diff --git a/JET/loadJETdata.m b/JET/loadJETdata.m
index 3e5675e28982c9ad18e62d1fdbbafa7dff8955ae..fbc0ed9d7c1968cc06335ed28413e67176bb3b6a 100644
--- a/JET/loadJETdata.m
+++ b/JET/loadJETdata.m
@@ -486,41 +486,51 @@ switch JETkeywrdcase{index}
           tracename=['db/j3-sxr<t' num2str(i) '/1' name_ext];
           disp('Using T camera: Radius data probably wrong')
-        [a,x,t,d,e]=rda_eff(shot,ppftype,tracename);
-        % Convert from raw sxr data to W/m^2
-        if ~isempty(a)
-          trace.data(i,:) = a * vconvert(i);
-          trace.t=t;
-          if ~isempty(x)
-            trace.x(i,:)=x; 
-          end
+%%%        [a,x,t,d,e]=rda_eff(shot,ppftype,tracename);
+%%%        % Convert from raw sxr data to W/m^2
+%%%% EDIT: on JET a is not empty on error
+%%%%       if ~isempty(a)
+%%%        if ~isempty(t)
+%%%          trace.data(i,:) = a * vconvert(i);
+%%%          trace.t=t;
+%%%          if ~isempty(x)
+%%%            trace.x(i,:)=x; 
+%%%          end
+%%%        end
+%%%        error=e;
+%%%      end  
+        disp(['Reading channel ' tracename]);
+        [a, t, nwds, title, unit, ier] = jpfdat(tracename, shot);
+        if ~ier
+          % Convert from raw sxr data to W/m^2
+          trace.data(i,:) = a' * vconvert(i);
+          trace.t=t';
-        error=e;
-      end  
-      trace.dim=[{[starti:endi]'} ; {trace.t}];
-      trace.dimunits=[{'channels'} ; {'time [s]'}];
-      trace.name=[ 'jpf/' num2str(shot) '/' 'db/j3-sxr<vXX' '/1' name_ext];
+        trace.dim=[{[starti:endi]'} ; {trace.t}];
+        trace.dimunits=[{'channels'} ; {'time [s]'}];
+        trace.name=[ 'jpf/' num2str(shot) '/' 'db/j3-sxr<vXX' '/1' name_ext];
+      end
-    % calculating intersection of the view lines with magnetics axis 
-    if strcmp(data_type_eff_noext,'sxR')
-      if iloaded_data>0
-        if nargin>=5 & ~isempty(varargin{3})
-          zmag=varargin{3};
-        else
-          zmag=loadJETdata(shot,'zmag');
-        end
-        zmageff=interp1(zmag.t,zmag.data,trace.t);
-        for i=starti:endi
-          radius.data(i,:)=2.848 + (2.172-zmageff') .* tan(-4.5/180.*3.14159 - atan2(0.99.*(i-18),35.31));
-        end
-        radius.t=t;
-        varargout{1}={radius}; 
-        trace.R=radius.data;
+  % calculating intersection of the view lines with magnetics axis 
+  if strcmp(data_type_eff_noext,'sxR')
+    if iloaded_data>0
+      if nargin>=5 & ~isempty(varargin{3})
+        zmag=varargin{3};
-        varargout{1}={struct([])};
-        trace.R=[];
+        zmag=loadJETdata(shot,'zmag');
+      end
+      zmageff=interp1(zmag.t,zmag.data,trace.t);
+      for i=starti:endi
+        radius.data(i,:)=2.848 + (2.172-zmageff') .* tan(-4.5/180.*3.14159 - atan2(0.99.*(i-18),35.31));
+      radius.t=t;
+      varargout{1}={radius}; 
+      trace.R=radius.data;
+    else
+      varargout{1}={struct([])};
+      trace.R=[];
+  end
   case 'ece'