diff --git a/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m b/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
index b4cfa20ad03e3429403016f66107c1bbaa1e7a01..56916d660a0208dabf62d660546d1d248eee8b43 100644
--- a/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
+++ b/crpptbx_new/TCV/gdat_tcv.m
@@ -555,6 +555,25 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
     gdat_data.request_description = ['data=psi, x=(R,Z), eqdsk contains eqdsk structure with which ' ...
                     'plot_eqdsk, write_eqdsk, read_eqdsk can be used'];
+   case {'mhd'}
+    % load n=1, 2 and 3 Bdot from magnetic measurements
+    n1=tdi('abs(mhdmode("LFS",1,1))');
+    n2=tdi('abs(mhdmode("LFS",2,1))');
+    n3=tdi('abs(mhdmode("LFS",3,1))');
+    if ~isempty(n1.data)
+      gdat_data.data(:,1) = reshape(n1.data,length(n1.data),1);
+      if length(n2.data)==length(n1.data); gdat_data.data(:,2) = reshape(n2.data,length(n2.data),1); end
+      if length(n3.data)==length(n1.data); gdat_data.data(:,3) = reshape(n3.data,length(n3.data),1); end
+      gdat_data.dim{1} = n1.dim{1};
+      gdat_data.t = gdat_data.dim{1};
+      gdat_data.dim{2} = [1; 2; 3]; 
+      gdat_data.dimunits{1} = n1.dimunits{1};
+      gdat_data.dimunits{2} = 'n number';
+      gdat_data.units = 'T/s';
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath='abs(mhdmode("LFS",n,1))';
+      gdat_data.request_description = 'delta_Bdot from magnetic probes to get n=1, 2 and 3';
+    end
    case {'ne','te'}
     % ne or Te from Thomson data on raw z mesh vs (z,t)
     nodenameeff=['\results::thomson:' data_request_eff];
@@ -595,9 +614,89 @@ elseif strcmp(mapping_for_tcv.method,'switchcase')
-   case 'nerho'
+   case {'ne_rho', 'te_rho', 'nete_rho'}
+    try
+      time=mdsdata('\results::thomson:times');
+    catch
+      warning('Problems with \results::thomson:times')
+      warning(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    if isempty(time) || ischar(time)
+      thomsontimes=time
+      warning('!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\results::thomson:times  is empty? Check')
+      disp(['!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cannot continue with ' data_request_eff])
+      return
+    end
+    edge_str_col = '';
+    edge_str_dot = '';
+    if isfield(gdat_data.gdat_params,'edge') && ~isempty(gdat_data.gdat_params.edge) && ...
+          gdat_data.gdat_params.edge>0
+      edge_str_col = ':edge';
+      edge_str_dot = ':edge';
+    end
+    % if nete_rho, do first ne, then Te later (so fir stuff already done)
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'ne_rho')  || strcmp(data_request_eff,'nete_rho')
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':ne'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':ne; error_bar ; fir_thom_rat; (ne,std)*fir_thom_rat'];
+      tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson'  edge_str_col ':ne:error_bar']);
+      tracefirrat_data = get_fir_thom_rat_data(shot,'thomson',time);
+    else
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':te'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':te; error_bar'];
+      tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':te:error_bar']);
+    end
+    gdat_data.data=tracetdi.data'; % Thomson data as (t,z)
+    gdat_data.error_bar=tracestd.data';
+    gdat_data.data_fullpath=nodenameeff;
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'ne_rho')  || strcmp(data_request_eff,'nete_rho')
+      gdat_data.firrat=tracefirrat_data;
+      gdat_data.data_abs=gdat_data.data*diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.error_bar_abs=gdat_data.error_bar*diag(tracefirrat_data);
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=[gdat_data.data_fullpath ' ; _abs includes *firrat'];
+    end
+    % add correct dimensions
+    % construct rho mesh
+    psi_max=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':psi_max' substr_liuqe]);
+    psiscatvol=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_dot ':psiscatvol' substr_liuqe]);
+    if ~isempty(psiscatvol.data) && ~ischar(psiscatvol.data) && ~isempty(psi_max.data) && ~ischar(psi_max.data)
+      for ir=1:length(psiscatvol.dim{2})
+        rho(ir,:)= sqrt(1.-psiscatvol.data(:,ir)./psi_max.data(:))';
+      end
+    else
+      rho=NaN;
+    end
+    gdat_data.dim=[{rho};{time}];
+    gdat_data.dimunits=[{'sqrt(psi)'} ; {'time [s]'}];
+    gdat_data.x=rho;
+    gdat_data.t=time;
+    if any(strcmp(fieldnames(tracetdi),'units'))
+      gdat_data.units=tracetdi.units;
+    end
+    % if nete_rho, copy data as .ne, get .te and put pe=e ne Te in data:
+    if strcmp(data_request_eff,'nete_rho')
+      gdat_data.ne.data = gdat_data.data_abs;
+      gdat_data.ne.error_bar = gdat_data.error_bar_abs;
+      gdat_data.ne.firrat=gdat_data.firrat;
+      gdat_data.ne.units = 'm^{-3}';
+      gdat_data = rmfield(gdat_data,{'firrat','data_abs','error_bar_abs'});
+      %
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':te'];
+      tracetdi=tdi(nodenameeff);
+      nodenameeff=['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':te; error_bar'];
+      tracestd=tdi(['\results::thomson' edge_str_col ':te:error_bar']);
+      gdat_data.te.data=tracetdi.data';
+      gdat_data.te.error_bar=tracestd.data';
+      gdat_data.te.units = tracetdi.units;
+      gdat_data.data_fullpath=['pe=1.6e-19*ne*Te in data, .ne, .te from \results::thomson' ...
