diff --git a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_core_sources.m b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_core_sources.m
index 6a25f91d31f4c521d6cffc456f4750cdd638cbe0..7954fa19676963b5f6578ede6a10b7c2669e626a 100644
--- a/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_core_sources.m
+++ b/matlab/TCV_IMAS/tcv_get_ids_core_sources.m
@@ -103,10 +103,6 @@ params_eff = params_eff_ref; params_eff.data_request='bs_data';
 bs_gdat = gdat(params_core_sources.shot,params_eff); bs_data = bs_gdat.bs.bs_data;
 bs_t_grid = bs_gdat.bs.t; bs_n_t = numel(bs_t_grid);
-if any(bs_t_grid-ohm_t_grid')>0
-  warning('Bootstrap and ohmic time grids are not the same! Interpolation needed.')
 main_desc = 'Bootstrap current'; production = 'IBS nodes';
 id_bs.description = sprintf('%s from %s',main_desc,production);
 id_bs.index = 13; id_bs.name = 'bootstrap_current';
@@ -138,7 +134,7 @@ ids_core_sources.source{last_index+1}.global_quantities.current_parallel = curre
 last_index = last_index+1;  % add if statement to only increment if bs source has been added
 %% ec
-params_eff = params_eff_ref; 
+params_eff = params_eff_ref;
 params_eff.ec_inputs = 1; % load EC input information
 ec_gdat = gdat(params_core_sources.shot,params_eff);
@@ -153,17 +149,17 @@ if ~isempty(ec_gdat.ec.data) % if EC data available, fill sources
   nb_launchers = numel(ec_inputs.launchers_active.data);
   active_launchers = find(ec_inputs.launchers_active.data==1)';
-  % find times of injected ec powers, for setting up source and
-  % interpolating the power & current densities on p_inj time grid
+  % find times of injected EC power to interpolate power & current densities
+  % on p_ec_injected tgrid
   ec_powers_tgrid = powers_gdat.ec.t; %nt_ec_powers = numel(ec_powers_tgrid);
   itime_ec = powers_gdat.ec.data(:,end)>0;
   interp_tgrid = ec_powers_tgrid(itime_ec); nt_interp = numel(interp_tgrid);
   interp_p_ec_injected = powers_gdat.ec.data(itime_ec,end);
-  % Setup structures for active launchers from template
+  % Setup source structs for active launchers from template
   main_desc = 'Source from electron cyclotron heating and current drive';
   production = 'TORAY';
-  id_ec.index = 3; id_ec.name = 'ec';  
+  id_ec.index = 3; id_ec.name = 'ec';
   for i_lau = active_launchers
     id_ec.description = sprintf('L%i/G%i, %s from %s double width CD profiles',i_lau,ec_inputs.gyro2launcher.data(i_lau),main_desc,production);
     ids_core_sources.source{last_index+i_lau} = source_template;
@@ -197,27 +193,26 @@ if ~isempty(ec_gdat.ec.data) % if EC data available, fill sources
-  % interpoating p_dens profiles from 'ec_tgrid' grid (toray tgrid) to 'ec_powers_tgrid' (powers tgrid)
+  % load 1d_profiles from ec_data
   p_dens        = ec_data.p_dens.data;
   p_integrated  = ec_data.p_integrated.data;
   cd_dens       = ec_data.cd_dens_doublewidth.data; % use double width to have realistic deposition broadening
   cd_integrated = ec_data.cd_integrated.data;
-  %
   for i_lau = active_launchers
-    % convert to j// with conversion factor 
+    % convert to j// with conversion factor
     cd_dens(:,i_lau,:) = squeeze(cd_dens(:,i_lau,:)).*jtoray_to_jpar0_mapped;
     for ii = 1:nt_ec_data
       % integrate j//
       cd_integrated(:,i_lau,ii) = cumtrapz(vol_mapped(:,ii),cd_dens(:,i_lau,ii))/(2*pi*R0);
-%% remap ec outputs on power time grid 
+%% interpolating 1d_profiles from 'ec_tgrid' grid (toray tgrid) to 'interp_tgrid' (powers tgrid when powers.data>0)
   ij = iround_os(interp_tgrid,ec_tgrid);
   sparse_p_ec_injected = interp_p_ec_injected(ij,:); % injected ec power vals corresponding to ec_tgrid
   n_rho = size(p_dens, 1);
-  %rho grids to be interpolated on power time grid 
+  %rho grids to be interpolated on power time grid
   rho_pol_norm = ec_data.cd_dens.grids.rho_pol_norm;
   rho_tor_norm = ec_data.cd_dens.grids.rho_tor_norm;
@@ -254,12 +249,12 @@ if ~isempty(ec_gdat.ec.data) % if EC data available, fill sources
       interp_norm_p_integrated(irho,i_lau,:)  = interpos(ec_tgrid,trace_p_integrated,interp_tgrid);
       interp_norm_cd_dens(irho,i_lau,:)       = interpos(ec_tgrid,trace_cd_dens,interp_tgrid);
       interp_norm_cd_integrated(irho,i_lau,:) = interpos(ec_tgrid,trace_cd_integrated,interp_tgrid);
       % only interpolate rho grids once
       if interp_rho_flag
         interp_rho_pol(irho,:) = interpos(ec_tgrid,rho_pol_norm(irho,:),interp_tgrid');
         interp_rho_tor(irho,:) = interpos(ec_tgrid,rho_tor_norm(irho,:),interp_tgrid');
-      end      
+      end
     interp_rho_flag = 0;
@@ -282,7 +277,7 @@ if ~isempty(ec_gdat.ec.data) % if EC data available, fill sources
     % integrated j// profiles and pdens last entry
     current_parallel_tmp = nan(1,nt_interp);
     power_coupled_tmp    = nan(1,nt_interp);
     for ii = 1:nt_interp
       % time
       ids_core_sources.source{last_index+i_lau}.profiles_1d{ii}.time = interp_tgrid(ii);
@@ -307,7 +302,7 @@ if ~isempty(ec_gdat.ec.data) % if EC data available, fill sources
     ids_core_sources.source{last_index+i_lau}.globa_quantities.time = interp_tgrid;
     ids_core_sources.source{last_index+i_lau}.global_quantities.power = power_coupled_tmp;
     ids_core_sources.source{last_index+i_lau}.global_quantities.current_parallel = current_parallel_tmp;
-  end 
+  end
   %add empty sources for rest of unsused launchers
   if numel(ids_core_sources.source)-last_index ~= nb_launchers
@@ -315,7 +310,6 @@ if ~isempty(ec_gdat.ec.data) % if EC data available, fill sources
   last_index = last_index+nb_launchers;
 %% nbi