diff --git a/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m b/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m index 2248c26d6b12d32c66011c0691fc2cee8f6bbffb..f864a08468e84d120646871535122a4e2c54b2e4 100644 --- a/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m +++ b/matlab/TCV/tcv_help_parameters.m @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ help_struct_all.cocos = ['cocos value desired in output, uses eqdsk_cocos_transf 'is wanted. See O. Sauter et al Comput. Phys. Commun. 184 (2013) 293']; help_struct_all.nrz_out = 'Nb of radial and vertical points in output eqdsk, default is [129,129], set to [-1,-1] to get original meshes'; help_struct_all.edge = '0 (default), 1 to get edge Thomson values'; -help_struct_all.ec_inputs = '0 (default), 1 to get all characterics ofgyrotrons with specific launchers like freq'; +help_struct_all.ec_inputs = '0 (default), 1 to get characterics of gyrotrons connected to each launcher: active, freq, power'; help_struct_all.fit = '0, no fit profiles, 1 (default) if fit profiles desired as well, relevant for _rho profiles. See also fit_type'; help_struct_all.fit_type = 'provenance of fitted profiles ''conf'' (default) from conf nodes, ''avg'' or ''local'' for resp. proffit: nodes'; help_struct_all.trialindx = 'value of trialindx desired to get a specific one when relevant, otherwise gets ok_trialindx, that is 1 usually';