+                    edge_str_col ':ne and te and projected on rhopol\_norm'];
+      gdat_data.units='N/m^2';
+      gdat_data.data = 1.6022e-19 .* gdat_data.ne.data .* gdat_data.te.data;
+      gdat_data.error_bar = 1.6022e-19 .* (gdat_data.ne.data .* gdat_data.te.error_bar ...
+          + gdat_data.te.data .* gdat_data.ne.error_bar);
+    end
     warning(['switchcase= ' data_request_eff ' not known in gdat_tcv'])
diff --git a/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m b/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
index 465d3ab15cc42182542a74834eca57a81cc0ea92..2478786aea8e9eca28f44f67cb5eafc76ca4f4ed 100644
--- a/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
+++ b/crpptbx_new/TCV/tcv_requests_mapping.m
@@ -64,16 +64,16 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_edge';
   % mapping.method = 'function';
   % mapping.expression = ['tdi(''\results::q_psi'');']; % for tests
- case 'delta_top'
-  mapping.timedim = 1;
-  mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
-  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
-  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_top';
  case 'delta_bottom'
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'delta\_bottom';
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_bot';
+ case 'delta_top'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'delta\_top';
+  mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
+  mapping.expression = '\results::delta_ed_top';
  case 'ece'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.label = 'line-averaged el. density';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = '\results::fir:n_average';
- case 'nerho'
+ case 'ne_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'ne';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
- case 'neterho'
+ case 'nete_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'ne and Te';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.method = 'tdiliuqe';
   mapping.expression = '\results::q_edge';
- case 'qrho'
+ case 'q_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'q';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -153,6 +153,14 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 1;
   mapping.label = 'Rgeom';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'rhotor_edge'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'rhotor\_edge=sqrt(Phi/pi/B0)';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
+ case 'rhotor'
+  mapping.timedim = 2;
+  mapping.label = 'rhotor\_norm';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase'; % from conf if exist otherwise computes it
  case 'rhovol'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'rhovol\_norm';
@@ -169,7 +177,7 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Te';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
- case 'terho'
+ case 'te_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
   mapping.label = 'Te';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
@@ -185,9 +193,13 @@ switch lower(data_request)
   mapping.label = '';
   mapping.method = 'tdi';
   mapping.expression = [{'\magnetics::vloop[*,$1]'} {'001'}];
- case 'vol'
+ case 'volume'
+  mapping.timedim = 1;
+  mapping.label = 'Volume\_LCFS';
+  mapping.method = 'switchcase';
+ case 'volume_rho'
   mapping.timedim = 2;
-  mapping.label = 'Volume';
+  mapping.label = 'Volume(\rho)';
   mapping.method = 'switchcase';
   % mapping.expression = '\results::psitbx:vol'; (if exists for liuqe2 and 3 as well)
  case 'zeff'
diff --git a/crpptbx_new/gdat_data_request_names_rho.xlsx b/crpptbx_new/gdat_data_request_names_rho.xlsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a291e3bd6b325ee1e93a860aaa627486929ad29e
Binary files /dev/null and b/crpptbx_new/gdat_data_request_names_rho.xlsx differ
diff --git a/crpptbx_new/get_data_request_names.m b/crpptbx_new/get_data_request_names.m
index 5aaf8099e7a2567e4f14a3d95874cd29bc1f6ee7..7ff6504e0ee9a08e6bf26da5f3096b43eeef4709 100644
--- a/crpptbx_new/get_data_request_names.m
+++ b/crpptbx_new/get_data_request_names.m
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ for j=1:length(expected_machines)
   data_request_names.(expected_machines{j}) = [];