From 2002fe122079c4a51ae2f9374c5b6a05cf913cc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Olivier Sauter <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2020 18:40:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] allow calling several ids source at once

 matlab/IMAS/gdat_imas.m | 95 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 44 deletions(-)

diff --git a/matlab/IMAS/gdat_imas.m b/matlab/IMAS/gdat_imas.m
index 1547090f..064916de 100644
--- a/matlab/IMAS/gdat_imas.m
+++ b/matlab/IMAS/gdat_imas.m
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ function [gdat_data,gdat_params,error_status,varargout] = gdat_imas(shot,data_re
 % If no inputs are provided, return the list of available pre-defined data_request in gdat_data and default parameters gdat_params
-% IMAS means assume access data from IDS database ala IMAS with tokamakname and dataversion and run_number using imas_open_env and ids_get calls
+% IMAS means assume access data from IDS database ala IMAS with run_number, database_user, tokamak_name, data_major_version and  using imas_open_env and ids_get calls
 % Should be the same on ITER hpc and gateway, to be checked
 % At first only "ids" request implemented, but keywords like ip etc should relate to specific IDS as for any machine
@@ -394,7 +394,8 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_imas.method,'switchcase')
     params_eff = gdat_data.gdat_params;
     if isfield(params_eff,'source') && ~isempty(params_eff.source)
-      ids_top_name = params_eff.source;
+      ids_top_names = params_eff.source;
+      if ischar(ids_top_names); ids_top_names = {ids_top_names}; end
       ids_top_name = [];
       warning('gdat:EmptyIDSName','Need an ids name in ''source'' parameter\n check substructure gdat_params.sources_available for an ids list');
@@ -405,29 +406,6 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_imas.method,'switchcase')
     ids_gen_ok = ~~exist('ids_gen','file');
-    if ids_gen_ok
-      ids_empty = ids_gen(ids_top_name); % generate ids from gateway function ids_gen
-    else
-      % load empty ids structure from template file
-      fname = sprintf('ids_empty_%s',ids_top_name);
-      try
-        assert(~~exist(ids_empty_path,'dir'),'folder %s not found',ids_empty_path);
-        addpath(ids_empty_path);
-        assert(~~exist(fname,'file'),'file %s does not exist in %s',fname,ids_empty_path);
-        ids_empty = eval(fname);
-        disp(['use structure in .mat file: ' ids_empty_path '/' fname]);
-        rmpath(ids_empty_path);
-      catch ME
-        fprintf('Could not load empty template for %s\n',ids_top_name);
-        fprintf('Available templates:\n');
-        disp(dir(ids_empty_path));
-        rmpath(ids_empty_path);
-        rethrow(ME);
-      end
-    end
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'error_bar') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.error_bar)
       gdat_data.gdat_params.error_bar = 'delta';
@@ -445,37 +423,66 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_imas.method,'switchcase')
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'ipsign_in') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.ipsign_in)
       if gdat_data.gdat_params.ipsign_out~=0
-        gdat_data.gdat_params.ipsign_in = mdsvalue('\pcs::data:iohfb');
+	gdat_data.gdat_params.ipsign_in = -1;
-        gdat_data.gdat_params.ipsign_in = 0;
+	gdat_data.gdat_params.ipsign_in = 0;
     if ~isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'b0sign_in') || isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.b0sign_in)
       if gdat_data.gdat_params.b0sign_out~=0
-        gdat_data.gdat_params.b0sign_in = mdsvalue('\pcs::data:if36fb');
+	gdat_data.gdat_params.b0sign_in = -1;
-        gdat_data.gdat_params.b0sign_in = 0;
+	gdat_data.gdat_params.b0sign_in = 0;
-    try
-      if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'idx_imas_open_env') && gdat_data.gdat_params.idx_imas_open_env >= 0
-	if gdat_data.gdat_params.occurence == 0
-	  ids_top = ids_get(gdat_data.gdat_params.idx_imas_open_env,ids_top_name);
+    for i=1:length(ids_top_names)
+      ids_top_name = ids_top_names{i};
+      if ids_gen_ok
+	ids_empty = ids_gen(ids_top_name); % generate ids from gateway function ids_gen
+      else
+	% load empty ids structure from template file
+	fname = sprintf('ids_empty_%s',ids_top_name);
+	try
+	  assert(~~exist(ids_empty_path,'dir'),'folder %s not found',ids_empty_path);
+	  addpath(ids_empty_path);
+	  assert(~~exist(fname,'file'),'file %s does not exist in %s',fname,ids_empty_path);
+	  ids_empty = eval(fname);
+	  disp(['use structure in .mat file: ' ids_empty_path '/' fname]);
+	  rmpath(ids_empty_path);
+	catch ME
+	  fprintf('Could not load empty template for %s\n',ids_top_name);
+	  fprintf('Available templates:\n');
+	  disp(dir(ids_empty_path));
+	  rmpath(ids_empty_path);
+	  rethrow(ME);
+	end
+      end
+      % load data
+      try
+	if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'idx_imas_open_env') && gdat_data.gdat_params.idx_imas_open_env >= 0
+	  if gdat_data.gdat_params.occurence == 0
+	    ids_top = ids_get(gdat_data.gdat_params.idx_imas_open_env,ids_top_name);
+	  else
+	    ids_top = ids_get(gdat_data.gdat_params.idx_imas_open_env,[ids_top_name '/' num2str(gdat_data.gdat_params.occurence)]);
+	  end
+	  gdat_data.(ids_top_name) = ids_top;
-	  ids_top = ids_get(gdat_data.gdat_params.idx_imas_open_env,[ids_top_name '/' num2str(gdat_data.gdat_params.occurence)]);
+	  gdat_data.(ids_top_name) = ids_empty;
-	gdat_data.(ids_top_name) = ids_top;
-      else
-        gdat_data.(ids_top_name) = ids_empty;
+      catch ME_imas_ids_get
+	disp(['there is a problem with: imas_get_ids_' ids_top_name ...
+	      ' , may be check if it exists in your path or test it by itself'])
+	gdat_data.(ids_top_name) = ids_empty;
+	gdat_data.([ids_top_name '_help']) = getReport(ME_imas_ids_get);
+	rethrow(ME_imas_ids_get)
+      end
+      % Perform cocos transformation if cocos_out ~= cocos_in
+      if gdat_data.gdat_params.cocos_in ~= gdat_data.gdat_params.cocos_out
+	warning('should perform cocos transformation, to include...')
-    catch ME_imas_ids_get
-      disp(['there is a problem with: imas_get_ids_' ids_top_name ...
-            ' , may be check if it exists in your path or test it by itself'])
-      gdat_data.(ids_top_name) = ids_empty;
-      gdat_data.([ids_top_name '_help']) = getReport(ME_imas_ids_get);
-      rethrow(ME_imas_ids_get)
     if (gdat_params.nverbose>=1); warning(['switchcase= ' data_request_eff ' not known in gdat_imas']); end