aa71184011ebc0fb1ea6996d52..a6bab0ddf4959363ad597c4ba0a160fa313ebc18 100644
--- a/src/decentralizepy/utils.py
+++ b/src/decentralizepy/utils.py
@@ -21,7 +21,10 @@ def get_args():
     parser.add_argument("-ps", "--procs_per_machine", type=int, default=1)
     parser.add_argument("-ms", "--machines", type=int, default=1)
-        "-ld", "--log_dir", type=str, default="./{}".format(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(timespec='minutes'))
+        "-ld",
+        "--log_dir",
+        type=str,
+        default="./{}".format(datetime.datetime.now().isoformat(timespec="minutes")),
     parser.add_argument("-is", "--iterations", type=int, default=1)
     parser.add_argument("-cf", "--config_file", type=str, default="config.ini")