diff --git a/crpptbx/AUG/loadAUGdata.m b/crpptbx/AUG/loadAUGdata.m
index 5eafeb6680d4729adf265eeb17ad0240279df1a0..9e535de1c6848684e808d1d5b045d680512ae3e9 100644
--- a/crpptbx/AUG/loadAUGdata.m
+++ b/crpptbx/AUG/loadAUGdata.m
@@ -144,9 +144,9 @@ end
 % all keywords and corresponding case to run below
 AUGkeywrdall=[{'Ip'} {'zmag'} {'rmag'} {'rcont'} {'zcont'} {'vol'} {'qrho'} {'qrho_cliste'} {'q95'} {'kappa'} ...
-      {'delta'} {'deltatop'} {'deltabot'} {'neint'} ...
-      {'ne'} {'te'} {'nerho'} {'terho'} ...
-		     {'sxr'} {'sxR'} {'sxb'} {'ece'} {'eced'} {'Halpha'}];
+	      {'delta'} {'deltatop'} {'deltabot'} {'neint'} ...
+	      {'ne'} {'te'} {'nerho'} {'terho'} {'equil'} {'equil_cliste'} ...
+	      {'sxr'} {'sxR'} {'sxb'} {'ece'} {'eced'} {'Halpha'}];
@@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ AUGsig.izcont=strmatch('zcont',AUGkeywrdall,'exact');
@@ -178,6 +180,8 @@ AUGkeywrdcase=cell(size(AUGkeywrdall));
 AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.iqrho)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.iqrho); % special as efit q on psi
 AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.iqrho_cliste)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.iqrho_cliste); % special as efit q on psi
+AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.iequil)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.iequil); % special as efit q on psi
+AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.iequil_cliste)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.iequil_cliste); % special as efit q on psi
 %AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.idelta)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.idelta); % special as average of triu and tril
 AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.ine)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.ine); % special as adds error bars
 AUGkeywrdcase(AUGsig.ite)=AUGkeywrdall(AUGsig.ite); % idem
@@ -486,47 +490,91 @@ switch AUGkeywrdcase{index}
     trace.dimunits{1} = a.area.name ;
     trace.dimunits{2} = a.time_aug.unit;
-  case {'qrho', 'qrho_cliste'}
+  case {'equil', 'equil_cliste', 'qrho', 'qrho_cliste'}
     shotfile_exp_eff = AUGexplocation{index};
-    if strcmp(AUGkeywrdcase{index},'qrho')
+    if strcmp(AUGkeywrdcase{index},'equil') || strcmp(AUGkeywrdcase{index},'qrho')
       DIAG = 'FPP';
       DIAG = 'EQI';
-    [a,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Qpsi',shotfile_exp_eff);
-    % Qpsi has inverted channel/time from CEC
-    a.value = a.value(:,end:-1:1)';
-    a.data = a.value;
-    % get x values
-    [psi,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'PFL',shotfile_exp);
-    psi.value=psi.value(:,end:-1:1)';
-    psi_axis= (ones(size(psi.value,1),1) * psi.value(1,:));
-    a.x = sqrt(abs((psi.value-psi_axis) ./(zeros(size(psi.value))-psi_axis) )); % psi_edge=0 assumed
-    a.psi = psi.value;
-    % get time values
-    [psi_time,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'time',shotfile_exp);
-    if length(psi_time.value) > length(a.x(1,:))
-      a.t = psi_time.value(1:length(a.x(1,:))); % problem with times??
-    elseif length(psi_time.value) < length(a.x(1,:))
-      a.t = psi_time.value; % problem with times??
-      a.t(end+1:length(a.x(1,:))) = psi_time.value(end) + [1:length(a.x(1,:))-length(psi_time.value)].*diff(psi_time.value(end-1:end));
-    else
-      a.t = psi_time.value;
-    end
-    % get rhotor values
-    [phi,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'TFLx',shotfile_exp);
-    phi.value=phi.value(:,end:-1:1)';
-    a.rhotor = sqrt(abs(phi.value ./ (ones(size(phi.value,1),1) * phi.value(end,:))));
-    a.torflux = phi.value;
-    % get rhovol values
+    M_Rmesh_par = sf2par(DIAG,shot,'M','PARMV');
+    M_Rmesh = M_Rmesh_par.value + 1; % nb of points
+    N_Zmesh_par = sf2par(DIAG,shot,'N','PARMV');
+    N_Zmesh = N_Zmesh_par.value + 1; % nb of points
+    NTIME_par = sf2par(DIAG,shot,'NTIME','PARMV');
+    NTIME = NTIME_par.value; % nb of points
+    Lpf_par = rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Lpf',shotfile_exp_eff);
+    Lpf_tot = Lpf_par.value; % nb of points: 100000*nb_SOL points + nb_core
+    Lpf_SOL = fix(Lpf_tot(1:NTIME)/100000);
+    Lpf1_t = mod(Lpf_tot(1:NTIME),100000)+1; % nb of Lpf points
+% since Lpf depends on time, need to load all first and then loop over time for easier mapping
