diff --git a/crpptbx_new/demos/gdat_tutorial.m b/crpptbx_new/demos/gdat_tutorial.m index 242c2f21bf46ffc4ce432d8f051d04b9456b658e..5314ddf1751d1a6438b45f9fe65bd599c492e36d 100644 --- a/crpptbx_new/demos/gdat_tutorial.m +++ b/crpptbx_new/demos/gdat_tutorial.m @@ -23,4 +23,47 @@ gdat_data.gdat_call % always contains the string so that the same gdat call can %% list of data_request names for a specific machine gdat_data = gdat('machine','aug'); gdat_data.gdat_request -%% +%% a simple example: get plasma current +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'ip'); % shot number is for TCV (default machine if run at CRPP) +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'ip','doplot',1); +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'Ip'); +% Note that the return data_request name is 'ip', since lower case is used throughout +gdat_data.gdat_request +%% a 2D example with Te profiles +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te'); % return thomson data, thus versus Z (vertical height) of local measurements +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te','doplot',1); % default plot is always versus time, using gdat_data.t +% for more specific plots, use gdat_plot(gdat_data,...) function +%% Explaination of main fields +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te'); +gdat_data +% The following fields are always present: +% gdat_data.data % (as well as .units) providing the data +% gdat_data.dim % (as well as .dimunits) providing the coordinates +% gdat_data.t % corresponding to the time coordinate (copied from dim{timecoord}) +% gdat_data.x % all coordinates but time (typically radial if 2D signal or channel number) +% gdat_data.shot +% gdat_data.gdat_request +% gdat_data.gdat_params +% gdat_data.data_fullpath % provides information on tracename origin within the database +% gdat_data.gdat_call % string corresponding to the current call to gdat + +% Some extra fields might be present: +% gdat_data.label % usually present, used as label in plots +% gdat_data.error_bar % error_bars to be used in errorbar plot e.g: errorbar(gdat_data.x,gdat_data.data(:,20),gdat_data.error_bar(:,20),'*-') +% gdat_data.mapping_for_tcv % information used to fetch the data, +% contains information on the time index, useful for multi-D data +% +%% Explanation of basic parameters fields of gdat_params +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te'); +gdat_data.gdat_params % at this stage contains few elements, will depend on specific data_request +% +% gdat_params should contain all the information necessary to recall gdat +% and get the same information, except the shot number, thus +% gdat_data2 = gdat(48836,gdat_data.gdat_params); +% should return the same values. This allows to quickly load the similar data from different shot +shotlist=[48836, 48837, 48839]; +for ishot=1:length(shotlist) + gdat_data_te{ishot} = gdat(shotlist(ishot),gdat_data.gdat_params); +end +gdat_plot(gdat_data_te{3}); + diff --git a/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.html b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.html index 51a1cd9a681f05fa5f060842dd8409af0533837c..719f952aa83db8849a43f13d7313eaeb62abef96 100644 --- a/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.html +++ b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.html @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ <!-- This HTML was auto-generated from MATLAB code. To make changes, update the MATLAB code and republish this document. - --><title>tutorial</title><meta name="generator" content="MATLAB 8.3"><link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"><meta name="DC.date" content="2015-08-21"><meta name="DC.source" content="tutorial.m"><style type="text/css"> + --><title>gdat_tutorial</title><meta name="generator" content="MATLAB 8.3"><link rel="schema.DC" href="http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"><meta name="DC.date" content="2015-08-21"><meta name="DC.source" content="gdat_tutorial.m"><style type="text/css"> html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,blockquote,pre,a,abbr,acronym,address,big,cite,code,del,dfn,em,font,img,ins,kbd,q,s,samp,small,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,var,b,u,i,center,dl,dt,dd,ol,ul,li,fieldset,form,label,legend,table,caption,tbody,tfoot,thead,tr,th,td{margin:0;padding:0;border:0;outline:0;font-size:100%;vertical-align:baseline;background:transparent}body{line-height:1}ol,ul{list-style:none}blockquote,q{quotes:none}blockquote:before,blockquote:after,q:before,q:after{content:'';content:none}:focus{outine:0}ins{text-decoration:none}del{text-decoration:line-through}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0} html { min-height:100%; margin-bottom:1px; } @@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ table td { padding:7px 5px; text-align:left; vertical-align:top; border:1px soli - </style></head><body><div class="content"><h2>Contents</h2><div><ul><li><a href="#1">gdat tutorial: some basic calls and functionalities</a></li><li><a href="#2">getting the list of available predefined data_request names</a></li><li><a href="#3">list of data_request names for a specific machine</a></li></ul></div><h2>gdat tutorial: some basic calls and functionalities<a name="1"></a></h2><p>gdat calls in fact the main function MACHINE/gdat_machine.m within the gdat folder