diff --git a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv2ids.m b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv2ids.m
index 3715a8a1162c965270b3c7ee6a2f1df9e48f146d..312cb4bc04e85f2f8b17efb95ded310f19b8234d 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv2ids.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv2ids.m
@@ -117,25 +117,6 @@ for i=1:length(params_tcv2ids.ids_names)
   tmp = gdat(shot,gdat_params);
   ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get) = tmp.(ids_to_get);
   ids_from_tcv.([ids_to_get '_description']) = tmp.([ids_to_get '_description']);
-  % Retrieve versioning information from .this-deployment.info 
-  if ~isempty(ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.name)
-    library_gitinfo= ...
-      tcv_get_deploymentinfo(fullfile(fileparts(which(ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.name)),'.this-deployment.info'));
-    ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.commit = library_gitinfo.git_commit;
-    ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.version = library_gitinfo.git_tag;
-    ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.repository =library_gitinfo.gitlab_project_url;
-  end
-  for ii = 1:numel(ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.library) 
-    if ~isempty(ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.library{ii}.name)
-      library_gitinfo= ...
-        tcv_get_deploymentinfo(fullfile(fileparts(which(ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.library{ii}.name)),'.this-deployment.info'));
-      ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.library{ii}.commit = library_gitinfo.git_commit;
-      ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.library{ii}.version = library_gitinfo.git_tag;
-      ids_from_tcv.(ids_to_get).code.library{ii}.repository =library_gitinfo.gitlab_project_url;
-    end
-  end
 if nargout>=2
diff --git a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef00f1ba402dc80fcb62647fe59de2a31bcdf2c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_deploymentinfo.m
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-function info = tcv_get_deploymentinfo(function_name)
-    % Reads a deployment info file and extracts relevant details
-    % Author: L. Simons
-    % Date: 07/03/25
-    %
-    % Args:
-    %   function_name: String, name of function
-    %
-    % Returns:
-    %   info: Struct containing extracted information
-    % Initialize output struct
-    info = struct();
-    info.deployment_date='';
-    info.git_tag='';
-    info.git_commit='';
-    info.gitlab_project_url='';
-    try
-        filepath=fullfile(fileparts(which(function_name)),'.this-deployment.info');
-        info.repository=fileparts(filepath);
-        % Check if file exists
-        if exist(filepath, 'file') ~= 2
-            error('File does not exist: %s', filepath);
-        end
-        % Open file for reading
-        fid = fopen(filepath, 'r');
-        if fid == -1
-            error('Could not open file: %s', filepath);
-        end
-        % Read file line by line
-        while ~feof(fid)
-            line = fgetl(fid);
-            if ischar(line)
-                tokens = regexp(line, '^(\w+):\s(.+)$', 'tokens');
-                if ~isempty(tokens)
-                    key = tokens{1}{1};
-                    value = strtrim(tokens{1}{2});
-                    % Store relevant fields in the struct
-                    switch key
-                        case 'DEPLOYMENT_DATE'
-                            info.deployment_date = value;
-                        case 'GIT_TAG'
-                            info.git_tag = value;
-                        case 'GIT_COMMIT'
-                            info.git_commit = value;
-                        case 'GIT_TAG_DATE'
-                            info.git_tag_date = value;
-                        case 'GITLAB_PROJECT_URL'
-                            info.gitlab_project_url = value;
-                    end
-                end
-            end
-        end
-        % Close the file
-        fclose(fid);
-    catch
-        warning('Failed to read .deployment at filepath: %s',filepath);
-    end
diff --git a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m
index 5cdf1cf9f51bda3c284b27696ab033dfcf4a025d..34cea3ec54bd171914db2dcea8c346fec8e02652 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_soft_x_rays.m
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ ids_soft_x_rays_description = struct();
 % Load the soft_x_rays geometry
 %get gdat version, FIXME: Need to write function
@@ -122,13 +121,13 @@ if status
     ids_soft_x_rays.channel{ii}.validity = 0; % FIXME: Always valid data
     ids_soft_x_rays.channel{ii}.validity = 0*ones(1,nchannel);
-    ids_soft_x_rays.code.name = 'rc_load_diodes';
-    ids_soft_x_rays.code.description = ['rc_load_diodes, RADCAM gitlab repo, loads' ...
+    ids_bolometer.code.name = 'rc_gti_prep';
+    ids_bolometer.code.description = ['rc_load_diodes, RADCAM gitlab repo, loads' ...
       'the signal from the SXR diodes in arbitrary units.'];
-    radcam_gitinfo = tcv_get_deploymentinfo(ids_soft_x_rays.code.name);
-    ids_soft_x_rays.code.commit=library_gitinfo.git_commit;
-    ids_soft_x_rays.code.version=library_gitinfo.git_tag;
-    ids_soft_x_rays.code.repository=library_gitinfo.git_project_url;
+    ids_bolometer.code.commit='';
+    ids_soft_x_rays.code.version='';
+    ids_soft_x_rays.code.repository= ...
+        'https://gitlab.epfl.ch/spc/tcv/diag/radcam/';