+    [qpsi,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Qpsi',shotfile_exp_eff);
+    [psi_tree,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'PFL',shotfile_exp);
+    [phi_tree,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'TFLx',shotfile_exp);
-    Vol.value=Vol.value(:,end-1:-2:1)'; % 2nd index are dV/dpsi
-    a.rhovol = sqrt(abs(Vol.value ./ (ones(size(Vol.value,1),1) * Vol.value(end,:))));
-    a.volume = Vol.value;
+    [Area,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Area',shotfile_exp);
+    [Ri,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Ri',shotfile_exp);
+    [Zj,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Zj',shotfile_exp);
+    [PFM_tree,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'PFM',shotfile_exp);
+    [Pres,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'Pres',shotfile_exp);
+    [FFP,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'FFP',shotfile_exp);
+    if isempty(FFP.value); FFP.value=NaN*ones(NTIME,max(Lpf1_t)); end
+    [LPFx,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'LPFx',shotfile_exp);
+    [PFxx,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'PFxx',shotfile_exp);
+    [RPFx,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'RPFx',shotfile_exp);
+    [zPFx,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'zPFx',shotfile_exp);
+    % seems "LCFS" q-value is far too large, limit to some max (when diverted)
+    max_qValue = 40; % Note could just put a NaN on LCFS value since ill-defined when diverted
+    for it=1:NTIME
+      Lpf1 = Lpf1_t(it);
+      % Qpsi and similar data is on (time,radius) with radius being: LCFS..Lpf_points dummy LCFS..SOL part
+      % change it to (radial,time) and use only Lpf+1 points up to LCFS
+      if qpsi.value(1,2)<0
+	equil.qvalue(:,it) = max(qpsi.value(it,Lpf1:-1:1)',-max_qValue);
+      else
+	equil.qvalue(:,it) = min(qpsi.value(it,Lpf1:-1:1)',max_qValue);
+      end
+      % get x values
+      equil.psi(:,it)=psi_tree.value(it,Lpf1:-1:1)';
+      equil.psi_axis(it)= equil.psi(1,it);
+      equil.psi_lcfs(it)= equil.psi(end,it);
+      equil.rhopolnorm(:,it) = sqrt(abs((equil.psi(:,it)-equil.psi_axis(it)) ./(equil.psi_lcfs(it)-equil.psi_axis(it))));
+      % get rhotor values
+      equil.phi(:,it) = phi_tree.value(it,Lpf1:-1:1)';
+      equil.rhotornorm(:,it) = sqrt(abs(equil.phi(:,it) ./ equil.phi(end,it)));
+      % get rhovol values
+      equil.vol(:,it)=Vol.value(it,2*Lpf1-1:-2:1)'; 
+      equil.dvoldpsi(:,it)=Vol.value(it,2*Lpf1:-2:2)'; % 2nd index are dV/dpsi
+      equil.rhovolnorm(:,it) = sqrt(abs(equil.vol(:,it) ./ equil.vol(end,it)));
+      equil.area(:,it)=Area.value(it,2*Lpf1-1:-2:1)'; 
+      equil.dareadpsi(:,it)=Area.value(it,2*Lpf1:-2:2)'; % 2nd index are dV/dpsi
+      equil.Rmesh(:,it) = Ri.value(it,1:M_Rmesh);
+      equil.Zmesh(:,it) = Zj.value(it,1:N_Zmesh);
+      equil.psi2D(1:M_Rmesh,1:N_Zmesh,it) = PFM_tree.value(1:M_Rmesh,1:N_Zmesh,it);
+      equil.pressure(:,it)=Pres.value(it,2*Lpf1-1:-2:1)'; 
+      equil.dpressuredpsi(:,it)=Pres.value(it,2*Lpf1:-2:2)'; % 2nd index are dV/dpsi
+      equil.ffprime(:,it) = FFP.value(it,Lpf1:-1:1)';
+      equil.Xpoints.psi(1:LPFx.value(it)+1,it) = PFxx.value(it,1:LPFx.value(it)+1);
+      equil.Xpoints.Rvalue(1:LPFx.value(it)+1,it) = RPFx.value(it,1:LPFx.value(it)+1);
+      equil.Xpoints.Zvalue(1:LPFx.value(it)+1,it) = zPFx.value(it,1:LPFx.value(it)+1);
+      %
+    end
+    equil.x = equil.rhopolnorm;
-    trace = a;
+    [equil_time,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'time',shotfile_exp);
+    % get time values
+    equil.t = equil_time.value(1:NTIME);
+    %
+    [IpiPSI,e]=rdaAUG_eff(shot,DIAG,'IpiPSI',shotfile_exp);
+    equil.Ip = IpiPSI.value';
+    %
+    equil.data = equil.qvalue; % put q in data
+    equil.unit=[]; % not applicable
+    equil.name_gdat = [AUGkeywrdcase{index} ' using ' DIAG];
+    trace = equil;
     trace.dim{1} = trace.x;
     trace.dim{2} = trace.t;
     trace.units = trace.unit;
diff --git a/crpptbx/AUG/rdaAUG_eff.m b/crpptbx/AUG/rdaAUG_eff.m
index f8ef57eac2d0191a4da9bba4b112443608f1ffde..5ac675f3ab13d35889d28c20b713aa268b4c1ac4 100644
--- a/crpptbx/AUG/rdaAUG_eff.m
+++ b/crpptbx/AUG/rdaAUG_eff.m
@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ else
-    adata.value = adata.value';
+    if length(size(adata.value))<=2; adata.value = adata.value'; end % cannot transpose Nd>2 matrix
     if ~isempty(adata.time_aug)