gdat can be call with one of the available "data_request" keyword or with a full trace_name</p><p>The basic call is: data_out_struct = gdat(shot,data_request,'option1',option1_val,...);</p><p>But sub-cases are also valid and explained below</p><p>At this stage, you need to do the following to test it:</p><pre class="codeinput">addpath <span class="string">~sauter/matlab/gdat_develop/crpptbx_new</span> + </style></head><body><div class="content"><h2>Contents</h2><div><ul><li><a href="#1">gdat tutorial: some basic calls and functionalities</a></li><li><a href="#2">getting the list of available predefined data_request names</a></li><li><a href="#3">list of data_request names for a specific machine</a></li><li><a href="#4">a simple example: get plasma current</a></li><li><a href="#5">a 2D example with Te profiles</a></li><li><a href="#6">Explaination of main fields</a></li><li><a href="#7">Explanation of basic parameters fields of gdat_params</a></li></ul></div><h2>gdat tutorial: some basic calls and functionalities<a name="1"></a></h2><p>gdat calls in fact the main function MACHINE/gdat_machine.m within the gdat folder gdat can be call with one of the available "data_request" keyword or with a full trace_name</p><p>The basic call is: data_out_struct = gdat(shot,data_request,'option1',option1_val,...);</p><p>But sub-cases are also valid and explained below</p><p>At this stage, you need to do the following to test it:</p><pre class="codeinput">addpath <span class="string">~sauter/matlab/gdat_develop/crpptbx_new</span> </pre><h2>getting the list of available predefined data_request names<a name="2"></a></h2><pre class="codeinput">gdat_data = gdat; <span class="comment">%</span> <span class="comment">% This is the simplest call and returns 3 useful information:</span> @@ -180,7 +180,76 @@ ans = 'zmag' 'equil' -</pre><p class="footer"><br><a href="http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/">Published with MATLAB® R2014a</a><br></p></div><!-- +</pre><h2>a simple example: get plasma current<a name="4"></a></h2><pre class="codeinput">gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'ip'</span>); <span class="comment">% shot number is for TCV (default machine if run at CRPP)</span> +gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'ip'</span>,<span class="string">'doplot'</span>,1); +gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'Ip'</span>); +<span class="comment">% Note that the return data_request name is 'ip', since lower case is used throughout</span> +gdat_data.gdat_request +</pre><pre class="codeoutput"> +ans = + +ip + +</pre><img vspace="5" hspace="5" src="gdat_tutorial_01.png" alt=""> <h2>a 2D example with Te profiles<a name="5"></a></h2><pre class="codeinput">gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'te'</span>); <span class="comment">% return thomson data, thus versus Z (vertical height) of local measurements</span> +gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'te'</span>,<span class="string">'doplot'</span>,1); <span class="comment">% default plot is always versus time, using gdat_data.t</span> +<span class="comment">% for more specific plots, use gdat_plot(gdat_data,...) function</span> +</pre><img vspace="5" hspace="5" src="gdat_tutorial_02.png" alt=""> <h2>Explaination of main fields<a name="6"></a></h2><pre class="codeinput">gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'te'</span>); +gdat_data +<span class="comment">% The following fields are always present:</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.data % (as well as .units) providing the data</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.dim % (as well as .dimunits) providing the coordinates</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.t % corresponding to the time coordinate (copied from dim{timecoord})</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.x % all coordinates but time (typically radial if 2D signal or channel number)</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.shot</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.gdat_request</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.gdat_params</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.data_fullpath % provides information on tracename origin within the database</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.gdat_call % string corresponding to the current call to gdat</span> + +<span class="comment">% Some extra fields might be present:</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.label % usually present, used as label in plots</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.error_bar % error_bars to be used in errorbar plot e.g: errorbar(gdat_data.x,gdat_data.data(:,20),gdat_data.error_bar(:,20),'*-')</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data.mapping_for_tcv % information used to fetch the data,</span> +<span class="comment">% contains information on the time index, useful for multi-D data</span> +<span class="comment">%</span> +</pre><pre class="codeoutput"> +gdat_data = + + data: [23x49 double] + units: 'eV' + dim: {2x1 cell} + dimunits: {2x1 cell} + t: [49x1 double] + x: [23x1 double] + shot: 48836 + gdat_request: 'te' + gdat_params: [1x1 struct] + data_fullpath: '\results::thomson:te' + label: 'Te' + error_bar: [23x49 double] + mapping_for_tcv: [1x1 struct] + gdat_call: 'gdat(48836,'te'); % nargout = 1' + +</pre><h2>Explanation of basic parameters fields of gdat_params<a name="7"></a></h2><pre class="codeinput">gdat_data = gdat(48836,<span class="string">'te'</span>); +gdat_data.gdat_params <span class="comment">% at this stage contains few elements, will depend on specific data_request</span> +<span class="comment">%</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_params should contain all the information necessary to recall gdat</span> +<span class="comment">% and get the same information, except the shot number, thus</span> +<span class="comment">% gdat_data2 = gdat(48836,gdat_data.gdat_params);</span> +<span class="comment">% should return the same values. This allows to quickly load the similar data from different shot</span> +shotlist=[48836, 48837, 48839]; +<span class="keyword">for</span> ishot=1:length(shotlist) + gdat_data_te{ishot} = gdat(shotlist(ishot),gdat_data.gdat_params); +<span class="keyword">end</span> +gdat_plot(gdat_data_te{3}); +</pre><pre class="codeoutput"> +ans = + + data_request: 'te' + machine: 'tcv' + doplot: 0 + +</pre><img vspace="5" hspace="5" src="gdat_tutorial_03.png" alt=""> <p class="footer"><br><a href="http://www.mathworks.com/products/matlab/">Published with MATLAB® R2014a</a><br></p></div><!-- ##### SOURCE BEGIN ##### %% gdat tutorial: some basic calls and functionalities % gdat calls in fact the main function MACHINE/gdat_machine.m within the gdat folder @@ -207,7 +276,50 @@ gdat_data.gdat_call % always contains the string so that the same gdat call can %% list of data_request names for a specific machine gdat_data = gdat('machine','aug'); gdat_data.gdat_request -%% +%% a simple example: get plasma current +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'ip'); % shot number is for TCV (default machine if run at CRPP) +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'ip','doplot',1); +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'Ip'); +% Note that the return data_request name is 'ip', since lower case is used throughout +gdat_data.gdat_request +%% a 2D example with Te profiles +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te'); % return thomson data, thus versus Z (vertical height) of local measurements +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te','doplot',1); % default plot is always versus time, using gdat_data.t +% for more specific plots, use gdat_plot(gdat_data,...) function +%% Explaination of main fields +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te'); +gdat_data +% The following fields are always present: +% gdat_data.data % (as well as .units) providing the data +% gdat_data.dim % (as well as .dimunits) providing the coordinates +% gdat_data.t % corresponding to the time coordinate (copied from dim{timecoord}) +% gdat_data.x % all coordinates but time (typically radial if 2D signal or channel number) +% gdat_data.shot +% gdat_data.gdat_request +% gdat_data.gdat_params +% gdat_data.data_fullpath % provides information on tracename origin within the database +% gdat_data.gdat_call % string corresponding to the current call to gdat + +% Some extra fields might be present: +% gdat_data.label % usually present, used as label in plots +% gdat_data.error_bar % error_bars to be used in errorbar plot e.g: errorbar(gdat_data.x,gdat_data.data(:,20),gdat_data.error_bar(:,20),'*-') +% gdat_data.mapping_for_tcv % information used to fetch the data, +% contains information on the time index, useful for multi-D data +% +%% Explanation of basic parameters fields of gdat_params +gdat_data = gdat(48836,'te'); +gdat_data.gdat_params % at this stage contains few elements, will depend on specific data_request +% +% gdat_params should contain all the information necessary to recall gdat +% and get the same information, except the shot number, thus +% gdat_data2 = gdat(48836,gdat_data.gdat_params); +% should return the same values. This allows to quickly load the similar data from different shot +shotlist=[48836, 48837, 48839]; +for ishot=1:length(shotlist) + gdat_data_te{ishot} = gdat(shotlist(ishot),gdat_data.gdat_params); +end +gdat_plot(gdat_data_te{3}); + ##### SOURCE END ##### --></body></html> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.png b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..91a9675db6b5f6b806c756b406d99d0519a26177 Binary files /dev/null and b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial.png differ diff --git a/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_01.png b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_01.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..840976996231afe5df15be272270787a59ef9427 Binary files /dev/null and b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_01.png differ diff --git a/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_02.png b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_02.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..7e7c799d77e967b4f077c93631111cc41e5fc4f6 Binary files /dev/null and b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_02.png differ diff --git a/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_03.png b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_03.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3d813140209ff3084c7b8934d8dfe1a556b7da51 Binary files /dev/null and b/crpptbx_new/demos/html/gdat_tutorial_03.png differ